How you can cheer yourself up: simple ways to recover quickly. proven ways to cheer up your loved one


Friends are part of everyone's life. It is pleasant to share moments of joy with them and share difficult moments. But it happens that a friend or a person close to you has troubles: a bad mood, depression. Therefore, you should know how you can cheer up people dear to you. If you do not have the opportunity to solve the problem that provoked a bad mood of a loved one, then try to change his view of this situation. As they say, if there is no way to change the objective, then change the subjective.


How to cheer up a friend? Your actions don't have to make him happy. The main thing is to distract a person from sadness in thoughts, to pull consciousness out of the gray and gloomy labyrinths in which it wanders. There are several options here:

  • Invite your friend or girlfriend somewhere. You can go to a club, to the cinema, you can sit in a cafe or bar, and you can also go out into nature.
  • Your minimum task is to distract a person from everyday life, where now he has only sad and heavy thoughts. The easiest way to do this is in a cheerful and noisy company, where he will receive a charge of positive emotions.

If you have a sociable friend, then going to the cinema or the theater will not surprise him. Here you have to come up with something new and special, something that you have never done before. Bring positive thoughts and emotions in any way:

  • A trip to a country where you have not yet been;
  • Ride on beautiful horses;
  • Go to the circus or bungee jump.

These options are huge. You should think about what will cause an adrenaline rush in your friend or girlfriend, as well as delight and ringing laughter. Do not be afraid that you will not please with a choice, because a friend will always appreciate the efforts and efforts made.

To another person

How can a person cheer up if he does not want to go anywhere? He hides in his apartment, as in a cozy and comfortable mink. He does not make any efforts to get out of longing and sadness. Then go for the trick:

  • Say that one ticket to the theater or to the ballet is missing;
  • Come up with a version that you are just scared to be in a new company;
  • Or you can turn the situation around as if you need his help, because you need to relax from difficult everyday life and problems.

Good people often help others and not themselves, unfortunately. Therefore, your friend will immediately get out of his corner and come running to help. So this option should work.


How to cheer up a friend if she is sad and immersed in her thoughts, where is the problem eating her? Try a few tips:

  • Do not pester with questions, it is easy enough to hint that sadness is seen in her eyes. If she wishes, she will tell you everything herself. Then a spiritual conversation will remove the stone from her soul and free her from sad thoughts.
  • Invite a friend for a walk, because fresh air is the best source of positive thoughts that simply erode all the bad things from your head.
  • Scientists have concluded that sweets have a very positive effect on the emotional background. Treat your girlfriend to cakes, try to take the initiative to cook something sweet with her.
  • A great sense of humor and good jokes can always cheer up any girl. Therefore, pick up a few jokes in accordance with her character and act.

By phone

How to cheer up on the phone to your friend or girlfriend? There is a variety of jokes and humorous things that every mobile operator has now. To cheer you up, you can order any jokes to your friend's number. In any case, it will cause laughter and distract from sadness. You can also just call in a different voice and introduce yourself as some comedian and read jokes that are prepared in advance on the Internet. Even a simple phone call can add a little joy and a positive attitude to your loved one. It is also worth thinking about how to cheer up your good friend or dear girlfriend in the morning. There are various options here:

  • Call with an optimistic attitude and just talk about how good today is going to be. Charge your friend with your emotions.
  • You can agree in the evening to take two players with you and go for a run. Turning on cheerful and energetic music in the morning is a huge charge of good emotions, and running is a charge for the whole body. Therefore, this option is not only good for the soul, but also good for health.

There are many different ways to quickly cheer up a person. It just needs your imagination and a great desire to help. Then everything will work out: and the friend will become happier, and you will be pleased that you were able to help such a person close to you.

When bad times come, it is important for a person to understand those who are nearby. Choosing a partner for a serious relationship, everyone hopes that he will share both joy and sorrow with him. A guy will always appreciate that girl who knows how to support and cheer up in the most difficult moment. How to do it right? boyfriend?

A few words about what a mood is

Each person reflects the external world through the prism of his inner "I" in the form of experiences expressing a subjective attitude towards the world around him and towards himself. An instant reaction to events that have taken place, probable or remembered, are emotions: joy, sadness, anger, longing. A more stable attitude to specific objects, including animate ones, is feelings: love for the motherland, hatred for enemies, attachment to things. The mood is the stable one that is not connected with the objective world, but expresses the attitude to the real life situation. How can a guy, if you do not know the reasons for a bad mood?

There can be many of them: professional failure, chronic lack of money, loss or betrayal of a close friend. The man himself is not always able to realize the origins of the decline in mood. Addressing the cause by looking for a new job is one way, but pushing for a change in attitude is another. Sometimes a person just needs support, and sometimes he himself is not ready to switch the mood, preferring to survive the troubles that have fallen on his own. If a person dear to the heart has passed away, for example, with whom many pleasant memories are associated, and you want to be alone, not sharing your grief with anyone. In such a case, the best thing to do is to let him be alone for a while.

How to cheer up a guy at a meeting: common mistakes

If there is no way to influence the cause of the mood decline or it is unknown, the girl needs to show understanding of the young man’s condition, bring positive emotions into communication and, if possible, strengthen his self-confidence in order to overcome the traumatic situation. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible:

  • rush with questions (a rare guy wants to look like a loser in front of a girl);
  • to regret (the young man wants to be sure that he is considered strong);
  • console without understanding the reasons;
  • try to cheer at all costs (this will cause irritation);
  • show obsessive affection (unnatural behavior leads to tension);
  • offer help to fix the problem (the guy needs to be inspired, not pulled in tow).

There are many options for how to cheer up a guy without affecting his self-esteem. For this you should:

Being at a distance, knowing her boyfriend well, a girl can always understand when he is in a bad mood. At the beginning of a relationship, one should pay attention to feigned gaiety, not always appropriate jokes, a certain absent-mindedness during dialogue, a loss of concentration, and long pauses that occur when the young man seems to pick up words. This is due to the peculiarities of male psychology: they, unlike women, do not know how to do two things at once. If they are occupied with some problem, it is difficult for them to keep the thread of the conversation.

The answer to the question of how to cheer up a guy at a distance depends entirely on the girl’s ability and desire to overcome the kilometers separating them. The best option is an offer to meet to take a walk, visit a cinema or a cafe, just drive around the city. Nothing helps in difficult times like communication with a loved one. It is acceptable to ask the question if the guy is all right. If desired, he will honestly answer it, and if there is no such desire, one should not insist. In the future, he will definitely appreciate female delicacy.

How to cheer up a pen pal

The danger of a prolonged bad mood is that it can develop into depression, causing serious somatic disorders. At the same time, there are situations when the distance is so significant that the girl has to resort to other means of communication, for example, to correspondence. Receding into the past has a huge therapeutic value, which in no case should be neglected: a familiar handwriting, a folded sheet with a girl's hand, some kind of subtle smell. A handwritten name and carry special warmth and support.

The letter has another remarkable property - it can be stored. Therefore, writing it must be taken seriously in order to arouse such a desire in a young person. How to cheer up a guy by correspondence, if not positive? A small drawing with a pen in the margins, which depicts funny little men, emoticons, only two familiar symbols. An interesting investment in an envelope, reminiscent of the time spent together, any little thing that tells about feelings more than words. If a guy is in the army, places of detention or a special business trip, the girl should share the details of her life, reflections on current events, so that he would have a desire to be involved in her life, which helps to improve her internal state.

What can be done with SMS

The 21st century is the age of mobile communications. SMS is a lifesaver even when people are together. For any misunderstanding, if it is difficult to find words, you can type a small text: "Darling, I'm wrong" or "I'm sad when we are in a quarrel." The ability to use emoticons, photos, selfies taken a minute ago expands the possibilities of broadcasting positive emotions. The answer to the question of how to cheer up a guy via SMS depends on knowing the reasons for his internal discomfort and personality traits. A serious, intellectually developed young man can be thrown off an aphorism that gives impetus to rethinking the problem, a lover - affectionate words that he wants to hear, but humor is shown to everyone without exception.

People laugh at different things: one appreciates black humor, while the other does not accept it, someone considers the joke vulgar, while in others it causes a knowing smile. An example of generic strings would be:

  • Confirmation that the girl is nearby and always in touch: “Your subscriber sends the number to say: you can call him at any hour.”
  • Confidence in feelings. Such SMS are good because real emotions can be exaggerated, and this will be regarded correctly: “Today I put three thousand kisses, two thousand tender words and five thousand hugs into the bank account of your heart. If you miss me, you can always withdraw them from the account.
  • young man: "Hi, I'm your SMS-ka ... Oh, what strong hands hold the phone and unusually beautiful eyes look at me!".

Opportunities for communication over the Internet

Runet provides more chances to solve the problem, how to cheer up a guy. Visual communication programs that erase the distance and allow you to spend some time in an intimate setting with each other, allow couples separated by circumstances to maintain relationships. This does not replace the personal contact, the chemistry that arises between two young people, but gives its own romance and a sense of closeness through many kilometers.

The answer to the question of how to cheer up a guy on the Internet depends on the level of development of the relationship. At the stage of their inception, it is appropriate to watch their favorite films, programs, videos together, which a girl can pick up in advance, preferring the most fun and positive, taking into account the preferences of a young man. You can arrange joint shopping in online stores, choosing gifts for loved ones or Music helps well, slide shows prepared by a girl for a specific event from personal photos. Men rarely focus on dates, but appreciate if a girl gives them meaning, forming certain traditions. Everyone loves pleasant surprises, and the Internet provides a great opportunity to give them: postcards, inscriptions on the VKontakte wall, voice messages and cute gifts that can tell a lot without words.

Mood- this is the emotional state of a person - a long-term general psychological background with moderate or low intensity ... Everyone knows well what it means to have a good, excellent, joyful mood ... or depressed, sad ...

Each person understands how mood affects life activity, communication and relationships between people, activities and success. But, probably, few people know if it suddenly fell and became bad.

However, for most it is enough to know how to cheer yourself up and change your emotional background.

So, how to cheer yourself up:
If you were rude in a store or your car was hurt, then you should clearly understand that it was not those boors who spoiled your mood, but your own interpretation of this situation ... rudeness in a public place or on the road should cause a situational emotion or affect, i.e. a negative feeling will arise directly in the situation, and after a while it will work out and pass.

If you are in a bad mood for the rest of the day, or even longer, and suffer from it, then, of course, you urgently need to raise your mood by doing a simple mental exercise ... spending 10-15 minutes on it.

  • Find a comfortable place, sit in it and relax ... you can use proper breathing and any relaxation method (self-hypnosis techniques, Silva psycho-training ... auto-training ...)
  • Remember the situation after which your mood fell, your mood deteriorated ... imagine it in your imagination as colorfully and brightly as possible ...
  • Watching this “video clip” in your head, catch the very moment of switching from a good mood to a bad one, i.e., imagining the situation in your mind, you see, hear and feel, as it were, everything that happens from the outside: everything is going well for you - the mood is excellent ... suddenly, the situation changes, something “clicks” ... and the mood drops to almost zero ... Remember the very moment of the “click” ...
  • Then, imagine in fantasy a new, happy continuation of the situation after the "click" ... imagine this new situation as vividly as possible, using all the senses ... remember it ...
  • Next, imagining the “old” bad ending as an imaginary object, “burn” it in an imaginary ritual fire…
  • After that, return to your imaginary “video clip” again, living the situation in your mind: everything is fine - click - and a new, good continuation ... view this new video in all colors three times ...
    If you have visualized well, imagined this new situation, then you will cheer yourself up, because. our brain doesn’t care if the situation was real or it was fictional…

To consolidate the success of raising your mood, and so that later, in the future, in similar negative situations, you will have a great mood, come up with two or three more new continuations to your “video clip” ...

Those people who are often in a bad mood and cannot raise it themselves should seek the help of an online psychologist, because. perhaps there is a need to solve deeper, intrapersonal psychological problems ...

How to cheer up a girl (woman)

If you can already cheer yourself up, then it will not be difficult for you to understand how to cheer up a girl or a woman, because her behavior depends on her mood ...

To cheer up your girlfriend, you need, no less, to understand what she subconsciously wants ...

There are traditional, in a separate culture, desires and needs of a girl (woman), but there are also individual ...

Individual needs can be identified in the process of communication and observation, with the help of the ability to read minds through body language ...

Having determined her desires and needs, and at least creating the impression of their satisfaction (the same fantasies), you can easily cheer up a girl, which means that you will be able to manage it (the latter, I highly do not recommend indulging - it is fraught with ...).

How to cheer up a guy (man)

Girls and women also want to know how to cheer up a guy, to her man ... or maybe not to her, maybe to the man on whom something depends, because. from the mood of the guy or the right man, his decisions and attitude towards you may depend ...

For a girl, it’s even easier to cheer up her boyfriend, you just need to get to know his inner world better. Any woman, with the right approach, can not only cheer up and control a man, but, if desired, “twist ropes out of him” ... (I also don’t advise doing this) ...

To cheer up a guy, girls should know the main thing is that traditionally most men perceive logic and common sense more, they are less sensual and emotional (this is not natural, this is an internal prohibition from education), therefore, if a man is busy with business or worries about something, then women " syusi-pusi ”at this moment will be subconsciously perceived as a mockery, i.e. can cause defensive aggression (although some loving guys hold back ... but this is precisely a strong-willed or educated restraint, which means the accumulation of negativity, which then will splash out on you anyway) ...

If your friend is going through a tough time, it's important to be able to be supportive without being intrusive. Find the right approach and learn to listen, keep your friend busy and distracted from problems so that he feels better.


Part 1

Find a way

    Give your friend freedom. It is important that a person let through all the pain and sadness as the situation requires. Sometimes people need a friendly shoulder to cry and speak out. In other situations, it is better to think things over yourself. It all depends on the problem. Don't rush your friend if they want to be alone.

  1. Give a symbolic gift. If it is difficult to contact a friend or she does not make contact, then send her some nice little thing. You don’t need to make a big gesture, just a little thing that will improve your mood.

    • Before asking questions, send your friend a card, a bouquet of flowers, or another gift that will make the person respond. You can buy a pack of beer or a music CD for a friend.
    • Sometimes it is enough to give a friend a bottle of water, a handkerchief, or give a seat so that he can sit down. Help a friend collect her hair.
  2. Contact first. If a person is ill, then he is rarely the first to seek help, especially in moments of deep sadness. If your friend has experienced a bereavement - divorced from a partner or lost a loved one, then she may refuse to make contact. Be persistent and come up with a non-trivial way to start a conversation.

    • If a friend does not answer calls, then write a message. It is easier to answer the text, since you do not need to try to speak in a cheerful voice.
    • Even if nothing serious happened to a friend and she is just worried about a broken knee or the defeat of her favorite team, she can still avoid people and withdraw into herself. Don't be afraid to take the initiative.
  3. Be there. Sometimes you don't have to do anything. Just being there is enough. A person will feel better just from your presence. Sometimes it's hardest to suffer in silence and loneliness. A friend should know that you are always ready not only to talk, but also to sit in silence.

    • A little physical show of concern can be more helpful than a comforting conversation. In such a situation, you can pat the person on the back, hug or hold the hand.

    Part 2

    Learn to listen
    1. Encourage your friend to talk. Ask gentle questions so that the friend speaks and finally tells what's the matter. If you have a guess, then speak directly, otherwise just say "Maybe we can discuss?" or "What happened?"

      • Don't push. Sometimes just being there and being silent is enough for a person to speak. If a friend does not want to discuss the situation, then no need to push.
      • Try to return to the conversation in a few days. Arrange to meet for a cup of coffee and ask "How are you?". It is possible that by this time she will become more talkative.
    2. Just listen. If your friend is talking, keep quiet and listen carefully. You don't have to say anything. Do not interrupt to express sympathy and tell a similar story from your own life. Sit quietly, look at your friend and listen. She is now waiting for your attention.

      • Maintain eye contact. Look kindly at your friend. Put your phone away, turn off the TV, and don't get sidetracked. Lock yourself in a room and listen.
      • Nod occasionally to show your attention, and use nonverbal cues. In moments of sadness, you can sigh, as well as smile when appropriate. Just listen.
    3. Summarize and confirm what you hear. If your friend is silent, then retell what you heard in your own words. Sometimes it's good for people to hear their thoughts in other people's words. If a friend is going through a breakup with a partner and talks about all his mistakes, then say: "It seems that he did not appreciate your relationship much." Fill in the blanks to help the person recover.

      • You can also use this technique to understand the words of a friend. "Did I get it right? Are you mad at your sister for taking your books without asking?"
    4. Don't try to fix the problem. A lot of people, especially guys, make the mistake of believing that discussing a problem means that a solution must be found. Offer solutions only if a friend asks a direct question like "What should I do in this situation?". Sadness has no easy solutions, so don't try to come up with anything. Stay close and listen.

      • This is especially important if a friend has made a mistake. You should not tell your friend that you should have studied better, and not walked, so that now you don’t worry about the low mark on the control.
      • Take your time with advice. Ask: "Do you need advice or do you just want to talk?" The answer to this question should be treated with respect.
    5. Discuss other topics. After a while, change the topic of the conversation, especially if the conversation has run its course or the friend has begun to repeat himself. Discuss the bright side of life or agree on what you will do on the weekends.

      • Offer to discuss future plans. This step will help you move on to a new topic. If you are sitting at school and discussing the breakup of a girlfriend with a guy, then ask: "Listen, are you hungry? What would you like to eat now?"
      • Over time, a friend may run out of words. Don't let yourself come back to the situation over and over if it doesn't make sense. Offer to discuss another topic or do business.

    Part 3

    Keep a friend busy
    1. Distract your friend with things. Do something interesting so that your friend forgets about his problem for a while. It does not matter what to do if a friend is distracted from oppressive thoughts and will be focused on something else.

      • If you are sitting idle, you can take a walk. Go to the mall and check out different shops, or walk around the neighborhood for a change of scenery.
      • Let off steam, but don't overdo it. Sadness does not justify the use of drugs, tobacco or alcohol. Listen to the voice of reason to cheer up a friend and do no harm.

Every person periodically encounters a bad mood, bouts of longing and sadness. It is necessary to avoid such a condition that leads to the development of depression and poor health. How to cheer yourself up? Psychologists recommend fighting discouragement with the help of music, films, self-development, communication, colors, nature and aromas.

The worst thing is when a person does not want anything and cannot cope with it on their own. The most effective ways to deal with sadness and depressed mood:

  1. Talk. You can't be alone with negative emotions. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to communicate with a loved one who knows how to listen.
  2. Tears. In some cases, a person should just cry to take the load off the soul.
  3. Relaxation. Meditation and yoga will help keep yourself in good shape.
  4. Hobby. Creativity is present in all people, so you need to find the best occupation. Writing poems, songs, drawing pictures.
  5. Change. Any positive changes affect self-esteem. Maybe this is just the time when you should change your hairstyle, wardrobe, attitude to life.
  6. Sweets. Not very useful, but occasionally possible. Treats help release endorphins. The hormone of happiness is found not only in sweets, but also in bananas, nuts, honey, strawberries and dried fruits.
  7. Smile. Sometimes a “stretched smile” copes with the problem. This is done in front of a mirror so that you can see your reflection. Your mood will improve a little.
  8. Sun. The lack of ultraviolet radiation negatively affects well-being, depressing mood. At any time of the year, you need to be in the sun more often.
  9. Animals. An excellent cure for blues is playing with pets.
  10. Shower. The alternation of cold and hot water is a beneficial stress for the human body. After the shower, the body is filled with energy.

All of the above tips will help someone who is sure that everything in his life is very bad and there is no way out of this situation.

How to quickly cheer up

There are methods that allow you to improve your emotional state in a matter of minutes. Here are the main ones that will help cheer you up:

  • hair washing, contrast shower;
  • comedy program, film;
  • doing good deeds;
  • funny stories, anecdotes;
  • walk in the fresh air;
  • music with cheerful motives;
  • light, casual conversation.

Sometimes stress is relieved by physical activity, so it’s worth going in for sports or at least dancing.

Movies to cheer up

Inspirational or comedic films will help fight a bad mood. Just a few hours of viewing make a person reconsider his life, help to cheer himself up and inspire new achievements. Films in the genre of thriller, horror and drama with a bad ending should be abandoned.

  • Forrest Gump;
  • Knockin 'on Heaven;
  • Terminal;
  • Little Miss Happy;
  • Pay someone else
  • And in my soul I dance;
  • Eat. Pray. love;
  • The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty;
  • Until I played in the box.

This list can be supplemented with old and modern animated films.

Drawings with unpretentious motifs can cheer you up for a long time. Funny pictures should radiate a positive, so the main role in them is given to the color scheme. The more colors, the more actively the brain perceives information and becomes the cause of fun, joy. Now you can find many images on the Internet that will help drive away sadness. Pictures with animals, children, awkward situations, caricatures, etc. have a calming property.

Uplifting songs and music

Music helps to cheer up in any of its manifestations, regardless of whether you listen to it or sing it yourself. Cheerful motives fight overwork, sleep disorders, neurosis, arterial hypertension and other diseases. But it depends on the preferences of the person, some feel better after listening to the classical works of Mozart, Beethoven or Bach.

It should be borne in mind that 5 minutes of enjoying songs is enough for one, while half an hour is not enough for others. It is better to combine music with everyday activities, then both the brain and the body will be busy and there will be no time to think about the bad.

A few clips with uplifting music:


Essential oils can help you get rid of bad mood. The influence of aromas on the senses, emotions and mental state of a person has been known since ancient times. Each of them solves a specific problem that caused oppression:

  • guilt, a difficult past - juniper;
  • failure, the desire to seize your loss - vanilla;
  • loss of faith, loss of strength - jasmine;
  • stress, fatigue due to work - frankincense, mandarin, ylang-ylang, lavender, grapefruit;
  • distrust, disappointment in people - cypress, bergamot, rosemary;
  • feeling of loneliness - immortelle, sage, rose;
  • depression - sandalwood, geranium, neroli, jasmine, lemon, orange, incense, grapefruit;
  • anxiety, uncertainty - cedar, sandalwood, cypress, vetiver, benzoin.

In specialized stores, you can buy separately oil or aromatherapy sticks with different smells. Try to cheer yourself up in this way.

Getting out of the comfort zone

The mood of any person immediately rises if you overcome yourself. Many people have a dream but are afraid to realize it. It can be a ride on a scary attraction, an obstacle course, driving lessons, mountain climbing, etc. This is the perfect time to fulfill one of your desires and just treat yourself to cheer you up.

How to cheer up at work

Not always a person goes to work in a good mood. This is due to low wages, lack of vacation, monotony and unhealthy atmosphere in the team. In order to avoid depression, you need to improve your workplace by removing all unnecessary and adding interesting elements like photos, funny pictures, crafts to cheer you up.

Making the day easier will allow planning and marking all completed tasks. The main thing is to avoid routine and move towards the intended goal. You should not waste time discussing each other with colleagues, it is better to read a book during a break, for which there was no time.

How to cheer yourself up daily

The mood of the whole day depends on how the morning went. If a long-awaited trip is planned, then you can get up at 4 without any problems. But the rain outside the window and the reluctance to open your eyes gives rise to dissatisfied grumbling and a lack of good mood. To wake up was not so difficult, you need to set the alarm a little earlier than usual, so that there is enough time to soak up the bed.

The first 5 minutes in the morning, thoughts should be positive, the body and brain should be relaxed. This is the best time to meditate, make a plan, and not run around the house looking for clothes or keys. Every day the body needs physical activity, healthy food and a favorable environment. Reading books, making new acquaintances, watching the expected movie and new knowledge will help improve the state of the brain and cheer up.

In contact with nature

A person notes an increase in self-esteem due to being in nature. As a result, there is a charge of energy and optimism. That is why modern people are more likely to suffer from stress and depression, because they do not have time to walk on the street. In the absence of the opportunity to visit parks or visit the sea, you can watch small videos about the life of wild animals, coral reefs. It is calming, relaxing and uplifting.

You can cheer yourself up by listening to CDs with recordings of birds singing. In case of disorders of the nervous system, it is better to stop your choice on the cuckoo cuckoo, the cry of the owl, starling, canary and nightingale. Work with natural materials will allow you to calm down and relax. This is macrame weaving, the creation of compositions from dried flowers.

color effect

In ancient times, color was used during various rituals, but only in the 50s was its influence on the human psyche proven. By choosing one or another shade, you can program your emotional background for the whole day.

  1. Red. It is the color of energy, active life, ambitions. It excites, but in large quantities can be very annoying.
  2. Yellow. Sign of emotions, creativity. A bright element will add cheerfulness and some looseness.
  3. Blue. The color of fatigue, despondency, disappointment. But if it is present in interior elements and clothes, it has a calming effect.
  4. Green. A sign of stubbornness, perseverance. Any shade of color will relax and support the inner mood.
  5. Black. It means rejection of the outside world, depression. In a bad mood, you should avoid this color, it only aggravates the situation.

A combination of two or more bright colors will allow you to achieve harmony with yourself and improve your well-being.

A bad mood is the result of a lack of vitamins, experienced stress, self-doubt. Psychologists help to overcome this condition, which negatively affects the whole body.

  1. You should avoid quarrels with relatives, do not be offended by trifles. Control will allow you to get rid of negative feelings that destroy a person from the inside.
  2. An insult to everyone. Walking between people and chatting with friends will cheer you up, so there is no need to hide in four walls.
  3. Humor. Any situation in life must be met with a smile, no matter how difficult it may be. The main thing to remember is that everything will pass soon and this is just one small negative point.
  4. New. Changes in image, hobbies, buying a new gadget, enrolling in dance courses, etc., have a positive effect on mood. To do this, you don’t need to radically change your life by moving abroad.
  5. Relaxation. Modern life is full of stress, constant movement and not a minute of rest. To soothe, a hot bath with foam and essential oils is suitable. After water, it is recommended to drink tea with bergamot, orange or lemon.
  6. Swimming. These are safe and healthy physical activities that strengthen muscles and immunity. Psychologists advise those who are often nervous and worried about trifles to sign up for a pool.
  7. Target. The mood rises if a person sees what he is going to and what it is realistic to achieve. Lack of meaning in life can even lead to depression.
  8. Thoughts. Sometimes you need to stop and think about everything that is happening right now. It is worth understanding what is difficult today, tomorrow it may be meaningless or funny.
  9. Happiness. It is required to try to forget about all the hardships, difficulties and obstacles. Any movement kills the development of self-pity and lowering the mood. Running, cleaning, dancing, shopping.

Psychologists emphasize that it is easier to relate to life. It is too short to pay attention to trifles, resentment, anger and sadness.

Food for good mood

There are products that relieve despondency and blues, which are so characteristic of the cold season.

  1. Fish. Tryptophan is preserved in the dish, regardless of the method of its preparation. The substance normalizes the work of the brain, relieves nervous tension. The best choice would be tuna, salmon, mackerel, salmon, cod.
  2. Eggs. The composition of the product includes vitamins A, E, D, group B, tryptophan, carotene.
  3. Black chocolate. The production of serotonin is promoted by phenylethylamine, and resveratrol plays the role of an antioxidant.
  4. Nuts. Vitamin B6, Omega-3, selenium and tryptophan improve the emotional background of a person.
  5. Bird. Fat-free protein and healthy protein found in chicken, duck and turkey. It is consumed in small quantities due to the high concentration of arachidonic acid.
  6. Bananas. Harman alkaloid and vitamin B6 cause a feeling of euphoria, it is required to eat with chronic fatigue.

All of the above foods have a positive effect on a person's mood, but only in the absence of allergic reactions and contraindications to their use.

So how do you cheer yourself up? This can be done in many ways, which are described above, choose the appropriate one. But most importantly - try not to let the mood fall.

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