What is the dream of an unfamiliar woman - interpretation of sleep from dream books. Unfamiliar dream girl


What is the dream of a stranger

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A stranger woman in a dream is a symbol of your circumstances and plans, your ideas about happiness and unhappiness, the image of your soul: her appearance reflects the state of your soul, her mood is your true attitude to your own actions and plans. Seeing a woman in a dream is unclear - to a little trouble. Pleasant appearance, beauty, neatness of a stranger - joy, happiness, wealth, good luck.

To see a pregnant woman - change, readiness for a new one, longing for change. A disheveled woman, ugly, dirty - poverty, failures, quarrels, a downcast soul. Drenched in blood - a soul tormented by passions, water (wet) - a soul immersed in a world of sensual fantasies. A stranger runs away from you - you have not found yourself, you falsely judge in things. Following you is the road to darkness. To drive out a stranger is an inability to cope with oneself, an urgent need for spiritual help. Torn to pieces, raped to see - out of false motives to commit violence against oneself, calling for help - hidden from your consciousness, but existing somewhere in the depths of your soul, the pangs of conscience. The stranger is hostile, angry, cold - your own soul betrayed by you. Submissive, humble - an insignificant step in spiritual development is ahead. Insidious, cunning - you take for your self the ideas about him imposed on you by someone.

To see a woman with a beard is a surprise.

Stryapuhu - peace. A stranger who takes care of children is a soul in the prime of her life. A gardener - hopes, a woman preparing to breastfeed or nursing - a soul nourished by love for people or a certain person (however: a baby eagerly sucking someone's breast can portend illness).

A woman is a kind of living doll, strangely moving to see - the image of a soul in a state of self-deception.

What is the dream of a stranger

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Stranger (-ka) - an unknown or still incomprehensible, unconscious aspect or trait of a person's personality, which will soon manifest itself; uncertainty of events.

What is the dream of a stranger

Dream interpretation for women

If you dreamed of an old woman, expect gossip and grief. Seeing a beautiful young woman in a dream is a sign of joy and new acquisitions, and not only material ones. A pregnant woman seen in a dream means that you need to beware of slander and trouble. If you see yourself pregnant, this portends good news.

Seeing a woman in a rage means an undeserved insult. If you had a quarrel with a woman, this means that your plans will be unraveled and you will be ahead of them in their implementation.

If the woman you dreamed about has dark hair and blue eyes, it portends your weakness and unwillingness to fight for a close victory: you will retreat from the fight at the moment when the fortress is ready to surrender.

The dream in which you see a blonde means that in the future you will find something to your liking that will suit your interests and will not take too much time.

What is the dream of a stranger

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Stranger (imaginary lover or heroine, occasionally a real-life girl familiar to the individual; priestess, saint, prostitute, mistress, prima donna, seductress).

A stranger in a man's dreams. Anima. Feminine features in a man, the archetype of life. Of importance are the various images chosen by the unconscious to depict a given archetype. One image can transform into another during the dream, showing different properties of the feminine within the man. Attributes such as bad mood, clothing, aggressiveness can reveal other aspects that are ignored.

A stranger in a woman's dreams. Imaginary rival or lover in homosexual fantasies. Anima.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

In a dream, advice is encrypted, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeping person or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream portends good luck in current affairs and undertakings. Pictures in which there are barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

The meaning of the dream about the Stranger (Noble dream book by N. Grishina)

An unfamiliar woman - in a dream - a symbol of your circumstances and plans, your ideas about happiness and unhappiness; the image of your soul: its appearance reflects the state of your soul, its mood is your true attitude to your own actions and plans. Seeing a woman in a dream is unclear - to a little trouble. Pleasant appearance, beauty, (neatness of a stranger - joy, happiness, wealth, luck. Seeing a pregnant woman - change; readiness for a new one, longing for change. A disheveled woman, ugly, dirty - poverty, failure, quarrels; a sunken soul. Blood-drenched - soul , tormented by passions, water (wet) - a soul immersed in a world of sensual fantasies. An unfamiliar woman runs away from you - you have not found yourself; falsely judge things. Following you is the road to darkness. To drive out a stranger is the inability to cope with oneself, an urgent need for spiritual help.To see torn, raped - out of false motives to commit violence against yourself, calling for help - hidden from your consciousness, but existing somewhere in the depths of your soul, the pangs of conscience.An unfamiliar woman is hostile, angry, cold - betrayed by you your own soul. Submissive, humble - an insignificant step in spiritual development is ahead. Insidious, cunning - you take for your own self the ideas about it imposed on you by someone. To see a woman with a beard is a surprise. Stryapuhu - peace. A stranger who takes care of children is a soul in the prime of her life. Gardener - hope, a woman preparing to breastfeed or nursing - a soul nourished by love for people or a certain person (however: a baby greedily sucking someone's breast can portend a disease. A woman is a kind of living doll, strangely moving to see - the image of the soul, in a state of self-deception.

Large modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: An unfamiliar woman

Stranger woman - you saw a stranger in a dream - a young interesting mysterious woman - you will actually meet a young woman who for the time being will be a mystery to you; but then you will pick up a key to her: most likely, her weakness is original actions.

Home dream book

Unfamiliar woman in a dream

Unfamiliar woman - For a man - the emergence of a new look in relation to women; for a woman, her own character traits that are not accepted or not recognized.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

An unfamiliar woman as an image in a dream

Unfamiliar woman - If an old woman dreamed in a dream, expect gossip and grief. Seeing a beautiful young woman in a dream is a sign of joy and new acquisitions, and not only material ones. A pregnant woman seen means that you need to beware of slander and trouble. If you see yourself pregnant, this portends good news. Seeing a woman in a rage means an undeserved insult. If in a dream there was a quarrel with a woman in a dream, it means that your plans will be unraveled and you will be ahead of them in their implementation. If the woman you dreamed about has dark hair and blue eyes, it portends your weakness and unwillingness to fight for a close victory: you will retreat from the fight at the moment when the fortress is ready to surrender. Seeing a blonde means that in the future you will find something to your liking that will suit your interests and will not take too much time.

Seeing an unfamiliar woman in a dream is a sign that a person will have a meeting with the unknown. What will it be like, and in what area should surprises be expected? Dream Interpretations reveal the secrets of a dream, interpreting it in accordance with the circumstances.

meet a stranger

D. Loff gives an interesting interpretation of such dreams in his dream book. He considers the image of an unfamiliar woman in a dream as one of the facets of the dreamer's personality. This applies to men to the same extent, because every man has a feminine essence.

Interpreting dreams of this kind, D. Loff emphasizes the main thing that a lady unknown to you dreams about: such a dream allows you to see yourself and your fears from the outside. It reflects the dreamer's idea of ​​himself, of how he would like to look in the eyes of others. Some ideal double of his soul in the image of an unfamiliar woman is called upon to focus on the main thing that escapes the eye in everyday bustle.

Interpreters Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that for the first time you will experience an unfamiliar feeling. The prettier the unfamiliar woman, the more delight the upcoming events will cause, but if she is unpleasant, even ugly, trouble cannot be avoided. Try to stay away from dangerous situations, do not provoke others with imprudent actions.

Everyone has a bad feeling about what an unfamiliar woman in black mourning clothes is dreaming of - beware of the intrigues of enemies.

According to the Muslim dream book, a stranger in a girl's dream personifies a new ill-wisher, whom she had no idea about. But if it was a mulatto, happy events lie ahead.


The Muslim dream book explains why an unfamiliar woman dreams of turning into an old woman before our eyes - your life will become happy and prosperous.

According to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book, if a lady had a dream about how she had fun with an unfamiliar woman, this is a visualization of lesbian fantasies.

Fighting her in a dream means that a person will be offered to participate in a risky undertaking. Quarrel - your secret plans will be revealed. To see in a rage - to receive an undeserved insult in reality. I dreamed that I was crying - a sure sign that help would come from where they were not expected.

Why dream of her visit: it portends unexpected circumstances that will require a quick reaction and exertion. She was hungry in a dream, which means that dangerous sensual desires are characteristic of a person. I dreamed in a nightgown - there will be no happiness in marriage.

Pregnant or with a child

I dreamed of an unknown pregnant woman - beware of gossip and intrigue. Try to meet adversity fully armed. But often there are also favorable forecasts.

Freud associates any reminder in a dream about a pregnant woman with a dream of a child. The Muslim dream book interprets this as an expectation of earthly blessings: soon you will be told good news.

If you dreamed of an old woman, expect gossip and grief. Seeing a beautiful young woman in a dream is a sign of joy and new acquisitions, and not only material ones.

A pregnant woman seen in a dream means that you need to beware of slander and trouble. If you see yourself pregnant, this portends good news.

Seeing a woman in a rage means an undeserved insult. If you dreamed of a quarrel with a woman, this means that your plans will be unraveled and you will be ahead of them in their implementation.

If the woman you dreamed about has dark hair and blue eyes, it portends your weakness and unwillingness to fight for a close victory: you will retreat from the fight at the moment when the fortress is ready to surrender.

The dream in which you see a blonde means that in the future you will find something to your liking that will suit your interests and will not take too much time.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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Loff's dream book

Why do strangers dream of a woman:

Strangers in dreams can present a rather difficult puzzle. In most cases, these are simply faces and images taken from a list of faces we know by face and name (sometimes they represent our own INNER BEINGS or INSIDES). The images of strangers can open our eyes to how we perceive the world. Various theorists offer numerous explanations for who these characters are and how they got into our souls. To interpret any dream, it will be useful to streamline the list of participants in the action.
Inner entity/inner entities as strangers. CARL JUNG theorized that in the Self there is a feminine complement to a masculine PERSONALITY and a masculine complement to a feminine personality. These additions are psychic projections that come to us in dreams. When a stranger appears in a man's dream, her behavior may be a projection of the feminine side of the dreamer's personality. This is exactly the opposite true for women who dream of male strangers. These strangers rarely have a SEXUAL desire in relation to the dreamer, although, in principle, this is possible. More common is intimate friendship. Understanding these characters is useful because in this way we learn how we want others (especially those of the opposite sex) to perceive us, and therefore what we fear in their perception.
The second aspect of such a character, personifying the inner essence / inner beings, is the desire to express what we probably cannot express in real life. Women in their dreams can see a character personifying their inner essence, who, as a compensation for a feeling that he cannot show in real life, shows terrible ANGER. Likewise, men may have characters personifying their inner essence who cry from the pain inflicted on them by life - a manifestation of emotions that they do not consider it possible to show in reality. These strangers are often benevolent towards us: they can help, protect or provide information to solve problems. If they cause anxiety, it is often because they act in a way that we ourselves would like to be able to act.
Displaced strangers. In doing so, your dream moves the person from one type of relationship with you to another. Example: A well-known celebrity becomes your brother or sister. A more common example is a boss or teacher in a parenting role. In addition to personal roles, emotions can move. This is especially true in cases of anger or sexual desire that are repressed in real life.
Strangers personifying an incubus/succubus (demon). These are strangers-lovers who appear in a dream to have sex with a dreamer (an incubus comes to a woman; a succubus comes to a man). They often represent the extremes of sexual experience. They are either idealized lovers, in an emotional and physical sense, or demonic and repulsive personalities used to keep you from realizing what you think is bad for you.
Shadow Strangers, These are strangers of the same sex as the dreamer, possessing the negative qualities of the dreamer. Most often, these negative qualities are presented in an extreme form. This is a very useful situation for understanding ourselves. Each of us has negative traits that we try not to show in public. Sometimes we even develop negative objections in our EGO, refuting the presence of the low sides of our PERSONALITY. These shadow strangers appear in our dreams to point out our weaknesses.

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