How to draw war with a pencil step by step. Historical genre in fine arts



  • Give the concept of the historical genre in the visual arts and determine the reasons why artists of different times and peoples turned to the historical theme, determine the significance of works of the historical genre.
  • Develop skills and abilities when working with graphic and pictorial materials in the process of creating a sketch on a historical theme.
  • To develop an aesthetic attitude to reality, emotional and value perception of the works of artists and respect for the work of masters.


  • Reproductions of paintings, sculptures with images of works:
  • I. Repin “The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”, “Barge haulers on the Volga”, “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”; V.I.Surikov “Morning of the Streltsy Execution”, “Boyar Morozova”, “Suvorov Crossing the Alps”, V.Vasnetsov “Tsar Ivan the Terrible”; MM. Antokolsky "Ivan the Terrible" O. Rodin "Citizens of Calais"; P.D. Korin "Alexander Nevsky"; A. Deineka “Defense of Sevastopol”, Rembrandt Van Rijn “Night Watch”; J. L. David “The Oath of the Horatii”, etc.
  • Samples of drawings and tables of the teacher.
  • Children's work.
  • Musical fragments of the works of M. Mussorgsky, A. Lyadov.
  • Computer, projector. Presentation for the lesson “Historical genre. The process of creating a picture. (Annex 1)


  • Paper, cardboard, pencil, brushes, watercolor, sanguine, sepia, wax crayons.


  • Sketches and sketches to create a collective composition on a historical theme.

Lesson plan.

Lesson 1

I. Organizational moment.

II. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Definition of lesson objectives.

III. Historical genre in the visual arts. Acquaintance with new material, conversation with viewing the presentation.

IV. Discussion of works of artists. Fine analysis of the composition of the picture.

Lesson 2

I. The process of creating a work of art. Stages of painting.

II. Practical work

Showing the teacher how to work with graphic materials

Creation by students of a sketch-idea on a historical theme.

III. Review and discussion of works, summing up.

Lesson 1

I. Organizational moment.

II. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Defining Lesson Objectives

III. Historical genre in the visual arts.

The historical genre is dedicated to depicting significant historical events, phenomena, military figures. It mainly refers to the historical past, but it can also show recent events if their historical significance is recognized by contemporaries.

It is often intertwined with other genres: everyday life (historical and everyday images), portrait (figures of the past, portrait-historical compositions), landscape (historical landscape). But the historical genre is especially closely connected with the battle genre, when historical battles (battles, battles), military events are shown.

The historical genre can be represented in painting, sculpture and graphics ( students examine reproductions, illustrations in books, presentation slides, the teacher names the authors and names of paintings and sculptures). (Annex 1)

The origins of the historical genre date back to ancient times, when memories of real events were intertwined with folklore fiction and myths. In ancient Egypt - reliefs and wall paintings on the themes of battles, campaigns, travels, victories of the ruler and his troops. In ancient Greece - mythical themes and images on vases, on reliefs, in Rome - relief images of scenes of military triumphs. In medieval Europe, religious subjects were viewed as historical, and real events were given a sacred meaning (carpet patterns, miniatures).

The actual historical genre began to take shape during the Renaissance in Europe (14-16 centuries), which was facilitated by the entire culture of humanism and the awakening of interest in historical knowledge (wall paintings depicting battles and real events).

By the 17th century, genres had already finally taken shape in art (especially with the advent of easel art) and the historical genre took a leading position in classicism. The opinion was established that this genre is high, including both historical plots and religious-mythological plots. The compositions represented ancient heroes and ruling monarchs ( display of reproductions.).

In Russia, the historical genre was developed in the 18th and 19th centuries. and was associated with the emergence of secular art, historical science, educational ideas. A special role belonged to a large thematic painting, sculptural monuments and portraits on the theme of the war of 1812. K. Bryullov, V.I. Surikov, I.E. Repin, V.M. Vasnetsov, N.N. Ge and others ( display of reproductions).

In the 19-20 centuries, artists in the works of the historical genre reflected the events of many revolutions, the fight against fascism, the events of liberation movements in different countries

(O. Rodin, P. Picasso, M. Grekov, A. A. Deineka, P. D. Koretsky and others) (Annex 1)

IV. Discussion of works of artists. Fine analysis of the composition of the picture.

The works of the historical genre give us the opportunity not only to see the past, but also to survive, to become a participant in it.

Three works of the historical genre: sculpture by M.M. Antokolsky “Ivan the Terrible”, a portrait of V. Vasnetsov “Tsar Ivan the Terrible” and a painting by I. Repin “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”.

They show us one person - Ivan the Terrible, who is in different life situations, depicted from different positions of the authors of the works.

In the portrait of V. Vasnetsov, this is a great tsar, ruler, a powerful man, and in the picture of I. Repin, the tsar is frightened, seized with horror. This can be seen in facial expressions and gestures.

This is no longer a ruler and autocrat, but simply a man, a father who, under the influence of emotions, committed the murder of his own son, who realized this and repented.

The picture shows a terrible scene, but calls for mercy and kindness.

This is the great power of art: to reach the human soul through contradiction and convey the call for kindness and compassion.

The next work is a sculpture by M.M. Antokolsky "Ivan the Terrible". Here the hero seems to be tired, aged and no longer so formidable. Here is another image of the king (although his hand is still clenched into a fist), he is with his head down, aged, in thought.

Three works and three different images of one person. The power of art helps to understand not only what and how is depicted, but also to think about yourself and your actions.

Why do artists turn to historical events?

All paintings depict real historical events. It is very interesting for artists to travel the world and time. The viewer, together with the artist, also begins to travel and learn how people lived, what events took place, what they fought for and what heroes were, what things and objects surrounded people, learn about architecture and nature. In addition, the artist conveys to the audience his own opinion and attitude towards the depicted event. We feel it through the characters of the characters in the picture. The whole image is as if alive, and we experience the past as in life. We see people, their relationships, think about the meaning of events, about the meaning of victories and defeats, about why people accomplish feats. And people suffer and perform feats in order to protect their loved ones, the country, the Motherland. Such people are heroes, they want to imitate, to be just as brave, courageous, resolute.

Artists with their works teach us kindness, courage, heroism, the beauty of human deeds. Each painting, sculpture conveys to us not only real historical events (although this is also important), but also an image felt by the author (subtext), which often speaks even stronger than the image: in composition, in movement, in color.

Lesson 2

I. The process of creating a work of art. Stages of painting.

Let's remember how an artistic image is created. Once again we are convinced that the artist depicts the event as if “passes” through himself, lives it and conveys to the audience something important about his time, about the relationship of people, about the meaning of life. Therefore, when we communicate with genuine art, we begin to feel the idea and intention of the author, we begin to think, and often find answers to life's questions for ourselves, we learn mercy, courage, compassion.

What is valuable in the art of the historical genre? The works of the historical genre give us the opportunity not only to see the past, but also to survive, to become a participant in it.

Where does the picture begin? How to create it?

You can take a canvas, paper and immediately draw, paint with oil. But you may want to fix something, swap shapes or make something larger. No, you can't paint right away. You need to prepare first. Everything needs to be thought through.

So, the artist has an idea - an image that the author has been thinking over for some time. The artist first embodies this image in quick sketches, figurative sketches in pencil, charcoal, even color. This is the first impression that the author wants to capture in order to further develop it into a whole picture. There may be several such sketches-images. Next, the author makes a sketch-idea, a sketch-image. There may also be several such sketches, because the artist is constantly looking for a better, more expressive material embodiment of his invisible image. The author can swap figures and objects, bring something to the fore, something - push it into the background, that is, he is looking for an expressive composition. But in the process of work, even this version can be corrected and altered, because the artist's inner representation changes. Changes can also be in the composition - in accordance with the plan, the idea. Keep in mind the diversity of any situation.

The artist needs to know how the characters look, what they are wearing, what they have in their hands, what surrounds the characters in the picture. We need to collect a lot of material, to carry out a lot of search work:

  • to study the material culture of the time, what makes the picture convincing (household items, weapons, costumes, architecture);
  • find images of the characters in the picture (sketches, sketches, sketches from nature);
  • find suitable landscapes, interiors, architectural fragments related to the chosen theme, that is, the historical background of the picture.

Such work can continue for more than one month, even more than one year.

After collecting the material, the artist collects and summarizes his information into a composition - a developed sketch is born, which can also be finalized by the author (showing materials for the picture).

Now, according to the sketch, the master creates a picture, thinking over color, lighting, contrasting comparisons, and composition.

The work of some artists on their works sometimes takes several years (V. Vasnetsov, I. Repin, V. Surikov). Even in the final process of creating a picture, the author can make changes to the canvas in accordance with the vision of his idea.

So, the process of working on a picture may include the following steps:

1. Sketch - an image of the future picture, which the artist saw with "inner vision".

2. The study of the material culture of the time.

3.Search for images of heroes.

4. Search for the environment in which the action takes place.

5. Sketch composition.

6. Work on the final work.

This is not the final stage yet. Who is the painting for?

Of course, the audience should watch the work, it will certainly leave a certain trace in the soul. Of particular importance is who and with what feeling the author portrayed, the attitude of the artist to the depicted is important.

The great power of art helps to understand not only what and how is depicted, but also to think about yourself, your actions.

II. Creative task. Work on the sketch of the composition.

Today we have to create a sketch-idea of ​​your future painting. We will listen to the music of M. Mussorgsky, and the imagination will prompt the plots of the works.

We remember that it is possible to combine the historical genre with other genres in a sketch, to perform a historical portrait, a historical landscape, to create a sketch with a historical, domestic or battle plot.

You can use graphic materials (sanguine, pencil, felt-tip pen), use the expressiveness of the technique of wax crayons in combination with watercolor.

Music sounds, the teacher shows the methods of work on the board.

The students get to work.

Passing through the class, the teacher helps the students to choose the plot of the picture, explains, complements, helps.

After completion of the work, sketches on a historical theme are placed on the stand.

III. Review and discussion of works, summing up.

Artists are always interested in history. Art provides an opportunity to visit the past for both the artist and the audience. But it is very important that you can not only find out how people lived in the past, what surrounded them, but also experience these events together with the author, feel the character, emotions of the characters, their inner world. The works of masters always teach to distinguish between good and evil, to empathize with the heroes, they teach mercy and compassion, they call for feats, inspire for nobler deeds.

Children's work is evaluated, after which students can collect material for collective work on a historical theme based on completed sketches.

Information sources:

1. A story about Russian painting. G. Ostrovsky. Moscow. "Fine Arts".1989.

2. ABC of Russian painting. N. Astakhova, L. Zhukova. "White City". Moscow. 2007.

3. Man in the world artistic culture. Yu.Solodovnikov.8,9 class “Enlightenment”. Moscow. 2005.

4. Russian artists. V. Artemov. "Rosman". Moscow. 2003.

5. Visual arts. O.Pavlova. A guide for teachers. Grade 7 "Teacher". Volgograd.2006.

7. Visual arts. Grade 5-9. Program-methodical materials. Ed. B. Nemensky. "Bustard". Moscow.2012.

8. Websites:,,

The Great Holiday of the entire Russian people is approaching - the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. This is a very important date not only for our country, but for the whole world as a whole. Our people, our army won that terrible war and saved the whole world from the brown fascist plague. Many fighters died on the battlefields in those terrible years.

Many ordinary people died in the burned villages and cities, in besieged Leningrad, were tortured to death in concentration camps or went missing. Until now, some families do not know where their ancestors are buried ... Great losses came to our homes with that war. But our grandfathers and great-grandfathers survived, they won!!! And now, for almost 70 years, every year on a clear May day on the 9th, we come to monuments and monuments to pay tribute to those who laid down their lives for our real life.

Undoubtedly, many of you want to draw a picture for this memorable date and give it to a veteran living in the neighborhood or, maybe, to your great-grandfather, if he is alive and fought in those distant years. And just like that, you can draw such a picture in memory of the people who selflessly fought in the Great Patriotic War for our Motherland!

Stage 1. Our drawing will contain a story about the battle between our fighters and the Nazis. In the foreground we will depict two fighting warriors. First, let's sketch out the auxiliary lines. These are several points and lines connecting them. These lines are the frames of the future figures of the warring fighters of the Soviet and German armies.

Stage 2. We draw the back of the fascist. Shoulders, sides and collar of the form - we make all these lines according to the initial sketches.

Stage 4. Now we draw the hands of the fascist soldier. Based on the sketches, we show parts of the hand and a large hand with fingers. The second hand is visible a little.

Stage 5. Add the lower part of the uniform of the German warrior.

Stage 6. Draw the legs.

Stage 7. We give weapons to the warrior. We draw a long rifle with a bayonet knife.

Stage 8. We draw the head of the Soviet fighter. We detail the face. Adding a helmet.

Stage 9. Draw the front of the form.

Stage 10. We supplement the elements of the form - the sleeves, the hands are visible. The soldier holds an ax in his hand.

Stage 11. Let's finish the lower part of the form and legs.

Stage 12. Let's add hatching to the drawing.

HISTORICAL GENRE, one of the main genres of fine art, is dedicated to historical events of the past and present, socially significant phenomena in the history of peoples. Examples of social prowess, dramatic conflicts of historical forces find artistic expression in the historical genre. The depiction of historical events has long been associated with myths, folklore and religious legends. Actually the historical genre was formed in the Renaissance, but only in the 19th century. finally separated from the allegorical and religious genres.

Surikov Vasily Ivanovich () Artist-painter, draftsman, teacher, portrait painter, master of the historical genre, the first Russian historical realist painter.

Repin Ilya Efimovich Russian painter and writer. Born in Kuokkala, Finland, now Repino, Leningrad Region

Ivan the Terrible kills his son, 1870

"The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan", 1880

"Heroes" 1898

"After the battle of Igor Svyatoslavovich with the Polovtsy" 1880

"Tsar Ivan the Terrible" 1897

"The Knight at the Crossroads" 1878 Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Ge Nikolay Nikolaevich Born in Voronezh An outstanding master of portraiture, plot, historical and religious painting, who updated its language on the eve of symbolism and avant-garde.

"Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof" 1871

"Judgement of King Solomon" 1854

Karl Bryullov () Karl Pavlovich Bryullov is an outstanding Russian historical painter, portrait painter, landscape painter, author of monumental paintings; honorary award winner

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Creating pencil drawings for beginners can seem like something difficult and impossible. But trust me, it's pretty easy, even if it's the very first drawings in your life. Before explaining the whole process, how to do pencil drawings step by step, it is worth plunging into history.

A little history of the appearance of drawings

From the sixteenth century A.D. graphite pencil began to be widely used by people after, by chance, natural graphite was discovered in England in the town of Cumberland in places torn out by a hurricane. Subsequently, the evolution of the use of this material led us to such an interesting drawing tool as a pencil. It received its name from the Turkic families of languages, where “kara” means black, and “dash” means stone. And although this tool was used earlier only for drawing sketch lines and outlines of a drawing, today you can see beautiful pencil drawings that depict 3D illustrations, portraits of world famous people, tattoos, graffiti, animals, etc. Of course, meanwhile how to depict a monosyllabic figure, for example, a ball, and there is a big difference in how to depict a person's face with certain emotions. After all, this is a matter of professionalism. But any beginner can create noteworthy illustrations if they start by doing pencil drawings step by step, step by step.

How to draw eyes (video)

What is useful for drawing with a pencil

To get started with the tool, a simple hard pencil, a black pen, and a soft pencil can come in handy. The pen is used to highlight deep shadows and blacker details of the drawing, for example, if you are drawing a bird, then the eye will need to be highlighted with a pen. To shade the strokes, ordinary scraps of paper are used, with which the drawing is rubbed and individual strokes merge into shades of gray, giving naturalness and life to the picture.

Why pencil drawings in stages?

Unlike oil, pencil can always be erased and corrected. Therefore, drawings begin to be made with primitive figures. To draw a face, draw an oval that describes the outline of a person's head. Then proportionally divide it into seven parts from the chin to the top of the head. And then the lips are marked with strokes, which start from the end of the lower part. The tip of the nose is drawn at the end of the second part, and the eyes are in the fourth part of the face. But for a professional portrait painter who draws with a pencil, there are other guidelines. They know that exactly the same eye could fit between the eyes of each person, and no more and no less. What unit of proportion can be taken as the width of the eye, and this will be the same distance as one of the seven parts into which the oval of the face is divided.

What difficulties may lie in wait for us

One of the complex objects is the human hand. There are entire books that describe how you can do this. pencil drawings step by step. But if you understand the technique, it all seems quite simple. The palm is a flat square shape, slightly curved outward. Draw the same semi-square fingers, consisting of separate segments. Then everything is softened and rounded, shadows are applied, shaded and voila - the picture is ready.

How to start drawing with a pencil?

Of course, if you just want to learn how to draw a little, you can start with animals.
To draw a rabbit, you can limit yourself to three ovals. Of which a large oval is the torso, a small oval inside the large one is the hind leg and one more is the head. The same method can be used to depict many other smaller brothers of ours.

An important step on the way to a quality pencil drawing

An important step on the way to a quality pencil drawing is hatching and subsequent shading. Circular hatching, which is applied in small circular motions, is very good for painting skin and various similar textures. There are also long and cross hatches, the names of which are self-explanatory. Rough shading is applied with a sharpened "spatula" pencil lead and is suitable for sketching and painting over large areas. Well, black shading can be applied in different directions with very soft pencils, such as 6B, 7B. It is needed to depict the strongest shadows.

How to draw a 3D drawing (video)

How to Feather Hatching?

You can shade the hatching, as mentioned above, with a piece of paper. But there are other ways too. For example, a finger, a makeup brush, a piece of rolled paper with a cut off tip, and even a stick for the ears! What experienced artists of this genre just do not contrive


So, from the considered steps, the following can be distinguished: selection of the theme of the drawing, a schematic representation of the object using primitive figures, hatching and subsequent shading. And you can be sure that over time your experience will increase and a simple pencil and improvised shading tools can be replaced by professional ones. Who knows, maybe in this genre you will become a great artist, and the whole art world will recognize you!

In the 17th century, the division of genres of painting into "high" and "low" was introduced. The first included historical, battle and mythological genres. The second included mundane genres of painting from everyday life, for example, everyday genre, still life, animalistics, portrait, nude, landscape.

historical genre

The historical genre in painting depicts not a specific object or person, but a certain moment or event that took place in the history of past eras. It is included in the main painting genres in art. Portrait, battle, everyday and mythological genres are often closely intertwined with the historical.

"Conquest of Siberia by Yermak" (1891-1895)
Vasily Surikov

Artists Nicolas Poussin, Tintoretto, Eugene Delacroix, Peter Rubens, Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev and many others painted their paintings in the historical genre.

mythological genre

Legends, ancient legends and myths, folklore - the image of these plots, heroes and events has found its place in the mythological genre of painting. Perhaps, it can be distinguished in the painting of any nation, because the history of each ethnic group is full of legends and traditions. For example, such a plot of Greek mythology as a secret romance of the god of war Ares and the goddess of beauty Aphrodite depicts the painting "Parnassus" by an Italian artist named Andrea Mantegna.

"Parnassus" (1497)
Andrea Mantegna

Mythology in painting was finally formed in the Renaissance. Representatives of this genre, in addition to Andrea Mantegna, are Rafael Santi, Giorgione, Lucas Cranach, Sandro Botticelli, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov and others.

Battle genre

Battle painting describes scenes from military life. Most often, various military campaigns are illustrated, as well as sea and land battles. And since these battles are often taken from real history, the battle and historical genres find their intersection point here.

Fragment of the panorama "Battle of Borodino" (1912)
Franz Roubaud

Battle painting took shape during the Italian Renaissance in the work of artists Michelangelo Buonarroti, Leonardo da Vinci, and then Theodore Gericault, Francisco Goya, Franz Alekseevich Roubaud, Mitrofan Borisovich Grekov and many other painters.

household genre

Scenes from the everyday, public or private life of ordinary people, whether it be urban or peasant life, depicts the everyday genre in painting. Like many others painting genres, everyday paintings are rarely found in their own form, becoming part of the portrait or landscape genre.

"Seller of Musical Instruments" (1652)
Karel Fabricius

The origin of everyday painting took place in the 10th century in the East, and it passed to Europe and Russia only in the 17th-18th centuries. Jan Vermeer, Karel Fabricius and Gabriel Metsu, Mikhail Shibanov and Ivan Alekseevich Ermenev are the most famous artists of everyday paintings of that period.

Animal genre

The main objects of the animalistic genre are animals and birds, both wild and domestic, and in general all representatives of the animal world. Initially, animalistics was part of the genres of Chinese painting, since it first appeared in China in the 8th century. In Europe, animalism was formed only in the Renaissance - animals at that time were depicted as the embodiment of the vices and virtues of man.

"Horses in the Meadow" (1649)
Paulus Potter

Antonio Pisanello, Paulus Potter, Albrecht Durer, Frans Snyders, Albert Cuyp are the main representatives of animalistics in the visual arts.

Still life

In the still life genre, objects that surround a person in life are depicted. These are inanimate objects grouped together. Such objects may belong to the same genus (for example, only fruits are depicted in the picture), or they may be heterogeneous (fruits, utensils, musical instruments, flowers, etc.).

"Flowers in a Basket, Butterfly and Dragonfly" (1614)
Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder

Still life as an independent genre took shape in the 17th century. Particularly distinguished are the Flemish and Dutch schools of still life. Representatives of a variety of styles painted their paintings in this genre, from realism to cubism. Some of the most famous still lifes were painted by the painters Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder, Albertus Jonah Brandt, Paul Cezanne, Vincent van Gogh, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Willem Claes Heda.


Portrait - a genre of painting, which is one of the most common in the visual arts. The purpose of a portrait in painting is to portray a person, but not just his appearance, but also to convey the inner feelings and mood of the person being portrayed.

Portraits are single, pair, group, as well as a self-portrait, which is sometimes distinguished as a separate genre. And the most famous portrait of all time, perhaps, is the painting by Leonardo da Vinci called "Portrait of Mrs. Lisa del Giocondo", known to everyone as "Mona Lisa".

"Mona Lisa" (1503-1506)
Leonardo da Vinci

The first portraits appeared millennia ago in ancient Egypt - they were images of the pharaohs. Since then, most artists of all time have dabbled in this genre in one way or another. The portrait and historical genres of painting can also intersect: the image of a great historical figure will be considered a work of the historical genre, although it will convey the appearance and character of this person as a portrait.


The purpose of the nude genre is to depict the naked body of a person. The Renaissance period is considered the moment of the emergence and development of this type of painting, and the main object of painting then most often became the female body, which embodied the beauty of the era.

"Country Concert" (1510)

Titian, Amedeo Modigliani, Antonio da Correggio, Giorgione, Pablo Picasso are the most famous artists who painted in the nude genre.


The main theme of the landscape genre is nature, the environment is the city, rural or wilderness. The first landscapes appeared in ancient times when painting palaces and temples, creating miniatures and icons. As an independent genre, the landscape takes shape as early as the 16th century and has since become one of the most popular painting genres.

It is present in the work of many painters, starting with Peter Rubens, Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov, Edouard Manet, continuing with Isaac Ilyich Levitan, Piet Mondrian, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque and ending with many contemporary artists of the XXI century.

"Golden Autumn" (1895)
Isaac Levitan

Among landscape painting, one can single out such genres as sea and city landscapes.


Veduta is a landscape, the purpose of which is to depict the appearance of an urban area and convey its beauty and color. Later, with the development of industry, the urban landscape turns into an industrial landscape.

"Saint Mark's Square" (1730)

You can appreciate urban landscapes by getting acquainted with the works of Canaletto, Pieter Brueghel, Fyodor Yakovlevich Alekseev, Sylvester Feodosievich Shchedrin.


Seascape, or marina depicts the nature of the sea element, its greatness. Perhaps the most famous marine painter in the world is Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, whose painting The Ninth Wave can be called a masterpiece of Russian painting. The heyday of the marina occurred simultaneously with the development of the landscape as such.

"Sailboat in a Storm" (1886)
James Buttersworth

Katsushika Hokusai, James Edward Buttersworth, Alexey Petrovich Bogolyubov, Lev Feliksovich Lagorio and Rafael Montleon Torres are also known for their seascapes.

If you want to learn even more about how the genres of painting in art arose and developed, watch the following video:

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