How many pieces does the world's largest puzzle consist of? What puzzle is considered to be the largest on the planet? The biggest puzzle in the world.


Puzzle is a very useful, exciting, interesting and exciting activity for people of all ages, from children to the elderly. It can be the right gift that will allow you to have fun and interesting to spend your free time. It is especially necessary for children who have nowhere to direct their energy. This is a great way to try to assemble a picture on your own, while training memory, attention and quick wits. So what is the puzzle in the world at the moment?

In addition, the puzzle is able to provide a pleasant pastime for both the company of children and adults. You can add zest to the game by establishing a rule such as collecting a puzzle for a while. This will allow children to have even more fun in their free time.

At the moment, different types of puzzles are available: horizontal and vertical, with large fragments and small ones, and they also differ in area. The theme for it can be anything, from landscapes and paintings by famous artists to scenes from films or cartoons. To date, the biggest puzzle is a picture, consisting of 74,000 pieces. In order to collect such a masterpiece, you will have to spend a lot of personal time.

1. Disney-themed puzzle - 74,000 pieces.

2. Puzzle on the subject of Albrecht Dürer's painting "Self-portrait in a fur coat", 20 × 15 m in size.

3. Painting "Life" for 24 thousand elements.

In 2016, a young student from Denmark, who is a big jigsaw lover, set the record for solving the biggest jigsaw puzzle in the world. She collected more than 74,000 small elements, which together formed two very impressive paintings.

But the largest puzzle assembled by this girl has approximately 40,320 pieces and has the following dimensions: 6.8 meters long and 1.92 meters wide. It has ten different stories, each featuring a different Disney cartoon character. Here you can see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Peter Pan, Mickey Mouse, Mowgli, Beauty and the Beast, Dumbo the elephant and other fairy tale characters so adored by young children.

It took the young girl over 470 hours to put together this stunning and amazing puzzle. In order to simplify her task at least a little, she divided each of the sectors into parts, so as not to get confused later in assembling the puzzle. After work began, it was completed two months later.

In addition to the puzzle, which was dedicated to the favorite cartoons of our childhood, the girl took up the assembly of another panoramic picture, which depicted all kinds of wild animals. As the girl admitted, if we compare the previous work, which combined several Disney cartoons with the last work, then the latter was much harder. And all because the last picture is dominated by the presence of all sorts of tiny details and bright colors.

Thanks to perseverance and hard work, the girl has collected a record puzzle, which consists of ten classic scenes from her favorite Disney cartoons. All of them are separated from each other by fancy stars. Now this wonderful puzzle with the plots of her favorite cartoons decorates her living room.

In 2012, the largest puzzle in the world at that time was assembled, which measured 20 × 15 m. Its creation was timed to coincide with the celebration of the Year of Germany in Russia. It was a reproduction of the world-famous German painter Albrecht Dürer's "Self-Portrait in a Fur Coat". This complex composition was alternately folded in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg and other cities. The average speed of collecting this picture was exactly three hours. This puzzle consisted of 1,023 pieces, each weighing about 800 g and measuring 70 x 70 cm. This amazing activity resulted in an amazing picture that brought together many people to create it.

Miracle out of nothing. Perhaps this is how mosaic art can be characterized. We offer seven places that will surprise even the most sophisticated traveler.

Park Guell, Barcelona

Antonio Gaudí was a great fan of composing compositions from fragments of glass and ceramics. It is he who is considered the author of the world's first work of rubbish: the architect asked the workers from the surrounding construction sites to bring him fragments of tiles and broken dishes. This is how the famous staircase of Park Güell, the mosaic benches in the form of a sea serpent and the motley salamander, which has become a symbol of Barcelona, ​​appeared. And the ceiling of the “Hall of a Hundred Columns” is made from former bottles for rose water.

Mosaics in Ravenna, Sicily

In the 5th-6th century, when Ravenna was the capital of the Western Roman Empire and again returned to the Byzantine Empire, the very mosaics that impress us to this day were created. Compositions of colored glass, smalt, semi-precious stones and marble in the basilicas of Sant'Apollinare in Classe and San Vitale illustrate church dogma through the symbols of the Holy Scriptures. The third must-see point in Ravenna is the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo.

Mosaics of Madaba, Jordan

Madaba was called the "city of mosaics" - from the moment the Byzantine masters began to decorate Christian churches with them. The first step is to go to the Church of St. George, where an ancient map of the Holy Land with Jerusalem in the center is laid out on the floor. Be sure to look at the mosaics in the Church of the Blessed Virgin and the floor panel "Incarnation of the Sea" on the ruins of the Church of the Apostles.

Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural Project, Vietnam

The largest ceramic mosaic in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural Project, its area is 1,570.2 sq.m. The idea belonged to journalist and artist Nguyen Tu Tui. Images illustrating Vietnamese history, contemporary art and children's drawings have replaced the graffiti that crisscrossed the Hong Ha (Red River) dam. The three-year project was completed by Hanoi's millennium. In total, 35 Vietnamese and 10 artists from other countries worked on the 4-kilometer mosaic.

Villa del Casale

The vast ancient Roman villa, built in the early 4th century in Sicily, became famous for its perfectly preserved mosaics, which are part of the design of almost every room. The hit of the collection is sports girls in bikinis: their CrossFit program included ball games, discus throwing, running with dumbbells and other less accepted activities now. Recently, the villa was included in the UNESCO Heritage List.

Friday Mosque, Iran

The walls of the ancient cathedral mosque of the city of Yazd (XII-XIV centuries) are almost completely covered with mosaics - both inside and outside. Perhaps it was for this that the architectural monument was placed on a banknote of 200 rials. Particularly impressive is the highest minaret in Iran (48 m), decorated with small tile ornaments.

House Picassette, France

One day, a resident of the town of Chartres, Raymond Isidore, was walking down the street and saw pieces of broken glass and dishes lying around. Thus began his passion for mosaics, and over the course of a quarter of a century, he decorated every surface of his property with unusual paintings, including furniture, floors and ceilings, garden and patio. The author even received the nickname "Picasso of plates" (Picasso de l "assiette), from which the name of the house came from.

Miracles of incredible perseverance were demonstrated by Amanda Warrington, a 50-year-old resident of the British city of Bristol. A woman was the first to assemble the world's largest puzzle.

The painting titled Life: The Great Challenge was given to Amanda by her sister. The puzzle has dimensions of 428×157 cm and consists of 24,000 elements arranged in packages of 6,000 pieces. The weight of the puzzle in the box is about 12 kg. The author of the picture is the famous puzzle designer Royce B. McClure. The world's largest puzzle is produced by the Spanish company Eduka, which received a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records. Anyone can buy Life: The Great Challenge and try their hand at folding it. You can buy the game in the Amazon online store for $292.

Amanda picked up and put the pieces together only after a day of work, which she spent in the service in the Department of Work and Pensions, and on weekends. At this pace, the assembly of the puzzle dragged on for 17 months. But the woman herself admits that she was in no hurry, the process itself brought pleasure to her.

The hardest part, according to Warrington, was not so much finding puzzles that fit together, but gluing them onto the same base. This had to be done in the largest room in the house, the living room. It is here that now hangs a huge picture, which depicts hundreds of living beings, planets and other objects. To date, hundreds of people have put together this puzzle.

You can make sure that Life: The Great Challenge is really the biggest puzzle in the world on the project website:

Puzzles are very different, large and small, complex and simple. But the purpose of collecting each is to get a single picture from the individual elements. The classic number of pieces in a small puzzle is 54. What are the biggest puzzles?

The record for the number of pieces in the puzzle was set by the German company Ravenburger. On September 1, 2010, the company released a puzzle for free sale in Europe, which consists of exactly 32,000 and 256 pieces. This truly gigantic puzzle is based on illustrations by New York-based artist Keita Haring. The cardboard puzzle has become the largest in history. Thus, the previous leader (this is the Eduka record, the Life - The Great Challenge puzzle, which will consist of 24 thousand elements) did not last even five years on the podium.

ambiguous look

The consumer was able to see on the shelves of the Ravenburger giant "Double Retrospect", and this is the name of the largest puzzle (the name is translated as "An ambiguous look into the past"), already in 2011. Initially, the retail price of the puzzle was about three hundred euros. Now "Double Retrospect" can be found at a better price.

So what is the record holder called "Double Retrospect". It is worth starting with the fact that the picture consists of exactly thirty-two fragments that do not depend on each other. The cut elements are placed in eight packages. It turns out that in each bag there are over four thousand details. Such sorting, on the one hand, should significantly simplify the process of assembling the puzzle. However, in practice it is not so simple. After all, the color palette of the picture is not so diverse. If you forget about the standard black and white colors, there are only six colors in the Ambiguous Look into the Past illustration.

17 kg monster

It's scary to imagine what will happen if all 32 thousand parts similar in color and shape are mixed in one heap. But in each fragment of the mosaic, only three colors are represented. That is, the patient owner of the record-breaking puzzle will have to collect fragments separately from each other, and then dock. And here we should not forget that to collect the final picture of "Double Retrospect" you will need a separate and rather large room. Indeed, as a result of the collection, the cardboard sheet will have impressive dimensions - almost ten and a half square meters. The overall dimensions of the image itself are 5.44 meters by 1.93 meters. That is, before you take on the biggest puzzle and start to defeat your own and the surrounding imagination, you need to clear the whole bedroom or living room under the fragments. Moreover, the rooms will have to be emptied literally clean, that is, remove furniture and carpets, as well as lock the room with additional locks so that children or animals do not accidentally destroy the creation. By the way, the box itself, together with the puzzle, weighs about seventeen kilograms.

Reviews of puzzle lovers about the mosaic-monster "Double Retrospect" are ambiguous. Undoubtedly, there is considerable interest in huge puzzles, since no one has yet been able to offer the buyer such a large canvas. On the other hand, those who like to kill their free time by intellectually assembling pictures are conservative people who choose illustrations and the size of puzzles in order to decorate rooms with them later. And the dimensions of Double Retrospect, coupled with the avant-gardism of Keith Haring, are more suitable not for a cozy home, but for an underpass in an overcrowded metropolis. Therefore, there have been repeated reviews that the puzzle is excellent, not so expensive, but the picture is too original.

One way or another, there are a lot of people who want to collect the biggest puzzle. And here it is especially worth noting the action that took place in the fall of 2010 in the Spanish city of Daimiel. There, a group of enthusiasts set about assembling the Ambiguous View. The team consisted of thirteen members. They managed to assemble the picture in just 82 hours 30 minutes and 40 seconds. Moreover, the process could be observed by people in any corner of the planet - the activity of the puzzle lovers was broadcast on the Internet in real time.

The biggest puzzle

Speaking of the giant jigsaw puzzle, it's worth mentioning the artist Keith Haring, who donated the plot for Double Retrospect. Born in Pennsylvania in 1958, he studied graphic design in Pittsburgh before moving to New York at age 19 and becoming heavily influenced by the street graffiti movement. The first solo exhibition of Keith Haring was held in 1982 in New York. As a gay man who earned his living through art, the artist led a rather bohemian lifestyle. Among his friends were famous people, for example, Madonna and Andy Warhol. Keith died of AIDS in 1990. He was only 31 years old. But he remained a symbol of American visual street culture in the 80s of the last century.

Great Challenge

But the previous record holder consisted of 24 thousand parts. The box of Life: The Great Challenge puzzles weighed 12 kilograms. When folded, the mosaic was four meters long and one and a half meters wide. The image was created by artist Royce B. McClure, who provided over 100 illustrations for the mosaics. According to the artist himself, the most difficult task in preparing a plot is to fill in the voids on a huge canvas. However, nothing new had to be invented for Life. The illustration was compiled from various well-known works of the author.

Durer puzzle

In the box, the parts of a huge puzzle are arranged in bags: six thousand pieces in each of the four bags. Thematically, the mosaic is divided into four parts, which together form a single whole. According to avid puzzle lovers, it will take at least 150 hours to collect the former record holder.

According to some reports, the first to assemble the giant puzzle "Life: The Great Challenge" was a family of four from the California city of Sacramento. The creation, which took 34 days, they presented on June 16, 2007. They assembled the puzzle without mixing the contents of all packages. The first record after mixing all 24 thousand parts was set by Josie Williams from the South African city of Pretoria. He assembled Life in 295 hours in 2008.
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A puzzle is a riddle that you want to solve as soon as possible. This is such a kind of challenge: can you solve the puzzle? Fascinating entertainment requires perseverance and attention. You also need enough space for the finished picture and a lot of free time. Many of us have tried our strength in collecting puzzles - 500, 1000, 5000 pieces ... And how many pieces does the world's largest puzzle contain?

"Life: The Great Challenge"

The heavy box, which contains 24 thousand parts, contains a picture of the following parameters:

  • width - 1.5 meters;
  • length - 4 meters.

This giant was released by the Spanish company Educa. The author of the image was the artist Royce B. McClure, who created over a hundred images in his life, which became puzzles. As he himself says, the most difficult thing in creating a puzzle of such impressive size is filling in the voids. However, there were no special problems with "Life" - other works of the author became the basis of the puzzle.

The parts are packaged in four bags, each contains 6000 pieces. Each package contains a separate plot, adding up all four elements you can get a single whole. Of course, it is easier to assemble the puzzle piece by piece - this can take about 150 hours of continuous assembly. Or you can complicate the task and mix all 24 thousand elements into one big pile. But in this case, the process of assembling such a large puzzle can drag on indefinitely. The puzzle comes with a special glue.

It is worth envying the courage and dedication of a resident of Pretoria, located in South Africa, Josie Williams, who mixed all the details with an unwavering hand and set to work. Almost three hundred hours had passed before the collection of the picture.

I must say that she is not the only one who managed to put together the whole picture. Before her, this feat was accomplished by a family of four. It took the people of Sacramento, California a little over a month to put together the epic puzzle. But they put the puzzle piece by piece - each package separately. The last detail was added to the painting on June 16, 2007.

If you are interested in such a puzzle, but you are not ready to repeat such a peculiar feat, Educa offers you reduced copies of 3000 pieces. In addition, each of the four parts of "Life" can be purchased separately. Impressed? And meanwhile, this is not the biggest puzzle in the world.

The largest puzzle in the world consists of 32,000 pieces. The author of the illustration for the puzzle was Keith Haring, an artist living in America. When you open the box, you will see eight packages, each containing 4,000 parts. Putting them together, you will find a canvas consisting of more than thirty fragments independent of each other. The complexity of the assembly lies in the fact that the color scheme of each element is not rich. In total, the picture uses six colors, not counting black and white. Imagine what happens if you mix all 32,000 similar pieces of the puzzle. In fact, to assemble a puzzle, you need to join 32 elements together, each of which consists of a thousand elements.

In order to put the picture together, a puzzle lover will need a rather large room - the dimensions of the finished work:

  • width - 1.92 meters;
  • length - 5, 44 meters.

The total weight of the box with the puzzle is 17 kilograms.

Favorite hobby

There are a lot of people who want to assemble the world's largest puzzle. Five years ago, in the autumn, a special event took place in the city of Daimiel, located in Spain. A group of three dozen people began assembling the Double Retrospective. It took the enthusiasts 82 hours 30 minutes and 40 seconds to assemble the whole puzzle. Thanks to the online broadcast of the work of these people, in real time, those who wish could watch from any corner of the planet.

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