Iso theme new year. Summary of GCD on fine arts in the middle group on the topic: New Year


Subject: New Year and its features.

Lesson objectives: to acquaint children with the history and traditions of the New Year holiday in different countries; learn the names of Santa Clauses in different countries of the world; develop clear and well-delivered speech; cultivate love for the traditions of their people.

Planned results: learn the history and traditions of the holiday, remember the names of Santa Clauses in different countries; give correct and complete answers.

Equipment: multi-colored crayons, cards with tasks for the material covered.

Preliminary work: decorate the class in the New Year's style, prepare task cards.

Lesson plan:

I. organizational part.

II. Reinforcing a previous topic. Checking homework.

III. Notification of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. New material.

v. Fizkultminutka.

VI. Consolidation.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

VIII. House. exercise.

During the classes

I. Organization of the class, checking the readiness for the lesson. The children read the quatrain in unison.

The lesson starts
He will go to the guys for the future.
I'll try to understand everything
Interesting to know.

II. Consolidate students' knowledge of the previous topic. Check homework.

III. Introduce the topic and objectives of the lesson. Today we will hold an unusual lesson (if possible, decorate the class in a New Year's theme). Look around. Do you like how our class is decorated? What do you think, what holiday are we talking about today? That's right, the topic of today's lesson is "New Year and its features." We will talk about this long-awaited holiday, which is loved by both adults and children. We learn his story, where he came to us from. Let's remember New Year's traditions and many more interesting things.

IV. Learning new material. The teacher reads the poem "New Year" by N. Naidenova.

Frequent forest,
Blizzard field
The winter holiday is upon us.
So let's say together:
"Hello, hello, New Year!"
Smells like fresh tar again
We gathered at the tree
Our tree is dressed up
The lights on her lit up.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
There are masks here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together
Hello, hello New Year!

Guys, who came up with this fun holiday and where did it come from? In ancient times, our ancestors celebrated it on March 1. People lit the lights on the Christmas trees in the form of candles, with the hope of a good harvest in the new year. When the people adopted the Christian faith, the holiday was moved to the first day of autumn - September. And only in 1700, by decree of Tsar Peter I, it was customary to celebrate the New Year on January 1.

What New Year traditions of our people do you know about? The main tradition is the decoration of the Christmas tree. This green beauty is dressed up with balls, garlands, luminous lanterns, cones, sweets, toys. The tree is a symbol of the New Year holiday. Another tradition is to fireworks at 12 o'clock at night, it is at this time that everyone wishes each other happiness in the new year. It is also customary to celebrate this holiday with your family. Adults and children put on beautiful clothes and carnival masks and have fun near the elegant Christmas tree. They sing songs, dance, play games and eat delicious meals at the table.

And who can tell how the New Year is celebrated in other countries?

In England, people open the back door to the sound of the clock so that all bad weather leaves the house, and with the last blow they open the front doors and let good luck, prosperity, and health come in.

The Hungarian people at midnight loudly play pipes, whistles, horns. They believe that it helps to expel evil spirits from the house.

Germans of all ages climb onto chairs, sofas, armchairs and, with the onset of the holiday, jump to the floor. They say it helps you jump into the new year clean and sinless.

Italians at the last minute of the old year throw out unnecessary dishes, things, furniture into the street. This allows them to get rid of bad energy.

In Spain, it is customary to eat 12 grapes and make 12 wishes.

In Scandinavia there is a tradition of grunting under the table, the Scandinavians claim that this helps them get rid of illness and bad luck.

But in China, the New Year is not celebrated on the first of January, the celebration is scheduled on different days. The main feature of the Chinese New Year is the decoration of houses and streets with small lanterns. And the children draw their sword on a piece of paper and before going to bed, put it under the pillow.

In India, the New Year is called Gudi Padva, on this day Indians must eat the leaves of the neem-nim tree.

Bulgaria is a country where the smallest member of the family reads poems to guests, sings songs, gives souvenirs that he takes off the Christmas tree.

For relaxation, children are invited to play the game "Who is more." Divide students into two teams, in turn they name words that can be attributed to the New Year. The team that stops last wins.

Children, and without whom there is no New Year's holiday? What does he look like? And who is his assistant? What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain - this is Santa Claus. He differs from our clothes, he always wears a red jacket with white fur and trousers.

There are two of them in Sweden: Yultomten and Yulnissaar, they reward obedient children and leave gifts for them under the window.

And in France there are also two Santa Clauses: Pere Noel and Chalande. The Befana fairy flies to Italian children on New Year's Eve.

In Romania - Mosh Krechun. Finland is famous for Joulupukki, he is always in the retinue of gnomes. In Estonia - Yiuluvana.

And the guys from Uzbekistan are looking forward to Corbobo, who arrives on a donkey.

All Santa Clauses are different in appearance, but they all give New Year's mood, joy, fun and long-awaited gifts.

The game "Let's draw a Christmas tree." Children are divided into two teams and take turns going to the board to draw one element of the Christmas tree. The team whose New Year's beauty will be more elegant wins.

v. Fizminutka. Children are invited to play the game "Mother Winter". The teacher reads and shows what to do.
Mother winter has come
Everything was covered in a blizzard.
(wave-like movements with the hands in front of you)

We will go through the snowdrifts
Through the dense forest.
(walking with high knees)

Suddenly they saw titmouse
We waved to them wave a pen)

And the titmouse blinked at us,
And flew away for the pines
(wave both hands)

Snowflakes suddenly flew
Like light fluff
(imitate falling snowflakes with fingers)

Turned around with us
They started dancing with us
(spin in place)

Hands clapped
(clap 4 times)
feet stomped
(stomp 4 times)

They ran up to the tree together
And Hurray!!! They screamed at her.
(we approach the Christmas tree - cheers !!!)

And now we all the people,
Let's say together...

Sadieva Venera Galinurovna,

art teacher

MBOU "Bolshegondyrskaya secondary school"

"Art". 1 class
Lesson topic: Christmas tree.
Lesson type: A lesson in learning new material.

Technology used: Technology of problematic dialogue.
The purpose of the lesson. Development of aesthetic perception of nature and observation through the transfer of characteristic features, shapes and colors.

During the classes

Stage of the lesson and its goals - Well, guys, mind you, shut up.The lesson starts.We all love to drawYou just have to watch!
- Guys, tell me please, what season is it now on the street?-Do you like this time of year, why? -Let's read the verses that are prepared on your tables (children read verses in groups) -Guess the holiday that we are looking forward to adults and children.He comes on a winter eveningLight candles on the tree.He starts a round dance.This is a holiday ... (New Year).
Soon, soon the New Year!He's in a hurry, he's coming!Knock on our doors:Children, hello, I'm with you!

Without what it is impossible to celebrate the new year? - So what will our lesson be about? (The discovery of new knowledge). - What steps do we take when discovering new knowledge? (“What I don’t know?”, “I’ll find a way myself”)

-Guys, please tell me how people are preparing to celebrate the New Year?
- Without what it is impossible to celebrate the new year?
What kind of guest came to us?How pretty and slender.A star burns aboveAnd the snow glitters on the branches,And to the very top,All in toys and crackers.
What is this guest? (Christmas tree).The theme of our lesson is the Christmas tree.Guys, please look, what color is our Christmas tree?
- Before we start painting our Christmas tree, what should we do?(Learn to mix paints using primary colors, paint our Christmas tree, only then decorate the Christmas tree with toys).in front of you Primary colors 1) Red, blue, yellow. 2) - Choose the colors with which you can get green? What color is missing? ? We will give an exact answer to this question when we try to mix paints. - Decide which colors you will choose? be The purpose of the lesson. Find out what it is - a Christmas tree? You already have some ideas about this amazing Christmas tree. - Tell "What is our Christmas tree?" (green, fluffy, prickly) - Ch - To answer this question more fully and accurately, what do we need to know what shade the Christmas trees are? 1) 1) Mix red and yellow. 2) Mix red and blue 3) 3) Mix yellow and blue 4) - We made a plan for discovering new knowledge.

Synopsis of a lesson in art activity (Grade 4) A gift for the New Year.

New Year's panel "Bullfinch"

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of KSU "Regional special (correctional) boarding school for children with hearing impairments", Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk
Description: the summary of the lesson on visual activity is intended for educators and teachers of the primary level of correctional schools, for students - defectologists.
Target: production of a New Year's panel "Bullfinch".
educational- improve the skills of working with plasticine, repeat and consolidate students' knowledge on the topic: "Wintering Birds".
Educational- instill interest in this type of work and accuracy, instill aesthetic taste, love for wildlife.
Correction-developing- to develop creative abilities in children, imagination, develop fine motor skills, develop students' speech during class.
Equipment: plastic plate, bullfinch template, plasticine, colorless and silver nail polishes, sequins, PVA glue, New Year's decor (snowflakes, Christmas trees).
Speech material: panels, wintering birds, frost, sequins, New Year's decor.
Lesson progress:
1. Organizational moment.
- Put on your headphones. - I put on my headphones.
- What have you done)? - I put on my headphones.
- I put on the devices.
- How do you hear? - I can hear well.
- What day of the week is it today? - Wednesday.
- What will we do? - Inventiveness.
2. Introductory conversation.
- We will answer questions, we will talk.
Screen work.
- Amangeldy. - I'm here.
- What season is it now? - The season is winter.
- Alina. - I'm here.
- What month is it? - It's December.
Painting conversation.

- Look at the picture. Who is this? - Birds.
- What are these birds?
- Wintering birds.
- What birds are called wintering?
- Birds that stay for the winter.
- Name the wintering birds.
- Wintering birds are owl, magpie, titmouse, sparrow, crow, bullfinch, woodpecker.
What do birds eat in winter?
- They eat berries and seeds.
- Do you know which wintering birds are considered the most beautiful?

I invite you to solve a riddle.
What kind of birds? Not tits.
Scarlet breast, burning.
Birds perched on the snow
These birds…

- Bullfinches.

- That's right, guys. These are snowmen. Why do you think bullfinches are called the most beautiful wintering birds?
Children's answers.
- Right. They have a bright beautiful color. Guys, why do you think these birds were called bullfinches?
Children's answers.
- These birds are called bullfinches because they come to us with the first snow. Guys, do bullfinches live in Northern Kazakhstan?
- Yes.
- And which of you saw bullfinches? Tell me.
Children's answers.
Voice charging.
- We will read loudly, clearly.
Run out quickly
Look at the snowmen!
Arrived! arrived!
The flock was met by blizzards,
A Frost Red Nose
He brought them a mountain ash.

- Well done boys. You read and spoke well.
- What holiday will be soon?
- New Year.
- Our favorite New Year's holiday is approaching. And on New Year's Eve it is supposed to give ... (gifts). And today we will make a gift for your parents - the New Year's panel "Bullfinch".

3. The main part.
- What do we need to work?
- Plasticine, bullfinch template, glue, plate, varnish and sequins.
- Here's the work plan.
1. Take a bullfinch template and plasticine.
What color is the bullfinch's back?
- Black.
- What color is the bullfinch's breast?
- Bright red.
- Apply red and black plasticine to the bullfinch template.
- Make an eye out of white and black plasticine.
- I made (a) bullfinch.
2. Decorate the bullfinch's chest with red sequins, and the back and tail with black sequins. Outline the wing with black sequins.
- I decorated (a) bullfinch with sequins.
3. Cover the bullfinch with a colorless varnish and glue it on a plate.
- Work carefully.
- I glued (a) bullfinch on a plate.
4. We will make a rowan branch. Take brown plasticine and roll out a small sausage. Attach it to the plate. This is a branch. Make two paws out of black plasticine. Take red plasticine and make rowan berries.
- I made (a) a rowan branch.
- Decorate rowan berries with red sequins.
- I decorated the berries with sequins.
- Apply silver varnish to the rowan branch. It will be frost.
- I made (a) frost.
- We will have a rest. Get up.
Fizminutka "Bullfinches".
Look at the branches (Hands slap themselves on the sides)
Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Show breasts)
Feathers spread. (Hands slightly to the sides)
Basking in the sun. (wiggle fingers)
They turn their heads, they turn. (Head turns to the right, to the left)
They want to fly. (Run in a circle, waving their hands)
Shh! Shh! Fly away!
- Sit down.
5. We will decorate our panel. Take New Year's decor - snowflakes and Christmas trees and glue it on a plate.
- I glued (a) snowflakes and Christmas trees on a plate.
- Our New Year's panel is ready.
4. Final conversation.
- What did we do?
- We made a New Year's panel "Bullfinch".
What wonderful work you have done. Well done boys. Everyone did a neat and beautiful job. To whom will you present your New Year's panel?
Children's answers.
- Remove the headphones.
- I took off my headphones.
- Organize your desk. You can rest.

Subject : Christmas mood. 4b class.

Type : discovery of new knowledge

Target: the formation of a reception for the transmission of the New Year's festive mood through a color combination

Planned result :

Metasubject :

Regulatory UUD :

be able to plan and pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson, work according to the plan proposed by the teacher; to distinguish between the correct task and the incorrect one.

Cognitive UUD :

General educational - a conscious and arbitrary verbal statement in oral form about the features of the celebration of the New Year holiday; compiling a description of holiday attributes; bringing poetic examples of the image of New Year's holidays; by comparing the compared works, identifying how the artist conveys the mood in his works; logical - the ability to formulate problems; independently solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative UUD :

be able to use the language of fine arts, convey their position to the interlocutor; formulate your idea orally (at the level of one sentence or a short text); listen and understand the statements of interlocutors; expressively read poems about the New Year holiday.

Personal :

develop a positive attitude towards creative activity; give an idea of ​​the reasons for the success or failure of the work performed: to perceive and understand the suggestions and assessments of the teacher and comrades

subject :

To teach how to work with the artistic technique “in a raw way” and the artistic technique “dab on a wax pattern”.

Equipment : for the teacher : projector, computer, presentation;for a student : pencil, sketchbook, eraser

Lesson steps:


moment. Motivation for learning activities

Create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities (“I want”)

New Year

Guess the riddles

Christmas tree with toys

Clowns with crackers.

All the people are having fun!

What holiday?

Orientation to the position of a good student (L)

Determining the topic and setting the objectives of the lesson

Creating a learning situation for students to independently pose the problem of the lesson, determine the topic and set the goals of the lesson

Prepared a message on the topic "New Year"

What homework did you do for the lesson?

Homework checks

Implementation of the analysis of objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features (P)

This is the theme of our lesson - "New Year"

Why did you prepare a message on the topic "New Year"?

Lesson topic...

Comparison, seriation and classification of educational material according to specified criteria (P)

Children's answers

What do you think the objectives of the lesson will be?

On the desk


compare …

participate …

Extracting the necessary information from a speech statement (P)

Children's answers

Yes. Weexpressed mypoint of view , yourattitude to the picture.

Children's answers

Yes. Wecompared color combinationsin pictures

Alternating sharp colorsspots, smears .

alternationsmooth and thin orrough and broken lines .

Sky space breakdownuneven locatedcloud shapes .

Yes. Weparticipated in the discussion of expressive means of conveying the festive mood

Christmas mood

Use color to convey a festive mood

Before we precisely set the goals of the lesson, let's open page 90 of our textbook.

Do you like the paintings presented at the Vernissage?

Let's answer questions for this Vernissage (p. 89)

Answering questions, weYou said your point of view, your attitude to this work?

Wecompared combinations of colors in these pictures?

It's another oneexpressive means - color - with which the artist was able to conveyfestive mood on canvas.

What means of expression do you know?

Speaking of means of expression, weparticipated in the discussion of expressive means of conveying the festive mood?

Let's adjust our topic of the lesson. Will we talk about the New Year or will we convey the New Year mood with the help of color?

Meanslesson topic

The purpose of the lesson

Understanding and maintaining the learning task (P)

Setting learning goals in collaboration with the teacher (P)

Identification of the location and cause of the difficulty.

Convey the holiday spirit on paper


We don't know what acceptance means.

Turn to page 92. Read our creative assignment. Can we complete it right away?

What are we missing to get started?

Generalization and derivation of generality for a whole series or class of single objects based on the identification of an essential relationship (P)

Building a project to get out of trouble


1. Get acquainted with the techniques"raw", "dab on the wax pattern"

2. Coordinate techniques with the topic of the lesson: is it possible to convey the New Year's mood

3. Build an algorithm for performing these techniques

4. Determine the means, resources and deadlines.

5. determine the criteria for evaluating work

Children read and answer how to perform tricks "raw", "dab on the wax pattern"

Children's answers

Children's answers

If the student completesone full dose and proceed tosecond , then we put "5 »,

if it doesonly one take , then we put "4 »,

Ifwill not fulfill to completionno reception , then we put "3 »


On page 91, read how these artistic techniques are performed."raw", "dab on the wax pattern" .


Tell the algorithm for performing the reception"dab on wax drawing"

Let's try to convey the New Year's mood using these techniques. What we will create today in the lesson will serve as the basis for the next lesson.

By what criteria will we evaluate our work?

Can you finish work at home?

Planning your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation (P)

Building a logical chain of reasoning (P)

Planning of educational cooperation (C)

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems (P)

Implementation of the constructed project

Use the constructed course of action to solve the original problem.

Practical work.

Volitional self-regulation (P)

Independent creation of a product in accordance with the algorithm of actions (P)

Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition

Fix practical actions: the image of the movement of air on paper.

The mood of a person can be shown using techniques"raw", "dab on the wax pattern".

smear, line, spot

So, let's remember how you can show a person's mood on paper?

By what means?

Construction of speech statements (P)

Children write in diaries


Bring New Year's cards with holiday greetings

Finding and highlighting the necessary information (P)


Correlate the goals of educational activity and its results, fix the degree of their compliance, outline further goals of the activity.

Get to know the tricks"raw", "dab on the wax pattern"

The goal of the lesson has been achieved.

Let's remember the main goal of the lesson.

Has it been achieved?

Adequate understanding of the reasons for success / failure in educational activities (L)

Children evaluate the work performed, say the results of the evaluation.

Monitoring and evaluation of the process and performance (P)

Children's answers

When drawing pictures, on what topics can you use this technique?

Repetition of methods and conditions for completing a learning task (P)

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