Story. History of the Stroganov Palace - further restructuring


"City on the Neva"

is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. The unique appearance of the city is given by its countless architectural and historical monuments, harmoniously combining styles of different eras. One of the majestic palaces of St. Petersburg, the Stroganov Palace, is located on the main street of the city (Nevsky Prospekt, 17).

It belonged to the famous Stroganov family and is one of the best examples of Russian baroque architecture.,

palace - a magnificent building erected by an architect
F. B. Rastrelli
in 1753-1754

The interior of the palace impresses with its luxury and variety of interiors. Copies of frescoes by Raphael from the loggias in the Vatican adorn the walls of the Arabesque drawing room, the Mineral Cabinet impresses with a complex two-height architectural space, and the dining room demonstrates how mirrors can be used to achieve, in the words of A. S. Stroganov, a “crazy effect”.

Today, the palace is a branch of the Russian Museum and anyone can visit it.

Main staircase

The most famous owner of the palace, Count Alexander Stroganov, had excellent taste, was educated and, most importantly, rich, like his ancestors. Therefore, he could afford eccentricities and whims. For example, Alexander Sergeevich was very fond of mirrors. And the architects Demertsov and Voronikhin created the interior of the main dining room (or Corner Hall) according to the count's preferences. The interior is truly extraordinary: it seems that the hall is huge, but in fact they are huge mirrors - on the wall opposite the windows, between the columns

Great Hall (Rastrelli Hall)

. It is they who create the illusion of a doubled space... But the Stroganov Palace was famous not only for its architecture and rich decoration. There were collections of rare samples of numismatics, paleontology, and mineralogy. There was a rich library containing the works of ancient and modern authors on history, art, and archeology.

But the "soul of the Stroganov's mansion" was the Art Gallery. With works from the Italian, Flemish, Dutch and French schools. A gallery that struck both with its vastness, and with the names of the masters, and with the sophistication of the taste of its owner. And what is very important: accessible to everyone…

Plafond on the ceiling of the Great Hall

The house was open for diplomatic receptions, for artistic, literary and musical gatherings. Stroganov also visited the most famous people of that time: writers, composers, artists. Gabriel Derzhavin and Dmitry Bortnyansky dedicated their works to the owner of the house. Here Ivan Andreevich Krylov read his fables and plays - Denis Fonvizin.

Small living room

The palace, which for almost two centuries belonged to the famous family of Russian merchants, salt producers, philanthropists and collectors of the Stroganovs, was just one of their many possessions, but, of course, the most significant. Here, in particular, the famous collection of Western European paintings, coins, minerals and works of ancient art, which was collected by Count Alexander Sergeevich Stroganov, was located.

Architects such as Voronikhin, Kolodin, Rossi, Charlemagne and Sadovnikov took part in the construction

Large living room

Large study of Countess S.V. Stroganova

Small study of Countess S.V. Stroganova

front dining room

Arabesque living room

Mineralogical cabinet

100 great sights of St. Petersburg Myasnikov senior Alexander Leonidovich

Stroganov Palace

Stroganov Palace

The name of the Russian nobleman, the owner of this palace on the corner of the Moika River embankment and Nevsky Prospekt, is known all over the world. True, they are not associated with this delightful building, but only with its kitchen. After all, under the decree of Stroganov, his chef came up with the world-famous Stroganoff beef - beef stroganoff.

But the Stroganov Palace is the only building on Nevsky Prospekt that has retained its appearance almost unchanged throughout its existence. Except for the color of the walls.

During the time of Anna Ioannovna, a wooden building, unfinished by the architect of the St. Petersburg police chief office, Mikhail Grigoryevich Zemtsov, was located on this site. The site belonged to the tailor I. Neiman.

In 1742, already under Elizabeth Petrovna, it was acquired by Baron Sergei Grigorievich Stroganov. With his own money, he completed a two-story house.

The imperial cook Shestakov lived on the neighboring plot along the Nevsky Prospektiv. Sergei Grigorievich dreamed of building a stone building here for a long time, he asked the cook to sell his property. However, even if poor, but in the center of the capital, the neighbor did not want to sell housing. The baron had to rebuild his house.

In March 1753, Varfolomey Varfolomeevich Rastrelli took up the restructuring of the Stroganov House. At the time of work, the architect settled in the first floor of the Stroganov house. But after an unexpected fire on November 1, 1753, the cook still had to move, as the wooden houses of both him and his neighbor suddenly burned down. Sergey Grigoryevich wrote about these events in a letter to his son Alexander: “Our St. Petersburg house burned to the ground, and in that place I began to build a new one, and so huge and with such decorations that it was worthy of surprise.”

Stroganov Palace. Modern look

It should be noted that the participation of Rastrelli in the construction of a private building is a rare case. Work for a private customer of the imperial architect was practically excluded. However, an exception was made for the Stroganov family, close to the Romanovs. Sergei Grigoryevich Stroganov thanked Rastrelli in full. At his direction, the Italian artist Pietro Rotari painted a portrait of the architect.

The construction of the palace was carried out at a rapid pace. Already on December 15, 1756, a housewarming ball was held here, which was attended by Empress Elizaveta Petrovna herself. Soon the Empress celebrated her birthday here. Elizabeth, as you know, loved all sorts of festivities. A contemporary wrote: “In the Society, the empress appears only in a court dress made of rare and expensive fabric of the most delicate color, sometimes white with silver. Her head is always burdened with diamonds, and her hair is usually combed back and gathered at the top, where it is tied with a pink ribbon with long flying ends. She probably attaches the significance of a diadem to this headdress, because she gives herself the exclusive right to wear it. No other woman in the empire dares to style her hair the way she does."

The new palace amazed contemporaries. The walls between the windows are decorated with medallions with a male profile. It is believed that this is a sculptural portrait of Count Sergei Grigorievich. But there is another opinion. As if this is a portrait of Rastrelli himself. According to the projects of the architect, 50 rooms were decorated.

In 1756, after the death of Sergei Grigorievich, the palace passed into the possession of his son, Alexander Sergeevich Stroganov. Count Alexander Sergeevich was a major philanthropist, president of the Academy of Arts. He is also credited with the invention of the famous dish - beef stroganoff.

In 1787, the interiors of the building were rebuilt by the architect Fyodor Ivanovich Demertsov. Fyodor Ivanovich dismantled all the outbuildings in the yard. Instead of them, two new wings were built - southern and eastern. Thus, the building closed in a square. In the northern building, the architect designed the Mineralogical Cabinet.

In 1793, the palace was rebuilt by the former serf Stroganov architect Andrey Voronikhin. He changed not only the inner chambers, but also the facade of the building. The statues-allegories of the cardinal points were removed from the facade, its color was changed. She turned yellow and pink. In the 1790s, a severe fire broke out in the building. Almost the entire palace burned down. Of the rooms in the original design, only a large dance hall with a unique ceiling “Triumph of the Hero” by G. Valeriani has survived since then. This is the only authentic, not recreated, grand interior of Rastrelli in St. Petersburg.

In the palace of Alexander Sergeevich there were many different rooms. To serve the palace, a yard of 600 people was kept - singers, musicians, dancers, actors, cooks, carpenters, rowers. However, there was, it would seem, the main room - the bedroom. This quirk was explained by the fact that the owner was used to sleeping in different rooms. Moreover, Alexander Sergeevich slept in armchairs, on couches or on a folding camp bed.

After the death of Alexander Sergeevich on September 28, 1811, the palace passed into the possession of his only son, Pavel. After Pavel Alexandrovich was killed in the Battle of Craon in France, the Stroganov Mayorat was established. This meant that indivisible property was inherited by the eldest in the family. After the death of Pavel Alexandrovich in 1817, the palace became the property of his widow Sofya Vladimirovna. In 1818, she married her eldest daughter Natalya to Baron Sergei Grigoryevich Stroganov, who was a distant relative of hers. After the wedding, he was granted the title of count.

The youngest daughter of Sofya Vladimirovna Adelaide married Prince Vasily Golitsyn. Both young families lived in a palace on Nevsky. For their needs in the 1820s, the premises were rebuilt by the architect PS Stroganovs. Sadovnikov. They created an arabesque hall. Sadovnikov built a dovecote in the yard. It existed there until the beginning of the 20th century. After the death of Sophia Vladimirovna in 1845, Count Sergei Grigoryevich became the owner of the majorate. After his death in 1882, the palace passed to his grandson, Count Sergei Alexandrovich.

During the 19th century, the palace was repeatedly repainted. It was light lilac, brick red, green, and finally pink.

The Stroganovs' house was famous for its "open dinners". Tables were laid in the courtyard of the palace, anyone could dine here. This was also used by poor citizens.

In 1908, a small garden was arranged in the yard. Sergei Alexandrovich did not live in the palace; in 1912 he left for France. After 1917, all the Stroganovs left Russia. In 1918, the palace was nationalized, and a historical house-museum was opened here. Since 1925 it has been a branch of the Hermitage. In 1929, the museum was closed, valuables were transferred to the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences was located in the house.

In 1988 the building was transferred to the Russian Museum. In 1991, the palace began to be restored, and then a branch of the museum was opened.

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Ticket price:

The price of the entrance ticket varies depending on the age of the visitor.


  • Monday - 10:00 - 18:00;
  • Tuesday - closed;
  • Wednesday - 10:00 - 18:00.
  • Thursday - 13:00-21:00;
  • Friday - Sunday - 10:00 - 18:00.

How to get there:

The palace is within walking distance from the metro station "Nevsky Prospekt", by buses No. 3, 7, 22, 27 or trolleybuses No. 1, 5, 7, 10, 11, 22 you can get to the stop "Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street". Since it is in the center of the city, there is no parking nearby. If you do not like public transport, it is better to take a taxi.

Stroganov Palace: history of creation

From historical facts it is known that the site on Nevsky Prospekt, for the construction of the future palace, originally belonged to the tailor Johann Neumann. He then began to rebuild a house of stone, which adjoined the buildings of the dwellings of the court cook Shestakov and the adjutant of General Saltykov - Yankov.

The unfinished Neumann house was bought by the Stroganov brothers around 1942. Since it was originally a single complex for three families, Neiman, Shestakov and Yankov, the facades were designed in the same style, which upset Baron Stroganov a lot, who wanted to redo everything to his liking.

But at that time there was a strict discipline for urban planning in the city center. It is a well-known fact that the Baron could not agree with the cook's neighbor on the purchase of his part of the house. Shestakov did not want to part with him, due to the fact that the house was in the heart of St. Petersburg.

Construction began in 1753 and completed in 1754. Some sources indicate that the palace was built in 6 weeks. This construction was called swift. It was facilitated by the fact that it was built on the structures of previous houses.

In the middle of the 18th century, Nevsky Prospekt was actively built up with noble houses. And after the construction was completed, Sergei Grigorievich Stroganov, who belonged to the family of Novgorod merchants who became rich at the expense of the Ural salt works, settled in his new palace with his wife Sofya Kirillovna and son Alexander. The latter became the most famous representative of the Stroganov family and the owner of the family nest.

The Stroganov House became extremely popular. All the brilliant elite of society gathered in it, noisy balls and masquerades, theatrical performances, ballet and opera were held.

Fonvizin, Derzhavin, the composer Bortnyansky came in. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna herself honored the Stroganovs with a ceremony celebrating her birthday. Alexander was an educated person and an art critic.

After the death of his father, he continued to collect a collection of works of art: paintings, sculptures. Also in the palace was an extensive mineralogical and numismatic collection.

The Stroganov family was known as the richest people. They often held charity dinners in the courtyard, to which all interested citizens could come. The Stroganovs kept a decent staff of servants; more than 600 service personnel are mentioned in historical documents.

Stroganov Palace: halls

The palace included fifty spacious halls skillfully decorated with stucco. .

Just like the palace, all the interiors were made in the Baroque style. High ceilings, the main hall with huge mirrors and sculptures, it seems huge and airy.

Its main attraction is the ceiling of extraordinary beauty, created by the famous Italian painter Giuseppe Valeriane from thirteen canvases that frame the colonnade and balustrades of extraordinary architectural beauty.

This is the only room that has been preserved in the Baroque style and has not been rebuilt. All other premises received a new design by the end of the 18th century, the author of the project was the architect Dementsov.

Dining rooms of the Stroganov Palace

The Stroganov Palace is made in the best canons of the Baroque style. In the dining halls of the palace, the half-setite will have the opportunity to see the places where representatives of the upper strata of that time dined. The visitor will see four halls made in different styles: classicism, baroque and rococo. Access to the halls ("Order", "Stamped", "Throne" halls and "Anteroom") is free for everyone. At this stage, the Russian Empire restaurant was opened there. This place will be a real find for those who want to feel like an emperor. The recipes were carefully restored from the books of the times of the Russian Empire.

Each hall is equipped with different dishes made of porcelain. The table is served in the best traditions of the Baroque with the help of gilded cutlery and crystal.

The spacious gallery contained a large number of paintings by famous artists Rembrandt, Botticelli, Van Dyck, Poussin and many others. The halls of the Public Library and the mineralogical room were decorated separately.

Mineralogical cabinet of the Stroganov Palace

The cabinet was designed by A.Voronikhin and is now considered an architectural masterpiece. It is known that Count Stroganov was a lover of books and collected minerals. Taking into account such hobbies, Vorokhin singled out the first tier for a huge collection of books, and the second for minerals.

The ceiling of the office was decorated with a plafond, and the floor was made of rare types of wood.

Time was cruelly treated in a miniralogical cabinet, in the 19th century they even made a billiard room out of it. However, by now, the cabinet has been completely restored to its original appearance. And it continues to amaze visitors with its grandeur.

Stroganov Palace inside: interiors

Toward the end of the 18th century, the palace began to be rebuilt, some of the interiors were changed following the new fashion trends in architectural fashion. The baroque splendor and pretentiousness of forms decreased. The Gallery of Mirrors was replaced by the Grand Dining Room. The interior began to look more spacious thanks to the mirror panels, which were placed between the semi-columns of the Ionic order.

The mineralogical cabinet is the final link of the Neva enfilade. It was considered a masterpiece of Russian architecture of that time. At first, only minerals were exhibited in it. Then it was supplemented by a huge collection of books. The cabinet was made in two tiered technique.

The first was decorated with bas-reliefs of the four elements in antique style, the second tier was supported by columns made of artificial marble. The dome was painted with perspective painting, which was supposedly made by P. Gonzago. Unfortunately, numerous leaks due to subsequent alterations damaged this painting. One of the best creations of Voronikhin is located in the eastern wing of the building. The art gallery, elegantly and delicately decorated, contained a huge number of paintings that occupied all the planes of the walls.

The paintings were collected for more than 40 years and framed with carved gilded baguettes. The walls were upholstered with silk, the columns were made of artificial marble, and expensive carved furniture was placed for the convenience of the guests.

Some of the chairs have been restored and are now on display. Also in the halls of the palace there is a collection of wax figures, which represents the Stroganov family, famous people of that time who took part in the construction and arrangement of the palace, as well as members of the royal family.

One of the hallmarks of St. Petersburg is the sphinxes. The Stroganovs were the very first of those established. They were placed at the front door.

Although at first they decorated the slopes to the water at the Stroganov dacha, built according to the project of A.N. Voronikhin on the banks of the Bolshaya Nevka River.

The fact that they really decorated this staircase leading to the water is evidenced by Voronikhin's oil painting “View of the Stroganov dacha”, they can be clearly seen there.

In 1908, the dacha was rebuilt, and the granite sphinxes moved and decorated the palace. Their author is unknown and they look rather naive, but it was after their appearance that granite guards began to appear throughout the city.

Building architecture

The design and construction of the palace, Sergei Grigorievich Stroganov entrusted Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. Which, already at that time was a famous court architect.

Although he never undertook the construction of private houses, an exception was made for the baron. The wealth and splendor of the Baroque style was visible in everything from the facade, generously decorated with stucco, elegant columns, sculptures, to the Stroganov family coat of arms in the form of two sables to the interior decoration.

The side facing the Moika was not so smart, but it looked elegant. Above the windows of the first floor, the architect placed medallions with ancient unknown profiles. Who it is has not yet been clarified. There is a hypothesis that it was Rastrelli himself who immortalized himself in this way.

Stroganov Palace, what to see outside and inside

Who lived in the Stroganov Palace?

  • Sergei Grigorievich Stroganov (1707-1756);
  • Alexander Sergeevich Stroganov (1736-1811);
  • Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganov (1772-1817);
  • Sofia Vladimirovna Stroganova (1775-1845);
  • Sergei Grigorievich Stroganov (1794-1882);
  • Sergei Alexandrovich Stroganov (1852-1923).

Myths and legends

  • Due to the fact that the castle was built so quickly, there were rumors among the people that an evil spirit came to the architect F. Shoot every night in a dream and threatened with reprisals if the construction time was delayed, this drove him crazy, and he became obsessed with the idea .
  • Due to the fact that it is not known for certain what purpose Count Stroganov used the secret rooms for, many legends have developed. One of them said that due to pressure from others, he began to have mental problems. And it was the basement that became the place where he could take out his anger and take a break from people.
  • The Stroganov Castle was built on the site of another after it had been set on fire. The story of the fire is still in doubt among many experts. There is an opinion that he himself set fire to the palace because of bad memories. On that day, his beloved left him, and in order to alleviate suffering, he decided to destroy what reminded her most of all - the palace.
  • There were legends about the superstition of the Stroganov family. Every Sunday at 12 o'clock candles were to be lit in the castle. Perhaps in this way they wanted to cleanse the family of the misdeeds that they had to commit.

Stroganov Palace: video

What are the excursions

The Stroganov Palace is part of the Russian Museum complex. The museum offers the following excursions:

Museum today

In the twenties of the last century, the museum activity of the Stroganov Palace was terminated and it was occupied by buildings for household purposes. And all the collections were transferred to the Hermitage. The interiors were also badly damaged, most of the priceless collections of paintings, books and minerals were lost. .

The Stroganov Palace in the very heart of St. Petersburg at the intersection of the Moika River with Nevsky Prospekt is undeservedly deprived of the attention of tourists. During last year's February holidays, we visited this palace and were delighted with the beauty of its interiors with a relatively small number of visitors on Sunday.

Stroganov Palace

At the end of the 18th century, according to the project of Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli, the Stroganov Palace was erected - an example of the Baroque style. According to some sources, the palace was built in record time - in just a month and a half, with a ready-made project. According to the project of Rastrelli, the interiors were also made, of which only one has survived to our time. But its beauty amazes everyone.
Baron Sergei Grigoryevich Stroganov, the first owner of the palace, occupied an extremely high position at court. The most famous owner of the palace was his son, Alexander Sergeevich Stroganov (1736-1811), an art connoisseur, philanthropist, president of the Academy of Arts.

The Stroganov Palace is also interesting because it always belonged to the same family. Seven generations of barons and counts Stroganovs were replaced in this palace from 1753 to 1918, when the palace was nationalized. For 70 years, it housed various organizations until the building was given to the museum in 1988. Restoration work on the facade and interiors was carried out until 2014, and today the palace appears in all its glory. The Stroganov Palace is part of the complex of the State Russian Museum.

Throughout the two hundred year history of the Stroganov Palace, its interiors have been remodeled several times. Among the 20 architects who worked on the interiors of the palace at different times were Andrey Voronikhin, Karl Rossi and many others.
The palace gained good fame due to free dinners, which were held in the courtyard of the palace.


I won’t bore you with history, let’s take a walk through the main halls of the palace and see the expositions.

A few words about the museum

The entrance to the museum is located from Nevsky Prospekt. It is interesting that you can buy one ticket to visit the Marble, Stroganov Palace and Mikhailovsky Castle. This will save you time and money. Another plus of the Stroganov Palace is that the museum is open on Mondays when most are closed. Day off at the Stroganov Palace on Tuesday.

It should be noted that the palace has a permanent exhibition “Russian Empire. Decorative and applied art during the reign of Emperor Alexander I (1801 - 1825).

The first interesting object in front of us is the main staircase. She looks rather modest. The original Rastrelli staircase has been redone for a long time and repeatedly. But at the top we are waiting for a magnificent restored ceiling.

The main staircase of the Stroganov Palace

The staircase is crowned with a ceiling.

Stroganov Palace

The main staircase leads to the anteroom, decorated in the Rococo style of the mid-19th century.


Dining room (or corner)

Immediately behind the front is the corner hall or dining room. In the 1790s, this room received a new finish, because the lush baroque interiors were no longer in fashion. Large mirrors throughout the room create the appearance of a huge space, the illusion is enhanced by floor chandeliers. The hall was recreated in 1999-2000 according to the surviving watercolors.

Corner living room

Corner living room

In a small hall there is a permanent exhibition.

Stroganov Palace

Stroganov Palace

Stroganov Palace

Arabesque living room

The arabesque living room is perhaps one of the most memorable rooms in the Stroganov Palace. The basis of the decoration of the living room is picturesque panels with grotesque images of the animal world, these are copies of the Vatican frescoes by Raphael and his students. The images above the entrance are copies of the images that adorned the Pompeian villa of Cicero.

Arabesque living room

Arabesque living room

Arabesque Hall

Arabesque Hall

Mineralogical cabinet

Mineralogical two-tier cabinet - a recognized masterpiece of architecture of the XVIII century, designed by Andrey Voronikhin. One tier was intended for exhibiting the library, the second for exhibiting minerals.

Mineralogical cabinet

Mineralogical cabinet

Since the building was built with the letter "G", for further inspection of the palace, it is necessary to return to the mirrored corner room.

Dance hall

The pearl of the palace is a large dance hall, designed by Rastrelli, the only interior of the great architect that has been preserved in St. Petersburg. The original purpose of the hall was for balls and concerts.

Dance hall

Dance hall

The unique plafond "The Adventure of a Hero" is by Giuseppe Valeriani (1750).

Art Gallery

The Stroganovs owned one of the best collections of paintings that today adorn the collections of the Russian Museum and the Hermitage.
The art gallery is one of the best interiors created by Andrey Voronikhin (late 18th-early 19th) century. The room consists, as it were, of three parts: a central one and two balconies at the beginning and end. The entire length of the gallery is 28 meters.

Art Gallery

Along the walls are long sofas, which were in this palace before the revolution.
The art historian Alexander Benois called this room the "Soul of the Stroganov Palace", because it was here that the collection of paintings was kept, which Alexander Sergeevich Stroganov had been collecting for 40 years.

Stroganov Palace

Fragment of the ceiling plafond.

Facade of the Stroganov Palace from Nevsky Prospekt.

The Stroganov Palace in St. Petersburg is a beautiful and only example of Russian baroque of the middle of the 18th century, preserved on. The architectural masterpiece, created by the great architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli, occupies a worthy place in the palace construction of that time, along with such creations as the Imperial Winter and Chancellery.

Historical reference

F. B. Rastrelli, the court architect of Empress Elizabeth, did not take private orders, but an exception was made for Baron S. G. Stroganov, and with the consent of the empress. How did the Stroganovs deserve the favor of the monarchs?

The Stroganov family of merchants and industrialists was fabulously rich. Coming from peasants who from ancient times lived on the lands of Veliky Ustyug (north-east of the Vologda Oblast), they owned salt, fish and fur trades, huge land plots, mining and factories, including metallurgical ones, in the Urals.

The foundation of a million-strong fortune was laid in the 15th century, and in 1558 the first Russian tsar, Ivan the Terrible, awarded the family with a diploma for the development of the territories of the Cis-Urals. Entire cities were built on the banks of the Kama and Chusovaya rivers, and the Stroganovs sought further - beyond the Urals, deep into Siberia. Using their right to have an armed squad, they equipped the campaign of Yermak, who won new lands for Russia.

During the Time of Troubles, the Stroganovs provided enormous material and military assistance to Tsar Vasily Shuisky. For this they received the title of "eminent people", which equated them with the nobility.

The last representative of the "eminent people" was a contemporary of Peter I Grigory Dmitrievich Stroganov. The only heir of the family at that time, who united the entire family fortune in his hands, he helped to successfully end the war with the Swedes with generous donations.

Family lore has preserved a funny episode that supposedly happened at a dinner party. Treating Peter I, dessert was served to him on a barrel filled with gold coins, and he was asked to consider the barrel as part of the treat. Among the facts:

  • two frigates built by G. D. Stroganov at the Voronezh shipyards during the Northern War were fully equipped and donated to the tsar;
  • the genuine joy and gratitude of the sovereign were so great that Grigory Dmitrievich was building two more warships at the Arkhangelsk shipyard and arming with cannons.

The merits of the Stroganovs before the throne were noted in the decree of Peter I of 1722, which granted the sons of G. D. Stroganov the baronial title. So the youngest son of an associate of the first Russian emperor, Baron Sergei Grigoryevich Stroganov, could well afford to build his own palace in the center of the capital and, being the chief chamberlain at the court of Empress Elizabeth, managed to obtain permission from the empress to entrust this construction to her favorite architect.

Rastrelli, pretty tired of the whims of Elizaveta Petrovna, who forced him to rebuild what he started many times, agreed to build a house for Stroganov, the rich man and favorite of the Empress, finally getting the opportunity to do everything to his liking, since the owner promised not to interfere in his work.

The result exceeded expectations: a light, elegant palace, built in the shortest possible time (1753-1754) on the Moika embankment, delighted the customer. The palace was also liked by the Empress, who was present at the housewarming ball. Soon a masquerade ball was held here on the occasion of the birth of her son Pavel, and then the celebration of the birthday of Elizaveta Petrovna herself.

The final completion of construction dates back to 1756. Sergei Stroganov did not live to see this day, the palace passes to his son Alexander, who in 1798 receives the title of count and is rightfully one of the most famous owners of the house on Nevsky Prospekt.

Now, few people know the merit of Alexander Sergeevich Stroganov in the construction of the majestic on Nevsky Prospekt. It was at his suggestion that Emperor Pavel approved in 1800 the project of A. N. Voronikhin, a little-known young talented architect at that time, the former serf of the Stroganovs, who received from the owners not only a free, but also an excellent education, including in Europe. Continuing the tribal tradition of erecting temples, A. S. Stroganov devoted the last 10 years of his life to the construction of the cathedral, heading a special commission, which often met in the Stroganov Palace.

The Stroganovs went down in history not only thanks to their untold wealth and devotion to the Russian crown, which they proved more than once in the diplomatic, state and military fields. First of all, they are famous as patrons, collectors, patrons of art masters. The palace contained some of the best collections of paintings, numismatics, rare books and minerals in Russia.

A. S. Stroganov collected a collection of paintings and sculptures for about forty years. Rembrandt, van Dyck, Guido Reni and Hubert Robert were represented in the art gallery of the Stroganov Palace. When he was president of the Academy of Arts, he used it as a classroom where students got acquainted with the history of Western European art and could copy the works of great artists.

In subsequent generations of the Stroganov dynasty, the most prominent personality was the statesman Sergei Grigoryevich Stroganov (1794-1882), known as the founder of the drawing school in Moscow - the famous Stroganovka, which still exists today. A connoisseur of painting and a passionate collector S. G. Stroganov continued to replenish the art gallery of the Stroganov Palace.

The Stroganov Palace also became famous for its brilliant balls, theatrical and musical evenings, rich receptions, which were attended by G. R. Derzhavin, D. G. Levitsky, N. I. Gnedich, D. S. Bortnyansky. Here, for the first time, D. I. Fonvizin read excerpts from The Brigadier, and I. A. Krylov read his fables.

Among the sculptures and fountains of the inner courtyard, tables were set, and any decently dressed citizen could dine here without hindrance. According to the legend, it was for the “open dinners” that the Stroganov cook invented a delicious dish that was divided into any number of servings, because the number of guests was not known in advance, and sometimes more than a hundred people were recruited! This dish - Beef Stroganoff (beef Stroganoff) - is popular all over the world today.

The Stroganov dynasty owned the palace until 1918.

After the October Revolution, the Stroganov Palace was nationalized and given to form the People's House-Museum in it, which lasted until 1929. Then the collections were disbanded, the exhibits were transferred to other museums or sold abroad, the library was received by Tomsk University, part of the art gallery moved to the Hermitage. At first, the building went to the Agricultural Academy, then other tenants appeared, led by Electromortrest.

Museum life revived in 1988 with the transfer of the palace. The ruined and dilapidated building required repair and restoration. Since 1992, the Stroganov Charitable Foundation, established on the initiative of Baroness Helen de Ludinghausen (Elena Stroganova, great-niece of the last Count S. A. Stroganov), has been helping to cope with these tasks since 1992.

Two suites of ceremonial halls were restored in the palace, the interiors of which were created by remarkable Russian architects of the past - A. N. Voronikhin, F. I. Demertsov, I. F. Kolodin, P. S. Sadovnikov.

Building architecture

The secret of the extraordinary speed of the construction of the palace is revealed simply: Rastrelli erected it on the foundations of former houses using the walls and vaults of the lower floors. During the construction of the L-shaped three-story building, the architect paid the main attention to the design of elegant facades overlooking Nevsky Prospekt and the Moika River embankment, and to the creation of the interior of the palace.

View of the Stroganov Palace from the Moika River.

The appearance of the palace has come down to us through the centuries without significant changes. An outstanding example of late baroque architecture is lavishly decorated with Italian-style decor elements: columns, sculpture, figured window trims, openwork wrought-iron lattices of balconies. The longer "Nevsky Facade" looks elegant and solemn, the facade from the side of the Moika is more modest, lighter, and more elegant. Both facades have three risalits: an expressive central one and two subordinate side ones, Rastrelli's favorite composition. A pediment with the coat of arms of the Stroganovs rises above the middle part: two sables hold a shield with the image of a bear's head. These symbols of Siberia inform about the role of ancestors in the development of the region, remind of the conquest of Siberia by Yermak, because among the organizers of his campaign were the Stroganovs.

On the second and third floors there were front and residential apartments of the owners, and the servants used the lower floor. By the time of the housewarming celebration, a building overlooking the Moika was built, and only seven halls were decorated: they danced in the Great Hall, three halls were set aside for playing cards and refreshments, but by the end of construction, the number of front rooms reached fifty.

Wishing to pay tribute to the architect, S. G. Stroganov ordered a portrait of Rastrelli and placed it in the most elegant room of the palace - in the Grand Ballroom. The author of the portrait is the famous Italian artist Pietro de Rotari, who was specially invited to St. Petersburg to create portraits of the Empress and members of the ruling family.

Thanks to Stroganov, who spent a lot of energy and money so that the painter, who briefly visited Russia, could paint a portrait of the architect, we now know what the brilliant Russian architect looked like in the heyday of his talent. But, perhaps, Rastrelli himself left his image on the walls of the palace for posterity. At a height of 4 meters from the base, the building is framed by a decorative belt, consisting of about fifty medallions with a noble male profile inside. A peculiar architectural decoration still causes controversy among historians: some believe that this is a bas-relief portrait of the owner of the house, while others are sure that this is the profile of Rastrelli himself ...

A strong fire that occurred in 1790 destroyed almost the entire interior of the palace, miraculously survived only one interior created by Rastrelli - the very dance hall where the portrait of the architect by Rotary was located.

The interiors after the fire were rebuilt by A. N. Voronikhin, P. S. Sadovnikov and other architects in the style of classicism. Two outbuildings were also built, forming a square with the main building. At the beginning of the 19th century, the appearance of the front facades also underwent some changes. Large statues were removed - allegories of the four parts of the world (Europe, Asia, America, Africa) and figures of Atlanteans supporting balconies.

Exposition and attractions

The exposition of the museum allows you to take a fascinating journey through the architectural history of the Stroganov Palace: from the baroque ballroom of Rastrelli to the exquisite classicist interiors of Voronikhin. The sights that arouse the constant interest and admiration of visitors, of course, include:

  • Large (128 sqm!) ballroom. This is the only authentic, and not recreated, interior of the main hall, made by Rastrelli in St. Petersburg. Tall beautifully decorated windows overlooking the Moika River are located in two tiers and occupy almost the entire wall, while narrow piers are filled with mirrors decorated with stucco floral ornaments. The western wall is literally permeated with light - this is a recognized find of the architect's design idea. From the stucco baroque pattern that adorns the other three walls, the figures of Atlanteans and caryatids seem to grow. They support the cornice encircling the perimeter of the hall, and the balconies, near which cupids lurk with garlands of white flowers. The decoration of the hall is complemented by parquet made of exotic wood species: sandalwood, boxwood, lemon and plane trees, as well as The picturesque ceiling "Triumph of the Hero". Canvas area 125 sq. meters - a unique work of the outstanding Italian decorator, the founder of Russian theater painting Giuseppe Valeriani, the only surviving original work of his brush.
  • Mineralogical cabinet - a masterpiece of Russian architecture of the 18th century - completes the Neva enfilade. A. N. Voronikhin made the room two-tiered: at the bottom he placed a library, and at the top a collection of minerals of Count A. S. Stroganov. The first tier is decorated with four bas-reliefs depicting the elements of fire, water, earth and air. The second tier is supported by columns lined with artificial marble. The spherical dome, unusual for a living space, and the painting of its vaults create the feeling of being in a temple of art and science.
  • Permanent exhibition "Russian Empire". In the historical restored interiors of the palace, of which the Main Dining Room, the Arabesque Drawing Room, the room in the style of hunting cabinets of English castles are especially impressive, arts and crafts from the era of Alexander I (the first quarter of the 19th century) are presented. Products decorated with allegories, symbols and antique ornaments are products of the Imperial Porcelain Factory.

Today, the tradition of musical evenings has been revived in the palace. "Musical Thursdays" are held in the Grand Ballroom, the concerts are preceded by a short sightseeing tour of the interiors of the palace.

Temporary exhibitions from the funds of the Russian Museum are periodically held in the halls of the first floor, part of the premises below are reserved for the wax museum and the Chocolate Museum.

Where is it located and how to get there

The Stroganov Palace is located in the city center at the intersection of Nevsky Prospekt and the Moika River Embankment at the address:

St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 17 / Moika Embankment, 46.

The nearest metro stations Nevsky Prospekt, Admiralteyskaya or Gostiny Dvor are within walking distance.

Buses No. 3, 22, 27, 49, K212 and trolleybuses No. 5, 22 also go here. Ground transport stops Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street or Nevsky Prospekt Metro Station.

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