How to quickly learn the rules of traffic rules category c. How easy it is to remember road signs


Any car owner should be aware of all existing traffic rules. Without understanding, driving is out of the question. Traffic rules are like rules of etiquette on the road for all road users. But the rules themselves are not enough. In addition, it is necessary to learn road signs. There are quite a few of them, and this complicates the process.

Memorization Features

There are several nuances of how to remember road signs easily. Pay special attention to them, and then everything will be given faster.

Each sign is different in its form. It can be a quadrilateral, a circle or a triangle. In addition, they vary depending on the color. There are red, white or light blue, and in some cases the colors are combined. Also on each of them is a symbol that informs about something. Remember that the signs of prescription and prohibition are always depicted in the form of a circle. But other categories can also have this form.

To understand how to learn road signs quickly, fix it in your memory: what is shown must be strictly followed and in no case be ignored. The most "formidable" of their signs-prohibitions is considered a white variant with a red border. It carries information that movement is prohibited. If you see a red circle with a white rectangle on it, then entry is prohibited.

All prohibition signs have a white background (except for those relating to parking, they are blue), and around them there is a red border. You can not do what is depicted in the circle. To be sure it was clear, it is often crossed out.

How to learn traffic signs and learn to understand where the influence of this sign has already ended? There are three variations:

  1. Departure or entrance to a city, village, etc.
  2. Crossroad sign.
  3. A pointer that removes previous inhibitions.

Print in memory that such a pointer would look like this: a circle with a white background and a black border.

How to learn traffic signs quickly and effortlessly? Let's give you one more piece of advice. Remember: all prescription signs are only round and have a blue background. When you are at the intersection of two roads, look for arrow signs. They will help you figure out which way to go in this situation. If the arrow shows that it is possible to move to the left, then a turn is also allowed here.

Other existing forms

There are also triangular and square signs on the roads. Triangular can be of two types. They are somewhat similar in meaning, external characteristics. Warning signs carry information that there are dangerous sections of the road nearby (descents, ascents, tunnels). They are mainly located before the beginning of such a section.

There are also priority signs. They indicate the sequence in which traffic should be carried out at intersections. They are also called warning signs. At the intersection, there may be a “Give way” sign (in the form of an inverted triangle) or “Main road” (a white quadrangle with a yellow border).

Do not forget about the signs that broadcast about pedestrian crossings, places where children can walk (near a school or kindergarten), about bus stops, trams, etc. Such signs have a square or rectangular shape. It is also important to remember those that signal place names, water bodies, distances, repairs on the road. They do not prohibit anything, but only inform the driver. It is also worth mentioning here the signs that indicate such objects as a gas station, a toilet, a car wash, a parking lot. They can probably just be called useful.

In fact, learning road signs is easy. You just need to develop a scheme of distinctive characteristics in your head. Use your visual memory to 100%. If you notice that you can’t remember the meaning for a long time, put a hint book in the glove compartment for such cases. Until you polish your knowledge, repeat the signs in your free time. For example, before going to bed. For the best effect, you can come up with associations.

Desire and systematic repetition will help you remember signs quickly and easily. The main thing is to try and keep practicing!

Having a driver's license opens up many opportunities: it expands the prospects for finding a job; you can always replace a friend driving on a long trip; to rent a car and, finally, it brings you closer to buying your own car. But for passing exams, and more importantly, for your own understanding of the situation on the roadway, remembering the standard wording from the rules is not enough. The situation is aggravated by the accelerated pace of life: work, secular studies, household chores. So, how to quickly learn traffic rules?

Get to the bottom of it

It is very difficult to memorize the whole theory, with its points and sub-points. But even if it is “memorized” by heart, a slight deviation from the rules, in a life situation on the road, can lead to a stupor. “After all, we didn’t teach this!” You exclaim. In order not to overload the brain with complex formulations, it is worth learning the main thing - all traffic rules are designed to carry out safe movement, yours and other participants. Therefore, when answering exam tickets, or while driving a car, first of all think about how it will be safer for you and those around you.
Learn to see the underlying principles behind the rules and formulations. If you do not “cram” long subparagraphs, but try to highlight the essence, then you can easily navigate both questions from tickets and on the roadway. In exams, it will be more difficult to confuse you with provocative questions. And this will be so not because you keep everything in your head, but because you have learned to think in the light of the rules.

Learn to think

For example: imagine that you are driving on a serpentine road with a sign that limits the speed to 50 km/h. You stick to that speed. But suddenly you notice that above you, a large stone breaks off from the mountain. Having instantly calculated the distance and speed of the fall of the stone, you understand that continuing to adhere to the limit of 50 km / h, the car will just fall under a collapse. Your actions? Dramatically increase the speed! Yes, the rules will be broken, but their principle - safety for life, will be respected. This is an exaggerated situation, but its example shows what it means to delve into the essence. Highlighting for yourself the main thing in each rule, namely, how it contributes to safety, you will not have to memorize everything. You will be able to find the answers yourself.

Effective Method

To easily remember traffic rules, and most importantly, to be able to apply them in life, you should ride next to the driver as often as possible. For example, in public transport, it is advisable to sit in the front seats so that you can see the road. Next, you need to analyze his actions and compare with what I know from the rules. If some situation turned out to be incomprehensible, it is important to remember it and simulate it in front of the instructor, so that he could explain why the driver acted this way and not otherwise. Such close observation of someone else's ride will be a training for the brain. Always ask yourself: what would I do in this situation?
If you use a taxi, then instead of idle chatter, ask the driver why he went here like that. Experienced drivers can suggest a lot of useful things. For example, where are some signs located (beginners don't know where to look), what are the short roads (other than bus routes), etc.

Abbreviation to help

A common problem, when passing the exam in the traffic police, is the confusion of the student in the order of actions for the implementation of the start of the movement. The abbreviation "USSR" will help to remember this nuance. C - “light”, means the need to turn on the turn signal, and in winter also the dipped beam. The second "C" is the "clutch" to be squeezed out; third "C" - "speed", i.e. first gear; "P" - "handbrake", removing which, you can get under way. Of course, you must first fasten your seat belt.

visual associations

There are a lot of printed manuals for studying tickets and traffic rules both in stores and on the Internet. Give priority to those with more illustrations and diagrams. So, knowledge will be deposited in the head not only in the form of printed information, but also in the form of images. Visual materials improve perception and contribute to better memorization.
The ticket may contain a question about the signals of the traffic controller, when the tram and cars are moving. If you somehow remember the gestures for ordinary drivers, then the signals for rail transport are completely different. When should you give way and give priority to the tram, in front of the traffic controller? It can be imagined that the tram has the right to travel from one inspector's sleeve to another. In this position of the body of the traffic controller, you can not go.

Ticket Study Approach

There are several basic rules for studying traffic rules or exam tickets:
Instead of reading 100 points at once on Saturday, study 15-20 points every day. Dividing the material into equal parts and systematic studies is much more effective than “shock” doses of knowledge that leave only a mess in the head.

At the end of the week, review what you have learned. Scientists have found that we forget 80% of what we read after 20 minutes. Repetition increases memorization by 50%. Triple repetition - even more. Thus, the connections between the neurons of the brain are strengthened, and the "path" to this information becomes "trodden", and does not overgrow.

Do not learn tickets longer than 45 minutes. If during this time you do not have time to meaningfully go through 15 points, take a short break. The alternation of mental and physical activity improves perception.

As mentioned above, notice the essence - the fundamental principles. For example, a good rule: "right hand". When crossing an intersection where there are no traffic lights and road priority signs, all vehicles to the right of you should be allowed to pass. The same principle applies when rebuilding two cars traveling along the same road. The well-known words, among drivers - “it is always the one who is behind who is to blame”, remind of the importance of keeping a distance. The saying "bottom is right" will be a guide to which car is inferior on the descent - going up or going down.

Pay special attention to memorizing signs and markings. These are your helpers on the road. Try, for memorization, to associate the new sign with something similar and well known to you.

For example, the "no parking" sign has a crossed out, one stripe circle. It looks like the letter "C" in a mirror image ("C" - parking). Having memorized this association, you will never confuse it with “no stopping”, in which the circle is crossed out with two stripes and the letter “C” is no longer obtained.

At the end of the entire book, repeat the entire material, but randomly. Relatives who will be as an examiner can help. Answer in your own words, not bookish formulations.

To quickly memorize tickets, computer programs have been developed that simulate questions and answers on the exam. It is important that the program is the latest version of this year. After going through it, from beginning to end several times, you will have a high percentage of correct answers. But this way you just remember where to put the “tick”. In life, without understanding the causes and consequences of behavior on the road, the program will not help.

And remember: you need to learn traffic rules in order to follow them. This is how you keep your life and others safe.

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Studying the Rules of the Road is necessary not only for passing exams at a driving school and obtaining the coveted driver's license. This is a kind of etiquette of behavior on the road, the knowledge of which is vital for safety, not only your own, but also that of all those around you.

As a rule, the process of driving itself does not cause as many difficulties as studying a pimp of rules and regulations. Novice drivers often face the problem of remembering a large amount of information and not understanding the complex language of the rules. Banal "memorization" of the material will not save in a real situation on the road. And learning all over again, but already in the process of driving, is also not the best option.

In order to facilitate and significantly speed up the process of studying bulk material, a number of time-tested methods are used. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most effective.

You will need:

1. Familiarize yourself with the material being studied by carefully reading the collection of rules.

2. Write down a detailed structure, dividing all the material into groups and subgroups according to individual criteria.

3. Establish semantic and logical connections within the studied material.

If you understand the rule and can explain the process, it will be easier for you to remember it.

4. Outline all the main ideas and theses.

5. Repeat what you have learned over and over, say important facts to yourself and out loud.

But repeat the information not in order, but randomly, choosing a question or rule at random.

6. Include friends or relatives in the learning process. Share with them the information received, ask them to be your “examiner”.

7. Learn the material in small blocks and every day.

8. Alternate the process of studying with rest (for example, 40 minutes of study and 10 minutes of break).

9. Try to allocate hours for study in the morning. Morning is considered the best time to learn new information.

10. Do not limit yourself to attending driving school classes. Learn and repeat the rules of the road at home, at lunchtime or in any free minute.

11. Use all types of memory (visual, auditory and motor), alternating listening to lectures, viewing pictures, videos and taking notes.

Imaging method

Many of us have excellent visual memory, so the visual method is considered the best tool in remembering a large amount of information.

  • To easily and quickly learn different traffic situations, get an illustrated collection of rules.

Bright and demonstrative drawings are easier to reproduce in memory than plain text without pictures.

  • When taking notes on lectures or abstracts, make sketches, work out diagrams.
  • Watch the video with interesting and illustrative examples from real life.
  • When studying signs, concentrate on their shape, color and semantic information.

Almost all prohibition signs are round, with a white background and a red line around the circle, and may have a line through. Mandatory signs are also round, but with a blue background. Warning signs are usually triangular, while information signs are square or rectangular.

association method

The essence of this method is to bind a certain associative series to an unfamiliar situation (rule, phenomenon) and, thus, remember the information.

As a rule, the images that are best remembered are those that are personally related to you, evoke strong emotions, laughter, exaggeration, or something negative and terrible.

If you have developed imaginative thinking, then when studying the rules, it will not be difficult for you to create individual and understandable associations for you personally, which will be easy to remember when various situations arise on the road.

Mnemotechnical method

This method is similar to the previous one, but instead of personal associations and images, special mnemonics are used to better remember the rules - rhymes, sayings or abbreviations. On the Internet you can find a wide variety of collections of "memory", so we will give just a few of them as an example.

  • To learn the "rule of interference from the right", you should remember a simple saying "Who is right is right".

It perfectly reflects the essence of the rule: at the turn, at the intersection, the advantage is the one who has everything clear on the right and there are no obstacles.

  • To distinguish between similar concepts of "separation strip and zone" and "separation zone", there are such simple "reminders": "Strip - braid braid" And “Our zone is without a lawn”.
  • To easily remember the list of road signs that are used outside settlements, the following saying will come in handy: "Two pieces of iron, two waters, children and slaves".

  • To remember the procedure for an unexpected stop of a car at a railway crossing, read Hail Mary Prayer (AVM), where A - turn on alarm, IN - drop people off from the vehicle, M - take measures to free the crossing from the car.
  • To learn the procedure at the beginning of the movement, the abbreviation will help "THE USSR"- light - clutch - speed - handbrake.
  • A "rule of three D"- "Give Way to the Fool" will save your nerves.

Driver's mindset

During the learning process, you should learn to think like a driver, even when moving on your own two.

  • Being in places of dense car traffic, at intersections and avenues, try to carefully observe the actions of drivers, evaluate the traffic situation and compare it with the learned rules, note errors or incomprehensible processes.
  • When riding in public transport or in the passenger seat in a car, watch the road, analyze the actions of the driver, mentally put yourself in his place.

Then, in the classroom at a driving school, you can ask questions of interest to your instructor and sort out an incomprehensible situation among fellow students. And also adjust the practical driving lessons in such a way as to travel in such places.


Today, there are many websites, computer programs and applications for smartphones that allow you to practice passing traffic rules.

It is best to practice on the official websites of the State Traffic Inspectorate (,, which provides up-to-date information. But any other site with similar tests can help you get an idea about upcoming exams and identify gaps in knowledge.

You should train until the number of errors is reduced to a minimum or zero.

Please note that the online simulator cannot be a full-fledged and the only source of knowledge, but only an additional tool for better assimilation of the material.

Frequently Asked Questions

    How to learn traffic rules quickly and effectively in one day?

    Conventionally, all methods of fast and effective memorization and not only traffic rules can be divided into 5 main groups:
    - Memory and attention. Everything that in no way "catches" - passes by. An internal command to fix information and find a logical chain will help to establish semantic relationships. Understanding the process will help memorize it. Interest and attentiveness are the key to the inclusion of short-term memory.
    - Associative thinking. The main task is to link the necessary knowledge to the existing ones. Build your associative array to connect to the process of memorizing figurative memory.
    - Structuring. To memorize a large amount of information, it is necessary to divide it into groups and subgroups according to certain criteria. This can be a layout according to permissive, prohibitory and information road signs, the shape of road signs. The structure will serve as a framework for remembering all the information.
    - Repetition. No matter how well you study the issue of a ticket, a person’s memory is a dynamic process and it is necessary to “refresh” everything learned in order for the information to be fixed.
    - Mnemotechnical. Replacing abstract dry legal terms with simple and understandable abbreviations, rhymes, consonances helps memorize large amounts of information.

    How to learn traffic rules in 2 days?

    First you need to memorize the order of road signs in order of their importance. So fix this information in your memory:
    - inspector (appears if it is necessary to adjust the situation on the road; has an advantage over traffic lights);
    - traffic light (regulates the passage of cars; regulates the flow of traffic); - temporary signs (indicate repairs on a road section; indicate a change in the situation on the road);
    - permanent signs (establish an unchanging traffic order, in the absence of a traffic light);
    - marking (sets certain modes and order of movement of vehicles and pedestrians).
    Signs are the most difficult to remember, recognize and learn to perceive, especially if there is no driving practice yet. To get started, just learn the pictures in the manual and try to remember their designation. Long before you start to drive a car, walking or riding a car as a passenger, pay attention to various road signs. Say to yourself what it means, prescribes, requires or prohibits each pointer you meet. Put into practice to recognize the sign, noticing it with peripheral vision.

    What is the easiest way to learn traffic rules tickets?

    Try to understand what is easier for you to remember - a text or a picture. If the text, then you'd better use the paper version of the tickets, reading each line carefully. In the second case, use the training versions of the traffic rules programs, where tickets are accompanied by pictures, you can also use videos.
    Try not to cram every ticket - all the rules of the road are logical, so they should not be taught, but understood. Try to imagine the situations described in the tickets, remember similar situations on the road, think logically. Of course, there are moments that just need to be remembered, but there are not so many of them.
    To better remember tickets, you can use various services on the Internet. In many of them, after the question and answer, there is a detailed commentary, therefore, even answering at random, you can thoroughly parse the correct answer, and at the same time remember it.
    Chat with other drivers. More experienced drivers will explain the essence of incomprehensible moments that other motorists have had to deal with.

    How to start learning traffic rules at home?

    Leisurely reading the traffic rules three times in order to understand the relationship of the rules, their structure and logic - this alone can already greatly help to pass the exam.
    The second thing to pay special attention to is practice. Many students behave in practice at a driving school as if they are already taking an exam in the traffic police, being afraid to show the instructor that they do not know something and, as a result, lose all the usefulness of practical classes. Remember, practice is the same training session as a theoretical course. To get the most out of them, be vigilant, try to immediately sort out all the situations that are incomprehensible to you on the road with the instructor on the spot.

    How easy is it to remember traffic tickets?

    Re-read tickets several times. Speak information aloud.

    How to learn traffic rules to accurately pass the exam?

    How to quickly repeat traffic rules?

    It is best to repeat the rules in practice. Sit next to the driver so that he calls road signs and tells what each sign means. So you quickly recall information.

    How to learn traffic intersections?

    The best way to learn is from pictures.

    Which textbook will help you learn the rules of the road?

    The current set includes two books - “Rules of the road. Law on Road Traffic” and “Road Signs and Designations”, cover color - orange.

    Moments that are needed to learn traffic rules?

    Purposefulness and good memory.

    What to learn in the book of traffic rules?

A good knowledge of traffic rules is, first of all, a matter of the safety of you, your passengers, other road users, and secondly, a matter of the integrity of your precious vehicle, and only then, perhaps, is an argument for obtaining a coveted driver's license. Therefore, seeing the situation on our roads, it would be worth the question “how to quickly learn traffic rules” to change the question “how to learn traffic rules well”. But, nevertheless, with the desire and certain mental efforts, these questions can still be combined.

Before moving on to direct recommendations on how to quickly learn traffic rules tickets, I will share my personal experience. The very first rule that my father taught me when I got behind the wheel of a car, and the rule that for 20 years has saved my health, nerves and, possibly, my life, is the “3-D” rule, that is, “Give Way to the Fool” . And there are enough of these on the roads ... And, in the event of an accident and, God forbid, your injury, it is unlikely that it will somehow make life easier to realize that you were right, but he was not. Moreover, there is a clause in the traffic rules about “the need to take all measures to prevent accidents”, which unscrupulous representatives of the traffic police love to manipulate, even if you are 100% right. That is, when driving to any more or less uncertain and dangerous section, whether it is an intersection (even if you are driving along the main one), a road near playgrounds, educational institutions, pubs, etc., you need to be in a state of increased attention in order to prevent possible problems.

And now let's move on to the traffic rules themselves.

Basic principles of the Rules of the road
First of all, you need to understand that the traffic rules are very logical, and even where you have not learned something or forgotten something, the “turned on” head and logic will save you. Therefore, if you are faced with the question of how to learn traffic rules in a day, then, first of all, take up the signs and road markings.

1. Traffic signs. They are divided into 7 groups:

  • warning (mostly on a white triangle in a red frame + road turn signs with red and white arrows + warning about the approach of the railway track with red and white stripes and crosses);
  • forbidding (on a white circle with a red frame + signs of lifting restrictions - a white circle crossed out with five lines with a black frame);
  • prescriptive (on a blue circle with a white border);
  • priority (there are only 6 different types - it will not be difficult to learn, especially since these are one of the most common and important signs);
  • plates for signs (on white rectangles with black frames, they are usually paired with signs from other groups, specifying them);
  • information and indication (mostly on a blue rectangle with a white frame + on a yellow or green rectangle + white or blue signs with the names of cities);
  • Service signs - signs informing about the presence of any services nearby (white squares with information inserted into blue vertical rectangles).

Why did we focus so much on the general appearance of the signs? Because, understanding by the appearance, the direction of the sign (it prohibits, warns, etc.) and, seeing the drawing, one can easily guess what he wants to tell us about.

But still, it’s worth going over the text of the rules for each group: there are very, at first glance, unexpected nuances that can later, at least, keep the contents of your wallet more intact when meeting with a representative of the road inspectorate.

2. Road markings. At first glance, it will seem very tricky, but in fact everything is very simple: you cannot cross solid lines, and you can change lanes only through broken ones. Very often duplicated by the corresponding signs. One time careful thoughtful reading of the section is enough to make everything clear.

3. The most difficult sections of the road are intersections - it is on them that troubles most often occur. Therefore, understand the rules for their travel:

  • If there is a traffic light, the rule familiar to us from childhood applies: we only go to the green one (constantly burning !, not flashing).
  • If the traffic light is in the “yellow flashing” mode or it is not there at all, we act in accordance with the instructions of the signs (see clause 1).
  • If there are no signs, then there are two options: a) you are leaving an obvious side road, for example, from a dirt road to the highway - in this case, you need to let all traffic go along the main road and only then, after waiting for a safe moment, leave;

    b) the roads are equivalent - in this case, the rule "interference on the right" applies, i.e. you must skip all vehicles on your right, and then move in the right direction.

  • If there is a traffic controller at the intersection, then regardless of the presence of traffic lights and signs, we obey only him. You can leave your place only if: a) the inspector is standing sideways (either sideways) to you, arms are spread apart or both arms are lowered - in this case, you can only go straight and to the right;

    b) the right hand with a stick is directed at you, the inspector is facing you, and his second hand is directed to the right of you - movement is only to the right;

    c) the traffic controller stands with his left shoulder towards you, and his right hand is directed to your left - in this case, you can go in any direction.

Pay special attention to the rules for regulating the movement of the tram - they are slightly different, but in any case, if your trajectories intersect, you must yield to it.

As you can see, it is enough to learn and understand a few fundamental points and all the answers in the traffic rules tickets will become clear and self-evident. The main thing: ask yourself the question in which case an accident will not occur.

But, in addition to solving the question of how to quickly learn traffic rules, you need to learn how to apply them in life and quickly navigate situations on the roads - and this is practice and practice again.

Good luck and "neither a nail nor a wand"!

Traffic rules are the rules of the road, if suddenly someone forgot or did not know until now. Ask anyone if you need to know the traffic rules, and he will answer yes, of course. It's so important...

But in reality, they begin to teach traffic rules only when they are going to pass on a driver's license. It seems like why should a pedestrian learn the rules if he only crosses the road.

All that today's pedestrians know is that they need to cross the road at the green light of a traffic light, according to a special marking - a zebra, and most importantly, that a driver who does not let a pedestrian at the crossing can be fined.

Knowing the latter pushes some headless pedestrians to literally jump out onto a pedestrian crossing, forcing cars to brake sharply, which provokes accidents and often ends with them, and all because they don’t really know the rules, and they haven’t seen paragraph 4.5 of the traffic rules in their eyes .

However, in addition to knowledge of the rules of the road, there must also be common sense. But even a deeper knowledge of the duties of pedestrians would not interfere, but would help them better understand the traffic situation and not expose their lives to unnecessary danger.

The whole problem is that no one wants to learn the rules if it is not required. If it were not for the exam in the traffic police, where you need to show your knowledge, no one would have taught them at all, probably.

No one wants to spend their time learning the rules just because they think that it takes a very long time, that there are a lot of these rules and they are very difficult to learn and it is impossible to do it quickly.

In fact, the rules of the road are a very thin book, which you can read very quickly - in just 1 hour, without having the technique of speed reading.

For pedestrians, even this would be enough. Just read and focus on the section that describes the duties of pedestrians.

Drivers, on the other hand, need deeper knowledge, and therefore the question arises of how to quickly learn traffic rules. And as mentioned earlier, this question arises, as a rule, before the exam in the traffic police.

It is actually very easy to quickly learn traffic rules ...

There are, of course, special memorization techniques, you can use computer programs, but there is also a more reliable, suitable for absolutely everyone way to quickly learn the rules, for which nothing special is needed.

You probably know that we all perceive and assimilate different types of information in different ways. Someone perceives better by ear, someone remembers images, someone has a photographic memory.

And now you will learn how to quickly, and most importantly, easily and very reliably learn traffic rules, and you will understand why it is so easy - much easier than it is commonly thought.

The thing is that for studying traffic rules there are ready-made materials for absolutely all types of memory.

All you need is the traffic rules themselves and questions from tickets to them. Buy such a booklet with questions from tickets to traffic rules, where these questions are divided into sections, just like the traffic rules themselves.

You can quickly and easily learn the rules if you skillfully combine different types of memory.

You will need to either read the rules of the road yourself or have someone read it out loud to you if that makes it easier for you to understand the material.

For example, take the section "Unregulated intersections", read it (or listen to it). All sections in the traffic rules are small in volume, so it will take you only a few minutes to study the theory, very quickly, agree.

After reading the section, try to mentally repeat what you read, check how well you learned. It turned out well, nothing bad happened. You can re-read it again, or you can immediately proceed to fixing the material in the form of images.

As images, we will use pictures that are available in almost all traffic rules tickets. There are, of course, questions without pictures, but they are usually very easy to remember. If not, draw a picture yourself (you can absolutely ugly), which will help capture the desired image.

In other words, after studying the theory from the traffic rules book, immediately proceed to the study of questions from the same topic. To do this, we needed a special booklet with questions broken down by topic.

That is, after studying the theory, we work on the knowledge gained, answering questions that may be found in the tickets.

After studying the first section, we move on to the next and so on until the end of the rules until all the material has been worked out. At the same time, there is no need to return to the sections already studied.

After the first pass, you will learn about 80% of the material.

In order to learn and consolidate the material by 100%, you will need to repeat the procedure 1-2 more times, only this will take much less time.

Personally, it all took me 5 days, in each of which I worked out for about two hours a day - 1 hour in the morning on the train when I was driving to work and 1 hour in the evening when I was driving from work.

After that, going through all the tickets, I did not make a single mistake, and there was still oh so much time before the exams. Then, before the exam, I once again went through all the tickets, and at the exam there was not even a shadow of a doubt that the theory would be passed.

I hope my experience of how to quickly learn traffic rules will be useful to you, and you will confidently press the buttons in the traffic police. Good luck! However, now that you know how to quickly learn the rules, and most importantly, remember everything very reliably, there is not much point in relying on luck. You can do it quickly and correctly, answering all questions.

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