As Santa Claus used to be called. The real story of Santa Claus


None of us can imagine a New Year's holiday without the participation of its main characters - Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. If you think that Santa Claus is a native Russian character whose main concern is New Year's gifts, then you are very mistaken. In the legends of ancient Rus', there were similar figures: for example, the lord of the winter cold Frost, Morozko. It was believed that Frost roams the forests and knocks with his mighty staff, which causes bitter frosts in these places, vilifies the streets, which causes plain snow-frost drawings to appear on the windows. Our ancestors imagined Frost as an old man with a long gray beard. However, New Year's gifts were by no means the main task of Frost. It was believed that all winter, from November to March, Frost had a lot to do, he carried his patrol through the forests and fields, helping plants and animals to adapt to the harsh cold winter. We can find especially many prototypes of Grandfather in Russian folk tales: these are Morozko, Moroz Ivanovich, and Grandfather Studenets. However, these characters were not associated with the celebration of the New Year. Their main concern is to help nature and people. Suffice it to recall the wonderful tale of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak "Twelve Months".

But today's Grandfather Frost, the same New Year's character has its own prototype. They consider a man named Nicholas, who lived in the III century AD on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. According to legend, Nicholas came from a fairly wealthy family and was happy to help all the poor and needy, and also took special care of the kids. After the death of Nicholas, he was canonized and canonized as a saint.

There is a legend according to which Nikolai accidentally overheard the complaints of a poor peasant who had to be so tight that he was going to give away his daughters. The poor man was very distressed, but he saw no way out, as he suffered from extreme poverty. Nicholas made his way into the peasant's house and stuffed a large sack of coins down the chimney. At that time, the stockings and shoes of the daughters of a poor peasant were drying in the oven. You can imagine the indescribable joy of the girls when the next morning they found their stockings and shoes in the oven, stuffed to the brim with gold coins ... Since then, in many European countries it has become a custom to hide little surprises "from St. Nicholas" in stockings for their kids. We also have a tradition of hiding gifts - "Nikolaychiki" under the pillow. Children always wait for such gifts and rejoice at them. However, gradually the tradition of giving gifts moved to Christmas in Western countries and New Year in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It is noteworthy that in most Western countries, the New Year is a less significant holiday than Christmas. It is not celebrated on such a grand scale, not the tradition of exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve. And some people don't notice it at all.

In our country, on the contrary, the New Year is considered the main holiday. And on this day, Santa Claus, together with his assistant Snegurochka, give all the kids New Year's surprises. It is known that among children it is very common to write the so-called "letters to Santa Claus", in which the kids promise to behave well and ask Santa Claus for what they want most at the moment.

It is known that in almost every country Frost is called differently. The Americans and the British - this is Santa Claus, who comes at Christmas, in France - Pere Noel. In Finland - Yollupuk.

However, there is one feature that distinguishes the Russian Santa Claus from the most advantageous side. Only he has a granddaughter and she is called the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden appeared at the end of the 19th century, thanks to A.N. Ostrovsky and his fairy tale "The Snow Maiden". However, in the fairy tale of the same name, the Snow Maiden acted as the daughter of Frost. The Snow Maiden lived in the forest and went out to people, fascinated by the beautiful music she heard from them. Later, the famous philanthropist Savva Mamontov, fascinated by the image of the Snow Maiden, staged the performance on the stage of his home theater.

Also, such famous artists as M.A. Vrubel, N.K. Roerich, V.M. Vasnetsov. The famous Russian composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov dedicated an entire opera to this attractive fairy-tale character.

Today, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are the favorites of all the kids. They are looking forward to the cherished moment when Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter their house and give everyone long-awaited gifts.

Interesting facts about Santa Claus. Story.

A small percentage of people know that Santa Claus became who he is because of the existence of a very specific and living prototype. In the 4th century, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (in the Catholic and Lutheran versions - Saint Nicholas or Claus) lived and did charitable deeds in Asia Minor.

Grandfather Frost was originally an evil and cruel pagan deity, the Great Elder of the North, the lord of icy cold and blizzards, who froze people, this was reflected in Nekrasov's poem "Frost - Red Nose", where Frost kills a poor young peasant widow in the forest, leaving her minors as orphans children. Santa Claus first appeared at Christmas in 1910, but he did not become widespread.

In Soviet times, a new image was spread: he appeared to children on New Year's Eve and gave gifts; this image was created by Soviet filmmakers in the 1930s.

In December 1935, Stalin's comrade-in-arms, member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR Pavel Postyshev published an article in the Pravda newspaper, where he proposed organizing a New Year celebration for children. In Kharkov, a children's New Year's party was solemnly organized. Santa Claus comes to the holiday with his granddaughter - the girl Snegurochka. The collective image of Grandfather Frost is based on the biography of St. Nicholas, as well as the description of the ancient Slavic deities Zimnik, Pozvezda, and Karochun.

The unlike nature of the pagan deities laid the foundation for the behavior of Grandfather Frost - at first he collected sacrifices - he stole children and carried them away in a bag. However, over time - as it happens - everything changed, and under the influence of Orthodox traditions, Grandfather Frost became kinder and began to give gifts to children himself. This image was finally formalized in Soviet Russia: Grandfather Frost became a symbol of the celebration of the New Year, which replaced in the ideology of atheism the most beloved by children in pre-revolutionary Russia, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. The professional holiday of Santa Clauses is celebrated every last Sunday of August.

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Somewhere on the edge of the earth, an old man lives in a wooden house. His mansions are full of amazing things: a huge throne, a warm fireplace, a bed with separate pillows for every day, and even a wishing room. With the onset of cold weather, when the snow falls in a confident cover on the ground, grandfather begins to bypass the property. Either he will freeze the river, then he will dress the tree in frost, or he will send a blizzard to people's houses. On New Year's Eve, he comes with a huge bag of gifts over his shoulder. He takes out colorful big and small surprises from there and gives children happiness, joy and a miracle. The real magic. Who shows it to kids? Without whom it is impossible to imagine the New Year in our time? And who is this mysterious old man with a white beard? Of course, Santa Claus! The history of its origin is very entertaining, and modern life is even more interesting.

The prototype of Santa Claus

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Who is this Red Nose Frost and how old is he - questions that concern both kids and many adults. Many people are interested, but few people know that according to many sources, the Wizard is already at least 2 thousand years old! Our Slavic ancestors considered the mighty and gloomy old man Treskun to be his prototype. The people also called him:

  • Zimnik;
  • Morozko;
  • Morok;
  • Student.

The pagan god had great power. He could freeze with one breath. Rivers and lakes froze under his feet, and from the swing of a stick in his hands, the trees were covered with frost. That's where was real Santa Claus ! In those days, there could be no talk of any kind New Year's wizard. Outwardly, he was very similar to a modern guest of the New Year holidays, only he was small in stature. They were afraid of grandfather, and they were very afraid of meeting him, because you could stay frozen in the forest forever. Some superstitious people still, when a blizzard blows, lower their heads low and hide their eyes so as not to meet the gaze of the lord of winter. Those who do not believe in such images interpret such deeds as mere caution before the hype, when they do not want to feel the taste of snow on their lips and the cold behind the collar.

Confirmation that the story of the appearance of Santa Claus is not fictional, is the fact of the existence of a very real Saint - Nicholas the Wonderworker. The elder lived in the 4th century in the city of Patara (Asia Minor) and did charitable deeds. He became the prototype of the current Winter sorcerer both thanks to his outward resemblance and good deeds.

In 1700, by decree of Peter the Great, the New Year became an officially celebrated holiday. Santa Claus could well become the symbol and guest of matinees, New Year's Eve and festivities. At that time, he had already changed his stick for a less formidable staff, and began to bring gifts to obedient children. The naughty ones, who indulged and upset their parents and teachers with their behavior, got "beaters" with rods.

If at all times the legends about Santa Claus were only heard, then in 1840 for the first time the magician was mentioned in literature. He appeared in Odoevsky's story, where readers finally found out the old man's real name - Moroz Ivanovich. His temper was still cool, he himself was powerful, but kindness, sympathy and understanding appeared in his character.

In the 20th century, at different periods of celebrating the New Year holidays, as well as the installation of a Christmas tree, it was either forbidden, or resumed again. And since 1935, officially under Stalin, a celebration was announced from December 31 to January 1. The guest of the programs was Ded Moroz, who in the same 35th year first appeared at a holiday in Moscow with the Snow Maiden.

Russian Grandfather Frost recently celebrates his birthday on November 18th. This date is significant in terms of changes in weather conditions. According to the data obtained as a result of summarizing figures for many years, it is from this day that real winter begins in Russia. The earth is covered with a reliable layer of snow and winter frosts come. Kids love to celebrate the birthday of their idol, and therefore send him postcards with congratulations and gifts made with their own hands.

Santa Claus in different countries

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For those who would like to learn something from the heading " Santa Claus interesting facts ' provides informative information. First of all, we should mention Santa Claus and Santa Claus. At present, on New Year's posters, as well as in modern cartoons and films, these two images are often identified or forced to become related. Indeed, the winter old people are very similar to each other: the same white beard and mustache, eyes with a smile, warm clothes and gifts for children. Here is just our Frost:

  • tall, powerful and stately;
  • does not change taste in clothes: wears a long fur coat and a high hat with fur trim;
  • always appears with a magic staff;
  • puts gifts for children under the Christmas tree while they sleep.

Santa Claus, on the other hand, often appears in glasses, wears a red jacket and pants, a red cap with a pom-pom, and enters the house to the kids through the chimney. Many families in our country have adopted the American tradition of hanging colorful socks by the fireplace, in which Santa hides gifts for children. This is an additional entertainment, and decorating the premises for the New Year holidays, and a memorable event for the kids.

Santa Claus looks different in different countries, and the method of delivering gifts to kids is different. So, in France, Per Noel puts surprises in shoes that prudent house owners leave in front of the fireplace. The Wizard comes to the monastery on a donkey, and even in wooden shoes. Instead of a bag, he has a basket with gifts, and the caftan is equipped with a hood.

In Holland, the magician is called Sinderklaas. He is invariably shod in white boots and dressed in a caftan. Before New Year's Eve, the wizard stays in the capital on a ship, and the Moors, close associates of Sinderklaas, distribute gifts to the kids.

The Finns call Santa Claus Joulupukki. He is very similar to Santa Claus, only he lives in Lapland (Northern Finland) with his wife. Grandfather's favorite pastime is feeding his beloved reindeer Rudolph with lichen and, of course, giving gifts to the kids who are waiting for him.

In Italy, Frost is called Babbo Natale, in Georgia - Tovlis Babua, in Armenia he is called Dzmer Papi. Belarusian kids meet Zyuzya or Dzeda, and Estonian kids meet Yyuluvana. In Hawaii, the Wizard is allowed to appear not in a long fur coat and pants, but in a jacket and shorts, and in Australia, Santa can dress up in a funny blue fur skullcap.

Where does the Winter Wizard live?

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The city of Veliky Ustyug deservedly bears its majestic name. It is surrounded by magnificent landscapes, which embodies the true Russian nature. The settlement is also the birthplace of the great masters of wood and silver. That is why Veliky Ustyug became the patrimony of Father Frost. Here, in silence, tranquility and harmony with the outside world, the Patron of Winter lives, who every year gladly welcomes the children who come to visit.

The residence of the Winter Wizard is located 15 km from the city itself. Pine forest, the river Sukhona, wooden towers contribute to the creation of a truly fabulous atmosphere. Magic reigns in Grandfather's house itself. Located here:

  • wardrobe;
  • throne room (wish room);
  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • the rest of the 13 rooms.

In the dressing room, Santa Claus stores all his outfits for different events. Here you can see fur coats of different colors and patterns, summer caftans, as well as a sports ski suit! Every child who wants his dreams to come true strives to the wishing room. It is believed that it is enough to really, really want something and think about it, and the room will then do its job. Many kids and parents return to the room again in order to make their next cherished wish. It is also interesting to visit the room where numerous gifts are collected for Santa Claus himself. Children send him crafts and beautiful postcards, and Santa Claus's friends send him funny little things, for example, a shaman's tambourine!

In addition to the house in Veliky Ustyug, the mighty Wizard appears in his. There are mansions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kemerovo, in the Crimea and in Yekaterinburg. On the eve of New Year's Eve, Grandfather Frost, together with his beloved granddaughter Snegurochka and assistants, comes to visit children from different parts of the country. For example, the residence in Yekaterinburg is the only one in the Urals, and therefore residents of the cities of nearby regions gather here.

It is very important for children to spend the New Year holidays in the company of the Lord of Winter. For them, Frost with his retinue always prepares a lot of entertainment. The residences have attractions, playgrounds, a skating rink (in the Moscow Apartments), as well as exciting reindeer sleigh rides!

Letters and gifts

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Santa Claus in the eyes of kids and schoolchildren is the personification of miracles, magic and the fact that a fairy tale can come true. On such days, one cannot do without the main surprise - gifts for the children. In the residences of the Wizard, on the patrimony and on the squares in the cities, mass festivities are organized. Round dances are performed around the Christmas tree, garlands are lit and fireworks are set off.

For matinees in kindergartens and schools, as well as events in the residences of Father Frost, children prepare thoroughly. The smallest learn funny and simple quatrains. Older children can learn funny or narrative poems, sing a festive song in unison. For the efforts, the guys are presented with gifts. From a huge bag that Santa Claus always carries with him, he takes out wonderful toys, constructors, dolls, balls and much more interesting and long-awaited.

For guys who know exactly what they would like to receive from this magic bag, there is Santa Claus mail. Children together with their parents can write a letter to the Wizard, put it in a beautiful and hand-decorated envelope and send it to the addressee. In order for grandfather to hear the guys and pick up gifts for them, you should be polite to him, respect him and his retinue, and also thank you for the New Year's mood.

Beliefs and interesting observations

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Many mistakenly compare Santa Claus with the Snow Queen. Like, both command cold and blizzard, freeze and chill. Only now the Snow Queen turns people's hearts into pieces of ice, because instead of a heart, she herself has a piece of frozen water in her chest. Santa Claus, on the contrary, warms hearts with his kindness and warmth. He gives everyone a chance to improve in the coming new year, to leave everything bad and wrong in the outgoing year. He generously gives gifts to children, and adults - the joy of watching the happiness of his children. It is only thanks to him that multi-colored lights are lit on the Christmas tree, the trees are wrapped in hoarfrost, and in every house under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve gifts appear.

The personal life of Santa Claus, according to popular belief, has developed quite successfully. In his wives is Winter herself. According to some superstitions, a blizzard lives in his beard, and the blizzard obeys his will, according to others, the blizzard is his daughter. Frost's favorite granddaughter is the beautiful Snegurochka, who has a kind heart and love for children. The Snow Girl always accompanies her grandfather, helps to congratulate the children, dances with them and sings songs. In the residences of the country, personal chambers have been prepared for the Snow Maiden, where she can relax and braid her beautiful braid.

There are several more superstitions that define Santa Claus as the majestic and powerful Lord of the Cold:

  1. When Frost walks around his possessions in the cold, he leaves unique patterns on the glass of the windows. Where his foot steps, the water is covered with ice, and if he hits the hut with his staff, the log on the log house will crack.
  2. In addition to the freezing staff, the Wizard always has a bag with gifts in his hands. It is believed that he is bottomless. Santa Claus never rummages through it in order to extract a gift. He just puts his hand in there, and the right gift jumps into his mitten.
  3. Frost Red Nose travels on a sleigh pulled by three handsome stallions. Horses are named after the winter months - December, January and February.
  4. The wizard's wardrobe contains long fur coats of three colors: white, blue and red. All of them are decorated with fabulous patterns, turned off with white fur and girded with a wide belt.

At present, the facts and beliefs regarding this Wizard are closely intertwined and created wonderful legends, traditions and beliefs in tandem. What is true and what is fiction is difficult to determine. It is easy to learn only one thing: the New Year holidays, and especially the night, are filled with miracles. And they come true especially for those who believe in them with all their heart!


Among the Eastern Slavs, Frost was considered the god-ruler of the winter cold. It was said that his parents were the goddess of death Morana and the "cattle god" (and concurrently - the ruler of the kingdom of the dead) Veles. Often he was identified with other Slavic deities - Pozvizd, Zimnik and Korochun. The Slavs represented him as a short old man with a long gray beard. In winter, he wandered the world, tapping his magic staff. From his knock, crackling frosts froze the surfaces of rivers, lakes and streams.

After the adoption of Christianity, the church, seeking to destroy the remnants of paganism, tried in every possible way to denigrate the pagan gods. Therefore, Frost turned into an evil and cruel deity, commanding colds and snowstorms and mercilessly freezing people. Similar ideas were reflected in Nekrasov's poem "Frost - Red Nose", where "Frost the Governor" froze to death an early widowed young peasant woman in the forest, leaving her young children as orphans.

The image of a strict but fair Santa Claus appeared in Russian literature in 1840, when Vladimir Odoevsky's collection "Tales of Uncle Iriney" was published, which also included the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich". True, the action in it takes place in the spring, not in the winter, and its main character has nothing to do with the New Year and Christmas holidays. According to the plot, Odoevsky's fairy tale resembles "Lady Blizzard" by the Brothers Grimm, only the female winter character is replaced here by the male one.

Moroz Ivanovich lives in an ice palace, the path to which lies through a well. The old man tests the girls who come to him, forcing them to do housework. Moroz Ivanovich rewards the industrious needlewoman with silver patches, and gives the sloth a large diamond and a silver ingot, which turn out to be just pieces of ice. The name Santa Claus, which has become familiar, was first heard in 1912, in Maria Pozharova's poem "Winter Spell".

Santa Claus first appeared as a Christmas character in 1910, but did not gain much popularity. He became a traditional New Year's character only in the second half of the 30s, when Christmas trees for children began to be held in the USSR. Gradually, his appearance also took shape - a long gray beard, a red or blue fur coat to the toes, belted with a wide sash, a high hat, mittens and felt boots. In the hands of Santa Claus is a staff and a bag with gifts. He usually rides in a sleigh pulled by three horses. A little later, grandfather also got a granddaughter - the beautiful Snegurochka.

Related article

Santa Claus is a beloved and familiar character of the New Year holidays. It's kind with a beard and a big bag of gifts. Dressed in a fur coat of blue, blue, red or white.

Who is Santa Claus?

The origins of the meaning of this character are lost in the mists of time, but initially the “good Grandfather Frost” was not kind. Among the pagan early Slavic deities was the patron of cold and cold. Then it was customary to bring gifts to him so that he would save people from frost, bestow good weather.

In folklore and old fairy tales, Morozko or Ded Studenets is found. He also did not give gifts, but he was a powerful and fair character.

The modern interpretation of the New Year's giver refers to St. Nicholas. On December 19, children are used to receiving sweets for this holiday. Nicholas was a legendary figure - he lived in the Mediterranean, came from a wealthy family. He always helped the poor, and after his death he was canonized. According to legend, he threw a bag of gold into the chimney of a house where a family lived who simply died of poverty. In the morning the children found gold that was drying near the stove.

Later, a Western Christmas character appeared - Santa Claus. Its prototype in different mythologies was gnomes, forest elves. The version with a chimney and gifts is popular in the West - Santa Claus became a kind of marketing ploy in the 30s of the twentieth century. It was a new symbol of happy times.

Historians associate the appearance of the image of a generous giver with the end of the Great Depression - it was necessary to raise the mood of the people, to make the holiday truly joyful.

Santa Claus in Russia

It all started with Grandfather Nikolai, who gave gifts and sweets to children. In the 19th century, during the reign of Alexander Nikolaevich, the fabulous Morozko and Old Ruprecht or Grandfather Ruprecht figured. The last character had a German

Santa Claus has been with us for a very long time. This is a real-life spirit, alive, by the way, to this day.

FATHER FROST (Morozko) is a mighty Russian pagan God, a character of Russian legends, in Slavic legends - the personification of Russian winter frosts, a blacksmith who freezes water, generously showering winter nature with sparkling snowy silver, giving the joy of a winter festival, and, if necessary, in heavy for a year protecting the Russians from advancing enemies with hitherto unprecedented winter cold freezing into the ice, from which iron begins to break.

Once upon a time, even before the advent of Christianity in Rus', our ancestors believed that the spirits of the dead guard their family, take care of the offspring of livestock and good weather. Therefore, in order to reward them for their care, every winter people gave them gifts. On the eve of the holiday, the village youth put on masks, turned out sheepskin coats and went from house to house, caroling. (However, different regions had their own peculiarities of caroling.) The hosts presented the carolers with food.
The meaning was precisely that the carolers were the spirits of their ancestors, who received a reward for their tireless care of the living. Among the carolers there was often one "man" dressed the worst of all. As a rule, he was forbidden to speak. It was the oldest and most formidable spirit, he was often called simply Grandfather. It is possible that this is the prototype of the modern Santa Claus. Only today, of course, he has become kinder and does not come for gifts, but brings them himself. With the adoption of Christianity, pagan rites were, of course, "abolished", and therefore exist to this day. The carolers depict not the spirits of ancestors, but heavenly messengers, which, you see, is practically the same thing. It is already difficult to say who to consider as Grandfather, but there is an "older" even now.

According to another version, the "great-great-grandfather" of the modern Russian Santa Claus was the hero of Russian folk tales Morozko or Frost the red nose, master of weather, winter and frost. Initially, he was called Grandfather Treskun and was represented as a little old man with a long beard and a disposition as harsh as Russian frosts. From November to March, Grandfather Cracker was the sovereign master of the earth. Even the sun was afraid of him! He was married to a despising person - Zima. Grandfather Treskun or Father Frost was also identified with the first month of the year - the middle of winter - January. The first month of the year is cold and cold - the king of frosts, the root of winter, its sovereign. It is strict, icy, icy, it's time for snowstorms. People say about January like this: fireman and jelly, snowman and cracker, fierce and fierce.

In Russian fairy tales, Santa Claus is portrayed as an eccentric, strict, but fair spirit of winter. . Remember, for example, the fairy tale "Morozko". Good hardworking girl Morozko froze, froze, and then bestowed, and evil and lazy - he froze to death. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, some northern peoples are still coaxing old man Frost - on solemn nights they throw cakes, meat, pour wine over the threshold of their dwellings so that the spirit does not get angry, does not interfere with hunting, and does not destroy crops.

Santa Claus was represented as a gray-haired old man with a beard to the floor in a long thick fur coat, felt boots, a hat, mittens, and with a staff with which he froze people .
Under the influence of Christianity, which brutally and bloodily fought Slavic paganism (a battle with religious competitors for profits), the original image of the Snow Grandfather was distorted (like all other Slavic gods), and Morozko began to be represented as an evil and cruel pagan deity, the Great Elder of the North, the ruler icy cold and blizzards that froze people. This was also reflected in Nekrasov's poem "Frost - Red Nose", where Frost kills a poor young peasant widow in the forest, leaving her young children orphans.
With the weakening of the influence of Christianity in Russia in the late XIX - early XX century, the image of Morozko began to soften. Santa Claus first appeared at Christmas in 1910, but did not become widespread.

But that Santa Claus whom you and I are used to seeing from an early age Appeared already in Soviet times , after the rejection of the ideas of Christianity, a new image of Santa Claus was spread: he appeared to children on New Year's Eve and gave gifts; this image was created by Soviet filmmakers in the 1930s.
And note that only our Santa Claus comes to the holiday with his divine granddaughter - the Snow Maiden.
The modern collective image of Santa Claus is based on the hagiography of St. Nicholas, as well as descriptions of the ancient Slavic deities Pozvizd (God of the wind), Zimnik and Karachun.

But the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards Santa Claus is ambiguous, on the one hand, as a pagan deity and magician (God of a different religion, which means a religious competitor that contradicts Christian teaching), and on the other hand, as an invincible Russian cultural tradition with which to fight - only shame yourself and reveal your weakness
It is difficult to say unequivocally where the Russian Santa Claus lives, since there are a lot of legends. Some say that Santa Claus comes from the North Pole, others say - from Lapland. Only one thing is clear, Santa Claus lives somewhere in the Far North, where it is winter all year round.

But the most interesting is the Origin of Santa Claus
Imagine that local gnomes are considered the ancestors of Santa Claus in some countries. In others, medieval itinerant jugglers who sang Christmas carols, or itinerant sellers of children's toys. There is an opinion that among the relatives of Santa Claus is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, he is Studenets, Frost. The image of Santa Claus has evolved over the centuries, and each nation has contributed something of its own to its history. But among the ancestors of the elder, it turns out, there was a very real person. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Mira. According to legend, he was a very kind person. So, once he saved the three daughters of a distressed family by throwing bundles of gold into the window of their house. After the death of Nicholas, he was declared a saint. In the 11th century, the church where he was buried was robbed by Italian pirates. They stole the remains of the saint and took them to their homeland. The parishioners of the church of St. Nicholas were outraged. An international scandal erupted. This story made so much noise that Nicholas became the object of veneration and worship of Christians from around the world.

And all the same, St. Nicholas is Our kind Grandfather Frost, Santa Claus Feast and Honor Day of St. Nicholas All nations have December 19. On December 19, it is customary to give gifts to children, because the saint himself did so. After the introduction of the new calendar, the saint began to come to the children at Christmas, and then on the New Year. Everywhere the good old man is called differently, in England and America - Santa Claus, and in our country - Santa Claus.

And here is how our traditional appearance of Santa Claus looks like, according to ancient mythology and symbolism :

Beard and hair - thick, gray (silver). These details of appearance, in addition to their "physiological" meaning (the old man - gray-haired), also carry a huge symbolic character denoting power, happiness, prosperity and wealth. Surprisingly, it is the hair that is the only detail of the appearance that has not undergone any significant changes over the millennia.
Shirt and trousers - white, linen, decorated with white geometric patterns (a symbol of purity). This detail is almost lost in the modern idea of ​​a costume. The performers of the role of Santa Claus and dressers prefer to cover the neck of the performer with a white scarf (which is acceptable). As a rule, they do not pay attention to trousers or they are sewn in red to match the color of the fur coat ( terrible mistake!)
Fur coat- long (up to the ankle or shin), always red, embroidered with silver (eight-pointed stars, geese, crosses and other traditional ornaments), trimmed with swan down. Some modern theatrical costumes, alas, sin with experiments in the field of colors and substitution of materials. Surely many have seen a gray-haired wizard in a blue or green fur coat. If so, know that this is not Santa Claus, but one of his many "younger brothers". If the fur coat is short (shin open) or has pronounced buttons- in front of you is a costume of Santa Claus, Per Noel or one of the foreign brothers of Father Frost. But the replacement of swan down with white fur, although not desirable, is still acceptable.
A cap- red, embroidered with silver and pearls. Trimming (hall) with swan down (white fur) with a triangular cutout made on the front part (stylized horns). The shape of the cap is semi-oval (the round shape of the cap is traditional for Russian tsars,
remember exactly the headdress of Ivan the Terrible). In addition to the imposing attitude to color described above, theatrical costume designers of our time tried to diversify the decoration and shape of Santa Claus's headdress. The following "inaccuracies" are characteristic: replacing pearls with glass diamonds and gems (permissible), the absence of a cutout behind the rim (not desirable, but very common), a hat of the correct semicircular shape (this is Vladimir Monomakh) or a cap (Santa Claus), a pompom (he same).

Three-fingered gloves or mittens - white, embroidered with silver - a symbol of purity and holiness of everything that he gives from his hands. three-fingered- a symbol of belonging to the highest divine principle since the Neolithic. What symbolic meaning carry modern red mittens - is unknown
Belt - white with a red ornament (a symbol of the connection between ancestors and descendants). Nowadays, it has been preserved as an element of the costume, having completely lost its symbolic meaning and the corresponding color scheme. It's a pity …
Shoes- silver or red, silver-embroidered boots with a raised toe. The heel is beveled, small or completely absent. On a frosty day, Santa Claus puts on white felt boots embroidered with silver. White color and silver are symbols of the moon, holiness, north, water and purity. It is by shoes that you can distinguish the real Santa Claus from the "fake". Dad Oroza will never go out to the public in boots or black boots! As a last resort, he will try to find red dancing boots or ordinary black felt boots (which is certainly not desirable).
Staff- crystal or silver "under the crystal". The handle is twisted, also in a silver-white color scheme. The staff is completed by a lunnitsa (a stylized image of the month) or a bull's head (a symbol of power, fertility and happiness).

And some more features of Santa Claus
1. Santa Claus wears a very warm hat with fur trim. Attention: no bombs and brushes!
2. Santa Claus's nose is usually red. (No bad analogies! It's just VERY cold in the far north!) But a blue nose is also allowed due to Grandfather's snow and ice origin.
3. Santa Claus has a beard to the floor. White and fluffy like snow.
4. Santa Claus wears a long thick fur coat. Initially, quite a long time ago, the color of the fur coat was blue, cold, but under the influence of the red coats of the "European brothers" it changed to red. Although both options are currently allowed.
5. Santa Claus hides his hands in huge mittens.
6. Santa Claus does not wear belts, but ties his fur coat with a sash (belt). Last but not least, fasten with buttons.
7. Santa Claus prefers only felt boots. And it is not surprising, because at - 50? C (usual northern air temperature) in boots, even the Snow Master's feet will freeze.
8. Santa Claus always carries a staff with him. Firstly, to make it easier to wade through the snowdrifts. And secondly, according to legend, Santa Claus, while still being "wild Frost", with this very staff "froze" the people.
9. A bag of gifts - a later attribute of the Master of Winter. Many children believe that he is bottomless. In any case, Santa Claus never lets anyone near the bag, but he himself takes out gifts from it. He does this without looking, but he always guesses who is waiting for what gift.
10. Santa Claus moves on foot, through the air or on a sleigh pulled by a troika. He also likes to cross his native expanses by skiing. No cases of deer use have been reported.
11. The most important difference between the Russian Santa Claus is his constant companion, the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden. It is understandable: alone and in the far north, you can die of longing! And with the granddaughter it is more fun. P.S. And Santa Claus never wears glasses and never smokes a pipe!
Snow Maiden, granddaughter of Santa Claus
It should be noted that the Snow Maiden is a purely Russian phenomenon. Not a single overseas character, symbolizing the arrival of the new year, has a companion. Only our Santa Claus is lucky.

Here he is Dash Kind Old Man Grandfather Frost Whom we wait for every year and Whom we make wishes, believe in a fairy tale And wait for a Miracle

Many people think that Santa Claus is of Russian origin, and his family tree goes back to the image of a frosty old man from Russian folk tales. This is not entirely true, or rather, not at all. It is sometimes mistakenly believed that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden have been companions of festive New Year trees since ancient times, but this happened only at the end of the 19th century. In the legends of our ancestors, from ancient times there was Frost - the lord of the winter cold. His image reflects the ideas of the ancient Slavs about Karachun, the god of the winter cold. Frost was represented as a short old man with a long gray beard. From November to March, Frost always has a lot of work. Frost runs through the forests and thumps with his staff, which causes bitter frosts. Frost rushes through the streets and paints the windowpanes with the mi pattern. Frost freezes the surface of lakes and rivers. Frost pinches the nose, gives us a blush, amuses us with fluffy snowfalls.

This image of the winter ruler is artistically developed and embodied in Russian fairy tales in the images of Grandfather Student, Grandfather Treskun, Moroz Ivanovich, Morozko. However, although these frosty grandfathers were not devoid of a sense of justice and compassion and sometimes gave gifts to kind and hardworking people wandering into their domain, they were not associated with the coming of the New Year and handing out gifts was not their main concern.

The prototype of the modern Santa Claus is considered a real person named Nikolai, who was born in the 3rd century in Asia Minor (on the Mediterranean coast) in a wealthy family and later became a bishop. Having inherited a considerable fortune, Nicholas helped the poor, the needy, the unfortunate, and especially took care of the children. After his death, Nicholas was canonized. In 1087, pirates stole his remains from the church in Demre, where he served as a bishop during his lifetime, and transported them to Italy. The parishioners of the church were so outraged that a great scandal erupted, which, as our contemporaries would say, unwittingly performed the function of advertising. Gradually, from a saint who was known and appreciated only in his homeland, Nicholas became an object of veneration for all Christians in Western Europe.

In Russia, Saint Nicholas, nicknamed Nicholas the Wonderworker or Nicholas of Myra, also gained fame and worship, becoming one of the most revered saints. Sailors and fishermen considered him their patron and intercessor, but this saint did especially a lot of good and wonderful things for children.

There are many traditions and legends about the mercy and intercession of St. Nicholas in relation to children, which are common in Western Europe. One of these stories tells that a certain poor father of a family could not find the means to feed his three daughters, and, in despair, was going to give them into the wrong hands. Having heard about this, St. Nicholas, having made his way into the house, put a bag of coins into the chimney. At that time, the old, worn-out shoes of the sisters were drying in the stove (according to another version, their stockings were drying by the fireplace). In the morning, the amazed girls took out their old shoes (stockings) filled with gold. Is it necessary to say that their happiness and exultation knew no bounds? Kind-hearted Christians tenderly retold this story to many generations of their children and grandchildren, which led to the emergence of a custom: children put their boots on the threshold at night and hang their stockings by the bed with the expectation of receiving gifts from St. Nicholas in the morning. The tradition of giving gifts to children on St. Nicholas Day has existed in Europe since the 14th century, gradually this custom moved to Christmas night.

In the 19th century, together with European emigrants, the image of St. Nicholas became known in America. The Dutch Saint Nicholas, who was called Sinter Klaas in his homeland, reincarnated as the American Santa Claus. This was facilitated by the book by Clement Clark Moore, The Coming of St. Nicholas, which appeared in 1822 in America. It tells about the Christmas meeting of a boy with St. Nicholas, who lives in the cold North and drives around on a fast reindeer team with a bag of toys, giving them away to children.

The popularity of the kind Christmas "old man in the red coat" among Americans has become very high. In the middle of the 19th century, this Saint, or Pere Noel, became fashionable in Paris, and from France the image of Santa Claus penetrated into Russia, where Western European culture was not alien to educated and wealthy people.

Naturally, it was not difficult for a Christmas grandfather to take root in Russia, since a similar image has been present in Slavic folklore since ancient times, developed in Russian folk tales and fiction (N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Frost, Red Nose”). The appearance of the Russian frosty grandfather absorbed both ancient Slavic ideas (an old man of short stature with a long gray beard and a staff in his hand), and features of the Santa Claus costume (a red fur coat trimmed with white fur).

This is a brief background of the appearance on the Christmas holidays, and later on the New Year trees, of the Russian Santa Claus. And it is all the more pleasant that only our Santa Claus has a granddaughter Snow Maiden and she was born in Russia.

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