How to draw a sea with rain with a pencil step by step. How to easily draw a seascape with gouache in half an hour


The sea... There is hardly anyone who does not like the sea. He was sung by musicians, poets composed poems about him. It hides many secrets, and rarely reveals them to anyone. Mankind has always been curious about what is there, under the sea surface, what treasures, outlandish fish and plants? The sea does not give an answer, gently splashing on the coastal stones and sparkling, basking in the sun. Only the sea is deceptive and does not like jokes. Today it is obedient and calm, and tomorrow it foams angrily and rolls huge waves, destroying everything in its path. Let's try to draw the sea with a pencil, its bizarre coastal waves and the seashore. It is much easier to depict the sea with paints, precisely due to the color and shades, so the task before us is difficult. Step by step we will try to draw the sea with a pencil in stages, I hope you succeed.

  1. Prepare a thick sheet of matte paper, but not smooth, otherwise the stylus will slip and deep shadows are unlikely to come out. In addition, this lesson will require shading on paper, and smooth paper is not at all suitable for this. You need at least two pencils - hard and soft. We draw a preliminary sketch. We designate the horizon, a line of low mountains in the background and the water's edge.

  2. It is important to show how the waves move and roll. We draw long and short strokes, filling the entire area of ​​the sea. But we do them at a certain angle. On the left, the lines will lie a little wider, and on the right, they will seem to gather into a narrow bundle. At the horizon, the hatching should be thicker and denser. This results in the effect of the depth and length of the sea, the feeling that the viewer is standing on the shore.

  3. We draw distant mountains. Too much detail is not necessary, it is enough to show mountain bulges and depressions, faults in the stones. To do this, it is enough to draw something like small triangles with a dark base. Show part of the mountains more generally, they will be far from the viewer. Leave unshaded areas too, so that there is a feeling of being illuminated by the sun. Mark the edge of the earth, a narrow strip at the foot of the mountains.

  4. With a very soft pencil, we begin to tint the sea. Do the tinting exactly at the same angles as in the previous sketch. At the same time, the water will be completely dark on the horizon, and lighter towards the shore, due to the fact that the depth becomes smaller towards the shore and “lambs” from the foam appear. Try not to shade the sea evenly, remember that the sea is mobile and the waves come from the horizon, increasing in size more and more. And at the same time, each wave is voluminous, has light and shadow. The sea is like a huge silk fabric with folds.

  5. Now the most important step - try to blend the pencil lines. Do not erase them, namely, lightly rub them on the paper. This can be done with your finger or a piece of soft paper. We leave the darkest stripe on the horizon. We highlight some sections of the waves in the foreground with the help of an eraser. The foam will be the lightest, almost white where it touches the ground or at the very top of the ridge. Imagine how the water foams, how splashes fly, how waves roll onto the shore, as if covering it. Part of the water will simply spread and soak into the sand, but its contours on the ground will still be visible for some time.

  6. We make the most contrasting waves in the foreground. It will be darkest in the depths of each wave, under the white edge of the foam. At this stage, we work more with an eraser. For convenience, it can be "sharpened", that is, with a sharp blade, cut the edge obliquely. They can "draw" snow-white foam. Add contrast to the waves with a soft pencil and immediately erase the excess with an eraser, “outlining” the splashes. If the paper is soft, loose, then the pencil drawing can be easily corrected in this way. Work very carefully, without smearing the drawing. Sometimes it is enough to simply touch the surface of the paper with an eraser to get picturesque “lambs”. Such a drawing requires some virtuosity, but still try.

Over time, you will learn this technique and quickly be able to draw the sea with a pencil anytime, anywhere. The shading technique, which was described in this article, can also be used to depict the sky and airy snow-white clouds, it looks very impressive.

As homework around the world, many second-graders are invited to test their creative abilities by depicting a drawing of “the sea in one of its outfits” on a white sheet of paper. As a hint, the elementary school teacher offers children poems by famous poets that describe the beauty of the vast sea latitudes, southern sunsets and blossoms, the precious shade of water and the unique foamy breeze. However, not every child manages to grasp the meaning of the task by mentally imagining a picture in front of their own eyes, and only after that - depicting it on a piece of paper. Difficulties arise in two cases. The first reason lies in the tendency to study basic subjects, and the lack of time for creativity. The second reason is “misunderstanding” (lack of idea what the sea is). After all, not every family can afford an expensive vacation to the Cote d'Azur ... that's why in today's article we decided to give one more hint to children and their parents about drawing the sea in one of its outfits.

What does the sea look like in one of his outfits drawing?

You can depict the sea with paints, colored pencils and even felt-tip pens in different ways. It all depends on how the child's imagination is developed. The sea can change its outfits many times throughout the day. Therefore, there are no limits in creativity! The color scheme can vary from gentle to extremely deep and saturated tones. It all depends solely on the weather transmitted on the drawing sheet. For example, on a sunny day, calm prevails, so the shade of water can be emerald, blue and even turquoise. During a storm - dirty and even black. During sunset - burgundy, red and dark blue.

While coloring the picture, do not limit the child. Let him use several shades at once. Let the drawing of the sea in one of his outfits become truly “smart” and even a little bit unusual.

Looking at the photo below, it should be noted that children often use classic solutions that include up to 4 colors: green, blue, white and blue, as well as all their variations. But this absolutely does not mean that other colors cannot be used. Any shades are acceptable if they are combined with each other.

The sea in one of his outfits, drawing in the photo for grade 2:

Drawing based on poems by famous poets

To draw the sea in all its glory, just look at examples of works and read the author's works.

How good you are, O night sea, -
Here it is radiant, there it is bluish-dark ...
In the moonlight, as if alive,
It walks and breathes and it shines...

Based on this paragraph, you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the sea should look like. Just imagine, at night, the moon falls on the dark gray sea, forming a lunar path almost to the very shore. The stars are reflected on the water like fireflies, illuminating the mystery of sleeping nature. Beautiful, isn't it?!

  • And here is the sea in one of his outfits, according to Yulia Viktorovna Dolganovsky.

Many seas are blue on the maps -
Children will open atlases on their desks.
A sea of ​​flowers flourishes on the planet,
Colored seas exist in the world!

Even small children know that the sea is not alone in the world. And most importantly, it has a different name. Red, white, black, yellow - only a part of what can be conveyed in colors on a landscape sheet.

Photo examples of the sea in one of his outfits:

In this lesson we will introduce you how to draw the sea with gouache step by step in pictures and with a description. Step-by-step steps will be presented with the help of which you will learn how to draw a sea with gouache, like this.

You can draw waves on the sea if you understand how the wave moves. Let's draw the background first. Draw a horizon line just above the middle. Smoothly paint over the sky from blue to white near the horizon. You can draw clouds or clouds as desired.

To make the transition smoother, paint part of the sky with blue paint, part with white, and then use a wide brush with horizontal strokes to mix the paint on the border.

The sea itself will also be painted over with blue and white paint. It is not necessary to apply strokes horizontally. There are waves on the sea, so it is better to do strokes in different directions.

Now mix green paint with yellow and add some white. Let's draw the base for the wave. In the picture below, the darker areas are wet paint, just the gouache has not had time to dry.

On the green strip, we will distribute the movement of the wave with a hard brush with white paint.

Please note that the left part of the wave has already fallen into the sea, next to it is the raised part of the wave. And so on. Let's make the shadows stronger under the fallen part of the wave. To do this, mix blue and purple paint.

Mixing blue and white gouache on the palette, draw the next falling part of the wave. At the same time, we will strengthen the shadow under it with blue paint.

Let's outline the front wave with white gouache.

Let's draw small waves between large ones. Draw blue paint shadows under the near wave.

Now you can draw the details. Spray the foam along the entire wavelength with a brush. To do this, take a hard bristle brush and white gouache. There should not be much white gouache on the brushes and it should not be liquid. It is best to smear your finger with gouache and blot the tips of the brush, and then spray in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe waves. It is better to practice on a separate sheet so that you can direct the spray to a specific place. You can also use a toothbrush for these purposes, but the result may not justify the result, because. the splash area can be large. But if you can do it, then that's good. Don't forget, try the splashes on a separate sheet.

Marina (marine, marina, from marinus - sea) is the most popular genre among art lovers, depicting a sea view or events taking place at sea. The sea element captivates with its unpredictable variability. Gentle play of mother-of-pearl shades of a sunny day suddenly changes into rich contrasts of a pre-stormy state. Heavy clouds are replaced by the soothing lilac velvet of sunset. It is difficult to resist the desire and not capture this beauty on paper. We propose to make three drawings depicting the sea in three graphic techniques: colored pencils, watercolor pencils and pastel pencils from STABILO.

Before starting work, remember the view of the sea or the weather condition of the sea element that is most vividly imprinted in your memory. It’s good if you already have a sketch of the landscape, and you clearly remember the entire color palette of the sky, clouds, sand, coastal stones, and the very surface of the sea. If there is no sketch, then you can use the photograph as the source material for the drawing. For work, use colored pencils, firms "STABILO", watercolor paper with the texture of "eggshell" A4 size, to correct the picture, use an eraser.

For the image with colored pencils, the state of a sunny day with a slight calm on the sea, with a playful surf of waves on a rocky shore, was chosen. A sailboat near the horizon and seagulls high in the sky are the invariable characteristic elements of the seascape and will add some spirituality to the picture.

Stage 1. Preparatory drawing.

Use light contour lines to place landscape elements on the sheet. First of all, just above the middle of the sheet, draw a horizon line. She conditionally divides the drawing into "heaven" and "earth". Closer to the upper edge of the sheet, outline a series of near and slightly lower distant clouds. To the left, mark the rocky edge of the coast and from it to the right down the border of the coastal sand with the rollback of the wave. Arrange the wave lines on the sea surface in descending order towards the horizon line. In the right part of the drawing, mark the outlines of the sailboat, in the upper part - the silhouettes of seagulls.

Stage 2. The task of this stage is to reveal the color tonal relationships in the landscape.

With pencils in shades of blue, lightly stroke the sky, most of the sea surface and the shady parts of the rocky coast. Overlap the array of coast and coastal sand over blue with pink, it will generalize the color scheme of this part and serve as the color of the most illuminated places.

Layout by color

Stage 3. Light-air perspective in a landscape.

With more frequent hatching, reveal the depth of the sky: closer to the top of the sheet, increase the color saturation, contrast the upper edge in the clouds; closer to the horizon, reduce the saturation of the color tone and soften the contrast at the bottom of the clouds. On the surface of the sea, draw a generalized background. The foreground of the surf will require more careful study: separate the vertical parts of the waves with warmer shades from the horizontally located foot - they are colder shades. The same shades prevail in parts of the ebb of the water on the coastal sand. Solve the rocks in more detail according to the planes of the relief, they contain shades of beige sand tones.

Layout by color

Stage 4. Detailing elements and generalization of the landscape.

After completing the work with halftones, look again at the drawing, perhaps somewhere there was a need to adjust the tone and pattern of the element. Where necessary, remove the excess with the edge of the eraser, somewhere you can go through the color again. Further elaboration of objects with color consists in drawing characteristic details: refining the pattern of nearby clouds, identifying shape and volume. Draw crests of waves and splashes of water. More specifically, define the outlines of the sailboat. Emphasize the relief of the rocky part of the coast with contrasts. Add details to the water recoil lines and wet sand with coastal pebbles. Sketch the silhouettes of seagulls high in the sky.

Layout by color

Stage 5 Shutdown

In conclusion, take a quick look at the drawing and determine whether all the elements of the landscape are in harmony with each other, whether it was possible to maintain the integrity of the composition by placing accents, convey the light-air perspective of space, and, most importantly, convey the unforgettable breathtaking beauty of the sea.

You will learn how to draw the sea if you only learn to draw. Below you will figure out how to draw a sea or ocean, a seashore and just a beautiful landscape. You will not only learn how to draw the sea with gouache, but also find out how to make highlights on the waves, how to paint stones near the water with paints, and how to draw the sea in stages. To learn how to make beautiful drawings, study the step-by-step master class on the topic "sea" below.

  • white gouache - 1 pc.;
  • red gouache in two shades - 1 pc.;
  • gouache blue - 1 pc.;
  • green gouache - 1 pc.;
  • yellow gouache - 1 pc.;
  • purple gouache - 1 pc.;
  • black gouache - 1 piece;
  • brown gouache - 1 pc.;
  • synthetic brush - 3 pcs.;
  • bristle brush - 3 pcs.;
  • thick A4 paper - 2 pcs.;
  • palette - 1 pc.;
  • water tank - 1 pc.;
  • rag - 1 pc.

Step by step drawing

  1. Before starting work, we prepare the desired colors. We fix the sheet.

  2. We draw two lines - above and below. One line shows the horizon, the other - distant waves.

  3. Wet the brush, dilute well with water.

  4. We wet the sheet from above - the sky.

  5. We collect red color and stretch with strokes from the beginning of the sheet to the center. There should be very little paint.

  6. We start with a pale red and intensify it.

  7. Add then a pale blue at the top right. It will take quite a bit.

  8. We take yellow. Dilute and make a yellow spot in the middle. We make a few strokes and stretch along the edges in the direction of red and blue.

  9. We grind all the shades, add saturation if necessary. We leave to dry. We do not need complete drying.

  10. Knead white gouache. Do not forget to rinse the brush well before this and wipe it with a cloth.

  11. Add blue and purple to white gouache. Let's make the sky. There should be more paint on the brush than before.

  12. We enter the paint with thick strokes - white with blue and purple. We mix shades directly on the canvas.

  13. We draw the image of the clouds. They should be fluffy.

  14. Let the base dry. A little lower with white gouache, using a thin brush, draw a small sun.

  15. Mix the red with the rest of the yellow to get orange.

  16. With a thin round brush, we enter the clouds between those that are already there.

  17. We make the first clouds darker - fill the bottom of the clouds. Thus, cumulus clouds will turn out to be more voluminous.

  18. Carefully combine orange and blue, the transition should be smooth.

  19. We add dark blue in some areas so that the clouds are voluminous.

  20. To smooth out the transitions, we use ordinary white and a mixture of red and blue. At the end, we smear the transition with plain water.

  21. We add a white tint to the tops of the clouds, thereby completing the three-dimensionality.

  22. Making a new batch for drawing the sea. We take white, blue and a little red.

  23. We take the second sheet, close the upper part, where we have drawn the sky, and below we draw a clear line of the horizon with a dense purple. The line of purple should be about 4-5 centimeters wide.

  24. Below we draw a corner with the same purple, but with white. Should be purple.

  25. We make a new batch of paints from a large amount of white gouache, a little blue and a little green gouache. Should be turquoise.

  26. We cover almost the entire sheet with a dense layer of paint with a wide brush.

  27. We do an extra batch. The shade should be the same, but darker. To do this, add more blue.

  28. Draw waves diagonally. Remember the perspective of the picture! We draw distant waves thinner, and near waves thicker. We draw lush waves, but not a storm.

  29. We take white and draw the volume of the waves. Add smooth transitions with white gouache.

  30. To make the waves smooth, we make a transition between the light and dark parts of the waves.

  31. To get the transition, you need to mix the paint at the border with the waves.

  32. We smear the nearest wave along with neat brush strokes. This will emphasize the waveform and smooth out the transitions. They should be smooth and strokes should not be visible.

  33. We pass to the upper waves. Smear the paint horizontally.

  34. We take the remains of yellow with white. Below we draw a reflection from the sky. In the middle, you should definitely get a yellow light glare.

  35. Strokes should be thick. To do this, use a thin brush.

  36. Make the transition between wave and foam dark. You get an overflow.

  37. Add some yellow to the waves to get the same reflection of the sun. We paint the foam along the entire length with light masks of a small brush.

  38. We draw zigzag stripes in the form of a wave. The color of the stripes should be light, but not white.

  39. The corner that we painted in lilac is darkened with blue. We make a smooth transition in blue between the blue waves and the lilac coast.

  40. We make a batch of black and brown. We draw with dark spots piles of stones.

  41. Add some white and draw the light parts of the stones.

  42. At the end, add colors and highlights with the same white.

  43. Making a dark purple color. We draw the purple sea in the distance. We draw strokes, and then blur them with a wet brush.

  44. Add some dark strokes, then with light shades, mostly in the middle, paint white highlights.

  45. We finalize the details that seem fuzzy and you're done!

Video instruction

Watch this video to learn how to draw a sea with gouache step by step for beginners. This lesson will be useful for both an adult and a child who is starting to learn how to draw. The video takes a detailed look at each stage, from drawing the bottom and water, to drawing a water tide and foam. Enjoy watching!

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