Why does a woman dream, interpretation of the meaning of sleep according to various dream books. Why is a familiar woman dreaming: what do the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Freud and others portend


The image of a woman expresses care, affection, tenderness and love. Dreams in which a woman appears are very difficult to interpret outside the context of each dream, since all the people around are female and male. Therefore, in order to determine such a value, you need to consider what the dreaming woman means to you, what she does and what emotions she evokes.

What is the dream of a woman according to Miller's dream book

  • If a woman came to you in a dream, expect intrigue behind your back. If you argued with her about something, your plans will soon be violated and the people around you may try to outwit you.
  • If you dreamed of a blue-eyed brunette with a small snub nose, you will soon leave the fight in which you have been participating for a long time and had many chances to win.
  • If you saw a brown-eyed girl with a Roman nose, they may try to involve you in a dangerous game, a risky business, a financial fraud that will not succeed.
  • If the woman you dreamed about has red, brown or brown-red hair and a straight nose, you will experience sudden anxiety, anxiety, and difficulties in business.
  • If in a dream you saw a blonde, only your favorite pleasant things await you, which will bring joy and good mood.

Wangi's dream book is a woman

It is difficult to explain the specific meaning of a woman according to Vanga's dream book, it all depends on the case.

If the woman who appeared in a dream is your mother, then you can read your future by her actions and words. If your mother dreamed about you in the same way she looks now, it means that you can control your family relationships, and soon no significant changes are coming. If a mother cries in a dream, disappointments await you, disagreements in the family, which can lead to divorce. But such a dream makes it possible to fix everything. Mom in tears is only a warning of troubles that you can still avoid.

If a woman gives birth in a dream, and you help her, are nearby, you will soon experience minor changes, which will later lead to unexpected and large-scale consequences. If you dreamed that a woman was dying during childbirth, this means that you will try to improve the atmosphere in the family, try to make friends with its members, but such a plan will not succeed.

If a woman in a dream gave birth quickly and painlessly, you will soon get rid of the difficult, sore cases that you have been doing for a long time.

I dreamed of a woman - the interpretation of sleep according to Freud

If girls see in a dream the vague appearance of a woman, this indicates the presence of a rival, a strong competitor. Most likely, in this case, all your fears are in vain, and jealousy is caused only by the fruits of your imagination.

If a woman comes to a man in a dream, this indicates his vague desires and fantasies of a sexual plan, perhaps giving a signal to the body about sexual overexcitation and the need for relaxation.

What is the dream of a woman according to the interpretation of the Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Seeing an unfamiliar woman in a dream means drawing in your imagination a prototype of your aspirations and plans, your vision of happiness and unhappiness. Her appearance shows the state of your soul, her behavior - your attitude to your actions. If the woman you dreamed about was not clearly visible, expect minor troubles. If you dreamed of a beauty with an expressive appearance - to wealth and good luck.
  • I dreamed of a pregnant woman - soon changes await you. Perhaps you are afraid to change something in your life and yearn for the past.
  • To see an ugly, frightened, sad, disheveled woman - to quarrels and poverty. If in a dream an unfamiliar woman runs away from you, you are mistaken about some things. A stranger who follows you in a dream means the road to the unknown and darkness.
  • To see a woman with a beard - to surprises and surprises.
  • A cook seen in a dream means peace, tranquility, obtaining spiritual harmony, the gardener symbolizes hope.

Why a woman dreams - interpretation according to Tsvetkov's dream book

  • To see a dark-haired woman - to unfounded gossip behind your back.
  • If in a dream you looked at an attractive woman, expect the betrayal of your friends and acquaintances.
  • If in a dream you tightly hugged and kissed a woman you did not know, an improvement in your financial situation would literally fall on you “from heaven”.
  • Seeing an ugly, old woman means quarreling with others. It can also be a harbinger of grief.
  • If the woman who appeared to you in a dream has beautiful long hair, you will be healthy. If she was charming or incredibly beautiful, expect new perspectives that will bring success in the future.
  • If a woman is wearing a black veil - to death.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - what does a woman dream about

  • To see in a dream a woman who prays to God indicates bright changes. A pregnant woman in a dream - fortunately. A woman wearing a men's suit means that you are experiencing sexual desire, moments of passion.
  • Kissing a woman in a dream means that soon you will have the opportunity to earn big money, which you should not refuse. The black-haired representative of the fair sex - to gossip.
  • To see a woman with a small child in her arms is to find family peace and happiness. A red-haired lady in a dream means a deception of a loved one, a fragile relationship.
  • A laughing woman testifies to joy and happiness. A young girl in a dream means the risk of committing a series of reckless, crazy actions.
  • Seeing a sweet, beautiful and pleasant woman in a dream means fun in the near future.

Why is the other woman dreaming

If in a dream you saw another woman, there can be many interpretations, they all depend on the specific case. If another woman dreams of a girl, this means trouble soon, an unexpected illness, or a litter with a loved one. If in a dream such a woman holds some of your things in her hand, you may soon have a competitor. If you see another woman in a dream with your boyfriend (husband), it is possible that such an individual exists in real life, which gradually approaches him and wants to win his heart. In this case, take a closer look at your beloved, it is possible that soon he will begin to move away from you. This dream is not a symbol of separation, another woman appears to you in a dream in order to prevent trouble that has arisen in time.

If a man who has a lover sees in a dream another woman with whom he simply communicates closely, argues and exchanges thoughts, then soon he may be slandered and gossip about him. If his companion in a dream arouses his sympathy, it means that in real life he lacks affection and love from his chosen one, who devotes most of her time to herself.

Dream Interpretation - a familiar woman

It has long been believed that to see a familiar person in a dream means doing what you love. In order to correctly interpret such a dream, you need to pay attention to who this woman is to you. If you see a neighbor, it's time to do housework, especially cleaning the house.

If you dreamed of a woman you knew, but how you know her, you can’t remember, - great luck awaits in your endeavors. If in a dream you suddenly meet a sweet young girl who you haven’t seen in real life for a long time, expect a pleasant surprise. If you met a familiar elderly woman, all interpretations of sleep refer to your past. A girlfriend in a dream means unpleasant gossip and rumors, it can also indicate an imminent important meeting that will radically change your life.

If a familiar woman who appeared in your dream is in a coffin, do not be alarmed, this does not indicate the death of this person in reality. Most likely, in reality, you will hear the success story of this person.

If you dreamed of a familiar woman wearing a white wedding dress, expect unexpected changes.

To dream of a friend who has become pregnant is a great sign, regardless of the age of the woman, as it indicates wealth, the opportunity to earn big money, and a salary increase.

Seeing a familiar girl means that you will soon be reminded of the events of your past, moreover, a person who is younger than you.

Much also depends on the atmosphere of sleep. Seeing your sister in a dream, expect a small quarrel, a work colleague - expect some difficulties, you can only solve them in a non-standard way. If a man hugs an unfamiliar girl in a dream, he is subconsciously ready for a new relationship. If he dreams of his ex-girlfriend, he regrets breaking up or is actively looking for a new companion.

Why is a black woman dreaming

Seeing a black woman means experiencing deep feelings, excitement, being afraid of any trouble. Despite the fact that the image of a black woman is frightening, such a dream does not mean the approach of some kind of trouble. Most likely, you are overworked and gave a lot of time to one thing. After such a dream, you need to allocate more time to rest, sleep well, walk more in the fresh air.

To see a woman in a dark veil that covers her entire face - to the death of a familiar person.

Why dreamed of a naked woman

According to expert Elizaveta Danilova, the image of a naked woman in a dream is accompanied by negative emotions that appear due to dissatisfaction, and not sexual, as it might seem at first glance. As a rule, this dissatisfaction is financial. Perhaps you dream of acquiring this or that thing that you cannot afford at the moment, and therefore you are worried, believing that with such a thing your life would become much more comfortable. Men may dream of such a dream due to material instability, due to an inferiority complex, which is caused by a lack of career advancement or low wages. For example, all friends and acquaintances can boast of high earnings or interesting work, while you are forced to work from morning to evening, receiving a penny.

If a woman saw such a dream, it means that she is very worried about an unfashionable wardrobe. She is embarrassed because she doesn't look pretty. Sometimes she is even forced to deny herself the most necessary things due to lack of money. In this case, the subconscious mind sends an alarm signal to the woman. To stop worrying about this, you need to change your life values, set all priorities correctly and just calm yourself down. It is important to understand that life is magnificent, and behind such a black stripe a white one will surely come, which will give a bright future.

Seeing your naked body in a dream means many different interpretations. Often the desire to be exposed is characteristic of people during wakefulness who are experiencing a neurosis or who consider their own body unattractive. For example, such dreams were often seen by Brigitte Bardot during her neurosis, who liked to go naked at home.

Why do many women dream in a dream

According to the dream book, to see many women in a dream means the emergence of bright and warm feelings between lovers, a new stage in a relationship that will be characterized by kindness and mutual understanding. If a middle-aged man had such a dream, it means a return to the passionate and serene love that they forgot about so long ago.

Mariana, tipsha, daughter of eve, femina, pelvis, lafamchik, mensha, nyushka, Grater, sperm extractor, washboard, shmuk, grumpy woman, Skoda, mop, crackling, shkirla, Cherry, Cheremukha, Cheremsha, lye, grenadier in a skirt, hostess, citizen, wife, madam, madam, mother, mother, heifer, chick, chick, Pava, Goddess, Queen, Madonna, Princess, Queen, the fair sex, the fairer sex, a horse with eggs, Martha the villager, a genius of pure beauty, person female, hair, grand lady, yoke

woman in Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse:

  • Praying - good times
  • Pregnant - joy
  • Women in a men's suit - experience moments of passion
  • Meeting women- chagrin
  • Kissing a woman - making a lot of money
  • black-haired - gossip
  • With long good hair - health
  • Talk to a stranger - make an acquaintance
  • A woman with a child - family happiness
  • Old woman - squabbles
  • Red-haired - fragile love
  • look at woman your friends are cheating on you
  • Laughing - great joys
  • Under a black or white veil - death
  • Young - you will allow even more reckless things
  • Generally see a pleasant woman- have happiness
  • Kiss - joy to take - reasonable home life
  • Meet woman in a dream - have a good day.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Woman:

    Woman - young, beautiful - joy, pleasure - old, ugly - gossip, sadness - praying - good times - pregnant - joy - in a man's suit - experience moments of passion - meeting women- chagrin - kiss - make a lot of money - black-haired - gossip - with long good hair - health - talk with a stranger - make an acquaintance - with a child - family happiness - an old woman - squabbles; ancient, gray-haired - for good, wealth - red-haired - fragile love - look at woman- Friends will deceive you - laughing - great joys - under a black or white veil - death - generally see a pleasant woman- have happiness - kiss - joy - marry - reasonable home life - meet woman in a dream - have a good day

    What is the dream of a woman in Esoteric dream book?

    Woman (both familiar and unfamiliar) - In dark clothes - help in accomplishments from the subtle world. In light - to clear up in the head, the best time for decisions. Friendly, helps, takes part - be afraid of a rival who has rubbed her trust. The enemy, interferes, spoils - a good friend, take her advice. In bed with a woman - to a fight, if a man dreams, to a quarrel, if a woman. With a man - sexual problems in a man, to envy and jealousy in a woman. Washes the floor - in light - throw out the extra rubbish from your head, wash your brains. In the dark - events will be fateful and bring a positive result.

    IN Ukrainian dream book if a Woman is dreaming:

  • A woman is an ailment, a ghost. Pregnant woman sees a titmouse in a dream - you will have a girl, a nightingale - a guy. If pregnant woman wanders on the water, especially if there is a flood, then the birth will be safe. Before giving birth, you will also dream that it is dawn in the house, or a swarm of bees has flown in and sits on your head. If the owner or hostess catches a spider, perch, crucian, pigeon, drake in a dream, then they will have a boy, and if they catch a frog, roach, pike, dove, pitching, in general a bird, a mouse, there will be a girl. Before giving birth, you may dream that a duck walks with ducklings. Before childbirth woman dream that she is lying in a coffin if she has a child in her arms. Old woman- disease. Kiss woman- illness, gossip; to see with a child in her arms - a crisis, chores; to see disheveled - weakness, angry - a storm, to be between women - treason, secrets.
  • If a woman is dreaming? IN Modern dream book:

  • If in a dream you are arguing with a woman, then in real life someone is trying to outwit or confuse you. Blondes dream of good luck in business and are a symbol of the right path. Brunettes (especially snub-nosed and blue-eyed ones) mean that you may have to give up when you are halfway to success. Women with brown and red hair predict approaching anxiety. brown-eyed woman with a Roman nose can mean that you will be involved in a risky undertaking.
  • Interpretation of a woman's dream Miller's dream book:

  • See in a dream women- portends intrigue. Arguing with a woman means that you will be outwitted and your plans will be frustrated.
  • If she is blonde, then you will have only pleasant and appropriate activities for your inclinations.
  • If she has a golden chestnut, dark red or reddish brown and straight nose, then such a dream portends additional difficulties and anxiety for you.
  • Seeing a brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose speaks quite definitely about your exit from the fight, where you had a chance to win.
  • If woman with brown eyes and a Roman nose, then you can be flattered into dangerous speculation, playing on the stock exchange.
  • See Woman in a dream Dream Interpretation of Azar:

  • woman kiss - squabbles and disputes
  • woman hug - treason
  • What does it mean to see a woman in a dream Lunar dream book?

  • To see a naked woman is to hear a harmful lie; simple-haired - a disease.
  • What does a woman in a dream mean Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky?

    Woman - To treason, betrayal, lies; pregnant woman- to the good news.

    Woman in a dream The latest dream book:

  • To bad luck, especially if she comes with an empty bag, basket, etc. Stranger - the failure of the business that you started; Zh. with disheveled hair, naked - to the disease; to be in intimate contact with Zh. - to dissatisfaction with sexual life; very old J. - you need the advice of a grandmother or mother; G. easy virtue - to waste, material loss; sick Zh., whom you are caring for - to health (recovery if you are sick); G. of different ages - sleep-notification: simultaneous illness with several diseases is possible.
  • In a dream, a woman to see. IN Family dream book:

  • dreamed woman with brown eyes and a Roman nose, know that you can be flattered into a dangerous adventure.
  • Women dream of intrigue. Arguing with a woman even in a dream is useless: if you dreamed about it, then in reality you will be outwitted and your plans will be frustrated.
  • We saw in a dream a brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose - in real life, you better get out of the fight on time, even if you had every chance of winning.
  • The blonde dreams of pleasant activities and impressions.
  • What does a woman mean Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova:

  • with long beautiful hair - health;
  • stops - fateful warning;
  • naked - grief, illness;
  • under a veil - to death.
  • look at woman- deceit from friends;
  • kissing a stranger - for money;
  • very beautiful - new opportunities;
  • to unsuccessful cases;
  • old woman - squabbles;
  • old, ugly - quarrel, trouble;
  • black-haired - gossip;
  • To dream of a woman. IN Noble dream book:

  • A woman is a kind of living doll, strangely moving to see - the image of a soul in a state of self-deception.
  • To see a pregnant woman - change, readiness for a new one, longing for change. A disheveled woman, ugly, dirty - poverty, failures, quarrels, a downcast soul. Drenched in blood - a soul tormented by passions, water (wet) - a soul immersed in a world of sensual fantasies. A stranger runs away from you - you have not found yourself, you falsely judge in things. Following you is the road to darkness. To drive out a stranger is an inability to cope with oneself, an urgent need for spiritual help. Torn to pieces, raped to see - out of false motives to commit violence against oneself, calling for help - hidden from your consciousness, but existing somewhere in the depths of your soul, the pangs of conscience. The stranger is hostile, angry, cold - your own soul betrayed by you. Submissive, humble - an insignificant step in spiritual development is ahead. Insidious, cunning - you take for your self the ideas about him imposed on you by someone.
  • To see a woman with a beard is a surprise.
  • Stryapuhu - peace. A stranger who takes care of children is a soul in the prime of her life. A gardener - hopes, a woman preparing to breastfeed or nursing - a soul nourished by love for people or a certain person (however: a baby eagerly sucking someone's breast can portend illness).
  • A stranger woman in a dream is a symbol of your circumstances and plans, your ideas about happiness and unhappiness, the image of your soul: her appearance reflects the state of your soul, her mood is your true attitude to your own actions and plans. See in a dream woman not clear - to a little trouble. Pleasant appearance, beauty, neatness of a stranger - joy, happiness, wealth, good luck.
  • What does a woman mean Gypsy dream book:

  • A beautiful woman - success in love and (or) business. Awareness of your mistakes.
  • What does a woman mean in a dream Schiller's dream book?

  • young, beautiful - joy and pleasure; old, ugly - gossip, longing and sadness.
  • The meaning of a woman's sleep Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer:

  • Woman (stranger) - is interpreted depending on the attractiveness and appearance and behavior. For men- if young or middle-aged - the state of his main activity and the general course of affairs; form of intuition. If elderly - maternal, insuring, protecting aspect of influences, events. For women- a hidden, unconscious aspect of the female "I", she herself, if woman young; feelings of rivalry, jealousy, envy. Naked - bad things (for a man); feeling of helplessness, vulnerability, vulnerability (for a woman). Seeing a pregnant woman is trouble, delays in business. Under a black veil - to sadness, mourning, separation; of death. See add. Old woman.
  • woman in Old Russian dream book:

  • black-haired - gossip; old woman - squabbles; stare at woman- deceit from friends; kissing a stranger - for money; naked - grief, illness; old, ugly - quarrel, trouble.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation Maya Sleep Woman:

    What is the dream of a woman in Dream Interpretation of Health?

  • see beautiful woman For men means sexual dissatisfaction. For women- negative emotions associated with a hidden feeling of jealousy. See woman with beautiful, long, well-groomed hair - to health; Under a black veil - to a serious illness. Seeing a pregnant woman or with a child - to positive emotions in family life; black-haired woman with brown eyes or many woman(female team) - to a conflict stressful situation and negative emotions.
  • When interpreting dreams in which a woman is present, it is necessary to take into account several important details that significantly change the meaning of what was seen in a dream. Firstly, it is important who dreamed of a lady - a man or a woman. Secondly, was she young or old, rich or poor, it even matters what outfit she was in and what she had in her hands. Interestingly, in different dream books one can find a clearly opposite interpretation of women in a dream.

    Dream Interpretations about dreams about women

    Most of the creators of dream books interpret the dreaming woman as intrigue and gossip, but there are also those who see eroticism and attraction in this symbolism. Freud is one such interpreter.

    • Woman dreaming according to Freud

    In Freud, the appearance of a woman in dreams is explained quite simply. If a woman had a dream, then she is overcome by zealous thoughts about her rivals. If the sleeper is a man, then the psychoanalyst advises to quickly relieve sexual tension and find a permanent partner. An interesting fact, if a married man sees unfamiliar women in a dream, he is overcome by thoughts of betrayal.

    • Dream Interpretation Danilova

    Danilova has similar views on the appearance of a lady in dreams. In his erotic dream book, the author points to sexual dissatisfaction, while at the same time predicting a quick connection with a stranger in conditions unexpected for the sleeping person.

    • Woman in a dream - Vanga's dream book

    Vanga does not give a general interpretation of the appearance of a woman in dreams, but describes specific situations and details. For example, a woman in a dream may be the mother of the sleeping person, in which case it is important to analyze her mood and state of mind. If the mother cries, then such a dream prophesies trouble and the collapse of plans. Another thing is if mom is in a good mood and supports you.

    Perhaps you just haven’t visited your relatives for a long time and subconsciously strive to bring this moment closer.

    Vanga describes in detail a dream with a pregnant woman, in the case of a normal delivery, the sleeper will finally cope with an overwhelming task in reality, but if a child or a woman dies in a dream, then you will fail.

    • What is the dream of a woman according to Miller

    For Miller, the appearance of a woman in dreams promises gossip, intrigue and rivalry. Depending on the type of the virgin, we can talk about the course of this rivalry. A positive outcome for a sleeping person in reality is possible only if the dreaming lady is a cute blonde with blue eyes. Such a dream prophesies fun and joy, and most importantly, the achievement of a goal.

    • Why does a woman dream according to Tsvetkov

    In Tsvetkov's dream book, the interpretation of dreams about a woman also directly depends on her type. So, a black-haired lady warns you of a conspiracy, a sickly woman with tufts of hair - to illness. If the lady is well-groomed, and her hair simply flows over her shoulders, such a dream promises recovery or good health. If a man dreams that he is holding a lovely girl in his arms, it is possible that an unexpected inheritance or profit will fall on him.

    • Woman according to the gypsy dream book

    A charming interpretation of a dreaming woman is found in a gypsy dream book. The more beautiful the dreaming lady is, the greater the material gain and success awaits the sleeper.

    Interpretation of dreams about a woman depending on the details

    It is unlikely that a woman will be able to find an interpretation of sleep in one word in dream books, there is an obligatory detail or description, thanks to which the interpretation can change significantly.

    If a pregnant woman actually has a dream about her interesting situation, what she sees will tell you what the birth will be like. It is possible that such a dream is not of particular importance, it’s just that the pregnant woman is very worried and fears have taken possession of her subconscious. If a woman who is not pregnant dreams of a tummy, then such a dream will kill gossip and an awkward situation.

    If a man dreams that his soulmate is pregnant, you should wait for good news. Another interpretation of the appearance of a pregnant man in dreams is a quick wealth, especially if there are two or more babies in the tummy.

    In most dream books, a married woman is interpreted as positive news and a successful completion of affairs. If the sleeper sees his wife in a dream, then success in his endeavors and news from a longtime friend or partner await him.

    If a woman dreamed that she was married, then in real life she would never be alone.

    It is important in what mood a married lady is in a dream. If she cries, then you should be afraid of failures, if she is cheerful, then things will go uphill.

    In the interpretation of dreams about a fat and big woman, the saying about a good man, who should be many, is true. Dreams about an unfamiliar big woman, or about the increased size of a sleeping woman, promise material gain and good news. If a married woman dreams that her kilograms have increased rapidly, then she will soon have a baby.

    If you dreamed of a little girl, you need to clarify who held her in her arms or was nearby. Depending on his gender, it can be assumed who will be born to the sleeping person.
    In some dream books, attention is paid to the behavior of the baby. If she is naughty and cries, so will real things. A joyful and laughing little woman predicts vacation and fun.

    If in a dream you dressed up a little princess, you need to wait for an addition to the family and expect just a girl.

    If a woman dreams of another woman, this indicates the appearance of a rival, especially if she holds in her hands the thing that belonged to the sleeping woman. Another woman near your soulmate is a wake-up call. Someone is willing to take your place.

    If a man dreams of another woman whom he hugs or kisses, then in reality he wants variety or adultery.

    Most often, a dream about a former lover is associated with real longing for this person and unwillingness to accept parting. If a man dreams that in a dream he will marry his ex, then we should expect changes in his personal life.

    Freud and his followers in this kind of dreams see a sexual explanation, for example, comparing current and former partners, possible sexual problems, the cause of which is just lurking in the past.

    A woman without a ring on her ring finger and a stamp in her passport dreams in two cases: either the sleeping person is thinking about a divorce, or in reality he does not leave the feeling of loneliness, even if there is a soulmate.

    If an unmarried woman dreams of a bride, this is rather not a harbinger, but a subconscious fear of the unknown and the upcoming wedding.

    If you dream of a familiar woman whom you have not seen for a long time, then you should expect a meeting soon. When a friend is pregnant, something will surprise and delight you very much. It’s bad if you dream of a drunk woman you know. Such a dream promises nothing but losses and waste. If you dreamed that you were kissing with your friend, in life you can seriously quarrel.

    If an unfamiliar woman appeared in a dream, it is worth waiting for news. That's just to determine what they will be, the appearance and behavior of a stranger will help. If the sleeper dreams that he is fighting with an unfamiliar lady, then in real life he will face troubles and quarrels.

    When a stranger dreams of a lonely man, perhaps soon he will meet an interesting girl.

    When explaining dreams with a strange woman, you need to pay attention to her deeds. If she nurses the sleeping children, you should be wary of new problems. If a stranger washes the floor in your house, then soon you will move out of this apartment and change your place of residence. It’s bad if a stranger cuts your hair, such dreams promise monetary losses.

    In most cases, dead people portend changes in the weather. But there are some nuances that are worth paying attention to. When a dead woman rises from the grave in a dream, this is a harbinger of betrayal by friends. Seeing your girlfriend dead in a dream is bad news and a decline in business. If a dead woman in a dream is your mother, then such a dream is a warning about illness.

    Most often, a naked woman in dreams is the fruit of a sleeping person's sexual fantasy. Another thing is when a woman dreams of her husband with a naked girl. Such a dream is dictated by suspicions of treason. If a woman sees a naked lady in a dream, you need to pay attention to her figure. Too ideal indicates the complexes of the sleeping woman, who strives to have the same parameters, despite the fact that she is far from ideal.

    When a naked beauty appeared to a young man, then you need to be wary of financial scams. In the case of a naked girl, only bare breasts can promise good luck for a man.

    Interpretation of dreams depending on the part of the body seen

    In a dream, you may not see the whole image of a woman, but a specifically highlighted detail. Perhaps something in the external face of a woman struck you, then it's time to find out what the dream books say about this.

    Why dream of a woman's hand

    If in a dream you admired your hands, everything will be fine. If you shake hands with a woman, in reality you can seriously quarrel with her. If in a dream, someone kisses a woman's hand - this is a warning of danger.

    When well-groomed female hands are removed, in reality, good news awaits, career advancement. If your arms are excessively hairy, take a closer look at your competitors, they are digging under you. If there is a wound on the arm, then the dream prophesies the loss of friends or relatives.

    Why take off a woman's hair

    Well-groomed hair always promises improved well-being and good luck, but there are some nuances. If a man watches the rapid growth of a girl's hair in a dream, then his affairs are moving towards a positive ending. And if you see yourself combing your hair, this indicates gullibility. You comb another woman's hair - in reality you get her with your advice and teachings.
    If on the eve of the trip you had a dream about cutting your hair, then something will prevent you from hitting the road.

    When in a dream the hair is teeming with lice, then in reality you need to wait for the replenishment of the budget. But spiders in the hair - a warning about deceit.

    Why dream of a woman's face with a mustache or beard

    In dream books there is no interpretation of just a woman's face, attention is paid to special details, for example, a mustache or beard.

    According to Freud, male signs on a female face that a girl dreamed of indicate her low self-esteem or thoughts about changing sex. Another interpretation of the stubble on a woman's face is an unsuccessful attempt to hide something from others. When a man dreams of bristles on a woman's face, he is expected to lose and delay in work, but on the contrary, a woman promises benefits and good luck.

    A woman's mustache portends change. If a pregnant woman dreamed of her with a mustache or beard, then she would have a boy.

    Why dream of a woman's breasts

    The chest in a dream is interpreted as a positive image. Seeing how breastfeeding is interpreted as an interpretation of the sleeping person's readiness to become a mother or father. If you see yourself sucking your breast, then in reality you need support.

    Seeing a beautiful female breast is a joy, but if it is hairy, then you should be wary of deception. Touch or caress the chest - to the fulfillment of cherished desires.

    Interpretation of actions

    Depending on how the actions in the dream develop, the interpretation of the dream may completely change.

    • Why dream of sex with a woman

    For a man, such a dream will indicate sexual attraction or a lack of sex itself. If a woman sees herself in bed with a girl, she wants variety and sensuality from a real partner.

    In general, dreams about sex carry a positive urge.

    • Why dream of beating a woman

    Dreams about a woman being beaten have a negative meaning and promise losses and troubles. A slightly different meaning if in a dream you beat your rival. In this case, in reality, no one threatens your family. But to beat his wife - to her imminent betrayal.

    • Why dream of kissing a woman

    For men, such kisses promise profit and good news, while for a woman, gossip and quarrels with friends.

    • Why dream of shaving a woman

    It is bad if in a dream a woman shaves her mustache or beard, such a dream threatens with losses. When a woman shaves her head bald, then a crisis is brewing in her family, even a divorce is possible.

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    1. I dreamed of a woman from an esoteric dream book:
    In dark clothes - help in accomplishments from the subtle world. In light - to clear up in the head, the best time for decisions. Friendly, helps, takes part - be afraid of a rival who has crept into trust.
    In bed with a woman - to a fight, if a man dreams, to a quarrel, if a woman. With a man - sexual problems in a man, to envy and jealousy in a woman. Washes the floor - in light - throw out the extra rubbish from your head, wash your brains. In the dark - events will be fateful and bring a positive result.

    2. Woman according to Tsvetkov:
    Black-haired - gossip;
    Old woman - squabbles;
    Looking at a woman is a deception on the part of friends;
    Kissing a stranger - for money;
    Naked - grief disease,
    Old, ugly - quarrel, trouble.

    3. Woman in a dream according to Freud:
    An obscure female figure for a woman most often symbolizes the presence of a sexual rival or rival. It is possible that this is only the fruit of your jealous fantasy.
    For a man, such a dream symbolizes vague sexual desires or simply signals the body about the need for sexual discharge.

    Why do many women dream? The dream interpretation warns of gossip, intrigue, the machinations of enemies, family conflicts, troubles at work. But sometimes the plot in a dream promises the receipt of a large amount, the receipt of a bonus or a more prestigious position.

    Gossip, machinations of ill-wishers

    A dreamed vision promises the spread of gossip, the deceit of surrounding ladies who want to achieve their selfish goals at the expense of the dreamer.

    Seeing many women in a dream means that the sleeper interferes with the implementation of someone's plans, so they want to push him away or set him up. You have to be very careful.

    Get a good award or a prestigious position

    Why do many pregnant women dream? The dream interpretation promises: significant financial income is coming, perhaps receiving an inheritance from a distant relative or winning the lottery.

    Seeing a lot of pregnant women in a dream portends: in the business field, the dreamer will perfectly cope with the task. Management will appreciate the efforts: you can expect a big bonus.

    A dreamed story about several pregnant women promises, according to the dream book: the sleeper will be able to get a more prestigious position. You should carefully consider your actions and words in order to avoid annoying mistakes.

    Conflicts, discord of ideas and thoughts

    A lot of women in your house in a dream means: contention, conflicts in the family will soon begin. Try not to exacerbate misunderstandings, as quickly as possible to smooth out unpleasant moments.

    Have you seen how they run your house? The dream interpretation warns: enemies do not reckon with you, they think that you are unable to resist them. Try to confuse their cards: by showing yourself not so defenseless, you can avoid constant attacks.

    Why dream of many women in the house in strange, catchy outfits? The interpretation of sleep is as follows: in reality, the dreamer is waiting for a discord of ideas, thoughts that cannot be streamlined.

    Big sum, fun event

    Dreamed of a group of girls? The dream interpretation promises: you may soon unexpectedly receive a large amount of money, which will significantly improve your financial situation. Try to properly dispose of them: it will be possible to accumulate a good fortune.

    Beautiful young girls in a dream portend a man a fun event where he will have a great time.

    If they all danced together, you will find inner harmony, thanks to which you will succeed.

    Who was that?

    Remember who you saw in a dream:

    • employees - trouble at work due to the machinations of unfriendly colleagues;
    • relatives - they will hide something from you;
    • acquaintances - gossip about your personal life will go;
    • strangers - quarrels, scandals, gossip.

    Miller's dream book: beware of intrigue

    Why dream of seeing a lot of women around? The vision warns: you should be careful, because soon you will encounter intrigues. Most likely, someone from your environment will weave them.

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