Characteristics of the hero thunderstorm wild. Wild and Boar


“Until recently, people were very wild”
(L. Dobychin)

Wild in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" completely belongs to the "dark kingdom". A wealthy merchant, the most respected and influential person in the city. But at the same time terribly ignorant and cruel. The characterization of Wild in the play "Thunderstorm" is inextricably linked with the description of the manners and habits of the city's inhabitants. Kalinov himself is a fictional space, so the vices spread to the scale of the whole of Russia. Having identified the character traits of Wild, one can easily understand the sad social situation that developed in Russia in the 19th century.

The author of Wild in "Thunderstorm" gives a meager characterization: a merchant, a significant person in the city. Almost nothing is said about appearance. Nevertheless, it is a colorful image. The name of the character speaks for itself. The semantic field of "wildness" is mentioned more than once in the text of the work. In the description of the life of the city of Kalinov, drunkenness, swearing and assault, in other words, savagery, are constantly mentioned. The unmotivated fear of a thunderstorm only strengthens the belief that the inhabitants have stopped at some primitive stage of development. The name Saul is also speaking. It belongs to the Christian tradition. This biblical character is known as the persecutor of Christians.

The image of the Wild in the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky is quite unambiguous. There is not a single scene or episode where this character would show his positive qualities. Yes, and to show, in fact, there is nothing. The entire Wild seems to consist of bile, dirt and swearing. Almost all of his remarks contain swear words: “Fail you! I don’t want to talk to you, with a Jesuit”, “Get away from me! Leave me alone! Stupid person!”, “Yes, you damned ones, you will lead anyone into sin!”

Thoughtless subjugation to those with more money has created a kind of legend about Diky as the main man in the city. And the wild behaves in accordance with this conditional status. He is rude to the mayor, steals from ordinary peasants, threatens Kuligin: “Send you to the mayor for these words, so he will ask you!”, “So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush. Wild uneducated. He does not know history, does not know the present. The names of Derzhavin and Lomonosov, and even more so the lines from their writings, look like the most insulting abuse to Diky. The inner world of the hero is so poor that the reader has no reason to sympathize with him. Wild is not even a hero, but rather a character. It has no internal filling. Several qualities are taken as the basis of the character of Saul Prokofievich: greed, selfishness and cruelty. There is absolutely nothing else in the Wild and a priori cannot appear.

Almost imperceptible to readers is one scene from the life of Wild. Curly says that once a man was rude to Dikoy and put him in an awkward position, because of which they laughed at the merchant for another two weeks. That is, Wild is actually not at all what he wants to seem. It is laughter that is an indicator of his insignificance and inappropriate pathos.

In one of the actions, the intoxicated merchant "confesses" with Marfa Ignatievna. Kabanikha speaks with him on an equal footing, from her point of view, Savl Prokofievich would be less arrogant if there was a richer man in Kalinovo. But Dikoy does not agree, remembering how he scolded the peasant, and then apologized, bowing at his feet. We can say that in his speeches a typical feature of the Russian mentality is realized: “I know that I am doing badly, but I can’t do anything with myself.” Wild admits: “I will give, give, but scold. Therefore, just give me a hint about money, my whole interior will be kindled; it kindles the whole interior, and that’s all; well, and in those days I will not scold a person for anything. Kabanikha notices that often Savl Prokofievich deliberately tries to provoke aggression in himself when they come to him to ask for loans. But Dikoy retorts - “Who does not feel sorry for his own good!” Although the merchant is used to taking out his anger on women, he is cautious with Kabanikha: she is more cunning and stronger than him. Perhaps it is in her that he sees a much stronger tyrant than himself.

The role of Wild in Ostrovsky's The Thunderstorm is clear. It is in this character that such a thing as tyranny is embodied. A wild greedy worthless man who imagines himself the arbiter of destinies. He is capricious and irresponsible, like Tikhon, just likes to miss a glass of vodka. However, behind all this tyranny, rudeness and ignorance lies ordinary human cowardice. He is even afraid of wild thunderstorms. In it, he sees supernatural power, the punishment of the Lord, so he tries to hide from the storm as soon as possible.

Thanks to such a concentrated image, many social flaws can be identified. For example, servility, bribery, stupidity, narrow-mindedness. Along with this, one can also talk about selfishness, the fall of moral principles and violence.

Artwork test

Savel Prokofievich Wild is one of the main characters of the work, presented by the writer in the form of an enterprising and powerful merchant, one of the wealthy residents of a county town.

The character of the Wild is distinguished by excessive shameless egoism and a desperate thirst for monetary wealth, bordering on insanity. Moral and moral principles in the nature of Wild are completely absent, and the observance of Orthodox church rites is more related to an imaginary deal with the Almighty for the remission of sins. The concept of conscience and compassion is unfamiliar for Wild, having caused suffering to people who are weak and below him in position, he does not experience any moral remorse and emotional distress.

The writer describes the merchant as uncontrollable, sometimes inadequate person, prone to bouts of rage and rage, manipulating people through the use of fear and pressure. Under Dikoy, he receives not only moral satisfaction, but also material benefits, since by underpaying the downtrodden peasants money for work, he guarantees himself a constant additional income.

Wild is extremely ignorant and uneducated, he completely lacks the desire to be enlightened and get rid of his dense darkness, he is not interested in either the current social situation or the historical past. Savel Prokofievich's speech consists of continuous curses, bile and rudeness, and the inner world of the character is completely empty. At the same time, he loves to drink a glass, another vodka.

In addition to the cruel character traits of Diky, he is also characterized by cowardice in relation to those who are able to show the merchant his true place. Passing in front of Kabanikha, another representative of the dark kingdom, Dikoy realizes that the merchant's wife is a smarter and more cunning woman compared to him. Therefore, he takes out all his hatred and anger over innocent households. Thunderstorm Wild is also afraid, but due to his ignorance, he considers it a supernatural phenomenon and tries to hide from it.

Aggressively expanding his life potential, moving towards a meeting of greed, cruelty, selfishness, only power and strength stop the Wild.

An essay about the Wild

Wild is one of the heroes of the play "Thunderstorm" by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky and bears a speaking surname. In the work, the hero appears as the richest merchant, who enjoys extraordinary respect among all those around him. Using his example, the author shows the problem that existed in Russia not only at that time, but also now.

The action of the work takes place in a fictional city called Kalinov. This city is distinguished by its wildness, insignificance and residents with limited needs and outlook on life. The problems that the author reveals with the help of the city and its inhabitants are relevant for the whole of Russia even at the present time.

One of the social problems is also revealed with the help of a character named Wild. He was one of the most influential and wealthy people in the city, a merchant. The author never mentions his appearance, but a lot is known about his character. He was a man extremely cruel, rude, cavalier, aggressive and always embittered, and his mood was unstable. Neither his wife nor even he himself knew what mood he would be in the next minute. He headed himself the master of the city and life in general, allowed himself to humiliate, insult and scold with obscene language even strangers whom he did not know personally. For him, it has become the norm and commonplace, to some extent entertainment. It is worth noting that such behavior of the Wild allows herself only in relation to people who are below him in status and are not able to fight back. This shows his true face, insignificance and a rotten soul that has been corrupted by money and power.

Wild is absolutely definitely a negative character in the work of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Throughout the development of the plot, the hero has never shown at least some positive trait of his character. From him comes exclusively anger, anger and cruelty, showing his rotten inner world. Perhaps, giving to the outside world continuous and unreasonable anger, he hides his weakness, insecurity and unhappy life. People like Dikoy still exist in the modern world. Their once-existing kindness and openness spoil money, turning a person into a soulless creature, in whose priorities there are no truly worthwhile things.

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“Until recently, people were very wild”
(L. Dobychin)

Wild in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" completely belongs to the "dark kingdom". A wealthy merchant, the most respected and influential person in the city. But at the same time terribly ignorant and cruel. The characterization of Wild in the play "Thunderstorm" is inextricably linked with the description of the manners and habits of the city's inhabitants. Kalinov himself is a fictional space, so the vices spread to the scale of the whole of Russia. Having identified the character traits of Wild, one can easily understand the sad social situation that developed in Russia in the 19th century.

The author of Wild in "Thunderstorm" gives a meager characterization: a merchant, a significant person in the city. Almost nothing is said about appearance. Nevertheless, it is a colorful image. The name of the character speaks for itself. The semantic field of "wildness" is mentioned more than once in the text of the work. In the description of the life of the city of Kalinov, drunkenness, swearing and assault, in other words, savagery, are constantly mentioned. The unmotivated fear of a thunderstorm only strengthens the belief that the inhabitants have stopped at some primitive stage of development. The name Saul is also speaking. It belongs to the Christian tradition. This biblical character is known as the persecutor of Christians.

The image of the Wild in the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky is quite unambiguous. There is not a single scene or episode where this character would show his positive qualities. Yes, and to show, in fact, there is nothing. The entire Wild seems to consist of bile, dirt and swearing. Almost all of his remarks contain swear words: “Fail you! I don’t want to talk to you, with a Jesuit”, “Get away from me! Leave me alone! Stupid person!”, “Yes, you damned ones, you will lead anyone into sin!”

Thoughtless subjugation to those with more money has created a kind of legend about Diky as the main man in the city. And the wild behaves in accordance with this conditional status. He is rude to the mayor, steals from ordinary peasants, threatens Kuligin: “Send you to the mayor for these words, so he will ask you!”, “So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush. Wild uneducated. He does not know history, does not know the present. The names of Derzhavin and Lomonosov, and even more so the lines from their writings, look like the most insulting abuse to Diky. The inner world of the hero is so poor that the reader has no reason to sympathize with him. Wild is not even a hero, but rather a character. It has no internal filling. Several qualities are taken as the basis of the character of Saul Prokofievich: greed, selfishness and cruelty. There is absolutely nothing else in the Wild and a priori cannot appear.

Almost imperceptible to readers is one scene from the life of Wild. Curly says that once a man was rude to Dikoy and put him in an awkward position, because of which they laughed at the merchant for another two weeks. That is, Wild is actually not at all what he wants to seem. It is laughter that is an indicator of his insignificance and inappropriate pathos.

In one of the actions, the intoxicated merchant "confesses" with Marfa Ignatievna. Kabanikha speaks with him on an equal footing, from her point of view, Savl Prokofievich would be less arrogant if there was a richer man in Kalinovo. But Dikoy does not agree, remembering how he scolded the peasant, and then apologized, bowing at his feet. We can say that in his speeches a typical feature of the Russian mentality is realized: “I know that I am doing badly, but I can’t do anything with myself.” Wild admits: “I will give, give, but scold. Therefore, just give me a hint about money, my whole interior will be kindled; it kindles the whole interior, and that’s all; well, and in those days I will not scold a person for anything. Kabanikha notices that often Savl Prokofievich deliberately tries to provoke aggression in himself when they come to him to ask for loans. But Dikoy retorts - “Who does not feel sorry for his own good!” Although the merchant is used to taking out his anger on women, he is cautious with Kabanikha: she is more cunning and stronger than him. Perhaps it is in her that he sees a much stronger tyrant than himself.

The role of Wild in Ostrovsky's The Thunderstorm is clear. It is in this character that such a thing as tyranny is embodied. A wild greedy worthless man who imagines himself the arbiter of destinies. He is capricious and irresponsible, like Tikhon, just likes to miss a glass of vodka. However, behind all this tyranny, rudeness and ignorance lies ordinary human cowardice. He is even afraid of wild thunderstorms. In it, he sees supernatural power, the punishment of the Lord, so he tries to hide from the storm as soon as possible.

Thanks to such a concentrated image, many social flaws can be identified. For example, servility, bribery, stupidity, narrow-mindedness. Along with this, one can also talk about selfishness, the fall of moral principles and violence.

Artwork test

According to I. A. Goncharov, A. N. Ostrovsky “donated a whole library of works of art to literature, created his own special world for the stage.” The world of Ostrovsky's works is amazing. He created large and solid characters, knew how to emphasize comic or dramatic properties in them, draw the reader's attention to the merits or vices of his characters.

The heroes of the play "Thunderstorm" - Savel Prokofievich Dikoy and Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova - deserve special attention.

Savel Prokofievich Wild - a merchant, a significant person in the city of Kalinov. Eloquent characteristics are given to him by the heroes of the play. “He belongs everywhere. He’s afraid, what, he’s someone! ” - says Kudryash about him. Wild, in fact, does not recognize anything but her own will. He does not care about the thoughts and feelings of other people. Cursing, humiliating, insulting Savel Prokofievich is worth nothing. With those around him, he behaves as if he had "lost the chain", and without this he "cannot breathe." “... You are a worm,” he says to Kuligi-nu. “If I want, I’ll have mercy, if I want, I’ll crush.”

The power of the Wild is the stronger, the weaker, weaker the person. So Curly, for example, knows how to resist the Wild One. “...He is the word, and I am ten; spit, and go. No, I won’t become a slave to him, ”says Kudryash about his relationship with the merchant. Another man is Dikiy's nephew, Boris. “Boris Grigorievich got it as a sacrifice, so he rides on it,” people around notice. Wild is not embarrassed by the fact that Boris is an orphan and that he has no one closer to his uncle. The merchant realizes that the fate of his nephew is in his hands, and takes advantage of this. "Driven, beaten ...", Boris says with sorrow. The merchant is no less cruel to his employees: “With us, no one dares to utter a word about a salary, he scolds what the world is worth.” On someone else's slave labor and deceit, the unscrupulous Wild makes his fortune: "... I will not pay them for some penny ... and I make thousands of this ... ". However, sometimes an epiphany comes to Wild, and he realizes that he is going too far: “After all, I already know what I need to give, but I can’t do everything with kindness.”

Dikoi is a despot and tyrant in his family, “his own people cannot please him in any way”, “when he is offended by such a person whom he does not dare to scold; stay at home here!”

Not inferior to Wild and Kabanikha, a rich Kalinovskaya merchant's wife. The boar is a hypocrite, she does everything "under the guise of piety." Outwardly, she is very pious. However, as Kuligin notes, Kabanikha “clothes the poor, but ate the household completely.” The main object of her tyranny is her own son Tikhon. As an adult, a married man, he is completely at the mercy of his mother, does not have his own opinion, is afraid to argue with her. The boar "builds" his relationship with his wife, she directs his every deed, every word. Complete obedience is all she wants to see in her son. The power-hungry Kabanikha does not notice that under her yoke a cowardly, pitiful, weak-willed, irresponsible person has grown up. Having escaped for some time from the supervision of his mother, he chokes on freedom and drinks, because he does not know how to use freedom in another way. “... Not a single step out of your will,” he repeats to his mother, but “he himself thinks how he could break out as soon as possible.”

The boar is jealous of her son's daughter-in-law, constantly reproaches him with Katerina, "eating eats." “I already see that I am a hindrance to you,” she saws Tikhon. Kabanikha believes that the wife of her husband should be afraid, namely afraid, and not love and respect. In her opinion, the right relationship is built precisely on the suppression of one person by another, on humiliation, on lack of freedom. Indicative in this regard is the scene of Katerina's farewell to her husband, when all the words of Tikhon addressed to his wife are only a repetition of Kabanikh's instigations.

If Tikhon, crushed by her, suffers from the Kabanikh from childhood, then the life of such a dreamy, poetic and whole nature as Katerina in the house of a merchant becomes completely unbearable. “Here that she married, that she was buried - it doesn’t matter,” Boris talks about this.

Constant pressure forces Kabanikh's daughter, Varvara, to adapt. “Do whatever you want, as long as it’s sewn and covered,” she argues.

Giving an assessment to the images of the "masters of life", N. Dobro-lyubov shows Wild and Kabanikha as tyrants, with their "constant suspicion, squeamishness and captiousness." According to the critic, "Thunderstorm" is the most decisive work of Ostrovsky" in this play "the mutual relations of tyranny and voicelessness are brought ... to the most tragic consequences ...".

Alexander Ostrovsky in the play "Thunderstorm" divided all the inhabitants of the city into two large groups: the "dark kingdom" and the oppressed. The first includes those who are powerful, rich and overwhelming everything modern and living. Bright representatives of this group are Wild and Kabanikha. The author contrasts them with the victims of the "dark kingdom", the oppressed people. These include Kuligin, Katerina, Boris, Tikhon, Varvara, Kudryash. The unfortunate heroes suffer equally from the representatives of the "dark kingdom", only they show their protest in different ways.

Money rules the world

Characterization of Wild becomes clear after reading the name of the landowner, which speaks for itself. Savel Prokofich is a wealthy merchant and a very respected person in the city of Kalinov. This is one of the most negative characters in the play. Rude, aggressive, ignorant, stubborn - this is such a brief description of the Wild. This person feels his impunity, so he is led by unbridled arbitrariness. The landowner allows himself to treat people as nonentities, to be rude, to call names, to offend - all this gives him untold pleasure.

Wild can be described in one word - tyrant. Savel Prokofich intimidated everyone around him, there is no rest from him either to the people around him or to his relatives. The reader's characterization of Diky is disgusting. Every day his wife, with tears in her eyes, begs everyone not to anger the master, but it is impossible not to anger him: he himself does not know what mood he will be in a minute. From the rage of Savel Prokofich, the household hide in closets and attics.

Excessive greed of the landowner

The characterization of the Wild will be more complete if greed is also added to tyranny. More than anything, he loves his money, parting with which for him is like a knife in the heart. The servants did not dare to hint about a salary. The owner himself understands that the money needs to be given back, and in the end he will give it back, but before that he will definitely scold the person. Offending someone, injecting the master more painfully was worth nothing. He is not at all ashamed of outsiders, uses strong words and, without hesitation, swaggers over those who are weaker than him.

Ignorance and despotism of the moneybags

Cowardice in front of equals, rejection of everything new - this is also a characteristic of the Wild. The landowner does not care about the feelings of the people around him, but he holds his temper before those who can fight back. Savel Prokofich did not dare to be rude to a passing hussar, but then he took out his insult on his family. He also does not dare to show his character to Kabanikhe, since he considers her equal to himself.

Ostrovsky very well showed the ignorance of Wild in a conversation between the landowner and Kulagin. Savel sincerely believes that the storm is sent as a punishment for sins. He accuses Kulagin of fraud, because how can you defend yourself from the elements with goats and poles. The characterization of Wild shows what a stupid and backward person he really is. His ignorance can be traced in the manner of speaking, in intonation, the use of abusive, offensive expressions, and the distortion of words of foreign origin. Rude, stupid, stubborn despot - that's what can be said about Diky.

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