The story of the life and tragic death of the Russian clairvoyant and medium Ilona Novoselova. A witch with a broken heart - the secrets of the deceased Ilona Novoselova Knew the date of her death


The Investigative Committee clarified that during the inspection of the scene, the investigators did not find any visible traces indicating the criminal nature of the death of Ilona Novoselova.


At the same time, law enforcement officers restored the approximate course of events. "After drinking alcohol in the evening in the company of her young man, the girl quarreled with him and jokingly climbed onto the balcony railing to scare the man. But she could not resist and fell down," a law enforcement source quoted RIA Novosti as saying. It is also reported that Ilona's mother was present at the incident.

Meanwhile, psychic Daria Voskoboeva said that such a sad end for Novoselova was expected. "In the format in which she used her abilities, it only said that the person was lonely, afraid and protected by such aggressive techniques. You know when a person uses her abilities for the wrong (and we often noticed that she did this , she talked about it, stated), then, unfortunately, this is natural. If you use it, then the result, as they say, is this, "Voskoboeva said in an interview with reporters.

At the same time, Daria admitted that she perceived Ilona as a child. “For me personally, humanly, Ilona gave the impression of such a confused, lonely, unhappy child who jumped into the pool with his head and was confused,” the psychic expressed her opinion.

The most interesting thing is that Voskoboeva did not personally know Novoselova. But he "could not have known about her," since they "are moving in the same stream," and Daria followed her work, REN TV reports.

Recall that the finalist of the show "The Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova died the day before, on June 13, after falling from the window of the sixth floor of one of the houses on the Enthusiasts Highway in eastern Moscow.

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Finalist of the Russian version of the show "Battle of Psychics", falling out of the sixth floor window in Moscow.

Participant of the TV show "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova died in Moscow. The girl fell out of the window of the apartment, according to a source in the emergency services of the capital.

According to the publication, the clairvoyant fell from a height of 6 floors. According to one version, before her death, she had a conflict with her lover: the young man wanted to return to his homeland in Chelyabinsk, and Novosyolova did not share his desire.

"Novoselova's body was found under the window of her rented apartment on the sixth floor with injuries typical of a fall from a great height," a department spokeswoman said.

She drank beer, called her mother, and when she arrived, she stood on the windowsill and began to talk about death. Since the relatives were accustomed to the excessive emotionality of the clairvoyant, they did not attempt to stop her. They could not even think that Ilona would fall.

“People don’t fall off the sixth floor just like that. I don’t dare to make any conclusions, but after participating in the Battle of Psychics, popularity fell on her, maybe she couldn’t cope with it, it’s also not so easy to endure ... ”, - said Sergey Safronov.

Ilona was known not only as a psychic. Very often, real scandals flared up on the Web - Novoselova repeatedly sued the NTV company, which released a program that Ilona is a man. According to information from TV, Ilona changed her gender at the age of 18. Before that, the girl was allegedly a man. The court, according to Ilona herself, she won. The girl proved that all this dirty transfer is just nonsense. Moreover, in one of the videos, she urges not to watch this channel anymore, since only “ordered” is released there.

According to one of the residents of the house, she often quarreled with the young man Artem Besov and her mother.

“Ilona and her boyfriend moved here two years ago. They regularly had scandals, they often drank alcohol. Could throw dishes at him in the stairwell. In general, she was a good person. Mom did not live with them, occasionally she only came - she checked them. I was at that moment at home, I heard screams. It all happened at three in the afternoon, ”said Ilona’s neighbor on the landing.

Vlad Kadoni and Ilona Novoselova together took part in the mystical show "The Battle of Psychics". However, they were not friends, but competed. And even before the death of Elon, Vlad did not reconcile. Nevertheless, Kadoni spoke about Novoselova without aggression.

“The last years of her life were a real hell. It all started after the persecution that the media gave her regarding her past. Naturally, she began to have serious problems, even problems with her personal life are understandable. Apparently, she was sitting in the depths that if not him, then no one else. Ilona was very much afraid of loneliness. Plus, she experienced a lot, in addition to everything her profession, in which she allowed herself a lot. All this led to this result. I'm really sorry. I hope that her soul will find peace,” Kadoni said.

Yulia Ivanova, senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, confirmed the discovery of the body on the Entuziastov Highway. She noted that there were no visible traces testifying to the criminal nature of the girl's death.

Ilona Novoselova gained fame after participating in the sixth and seventh seasons of the show "The Battle of Psychics", as well as in the program "Psychics are investigating."

A participant in the show “The Battle of Psychics”, the black witch Ilona Novoselova was found dead under the windows of a house on the Enthusiasts Highway on June 13 - the psychic fell from the balcony of the sixth floor, having quarreled with a young man Artem Besov. Many viewers sympathized with Novoselova, who was known as one of the most scandalous participants in the program. The young woman often allowed herself ambiguous antics and could express herself obscenely, which attracted the attention of the public. There were also rumors on the Web that Novoselova underwent a sex change operation. It's no secret that 29-year-old Ilona was a transsexual. She was born on November 2, 1987 as a boy, whom his parents named Andrei. Ilona fell in love with viewers thanks to her participation in the rating project "Battle of Psychics". The Tenacious Witch was a contestant on the show's sixth and finalist seasons.

But another psychic, Ziraddin Rzayev, was friends with Novoselova. He spoke of Ilona very warmly, calling her a little girl.

Everyone said she was aggressive, in fact, she just looked like that. She was in life like a little girl, like a child. Ilona was very kind, clear and open. We worked with Ilona in a pair: she is my best partner of all. Ilona treated me very respectfully, she was well-mannered, she did not break through energy. We had a good tandem. I believe that this is a loss for the psychic world, - Rzayev concluded.

Anastasia, a friend of Ilona Novoselova, also described the deceased positively.

For me, he was a good person who will always help in any way he can, one of the few who was remembered for a lifetime. She helped someone, maybe she did something badly, because such a profession, but for relatives and friends she remains a good person, ”REN TV quotes a friend of Ilona.

According to Novoselova's colleague Marilyn Kerro, she was not at all going to die ahead of time.

She showed herself stronger than she is. She loved her boyfriend very much. We recently got into a fight. She always said that it's too early to die, - Kerro said fragmentarily.

Igor Gornostaev, a participant in the seventh season of the mystical show, shared his memories of a colleague who died tragically. According to him, Novoselova had some problems from birth.

This was to be expected. She had problems from birth, because of this the question arose with the definition of sex. Of course, we are all mortal. I recently stopped using psychic abilities and even got baptized. Because when you have to communicate with the other world, it does not lead to good. During the project, Ilona and I were on friendly terms. After the end of the Battle of Psychics, we did not keep in touch with her. I only heard rumors that it was not easy for her. She came to the project quite young, and after that huge popularity fell on her, they began to make appointments with her. Of course, when she began to accept 10 people, it took a lot of effort. She didn’t seem like a strong psychic to me,” Igor Gornostaev told StarHit.

StarHit contacted the illusionist and host of the Battle of Psychics program Sergei Safronov. The showman said that he was not closely acquainted with Ilona Novoselova, but she stood out from other participants in the show.

It's just that people don't fall off the sixth floor. She, of course, was a bright, unusual, memorable participant in the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics. There were many rumors about her, for example, that she allegedly changed her sex. Sometimes I saw her in scandalous news bulletins. In general, I don’t intersect with psychics after the project, I don’t talk even after filming. However, I saw that she was a rather reserved person. I don’t dare to draw any conclusions, but after participating in the Battle of Psychics, popularity fell on her, maybe she couldn’t cope with it, it’s also not so easy to endure ... As I could see, Ilona was a rather unbalanced person, you never know what could have happened - maybe alcohol is involved or some illegal substances. I didn’t see her at any parties, only one can draw conclusions about the events in her life from social networks, ”Sergey Safronov told StarHit.

The journalists also got to Ilona's neighbors. Those noted that Novoselova was very scandalous.

Ilona and her boyfriend moved here two years ago. They regularly had scandals, they often drank alcohol. Could throw dishes at him in the stairwell. In general, she was a good person. Mom did not live with them, occasionally she only came - she checked them. I was at that moment at home, I heard screams. It all happened at three o'clock in the afternoon, - one neighbor said.

Another resident of the house spoke about the strange behavior of Ilona.

She kind of cursed this house. It was often said about her that she makes noise at night, goes into a trance or something. This was discussed in a chat at home. It is possible that she was sick with something, another neighbor of the deceased girl said.

Information appeared in the Russian media that Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the 6th and 7th seasons of the popular television show "Battle of Psychics", died in Moscow yesterday.

This is stated in the message Life.

As an eyewitness told reporters, the tragedy happened on the Enthusiasts Highway - a 29-year-old girl fell out of a sixth-floor window.

According to correspondents of another Russian media outlet, on the eve of Novoselova, she quarreled with her boyfriend. The young man decided to go home to Chelyabinsk, but Ilona was against it. The psychic called her mother and asked her to come. Accustomed to her daughter's irascible character, the woman tried to calm her down, and when after a while she went into another room, she heard a strange sound. Novoselova fell from the balcony onto the visor of the dental clinic and died.

It was also reported that the girl used alcohol on the day of the tragedy.

As Ilona herself claimed, her “gift” manifested itself at the age of 10. She saw the silhouette of her dead grandmother next to her mirror image. Since then, she began to "communicate with the dead." As Novoselova said, her paternal grandmother was a witch, and her maternal grandmother was a healer.

From the age of 12, the girl developed her gift and at 14 she was already able to recognize people's illnesses and "talk with the dead." At 17, Ilona came to understand that her mission was to help people.

At the age of 19, the girl experienced severe emotional stress due to separation from her beloved. She almost committed suicide, but it was at that moment that the spirits informed her that she had been granted magical power. By the age of 30, according to Novoselova, her abilities had reached their peak.

Note that recently, Russian actor Vasily Stepanov tried to commit suicide by throwing himself from a window on the fifth floor.

Ilona Novoselova was first seen by the audience on the TV show "Battle of Psychics". The bright brunette was remembered for her sharp attacks against skeptics and unpredictable behavior. Nevertheless, the hereditary witch, as she called herself, found many admirers. Because the sudden psychic was a shock to many.

Novoselova was born in November 1987 near the capital, in Pavlovsky Posad. At the age of 8, the girl went to school, where she immediately developed a strained relationship with teachers and classmates. Ilona kept herself "a mansion" and did not contact the guys. It got to the point that my mother had to pick up her 12-year-old daughter from school and transfer her to home schooling.

The biography of Ilona Novoselova is exclusively her version of reality. As the heroine herself claimed, her “gift” manifested itself at the age of 10. She saw the silhouette of her dead grandmother next to her mirror image. Since then, Ilona began to "communicate with the dead." As Novoselova said, her paternal grandmother was a witch, and her maternal grandmother was a healer.

The outrageous brunette said that with the help of her extraordinary abilities, she saw herself in the past. The girl's name was Eleanor, and in a past life she allegedly lived in Germany in the 18th century.

From the age of 12, Novoselova developed a gift and at 14 she already recognized people's illnesses and "spoke with the dead." At 17, Ilona came to understand that her mission was to help people.

At the age of 19, the girl experienced severe emotional stress due to separation from her beloved. Ilona almost committed suicide, but at that moment the spirits reported that she had been granted witchcraft power. By the age of 30, according to Novoselova, her abilities had reached their peak. To gain new knowledge, Ilona traveled to different parts of the country, where she got acquainted with new esoteric practices.

"The fight of extrasensories"

A young sorceress from Pavlovsky Posad appeared on the screens in 2008. Then the 6th season of the project "The Battle of Psychics" was released. Loudly declaring herself, Novoselova unexpectedly left the show. Ilona explained her departure by the fact that she received a strict ban from the spirits on testing abilities.

Ilona Novoselova in the show "Battle of psychics"

However, in 2009, the jury and the audience were surprised to see Novoselova again. She arrived for the 7th season of the project and this time reached the final.

The woman repeatedly shocked those present and spectators with sharp attacks when what was happening annoyed her with something. Used the witch and profanity during the shooting. At the same time, the medium showed considerable success in all competitions. Perhaps the failure happened only in one test, when it was necessary to find a child who was hidden in the park.

Permanent "magic attributes" with which Ilona Novoselova did not part on the set were a dried roe deer shoulder, cards and a colorful scarf. Also, the sorceress used rituals and conspiracies, while not at all embarrassed by the camera.

The participant of the show from the very beginning of the project was among the recognized leaders. But according to the results of the vote, the audience gave the championship not to her, but. Nevertheless, the project brought fame to Novoselova. The number of clients of the sorceress has multiplied many times.

Ilona Novoselova in the show "Psychics are investigating"

Later, the sorceress participated in the Psychics Investigate project, where she worked with her colleagues to solve crimes in which law enforcement agencies were powerless. Psychics also helped ordinary people in solving life problems. One of the mediums with whom Ilona was comfortable cooperating was.

Personal life

Even during the project, rumors began to circulate in social networks that Ilona Novoselova was a man. Then her psychic colleagues also started talking about it, who were embarrassed by the fact that the woman did not know how to stay on her heels at all. Later, rumors spread that Novoselov used to be called Andrey. Allegedly, the guy changed his gender and began to be called Ilona. Photos of the sorceress taken before the sex change even appeared on the Web. In her interview, the psychic called all these rumors the machinations of envious competitors.

The girl was credited with an affair with a medium who came from Samara to conquer Moscow. By that time, Ilona was already known in certain circles. The girl helped her lover with advice and advice. As a result, Alexander became the winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics. Later, the paths of psychics diverged. Alexander began to meet with.

In 2014, social networks started talking about the kidnapping of Novoselova and demanding a ransom for her in the amount of 7.5 million rubles. In the entrance of her own house, Ilona was stolen not alone, but together with her ex-boyfriend Oleg Petrov. But soon Novoselova returned home alive and unharmed. Four thieves were arrested. Two of them were previously hired by Ilona herself to renovate the apartment. Young people received terms from 7 to 15 years in prison.

The personal life of Ilona Novoselova is a closed topic. All questions were answered promptly. It is only known that since 2015, Ilona met with Artem Besov. The young man assured the public that he was engaged in black magic. Probably, a quarrel with a loved one was the cause of the tragedy.


In memory of Ilona Novoselova, TNT showed the release of the Battle of the Strongest program, which was the last for the sorceress. In the program, the girl investigated the suicide of a young man along with colleagues and.


  • Season 7 "Battles of Psychics"
  • "Psychics are investigating"

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