How to find grammatical errors. Typical mistakes in Russian: grammar, speech and spelling


Even literate people make grammatical mistakes. It is easy to see that some rules of the Russian do not cause difficulties, while the majority regularly stumbles on others. It's not so much that these rules are complicated. Rather, they are simply inconvenient, and some have so many exceptions and peculiarities of application that their presentation takes up a whole page - it seems that they cannot be learned without being an academic.

Consider the most typical mistakes in the Russian language, made not by schoolchildren, but by fairly literate people.

What is considered a grammatical error?

A grammatical error is a violation of a generally accepted established norm. Any errors relating to word formation (for example, the wrong suffix is ​​used for), morphology (for example, the wrong declension of a verb), syntax (for example, inconsistent with the main sentence) are called grammatical errors.

Grammar errors should be distinguished from spelling or speech errors.

The most common mistakes are related to punctuation:

1. Many people are used to highlighting "however" with commas and are very surprised when Word underlines the comma after it as a mistake. Those who are more attentive notice that a comma after "however" is considered an error only when it is at the beginning of a sentence. Indeed, if the meaning of this word is similar to "after all", "nevertheless", and it is in the middle of a sentence, then it is considered introductory, and it must be separated by commas. If it means "but", as, for example, in the sentence "However, she did not understand him" (= "But she did not understand him"), then the comma is not needed.

2. Often there is confusion with the signs "dash" and "colon". Many, faced with which the union is missing, intuitively understand that they need to put a more "solid" sign than a comma. But which one? The rule is actually quite simple. You need to choose the most suitable words instead of the missing union.

If the meaning is suitable for such words as "what", "namely", then you need to put a colon. And also a colon is put if the first sentence ends with words denoting perception and suggesting that they will be followed by a description. These can be words: see, understand, feel, etc.

I remember (that): it was evening, a quiet flute was playing.

He was a complex person (namely): quick-tempered, bilious, sullen.

I recognized him immediately: (because) he was wearing one yellow shoe.

I see: a barge is sailing, on it is a barefoot boy, tanned, unfamiliar, but sparkling with a smile and in the next second he is waving his hand to me.

If you can insert words such as "a", "but", "and", "as if", "this", "therefore", "as if", then a dash should be used.

He took a wide step (and) - his pants were torn.

Across the sea, a heifer (this) is a half, but a ruble is transported.

The wind blew - (therefore) groaned, the old forest creaked.

A dash is also used when the words "if" or "when" can be added at the beginning of a sentence.

(When) I thought about Grisha - he is right there.

(If) I get a fee - let's go to the sea!

Grammatical errors related to morphology

Difficulties cause "nn" in suffixes (although everyone remembers glass, tin, wooden), it is especially difficult to deal with double "n" in adverbs. And also many are confused by the use of particles not / neither. Quite a few educated people, imperceptibly for themselves, are mistaken in management. Which is correct, "control over" or "control over"? The confusion between the two is another popular grammatical error. Example:

  • control over the quality of execution;
  • control over the execution of the order;
  • water level control.

Which option is correct? All. One or another type of control in this case is selected depending on the characteristics of the subsequent word. For example, "control over" is used before verbal nouns (execute - execution). There are other subtleties.

Not all common grammatical errors are mentioned in this article. It is quite possible to learn not to commit them by studying the rules. We hope that we were able to demonstrate that learning the secrets of the native language is an exciting business, and sometimes a superficial acquaintance with the rule is enough to realize all its logic and expediency. We also hope that you have noticed the variations in the use of the rules described above in the article itself, and not just under the "examples" headings.


  • In a compound predicate, you cannot simultaneously use the full and short forms of the adjective. Error example: Hero's life path hard and tragic. vm. Hero's life path hard and tragic.
  • Dependent words can only be in the short form of the adjective: The plot of the story interesting (NOT interesting !) V about many relationships.
  • It is impossible to combine comparative and superlative forms, as well as simple and compound forms of both degrees of comparison. Error example: This work worse vm. This work even worse. most capable student vm. most capable student.
  • Forms on -enen in modern language are of little use, more preferred forms on -yeon: His contribution to the work was significant (NOT essential !).


  • When declining compound cardinal numbers, all the words included in their composition should change: The circumference of the lake is about four hundred sixty five (NOT four hundred sixty five !) meters.; when declining compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes: This event took place at the beginning one thousand eight hundred and four (NOT thousand eight hundred and four !) of the year.
  • Collective numbers ( two, three) and so on. should not be used with nouns denoting animals and females. Error examples: two chess players vm. two chess players, three hares vm. three hare.
  • The form is not allowed both with feminine nouns (collective numeral both has two forms: for masculine and neuter - both, for women - both): V both (NOT V both !) apartments, both (NOT both !) girlfriends.


  • Erroneous formation of forms of pronouns: theirs child vm. their baby, around his vm. near him.
  • Combinations for her, from her are archaic or vernacular. Error examples: For her no name vm. For her no name.
  • 3rd person pronouns usually indicate the nearest noun. If this rule is not observed, ambiguity arises.
    Wrong:When Nilovna carried proclamations from speech Paul her (whom - Nilovna or Paul's speech?) captured by the police.
    Right:The police grabbed Nilovna, When she carried proclamations with Paul's speech.

    Wrong:Meeting Chatsky With Famusov didn't bring to him (to whom - Chatsky or Famusov?) nothing good.
    Right:Chatsky's meeting with Famusov did not bring Alexander Alexandrovich anything good.

  • You can not replace the personal pronoun of the 3rd person plural nouns that have a collective meaning ( students, peasantry, people etc.).
    Wrong: officialdom. Among them
    Right:Comedy denounces the provincial officialdom. Among him bribery, lawlessness, theft flourish.
  • Pronouns mine And myself indicate the person who is doing the action. If this is forgotten, an ambiguity arises:
    Wrong:Turgenev leads hero towards a gradual realization. their (whose - Turgenev or hero?) errors.
    Right:Turgenev leads hero to the gradual realization of the perfect them errors.

    Wrong: Each of the landowners persuades Pavel Ivanovich go to yourself. (to whom - to the landowner or to himself?)
    Right:Each of the landowners suggests that Pavel Ivanovich come to him.


  • Erroneous formation of verb forms: lays down vm. puts, rides vm. rides.
  • Verbs convince, conquer, feel, find oneself and some others, the 1st person singular forms are not used. Instead, you can use constructions with the indefinite form of these verbs: I can feel (but not I will feel), I hope win (but not i will run),I have to convince(but not i will run away).
  • Suffix not allowed -yvova- (-ivova-) instead of -ova(-iva): results summarize willow foxes(but not sum up willow foxes)
  • When using reflexive verbs, inaccuracies are possible due to the indistinguishability of the proper reflexive and passive voices of such verbs: delayed in classrooms(Are they detained or do the listeners themselves stay?). Ambiguity resolution: After lectures, students often detain in classrooms or After lectures, students often remain in the classrooms.
  • It is impossible to allow inconsistency in the forms of tense and aspect of verbs.
    Wrong:Sensible artist, he responds pointed out
    Right:Sensible artist, he responding (responding) to life events and notes (noted) phenomena that are just emerging in it.


  • Simultaneous use of suffixes is not allowed -ova- And -em- (-im-): research owe th process vm. explore eat th process.
  • You can't drop a particle -sya in participles formed from reflexive verbs: In the center of the story is a representative emerging (NOT nascent !) bourgeois class.
  • Mismatch of the participle in time with the verb-predicate or with the surrounding vocabulary is unacceptable: At the meeting were representatives of all districts, with the exception of two delegates, absent (NOT absent !) for good reasons. The novel reveals the depth of social inequality, dominating (NOT dominating !) at that time in Russia.
  • The participial phrase must not include a definable noun. Error example: edited manuscript editor vm. edited by editor manuscript or manuscript, edited by the editor.
  • The participial turnover usually adjoins the noun being defined directly (in front or behind). They should not be distributed.
    Wrong:Mountain chain stretches from east to west , consisting of many ridges.
    Right:A mountain range made up of many ridges stretches from east to west. Or: A mountain range made up of many ridges stretches from east to west.


  • The verb-predicate and the participle should not denote the actions of different persons or objects.
    Wrong:expressing in songs, fairy tales, epics the dream of a happy life, people were created
    Right:expressing in songs, fairy tales, epics, a dream of a happy life, people created works of great depth and power.
  • Within the same sentence, it is unacceptable to use gerunds of different types and tenses.
    Wrong:Reading article and noting
    Right: Reading article and noting necessary material, I always make extracts.(or After reading article and noting)
  • It is unacceptable to use gerunds in a passive construction.
    Wrong:In the picture depicted boy wide spreading legs and resting on hands on knees.
    Right:In the picture depicted boy wide spreading legs and stubborn hands on knees.
The most difficult to perceive and understand are speech and grammatical errors.

Let's consider their types in more detail.

Speech errors and shortcomings .

    The use of a word in an unusual sense

Having slipped, I fell backward and hurt my knee ”(instead of prone). Zhilin was glad that he could escape back (instead of again).

    Violation of lexical compatibility of words

    Unjustified use of dialect and colloquial words

Such people always manage to fool (instead of deceive) others. The goalkeeper wears a jersey worn (instead of worn) over his shirt. On the school plot, our class planted beetroot and tsibulya (instead of beets and onions).

    Bad use of pronouns

The text was written by V. Belov. He (instead of the text that he wrote ...) refers to the artistic style.

    Inappropriate use of words of a different stylistic coloring; mixing vocabulary from different eras

    Indistinguishability of shades of meaning introduced into the word by prefix and suffix

In such cases, I look (instead of looking) in the dictionary. My attitude to this problem has not changed (instead changed).

    Non-distinguishing of paronyms

Effective (instead of effective) measures were taken. Mom told me to take a sweater, but I flatly (instead of flatly) refused.

    Indistinguishing synonymous words

The name of this poet is familiar (instead of known) in many countries. In the final (instead of the last) sentence, the author uses gradation.

    Use of extra words (pleonasm)

Young girl; very lovely.

    The use of words near or close to the same root (tautology)

This story tells (instead of saying, talking about) real events.

    Unjustified repetition of a word

In this chapter, we learn that Masha has become an orphan. Masha (instead of a girl) lost her father and mother. The hero of the story does not think about his act. The Hero does not understand the full depth of what he has done (instead of the Hero of the story, he does not think about his act, does not understand the full depth of what he has done).

    Use of superfluous words, lexical redundancy

The month of August has come (instead of August). Then the fact that you can smile, this (this is superfluous) will be taken care of by our bookstore.

    Word order disorder

Then I saw Natasha in new jeans (instead of Natasha in new jeans). Kiribeevich was the first to hit Kalashnikov in the chest (instead of Kiribeevich, he was the first to hit Kalashnikov in the chest).

    Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions

When the writer came to the editorial office, he was accepted by the editor-in-chief. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.

Grammatical errors

    Wrong word formation.

Nobility (nobility), underline (handwriting), industrious (hard-working), mock (mock).

    Erroneous formation of word forms

more interesting (more beautiful), prettier (more beautiful). How many (how many) moral principles have we lost because of the loss of spirituality.

    Violation of the norms of coordination

I know a group of guys who are seriously into (addicted to) jazz.

    Violation of the norms of management

Need to make nature more beautiful (beautiful) Everyone marveled at his strength (strength).

    Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

The majority objected (objected) to such an assessment of his work. The main thing that I now want to pay attention to is the artistic side of the work (the artistic side of the work).

    Violation of the way of expressing the predicate

Everyone was glad, happy and cheerful (merry). Dubrovsky himself was a guards officer (guards officer).

    Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members

The lessons teach us to love literature and many good qualities (love of literature and many good things). In the essay, I wanted to talk about the meaning of sport and why I love it (and why I love it).

    Errors in the construction of sentences with adverbial turnover

Reading the text, there is a feeling of empathy (I empathize with the characters). Looking at the picture (when I look at the picture), emotions overwhelm me.

    Errors in constructing a sentence with participial turnover

The narrow path was covered with falling snow underfoot (snow falling underfoot). Marya Kirillovna was locked in a room trying to save herself from the prince (Marya Kirillovna, who was trying to save herself from the prince, was locked in a room).

    Errors in the construction of a complex sentence

This book taught me to value and respect friends, which I read as a child (This book, which I read as a child, taught me to value and respect friends). It seemed to a person (an extra word) that this was a dream.

    Mixing direct and indirect speech

Bazarov tells Arkady that your (his) father is a retired man, his song is sung. The author said that I (he) did not agree with the opinion of the reviewer.

    Violation of supply boundaries

When the hero comes to his senses. It was already late (When the hero came to his senses, it was already too late). He wasn't accepted into the basketball team because he couldn't play. Because he was short (He was not accepted into the basketball team because he could not play and was short).

    Skipping a sentence member (ellipsis)

At the meeting, it was decided (to) hold a subbotnik.

    Violation of the types of temporal correlation of verb forms

When December came, the weather changed dramatically (changed). The heart freezes (freezes) for a moment and suddenly beats again.

    Errors related to the use of particles

It would be nice if the painting would have (an extra word) the signature of the artist. In the text, only two problems are revealed (revealed).

The most common mistakes in the exam in the Russian language:

Classification of errors according to FIPI

  1. Grammatical errors.
  2. Speech errors.
  3. Logic errors
  4. Factual errors.
  5. Spelling mistakes.
  6. Punctuation errors.
  7. Graphic errors.

Grammar mistake- this is an error in the structure of a language unit: in the structure of a word, phrase or sentence; this is a violation of any grammatical norm: word-formation, morphological, syntactic.

For example:

  • slip instead of slip, nobility instead of nobility- here a mistake was made in the word-formation structure of the word, the wrong prefix or the wrong suffix was used;
  • no comment go instead of go,more lighter- the form of the word is incorrectly formed, i.e. the morphological norm is violated;
  • pay the fare, awarded- the structure of the phrase is violated (management standards are not observed);
  • Ride on the rink, legs hurt; In the essay, I wanted to show the meaning of sport and why I love it- sentences with participial phrases (1) and with homogeneous members (2) are incorrectly constructed, i.e. syntactic norms are violated.

Unlike grammar, speech errors- these are errors not in the construction, not in the structure of the language unit, but in its use, most often in the use of the word. For the most part, these are violations of lexical norms, for example:

  • Stolz is one of the main characters of Goncharov's novel of the same name Oblomov;
  • They lost their only two sons in the war.

A speech error can be noticed only in the context, this is its difference from a grammatical error, for the detection of which the context is not needed.

The following are generally accepted classifiers of grammatical and speech errors.

Types of grammatical errors:

  1. Wrong word formation Trudol bim th, above laugh.
  2. Erroneous formation of the noun form - Many miracles A technology, lack of time I.
  3. Erroneous formation of the form of the adjective - More interesting, more beautiful.
  4. Erroneous formation of the form of the numeral - WITH five hundred rubles.
  5. Erroneous formation of the form of the pronoun - theirs pathos , their children.
  6. Erroneous formation of the verb form - They travel, want, write about the life of nature.
  7. Violation of agreement - I am familiar with a group of guys, seriously captivating imisya jazz.
  8. Disruption of control - We need to make our nature more beautiful.
    Narrates readers.
  9. Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate - Majority objected against such an assessment of his work.
  10. Violation of the way of expressing the predicate in separate constructions - He wrote a book that epic.
    Everyone was happy and happy funny.
  11. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members - A country loved And was proud poet.
    In my essay, I wanted to say about the meaning
    sport and why I love it.
  12. Errors in constructing a sentence with a participial turnover - Reading the text , it feels like...
  13. Errors in constructing a sentence with participial turnover - The narrow path was covered failing snow under your feet.
  14. Errors in the construction of a complex sentence - This book taught me to appreciate and respect friends, which I read as a child. It seemed to the man That that this is a dream.
  15. Mixing direct and indirect speech - The author said what am I I do not agree with the opinion of the reviewer.
  16. Violation of the boundaries of the proposal - When the hero comes to his senses. It was too late.
  17. Violation of the types of temporal correlation of verb forms - freezes for a moment the heart and suddenly will knock again.

Types of speech errors:

  1. The use of the word in an unusual sense - We were shocked great acting by the actors.
    Thought develops on continuation the entire text.
  2. Non-distinguishing of the shades of meaning introduced into the word by the prefix and suffix - My attitude towards this issue is changed.Were accepted spectacular measures.
  3. Ignorance of synonymous words - IN final The author uses gradation in the sentence.
  4. The use of words of a different stylistic coloring - The author, addressing this problem, tries to direct people A little to another track.
  5. Inappropriate use of emotionally colored words and phraseological units - Astafiev every now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
  6. Unjustified use of colloquial words - These people always succeed cheat others.
  7. Violation of lexical compatibility -​​​​​ Author increases impression. Author uses artistic peculiarities(instead of facilities).
  8. The use of superfluous words, including pleonasm - The author conveys the beauty of the landscape us through artistic means.Young boy, Very beautiful.
  9. The use of single-root words in a close context (tautology) - In that the story is being told about real events.
  10. Unjustified repetition of the word - Hero story does not think about his act. Hero does not even understand the full depth of the deed.
  11. Poverty and monotony of syntactic constructions - When the writer came to the editor accepted by the editor-in-chief. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.
  12. Bad use of pronouns This text was written by V. Belov. He refers to art style.I immediately had a picture in his imagination.

Typical grammatical errors (K9)

This errors associated with the use of the verb, verb forms, adverbs, particles:

  1. Mistakes in the formation of personal forms of verbs: They are driven by compassion(follows: moves);
  2. Incorrect use of tense forms of verbs: This book provides knowledge about the history of the calendar, teaches you how to make calendar calculations quickly and accurately.(it follows: ... will give .., teach ... or ... gives .., teaches ...);
  3. Errors in the use of real and passive participles: Streams of water flowing down amazed the author of the text(follows: dripping);
  4. Errors in the formation of gerunds: Stepping onto the stage, the singers bowed(norm: leaving);
  5. Incorrect formation of adverbs: The author was wrong(norm: here);

These errors are usually associated with a violation of the laws and rules of grammar and arise under the influence of vernacular and dialects.

Typical ones include grammatical and syntactical errors :

  1. Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate: The main thing that I now want to pay attention to is the artistic side of the work.(norm: ... this is the artistic side of the work); To benefit the Motherland, you need courage, knowledge, honesty(norm: ... courage, knowledge, honesty are needed);
  2. Errors associated with the use of particles, such as unnecessary repetition: It would be nice if the painting was signed by the artist; separation of the particle from the component of the sentence to which it refers (usually particles are placed in front of those members of the sentence that they should highlight, but this pattern is often violated in essays): The text reveals two problems in total.(the restrictive particle "everything" must come before the subject: "... only two problems");
  3. Unjustified omission of the subject (ellipsis): His courage, (?) to stand up for honor and justice attract the author of the text;
  4. Incorrect construction of a compound sentence: The author of the text understands the mind not only as enlightenment, intelligence, but also the concept of “smart” was associated with the idea of ​​freethinking.

Typical speech errors (K10)

These are violations associated with the underdevelopment of speech: pleonasm, tautology, speech stamps; unmotivated use of colloquial vocabulary, dialectisms, jargon; unsuccessful use of expressive means, stationery, non-distinguishing (mixing) of paronyms; errors in the use of homonyms, antonyms, synonyms; ambiguity not eliminated by the context.

The most common speech errors include:

  1. Non-distinguishing (mixing) of paronyms: In such cases, I look in the "Philosophical Dictionary"(verb take a look usually requires the control of a noun or pronoun with the preposition "on" ("to look at someone or something"), and the verb look in(“quickly or stealthily look somewhere, look to find out, find out something”), which must be used in the above sentence, governs a noun or pronoun with the preposition “in”);
  2. Mistakes in choosing a synonym: The name of this poet is familiar in many countries(instead of the word known a synonym is mistakenly used in the sentence familiar); Now our press devotes considerable space to advertising, and this does not appeal to us.(in this case instead of the word space it is better to use its synonym - place; And linguistic word impresses also requires a synonymous replacement);
  3. Mistakes in the selection of antonyms when constructing an antithesis:In the third part of the text, a cheerful, not major motive makes us think(the antithesis requires accuracy when choosing words with opposite meanings, and the words "cheerful" and "major" are not antonyms;
  4. The destruction of the figurative structure of phraseological units, which happens in an unsuccessfully organized context: Don't put your finger in the mouth of this certainly talented writer Zoshchenko, just let the reader laugh.

Logic errors

Logic errors associated with a violation of the logical correctness of speech. They arise as a result of a violation of the laws of logic, committed both within a single sentence, judgment, and at the level of the whole text.

  1. comparison (opposition) of two logically heterogeneous (different in volume and content) concepts in a sentence;
  2. as a result of a violation of the logical law of identity, the substitution of one judgment for another.

Composition-text errors

  1. Unsuccessful start. The text begins with a sentence containing an indication of the previous context, which is absent in the text itself, by the presence of demonstrative word forms in the first sentence, for example: In this text, the author ...
  2. Mistakes in main body.
    • Convergence of relatively distant thoughts in one sentence.
    • Lack of consistency in presentation; incoherence and violation of the order of sentences.
    • The use of sentences of different types in structure, leading to difficulty in understanding the meaning.
  3. Unsuccessful ending. Duplication of the conclusion, unjustified repetition of the thought expressed earlier.

Factual Errors

Factual Errors- a kind of non-linguistic errors, which consists in the fact that the writer cites facts that contradict reality, gives incorrect information about the actual circumstances, both related and not related to the analyzed text (background knowledge)

  1. Distortion of the content of a literary work, misinterpretation, poor choice of examples.
  2. Inaccuracy in the quote. Lack of reference to the author of the quote. Misnamed citation author.
  3. Ignorance of historical and other facts, including temporary displacement.
  4. Inaccuracies in the names, surnames, nicknames of literary heroes. Distortions in the names of literary works, their genres, an error in indicating the author.

Spelling, punctuation, graphic errors

When checking literacy (K7-K8), errors are taken into account

  1. On the learned rules;
  2. Non-rough (two non-rough ones count as one):
    • in exceptions to the rules;
    • in writing a capital letter in compound proper names;
    • in cases of separate and continuous spelling not with adjectives and participles,
    • acting as a predicate;
    • in writing And And s after prefixes;
    • in difficult cases of distinction not and neither ( Where did he go! Wherever he turned, no one could give him an answer. Nobody else…; none other than…; nothing else…; nothing more than...etc.);
    • in cases where one punctuation mark is replaced by another;
    • in the omission of one of the combined punctuation marks or in violation of their sequence;

It is also necessary to take into account the repeatability and uniformity of errors. If the mistake is repeated in the same word or in the root of words with the same root, then it is considered as one mistake.

  1. Same type(the first three errors of the same type are counted as one error, each subsequent similar error is counted as an independent one): errors per rule, if the conditions for choosing the correct spelling are contained in grammatical ( in the army, in the grove; prick, fight) and phonetic ( pie, cricket) features of this word. Important!!!
    • The concept of similar errors does not apply to punctuation errors.
    • Errors are not considered to be of the same type for such a rule, in which, for clarification
  2. recurring(repetition in the same word or in the root of single-root words is considered as one mistake)

Spelling mistakes

  1. ­ In word transfer;
  2. ­ Letters e / e after consonants in foreign words (racket, plein air) and after vowels in proper names ( Marietta);
  3. ­ Uppercase or lowercase letters
    • in names associated with religion: M (m) aslenitsa, R (r) Christmas, B (b) og.
    • with the figurative use of proper names (Oblomov and Oblomov).
    • in proper names of non-Russian origin; spelling of surnames with first
    • parts don, van, sept... (Don Pedro and Don Quixote).
  4. Continuous / hyphen / separate spelling
    • in names, with in compound nouns without a connecting vowel (mostly borrowings), not regulated by rules and not included in the minimum dictionary ( lend-lease, kebab, know-how, papier-mâché, tumbleweed, walk-city paperweight, but beef stroganoff, head waiter, sedan chair, price list);
    • on rules that are not included in the school curriculum. For example: to spill, to scold behind the eyes, to match, on the run, in installments, to back down, to a curiosity, to the touch, in the wings, to put on the butt(cf. the current spelling recklessly, loosely);

Punctuation errors

  • A dash in an incomplete sentence;
  • Separation of inconsistent definitions related to common nouns;
  • Commas with restrictive-excretory revolutions;
  • Distinguishing homonymous particles and interjections and, accordingly, not highlighting or highlighting them with commas;
  • In the transfer of the author's punctuation;

Graphic errors

Graphic errors- various methods of shortening words, the use of spaces between words, various underlining and font selections. These include: various typos and misprints caused by the inattention of the writer or the haste of writing.

Common graphical errors:

  • The omission of letters, for example: the whole novel is based on this conflict (follows: is built);
  • Permutation of letters, for example: new product names(follows: products);
  • Replacing some alphabetic characters with others, for example: legendary Battle on the Ice(should: legendary);
  • Adding extra letters: That is why it is important in any, even the most difficult, conditions ...(should: even).

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