To the anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad. Events and heroes of Stalingrad


“The Lesson of the Battle of Stalingrad” - What feat did M. Panikakha accomplish? Order of Lenin and the Gold Star of the Hero. In 2 weeks. What is Pavlov's house famous for? Name the largest monuments to the defenders of Stalingrad. Square of Heroes "Stand for death!" - 12 meter figure of a warrior rooted in the ground. Name the height of Mamayev Kurgan. Mill. Which building has not been restored since the Battle of Stalingrad.

“Stalingrad is a hero city” - I can’t cool the memory of my heart. Blitz - poll. Crossing. History lesson. The feat of Michael Panikakha. Date of the offensive period. Heart memory. Small group. Kolotukhin Ivan Lazarevich. The period of the German offensive. Stalingrad is Russia's pride and pain. Grainy thoughts. Buried War. Eternal flame.

"Battle of Stalingrad" - The medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" was awarded to more than 707 thousand participants in the battle. The Nazi troops outnumbered the Soviet ones: But the whole vast country came to the aid of the heroic city. More than 300 Nazis were destroyed by Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev in street battles. After liberation, the city was in complete ruins.

"Stalingradskaya" - Matrosov Alexander Stalingrad front. Memorable places of Volgograd (Stalingrad). The defeat of the Paulus army. Reasons for the victory of the Soviet Army in the Battle of Stalingrad. Soldier field. Battle of Stalingrad July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943. Memorial cemetery. July 17 - September 12, 1942 - German offensive September 13 - November 18, 1942 - defensive battles on the streets of Stalingrad November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943 - Soviet counteroffensive.

"The Battle of Stalingrad in the Great Patriotic War" - Not a step back. The feat of the soldiers. Stalingrad battle. Soviet counteroffensive near Stalingrad. Beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Storming of Stalingrad. Defense of Stalingrad. The surrender of Paulus's army Operation "Ring". Army Group South offensive. Battle for Mamaev Kurgan. The fate of the army and the people.

"Heroic Volgograd" - Sniper rifle V. G. Zaitsev. Planetarium. Monument "Motherland". Central embankment. Generals of the Great Patriotic War. Square of Fallen Heroes. Colonel I.P. Yelin. Hero City Volgograd. The first slab is located near the sculptural composition "Mother's Sorrow". Mass grave of 55 heroic defenders of Tsaritsyn.

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In 1942, the fate of the entire civilized world was being decided at the walls of Stalingrad. In the interfluve of the Volga and the Don, the greatest battle in history unfolded.

On July 12, 1942, the Stalingrad Front was formed, and the day of July 17 went down in history as the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad.

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It surpassed all previous battles in terms of its scale and fierceness: more than two million people fought on a territory of almost one hundred thousand square kilometers.

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The purpose of the fascist invaders: to take possession of the industrial city, whose enterprises produced military products; reach the Volga, along which in the shortest possible time it was possible to get to the Caspian Sea, to the Caucasus, where the oil necessary for the front was extracted.

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In the harsh days of the battle on the Volga, Soviet troops preserved and multiplied the best traditions of the Russian army.

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And such values ​​as love for the Motherland, honor and military duty, unbending will to win, steadfastness in defense, firm determination in the offensive, selfless courage and bravery, the military brotherhood of the peoples of our country, became sacred to the defenders of Stalingrad...

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“I was at the front line. Apotom counted 50 bullet holes on his overcoat. But the bullet that would have struck me has not yet been cast. Don't worry about me, mom, I'll be back!"

"Sasha! You ask how our school is. We live nothing. Tenth graders study in the 3rd shift. We finish the lessons at eleven at night. And during the day we work at the factory for 12 hours. We make shells for Katyushas. So sleep hunting! Sometimes we even fall asleep on the machines, on the shavings!”

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“You know, Sasha! And now we have an ensemble at school, and the real composer Mikhail Vladimirovich Chernyak directs it. We go to hospitals with concerts. Already 70 concerts have been given. Our sponsored hospital in the 30th school. So we can say there, all our free time.

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Like adults, the children had to endure hunger, and cold, and the death of relatives, and all this at such a young age. And they not only held out, but also did everything in their power, for the sake of survival, for the sake of victory.

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In almost every memory of the grown-up "child of military Stalingrad" one can see a description of the famine. Hunger, forcing daily risk and so restless life in holes, trenches. Under shelling and bombing, in frost and cold, children, at least somehow trying to help their loved ones and themselves, and on an equal basis with adults, looked for food, sometimes becoming suitable only after many efforts.

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“... Hungry winter of 1942. You will probably never forget her. Is it possible to forget how they went to the ruins of the former tannery and tore out, or rather cut down salted and frozen skins from the pits with an ax? After cutting such a skin into pieces and singeing it in the oven, they boiled it, and then passed it through a meat grinder. The thus obtained gelatinous mass of spruce. They didn’t think about taste - it was important to survive. It is thanks to this food that we managed to stay alive ... ".

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Courage and courage were shown by the Stalingrad pioneers in the fight against the enemy during the Battle of Stalingrad. May the names of young patriots and pioneer heroes not be erased from our memory.

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LYUSIA RADYNO ended up in Stalingrad after a long search for her relatives. Lusya, a 13-year-old resourceful pioneer from Leningrad, voluntarily became a scout when an officer came to the Stalingrad children's reception center who was looking for children to work in intelligence. So Lucy ended up in the combat unit. The commander of the scouts taught, gave instructions on how to conduct observations, what to note in memory, how to behave in captivity. In the first half of August 1942, Lucy, together with Elena Konstantinovna Alekseeva, under the guise of mother and daughter, were thrown behind enemy lines. Seven times Lucy crossed the front line, getting more and more information about the enemy. For exemplary performance of tasks, she was awarded the medals "For Courage" and "For the Defense of Stalingrad." She was lucky to be alive.

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Pioneer Motya Barsova helped destroy 20 German soldiers who fought their way out of the encirclement near Stalingrad. Hungry soldiers threatened her family, forced her mother to cook food. Motya, citing the lack of water, ran to the village council and roused the people. The house was surrounded, the Nazis were destroyed.

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Organized children in Ilyovka to care for 18 wounded soldiers and commanders. The teenagers then helped the Red Army soldiers get out of the encirclement.

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Not far from Stalingrad, the Nazis captured a schoolgirl in November 1942 and forced her to wash clothes and clean the rooms where German officers lived. Lucy managed to steal important documents, escape and deliver them to her. For a courageous deed, Lusya Remizova was awarded the medal "For Courage".

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The beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War The battle of Stalingrad on July 17, 1942. - February 2, 1943

Beginning of the Great Patriotic War On June 22, 1941, fascist Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. This treacherous act was committed despite the existence of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact. The Great Patriotic War began, which lasted 1418 days and nights - almost 4 heroic and tragic years.

The victory of the Red Army near Moscow On December 6, 1941, the troops of the Western Kalinin and South-Western Fronts launched a counteroffensive near Moscow. In January 1942, the Red Army launched a general offensive on a broad front and advanced westward in places more than 400 kilometers. Parade of Soviet troops on Red Square November 7, 1941

Battle of Stalingrad (July 1942 - February 1943) On June 28, the offensive of Army Group South began. About 90 fascist divisions attacked the positions of the Soviet troops. Our troops in mid-July 1942 were forced to retreat to Voronezh, left the Donbass and took up defensive positions in a large bend of the Don. There was a direct threat to Stalingrad and the North Caucasus.

In 1942, the fate of the entire civilized world was being decided at the walls of Stalingrad. In the interfluve of the Volga and the Don, the greatest battle in the history of wars unfolded. On July 12, 1942, the Stalingrad Front was formed, and the day of July 17 went down in history as the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad.

"July 8, 1942. The entire staff of the school under the command of Colonel Sitnikov is sent to defend Stalingrad. As part of the 64th Army, Major General S. Shumilov, we took part in the first battles. From the diary of a Russian cadet:

"No step back!" On July 28, 1942, the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR issued Order No. 227, which went down in history under the title "Not a step back!" German tank attack repulsed

It surpassed all previous battles in its scope and fierceness: more than two million people fought on a territory of almost one hundred thousand square kilometers.

The purpose of the fascist invaders: to take possession of the industrial city, whose enterprises produced military products; reach the Volga, along which in the shortest possible time it was possible to get to the Caspian Sea, to the Caucasus, where the oil necessary for the front was extracted.

Hitler planned to carry out this plan with the forces of one 6th field army of Paulus in just a week.

Trying to capture the city on the move, the fascist hordes threw all the aircraft of the 4th Air Fleet at Stalingrad. On August 23, the enemy launched the first bombing strike of colossal force on the city. In a few hours, entire neighborhoods turned into ruins. Assault on Stalingrad

“To a person inexperienced in battles, it would seem that in the burning city there is no longer a place for life, that everything is destroyed there, everything burned down. But I knew that the battle was going on on the other side, a titanic struggle was going on. General Chuikov V.I. General's memories

For every shop, water tower, railway embankment, wall, basement and, finally, for every pile of ruins, a fierce struggle was waged ...

The battle for Mamaev Kurgan One hundred and forty days and nights the fierce battle on Mamaev Kurgan did not subside. In the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau, the mound was called the height of "102.0". From its top there is a panorama of the city, a large section of the Volga, the Volga forests, where at that time the rear of the Soviet troops were located. The battle for the mound began on September 14, 1942. Memorial complex on Mamaev Kurgan (modern view)

“I wanted to go to the Volga in a certain place, near a certain city. It so happened that this city bears the name of Stalin himself ... Without making exaggerated statements, I can tell you that we captured it. Only a small part is not yet in our hands.” Hitler hurried: the city resisted. From Hitler's speech

The feat of the soldiers in the defense of Pavlov's house The feat of the soldiers who defended the four-story house on January 9 Square from the fierce attacks of the Nazis is known throughout the world. 58 days and nights 24 warriors heroically defended the house. 58 days of continuous fighting, without sleep and rest. And on the 59th day - November 24 - the garrison went on the offensive and threw the enemy behind the railroad tracks. Pavlov's House

September 1: Are the Russians really going to fight on the very banks of the Volga? This is crazy... September 11: reckless stubbornness... September 13: ... wild animals... September 16: ...these are not people, but devils... October 27: Russians are not people, but some kind of iron creatures. They never get tired and are not afraid of fire…” From the diary of a German officer:

Capitulation of the army of Paulus Operation "Ring" On January 8, 1943, the commander of the German troops, Colonel General Paulus, was presented with an ultimatum for immediate and unconditional surrender. On January 10, 1943, the troops of the Don Front under the command of Lieutenant General K.K. Rokossovsky launched a general offensive with the aim of finally eliminating the encircled enemy. Colonel-General K.K. Rokossovsky, commander of the Don Front, and Marshal of Artillery N.N. Voronov, representative of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, are interrogating Field Marshal Paulus.

1. The Battle of Stalingrad ended with the defeat of the enemy, who lost 1.5 million people, 2000 tanks, 3000 aircraft, 100 thousand soldiers, 2.5 thousand officers, 23 generals, Field Marshal F. Paulus were taken prisoner. 2. During the Battle of Stalingrad, 22 German divisions and 160 separate units were defeated. Killed 140 thousand enemy soldiers and officers. 3. The victory at Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of not only the Great Patriotic War, but also the Second World War as a whole. The initiative on the Soviet-German front passed to the USSR. Results of the Battle of Stalingrad

December 22, 1942 Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" 125 people received the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" in the Battle of Stalingrad 750 thousand people were awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"

At the entrance to Mamaev Kurgan. Sculpture "Memory of generations".

Sculpture "Motherland is calling!" - one of the largest on the planet. Its weight is 8000 tons, height is 85 meters: 4 meters pedestal, 52 meters sculpture. Sword: length - 29 meters, weight - 400 tons 300 kg. They built the entire memorial for 8 years - from 1959 to 1967

Why did the Nazi troops fail to take Stalingrad? What is the historical significance of the Battle of Stalingrad? Questions

The defeat of the Nazi troops near Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War. The battle of Stalingrad showed the military art of the Soviet commanders, the combat skills of the Soviet soldiers, their endurance, courage and heroism. The Battle of Stalingrad strengthened Russia's authority in the world. conclusions

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The Battle of Stalingrad - the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War "Here we will learn, in these very steppes ..." Mikhail Sholokhov

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Beginning of the Great Patriotic War On June 22, 1941, fascist Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. This treacherous act was committed despite the existence of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact. The Great Patriotic War began, which lasted 1418 days and nights - almost 4 heroic and tragic years.

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Battle of Stalingrad (July 1942-February 1943) On June 28, the offensive of Army Group South began. About 90 fascist divisions attacked the positions of the Soviet troops. Our troops in mid-July 1942 were forced to retreat to Voronezh, left the Donbass and took up defensive positions in a large bend of the Don. There was a direct threat to Stalingrad and the North Caucasus.

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Beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad On July 17, 1942, the advanced units of the fascist Army Group "B" in the big bend of the Don met with the troops of the Stalingrad Front. The Battle of Stalingrad began. At the headquarters of the 62nd Army: N.I. Krylov, V.I. Chuikov, K.A. Gurov, A.I. Rodimtsev

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"No step back!" On July 28, 1942, the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR issued Order No. 227, which went down in history under the title "Not a step back!" German tank attack repulsed

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The defense of Stalingrad In the defense of the city, factories, especially the tractor factory, Krasny Oktyabr, Barrikada, and the shipyard, were to play a huge role. The Stalingrad Tractor Plant began producing tank engines, artillery tractors and T-34 medium tanks. Tanks from the factory go to the front

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Trying to capture the city on the move, the fascist hordes threw all the aircraft of the 4th Air Fleet at Stalingrad. On August 23, the enemy launched the first bombing strike of colossal force on the city. In a few hours, entire neighborhoods turned into ruins. Assault on Stalingrad

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The fate of the army and the people is in his hands On August 25, 1942, by order of the Military Council of the Front, Stalingrad was declared under a state of siege. To provide practical assistance to the fronts in the Stalingrad region, the Stavka sends General G.K. Zhukov, who was appointed on August 27 to the post of Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

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The battle for Mamaev Kurgan One hundred and forty days and nights the fierce battle on Mamaev Kurgan did not subside. In the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau, the mound was called the height of "102.0". From its top there is a panorama of the city, a large section of the Volga, the Volga forests, where at that time the rear of the Soviet troops were located. The battle for the mound began on September 14, 1942. Memorial complex on Mamaev Kurgan (modern view)

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The feat of the soldiers in the defense of Pavlov's house The feat of the soldiers who defended the four-story house on January 9 Square from the fierce attacks of the Nazis is known throughout the world. 58 days and nights 24 warriors heroically defended the house. 58 days of continuous fighting, without sleep and rest. And on the 59th day - November 24 - the garrison went on the offensive and threw the enemy behind the railroad tracks. Pavlov's House Capitulation of the army of Paulus Operation "Ring" On January 8, 1943, the commander of the German troops, Colonel General Paulus, was presented with an ultimatum for immediate and unconditional surrender. On January 10, 1943, the troops of the Don Front under the command of Lieutenant General K.K. Rokossovsky launched a general offensive with the aim of finally eliminating the encircled enemy. Colonel-General K.K. Rokossovsky, commander of the Don Front, and Marshal of Artillery N.N. Voronov, representative of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, are interrogating Field Marshal Paulus.

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