How to write an effective speech for a political campaign. Election program of Mikhail Prokhorov


On April 9, I visited the studio of the radio station "Stolitsa", where the recording of appeals to voters of candidates for deputies of the Minsk City and Minsk Regional Soviets is being recorded.

Already at the station, it turned out that the speech should last no more than 5 minutes, so the speech prepared and rehearsed in advance had to be edited and cut back on the spot - for everything about everything 15 minutes. This turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for me.

Thanks to the employees of the radio station - understanding the excitement and inexperience of many candidates, they encouraged, gave useful advice, and, in general, demonstrated correctness and professionalism, which is nice. On the subject of excitement: it is so great that some candidates cannot cope with it and do not show up for the recording at all. For example, two people whose recordings were assigned right in front of me never came to the radio station.

Full text of my radio message:

Hello dear listeners,

My name is Irina Viktorovna Ptashnik. I am a candidate for deputies of the Minsk City Council in the twenty-ninth precinct of the Western constituency.
I hope that my voters, residents of the Zapad and Sukharevo microdistricts, whose houses are located on the streets of Yankovsky, Sharangovich, Goretsky, Shirma, Shkolnaya, Novaya, Kovalev, Kuznechnaya, Kolkhoznaya, Machulsky, Odintsov, Yakubovsky, Pritytsky, can hear me now , Burdeyny, Lobank, on Torgovy Lane or Tymoshenko Lane.
Many of you have already seen my information leaflets on the stands, my web page and are familiar with my biography. However, I think it would not be superfluous to briefly touch on the main facts once again. So, on the seventeenth of April I will celebrate my birthday, I turn fifty-three years old. I have two adult children. I have higher education. After graduating from the technical school of transport construction, I came as a foreman to the construction of the Minsk-2 airport, and also participated in the construction of the Palace of Railway Workers and many other metropolitan facilities. I entered the correspondence department of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Economics and Organization of Construction, after which I worked as an engineer in construction organizations in Minsk. In the early nineties, like many then, I had to retrain and I mastered the profession of an accountant. Now I hold the position of chief accountant in an organization specialized in the supply of equipment and the construction of water treatment facilities. In addition, in the year 2006, I was elected chairman of the building society number 499. This is my second job, despite all the difficulties, it brings me great satisfaction. Some things, quite simple at first glance, actually require enormous time costs, organizational efforts, not to mention material investments. A freshly painted porch in their house or a new linoleum on their floor is taken for granted by many, and they do not even suspect how much careful planning was required, how funds were raised to pay the costs, how the negotiations with the contractor went, what control is needed and what patience is required to finish the job. to end. Having gone through all this personally, believe me, it was difficult to hold back a proud smile when I received the entrances of our houses after cosmetic repairs. After all, this was the first renovation in our homes in nearly twenty years!
I have been living in the "West" for more than twenty years, my children grew up here, my friends and neighbors live here, I sincerely love our area and consider it my home, but I also see many shortcomings that can and should be corrected. I am sure that as a deputy I will be useful to my district and the city as a whole. Therefore, I gladly accepted the initiative of my nomination. I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and I hope that in the future you will also show your confidence in me and vote for my candidacy on election day.

Dear friends,
The election campaign has gained momentum. Leaflets printed, meetings organized. The candidates have formulated and presented their proposals - it is time for the voters to think about their choice.

The choice of your representative in the local council is a task that is best approached from the standpoint of common sense and practicality. And this means that, when evaluating a candidate’s program, we must simultaneously evaluate his competence, education, professionalism, experience, personal qualities, all together necessary for proposals and promises to be realized, and not remain empty projects.

As a member of the Minsk City Council, I see my first task as work to improve the quality of life in the “sleeping” areas of our city. I am ready to offer practical and effective, and most importantly, CONCRETE solutions to such pressing problems as:
- lack of parking spaces and passage of cars in the yards.
- Arrangement of green areas, truly suitable for walking and recreation.
- development of the infrastructure of the districts.
In many cases, such simple and low-cost measures as the organization of through passages, the expansion of courtyard passages due to a reasonable reduction in the green zone, the competent arrangement of objects and structures of the courtyard infrastructure, can, if not solve the problem, then at least seriously alleviate the situation.
A reserve that can be used, including to solve the problem of a lack of places for driving and parking cars in the yards, can be the areas freed up in the course of thoughtful reductions and redevelopment of green areas. Indeed, in a number of cases, a reasonable reduction in such zones and their reconstruction (following the example of large European cities) in the format of smaller, but more efficiently developed sites, alleys and squares is an ideal alternative. At the same time, the costs of such arrangements, in view of the small size of the areas subject to high-quality development, are relatively low, and, in addition, can be reduced even if local residents are actively involved in the improvement work.
To assess the possibility of implementing my proposals, as one of the first deputy initiatives, I intend to propose to the City Council an initial audit of courtyard territories.
I see the development of infrastructure in the districts as another area for efforts.
The quality of urban life, of course, depends on the development of infrastructure. At the same time, it is important to avoid one-sided perception, understanding that we are talking not only about such important social facilities as polyclinics, schools, kindergartens, but also about commercial infrastructure: shops, cafes, sports clubs, swimming pools, cinemas - which also fulfill their useful function, providing comfort and living standards. And if the first is the concern of the state, then the development of the second can and should be provided by business. Therefore, I see my deputy position in finding the right balance of interests in order to ensure the dynamic social and economic development of our region and city. I intend to actively participate in the discussions, analyze the proposals of the executive branch, as well as the initiatives of the Council, drawing on all my knowledge and experience.

Higher education in construction and economics, extensive practical experience, including administrative and social activities as the head of a large housing cooperative, allow me to confidently navigate economic, political and social processes, assess prospects and make informed decisions, consistently implementing useful ideas and defending the interests of their constituents in every possible way.

Again and again I appeal to my voters, residents of the Minsk micro-districts Zapad and Sukharevo. We are all friends and neighbors! I urge you on April 25 to come to the polls and vote for me. I hope that an active life position, healthy optimism, competence and professionalism will find enough supporters.

I wish you all health and well-being. It was Irina Viktorovna Ptashnik, a candidate for the Minsk City Council in the twenty-ninth polling station of the Western District.

For me, a great country is peacetime patriotism. In fact, patriotism and a great country, Russia, is only great when a person is comfortable and calm in it, when he is guaranteed a normal old age, and so on. I don't want to engage in this populism. And only this archaic power can do this. I believe that today all candidates, including Vladimir Putin, represent the archaic, absolutely antediluvian Soviet power. This can be done by a new power, which knows its place and which releases the energy of people outward, taking care of the weak and disadvantaged. And this is true patriotism, the patriotism of the authorities. So far, patriotism is demanded from the people, while the authorities are getting fat.

But you understand, we understand very well that where the number of bureaucrats meets the demand of society and the population and performs its functions, power is inexpensive there. Even with the high salaries of officials, it is not expensive. And in this case, you have enough money in the same France, Europe to pay so much for children that they are born, and even in poor families they have the opportunity to eat normally and get a good education. When the power is expensive, thieves, when in fact a huge amount, up to forty billion dollars a year, is spent on the absolutely illegal existence of officials, with their formally low salaries, then there is not enough for benefits or anything. If you make nine out of forty-eight ministries, and only a part of these ministries will deal only with the social sphere and security, you will see that the child allowance may not be five hundred rubles, but the child allowance may be three thousand rubles, and then the family will be at least some somehow protected.

I do not agree with the flat scale with such wild taxation of enterprises. I was silent about it, I was on the team, now I am an independent candidate. I do not agree with the fact that no one answered either on the crisis of the ninety-eighth year, or on the depreciation of deposits in the ninety-first year. And in general, I do not think that there was a liberal policy in Russia, it was market Bolshevism. But I also believe that Vladimir Putin is not a liberal president. He is trying to build an Orthodox, authoritarian state with a market, but without democracy, surrounding himself with secret services and snickering officials. And this is his terrible mistake.

And I do not limit budgetary wages to any amounts, I believe that they should ensure not survival with a living wage, but a living wage of two thousand one hundred and forty rubles. It turns out that you receive a survival salary, but you must ensure the quality of life; the quality of life is changing, growing, and for scientists, especially, and for teachers and doctors, it is very important to keep up with this quality. Because if a doctor does not improve his qualifications, if a teacher cannot receive new methods, and if a scientist does not have enough money to work on the Internet, or, for example, travel to international conferences, then he is not a scientist.

And now the question of the source. I repeat once again, there is plenty of money. Do not believe this government, which says that there is no money. I told you. Look, eighty billion dollars is only the reserves of the Central Bank, accumulated petrodollars, which are pumped in just in case something happens to the ruble. Two hundred and seventy billion, we get about ninety billion dollars - this is the government's reserve, which is not spent on anything. It's like a bad housewife who puts it in the basement, and gives people like this how it gives you crumbs. This is all the money, plus forty billion dollars, plus twelve percent of GDP - we are the taxpayers, including you, pay the bureaucrats.

After all, you pay a tax to the medical insurance fund - it's not a tax, but you don't get anything back. And so each of us pays, we are simply robbed every day. So the right question is what to do about it. There must be real insurance, the contract must be within the framework of compulsory state health insurance between you and the doctor, and you must individually know what services you receive, for what amount, and for which services you must pay extra. None of us knows this. The doctor gets nothing. Everything is taken by the hospital administration.

Therefore, for me the main thing is the reform of power. It looks like you know today's authorities, you are all modern now, you are used to working in a competitive environment, in the hardest market life. But this is our modern society dressed in this old decrepit Soviet dress of absolutely greedy, boundless, immoral power, which lives only by holding its position.

Therefore, my first decree is a decree on the change of power, the reduction of these ministries, the reduction of expenses for officials and, accordingly, a different use of all these reserves. And you get ten, twenty times.

Enough bullying when they propose that administrative reform be carried out by the main participant in the bureaucratic system itself, either the prime minister or Alyoshin. Useless. This is the political will of the president himself, which uses the services of completely independent experts. And the second condition, if you want to carry out a reform of power, is that President Putin must explain what kind of power he wants to build, what path awaits Russia in general, unfortunately no one knows this.

If we want to fight poverty, then we must for the first time make power hired by the people. I am probably the only honest presidential candidate who is ready to agree that the people hired me to make them happy.

The candidate's public speech must contain the main components outlined below.

1. A harsh statement or joke. This is necessary to instantly attract and concentrate the attention of the audience.

2. Admiration for the village, city or nature surrounding them. Presentation of common problems with the electorate, figuratively, with facts. This makes it possible to achieve
attractions and explain why he, the candidate, wants to represent voters in government.

3. A summary of the three to four main points of their program and how the candidate intends to achieve them.

4. An explanation of how the implementation of these points of the program will affect the life, safety and well-being of the inhabitants of this settlement.

5. Statement of the position of the candidate in relation to the federal and regional authorities. Her argument is two or three facts. Depending on the mood of the audience, one can recall - with condemnation or respect - the current or former deputies from the given district, indicate their advantages and disadvantages, which will only emphasize the dignity of the speaker.

6. If detente is needed, some political anecdote or parable will do. The candidate needs to be shown: he looks at the world with the same eyes
like his voters, he has no interests different from the interests of voters, and he is not going to move to the capital (regional center). He also hates crime, corrupt officials, and so on. and so on.

7. Ending the speech with a statement that with such wonderful people it is impossible not to achieve change for the better. Calling them not just to vote, but to cooperate. An expression of gratitude to the voters for taking the time to meet with the candidate and support him.

Throughout the speech, the candidate must radiate confidence in his abilities and his victory, smile, and make friendly gestures. At the end of the speech, shake hands with the men who so desire. But don't be overly pushy.

Excessive optimism is also useless. You just need to ask people to come and make their choice.

Inexhaustible optimism is a necessary feature of a candidate in the US, but not here (unfortunately). In the United States, an analysis of the election campaigns of the period 1948-1984 showed that candidates who built their speeches in a pessimistic way lost the elections in 9 out of 10 cases. And the speeches of our candidates are replete with gloomy stories about the past and the future. This is precisely the mindset of the majority of voters.


Indeed, politics, in principle, is the sphere of promises. It is the rhetoric of this type that is characteristic of a politician, since he exploits the desires of the people. Especially for a politician going to power. From the "carrot and stick" set, he has only "carrot" at his disposal, while his opponent can have both.

That is why many candidates are so generous with promises. Clearly impossible promises were made by Zhirinovsky, Lebed, Yeltsin and others.

They promised and won. Those who were modest in this regard, did not promise (Gaidar, for example), lost.

However, after the victory in the elections, the promise is forgotten, the marvelous moral qualities of the former candidate somehow imperceptibly evaporate, and the voters are already dealing with a completely different person. Even a reminder of promises causes his obvious displeasure.

With the help of the media, they are trying to convince the people that the failure to fulfill election promises is a common thing in politics, they say, this is international practice and there is no need to dramatize the situation too much. In this case, they usually refer to the experience of a “civilized society”. For example, American political scientists say that there is and should be a difference between the president in charge of the White House and his image created by the mass media during elections, hence the constant failure to fulfill campaign promises. By the way, B. Clinton was accused of this already during the second inauguration.

A similar situation - promises and their non-fulfillment - this is our reality.

In a pre-election speech, it is necessary to "adjust" the candidate's vote. Today, there are many opportunities for computer voice processing, which makes the timbre more individual, clear and personalized. It is known that B. Clinton's famous low voice is a product not only of nature, but also of sound engineers who have worked with him since the time of his governorship. Of course, it is impossible to completely change the voice, the candidate often holds meetings in small halls, and it is simply impossible to use all the "gadgets" in them. But radio and television speeches and other responsible meetings with the electorate today can already technically be voiced in a specially “colored” voice. Unless, of course, the candidate was not lucky with recognition, like Lebed, Yeltsin or Gorbachev.

In the USA, where vast experience of pre-election battles has been accumulated, the work on the candidate's vote has been put on a solid basis. So, during the Monica Lewinsky scandals, rehearsals were specially organized for US President Bill Clinton immediately before the start of press conferences in order to give the president the opportunity to throw out unnecessary emotions. As a result, already at the press conference itself, Clinton looked absolutely calm and "cold", which always gives a pleasant impression of a person who is well in control of himself and the situation.

The voice of the announcer who reads the eyeliners and the voice-over text of the videos is extremely important. This voice should become the same signature style of the election campaign as the voice and image of the candidate himself. Diversity is unacceptable here. Ideally, it is desirable to use the voice of one of the well-known journalists, recognizable by listeners and viewers, or a news announcer. A familiar voice will facilitate the perception of the Video and make it look like a news story, that is, create an attraction.

At the end of the campaign, both on radio and on TV, speeches in support of a candidate lasting more than one minute should be avoided. It is also advisable not to interrupt serials or feature films with campaign materials - such obsession turns voters against the candidate.

Chapter 7


Power is afraid of those who are not afraid, and do not love those who love it.

I. Huberman

The goal of state PR is to create an image of competent and efficient power structures that are able to fully solve the problems they face. This is especially important at times when state structures often have little to offer but words. But sometimes they are not even able to generate the right words at the right time - the result of their lack of competence in the processes of state administration.

PR of power structures

In order to maintain and retain power, the most

suitable of all means - to be loved,

the most incongruous- instill fear in yourself.

After all, against the hatred of many people

not resist any power.

After all, fear- a bad guardian for a long time;

on the contrary, benevolence-

a faithful guardian and, moreover, always.

The basis of democracy is information, the involvement of each individual citizen in the life of the state.

The population expects from the authorities the solution of their problems, and not stories about the difficulties of their solution. Power is a symbol of problem solving, not a symbol of hesitation.

Tasks and problems

The "Bible" of American PR specialists defines the following tasks in this area:

1) informing citizens about the activities of state structures;

2) ensuring the active participation of citizens in government programs (for example, in election campaigns), as well as supporting regulatory
grams (environmental, legal, anti-smoking, etc.);

3) encouraging citizens to support policies and programs (for example, social assistance).

As you can see, all three programs are quite suitable for our conditions. A fourth task can be added here: creating a favorable image of state structures.

There is a very important PR axiom in the UK that applies to us too: not only does the government need to work effectively, but all citizens need to be convinced that it works effectively.

As you can see, just good work is not enough. Equally important is the recognition of this work by the population. It is not for nothing that today the word "transparency" is heard in the mouths of the highest Russian officials. The population wants to see their leaders as competent and honest, which is facilitated by the openness of decision-making and the accessibility of power structures to the media. Ideally, the authorities should live like in an aquarium on public display.

It has been established that interest in PR arises when the state reaches a certain stage of its economic development. Nobel laureate John Galbraith wrote that it is easy for rulers to keep the rural population in subjection, whose hard physical labor does not give them the opportunity to raise their heads. When the population moves to cities, it has a new need - to be heard. If you look at PR from this point of view, then this is work with a different public, not the one to which the authorities are accustomed. With the public, which has the right to vote and which cannot be left uninformed. This will immediately turn against the authorities.

The state is obliged to take care of its citizens. Even to negative events, power structures must respond in an appropriate form. For example, during the miners' strikes, B. Yeltsin said in his radio address on May 22, 1998: "Strikes are an effective means to be heard."

In the CIS, the lack of trust in power structures can be attributed to the most important problems of the period of transition to independence. For a variety of reasons, the population psychologically does not perceive the entire vertical of power as legitimate. That is why on the pages of newspapers stories about luxurious summer cottages, apartments, cars and accounts in foreign banks of those in power emerge. This is consistent with the people's view that the power structures continue to live comfortably and are not subject to the requirement to “tighten their belts”. Boris Nemtsov, in an interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta (1998, February 25), spoke about the lists of Russian “oligarchs”: “Still, I don’t include our head of state in any such lists. He is a pure and unblemished person. What's going on around him is another story." Characteristic statement, isn't it?

The results of sociological studies show that when the population does not feel attention to themselves and their problems from the side of power structures, when there is no control over their work by the population, violent actions - strikes, demonstrations, etc. become their reaction.

Even in ancient Egypt, they demanded to fight against what is a symbol of bureaucratic power. “The official who should listen to the complaints of visitors should do it calmly and without malice, for the petitioner wants more attention to his words than the fulfillment of what he came for.” Perhaps, even today we cannot add anything new to such a wish for officials.

A feature of government PR is the need to cover the entire population, and not any individual segment, as is the case with advertising campaigns. Today in the CIS countries there is a "public apathy" regarding elections, which was earlier more typical for the West. Only 50% of Americans voted in 1986, only 36% in 1988, and the maximum number - 55% - in 1992. Participation of the population in the elections every time is in question. And this is also the task of PR specialists, which is to inspire the mass consciousness with the importance of participating in elections, to show the significance of each individual vote.

The issue of the image of some state structures in the CIS countries is quite acute. This is primarily related to law enforcement agencies. The results of many sociological studies show that a significant part of the population does not trust these bodies, considers them to be largely corrupt, and often associated with criminals. On the one hand, there are real omissions in the work of these bodies, on the other hand, there is a lack of programs to create a favorable image.

Such programs operated in Soviet times. Films and television series were made. The TV series “Experts are Investigating”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, the films “It Was in Penkovo”, “Village Detective” and others, which painted a positive image of employees of the “organs”, aroused great interest among the population. Detectives were published in mass circulation, where employees of the police, the court, the prosecutor's office, the State Security Committee appeared as "clean hands, a warm heart, a cold head." The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB presented awards for the best works, in other words, for the most successful PR campaigns.

And in the US, the image of the FBI was formed by a specific person - journalist Courtney Cooper, to whom Edgar Hoover opened the archives of his "firm". As a result, Cooper created 3 books, wrote 4 screenplays and many short stories. All this was aimed at one goal: to show the FBI as uncorrupt, decisive and professional. Hollywood was also actively involved in this campaign. The FBI also sponsored the creation of radio series and even comics about itself.

In fact, FBI Director E. Hoover personally supervised the creation of the image of his organization. From his experience of dealing with the press, he drew two significant conclusions. Firstly, it is the press from any incident that can pull a new hero onto the podium, so the FBI chief made it so that he was credited with the merit in carrying out any important operation. And secondly, the press bases its conclusions and comments on the interpretation given to it by the first high-ranking official, so he was always ready to meet with journalists when something extraordinary happened.

Actually, the idea of ​​being the first in the information field was once expressed by Nazi Germany Propaganda Minister Goebbels: “The person who said the first word to the world is always right!” Indeed, firstly, no one can dispute - he has no data. Secondly, one can always be in the center of public attention, since all subsequent speakers or writers on the same topic are forced to reckon with the first interpretation made by the official. The first interpretation also penetrates the media more easily, since at this moment there is a lack of information, which means that there is an informational occasion.

English writers Ian Fleming and John Le Carré created an image: British intelligence. The special services are generally interesting in this sense, since their closed nature allows you to enter any characteristics into their image. After all, people for the most part have no experience of communicating with them, and everything they know, they draw from someone's stories.

Americans would not be themselves if they did not justify the appropriateness of the corresponding costs.

US President R. Nixon, once speaking at the National Security Council on defense spending, said that he considers $1 invested in information and PR more valuable than $10 invested in the arms system. After all, the latter may remain unused, while information works hourly and everywhere.

Information and PR in today's world are the main tools for managing people. PR today is politics.

The image of the government is important not only for the people of a given country, but also for the peoples of other countries. Thus, speaking to the students of Kyiv University, the vice-president of an American company working in the field of PR, as an example of completed orders, called the change in the image of the Colombian government in the eyes of Americans. Having linked this government in public opinion with the drug mafia, the United States stopped providing assistance to it. The Colombians commissioned a public relations campaign to improve the image of their government, and aid resumed as a result.

For live radio "103.0- FM » 27.10.10 from 21-30 to 21-53.

The operator introduces the party and the acting candidate from the party, Vladimir Saltykov, with an introductory speech.

Good evening, dear Uzhgorod residents, dear voters!

The Russian Bloc party decided to participate in the elections for the first time. Participation is modest - the party nominated only ONE candidate for a single-mandate constituency and three for the city's multi-mandate majoritarian constituencies.

In constituency No. 28 at my place of residence - Zheleznodorozhnaya, Pestel, Dzhambul and the streets and lanes adjacent to them, I, a non-party engineer of Oblenergo, Vladimir Saltykov, are running. And at the same time I represent the party of the Republic of Belarus in a single-mandate constituency. This is a great responsibility for me.

Andrey Dovbysh, an entrepreneur, fights for the right to protect the interests of the residents of District No. 14 in the area of ​​the former tank regiment.

Volodymyr Babich, an entrepreneur, intends to represent the interests of citizens of constituency No. 4, which includes the suburbs of Uzhgorod - Domanintsy and Dravtsy

The city authorities should have economic people who love the city, acting in the interests of ALL residents of the city, regardless of nationality and party affiliation, the candidates and the RUSSIAN BLOC party believe. Half of the country is now artificially assigned to the second grade - national minorities, which contains signs of forced Ukrainization. The idea is not creative. Therefore, the realization of equal rights and opportunities for national minorities on a par with the titular nation is one of the tasks that the candidates of the RB party face. Indeed, in Subcarpathian Rus, Ukrainians can also be conditionally classified as a minority, because the majority of Transcarpathians are Rusyns.

Accordingly, the pre-election theses of candidates are different for the districts, the general ones are coziness and comfort of living, improving the quality and reasonableness of the price of communal services. The differences relate to the characteristics of the electoral districts of Andrey Dovbysh - the rational use of empty barracks, Vladimir Babich - improvement in the district of energy and water supply, drainage, street and road coverage, Vladimir Saltykov - order on the streets of his microdistrict.

The airtime was provided to the Russian Bloc party, therefore, in more detail - about yourself, representing the party of the Republic of Belarus.

Each candidate for deputies asks himself or hears the question addressed to him: “Why are you going to power?” Everyone has their own answers, I think not everyone has frank ones, because behind the word POLITICS the concept of ECONOMY is hidden. Simply put, money. The authorities have worked out a mechanism for collecting money, which changes little, therefore new faces often go to the authorities only to determine how to appropriate them. Second question: “Why you?”

I'll start by answering these questions. Never been in power. Never tried to get into power. We don't judge. All my life I have been solving problems, helping others to solve them. I am running to solve problems that have not yet been solved or not satisfactorily solved in the interests of the city and the microdistrict where I live.

It was me, because I often solved difficult technical, economic and legal problems related to them. I was taught this at the Russian Physics and Mathematics School, I was well trained in solving problems at the Physics Department of the Russian University. He studied on his own, developing equipment as part of teams. I had to become a lawyer, protecting myself from the "love" of the state. A considerable part of his life - an engineer of a "considerable" category, worked with technical teams in various branches of technology and knowledge - in research institutes, design bureaus in production. For about 10 years he was an active private entrepreneur. He went the way of transforming the branch of the Research Institute, which collapsed due to the bankruptcy of customers, in which he was the head, into the collective enterprise "Transcarpathian Tech Center", where he became the director. Familiar with planning, pricing, accounting and tax accounting. So who, no matter how I solve the problems of the city.

And there are many unresolved problems in the city. Each municipal and economic urban industry requires its own approach and experienced professionals. Business specialists undertake to solve problems, assuring that they know how to make money. But being able to make money does not mean entrepreneurship, but only the ability to take it away without force and a gun. There are also diplomats among the candidates for power. But how will they equip the sewerage system, ensure energy supply, water and gas distribution, fire and sanitary safety, compliance with building codes and regulations, etc.? How to correct or create a system without breaking something that is already, at the very least, but working? We need doctors, teachers and policemen in the City Council. Only with the ability to organize and weigh what can be sacrificed. After all, the city does not have enough income for all urgent needs - from production it is practically only trade. The voter, when voting, must decide what is more important now, and precisely to him, whom exactly to give preference to.

Alas, in our country there is no criminal punishment for unfulfilled pre-election obligations of candidates, because elections are like roulette. Often - without a winning field.

I fell in love with Transcarpathia immediately upon arrival in 1976.

In the 87th he became a resident of Uzhgorod. Not in one day, - I got used to it for almost 3 years, - Uzhgorod became native to me and my family. If elected, I will have to defend the interests of the city and my microdistrict where I live - with Zheleznodorozhnaya Street, on which I live, neighboring ones - Dzhambul, Pestel, located nearby and adjacent to them. The streets of district No. 28 form a beautiful corner of Uzhgorod with predominantly one-story mansions, rare high-rise buildings. Cozy, as a rule, the streets of Oak, Uzkaya, Surikov, Makarenko, Vavilov, Vrabel, S. Lazo, Fuchik, Gulak-Artemovsky, Decembrists, Zheleznodorozhny lane deserve the attention of the city authorities to create comfort.

Look at them after the rain, from the cab of a passing car, try to guide a stroller with a child - large gravel, pits, puddles, there are even open communication wells, scattered garbage, several meters of asphalt at the crossroads - at best, on many of these streets. Garbage would be removed, garbage cans would be hidden, pits would be repaired, covered with asphalt - what is not Europe.

I know firsthand about communal problems - I have encountered them more than once. Example - 187 square meters. at home 4/22 on Zheleznodorozhnaya, where I live. In the basement, sewage flowed for decades and waste accumulated. After several years of correspondence, the drainage of feces from the basement of the house was cleaned. The electric cable, lying in a puddle for years, as the residents had warned, burned down, causing a fire in the entrance according to the laws of nature. The overhaul of the electrical panel lasted for six months. The new house management (they got rid of the old one!) persuades the residents to voluntarily raise money (over UAH 10,000) for a new, even more “capital” shield and an even newer cable for improvement. But after all, the tenants pay for the power supply to the oblenergo according to the tariff, and it pays off with the house manager. So there are signs of an impending scam with the inept operation of the house. Similar "businessmen", I remember, tried to collect money from each resident for "brake pads for the elevator", which residents pay monthly for the operation of the elevator.

The former manager of the house replaced at the expense of the city pipes of heated water, which are no longer needed - they are cut off from the boiler house. And the steel pipes "evaporated", and yet they are on the balance sheet of heat and communal energy. The whole house is in the exhaust pipes of gas boilers - the hostesses of the kitchen windows cannot open because of the exhaust gases. Craftsmen mount boilers in ventilation niches, destroying exhaust ventilation. Sewerage erodes the basement - there are already cracks in the main walls. Smells are far from perfumes, in summer mosquitoes "get" the residents of even the upper floors, maintaining the "combat" risk of infections. The pump shafts for pumping water are walled up by residents and used for domestic needs. Houses are dangerous to live in. For two years in a row, on New Year's Eve, the mains voltage dropped so that the TV did not turn on - there was not enough voltage. So residents risked refrigerators. We managed to cope with the “electrician” with the help of regional energy companies and energy supervision, I want to believe - forever.

With the help of KRU, the tenants tried to find out what the house management money was spent on. The answer is otherwise than to call it a reply - covered .... thousand sq. meters of roofs and manufactured ... thousand square meters. meters of doors in the entrances along the street .... So the residents do not know - the doors that they installed in the entrances on their own at their own expense did they enter these meters? And how many layers of roof waterproofing instead of three are the norm on roofs in these meters? Why is there no proper architectural and technical supervision for the repair and maintenance of houses and the reconstruction of adjacent territories, why do car parks crowd out playgrounds? Will swings replace the leisure of teenagers? Where are the sections of young technicians and children's clubs? Houses turn into chicken coops with various balconies and loggias. The housing stock is transferred to non-residential when there is a shortage of housing.

In the district there is a large group of offended tenants - residents of the hostel "Patent" on the street. Dzhambula, 50. I had a chance to help them for many years to repulse attempts to evict tenants, to impose exorbitant tariffs on them. The first attempts were repulsed, but now the manager-owner, according to the information of the tenants and the former director of the Patent enterprise A.A. Shestakov, is trying to forcibly evict the tenants to the street by judicial means. Let me remind you that 26 years ago, its residents built it in their free time and made reinforced concrete products of the building frame at the Mukachevo Concrete Products Plant with their own hands. I hope to help the residents in transferring the hostel to the balance of the city and restoring their rights.

I set my goal - equal legal opportunities for everyone, preservation of the material and cultural heritage accumulated by previous generations, improvement of the quality of communal services at the disposal of Uzhgorod residents. And one more goal of mine is to help those who are classified as national minorities. For example, there is a center of national cultures with a director in the city in the house of the same name on Pravoslavnaya, but there is no equipment for culture - no microphone, no projector, no amplifier with acoustic devices, no photo and film equipment, no collective Internet network. But the collective use of funds require less expenditure per soul of the user, to put it in a clerical language.

Curriculum vitae

I, Saltykov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Russian, was born on February 9, 1951 in the city of Saratov, where my parents are buried. The wife of a phthisiatrician at the polyclinic of the railway hospitals in Mukachevo. A grandson and a granddaughter grow up in the son's family. We don't judge. In Russia, he acquired the skills of a developer of complex electronic equipment.

As a leading engineer, he led research, development of new equipment and teams in design bureaus at factories, special design bureaus and research institutes, first in Mukachevo - for more than 10 years, then in Uzhgorod - in a branch of the Vladimir VNIPTIEM, he worked as a lead engineer, head of the design bureau of the "Elektrodvigatel" plant and the department of the Lviv research institute . He became the director of the Transcarpathian Technical Center, registered as an entrepreneur. Gained 5 years of experience in upholding rights in the European Court. Journalist, human rights activist, I have my own website, author of proposals to the codes of Ukraine and the Constitutional Court. Reserve Lieutenant. Military specialties - command and technical in artillery reconnaissance. Tolerant to beliefs and delusions, any faith, nationality. "Inventor of the USSR". Author of about 2.5 hundred topical publications in a dozen newspapers and other media. I know economic, tax, judicial and procedural, civil, labor, administrative law. Freelance member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Pravozakhist" For three years already - the chairman of the Transcarpathian regional society of Russian culture "Rus" and the Uzhgorod society of Russian culture.

At the end of my address to the voters of the city, I will say that

The party and candidates of the RUSSIAN BLOC party to the city council of the mountains. Uzhgorod:

Vladimir Saltykov (District 28), Andrey Dovbysh (District 14), Vladimir Babich (District 4) are counting on your support not only during the elections, but also in the realization of our hopes and plans.

regional newspaper "Evropa-Center" on its pages publishes election programs and biographies of candidates for deputies.

Using the opportunities of the air, I invite Uzhgorod residents to a creative meeting dedicated to Sergei Yesenin, organized by the Uzhgorod Society of Russian Culture and the Transcarpathian Society of Russian Culture "Rus". It will take place on 07.11.2010 at the Central Library of the Mountains. Uzhgorod, in the Passage.

Greet the audience, state your name and the post you are running for. Briefly describe why you personally decided to run.

Here is how Alexander Konovalov, a candidate for deputies of local self-government, does it:

He follows the rules of master speakers and lists his motives, why he needs to be a deputy and what benefits he can bring to people. Do the same.

Speak loudly, clearly and confidently.

Step 2. Current situation

List the current issues that you intend to tackle if you are elected to office. Give your assessment of the current state of affairs in the city - if you are running for the post of mayor, in the district - if you are a deputy of the district council, at the enterprise - if you have put forward your candidacy for the post of head of the enterprise.

Example: US presidential candidate Mitt Romney gives his opinion on US defense problems.

Step 3. What has already been done

If you are running for a second term, list your accomplishments during your first term. Tell me what you managed to do for people: how many roads to repair, what laws to introduce, what ways to optimize production, etc. This is especially important if the speech borders on a speech for the media, that is, journalists are present at it.

Here Vladimir Putin talks about the work done and the groundwork for the future:

Also tell us how you plan to continue what you started.

Step 4. Promises

List what you can do to solve the problems mentioned earlier.

For example, Donald Trump, known for his oratorical skills, promises to deport migrants:

Speak just as simply and clearly.

Important: don't pretend, be yourself. If you love to joke in life, allow yourself to show it on stage. If you are used to expressing your thoughts dryly and briefly, then you can simply voice a numbered list of plans.

Step 5 Results

If possible, give specific dates when voters will be able to see the results of your activities if they vote for you. Also try to be specific about the promises. For example, you are running for the post of head of an enterprise that is engaged in passenger transportation. Then say not just “I will be able to buy new cars”, but “I will buy 20 new Mercedes minibuses”.

For example, Hillary Clinton, speaking with a campaign speech, promised a pay rise.

But she acted like a good speaker, naming the exact numbers. “I want the minimum wage to be raised to $12 an hour,” she said.

You also need to be as precise as possible in your promises.

Step 6. Repeat the basic

Restate and briefly repeat 3-5 key promises.

Here is how candidate Gennady Gudkov lists them briefly and point by point:

Step 7: Call to Action

But do not be too intrusive, otherwise you will have the same embarrassment as with Barack Obama.

Speaking in Maryland, he repeatedly urged everyone to come and vote for the Democrats, said that there could be no excuses. People did not want to listen to this and began to disperse.

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