Lose weight in 6 months. enhanced diet


How to lose weight in 6 months

If you have made such a request, it means that you set yourself a real task. At a normal rate of weight loss, you can lose up to 30 kilograms in 6 months. This is a very serious result that will require serious work on yourself. At the same time, you will not need to sit on a strict diet and spend hours hanging out in the gym. It seems to me that these “horrors” were invented by people who have perseverance in achieving the goal.

A professional nutritionist will never advise malnutrition, and a good trainer will not force a person with a large excess weight to do heavy exercises and “work” to exhaustion. Get ready for the lightness of life! You have everything you need - time, intelligence and the desire to lose weight.

The first thing to start with is to make two lists of foods and meals. One column is what you will eat, the second - respectively, what you absolutely should not eat. Here I will mention again so that you, guided by them, do not make the first list meager and flawed. This, of course, applies to those who do not want to make their lives such as the list of products allowed by home-grown "nutritionists" - meager and short! If you are not one of them, listen to the opinion of an international group of scientists who have concluded that fasting to lose weight is even more harmful to human health than smoking. Think about this information, the death rate from a fanatical desire to become thinner is higher than from smoking a pack of cigarettes a day! But since you need to lose weight in 6 months, you definitely won’t have to starve.

Our body is a self-regulating system, that is, your culinary desires and addictions arise for a reason. For example, you are on a strict diet and receive less arachidonic acid due to the lack of sunflower oil or fatty chicken in your diet. Some time will pass and the body will "give" you an irresistible craving for something really completely harmful. I myself have personally gone through this, mindlessly restricting my diet. That is, after sitting on a kefir-apple diet for only 6 days, I began to eat sea fish (fatty and smoked!) Kilos like a maniac. Final - plus 5 kilos! Do not weigh yourself immediately after the days of fasting are over, get on the scales in a week or two. I do not think that the numbers in the window will please you.

When compiling the first list, do not deprive yourself of fish, oil just because they have fats. As paradoxical as it sounds, some fatty acids are essential for normal metabolism and the functioning of the digestive tract, and these are important factors for successful weight loss. You ask, what then should be excluded from the diet, if everything can be eaten ?! I will answer: "It's all about the quality and method of cooking!".

You'd be surprised how big the difference is between a cheeseburger around the corner and a homemade dish of the same name. How can you build a "safe" type of cutlet with cheese and a roll? Yes, easily! Ingredients: low-fat homemade cheese, quality meat steam cutlet (not waste, like in fast food!), fresh herbs, bran flour bun and a little. On the scales of calorie content and "harmfulness", a homemade hamburger will fly to heaven, while a ready-made dish from a street stall will immediately "fall to the bottom" like a stone.

This is the principle you need to understand if you want to lose weight in 6 months. You will also definitely need in the kitchen: food scales, a double boiler, a large compartment for fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, framed under glass! As you probably guessed, the second list of prohibited foods and dishes will include: prepared food, convenience foods, fried foods, mayonnaise, sweet soda.

But still, one balanced diet is not enough to lose weight in 6 months by a sufficiently large number of kilograms. Assistants should be physical exercises and special professional complexes, rich in useful substances, the deficiency of which cannot be allowed. You remember, as soon as the body feels your attempt to "steal" something necessary and expensive from it, apparently, it will make you "bad" in the form of obsessive images of cream cake or raw smoked sausage! Therefore, with the words "everything for you dear" gobble up in the morning and do not suffer from food hallucinations.

Increasing the intensity of physical activity is just scary words, in fact, the list of exercises can be quite varied and enjoyable for you. For example, include jumping rope in front of the TV (but not under a heavy crystal chandelier!), (not next to a heirloom china slide or a Qing Dynasty Chinese vase!), evening promenade (not along an abandoned construction site, roadside, or near a building under demolition!), going up to the top floor without an elevator (not on the 15th - 150th floor!), home dancing in front of a mirror to your favorite music (fix the mirror well and do not invite your family to watch this spectacle!).

Did you find something interesting for yourself? Really not! Then let's continue: morning sex plus evening sex (preferably with one and your favorite partner!), walking to work (if it is not 20 km from home!), go for each product from the list separately (purchasing products from a long list can take a week!) , walks along the diagonal of the room (there is a risk of trampling a bald path in the carpet!). Nothing better than sex? It's okay, just add more lunch and midnight sex!

These recommendations are only half a joke, all these physical activities take up quite a lot of calories, gradually lightening you by grams, and then kilograms. The main idea of ​​this article is that everyone can lose weight in 6 months without much effort and deprivation, it is enough just to eat well-cooked food, count calories and engage in physical activity every day.

Serious incentive

As a child, I was slim and remained so until the age of 22. But a sedentary lifestyle, an unhealthy diet, the habit of overeating on a nervous basis disabled the metabolism, and I began to gain weight. At the age of 26, I weighed 110 kg with a height of 170 cm. And I began to clearly understand where my heart is. No, not from an anatomy course. It just popped up on a regular basis. I started having problems with my veins.

One day, my mother came home from work and said that her colleague had a massive heart attack, and she was only 40 years old! And, as the doctors said, overweight played a significant role in this. And then I just got scared. Of course, before that, I thought more than once that I needed to do something. But now I decided to finally and irrevocably start to lose weight. The desire to live without fear for your life has become the best "stimulant".

The path to the goal

I set a goal for myself - to lose weight up to 80 kilograms. She didn’t set any specific deadline, because she didn’t even imagine how fast weight could be lost. And later she thanked herself for this decision, since the unreality of achieving her goal leads to nervous tension, and the necessary strength simply melts like an ice floe under the spring sun. And who determined that during this period I should not live a full life, that is, have the right to make a mistake (in this case, break off the diet). After looking through a lot of literature on weight loss, I decided to choose the following for myself: go to the result as quickly as possible, but without harm to health: Proper diet (I did not use strict diets), exercise in the gym (medium intensity) and light fasting.

Nutrition Features

The main rule in nutrition that I have approved is calorie restriction while minimizing fat. Permissible minimum - up to 600 kcal. per day, maximum - up to 1200 kcal. But life has made adjustments to my schedule. The desired rate of 600 kcal. followed three days a week. Another two or three days did not exceed the maximum of 1200 kcal. On weekends or holidays, she allowed herself some liberties, or rather, goodies. At the same time, I always ate late at night, because I could not go to bed on an empty stomach.

But this is what helped me not to break loose and to withstand the established regimen until today. On my own experience, I made many conclusions, which, I think, will be interesting and useful to those who are struggling with being overweight.

Weight gain and loss do not occur immediately, but with a delay of one day. For example, if today you seriously unload, and besides go to a workout, it is not at all necessary that today the weight will become less. But if tomorrow we support the unloading mode, then by the evening the result will be obvious. Simple advice: if you ate heartily yesterday, arrange unloading today - and tomorrow you will be able to avoid extra kilograms. The best way to fast, I fasted from Sunday 21.00 to Monday 21.00, in the evening I ate, for example, an apple and went to bed

When compiling the menu, keep in mind that the diet should have enough protein (in the form of lean meat, fish, cottage cheese and dairy products) to lose weight due to fat, and not due to muscle mass. The rest of the diet is mostly vegetables and fruits. At the same time, fats of animal origin must be minimized!

It was a discovery for me that the calorie content of some products can vary by an order of magnitude. For example, 100 g of fried pork (about 600 kcal.) Is equivalent to two kilograms (!) Of different vegetables (about 30 kcal. Per 100 g), a teaspoon of mayonnaise, which you use to season a salad, is several times higher in calories than the salad itself, so mayonnaise - down!

Fiber is extremely useful: it is practically calorie-free. At the same time, it perfectly improves the functioning of the intestines and cleanses the digestive tract. A lot of fiber is contained in wheat bran, even if they are also present on your table as salt or sugar, pour them into soup, salad, porridge. Lentils are a source of not only fiber, but also proteins (replaces meat), I had it on the table four times a week. A lot of fiber in dried fruits (especially dried apricots), and, of course, in raw vegetables and fruits

At the holiday, it is important to immediately determine what treats are best to fill your stomach to the maximum. These should be low calorie snacks. You almost eat them, and the rest is just tasting

Drink at least two liters of water daily, drink tea. It does not increase weight, but, on the contrary, helps the body cope with it. Eliminate salty foods: each gram of salt in excess of the norm retains 100 g of water in the body. Some difficulties can cause carbonated drinks - gases worsen digestion and additionally retain water in the body.

Physical component

When I first came to the gym, the instructor clearly did not take me seriously. (Try to leave unnoticed the skepticism of trainers and experienced visitors, I assure you, in a month they will look at you with different eyes). Nevertheless, he gave me sensible recommendations on what exercises and how to do them in order to lose weight. I practiced and do twice a week for one and a half to two hours. Classes include an enhanced block of exercises for the press. I perform exercises for legs and arms with dumbbells 1.5 kg in 3-4 sets and with a maximum number of repetitions. In addition, I pedal for 15-20 minutes, walk on a treadmill or “ski” simulator. Sports are important because weight loss leads to sagging skin, and regular exercise solves this problem. A bath is also useful, I took a steam bath once, and sometimes twice in the evening. Firstly, it relieves pain from overworked muscles, and secondly, the skin receives the necessary care.

My progress

Every Saturday morning I wrote down the control weight for the week. This helped me objectively assess progress in the fight against excess weight. The results were:
I lost in 1 month 8 kg,
for the 2nd - 5 kg.
Then dropped about 3.5 kg every month, which made it possible to remove more 15 kg for 4 months.
The goal has been reached! My best reward for all my hard work was an indescribable feeling of lightness and overflowing energy. I felt it for the first time after the first ten kilograms were dropped. It seemed that I was just fluttering. And no wonder. Imagine, I used to constantly walk with a 10 kg kettlebell. Now I'm finally rid of her! And what can we say about the feeling when I got rid of 20 kilograms, and then 30! I wish you to enjoy a new, healthy and active life!

Hi all! For as long as I can remember, I have always been obese. I have never denied myself anything. Eat what you want and when you want. I could eat a whole bar of chocolate at a time with a cup of tea. And I felt so comfortable ... Now, of course, this is hard to imagine ... For you to understand, with a height of 164 cm, I weighed 78 kg. After giving birth, I threw off a few accumulated kilos, but my weight was still around 73-74 kg.

I tried to lose weight before, but my willpower was enough for 2 weeks, and then there were breakdowns and everything was new. Now I already understand that I did everything wrong, only stressed my body and nerves.

Now my diet is a way of my life, with which I am pleased and easy to harmonize. I read a large number of books and articles on the topic of weight loss and made several conclusions for myself, like the rules that I adhere to every day. In this review, I will reveal to you the secrets of my diet and share photos of the main dishes.

So let's get started...

Today, with a height of 164 cm, my weight is 58 kg. And this weight suits me just fine. Maybe I'll lose a couple more kilos, but no more.

My diet rules:

1. Drinking mode.

2. Don't skip meals.

3. Eat every 2.5-3 hours.

4. Eat small meals.

5. Exclude flour, sweet, smoking, fried if possible.

6. Sports, move more, lie on the couch less.

And now for more details about each item.

1. Drinking mode.

Absolutely everyone knows the importance and significance of water for the human body. Some scientists believe that a person needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day. And that's not counting tea, coffee, etc. Other scientists refute these claims, citing the fact that a person may have kidney problems. Therefore, a large amount of water drunk can lead to edema. And you need to drink as much water as you want. I lean more towards the second belief. But be sure as soon as I woke up, before breakfast, I drink water. This is necessary in order for the body to wake up and start the metabolism. When I leave the house, I always try to take a small bottle of water with me.

2. Don't skip meals.

Never and never!!! I used to think that the less I eat per day, the faster I will lose weight. No, it's not. When you try to limit yourself in food, the body perceives this as a threat of hunger and turns on the energy saving mode. Therefore, calories begin to be deposited rather than burned. In addition to the constant feeling of hunger, nervous breakdowns and ailments can also occur here. You shouldn't torture yourself like that.

It is believed that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. Breakfast should be rich and rich. I decided for myself that my most intense meal is lunch. Middle of a day.

3. Eat every 2.5-3 hours.

Yes, yes, you heard right. My day consists of 6 meals.


2 breakfast


afternoon tea


night light

You can say I eat like in a camp or in a sanatorium)))

On breakfasts I choose porridge. I have several types of cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, multi-cereal, etc. in the form of flakes. Every day I choose a different porridge, so they don't bother me. By the way, I don't cook porridge. There is not enough time. But brewing porridge with boiling water and letting it brew is also not bad at all. I do not use sugar substitutes, so I can afford to add a little sugar to the porridge. Or add dried fruits or fruits instead of sugar. It turns out delicious, and most importantly satisfying. After such a breakfast, there is no desire to have something else to eat.

In general, for breakfast you can eat scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, banana-oat pancakes, corn flakes. Here's what the soul lies more ...

2 breakfast - I often have fruit (mostly banana), or cottage cheese, yogurt.

Dinner - My busiest meal of the day. I am not a fan of soups, although sometimes I cook them all the same. Everything here is optional. For lunch, I prefer main courses: mashed potatoes (rice) with goulash, fritata, ratatouille, stewed vegetables with chicken, cream soup (from zucchini, pumpkin, carrots), casseroles, cabbage rolls (lazy and regular), pilaf.

afternoon tea - I mostly choose fruits, natural yoghurts.

Dinner - always easy. I do not try to fill my stomach with heavy and dense food at night. For dinner, I choose salad + protein (possible with a piece of baked fish, boiled egg), boiled beets, corn.

night light - standard kefir. I choose 1%. I just like him better. And so you can take any dairy product. It is both filling and non-caloric. But the night is what you need.

Do not think that I do not drink tea and do not allow myself to be pampered a little. Between meals, I can afford tea (I drink only green), or coffee with a piece of marshmallow, marshmallows, puddings, Danissimo curds (my weakness). On holidays, I can eat a small piece of cake. And in truth, I walk around feeling full all day, which automatically eliminates the need for sweets by itself.

And yes, sometimes, when it’s far from eating, but I want to eat something, nuts save me. I choose walnuts. A small handful is able to satisfy hunger and gives energy. Moreover, nuts are an excellent source of vitamins for the beauty of hair, nails and skin. Cereal bars also save. Luckily, there is a huge selection of them in stores now. Choose any)))

4. Eat small meals

A small portion - this does not mean that you need to eat 2 tablespoons of rice. NO. You just need to eat so that after eating you do not feel heaviness from overeating. Again, it all depends on the food itself. If it is a light salad, then you can eat more of it. If you eat pasta or potatoes, then you need to limit yourself a little. At first, it may seem that you are hungry. Over time, the body gets used to such portions of food. In the future, you simply cannot physically eat more than the prescribed portion. Yes, and no need.

5. Exclude flour, sweet, smoking, fried if possible.

Only whole grain bread is allowed. I have completely eliminated bread. From flour I can eat straws, drying, "Maria" cookies, and sometimes "Jubilee". To be honest, I don’t feel weakness for flour, so it was easy to refuse it here.

All kinds of sweets are simple carbohydrates that quickly provide the body with the necessary energy. But unfortunately they are often very high in calories. Notice that we really want sweets just when we are very hungry. I used to have a terrible sweet tooth. All these chocolates, cakes, pies, sweets attracted me very much and beckoned me. Of course, no tea party is complete without sweetness. Now, the need for sweets has disappeared. I just don't want it. I didn't think I could give it up so easily. Passing by showcases with cakes, now I don’t bang and don’t drool on a cake. In general, when I began to eat less sugar, I began to notice how many sweeteners manufacturers add to products. For example, I recently bought a Kids imunele. And there is so much sugar that it's cloying.

And I completely gave up sausages. All these chemical serviles, half-smoked sausages are solid dyes, stabilizers and preservatives. It is better to eat a piece of meat.

6. Sports, move more, lie on the couch less.

Yes, and this is basically understandable. To get the expected results faster, you need to move more. I don't go to the gym, I don't run in the parks. I just don't have time for this. My fitness is my baby. Tilts alone when cleaning a child's room will pass for a session in the gym. In general, I try to walk more, especially when the weather is good. Move more and walk more on the street (so at least you are away from the refrigerator).

Summing up all of the above, I want to say that at the beginning of my diet, my goal was of course to lose those extra pounds. But then my diet grew into something more. My diet has become for me not hard labor, but pleasure. I eat the foods I want. With pleasure. I forgot what heartburn and overeating are. Now I know that to be full, it is not necessary to eat a whole plate of pasta with a cutlet. The main thing in nutrition is balance, a small portion and a regimen.

As promised my before and after photos

Here I weigh about 78 kg

When I review my old photos, I can’t even believe that I was like that. I considered myself quite normal, a little chubby. I carried so many extra kilos with me all the time.

How it all started:

I've always been fat. I started losing weight on 09/01/2012 with 85 kg. Just broke something and decided. And there was another reason, she got very sick, she had no appetite. And I realized that you can eat less).

Who is to blame and what to do:

For breakfast, I ate oatmeal, lunch was chicken fillet with vegetables, or a light soup.

For dinner until 18 o'clock vegetables or yogurt. Excluded mayonnaise, flour, fried and sweet. Refused alcohol. Only semi-dry wine on weekends, a couple of glasses. And I didn’t drink it before, only dessert and semi-sweet ones, but now I can’t drink them at all, it seems so sweet just creepy!

For the first month it took 7 kg! I tried to do light workouts like swinging legs, arms and all that. As a result, by NG I was 70 kg. At that time, the goal was 65 kg in general, at least.

Does Calorizer help?

I blog on Calorizator, I will be glad to make new friends and now I need support!

What's up with the plans?

Now I am 65-67 with a height of 164 cm, the weight jumps. Here I keep it with NG, but I want 55! I won’t take anything into my own hands ... But now I decided again on the calculation, I want to weigh 55 kg by NG) My new goal!

Mashunya_: To achieve the goal, all means are good within the limits of reason!

Hi all! My name is Masha_. Also in life. Now I am 24 years old, height 161 cm.

How it all started:

She has always been a beautiful girl, never lacked male attention. I guess that's why I'm offended now. When I met my, at that time, future husband, my weight was 67 kg, at that time it was a lot for me, but considering that before that I had lost 10 kg, it was not so bad. How we looked at each other, what was the story ...

For six months we "drooled at each other." Then I got pregnant, and away we go - a wedding, grinding to each other, 9 months of pregnancy. And I went into labor with a weight of 95 kg.

After the birth, of course, the swelling went down and the weight became 84 kg. And here I thought, do I want to be like this? And to be precise, I thought when for three weeks in a row every day and more than once my husband said to me, “You are fat.” No one knows how many tears I shed. And here comes the diet.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Probably, resentment for life, for myself, for the attitude of a loved one towards me, or just fatigue speaks in me, but I am ready to achieve my goal by any means that suit me.

The diet I call it multi-colored meaning in the lists of green, yellow and red, well, I will not go into details. I dropped 4 kg on it, but broke. On this diet, you need to become a "herbivore", I could not stand it, and everything came back. A little later, I found out that I was pregnant again, and we decided to have a second child.

I went to give birth again with a weight of 95 kg. For a long time she lay in hospitals with a baby, because she had to think with her own head, and not listen to doctors. This is what it means to choose the wrong hospital. I came home when the baby was 2 weeks old, and if it were not for my innate impudence, then I would have been lying with him for another week. When I got on the scales, the weight was 86 kg.

And then my husband began to hide me from everyone, because he was ashamed to appear with me in public, he did not like everything about me - weight, appearance, clothes. And this is after I gave birth to two children for him: a beautiful daughter and an heir. I was very sorry for myself, I cried all day long. I tried to starve - it didn’t help, I wanted to go already to pay money to Dr. Bormenthal’s clinic, but they dissuaded me and I started collecting information using this system.

After reading the success stories of women who lost 40, 30 and even 70 kg, I realized, why am I worse? I can do it too. I will prove to everyone that I am no worse. What I can. In three months, according to this system, I threw off 10 kg and the weight got up, the motivation stopped working. What to do? Depression… How to be? Give up? Oh no! I struggled with depression for two months and gained 4 kg. And my husband even stopped hiding, but began to believe that I was his maid, he comes home and only gives instructions. So embarrassing. I'm a woman, NOT a SERVANT. I try to explain, but he does not understand. And so I found a book on the “minus 60” system and in three weeks I already threw off 5 kg and now I know the main thing - to find what suits you and everything can be achieved.

I chose not a diet, after which the weight comes back, I chose a new nutrition system for myself. A new habit in life - to eat right. If you eat right, the weight will not come back. There are no ideal people, but everyone strives for the ideal, and I am no worse. And I want my body to be at least close to ideal, to live in harmony with myself, to like myself, to love myself, and then others will love me. It's much nicer when you smile. And when you feel great, you yourself want to smile, just like that.

I have never played sports. More precisely, once upon a time I played volleyball, but now there is no such possibility, and I have no desire to engage in others. But sport is definitely needed, but I can't force myself. Now, when the moment comes when I want something, I tell myself that I will eat it tomorrow or give myself a little indulgence, the main thing is that it really be a LITTLE indulgence.

How to survive the holidays?

On holidays, I relax completely. First, I won't be able to physically eat as much as before. Secondly, I also need to relax, because small children with a difference of a year and 4 months are very exhausting, and thirdly, everything that comes back will fall off in a couple of days.

Does Calorizer help?

The site helped me first see how the weight changes, then calculate the calorie content of dishes when I was on the Dr. Bormenthal nutrition system, and the biggest help is people's support. You are always welcome here, it's like a family here, it's nice to come here, they will help you with advice, you can speak out and they will understand you. I have a lot of warm words for the administration and participants of the site and forum.

What's up with the plans?

For the future, I decided not to change anything in my diet, this is already the norm. And before Easter I will fast again, for the second time in my life.

Now I know for sure that I can handle it!

At the beginning of my story, I spoke about resentment ... my resentment is that even now they have locked me with two children at home and will not let me go anywhere. My husband is constantly working, if not work, then he helps someone. Mom is constantly working and she needs to rest. And I work at home, I sit with the children, and I have no right to a day off. I am telling this so that the reader understands how hard it is to be in a good mood when you are alone and you cannot go anywhere when there is no support. And they don’t give you money, they say “you’re sitting at home, why do you need money.” That's in order for this not to be, and I want to change.

At the moment, they are already approaching me to get to know each other, my husband is starting to be jealous, maybe this way he will understand that I am a woman and very beautiful. I want to come to a cafe and not hide my eyes, because it’s uncomfortable for me, because it seems to me that everyone thinks “what a cow, she should sit at home.” My self-esteem began to rise, I began to love myself, I already feel like a beautiful woman.

Six months have passed, in total I lost 11 kg and this is not the end of my journey. My dream is to weigh 50 kg and I need to release 25 kg from myself before it.

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