How to write a sample word project. How to create a children's project (from the experience of creating projects by younger students)


All processes, concepts or objects start somewhere. This moment of beginning happened a few days or years ago, and everything looked different - not the way it is now. Looking, for example, at a car, we understand that at the very beginning it was not like this: first an idea appeared, then this idea was conveyed to other people, which caused a discussion; designers joined the work, the assembly process was launched and much more.

The above is a minor example. But he perfectly explains the essence - everything has a beginning.

Project management is no exception. Being a complex chain of tasks and processes, it also starts somewhere. This first step is project plan.

In this article, we will talk about the plan and the planning process, as well as explain the points related to the question "How to create such a plan." We have identified 7 steps.

What is a project plan?

You may have noticed that we are plan mentioned and The planning process. What is the difference between them? Everything is very simple.

Planning is a process, a discussion. During it, the scope of work, goals and ways necessary to achieve them are clarified.

The plan is a formal document containing all planning decisions, approved scope, costs. Its main functions are control, facilitating communication between participants and scheduling.

When creating a project plan, the manager should already have key knowledge and skills. This increases the chances of its successful implementation. In addition, a prepared plan will help you anticipate and avoid unnecessary mistakes and bad decisions, as well as save time and reduce costs.

Project plan goals

A well-prepared plan should answer the following questions.


The reasons why funds are allocated for the project should be clarified; what problem needs to be solved.

The question concerns the work that must be done to achieve the result and the final goals.

Question about the people involved, their roles and responsibilities; about how they should be organized.


Here we are talking about the schedule / duration of the project.

How to make a project plan?

Before embarking on drafting, the manager must be aware of the large number of questions that will arise throughout the project and the answers to them. Each question can be listed separately. But it is still better to identify common characteristic patterns and patterns. So, what does a manager need to do to draw up a project plan.

1. Communicate

The first step to success is communicating with the team about goals, participants, tasks, etc. The manager must know who is responsible for what task, the deadlines, and just about everything that happens in the project.

It is worth adding that communication is not only the first step. Communicating throughout the project is the key to success.

2. Define participants and goals

Determining all project participants is sometimes difficult: there can be a lot of them. Moreover, they directly or indirectly, to a greater or lesser extent, can influence the project. That is why it is important to identify all those who directly influence the preparation of the plan and take their wishes seriously.

Who can be a project participant:

  • Customer– the person who directly finances and approves the work;
  • Project manager- a person involved in planning with the subsequent creation, execution and control of the project;
  • The project team, which creates the final product. Team members are involved in many important processes, including development, quality assurance, design work, and so on. As a rule, they do not approve the project;
  • End user;
  • Other. This list can include a wide variety of people: risk analysts, procurement specialists, etc.

What can be done at this stage? Conduct interviews with key participants. So you will understand what requirements are set, and what goals should be achieved. The most effective way to achieve goals is the SMART goal setting technique.

Interviewing also allows the manager to understand what problem the project is solving and why it is being funded at all.

This is our Why question.

3. Determine the scope of work

Undoubtedly the most important part of any planning. All key points are highlighted and discussed here: rationale, product description, eligibility criteria, goals and results, constraints, assumptions, valuation and some others. All project participants should come to full understanding and agreement at this stage. As soon as the discussion ends, everything important is recorded in a document in which a description of the content and scope of the project is recorded.

This stage also reduces the risks of misunderstandings that can lead to project scaling.

This is our What question.

4. Define roles and responsibilities

One of the most important tasks of a manager is the distribution of tasks among team members. They should know their roles and responsibilities. And, of course, we should not forget that teams are formed units with a certain number of participants.

This is our Who question.

5. Schedule the project

This paragraph is a direct continuation of the previous one. Once the roles and responsibilities have been assigned, the next step is to set the duration of work for each resource with start/end dates.

This is our When question.

At the same stage, the manager sets the key events, the critical path - in general, deals with the work schedule.

What project tool to choose?

6. Visualize the project plan with a Gantt chart

Note that some people, when talking about the schedule, mean the entire project. This is not entirely true. The visualized schedule is just part of the planning and the plan itself. The whole project is a more complex structure.

Use GanttPRO, an online tool for . With it, the manager can:

  • Create and distribute tasks;
  • Set their duration with start and end dates.
  • Set dependencies between tasks. The manager keeps track of all events and knows when a completed task starts the next one;
  • Monitor the progress of individual events and the project as a whole;
  • Determine the resources needed to complete tasks;
  • Set the cost of resources;
  • Interact with team members and view all the changes they have made;
  • Follow key events;
  • Visualize the critical path - the shortest amount of time required to complete the project.

With GanttPRO Gantt charts, it is easy to manage planning processes and create a project.

7. Manage risk

All stages of a project may be subject to risks. Therefore, managing them is one of the most important points in planning.

An experienced manager is able not only to assess and anticipate such situations, but also to create a plan with ways to solve them. The team, in turn, must also know how to respond to any change.

What risks may arise?

  • Optimistic expectations about time and costs;
  • Poorly defined requirements and wishes;
  • Poorly defined roles and responsibilities;
  • Changes in requirements;
  • New requirements;
  • Budget cuts;
  • Bad interaction.

Let's summarize

There are no identical projects. One can be perfectly implemented without risks and postponed deadlines. Another may fail even if it has the same participants, costs, schedule, and goals. Risks and changes in the project are inevitable. But still, a well-planned scope of work, a schedule, assessed risks and excellent teamwork will help facilitate the planning itself and draw up a plan. In this case, even difficult projects can be fun.

Do you have experience in project planning?

Pupils at school or students at the institute periodically perform various written work. They present various interesting ideas and developments. They turn out to be interesting, informative and, of course, it is important that they are well-designed.

This is what teachers pay a lot of attention to. Consider how to arrange the title page of the project so that it meets the most stringent requirements.

The title page is drawn up according to certain rules.

This is done in the following way:

Sample design for a university

The correct design of the cover for the project can be on a specific example:

  • State educational institution
  • Higher professional education
  • "Orenburg State University"

This information is located at the top, right in the center, written in 16th letter size. Further:

  • Scientific project (24 size).
  • In the discipline "Fundamentals of design, construction of electronic equipment. Development of the design of an electronic device ”(23 font). Author (bold 16th font): student of the 14th group Petrov A.I. Supervisor (bold 16th font): Associate Professor Sidorov N.N.

Sample for school

In general education institutions, students very often have to deal with the implementation of projects. This is a very correct approach - having learned how to draw up such works at school, they will not experience any difficulties as students.

Important! The cover does not contain much information, rather, the most important thing here is to correctly place that small amount of space proposals using the right letter size.

A sample project for an eleventh grader in a regular school looks something like this:

  1. Municipal budgetary educational institution gymnasium N 9 of the city of Togliatti (top from the edge 15 mm, 16 size).
  2. Research paper in mathematics (bold, 24, in the very center).
  3. Mathematics: exact science or humanitarian subject? (the title of the work itself, without quotes, dots, 28).
  4. Author (bold, 16): students of class 11B Ivanova A. (simple, 16). Mathematics teacher: Nikolaeva N.R.
  5. 2018 (bottom, center, 16, no dot).

Project around the world

In elementary school, it is increasingly common for students to complete a project on a topic as an extra task.

Children willingly take on such a task. Firstly, it is interesting, and secondly, a good grade is guaranteed.

Of course, for the correct design of the title page, the teacher can lower it somewhat, but children quickly learn to do everything exactly in terms of its design.

It's quite easy, you just need to follow the following instructions:

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school N 27"

the city of Chelyabinsk

(top 20 mm from the top, bottom edge, 30 mm to the left, 10 mm to the right - parameters specifically for elementary school, 12th size).

around the world

"Birds, animals of the Far North"

(the first word is bold, 16, the subsequent ones are bold, 16).

Completed by: 4th grade student Sergeev A.

Checked: teacher Nikonova A.K.

(16th size, "completed" and "checked" - bold).

(bottom center).

The text itself is typed in Times New Roman, 14.

Important! In elementary school, the requirements for the design of the title page are not as strict as in high school, so if desired, students can use suitable pictures.

The main cover of the project on the topic My family for an elementary school student is no different from any other work in the world around. It uses all the same indentation and font selection options that are designed for elementary school.

The only thing to do is to correctly and individually approach the title of the topic. After all, if the task is given to the whole class, it will not be very good if the name is the same.

Project in English

Making a title page for work in English is no different from similar actions in Russian:

  1. At the top of the page, the name of the educational institution is typed exclusively in English. It is important to do this very carefully and not make mistakes in it - detailed information can be found on the Internet.
  2. Next comes the name of the faculty itself and the specialty of the student.
  3. Then the words Report on the course are typed right in the center, followed by the name of the discipline itself. Then immediately the title of the work. All this is in English and is highlighted in bold large print.
  4. The lower part is a place for information about the student himself: III year student (3rd year student), JJKK-8 group (student group), Ivanov Stepan (surname and name of the student).

Making a project cover

Evaluation of the project or any other work, regardless of the degree of complexity, begins from the moment the teacher sees the title page. It is important to do everything flawlessly competently and correctly - the final assessment will largely depend on this.

  • The title page is a separate page, but it does not need to be numbered.
  • The top and bottom margins must be present, their size is 3 cm.
  • The name of the educational institution without abbreviations and abbreviations is located at the top right in the center. If this is a university, then the faculty and department should be indicated. All letters are capital.
    The name of the educational organization must be clarified, because it can change from time to time. It will be very bad if the old name of the educational institution is present on the new project.
  • Between the information about the educational institution and the subsequent topic - 8 cm.
  • Be sure to indicate the type of work and its subject. Quotation marks and the word “Subject” itself are not allowed in the title.
  • In the lower right corner are the surname and initials of the performer, his status, and then the position of the supervisor along with his surname and initials.
  • The year should be indicated at the bottom of the page, moreover, just numbers, without the word “year”.
  • All characters are printed in Times New Roman, 12–14 pt. The exception is the theme of the work, for which a larger font is provided.

The creative project cover has some features:

  • It is drawn up on A4 sheet. Any work is done on this format, both in schools and in higher institutions.
  • Margins are standard: left - 20 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 15 mm each.
  • The line spacing is 1.5.
  • The title page is not numbered. Further numbering is centered at the bottom.
  • In more serious works, the ministry of the country to which the student's educational institution is related is printed at the top of the page.
  • At the top of the page is the name of the educational institution, size 16.
  • In the middle - "Creative project" (24th).
  • Next - the title of the work without the word "Theme", quotation marks and a dot at the end of the sentence. The name is distinguished by the largest size - 28. It should turn out to be capacious, clearly displaying the content, and not include abbreviations.
  • The lower right corner is for information about the author and his supervisor.
  • Below is the city and the year.

Useful video

Summing up

Hoping to get only an excellent mark for your work, you should not neglect the design of the title page. Just as a person is greeted by clothes, the first impression of the teacher is formed by the correctness of the design.

While studying first at school, and then at a higher educational institution, pupils and students constantly have to deal with the implementation of written tasks of varying degrees of complexity.

Therefore, having remembered certain rules, they will perform the design of the title page for any project without problems. All these actions will eventually be brought to automatism, and the student will be able to concentrate on the content of the work itself.

Project work plan:


The goal is almost the same as the theme of the research project. Therefore, if you have formulated a topic, then when describing the goal, you need to insert only the necessary verb: explore, analyze, consider, etc.

Tasks are, in fact, a plan of action, by completing which you must achieve your goal. For example, if your topic is “The tragedy of human life in the work of E. Munch”, then the goal will be consider the tragedy of human life in the work of E. Munch. To achieve this goal, you will need to complete a number of tasks:

1. Consider the creative biography of E. Munch;

2. Explore the image of a person in the work of E. Munch;

3. Reveal the nature of the life tragedy of a person in the paintings of E. Munch.

When highlighting the goal and tasks, remember: there is always one goal, and there should be no more than three tasks.


The relevance of the topic you have chosen is written in the introduction. Prescribing relevance is a necessary element of the work. It is necessary in order to prove to those who are not familiar with your topic that it is important, it is necessary that it needs to be developed right now. In this part, you can justify the importance of the project topic, socio-historical situation, political events, etc. You can identify relevance within the subject in which you are writing a project. Relevance can be justified by the need to resolve any controversial issue. For simplicity, you can try to answer the question: “Why is it so important to engage in a project on this topic today, right now?” It may be difficult to find the answer right away, but if it is found, then the relevance will be obvious.

Those. in actuality, you must answer the question for yourself: why do you need to deal with the development of this problem. And here you can draw on both your own experience and the experience of friends, acquaintances, and, of course, turn to the consideration of this issue by well-known scientists.


A school research project refers to small jobs. As a rule, it is no more than 25-30 pages with applications.

Title page

1 page

1 page


2 pages

2-3lavas (paragraph)

11 pages


2 pages


1-2 pages

The volume of the entire work up to the list of references (not counting the title page, introduction, content) - 15 sheets of printed text + applications.


Usually, they begin to design the work after writing all the parts of the work, believing that it is very simple to draw up something. But in fact, the correct design of the work is no less important stage.

In our information age, it is not allowed, as it was before, to write a work by hand. Therefore, the first thing you should consider is that the work must be printed on a computer on A4 sheets.

Often a job is printed on both sides of the paper to save space, but this is a mistake.

Your work should make a good impression not only in content, but also in design. There are a number of rules for the design of work:

Font - Times New Roman,

Size - 14,

Interval - 1.5,

Alignment - in width,

Paragraph indent - 1.25 cm;

Document margins: left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top - 2 cm, bottom - 2.5 cm.

Also, when drawing up the work, you should look at whether all parts of the work are present: title page (see: Appendix 1), content, introduction, main part (chapters or paragraphs), conclusion, bibliography, appendix (if the individual project provides for it).

The appendix is ​​placed after the bibliography. The word "application" is printed in the upper right corner with a capital letter without the use of quotation marks and are distinguished by the same type of font as the section titles. If the application is located on several sheets, then at the beginning of each sheet the student must write "continuation of the application." On the last page of this application, he writes "end of application". If there are several applications in your work, then do not forget to number them. Each new section in a research project should start on a new page. The title of the page is located in the middle, there is no dot after it. Headings are also formatted in the same style.

What can an application include?

When designing, try to use as little decoration as possible - various frames, fonts and colors. The use of no more than two types of fonts is allowed.

The title page also needs to be designed in a certain way (see: research project).

An important point in the design of the work is its harmony. What does it mean? Introduction and conclusion should be approximately comparable in size - 2-3 pages. The same applies to the main part - the chapters should be approximately equal in number of pages - plus or minus 2 pages.


There is a very good algorithm for memorization: how many pages in a research project (without taking into account the appendix) so many sources should be in the bibliography.


If you open any book on literature, philosophy, history, you will notice that the authors at the beginning of the book make an introduction, where they explain the goals of their work, and at the end they make an epilogue, afterword or conclusion, where they describe the key points of their work, the conclusions to which they came. They don't just do it. It would seem: why write a conclusion, repeat the conclusions that were made in the main part of the work. But they are well aware that the conclusion is just as important as the introduction of the chapter. Indeed, it is in the conclusion that one can present the main conclusions in the form of short theses, and most importantly, pay attention to what has been done by the new author in this area, what prospects this research has. Exactly the same logic applies to a school research project.

The conclusion sums up your project and includes conclusions, some of which could be contained at the end of the chapters (sections) of the work.

As a rule, the project ends with some result, possibly an event, or interesting material, data, etc. is obtained. In conclusion, experience is given. approbation. For example, in the course of the project, an event was invented and developed, and when it was carried out, the results of the project were tested. The experience of conducting should be described in the conclusion. Or, if the project materials were presented at the lesson in the form of a report, then this is also an approbation, and it should be written about in the conclusion.

Sometimes the conclusion contains a list of problems that have remained unresolved or that have arisen during the study. Thus, you show that you see the prospects for your further work on the topic and indicate them to those who might also be interested in this topic.


You can write your interest in the topic under study in the introduction when you talk about the relevance of the topic. In this part of the introduction, you can tell why you decided to deal with this particular problem, what is your personal interest.




TYUMEN, 2015


Research work includes the following main elements:

· Title page;

· Introduction;

· Main part;

· Conclusion;

· Bibliography;


I. Title page

The title page contains: the full name of the educational institution, the phrase - "RESEARCH PROJECT" or "CREATIVE PROJECT", the name of the topic, the name of the performer, the name of the project manager, the name of the city where the educational institution is located, the year.

See Attachment.

III. Introduction

In the introduction of the research work, a brief description of the topic under study is given. It is necessary to justify relevance. It is necessary to highlight such concepts as: object and subject of research, designate target, formulate tasks to be decided, substantiated problem And hypothesis research, select methods research.

Object of study - is a process or phenomenon that exists independently of the researcher and generates a problem situation. By defining an object, we are looking for an answer to the question "What are we considering?".

Subject of study - it is a part, a side of an object, its specific characteristics.

For example:

Object: cooking

Item: Napoleon Cake

Purpose of the study -(always one) should contain an idea of ​​the expected result. As a rule, the formulation of the goal begins with the verbs: “find out”, “reveal”, “form”, “justify”, “conduct”, “learn”, “find”, “perform”. The goal is understood as the final, scientific and practical results that should be achieved as a result of its implementation.

Research objectives- (always several 3-6) these are certain stages in achieving the goal. The wording of the tasks should correspond to the content of the chapters of the project work. The formulation of tasks begins with the verb: “analyze” (literature), “study”, “consider”, “perform”, “conduct” (questionnaire, holiday, exhibition).

Research hypothesis- this is a detailed assumption, detailing the technology of the innovation, as a result of which the goal of the study is expected to be achieved. There may be several hypotheses, some of them will be confirmed, and some will not.

Options for formulating hypotheses:

If we apply * and *, we get *.

The most important indicators * are *.

A characteristic feature of * is *.

We believe that if * execute *, then * will happen.

Research methods:
1. observation-perception of reality.
2. experiment– testing of the studied signs
(buoyancy, volatility, frost resistance, ...)
3. analysis- division into component parts and drawing conclusions. (literature, questioning, survey)

4 .forecasting

5. generalization

6. description

ATTENTION!!! When writing CREATIVE PROJECT in the INTRODUCTION, you only need to indicate relevance, purpose, tasks. (See below for section titles for creative projects).

IV. Main part

In the main part, it is necessary to reflect and disclose all the points of the drawn up plan (according to the content). It is necessary to prove the reliability of the results using calculations, examples of solutions, device layouts (with a detailed description), references to literary sources. Each section of the main part should begin with a statement of the problem and end with brief conclusions. The main part may include drawings. schemes, tables, etc.

V. Conclusion

Conclusion is a brief overview of the study. In it, the author again touches on the relevance, evaluates the effectiveness of the chosen approach to achieving the goal. It is necessary not to summarize the micro-conclusions from the chapters, but to analyze all the work done. New facts and judgments are excluded in the conclusion.

VI. Bibliography

Arranged in alphabetical order (by the author's last name), the city, publisher, year of publication of the book are indicated. An additional list indicates Internet resources. (Application)

VII. Applications

Applications include materials (questionnaires, diagrams, graphs, drawings, experimental results) that are necessary for the author of the work to prove their research and conclusions.


I. General requirements

The text of the work, as a rule, is 10-20 pages of printed text. You must use Microsoft Word for Windows to type text. The line spacing is one and a half. The text and other printed and inscribed elements of the work must be black, the outlines of letters and signs must be clear.

Pages should have margins: top, bottom, right - 2 cm, left - 3 cm. Alignment of the text to the width of the page. Font size - 14. Text is printed on one side of the sheet.

The first page is the title page, the second - the content - they are not numbered. The page numbering is affixed from the introduction and the number is affixed - "3", and so on. The page number is placed in the upper right corner.

Headings of chapters and their paragraphs are drawn up from the beginning and from the middle of the line (bold text is possible).

Formulas (if it is not possible to print them) are entered in the text legibly in black.

Tables, figures, diagrams, drawings, graphs, photographs, both in the text of the research work and in applications, must be made on standard sheets A. Signatures and explanations for photographs and drawings must be on the front side. Under the photograph, drawing, ... is signed by F.I. the one who made the photo or drawing, the date of completion (font - 12 is possible). If there are abbreviations in the table, diagram, then they must be explained, deciphered below.

Before the table, diagram, graph, drawing - their name is written.

If the text uses a quotation from a literary source or an Internet resource, you must indicate in square brackets the number of the source according to the list of references. The list of references includes all literary sources used in the work (monographs, manuals, reference books, etc.), which are advisable to be arranged in alphabetical order, Internet resources are listed below.

It is not recommended to write in the first person singular: “I think”, “I think”, “in my opinion”, etc. The use of the pronoun “we” is more correct. not only the student worked on the study, but also the project leader.

The work must observe the unity of the style of presentation, ensure spelling, syntactic literacy in accordance with the norms of the modern Russian language.

The title should be as short as possible, accurate and correspond to the main content of the work.

Similar information.

The design of the project is carried out according to certain rules. Separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the title page, since it, by right, can be considered any creative or design work. How is the design of the title page of the project? Let's try to find the answer to the question.

Front page requirements

First you need to choose a font size. Depending on the purpose of the project, its type, there may be some differences in the font size. The font used is Times New Roman, size 16. The main text is centered on the page. The project design rules require the placement of the full name of the educational institution (organization). An important point is setting the margins on the page. Depending on the requirements for a particular project, the size of the fields can be selected automatically, as well as manually configured.


The classic option is considered the upper and lower parameters of twenty mm, the indentation on the right side is fifteen millimeters, on the left - thirty mm. The magnification on the left is necessary so that the submitted work can be attached to the binder.

Next, the cursor is placed in the middle of the page, the font size changes from 16 to 24. The author indicates creative, scientific, abstract. The next line indicates the title of the work without quotation marks and a dot, 28 font size is used.

Stepping back about six lines to the bottom of the page, you need to enter information about the author of the work, as well as about his supervisor.

The last line of the title page is given to indicate the year of the work. This is a classic project design. A sample title page is shown in the photo.

Depending on the rules established by the educational institution or the organizer of the conference (competition), some nuances are allowed in the design of the title page.

Titles in the project

Project design requirements require headings to be written in bold. It is printed with a capital letter; a period is not put at the end of the sentence. Note that word wrapping is not allowed in the headings of individual chapters of the project work. Between the main text and the title of the section, you need to make an indent of two intervals.

Making a creative project involves writing each chapter on a new page. Chapters are numbered in Arabic numerals, and paragraphs are indicated by double numbering. If they contain additional items, triple numbering in Arabic numerals is used.

Using abbreviations in design

The design of the project involves the use of abbreviations only in exceptional cases. For example, you can use them when specifying a literary source that the author refers to in his project. When using information about co-authors, first indicate their initials, then write the person's last name.

The design of the project allows the use of economic and mathematical formulas, but they must have a decoding of each character.

Application design specifics

The rules developed for creative projects allow the use of sketches, diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings at the end of the project. First, the literature list is indicated, after it, applications are placed on separate sheets. Each of them must have a name. In the upper right corner indicate the number (for example, application 1), then its name.


Accompanied by an indication of the number of each sheet. It is not put on the first sheet, so the numbering comes from the table of contents. The classic option is the location of the number in the center at the bottom of the page.

There should be no additional decorations: frames, font changes, underlining, different colors when designing a design work. In this requirement, the authors are often mistaken.

School Project Features

We will give an example of project design below, first we will dwell on some features of school creative work. Its structure uses the same requirements that apply to scientific and design adult work. On the main sheet indicate the name of the school, as well as information about the teacher-adviser, under whose leadership the project was made. The main text contains references to literary sources. The project allows the use of five applications, which are indicated at the end of the project, are numbered, have names.

Table of contents example

1. Introduction. Page 3-4

2. Types of engines used in modern vehicles.

2.1 Characteristics of the gasoline engine. Page 4

2.1.1 Composition of exhaust gases. Page 5

2.1.2 The impact of exhaust gases (CO/CH) on the environment and human health. Page 5

2.2. Characteristics of the electric motor. Page 5-6

2.2.1 Advantages of the electric motor. Page 6

2.2.2 Environmental characteristics of the electric motor. Page 6-7

3. Experimental part of the work. Page 7-10

4. Conclusion.

4.1 Conclusions on the research problem. Page 10-11

5. Bibliographic list. Page 12

6. Applications.

Annex 6.1. Appearance of a gasoline engine. Page 13

Appendix 2. Appearance of the electric motor. Page 14

Project abstract example

In addition to the project work itself, it is important to correctly highlight its main content with the help of theses. Depending on the purpose of the project, there are also certain requirements for abstracts. We offer a variant of theses for a school project.

Let's demonstrate a version of the work on the topic: "The influence of temperament on the choice of profession in adolescence." The title must contain all the information about the author:

  • surname, name and patronymic, address, position, place of study, electronic contacts;
  • the data on the supervisor are specified in the same way;
  • do not forget that the organization is published on the main page of the project, where it will be demonstrated or defended.

It is mandatory to demonstrate the relevance of the work. On the example of a given topic, it can be clarified that the problem of professional self-determination is relevant in a modern school. Many guys want to get in-demand specialties, regardless of their interest, inclinations and abilities. Children get the desired profession, but they cannot take place in it, realize their talents. Therefore, an important part of the profile training of students is the timely diagnosis of their inclinations, personal qualities, abilities and interests. It will help the children to make the right choice of future profession.

The final word is also pronounced. Alternatively, it can be arranged in this way: “A study of the relationship between temperament and the choice of a profession among schoolchildren.”

The tasks of the work are prescribed separately:

To study the history of the doctrine of the types of temperament;

To get acquainted with the methods of studying the types of temperament;

To identify and justify the influence of temperament on professional choice;

To study the types of temperament in students;

To establish the relationship between a certain type of temperament of students and the professions they choose, types of professional activity;

Inform the school psychologist, class teacher, teachers and parents about the results.

Theoretical analysis of psychological, methodological and special literature, observation, individual testing of participants in the experiment, statistical and comparative analysis of the data obtained are related to the methods of performing work.

It is mandatory to highlight the main results of the work that will demonstrate its outcome. The formulation may look like a comparative analysis of testing, which showed a single relationship between the type of temperament and the propensity for certain professional areas. This is especially important if the author was able to prove that the type of temperament in adolescence has a significant impact on the choice of a future profession.

Conclusion and possible ways of development are the final part of the whole project. In this section, the result of the experiment is written off. In our example, it sounds like evidence that, having an idea of ​​the sphere of one's inclinations and interests, one can make the right choice of a future specialty in adolescence. This will avoid disappointment in adulthood. The diagnostic options proposed by the author will help teachers and parents to identify the professional areas of schoolchildren, together make a choice of their future specialty.

Stages of work on the project

In addition to certain requirements for the design of the project, there is an algorithm for the activity itself. First you need to decide on a topic that will be of interest not only to the author himself, but also to reviewers. Further, the main goal of the project is set, its tasks are defined.

The next step is to review the literature on the problem that will be considered in the project. The hardest part of a creative project is the experimental part. The author, having analyzed the existing information on the topic, offers his calculations, drawings, drawings.

An important stage in the preparation of any project is the formulation of conclusions, analysis of the feasibility of implementing the results obtained into practice.

The project is accompanied by a list of references, the rules for registration of which were presented above. For technical work, various drawings and diagrams will act as numbered applications, and for a creative project, you can use colorful photographs, drawings, layouts.

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