How to instill in children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. What to read to a child of seven years? What to read to a 6 year old boy


But time goes by, my daughter is growing and we are already reading new books that I want to tell you about.

"Captain Coco and Green Glass"

Let's start with the wonderful children's writer Lev Kuzmin. Lev Kuzmin is notable for the fact that he began to write books and poems, being already a fairly mature person.

But, despite this, his works are unusually fabulous and magical. With the work "Captain Coco and the Green Glass" my daughter and I met at the play in the Perm theater "Actor's House". After the performance, I immediately decided to buy this book for my home library, but it was not on sale. And only a year later (in 2015) the publishing house "Nigma" published a wonderful book with this story-tale.

The quality of the book is very good, the illustrations too, the content is beyond praise. This book is about the mysterious meridian, which can only be seen through the Green Glass and through which you can travel to different magical countries. Captain Koko, for example, is looking for the country "Go ahead Forsy." I wonder if he will find her?

"Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"

The next book of the writer Vitaly Gubarev is "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors". In 1963, a film of the same name was made based on the book, which was very popular in the USSR. This movie is better to watch after reading the book, so that it does not leave its mark, and the children's imagination presented the kingdom of crooked mirrors in all its glory and diversity. After this work, my daughter and I played for a long time with the game “Say the opposite” (Olya - Yalo, mother - amam, toad - Abazh, etc.).

At this age, I propose to start introducing children to the work of Grigory Oster. At 6-7 years old, children already understand what “Bad Advice” means and remember them well. I liked this book not only with a selection of bad advice (in my opinion, here are the best bad advice of the author), but also with illustrations that can be considered for hours.

"Pippi Longstocking"

And again Astrid Lindgren. How without her? This is the greatest Swedish writer, who has works for all children's ages, and they have deservedly worldwide popularity. Now we will talk about "Pippi Longstocking". For some reason, in my childhood, my parents did not read to me about Pippi. Of course, I knew about her, but very superficially: that she is red-haired, with two pigtails and loves to play pranks very much. But in the work she appeared completely different: mature, wise, fantastically strong.

She lives all alone in the Villa "Chicken" with her animals: monkey Nilson and a horse. Her father is a captain (later became the leader of a black tribe). Pippi's mother died when she was still a baby. Pippi has a suitcase full of gold, which allows her to live comfortably. Yes, she is not a very educated girl, and does not go to school like other children, but she is “real” and very erudite. This is a personality that children should definitely read about.

"Tales of the Blue Fairy"

I accidentally bought the books by Lydia Charskaya "Tales of the Blue Fairy" and did not regret it. Fairy tales are kind, sweet, airy, sentimental. They seem to teach the etiquette of the soul. Girls must read!

"Magic Cauldron"

And now we come to the main 2 books that made a real splash in our house. I'll explain in more detail.

My daughter and I read a lot. And I fancied myself already a guru of fairy tales. But when I bought the Magic Pot books, I realized my mistake. In these two volumes there was only one fairy tale, which we had previously read. And all the rest - new, unknown and insanely interesting. Here are collected fairy tales of the peoples of the world. There are Eastern, Western European, Eastern European, Russian, Indian and many others.

The collection is compiled in such a way that the head is spinning from the variety. There are fairy tales similar to parables, for example, the famous Indian fairy tale “What does an elephant look like?” (about blind beggars). Flipping through each time, you do not know what awaits you in the next fairy tale. And every evening for 2 months, my daughter asked before going to bed, "Magic pot, magic pot, cook an interesting fairy tale." And believe me, fairy tales have always been interesting! These 2 books are real gems in a children's library.

This is our interesting selection of books for the next age: Best books for children 7-8 years old

P.S. I buy books in the Labyrinth online store, good value for money.

In order not to ask the question “How to teach a child to read?”, be puzzled by others - “What books to offer the baby?” If you show what literature is capable of, how the artistic word, spurred on by your own imagination, paints the familiar environment in outlandish colors, then you won’t have to force or accustom anyone. Children will remind you that it's time to update the library, and bookstores will tempt them much more than showcases of toys or electronic gadgets.

Children's books: read on your own or listen to parents

While the baby cannot read, everything is clear: he listens to his favorite fairy tales, children's poems and stories performed by mom, dad and other literate relatives. But what to do when science is mastered and the baby smartly and quite consciously puts letters into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences, so much so that no comments can be made? Many parents at this stage decide: "That's enough, you've read it - now, dear, yourself." And they make a big mistake.

Reading together is an act of delightful spiritual intimacy. Cozy side by side, maintaining bodily contact, you enjoy the general immersion in the space created by the writer: take off into the heavenly heights, find yourself in an underwater kingdom, travel through summer into winter and through mountains to the oceans.

Why parents need to read aloud to a child of 6-7 years old:

  • Favorable conditions for communication are created.
  • A field of joint experiences is being formed.
  • It is possible to explain the words and circumstances of the work incomprehensible to the child.
  • The author's text is saturated with personal (with your voice you translate the author's impersonal appeals to your child, make him complicit in what is happening).
  • Phonemic awareness develops.
  • Stimulates interest in reading as a pastime.

But, of course, as they grow older, more and more books the child reads on his own. The transition from reading aloud to reading independently should be smooth.

  • Encourage your child to sometimes switch roles of "reader" - "listener".
  • Read children's books on roles, acting out skits.
  • Ask a young book reader to read to you while you are busy with household chores.

How to choose works for children 6-7 years old

Reading teaches kindness and wisdom, compassion and resourcefulness, friendship and responsibility. In order for these lessons to give the expected effect and be forever imprinted in the mind of a preschooler with indestructible moral principles, it is important to choose works in which morality is presented in a story that is fascinating and understandable to the child. What is interesting to read about six-year-olds? Eureka knows.

Books about nature and animals

Reading about nature, birds and animals, the child learns to show kindness and care, carefully and attentively to the world around him. The beauty of forests and seas, fields and rivers, sung by the masters of the artistic word, the experiences of representatives of the animal world described by them, bring up morality and mercy in a preschooler.

  1. Vitaly Bianchi "Forest Newspaper";
  2. Nikolai Ledentsov "Miracles: stories about birds";
  3. Gennady Snegiryov "In different parts";
  4. Mikhail Prishvin "Fox bread";
  5. Zoya Zhuravleva "The Way";
  6. Georgy Skrebitsky "Forest great-grandfather";
  7. Yuri Dmitriev "Forest Riddles";
  8. Farley Mowat "The Dog Who Didn't Want to Be Just a Dog";
  9. Rudyard Kipling Tales and Tales of Animals;
  10. Archie Binz "Buster, come to me!".

Children - about children

It is useful and interesting for boys and girls of 6–7 years old to read about children - their peers: how children used to live and what children's life is like today, what games preschoolers and primary school children play, how they make friends, quarrel and make peace, how they learn important life lessons together . Make a selection of fascinating stories about children for your reader, and we, of course, will help.

  1. Victor Dragunsky "Deniska's stories";
  2. Boris Zhitkov "What I saw";
  3. Valentin Kataev "Flower-seven-flower";
  4. Nikolai Nosov "Entertainers";
  5. Tamara Mikheeva "Light Mountains";
  6. Valentina Oseeva "Blue Leaves";
  7. Alla Potapova "Grandmother's Science";
  8. Susanna Weber "Pasha and Papa";
  9. Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn";
  10. Anne-Katharina Westley "Dad, Mom, Grandma, Eight Kids and a Truck"

For little whys

Children's curiosity is a trait that needs to be encouraged and developed. The kid is interested in how the world works, asks you about different cities and countries, is he fond of technology? Choose good children's encyclopedias for your little one, aimed at children of preschool and primary school age.

  1. Ilya Kolmanovsky "Why don't birds fall";
  2. Elena Kachur "Books about Chevostik";
  3. Anton Nelikhov and Andrey Atuchin "Ancient Monsters of Russia";
  4. David McAuley and Neil Ardley "How Things Work Today";
  5. Ivan Pommo and Christophe Illa-Somers "We and Our History";
  6. Dominic Wolliman and Ben Newman "Professor Astrocat and His Journey";
  7. Stephen Bisty "Giant transport";
  8. Frederic Clement "Metamorphoses";
  9. Mark ter Horst "Hello, Earthling!";
  10. Anita Ganeri, Philip Steele Why and Why.

What topics are of interest to your child? We will be happy to get acquainted with your selection of the best books for a child of 6-7 years old or offer you new works for the wishlist.

Happy and exciting parenthood!

Hello, friends!

We have on the street beautiful weather- I want to walk, ride a bike and roller-skate, climb trees and slides. And I'll tell you about what we have read for the long autumn-winter period and what, in general, can be read to a child of 5-6 years. :)

At this age, many children are already reading on their own. It's a pity that some moms and dads then stop reading. After all, he already knows how! The logic is usually like this: I will stop reading, he will want and he will “stretch” himself. But I still think that this is not the age and not the thing when you can throw it into the water and either swim up and learn to swim, or you're out of luck ...

A common problem: the child can read, but does not read and asks the parents. On the one hand, the child does not like to read because of the low reading speed, on the other hand, in order to increase the speed, one must read. Contradiction. But, by the way, it is solved quite easily. TRIZ methods. It is necessary to separate these two processes in time: There is a time when the child reads by himself, and there is a time when his parents read to him.

Gleb has been reading for a long time. I have already read several fat little books with short fairy tales and stories. I wrote about our first books. But now the interests of the child lie much further than the possibilities. I want to read or listen to 10-15 pages, but you can only read one! Yes and font in books that are truly captivating, baby is small Definitely not for preschoolers or even first graders.

But important not only keep reading, but also know what to read to your child. You can often hear the complaints of parents “the child used to love when they read to him, but now somehow not very much.” And it turns out that the Adventures of Dunno and the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are still being read to him. (These are wonderful books, but the library still needs to be updated and the repertoire constantly expanded.) Books should “grow” with the child or at some point they will get bored, like a pyramid and a roly-poly.

I'll tell you about some of the books we have read in the last 6-8 months. Of course, this is not all - there were still many New Year's stories, encyclopedias, ordinary fairy tales, and educational stories.

I read this book when I was in 3rd grade. We lived in the village and more than once dug up a bear when we planted potatoes; fought aphids on apple trees; collected Colorado beetles from the leaves. That's why This book made a huge impression on me. After all, I saw all these insects, held them in my hands, and now they were told about them, and even in such an unusual form.

For Gleb, it was a “doubly” new world. A city child does not even see an ant so often. Literally after each chapter, we looked for the mentioned insects on the street, if possible, or at least for photographs in encyclopedias.

And of course, this book is just for this age: exciting, dynamic, educational. It's hard to imagine better.

“This universe is full of things that need to be
to crack, that is, to investigate in terms of their bitability, and
also, perhaps, gluttony; full of mysterious
places where you can make entertaining experiments for
clarifying the question of where it is best to make puddles.”

Someone may say that these are “strange tales” or “an amateur”. It seemed to me that this almost philosophical tales that ask deep questions to reflect on the eternal. And do not think that there are “too adult topics”, and children need something simpler. This is wrong. Over many things that the child would not have thought about for a long time, he begins to think now. His understanding of the world and people is expanding at lightning speed. Much faster and more efficient than reading the same encyclopedias.

And of course, for everyone who wants, but does not know how to develop a sense of humor in children- I warmly recommend. There is something funny or ironic in almost every line.

A story about a doctor who has magic pills to cure cowardice and sadness. And these pills, along with the suitcase in which they lay, are “lost” and a series of adventures and “strange” events begins.

I think this is one of those books where baby can't get away, and somewhere deep, deep, a solid foundation is being formed - reading is an incomparable pleasure. Unfortunately, this foundation does not appear on its own - playing games on the ipad or watching cartoons can easily take its place.

This year we have read a lot of history books. It all started last summer legends of the flying dutchman. We read this book with Gleb in 7 days while we were on a water-kayaking trip. And then it started: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, the Iliad, the Odyssey, the twelve labors of Hercules. Of course, they did not read in a row. After each book, you need a good break: you get tired of the language and style of narration.

But I'm glad that in the classroom at the theater studio Gleb can “show” (depict with gestures or body movements) King Arthur. But often children easily show “cars”, “luntik” and fall into a stupor when they hear the task to show the knight of the Round Table.

The story of a red-haired boy who lived quietly in a village near Leningrad, and then was forced to move with his mother to the other side of the globe - to Kamchatka.

This is not a fairy tale, nor an adventure novel, nor a historical story., and at first it seems that it will not hook a modern child who does not understand what it is to have a haircut with cologne, or why meet a sailor, and what, in general, this sailor is remarkable for. But Gleb loved it(maybe because he also wants to meet, but only with the driver :))). AND there was a lot to discuss: and about the Soviet Union, and about travel, and just about the lives of other people.

I talked a little about this book in an article about unexpected children's thinking. . This book is a storehouse of all kinds of TRIZ questions and problems. In general, the three naxitralls are very resourceful, and your child can become the same just by watching them and trying to help in every “difficult” task.

I cannot openly recommend all the stories in this book. On the one hand, it is interesting that the main character, already an adult dad who talks about his childhood, has a lot of pressing childhood problems. Anyway, Gleb “found” a lot of his problems: touchiness, selectivity in food. And awareness of the problem, even through the main character, is a reason to work on oneself, sometimes even unconsciously. Maybe, of course, Gleb simply “outgrew”, but, to my happiness, after some time after reading the book, we stopped hearing: “I was offended by you!”. But some of the author's conclusions and the straight-forward morality of some of the stories repulsed me. But this again gave a lot of reasons for discussion - which in itself is good.

I did not know about such an author - Vangeli Spiridon Stepanovich, nor about the book, of course. But gladly plunged into the unfamiliar world of the Moldovan village. I will not tire of repeating: it is important for children not only and not so much to know wild animals, modes of transport, rivers in Africa, the capitals of Europe, or count to n-twenty. These are the books, which tells about such an unusual, completely different life, starting from food, ending with the daily routine and views on the meaning of being, really broaden your understanding of the world.

I left a book double feeling. On the one hand, Gleb understood the feelings of the boy - our grandmothers also live far away, they come 1-2 times a year for 5-10 days. On the other hand, it begins to seem that the boy has a “strange” relationship with his parents. They seem to lack something, and now the poor boy makes up for this lack of fantasies on a tree or communicating with an elderly neighbor. The more loving adults around the child, the better.. But still, if have loving parents, there can be no such urgent need for a “caring adult”.

But, in any case, an interesting, calm, reverent story.

like this great summer list I got it. Now you know, What to read to a child of 5-6 years.
Good luck with your book selection and happy reading!

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    I found an inaccuracy in the article: the book "Sunny Boy" - you give an illustration of the Book for parents raising special children by the author O. Stepanova, but apparently you mean this book author S Sakhorov.

    Ksenia Nesyutina


    My children love books. My son has been able to read for three years, but we still continue to read together. It's like a tradition or even a ritual before going to bed. Sometimes only I read, sometimes it takes turns with him, then we discuss what we read together. Last summer we started reading a series of books about the adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin, both my eight-year-old son and my five-year-old daughter like these books. Let's all laugh together.


    That's right, Ksenia, we must continue to read)) My daughter is 11 years old, and we very often read to each other and sometimes distribute dialogues according to roles. You can have a lot of fun while reading together))
    For some reason, “Coupling” didn’t go with us, maybe they took up this book too late.


    Xenia, interesting review. We, too, have now started reading The Adventures of Gugutse, and we recently finished another book by the same author, Chubo from the Village of Turturik. I really liked these books, they are so unusual. There are such non-trivial decisions, such turns of events are unpredictable. I agree, such books teach you to think outside the box, expand the scope, break patterns.
    We are not yet five years old, but I keep a note of many of the books from your review, at home there is already a whole shelf for growth. While there is something to read for our age.
    And from Dunno we have only read “The Adventures of Dunno and his friends” so far, but we haven’t got to the Sunny City and the Moon yet, although we read a lot. And what, at the age of five, it is no longer interesting for children?

    Ksenia Nesyutina

    Dunno on the Moon - you can read at 8-10 and it will be interesting. We started a year ago, but it seems like it was too early. I meant that dunno is a fairly popular work and parents fall into the trap of re-reading it and re-reading it. Many more try to remember books from their own childhood - this is wonderful, but when I read with my children, I understand how much I missed in my childhood! I mean, sometimes you just have to look for interesting books. Maybe you just didn’t read them, but your child will be a little more lucky)


    Understood, Xenia. We don't have such a problem. I read a lot to children, much more than in my childhood. I enjoy learning new things. I just don't have time to read the same thing over and over again. We have such a list of things that have not yet been read, two shelves are in line. I have another problem - there is nothing to read, but when to read all this? So many great releases! So much to eat at home and so much to want. That's why I started my own blog to share with people. For now, you don't need to go to the library. have something to read at home. In general, I plan to borrow books from the library that I don’t need to re-read often. You can't buy everything.
    Here we have now mastered Dunno in a sunny city, while the child was sick, we read it in 3 days. The book makes a very mixed impression. There are whole pieces that I would only read to a child at school. The narration and description are very long, it is difficult for a preschooler, it was even boring for me that there are preschoolers. But the places where the active action and dialogues are interesting. And the idea of ​​communism is clearly visible. But the kids don't get it yet, of course. Still, it is worth thinking about how to correctly present the ideas of building a society from this book, especially for schoolchildren.

There is a huge variety of books. The circle of children's reading is also constantly replenished and expanded. What should young parents do, how to choose books? It is impossible to re-read or purchase all the books, however, there is the so-called "Golden Fund", which contains the best books that will help the child develop comprehensively. Having experience of acquaintance with the best works, it is easier to navigate in modern books.

When choosing books to read to a preschooler, you should pay attention to the following points.

1 The most interesting thing for any person is information about himself or about the like. Therefore, the main principle of choosing books for preschoolers will be the theme "About children". Next - books about nature, animals, adventures, etc.

2. A book that an adult reads to a child should be liked by him. If you don’t like it, don’t take it, it will be felt in your reading and will not cause a proper response from the child. Therefore, we conclude: try to read in advance what you are going to read to your child. Remember the books that were read to you as a child, ask your parents, ask your friends what they read to their children.

3. Every child is an individual. This means that the interests of the child may differ from yours. No need to lightly stuff the child with what he rejects. For example, your child categorically does not want to listen to your favorite book by N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends." After several attempts, put off reading this book for another time. Look for what you like, offer different options, and you will definitely find something that your child will like, or wait until he “grows up” to the proposed book. Yes, it can be tiring, but you can't do without it.

4 What is interesting for one child may not be at all like another. Do not be equal to others, choose what your child perceives with pleasure.

5. Choose the right time to read. Don't force read. If the child wants to play, run, give him such an opportunity, and evening and afternoon hours are suitable for reading. The main thing is that your reading does not become a punishment, violence, an unpleasant experience.

6. When reading a book, it is important to have time to stop before the child gets bored. Better a little less, but regularly (every day for 10-15 minutes),

7 Rereading is very important for a preschooler. Do not refuse to re-read your favorite book for the 5-10th time. Even an adult, when rereading a work of art, notices new semantic nuances and features each time. For a preschooler, rereading creates a situation of comfort. He knows what will happen, rejoices in advance at the plot twists and pays attention to individual words and phrases. We can say that a child who requires repeated re-reading, from a literary point of view, behaves like a “correct” reader. Only such behavior makes it possible to penetrate the essence of the work.

8. There is no strict distinction between reading to younger preschoolers and older ones. If there were no books for younger children in the child’s experience, you can calmly start getting to know them with older children. Those who have several children of different ages at home have probably noticed how the elders are happy to listen to works for the younger ones, actively perceive them, discuss, speak, thereby creating a very favorable situation of example and repetition, thereby helping the younger ones to better understand their content. ,

If in early childhood, children are not so much read as told by heart, then from about 3-4 years old such reading begins, to which everyone is accustomed. In the 19th - early 20th centuries, intelligent families had a wonderful tradition of family reading, when children listened to adult works read by elders. Even A. S. Pushkin recalled the bewitching impression of such reading, although not everything was clear, but the impact was very strong and unforgettable. Over time, children have a deeper understanding of the works that have become native to them since childhood,

We have the opportunity to make the process of acquaintance with literature easier for children by selecting books that correspond to age characteristics,

Literature of different eras, starting from the 19th century, is introduced into reading for children of 4 years of age. Of course, the 19th century is quite far from our time, so some concepts are already outdated and require clarification. For example, in the tales of A. S. Pushkin, there are such words as “kichka”, “pillar noblewoman”, “spin”, “boiled spelled”, “ quitrent”. You can't do without a dictionary. But you can’t deprive your children of such works. You should not be afraid that, having listened to these works at preschool age, the child will not want to read them at school. Experience shows that a familiar plot only facilitates understanding and makes it possible to enjoy the artistic word. Then the usual words “Pushkin is a brilliant poet” become more understandable to the child.

A, S. Pushkin: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...”, landscape lyrics (excerpts) “Winter Morning”, “Winter Road”, etc. .

S. T, Aksakov, fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower".

V. F. Odoevsky; fairy tales "Town in a snuffbox", "Moroz Ivanovich".

I. A. Krylov; fables "Quartet", "Monkey and Glasses", "Dragonfly and Ant", etc.

V. I. Dal: fairy tales “The Snow Maiden Girl”, “The Old Man-Year-Old Man”, “The Picky Woman”.

P. P. Ershov; Fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"

V. M. Garshin: the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog".

D, N. Mamin-Sibiryak: collection "Alyonushka's Tales", "Gray Neck".

L. N. Tolstoy: stories and fairy tales “Bone”, “Bird”, “Shark”, “Jump”, “Filippok”, “Lipunyushka”, “Lion and Dog”, “Liar”, “How Geese Saved Rome”, . "Three rolls and one bagel."

K. D. Ushinsky: stories and fairy tales "The Blind Horse", "How the Shirt Grew in the Field", "The Pranks of the Old Woman of Winter", "Four Wishes".

Poems by A. A. Fet, F. I. Tyutchev, N. A. Nekrasov, I 3 Surikov, M. Yu. Lermontov, mostly landscape lyrics, especially the one that you personally like,

These are only the main names and works of the 19th century that can be read to preschoolers. But for all their attractiveness, they are not the main ones in the circle of children's reading. The basis is the classics - the golden fund of children's literature - literature of the 20th century, which was created professionally, taking into account children's needs and opportunities.

What to read to preschoolers from the literature of the XX century

Poems of the classics of children's literature S. Ya. Marshak, K. I. Chukovsky, A. L. Barto, S. V. Mikhalkov. Surprisingly bright, kind poems by E. Blaginina, Z. Alexandrova, N. Sakonskaya, E. Serova, cheerful, humorous, even philosophical R. Sefa, V. Orlov, Ya. Akim, V. D. Berestov.

A special place in poetry for preschoolers is occupied by game poetry - poetry where they play with a word. Poets play with words like children play with blocks.

Game poetry - these are the poems of D. Kharms ("Liar", "Million"), Yu. Uspensky ("Plasticine Crow". "Memory"), G. Sapgir ("Princess and the Ogre"), A. Usacheva ("Soundman"), Tim Sobakin and others.

Vanya rode a horse

Led a dog on a belt

And the old woman at this time

Washed the cactus on the window.

Vanya rode a horse.

Led a dog on a belt.

Well, a cactus at this time

I washed the old woman at the window .. (E. Uspensky "Memory");

Currently, poems by poets of the 20th century and contemporaries can be found quite easily both in collections (for example, “The Best Poems to Read in Kindergarten”) and in books by individual authors. For acquaintance it is better to take a collection, and then, if you like the author, you can find: a book of his poems.

There are a huge number of prose works of the 20th century for preschoolers. Here are just a few of them:

M. Gorky: fairy tales "Sparrow", "About Ivanushka the Fool", "Samovar"

L. Panteleev: fairy tales “Fenka”, “Two Frogs”, stories “Coward”, “Honestly”, “About Squirrel and Tamarochka”, “How a girl taught a piglet to speak”, “Letter-You”.

M. M. Zoshchenko: cycles of stories "Smart Animals", "Cunning and Clever", "Funny Stories", "Lelya and Minka". The most popular humorous stories are "Galoshes and Ice Cream", "Great Travelers" (from the cycle "Lyolya and Minka")

K. G. Paustovsky: fairy tales: “The disheveled sparrow”, “Warm bread”, the stories “Basket with fir cones”, “Badger nose”, “Hare paws”, “Cat-thief”.

Many adults have probably noticed how much preschoolers love to moralize, to talk about how that boy did not do well, but this girl did wrong. This does not mean at all that they themselves are doing well and correctly, but the reasoning shows the importance of mastering moral standards for a child. Therefore, works of moral and ethical themes in preschoolers always evoke a spiritual response. The writer who was able to present moral situations at a high artistic level is Valentina Aleksandrova Oseeva. Many parents, having appreciated the pedagogical orientation of the works, made her works a reference book, constantly remember and quote when similar situations arise with their own children.

V. A .. Oseeea: stories and fairy tales “Kind hostess”, “Who is the dumbest of all?”, “Bad”, “Before the first rain”, “Cookie”, “Magic word”, “Girl with a doll”, etc.

In the literature of the 20th century, the problems of moral education were raised frequently. At the same time, writers chose various genre forms to show their attitude to what was happening - a story, a poem, a fairy tale. However, the general direction remained the same - to raise a kind, sympathetic, responsible person.

E, D. Permyak: stories "Pichugin Bridge", "Smorodinka", "Someone else's gate", "How Masha became big", etc.

S. A. Baruzdin: stories about children (“Svetlana”, “People”), stories about animals (“Brave Piglet”, “Kitten's Mom”, “Elephant Memory”, “Cunning Handsome”, “Ravi and Shashi”), Tram Tales.

Often the educational orientation was manifested in a humorous situation. At the same time, the moral principle was not weakened at all, but, on the contrary, was strengthened.

In V. Golyavkin: the stories “Notebooks in the rain”, “Our conversations with Vovka”, “We are playing in Antarctica”, etc.

V, Y. Dragunsky: stories: “He is alive and glowing”, “Childhood friend”, “What I love”, “Paul's Englishman”, “Enchanted letter” (collection “Deniska's stories”).

N, N. Nosov: stories "Dreamers", "Telephone", "Mishkin's porridge", "Live hat", "Steps", "Zaplatka", "Policeman", "On the hill", the fairy tale "Bobik visiting Barbos" .

Among cognitive literature, the most popular, of course, are natural history tales and stories. There are many great authors here. Let's remember some names.

V. Bianchi: fairy tales "The Fox and the Mouse", "Mouse Peak", "Owl", "Whose nose is better", "The First Hunt", "Forest Houses", "Teremok".

E. Charushin: stories "Bears", "Oleshki", "Tomka's dreams", a cycle of stories "Nikitka and his friends", "About animals", "About hunting", "About myself". By the way, E. I. Charushin is an illustrator for many natural history books, including his own,

N. Sladkov: fairy tales “Winter Summer”, “Winter Debts”, “The Mysterious Beast”, “They Judged and Rowed”.

E. Shim: fairy tales "Who lost a hoof?". "Swan, crayfish and pike", etc.

N. Pavlova, fairy tales "Winter Feast", "Live Bead", "Big Miracle".

S. Sakharnov. fairy tales “Why the pike does not live in the sea”, “How the laskier learned to swim with his tail forward”, etc.

E. Permyak: fairy tales "Cunning rug", "Small galoshes", "Missing threads".

Natural history stories by G. Skrebitsky, G. Snegirev, V. Chaplina, O. Perovskaya help to feel like a real participant in the events described.

In the reading of preschoolers, one of the main places belongs to a fairy tale. Both educational and artistic. Many of these works are somehow familiar to you, most often thanks to cartoons. Reading a book that has already been embodied on the screen helps to better understand it, find differences and try to understand what caused them.

A. Tolstoy: "The Adventures of Pinocchio, or the Golden Key."

A. Volkov: "The Wizard of the Emerald City."

T. Alexandrova: "Kuzka in the new house", "Kuzka in the forest", "Kuzka at Baba Yaga", "Chest with books" (eight fairy tales for the little ones).

B. Zakhoder: "The Gray Star", "The Little Mermaid", "The Hermit and the Rose", "The History of the Caterpillar", "Why the Fish Are Silent", "Ma-Tari-Kari".

V. Kataev: "A flower - a seven-flower." "Pipe and pitcher".

G, Auster: "38 Parrots", "A Kitten Named Woof", "Got Bitten".

E. Uspensky: "Down the Magic River", "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends", "Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat".

M, Plyatskovsky: “A cloud in a trough”, “Cunning answer”, “What does a mushroom look like”, “Long neck”, “Hey, you!”, “Therapy camera”, “Rabbit who was not afraid of anyone”, “Cones ".

S. Prokofiev: "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase". “While the clock strikes”, “Patchwork and a cloud”, “The Wizard's Apprentice”, “Cuckoo Clock”.

S. Kozlov: “Shake! Hello!”, “I'm lying in the sun”, “Hedgehog in the fog”.

G. Tsyferov. "The train from Romashkovo".

After reviewing this list of recommendations, review your library. What do you have? What is worth taking in the children's library? Adults are also enrolled in the children's library, so don't be alarmed. Ask your friends what books they have. Your efforts will not be in vain - your child will definitely like something.

Read with pleasure!

The books in this section are very different. There are stories for all tastes: scary tales (for example, fairy tales of different peoples retelling for children), and funny and funny adventures (for example, the adventures of Dunno and Mafin the donkey, Pinocchio and the Moomin trolls, Koska the hare and Pippi Longstocking) , and ironic narratives by Gregory Auster and Alan Milne. There are short fables and long stories, poetry and prose. But note that there are fewer and fewer poems, and more and more prose. After all, children of this age already really like fascinating stories full of adventure and suspense.

Some of these books are published in different versions - with a large number of bright pictures or in a more "adult" form, where there are few or no pictures at all. It is better for preschoolers, even the oldest and smartest, to buy books in a bright and colorful design, pictures help them to imagine the characters of the book and the events that happen to them.

At this age, the child usually already knows how to read, and the task of parents is to teach himenjoy this process. It is very important that now a work that is too complicated for its age does not fall into the hands of a little fidget. Otherwise, the child will have a poor understanding of what he is reading, and this may discourage interest in books for life. Therefore, when giving your baby the first books for independent reading, choose those with a lot of pictures and little text. Let the child read “Ryaba the Hen” and “Kolobok” himself. Familiar fairy tales will help to painlessly overcome the stage “I read this - I don’t know what”.

However, even if your child already reads well on his own, be sure to continue to read aloud to him, because for a child at this age, reading is a huge job. Imagine that someone offered you to solve trigonometric inequalities at your leisure, you would wrinkle your nose and would prefer an alternative form of recreation. The difference between you and your child is that at the age of thirty you may or may not be into trigonometry. At the age of six, a child needs to get carried away with reading - ahead of the school, where he will have to read every day, a lot and preferably - with pleasure.

And, most importantly, read at home yourself. If mom sits down on the sofa every evening with a book, and dad regularly studies magazines with interest, the baby will be sure that daily reading is the same “mandatory life program” as TV or morning washing.

List of literature for children 6-8 years old

  • Aleksandrova T.I. "Domovenok Kuzka", "Katya in a toy city"
  • Andersen G.-H. "Thumbelina", "Ugly Duckling", "Snow Queen"
  • Bazhov P. "Silver Hoof", "Fire Jumper", "Blue Snake"
  • Bianchi V.V. Tales-non-tales (“Bear-head”, “Spider-pilot”, “Titmouse calendar”, “Forest Gingerbread Man-Prickly Side”, “How the Fox outwitted the Hedgehog”, etc.)
  • Bond M. a series of books about Paddington Bear ("Paddington Bear at Home Alone", "Paddington Bear and Christmas", etc.)
  • Brothers Grimm Tales ("Three golden hairs", "White and Rose", "Lady Blizzard", "King Thrushbeard", etc.)
  • Epics (“Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, etc.)
  • Westley A-K. "Mom, Dad, Grandmother, 8 Children and a Truck", "Anton's Little Gift"
  • Wislander D. and T., Nurdqvist S. a series of books about mother Mu (“Mother Mu on a swing”, “Mother Mu on a tree”, etc.)
  • Gribachev N. "Hare Koska and his friends"
  • Gubarev V. "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"
  • Dragunsky V. "The secret becomes clear", "Childhood friend", "From top to bottom, obliquely"
  • Driscoll D. series of books "Stories about the city of shoes"
  • Druzhkov Y. "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin", "The Magic School of Pencil and Samodelkin"
  • Ershov P. "Humpbacked Horse"
  • Zhitkov B. "How I Caught Little Men", "What I Saw" (a unique book for curious children)
  • Zabolotsky N. "How mice fought with a cat"
  • Zakhoder B. poems and fairy tales
  • Zoshchenko M. cycle of stories about Lelya and Minka
  • Kataev V. "Semi-flower"
  • Kincaid L and E. "Wood Stories with Willy the Mole and His Friends"
  • Kipling R. “Elephant”, “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi”, “How the leopard became spotted”, “How the first letter was written”, “Why does the rhinoceros have wrinkled skin”, etc.
  • Kryukova T. “Upside down house”, etc.
  • Kuprin A. "Elephant"
  • Levinova L.G., Sapgir G.V. "Adventures of Kubarik and Tomatic or funny mathematics"
  • Levitan E. “Our sun”, “Stars are the sun sisters”, “Everyone dances in the family of the sun”, “The moon is the granddaughter of the sun” (series “Astronomy for smart children”)
  • Lindgren A. "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof"
  • Lofting H. "The Story of Dr. Dolittle"
  • Mamin-Sibiryak D.N. "Alyonushka's Tales"
  • Marshak S. "Twelve months"
  • Medvedev V. "The Adventures of Sunbeams"
  • Milne A. "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"
  • Mäkelä X. "Mr. Au"
  • Nesbit E. "The Princess and the Cat"
  • Nosov N. “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Bobik Visiting Barbos”, stories (“Mishkina Porridge”, “Phone”, “Dreamers”, “Our Ice Rink”, etc.)
  • Nurdqvist S. a series of books about Petson and Findus (“Fox Hunting”, “Stranger in the Garden”, “Birthday Cake”, etc.)
  • Oster G. "Kitten named Woof", fairy tales about an elephant, a monkey, a boa constrictor and a parrot, "Legends and myths of Lavrov Lane", "A fairy tale with details"
  • Perro C. "Little Red Riding Hood", "Puss in Boots", "Cinderella"
  • Prishvin M. “Fox bread”, “Forest Doctor”, “Hedgehog”, “Golden Meadow”, etc.
  • Preusler O. "Little Baba Yaga", "Little Waterman", "Little Ghost"
  • Prokofieva S. "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase", a series of books about the adventures of Snow White, etc.
  • Pushkin A.S. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda"
  • Raud E. "Clutch, Polkaboot and Mossbeard"
  • Rachel R. "Piccoletto"
  • Rodari D. "The Adventures of Cipollino", "Journey of the Blue Arrow"
  • Russian fairy tales in retelling for children: "Sivka-Burka", "The Frog Princess", "Bird's Tongue", "Frost", "Finist the Clear Falcon", "Snow Maiden", "Marya Morevna", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "At the command of the Pike", "The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf", "The Tale of the Silver Saucer and the Filled Apple", "The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water", "Go there - do not I know where, bring it - I don’t know what”, “Ivan the widow’s son”, “Wonderful berries”, “Lipunyushka”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Havroshechka”, “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise”, etc.
  • Tokmakova I. “Alya, Klyaksich and the letter “A”, “Maybe Zero is not to blame?”, “And a merry morning will come”, “Marusya will be back”, “Happy, Ivushkin!”
  • Tolstoy A. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" and other tales
  • Topelius S. "Sampo-Loparenok"
  • Usachev A. "Smart dog Sonya", "Father Frost from Dedmorozovka" ("Snowman School"), "Black-black cat"
  • Uspensky E. “About Vera and Anfisa”, “Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat”, “Vacations in Prostokvashino”, “Down the Magic River”, “Colorful Family”
  • Harris D. Uncle Remus Tales
  • Hogarth E. "Muffin and his Merry Friends"
  • Charushin E. "Nikita's friends", "Bear cub", "Volchishko", etc.
  • Black S. "My Dog Thoughts"
  • Chukovsky K. "Barmaley", "Cockroach", "Crocodile", "The Stolen Sun", "The Adventures of Bibigon", "Wonder Tree"
  • Sharov A. "The Adventures of Ezhenka and Other Drawn Men"
  • Janson T. "Little trolls and a terrible flood", "The comet is flying!" (in another translation - “Moomin and the Comet”), “The Wizard's Hat”, “Memoirs of Papa Moomin”, “Dangerous Summer”, “Magic Winter”, “About the Last Dragon in the World”

Compiled by E.V. Gilmutdinova

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