Games for the company on February 23. Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, postcards, contests for you in the Holiday Center


For example, hand over notebooks, pens and ties, or arrange a real men's party with colleagues or loved ones.

Whatever the theme of the corporate party is - poker, boxing or watching your favorite action movies - you can't do without contests and games in which the whole team will participate.

Contests for February 23 for men can be completely different, the main thing is that they are cool and funny, then everyone will have fun throughout the festive evening, even in the office.

Army kitchen. This is a joke contest. The host puts raw, unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that you have to peel potatoes. But, when those who wish are nevertheless chosen, they are invited to take turns naming potato dishes. The one whose dish is the last will win.

Strongest. For the competition, you will need several empty matchboxes. Each participant is offered a design: an outer box is placed on top of the inside. Competitors need to flatten both parts with one blow.

As practice shows, this is quite difficult to do, so perhaps the host will not need a second box.

Botany. If the company has men who have not served in the army and have a sufficient sense of humor, then the next competition can be held.

Invite "nerds" to the podium. And since they are botanists, then offer them exhibits from the herbarium. Which of the participants will give the correct name to all plants - he receives the honorary title of "Best Botanist".

Four ends. Two thick ropes are tied in the middle - no, loops are tied at the four ends. Four players become, as it were, at the corners of the square, holding on to the ends of the rope. A stone is placed two meters from each (maybe a bump, a snowball, a matchbox or a wooden chock). On a signal, each player reaches for his stone to grab it. Whoever succeeds, wins.

Arm wrestling. What men's competition will do without classic arm wrestling? The host must ensure that there is a free table in the room, which can conditionally be divided into two halves. All participants can compete. Putting their right hands on the table with their elbows, the opponents clasp their hands and try to “tumble down” the opponent. The one whose brush touches the table loses and is eliminated from the competition.

Competition for February 23 "Metkach". Requisites, attributes: three glass piles, a plastic bottle with lemonade, a ribbon for tying hands.

Couples participate in the competition, each with two guys. The players of each team are tied behind their hands. A hole is made in a plastic bottle and clamped by one of the players between the knees.

At the signal of the leader, the players must fill the stacks with lemonade, and the second player must drink this lemonade. The team that filled all the piles and drank the fastest wins.

Rope pulling. A bright ribbon is tied to a long and thick rope in the middle. A peg is driven into the ground, and to the right and left of it at a distance of two meters - another peg each (if the game is played in the hall, you can put gymnastic sticks on the floor).

Each team takes their half of the rope, the distance between the teams is two meters. The ribbon hangs over the middle peg. At the sign of the judge, the teams pull the rope - each in its own direction. The team that pulls the ribbon over their peg wins.

Competition "Men's Logic". This contest-task is suitable for testing the ingenuity of the male half at the beginning of the holiday on February 23.

Here is the essence of the problem - tired of disputes and summer heat, three ancient Greek philosophers lay down to rest under a tree and fell asleep. While they slept, the pranksters smeared their foreheads with charcoal. Waking up and looking at each other, everyone got into a cheerful mood and began to laugh, but this did not bother anyone, since it seemed natural to everyone that the other two were laughing at each other.

Suddenly, one of the sages stopped laughing, as he realized that his own forehead was also dirty. Participants must guess how he reasoned.

The answer: here it is, the male logic of reasoning - “Each of us can think that his own face is clean. B is sure that his face is clean, and laughs at the smeared forehead of the sage C. But if B saw that my face is clean, he would be surprised at C's laughter, since in this case C would not have a reason to laugh. However, B is not surprised, so he may think that C is laughing at me. Therefore, my face is also black.” It is best to show the clue on volunteers.

Two Musketeers. For this game you will need equipment: two rods 115 cm long, two chocks or a matchbox. Two circles with a diameter of 50 cm are drawn on the site at a distance of 30 cm from one another, two lines are drawn. The chock is placed in the center of the circle, the players stand each behind their own line, which is not allowed to cross.

In the hands of each "sword" - a flexible and thin rod. It is necessary to knock out a chock from the circle of the enemy with a sword, while protecting your own. The one who manages to knock the chock out of the circle wins the duel.

The game part of the holiday is what children, in fact, come together for. Games and competitions allow them to throw out their stormy energy. Both the internal well-being of the children and the external state of your apartment will depend on how competently you think over the holding of this part of the holiday. Do not include tasks in the competition program, the implementation of which threatens the quality of the interior of your apartment, as well as those that can bring chaos and create disorder. When planning a program, first include games for quick wits and erudition, then outdoor games, and finally, finish the program with calm games that will bring the child's psychological state into balance.

Do not allow situations where one of the guys present will not be involved in the game. If, for health reasons, a child cannot participate in an outdoor game, you can safely entrust him with the role of a leader, the main thing is that each child is in the playing field. Try to stop offensive statements of children towards children who cannot cope with any task. Try to compose the program in such a way that it includes games and competitions that reveal as many talents and abilities of children as possible. This will give everyone the opportunity to show their best side and not be an object of ridicule. If for some reason you were unable to prepare prizes for the winners, you can successfully raffle off dessert. If you suddenly get the idea to make a cash prize, quickly abandon it. To sow monetary excitement at such an early age is fraught with consequences for the child. In the end, the children will not be upset at all by the absence of prizes, because the main thing for them is participation in the game.

Who knows?

At the festive table, you can arrange an exciting game "Who knows?". The essence of the game is that all those present are asked questions regarding the main culprits of the holiday, and the culprits, in turn, confirm whether the answer was correct or not. Questions can be very diverse - about the color of the eyes, about hobbies, about the taste preferences of honored persons.

Come up with an epithet

If there are girls among those invited to the holiday, then they can hold the next competition in honor of the boys. They should take turns, calling the name of one of the boys present, invent epithets for them. For example, Seryozha is smart, Tolya is handsome, etc. Those girls who could not come up with another epithet for one of the boys are eliminated from the game. The girl who gives the boys the most definitions wins.

flying wrappers

Children can be invited to exercise their lungs with the next competition. An unlimited number of players can take part in it. For its implementation, several candy wrappers are prepared. All participants are divided into pairs. Wrappers are placed on the edge of the table. Each pair takes turns competing to see who blows the candy wrappers the farthest. Each is given only one attempt. The winners in pairs then compete against each other. The winner is the one who surpasses the rest of the guys in the art of blowing candy wrappers.


Artistry children can show in the competition "Pantomime". For the competition, each of the participants receives an envelope in which the name of what the child will have to portray is sealed. It can be a person of a certain profession, an animal, a cartoon character, etc. It is necessary to choose the most interesting options in advance and distribute them among the participants. The task of each child: without using speech, try to portray the hidden. The one who succeeds with the greatest success wins.

Pass the pencil

This competition will help the guys do gymnastics for the face. To carry it out, you will need a long and thin pencil. Participants of the competition are divided into teams and line up. Starting with the first player, they pass each other a pencil, which is clamped between the lips and nose. The team that completes this task the fastest wins the competition.

Little artist

Children will be able to show their artistic abilities in the competition "Little Artist". All contestants are divided into 2 teams. The teams are announced that they will now depict, for example, an animal, a plant, etc. The leader gives the first player of each team an album sheet of paper, a pencil and in a whisper, so that the rest of the participants do not hear, tells which animal or plant he should start paint. Having received instructions, the first child draws the upper part of the hidden, then closes the drawing, leaving only a small fragment of the image. The next participant continues to draw, guided only by their guesses. In turn, each team member must put his hand to the collective masterpiece. The winner in the competition is the team that most realistically portrayed the conceived.

cherished word

You can test the memory and ingenuity of the guys in the next game. For its implementation, quatrains are selected in advance from well-known children's works. These may be poems by K. Chukovsky, A. Barto, S. Marshak, etc. The host reads the quatrain and deliberately does not say the last word aloud. It must be remembered or guessed by the participants of the competition. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.


Children of preschool or primary school age can learn to express their thoughts using a minimum of words with a game like Burime. The task of the game will be clear even to the smallest: you need to come up with a beautiful, well-perceived rhyme and put it into a poetic form. It is possible to hold this game in the form of a competition between the teams of "Parents" and "Children", grandparents can act as judges. At the beginning of the game, one of the teams comes up with a couple of rhymes. For example, a conversation is with a neighbor, a dot is a daughter, etc. Another team should make a quatrain with rhyme. Given rhymes can take the following form:

One summer at a neighbor's

The three of us had a conversation.

Our neighbor has reached the point

Because of the upbringing of my daughter.

Then another team writes a task, and so on. When composing rhymes, you can change the form of words. This game develops logical thinking, the ability to clearly express your thoughts and select the right words. A variant is possible when one team sets a poetic line, and the other continues, and so on in turn. It might look like this:

In the alley

On a walk,

Taking a bun, etc.

Collect a proverb

Older children will be interested in the game "Collect a proverb". For its implementation, small leaves are being prepared on which words from well-known proverbs are written. All participants are divided into 2 teams, each of which is given blanks. Teams must collect all proverbs. Since the game goes on time, the team that collects the most proverbs in a certain time wins.


Fun in the children's company is a game of rhymes. It is hosted by the leader. In turn, each participant is offered a word for which he must come up with a rhyme (a word in the singular of the nominative case). For example, a scythe is dew, dad is a paw, etc. The one who fails to complete the task 3 times is out of the game. And the most resourceful wins.

holiday card

Girls present at the boys' holiday can be given the task of writing a postcard to the perpetrators of the holiday, but with certain conditions. The girls should write the words in the postcard in such a way that each subsequent word begins with one of the letters of the first word. For example, a postcard begins with the words: "Dear ...". This means that the next word will be with the letter “o”, then with the letter “p”, etc. The one of the girls who will sign the card the fastest without violating the conditions wins the competition.

Mysterious contest

You can check the physical fitness of the boys at the holiday in the next competition. For it, you need to choose a leader and divide all participants into 2 or 3 teams. Prepare as many envelopes with tasks as possible in advance. Each team is given the same number of envelopes. The tasks contained in them can be, for example, of the following content: push up from the floor 20 times, pull up 10 times, etc. The leader monitors the accuracy of the tasks. The team that completes the task first will be the winner.

Repeat the opposite

The next game is for the whole company. To conduct it, a leader is chosen. His task is to perform various movements that all other participants must repeat in reverse. For example, the leader raises his hands up, and all other participants must lower their hands down, the leader takes a step forward, everyone else must take a step back, etc. The participant who makes a mistake will have to take the place of the leader.

Unusual figures

This game will be interesting for children of any age. For its implementation, all participants in the game are divided into teams. Each player is blindfolded. The facilitator gives the task to the teams to depict various figures. For example, a circle, a square, etc. A team that incorrectly depicts a figure is considered a loser.


Surely the guys will like such a game that requires attention and tension, like Jenga. It requires smoothly polished rectangular wooden blocks, which are folded into a high tower before the start of the game.

Players sit around the tower and take turns trying to pull out the parts from the base and again, in a certain order, put them on top of the structure. The loser is the one on whose turn the tower collapses. A seemingly simple task - to pull out the bar and put it back in - turns out to be not so simple, it requires a lot of effort and makes you literally hold your breath. The specificity of this game lies in the fact that it is very fun to lose in it, because the tower collapses with such a roar.


The Mikado game requires patience and attention. It is a set of wooden or plastic sticks, on which special marks are applied in different colors, by which players determine how many points the stick is worth. Players randomly throw sticks on the table, resulting in a pile, from which the participants in turn carefully try to pull out the maximum number of sticks so as not to disturb the rest. If one of the participants does not succeed, then he passes the move to another player. The winner of the game is the one who scored the most points.

Find the treasure

The culmination of the holiday can be a treasure hunt. A treasure can mean anything - a book, sweets, a photo album, etc. All this must be hidden in advance throughout the apartment, as well as suggestive clues that will eventually lead the most savvy child to the desired treasure. In the form of hints, a rebus, a crossword puzzle, a logical puzzle can act, the main thing is that they are not too complicated for the child.

It is desirable that each game or competition ends with the awarding of prizes to the winners. Children will be happy if each of them honestly earns a prize during the holiday.

For the most active players at the end of the game part of the evening, you can hold a contest to determine the winner or reward the most active players with additional prizes. And if one of the children actively participated in many competitions, but never won, such a child must also be rewarded with a prize. The main thing is that every child is happy.

But every party is not only a deliciously prepared table, but also entertainment! Here you will find interesting games for February 23, which will leave behind a lot of fun photos and feats on behalf of real defenders!

When developing cool contests for February 23, pay attention to the fact that all competitions should be interesting. You should not try to entertain guests with old games like the world around one chair or lowering handles into a bottle. Approach the organization of the evening in an unusual way, and we are sure that your men will remember it for a long time!

To get started, check out those games that are suitable for both children and adults. These games and competitions for February 23 can come in handy at any other holiday where most of the invitees are men. By the way, do not forget that when organizing a holiday at a school or garden, you can attract invited dads and grandfathers for competitions.


Divide everyone present into 2 teams. We give each team envelopes with blanks for pantomime. These can be the words “sergeant”, “tank” or “machine gun”, as well as more complex options “the soldier is sleeping - the service is on”, “shouldered general” or “brave soldier”. The task of each team is to show these phrases to competitors. The team that guesses all the words is the winner.


An excellent competition for February 23 will be a game of "darts". Each warrior must be accurate and dexterous :).

"Draw a Hero"

Such a competition will be good for couples who came to your holiday - boy-girl, father-son or mother-son. Each adult (or girl) is given an A3 or A2 sheet. The second half of the couple takes a "heroic" pose. The task for the players is to portray the hero as believably as possible :).

"Holiday Postcard"

This game is useful for those who want to attract the female half of the guests to the general entertainment :). The main task of the players is to sign a postcard for their man using the rule of the game "Cities" - each next word must begin with the last letter of the previous one. Starting with the word Congratulations, you must write the next word with a "y".

"Universal Soldier"

We divide into 2 teams. One of the players in each team is chosen as a soldier. Now the task of the rest is to make it universal. With the help of improvised means - colored paper, tinsel, various military attributes, we create a hero. You can develop the name of the project, its functionality and capabilities. It all depends on the imagination of the players :). The team whose hero is more versatile is considered the winner.

"Unusual Figures"

We divide into 2 teams. All players are blindfolded and the leader announces the figure that the players of each team must make TOTALLY. It is very difficult to do at least something when your eyes are closed :). A clumsy circle or machine from the side looks very funny!

"Real Fighter"

We take a bag and fill it with various military paraphernalia - a helmet, a children's machine gun, a tunic or, for example, footcloths. But be sure to add something more fun to the bag - a baby cap, a women's dressing gown or a bra. The host announces that each soldier must have time to get dressed while the match is burning. At the same time, the soldier must have at least 3 things from the bag.

As a result of the competition, someone will be lucky, and he will be in a helmet and a tunic, but someone will not, and he will get a dressing gown and a machine gun :). Don't forget to take a photo as a keepsake!!

All players must be periodically rewarded with incentive prizes - sweets, 100 ml Molotov cocktails or sweet kisses. At the end of the holiday, everyone can be awarded comic medals!

The holiday of February 23 can be celebrated in different ways. Congratulate men in the office, for example, give ties, or arrange a real men's party with colleagues or loved ones. Whatever the theme of the party is - poker, boxing or watching your favorite action movies - you can't do it without contests and games.


Men love nothing more than sports, so sports equipment and sports terms can be used in games and competitions on February 23. Girls can also join this Y-chromosome cult.

If there are a lot of strangers in the company, play the game " Ball". It consists in standing in a circle, taking turns passing the ball and clearly stating your name. As soon as the host says “Stop!”, The person who has the ball left throws it to another, already calling his name. A participant who did not catch the ball or mixed up the name tries to name all the participants in the game.

Men are very fond of boxing, so you can play the game " Boxer rushes to work". The facilitator gives the participants a pair of socks, boxing shorts and boxing gloves. The winner is the one who wears gloves and puts on shorts and socks the fastest.

You can't do February 23 without football. For Game " Blind soccer player» The host puts soccer balls on the floor according to the number of participants. Men are asked to take 10 steps away from the ball in any direction and are blindfolded. The host gives commands to the “blind footballers”: “left”, “circle”, right”, and then offers to take 10 steps towards the ball again and hit it. Most of the participants show powerful blows in the air, which is very funny. The most “sighted” footballer receives a prize, the rest a subscription to the “Battle of Psychics” program.

When decent sports games are already tired, it is the turn of alcohol contests for men. For example, play the highly intelligent game " Checkers" (for those who know - " Literball"). Instead of ordinary checkers, you will need 24 glasses, half of which are filled with a light alcoholic drink, and half with a dark one (cognac and vodka, for example). Glasses are placed on a chessboard and begin to play according to the classical rules. Only the player whose checker has been beaten must empty it before being disposed of from the battlefield. When moving to the lady - even more alcohol is poured into the glass. In case of loss, the participant will have to drink everything that is left on the field.

The alcohol-sports game also checks the liver for strength. Ping Bulk". For her, glasses of beer are placed on the ping-pong table. If the ball hits the glass, this is not considered a hit on the table. If it hits the glass, the player loses a point, but wins a beer. The game is good because there are no losers or winners in it: one becomes the best athlete, and the second gets drunk on beer.

If popular sports do not appeal to you, there is an exciting game of elimination " Cock-fights". Players are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-5 steps. Couples depict fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out. The main thing is to agree in advance where all participants will hold their hands: behind their backs, crosswise or on their necks.


As they say, there are obviously male professions. For example, a spy (Angelina Jolie does not count), a detective, a sniper, a soldier, a cowboy, a banker. " spies” is a good game to start the party. Each participant remembers the signs of the guests (hair, clothes), after a while they choose two lucky ones. One of them is blindfolded and offered to guess by touch who is in front of him. The second participant must conspire (dissolve hair, change clothes). If he is still guessed, he takes the place of the "Spy".

Financiers are invited to play the game " Where to invest money". The host calls pairs of a man and a woman and offers to quickly open a network of banks, investing one bill in each bank. Pockets, lapels and all secluded places become safe deposit boxes. As soon as the couples have no money left, the host asks the women to quickly withdraw the entire amount from the accounts. Open banks, withdraw money!

Another exciting business game - " Bank account". Participants must, without opening the "bank" - a three-liter glass jar filled with banknotes - calculate the amount of the "deposit". The most accurate "banker" wins.

Game for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs " detectives”requires division into 2 teams: “detectives” and “suspects”. The suspects come up with situations, and the detectives call them for interrogation one at a time and ask only 5 questions each. Detectives tend to get different answers to the same question and blame the suspects, and the task of the suspects is not to contradict each other.

For the most relevant contest for February 23 " exemplary soldiers»We need helmets, boots, footcloths, huge pants and other accessories of military life. In the army, the rank and file must have time to get dressed while the match is burning, so let your men try to fulfill this condition - put on as many clothes as possible in a short time. For interest, military uniforms can include funny things, women's clothing and children's hats. The award is given to the most suitable "soldier" for the army and the most extravagant military man.

Before moving on to heavy artillery, you can compete in accuracy in the competition " Sniper". For men, a carrot is tied to the belt by a thread (so that it hangs at the level of the knees), which they must accurately lower into empty plastic bottles. The winner is the one who, having lowered the vegetable into the neck, quickly lifts the bottle on a rope.

Well, the most courageous men are simply obliged to play the game " Cowboy Joe". Two lucky ones stand on opposite sides of the table. When the signal is given, they should drink a glass of vodka as soon as possible. As a signal, the "bartender" raps the table loudly with his fist. The winner is the one who manages to quickly return the empty glass back to the table, and as loudly and intimidatingly as possible.


After a whole day of praising male traits and merits, you can also laugh a little at male weaknesses, stereotypes about men and their habits. Often the representatives of the stronger sex are compared with heroes, oaks. Invite them to play the Oaks and Squirrels game. She needs 6 squirrel girls and 5 oak men. After the men stand in a circle with their backs to each other, the girls begin to dance to the music in this oak grove. When the music stops, each squirrel must jump onto its own tree. The girl who didn’t have enough “house” leaves, there are 1 less oaks and the game continues.

Men are very important representatives of the world's population, they are so rare that if a valuable specimen has already been found, one must grab it and not let it go in any case. Play the game Take the boyfriend away from your girlfriend". A thread is attached to the girls' belt, to which a box with a photograph of your favorite actor is tied (you can cut it out of a magazine). The box must be on the ground. Participants, moving to the music, must step on the boxes and cut them off. This means that you recaptured the guy from your girlfriend. The unfortunate ones leave the dance floor, and the “temptress” who wins the most guys and at the same time retains “her love” wins. Everything is like in life!

It is also believed that men can skillfully lie without even blushing. Check them out with the Munchausen competition. It can be organized both among teams and between individual players. The winner is the most "Munchausen" participant who will come up with and tell an incredible and funny story about himself. Jokes are not allowed to be rewritten.

What is the most beautiful thing about a man's body? Of course, the legs! In the competition " The best male legs» only men participate. But they should not know that only their legs will be evaluated. Participants are invited to compete in collecting women's cosmetics (or other items) scattered around the room. For convenience, they are asked to wrap their pants up. While men struggle in search, women choose the owner of the most beautiful limbs. He wins the competition, being awarded a commemorative diploma.

And finally, the most important stereotype about men is that they can drink endlessly without getting drunk (especially on February 23). The competition will help check it for truth " Butthead”, which requires two dice, many liters of beer and a glass. In turn, the participants roll the die and, based on the number of points, perform the following actions:

2 - the person on the left drinks a glass
3 - nothing happens
4 - the person on the right drinks a glass
5 - penalty point: the person rolls the dice again and drinks the number of glasses that will fall
6 - penalty "Elite": the person rolls the dice again, and everyone drinks the number of glasses that will fall
7 - the participant who rolled the die makes a wish
8 - participants need to put their index finger on the table as quickly as possible, the last one drinks
9 - do not leave the table until you throw 9 again (even to the toilet)
10 - everyone drinks one glass
11 - "Butthead"
12 - "Butthead"

"Butthead" means that the contestant puts a beer box or pot on their head and drinks when someone else is drinking. He does not stop rolling the dice, but he drinks his penalty twice. The role of "Butthead" is removed when 11 or 12 falls out again. If someone has a die dropped from the table, then he drinks as much as it fell out.

Well-chosen games and contests cheer up any company. For a corporate party, the gaming filling of the holiday allows colleagues to get to know each other better, unite and have a good time.

7. "Macho and fallen women."

First you need to prepare two long dresses, whose hems are sewn tightly and inflated balls are placed inside to make it look like a female body in a dress. These two "ladies" are taken out, laid on the floor and presented to the public as "fallen".

From among the guests we choose two "macho". Before them we set the task - "to strangle the ladies" in the arms. To do this, men will have to literally lie down on dresses, like on mattresses and burst all the balloons. Whoever did it faster is the "macho".

8. "Boys - chairs."

This is a great variant of the famous chair game, only in which the female players will sit on the men. However, the word "sit down" in this case can be interpreted in any way: fall into the arms, hang on the neck, jump into the hands, and so on.

You need to play "Boys - Highchairs" like this: you recruit five to six men from the guests. They stand in a circle, with their backs to the center. Girls rely on one more - six or seven. With the first sounds of music, they begin to circle around the boys, and as soon as the music stops, they occupy the first gentleman who comes across.

The lady who missed it is removed, taking one gentleman she likes with her. The latter, of course, leaves the place very reluctantly, but the host must give him some kind of compensation. For example, let each of the remaining girls kiss him, so to speak, goodbye. And so on until the last pair remains.

Prizes are awarded to the winning couple, and the right to start the dance block with any pair dance: waltz, tango, etc. is offered.

9. "Elephant Trainer".

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