The characteristic for the younger preschooler is ready-made pmpk. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics at the PMPK


Sample characteristics of a child at PMPK

A sample of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child at the PMPK

1.General awareness
The child hardly comes into contact, has an insufficient level of knowledge about himself, his family, the world around him. The scope is limited. The dictionary is poor, inaccurate.

2. Gross motor skills
There is imperfection of general motor skills, general lethargy, inaccuracy of movements, impaired coordination of movements, difficulty in maintaining balance if necessary, and difficulty in regulating the pace of movements.

3. Fine motor skills
The child's finger movements are not coordinated, the ability to make small, precise movements at the household level. There is a lack of formation of motor skills of graphic activity.

4. Features of perception
Primary colors, geometric shapes, does not know the value or confuses, does not correlate the word with the subject; has difficulty recognizing an object; difficulties in perceiving the plot image (the plot as a whole does not perceive, lists the depicted).

5. Features of attention
The child does not know how to concentrate on any business for a long time; incapable of distributing and switching attention from one type of activity to another. Shows a dispersion of attention to the secondary with the loss of the main, there are significant difficulties in concentrating, an insufficient level of arbitrariness of attention.

6. Memory Features
Saving information is difficult; mechanical memory prevails. When playing the material, he constantly forgets details, needs leading questions, introduces fictitious borrowings, repeats individual phrases, but cannot state the main meaning, makes numerous mistakes in the playback sequence, distorts the meaning; concentrates on secondary objects, does not capture the main idea of ​​the content.

7. Features of thinking
Does not establish causal relationships; when performing a task, it needs constant support on a model, the help of a teacher; the sequence of actions when performing a task does not install or installs with; inconsistent and illogical in his judgments.

8. Features of behavior
There are behavioral disorders, bad habits. Dominant hobbies and interests are poorly expressed. Relationships with peers and elders are friendly. Adequately relates to relatives, peers. Does not know how to obey the requirements of adults.

9. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere
The child is motorally disinhibited, the emotional reactions are inadequate, affective outbursts may appear, he shows a tendency to refuse reactions, anger.

10. Health
The performance is low. The child is tired, exhausted, absent-minded in class, restless. There are sharp fluctuations in performance throughout the lesson, day, week, academic year; pace of work slowed down.

11. Characteristics of oral speech
In speech, pronunciation defects, insufficient level of vocabulary. The sentences used by the child are uncommon, incomplete; builds statements with the help of a teacher.

12. Attitude towards learning activities
Learning motivation is not formed: during the lesson, the teacher does not respond to the words; does not understand that during the lesson you have to sit, listen and work; plays with educational supplies like a small child. Accepts guidance from an adult. Poor self-service and work skills.

In the classroom, the child constantly gnaws pencils, pens, tears notebooks, spoils property. In a group of peers, he is aggressive - lashes out, strangles, beats with his fists, throws things. Ilya does not control his behavior on walks, in the bedroom. The boy needs constant monitoring by teachers.

Daria Dolgova
Characteristic-representation for PMPK for a preschool child



Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, date birth: 08.06 2009 .

Lives at: p. ...., st. …. house …., apartment ….

Visits…. group MADOU No. .... since ... years.

Mother: …., father: …. Relationships between family members are good. The boy is provided with all the necessary conditions for normal development.

The period of adaptation proceeded calmly.

... an active, cheerful, cheerful child. Willingly plays with peers.

There are difficulties in mastering the program material. Difficulty in the ratio of objects in size, shape, color. Attention is unstable.

The development of fine motor skills does not correspond age norm.

age norm, there are difficulties in pronunciation of sounds. The vocabulary is poor, in speech it uses mostly single words. Speech is grammatical.

age development

The purpose of identifying PMPK:

Teacher's signature

Psychological and pedagogical presentation on PMPK

Full name, date of birth.

- lives at: g, st. …., house…. square…. .

Visits…. group MADOU No. ... from 3 years old.

The child is brought up in a complete, prosperous family.

Mother:…., father… .

Relationships between family members are good.

…. provided with all the necessary conditions for normal development.

…. little contact with adults, children.

The program is hard to learn. There are difficulties in mastering the program material. restless, does not finish the job. Difficulty in the ratio of objects in size, shape, color. Attention is not stable enough.

Poor understanding of the essence of spatial relationships. Difficulties in the classification of objects, the selection of generalizing words.

The development of fine motor skills corresponds age norm.

Speech development of the child below age norm, there are difficulties in pronunciation of sounds. The vocabulary is poor, in speech it uses simple, non-common sentences. Speech is grammatical.

Social skills correspond age development makes meaningful use of personal hygiene items.

What help has been provided child earlier: classes with a psychologist.

The purpose of identifying PMPK:

Date Stamp Signature of the head of the preschool educational institution

Teacher's signature

Oksana Startseva
Characteristics for a child 4–5 years old for submission to the PMPK


Per pupil "MADO". r. living in address:.

Family Composition: mother -. r., education. place of work -. ; father -. ,. city ​​of birth, education., place of work -.

Attends kindergarten and this group since July 2014. Has no chronic diseases. Kindergarten visits with desire. There is a good relationship with the guys in the team.

By character. - modest and polite child; easily comes into contact with children; helps comrades to carry out various assignments of adults, responds with pleasure to the requests of comrades; kind and considerate. She dresses herself, always looks after her appearance, toys and books. She loves to be praised.

With the program of the middle group. copes. Differentiates the concept "one-many", distinguishes, recognizes and names primary colors, orients itself in space and time. The girl knows the right and left sides, the seasons. Parts of the day and days of the week are still difficult to name correctly.

Has difficulty speaking in full proposals. During classes, the girl listens to the speech of the teacher, tries to remember new material. Speech consists of simple proposals words are not clear.

The development of fine motor skills is age appropriate.

Easily switches from one activity to another.

When performing tasks on application, design, modeling and drawing, he compares his work with the model, tries to bring what he started to the end. In case of difficulties in completing tasks, she willingly accepts the help of adults, carefully monitors the actions of the educator.

A girl can attract comrades to the game to interest, assign roles. The game uses items - substitutes, conducts a dialogue with all participants, corrects the actions of comrades, collects toys after the game and attracts those who played with her. Most attention. devotes to role-playing games, but also plays board games with pleasure.

In the event of conflict situations in the game, he tries to resolve the conflict on his own, in case of failure, he turns to an adult.

Active on a walk, with interest, together with other children, participates in observations. The girl has developed self-service skills in accordance with her age. She is neat, knows how to dress, undress, fasten buttons and zippers on her own, helps her comrades. Leading hand right.

During daytime sleep, he falls asleep immediately. Sleep is calm.

He is brought up in a complete family, where both parents participate in the upbringing.

The teachers of the group are concerned about the lag in speech development child.

The characteristic is given for presentation at the PMPK.

educators: ___

Head of MADOU No. ___

WITH characteristic parents are familiar with ___ / ___ /

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Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a pupil of MDOU No. ____


group number __________

Typological features:
1. Active, mobile, sluggish, inert, slow. Excitable, unbalanced, calm, balanced, inhibited, whiny _________________________________
2. Quick response to verbal stimuli, switchability.

3. The prevailing mood is cheerful, depressed, without a special shade. Are there sharp mood swings during the day.
4. Whether he perseveres in the face of difficulties or retreats before them. Does he seek and use help?________________________________________________
Characteristic features:
1. Sociability, isolation. Easily makes contact, perceives the situation correctly, understands its meaning, behaves adequately, contact and communication are difficult, understanding and responding to the situation is not always or not entirely adequate, makes poor contact, has difficulty communicating, understanding the situation.
2. Attitude towards comrades - friendliness, negativism, kindness, rudeness, etc.
3. Attitude towards leadership - the desire for superiority, whether others recognize the leader. Shows organizational skills and initiative.
4. Attitude towards adults. Attitude to instructions, encouragement, censures ________________
5. What types of activities does he prefer._______________________________________
6. The activity of verbal communication - corresponds to age, increased, decreased, isolation is noted, a negative attitude towards verbal communication.
7. Behavior is organized, sometimes it does not regulate its behavior, constant external control is necessary.
Psychological features:
1. Auditory memorization, visual memorization, tactile memorization. Remembers quickly or slowly, with difficulty, the transition to long-term memory, the amount of RAM is sufficient, limited, low.
2. Stability of attention - capable of prolonged concentration or quickly distracted. The nature of distraction - is distracted by stimuli, in the absence of external stimuli.
3. Switching attention - easy, fast, slow, difficult.
4. The distribution of attention is sufficient, difficult.
5. The general level of development of attention - age-appropriate, low, not formed.
Level of development of mental activity:
1. The ability to compare, classify, generalize, the ability to highlight the essential feature of objects, phenomena.________________________________________________________________________________
2. the ability to use techniques for memorization - mediation, grouping, associations.
Development of sensory functions:
1. The state of the analyzers, the presence of generalizing ideas about the shape, size, color, the concept of relativity - corresponds to age, not formed, violated.

Imagination development:
1. Brightness, liveliness, richness of imagination, the ability to operate with images, in what types of activity it manifests itself (music, art, mathematics, physical education, speech, design, etc.) - corresponds to age, excessively, weakness of imagination processes.
Verbal part:
1. Understanding stories, the ability to answer questions on the text ____________________________ 2. Retelling ________________________________________________________________________.
3. Plot storytelling _________________________________________________________ 4. Ability to work in dialogue mode.________________________________________________________________
5. Speech activity - adequate to the situation and age, excessive, difficulties in initiating speech utterance, emotional inadequacy, problems of extended speech, difficulties in sound pronunciation, stuttering, etc. ______________________________________________
Efficiency in the classroom:
1. The attitude is active, interested, indifferent.
2. Focused or often distracted during class.
3. Quickly or slowly included in the work.
4. The pace of work is fast, medium, slow. The reasons for the slow pace of work are reflection, thoroughness of execution, decreased mental activity - lethargy, lethargy, distractibility, etc.
5. Fatigue is manifested in a slowdown in pace, deterioration in quality, or in the complete cessation of work.
6. Subjective and objective signs of fatigue - complaints of fatigue, headache, lethargy, drowsiness, distractibility, etc.
7. Decline in working capacity in the middle of the lesson, at the end of the lesson.
8. Ability to follow instructions, the ability to keep instructions for duration
Arbitrariness of activity:
1. Holds the goal of the activity, outlines its plan, selects adequate means, checks the result, brings the work begun to the end.
2. In the process of activity, he is often distracted, overcomes difficulties only with psychological support, needs frequent encouragement.
3. The activity is chaotic, ill-conceived, individual conditions of the task are lost, the result is not checked, interrupts the activity due to difficulties, the help is ineffective.

Somatic health: a) rarely gets sick; b) often suffers from colds; c) has chronic diseases; d) poor appetite; e) falls asleep for a long time and sleeps restlessly; f) other ________________________________________________________________________________

General assessment of the level of development and behavior of the child: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Group teacher ________________________________________________________________
date _________________

Psychological and pedagogical presentation at the PMPK

(for a preschool child)

MDOU No. ______

Group No. ______

Date of completion _____________________ 20__

Surname, name, patronymic of the child _________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth "___" __________________

Length of stay in this preschool_______________________________________

At what age did you enter____________________________________________

Where did it come from: from a family, from another preschool educational institution (reason for transfer)

Evaluation of the adaptation of the child in the group: a) good; b) satisfactory; c) insufficient; d) bad; e) other _____________________________________________

Features of lateralization: a) right-handed; 6) left-handed

Features of gaming activity: a) games are age-appropriate; b) games correspond to an earlier age; c) manipulative games predominate; d) there is no play activity; e) other ______________________________________

The main difficulties noted in training: a) assimilates the program well; b) assimilates the program satisfactorily; c) the program learns with difficulty; d) does not master the program; e) other _______________________________________________

Perception : a) age-appropriate; b) there are violations of visual perception; c) there are violations of auditory perception; d) complex disorders of perception; e) other _________________________________________________________

Attention : a) sustainable; b) insufficiently stable; c) unstable

Memory (predominant modality): a) visual; b) auditory; c) motor; d) mixed

Memory Features(problems): a) without pronounced features; b) remembers slowly and quickly forgets; c) quickly remembers and quickly forgets; d) other problems __________________________________________________________________

Thinking : a) correspond to age; b) not smart enough; c) has obvious thinking disorders (specify which ones) _______________________________

d) other __________________________________________________________________________

Motor skills: a) age-appropriate; b) the child is awkward, clumsy; c) fine motor skills are poorly developed; d) other ___________________________________________________________

Main difficulties in communication: a) there are no difficulties; b) does not know how to support the game; c) prefers to be alone; d) cries, does not make contact with adults, children; e) is conflicted; f) other ________________________________________________

Speech development: a) speech is age appropriate; b) speech is slurred; there are difficulties in pronunciation of sounds; c) poor vocabulary; d) speech is grammatically incorrect; e) hesitations in speech; e) there is no speech; g) other _____________________________


Social skills: a) correspond to age; b) insufficiently formed; c) are practically not formed; d) other __________________________

Orientation in space and time: a) corresponds to age; b) insufficiently formed; c) there are violations (indicate which ________ _________


Attitude to classes, features of activity: a) corresponds to age; b) unable to control their activities; c) restless, does not bring the matter to the end; d) interferes with the teacher, children; e) gets tired quickly; f) other __________________

Pace of activity: a) corresponds to age; b) sleepy and lethargic during the day; c) the pace of work in the classroom is uneven; d) works slowly with inattention; e) the pace of activity is fast, but the activity is "chaotic and stupid"; f) other ___________

Somatic health: a) rarely gets sick; b) often suffers from colds; c) has chronic diseases; d) poor appetite; e) falls asleep for a long time and sleeps restlessly; f) other ____________________________________________

Other features of the development of the child:_______________________________________


General assessment of the level of development and behavior of the child, teacher's suggestions:

Teacher ___________________________________________________________________________

Pedagogical characteristics

for a student ... class MBOU "Secondary School ...", g. ...

.. 25.02.2002 birth,

residing at:

For health reasons refers to II medical group, is registered with a neuropathologist. The girl often complains of headache, pain in the abdomen. Even with a short load, Tanya quickly gets tired. The child has low vision, eats poorly, needs the help of a doctor, speech therapist, psychologist.

Prior to entering school, she attended a kindergarten of the usual type.

The development of thinking, memory, attention, perception, speech, emotional-volitional sphere are slowed down and noticeably lag behind the norm.

The girl slowly and with difficulty focuses her attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distraction. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking.

Short-term memory - it slowly remembers and quickly forgets - mainly visual, therefore it experiences special difficulties in Russian and English, mathematics. In the same subjects, he has the greatest gaps in knowledge. To memorize the material, he repeatedly mechanically repeats it, without parsing and comprehending, makes semantic errors. The student understands the material with great difficulty only after additional classes, but the next day he can no longer remember what was sorted out and studied. However, with considerable efforts of will, conscientious homework, and constant monitoring and assistance from parents, these difficulties could be overcome to a large extent.

.does not know how to concentrate and overcome difficulties in the performance of educational tasks. Involuntary attention prevails. Works slowly. Efficiency is very low - after 10-15 minutes from the beginning of the lesson, increased fatigue occurs. In a state of increased fatigue, the child's answers become thoughtless, absurd.

Fine and gross motor skills are age appropriate.. usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare. Differs in general passivity, inactivity, lack of initiative. She does not like being criticized, is offended and withdraws. Sometimes he tells lies for his own benefit.

Almost always lethargic, apathetic in many areas of school life. The exception is the lessons of technology, on which she works with concentration and interest. And in extracurricular activities, the girl prefers to engage in arts and crafts activities: drawing, embroidery, appliqué from various materials. This work she does creatively and accurately.

Limitations of mental and cognitive abilities do not allow ... to successfully cope with educational tasks. As a rule, she does not show interest in acquiring knowledge, she does not know how to distribute her work in time, she does not know how to rationally organize and observe the daily routine, she wastes a lot of time.

Existing knowledge, skills and abilities …. do not meet the requirements of the school curriculum. Progress in basic school subjects (mathematics, Russian, English) is unsatisfactory.

The girl is hardly involved in educational activities, with great difficulty and belatedly mastered the initial skills of writing and reading, counting. It is characterized by childish spontaneity in behavior, unformed school interests, inability to concentrate when performing educational tasks.

Mathematics. In the 4th grade, he hardly adds and subtracts even within 10, he performs all actions only with the help of printed addition and subtraction tables. Confuses mathematical operations: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. I haven't been able to memorize the multiplication table yet. Problems are solved only by the simplest and then extremely slowly and with the help, blindly using known "templates". Abstract thinking is practically not developed. Although ... performs geometric constructions well, but tasks of geometric content are given to her with difficulty. … even with significant efforts and individual additional assistance from the teacher, she never learned to correlate units of length, mass, and time.

Reading By the end of the first grade, the girl remembered the letters with great difficulty. Despite the fact that she also studied with a speech therapist, she began to read smoothly in syllables and more or less consciously ... only in the second grade. When reading, Tanya makes mistakes in endings, stress, and distorts words. Even in the 4th grade, she has a reading rate of 40 words per minute (against the norm of 80 words per minute). With such slow reading, she hardly singles out the main idea of ​​what she read, hardly answers questions about the text. But if the text is read by adults or a well-read child, then the girl is already able to express her own opinion about the actions of the characters and answer direct questions to the text. The girl does not read the literature that is recommended by the teacher for reading in the summer.

Russian language. … well mastered graphic writing skills. Does the job neatly and cleanly. But literacy is poor. She makes a large number of mistakes, not only when writing from dictation, but also when copying. It makes mistakes of a different nature: skipping and replacing letters, underwriting and distorting words (this also happens because of a poor vocabulary and a narrow outlook, so sometimes even the simplest words do not understand the meaning). Lots of mistakes and spelling. Even if ... and knows some rules, he does not know how to apply them practically in independent activities.

Vocabulary is very poor, speech is quiet, with hesitations. The girl often raises her hand to answer, but when you ask her, she formulates her thought with great difficulty, and sometimes she cannot express her thoughts in words even at the everyday level.

Often, when performing tasks, he asks for help, support from others (usually he simply cheats from a neighbor on his desk), does not want to make efforts. Very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

New concepts, methods of action with minimal help from the teacher, other students do not immediately learn. It takes a very long time period of constant repetition of the same material, and individually, in silence, in order for ... to learn it at least in a general way.

The girl does not have any difficulties in communicating with classmates, although she communicates with a limited circle of children. . With adults, she is polite, mostly adequately takes into account the situation.

Social and household skills are formed according to age. … has self-service skills, is always neat and tidy. Keeps personal belongings and school supplies in proper order. Helps to put the blackboard and desks in order in the classroom.

But it is worth noting that gaps in learning and gaps in the knowledge of the child could be minimized with more careful and serious control by parents.

Mom, ..., systematically attended parent meetings, often came to individual consultations with the teacher at school, expressed concern about the academic performance of her daughter Tanya, but still, the recommendations of the teacher, the speech therapist were not properly implemented, the child's daily routine was not balanced. Parents often followed the child's emotions, allowing the girl to manipulate them.

Thus, the inability to sustain purposeful activity, the predominance of gaming interests and gaming motivation, instability and pronounced difficulties in switching and distributing attention, inability to mental effort and tension when performing serious school assignments, underdevelopment of voluntary activities and insufficient, unsystematic control and assistance from parents, caused large gaps in knowledge in basic school subjects.

All of the above problems in learning ... allowed the teacher to assume that the child needed not only the help of a teacher, but also the advice of some specialist doctors. On the advice of the teacher, parents in the 2nd grade showed the child to a neurologist. According to my mother, the doctor prescribed treatment. But the education and development of the child is still not age appropriate. Psychiatric consultation recommended.

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