How to draw a penguin: interesting facts, stages. How to draw a penguin: master class Drawing penguins on an ice floe for children


In this lesson you will learn how to draw an emperor penguin with a pencil step by step, standing on the snow, a huge ice floe. Penguins are birds, only they cannot fly, they live in coastal waters from the Galapogos Islands to Antarctica. The emperor penguin is the largest of all penguin species. Males can be distinguished from females by size, as males are taller and heavier (130 cm and 40 kg), and females are 115 cm tall and weigh 30 kg. Emperor penguins, like all penguins, eat fish and crustaceans. They hunt in packs, moving at an average speed of 4 km/h in water. Penguins live in large groups on ice floes near the water, if they are very cold, then they are pressed to each other and it becomes very warm inside, even if the ambient temperature is minus, for example -20. Their eyesight is very well adapted to see in the water.

Let's draw from this photo.

Draw a circle - this will be the size of the head, then determine the length of the body, you can measure with a pencil and project this size onto paper, marking a horizontal strip. Then I sketched a curve that would show me the side of the penguin, for example, like .

In the beak, draw the area that is orange in the penguin, and the wing. I approximately divided the body in height in half, the elbow is slightly higher.

Draw paws and tail, erase all unnecessary lines.

Paint over the dark areas very dark, and the abdomen in a light tone.

The lateral part of the penguin on the left obscures more, the body is not illuminated there. In front we draw rare feathers.

For uniformity of color, you can shade with the edge of paper or cotton wool. We show a dark area near the head on the neck. you can also draw wild expanses of ice and snow, then on the left you will need to finish the shadow of the penguin. The drawing of the penguin is ready.

Subject drawing "Family of penguins" for children 4-5 years old. Master class with step by step photos.

Kiryushina Polina 5 l, senior group, MBDOU No. 202 Kindergarten of a general developmental type "Fairy Tale".
Supervisor: Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of the 1st qualification category, MBDOU No. 202 Kindergarten of a general developmental type "Fairy Tale".
Description: this master class will be of interest to teachers of middle and senior groups, housewives, lovers of drawing on their own and with children.
Purpose: the picture can be framed and hung to decorate the interior.
Necessary tools and materials:
- watercolor,
- gouache;
- brushes No. 2, No. 5;
- landscape sheet.

Target: learning to draw penguins.
- learn how to use a brush and paints correctly: pick up paint on the pile, rinse the brush before picking up a new color, paint easily and transparently with watercolors, and apply dense opaque strokes with gouache;
- learn to consistently draw a penguin;
- learn to draw plot pictures;
- to promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands;
- to cultivate interest in the diversity of the animal world on Earth, the desire to depict it on paper.
Preliminary work: acquaintance with the South Pole, the animals living on it, a detailed examination and study of the life of penguins, consideration of illustrations, reading stories, holding conversations.
What is the South Pole known for?
The fact that the South Pole is blizzard!
The ground was covered with ice floes,
And they have penguins.
These birds do not fly
But they want to fly
And for a long time at dawn
They look at the blue sky.
Here are some interesting facts about penguins:
1. Penguins - a kind of sea birds - loons, albatrosses, petrels.
2. Penguins are flightless birds, as well as ostrich, emu, kiwi, cassowary.
3. Penguin - cannot fly, but can swim, besides, he walks standing up.
4. To walk on loose snow, penguins lie on their stomachs, push off with their wings and paws, and glide at speeds up to 25 km/h.
5. The largest representatives of penguins are emperor: their height is 110-120 cm, weight is up to 46 kg ..
6. Penguins can stay underwater for up to 30 minutes
7. Among the 17 species of penguins, 13 are endangered or seriously endangered.
8. Emperor penguins can withstand temperatures down to -60 degrees C.
Let's draw a family of penguins.
1. Take brush number 5 and paint over the upper half of the landscape sheet with blue or purple paint.

2. With white gouache, paint over the lower half and draw mountains, slightly, slightly adding blue paint.

3. With pure white paint we draw ovals - big dad, smaller - mom and little - penguin.

4. Take brush number 2, pick up black gouache. We circle the oval from left to right, like a horseshoe, leaving the tummy white.

5.Now draw the wings. They can be located in different ways: raised up, lowered down, spaced apart, folded on the stomach.

6. Draw black dots-eyes. To do this, you can use cotton swabs. With a thin brush, picking up red paint, draw the beak from top to bottom with a sharp movement to make it sharp at the bottom.

7. With a brush No. 2, with red paint, using the “sticking” method, draw the legs. The penguin family is ready.

Now let's draw the northern lights. The most common form of the Northern Lights is streaks.
8. We pick up white paint on a thin brush and apply several lines.

9. Now let's apply yellow and green spots.

10. And finish everything with red spots. Drawing "Penguin Family" is ready.

You can draw penguins differently, for example, making a white print with your index or thumb and then adding all the necessary details, and then the drawing will look like this.

I hope our idea will be of interest to you and will be useful in your work or just in free drawing. Thank you all for your feedback, votes and attention.

STEP 1 Here's what I used to draw the penguins with a pencil: two large graphite pencils, an A, a 5mm mechanical pencil, a nag eraser, feathering paper, and a white acrylic marker. The drawing paper itself is very textured, not smooth. The texture of the paper will give a much more realistic look to this drawing.

STEP 2 Ok, I forgot to mention the graphite stick in the materials section, but this is really the only step you use it in. Lightly rub the graphite lengthwise across the page. The result should look very grainy due to the texture of the paper.

Step 3. Using either your own blender or a paper towel/cloth, go over the entire sheet, smoothly blurring the background. The texture should still be visible.

Step 4. Ok! It's time to sketch our penguin family. Use a graphite pencil at this stage and don't worry about accuracy. At this stage, draw a sketch and proceed to the next step.

STEP 5 Ok, now it's time to erase some of the shaded sketch! Using your nag eraser, erase the lightest parts of the penguin's body, lighten their belly, the parents' neck and the faces of their chicks.

Step 6 Now, using your mechanical pencil, begin to draw the details and outlines of the drawing.

Step 7 In this step we begin to darken the picture by combining mechanical and wooden pencils. Notice how I darkened the faces of the adult penguins. I also erased some space around the penguins to add more contrast between them and the background.

Step 9 In this step you can see the result of adding darkness and details. Notice that I also erased the larger outline around the penguins.

Step 10 It's time to add some detail to these adorable penguins! Is it just me or do they really look like owls in some way?)

Step 11 Here is the result of the previous step...

Step 12 Now, using an acrylic marker, begin to draw highlights and outlines. Also, brighten up the background. You can also add texture to the ground to make it look more like snow.

This tutorial will show you how to draw a penguin step by step. You will need to go through just a few simple steps, completing all the tasks step by step. Let's learn how to draw a penguin with a pencil step by step.

Some interesting facts

  • There are a total of 18 penguin species in the world today, five of which are endangered.
  • Despite their slowness on land, these cute birds are the fastest in the water.
  • The main feature of penguins is that they can dive very deep, while birds spend 70% of their lives in the water.
  • The average lifespan in the wild is 15 to 20 years.
  • Penguins are born very tiny, their weight hardly reaches 1 kg. But when these birds grow up, they can weigh up to 40 kg. It all depends on the type of penguins. There is an emperor penguin - the heaviest, most powerful and largest (reaches 45 kg), and there is a fairy penguin (small penguin), whose weight does not exceed 900 g (in an adult).
  • The birds nest in colonies, sometimes numbering in the millions.
  • Penguins are covered not with wool, but with feathers. Only they are very small and thick, which gives the impression that these seabirds do not have the usual plumage.

Now that you have got acquainted with interesting facts, we will tell you how to draw a penguin.

When taking the first steps, do not press too hard on the pencil. Depict light and smooth lines, barely noticeable, so that at any time you can remove flaws with an eraser.

Step 1. Depicting the body

So how to draw a penguin? Draw a small oval on a blank sheet of paper - this will be the body of the bird. It doesn't have to be perfectly even. These are just outlines so that in the future you can depict the black and white belly of the penguin.

Step 2 Head

Draw another oval above and to the right of the first outline - this will be the head. This figure should be smaller and have a horizontal orientation, while the body is stretched longitudinally down the piece of paper.

Step 3. Addition to the head

Make two intersecting lines inside the oval of the head. This is necessary in order to be able to depict facial features in the next steps.

Step 4 Beak

On the right side of the head, you need to draw a small triangle. He will be the beak. Remember that putting pressure on the pencil is not recommended.

Step 5. We make out the body and paws

With the help of two curved lines, we need to connect two ovals (body and head) to make our penguin's neck. Then, inside the torso, you need to draw a curved line similar to the letter U - this will be the wing.

Draw two L-shaped lines at the bottom of the body. So we get paws.

Step 6. Addition

Now you know how to draw a penguin in the initial steps. If you follow the instructions, then you should get an image of a funny and cute bird that stands sideways and looks into the distance. But now we need to add a few details to make the image more realistic:

  1. Let's go back to the head and cross lines. Make a tiny eye right above the horizontal stripe and then draw a small dot inside and shape the pupils. To do this, you need to draw a few lines around the eye for additional detail.
  2. The beak of the penguins is slightly curved and looks slightly down. Use the previously shown triangle. Start drawing the beak from the horizontal line of the head.

Step 7 Tail

Take a thick bold pencil and draw the outlines of a penguin. Take a smooth line in the lower left part of the oval, make the main point, and then extend it to the base of the paws. The tail should resemble a triangle, but with softer outlines.

Do not forget to draw an additional oval on the belly so that when coloring you can separate the dark feathers from the light ones.

The easier way

Let's learn how to draw a penguin for kids or beginners. Take a sheet of paper, as well as a pencil and an eraser. Draw an oval in the center, which is shaped like an egg. Duplicate this shape around the one already drawn. At the top of the egg draw two eyes and a beak. You can just draw a small triangle.

Then we move on to the paws, which look like a small wavy pancake. Do not forget about the wings - they can be drawn straight, curved, large and small. Now you can start coloring: the wings and the lines between the ovals should be black, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "egg", where the eyes and beak are drawn, remains white. The paws and the beak itself are yellow, the eyes are black.

Now you know how to draw a penguin. It is enough to carefully study all the images before proceeding with the step-by-step instructions so that in the future you can visualize and represent the bird. To make the drawing more interesting, you can add a few funny details to the penguin - a hat, a New Year's hat, a ball, ponytails, anime eyes, a smile, or some inscriptions in the "cloud" coming from the beak. It all depends on your imagination and desire to learn how to portray these cute, but extremely strong, fast and friendly birds.

Hi all! Today we have prepared a new drawing lesson for beginners, which, as you have already seen, will focus on how to draw a penguin.

The lesson will be simple - our artists specially rendered it in such a way as to avoid any difficult moments with proportions, pose, shadows or anything else. Despite the simplicity of drawing, this work in your performance can look very, very good. Actually, let's take drawing paper, your favorite pencil, eraser and let's get started!

Step 1

First, draw the contours of the body and head. It looks like - the body is indicated by a large rounded figure, the head looks like a rounded figure of smaller sizes.

Step 2

Now a small and again, a rounded figure, let's draw a beak. It should be located slightly to the left of the middle of the head relative to us.

Step 3

It's time to draw the eyes of our penguin. They look like a pair of ovals, each of which contains an oval smaller in size according to the principle. Pay attention to the position of the small ovals - it is this detail that conveys the direction of the gaze.

Step 4

With one smooth line we denote the eyebrows and cheeks of our penguin. Here, the important point is the distance between the cheeks and the contours of the head - to the left of us the line of the cheeks is inside the contour of the head, there is a small distance between these lines, and to the left the line of the cheek goes significantly beyond the contours of the head.

Step 5

Okay, now let's use a couple of very short smooth lines to connect our penguin's head and torso on the sides. Here we will draw the contours of the wings - look, they are slightly bent in different directions. By the way, we have a very similar level of difficulty, do not forget to look if you want to practice on simple drawings.

Step 6

Let's draw wide, splayed in different directions paws. In the same step, we will draw a border in the lower right part of the body from us.

Step 7

Erase all unnecessary lines from our penguin, clean up the drawing and outline the main lines.

Step 8

The final step is to paint over the dark areas on the body and on the face of our penguin, using a simple soft pencil. Here you should pay attention to the glare of the pupils - these two white spots must be left unpainted, this is a very important detail. It will be more convenient to pre-mark their contours before painting. It is best to place them in the same places as in our sample.

Actually, it was a lesson in which we told how to draw a penguin for children and budding artists. We hope everyone succeeded. On this we say goodbye and invite you to look at our site for fresh drawing lessons!

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