As the bazaars are revealed in death. Evgeny Bazarov in the face of death - analysis of the work and characterization


"Trial by Death"
Based on the novel "Fathers and Sons"

1. Atypical threshold situation.

2. Laws of the new time.

3. Courage and fear.

In the novel by I. S. Turgenev Trial by death occupies a non-central position. However, this episode, associated with the image of Bazarov, plays an important role in understanding such an ambiguous person as Yevgeny Bazarov. When a person stands on the most important threshold of his life - death, he is faced with an atypical situation for him. And everyone will behave differently in this case. Human behavior in this case is simply impossible to predict. As well as not be able to guess the actions of others. Ivan (Sergeevich Turgenev managed to lift this veil.

Through Trial by death passes the central character of the novel - Yevgeny Bazarov. It all starts with infection at the autopsy of a man who died of typhus. Unlike the son, the news causes a great shock to the father. “Vasily Ivanovich suddenly turned pale all over and, without saying a word, rushed into the office, from where he immediately returned with a piece of hellish stone in his hand.” The father wants to do everything in his own way, as he believes that the son was negligent about his wound. Bazarov's behavior is not clear: either he resigns himself to his fate, or he simply does not want to live.

Some critics wrote that Turgenev deliberately killed Bazarov. This person became the harbinger of a new time. But the environment turned out to be unable not only to accept, but also to understand him. Arkady Kirsanov at first succumbs to the influence of his comrade, but eventually moves away from Yevgeny. Bazarov remains alone in his views on the changing world. Therefore, one can probably agree with critics that his disappearance from the narrative is the most acceptable end of the novel.

Bazarov is the "swallow" of new ideas, but when "cold weather" appears, he, like this bird, disappears. Perhaps that is why he himself is so indifferent to his wound. "This<прижечь ранку>should have been done earlier; and now, for real, and a hellish stone is not needed. If I've been infected, it's too late now."

Eugene is quite courageous about his illness, remains indifferent to all manifestations of his illness: headaches, fever, lack of appetite, chills. "Bazarov no longer got up that day and spent the whole night in a heavy, semi-forgetful slumber." The most important stage in approaching death begins. She takes the last strength from Eugene. He comes to terms with this manifestation of the disease. In the morning he even tries to get up, but his head is spinning, his nose bleeds - and he lies down again. Having shown the protagonist's steadfast attitude to inevitable death, some kind of hidden humility before fate, the writer turns to his entourage.

The father shows a lot of unnecessary anxiety. As a doctor, he understands that his son is dying. But he doesn't put up with it. Arina Vlasyevna notices her husband's behavior and tries to understand what is happening. But this only irritates him. "Here he is<отец>he caught himself and forced himself to smile back at her; but, to his own horror, instead of a smile, laughter came from somewhere.

Previously, both the son and the father only walked around the very designation of the disease. But Bazarov also calmly calls everything by its proper name. Now he speaks directly about the threshold to which life has brought him. “Old man,” Bazarov began in a hoarse and slow voice, “my business is lousy. I am infected, and in a few days you will bury me.” Perhaps such coldness to his infection occurs in Bazarov because he considers this just an unpleasant accident. He most likely does not realize that the end has come. Although quite clearly he gives orders to his father, who notes that the son speaks "quite rightly."

The red dogs that run and stand over Yevgeny during his delirium make him start thinking about death. "Strange!" he says. - I want to stop the thought on death, and nothing comes out. I see some kind of stain ... and nothing else. The onset of death turns out to be a new page in the life of the protagonist. He hasn't experienced this feeling before and doesn't know how to act. Testing as such does not work. After all, if we talk about the test, then only in relation to the manifestations of the disease, which Bazarov passes steadfastly and calmly. It is possible that he himself wishes death, because he understands that his life and ideas are not yet needed and are too cardinal for this world.

Before his death, Eugene wants to see only two people - Arkady and Odintsova. But then he says that there is no need to say anything to Arkady Nikolayevich, because "he is now in the jackdaws." His comrade is now far from him, and therefore Bazarov does not want to see him before his death. And besides a friend, only one person remains, the beloved woman of Evgeny, Anna Sergeevna.

He is trying to return the feeling of love, so he wants to take a last look at the one that has taken a place in his heart.

However, Odintsova is not so courageous. She decided to go to Bazarov in response to his message. Bazarov's father accepts her as a savior, especially since she brought a doctor. When at last Odintsova saw Bazarov, she already knew that he was not a tenant in the world. And the first impression - a cold languid fright, the first thoughts - if she really loved him. But Eugene, although he himself invited her, reacted sarcastically to her presence: “This is royal. They say that kings also visit the dying.”

And here Bazarov's attitude to death is manifested in words. He considers it an old phenomenon. Perhaps this is better known to him as a person who has been associated with medicine for more than a year. “The old thing is death, but new for everyone. Until now, I’m not afraid ... and then unconsciousness will come, and whoosh! ”

Sarcasm is preserved in Bazarov's speech. The bitter irony makes Odintsova shudder. He invited her to come, but says not to approach, as the disease is contagious. Afraid of getting infected, Anna Sergeevna does not take off her gloves when she gives him a drink, and at the same time she breathes timidly. And she only kissed him on the forehead.

These two characters approach the concept of death in different ways. It seems that Bazarov knows everything about her and therefore is so calm about both her manifestation and her arrival. Odintsova is constantly afraid of something, either the appearance of the patient, or getting infected. She does not pass the test of death, perhaps because she herself does not stand on this key threshold. Throughout his son’s illness, Bazarov’s father has hope that everything will get better, although as a doctor he himself knows the consequences of the manifestation of such signs of the disease. Bazarov himself confirms that death came suddenly. He wanted to do a lot: “And I also thought: I’ll break off a lot of things, I won’t die, where! There is a task, because I am a giant!” And now the whole task of the giant is to die, although "no one cares about this ..." Trial by death Eugene passes nobly, courageously, and he remains a giant until the very last minute.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is one of the most remarkable writers of the 19th century. In 1860, the novel "Fathers and Sons" was published in Russia - one of the best works of Turgenev. In it, he summed up his differences with Dobrolyubov - disputes between liberals and democrats. The writing of the novel "Fathers and Sons" coincided with the most important reforms of the 19th century, namely the abolition of serfdom. The century marked the development of industry and the natural sciences. Expanded ties with Europe. Russia began to accept the ideas of the West. "Fathers" adhered to old views. The younger generation welcomed the abolition of serfdom and reform.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is the main character of the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”. The son of a poor county doctor, continuing the work of his father. We imagine him as a smart, reasonable, rather cynical, but somewhere in the depths of his soul, a sensitive, attentive and kind person. Eugene denies everything: moral ideals and values, moral principles, as well as painting, literature and other forms of art. Bazarov does not accept the love sung by poets, considering it only “physiology” .. For him, there are no authorities. He believes that each person should educate himself, not depending on anyone or anything.

Bazarov is a nihilist. He does not grimace, he, with all the ardor of a spiritually rich and captivating nature, defends the views close to him. His main goal is “work for the benefit of society”, his main task is “to live for the great goal of world renewal”. It can be said that Bazarov treated others with a considerable degree of condescension and even contempt, putting them below himself, considers it unacceptable to display such feelings as sympathy, mutual understanding, affection, tenderness, sympathy.

But life makes its own adjustments to his worldview. Fate brings Evgeny together with a smart, beautiful, calm and surprisingly unhappy woman, with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Bazarov falls in love, and, having fallen in love, he understands that his beliefs are at odds with simple life truths. Love appears to him no longer as “physiology”, but as a real, sincere feeling. This insight for Bazarov, who lives and "breathes" his nihilism, cannot pass without a trace. Together with the destruction of beliefs, his whole life collapses, losing its meaning.

Turgenev could have shown how Bazarov would gradually abandon his views, he did not do this, but simply “killed” his main character.
Bazarov's death is an unfortunate and stupid accident. She was the result of a small cut that he received while opening the body of a peasant who died of typhus. The death of the hero was not sudden: on the contrary, she gave Bazarov time, the opportunity to evaluate what had been done and realize the extent of the unfulfilled. In the face of death, Bazarov is steadfast, strong, extremely calm and imperturbable. Thanks to the author's characterization of the hero's condition, we feel for Bazarov not pity, but respect. And at the same time, we constantly remember that before us is an ordinary person with his inherent weaknesses.

No one can calmly perceive the approach of the end, and Eugene, despite all his self-confidence, is not able to treat this with complete indifference. He regrets his unspent power, his unfulfilled task. Bazarov, nothing can oppose death: “Yes, go ahead, try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it! Behind the hero's statement, bitter regret about the passing minutes is clearly visible.

Eugene in the last days of his life becomes kinder, more tender. And then the forces came to the aid of the hero, once denied by him, but stored at the bottom of his soul. It is them that Bazarov directs to fight against death. There was no need to hide your "romanticism". He yearns to meet his beloved woman in order to once again confess his love to her. Bazarov becomes softer with his parents, deep down, probably still realizing that they have always occupied a significant place in his life and deserve a much more attentive and sincere attitude.

Bazarov devoted his whole life to the desire to benefit the country, science. And death for him is not just a cessation of existence, but also a sign that Russia “seems not to need” him. The realization of this “uselessness” comes to Eugene at the very last moment and becomes the final stage in the death of his views, as well as his own death.
Bazarov has no one to pass on what little, but the most precious thing he has - his convictions. He does not have a close and dear person, and therefore, there is no future. He does not think of himself as a county doctor, but he cannot become like Arkady either. He has no place in Russia, and abroad too. Bazarov dies, and with him his genius dies, his wonderful, strong character, his ideas and convictions. True life is endless, the flowers on the grave of Eugene confirm this.

The illness and death of Bazarov seemed to be caused by an absurd accident - a deadly infection that accidentally entered the bloodstream. But in the works of Turgenev, this cannot be accidental.

The wound itself is an accident, but there is also a share of regularity in it, since during this period Bazarov lost his vital balance and became less attentive, more distracted in his work.

The pattern is also in the author's position, since Bazarov, who always challenged nature in general and human nature (love) in particular, had, according to Turgenev, to be avenged by nature. The law is cruel here. So he dies, infected with bacteria - natural organisms. Simply put, it dies by nature.

In addition, unlike Arkady, Bazarov was not suitable for "making a nest for himself." He is alone in his beliefs and lacks family potential. And this is a dead end for Turgenev.

And one more circumstance. Turgenev could feel the prematureness, the uselessness of the Bazarovs for contemporary Russia. If Bazarov looked unhappy on the last pages of the novel, then the reader would certainly feel sorry for him, and he deserves not pity, but respect. And it was in his death that he showed his best human traits, with the last phrase about the “dying lampada” finally coloring his image not only with courage, but also with bright romance, which, as it turned out, lived in the soul of a seemingly cynical nihilist. This, in the end, was the whole point of the novel.

By the way, if the hero dies, it is not at all necessary that the author denies him something, punishes him or takes revenge for something. Turgenev's best heroes always die, and from this his works are colored with a bright, optimistic tragedy.

Epilogue of the novel.

An epilogue can be called the last chapter of the novel, which briefly tells about the fate of the heroes after the death of Bazarov.

The future of the Kirsanovs turned out to be quite expected. The author writes especially sympathetically about the loneliness of Pavel Petrovich, as if the loss of Bazarov, a rival, completely deprived him of the meaning of life, the opportunity to at least apply his vitality to something.

The lines about Odintsova are significant. Turgenev with one phrase: "I married not for love, but for conviction" - completely debunks the heroine. And the last author's description already looks simply sarcastically destructive: "... they will live, perhaps, to happiness ... perhaps, to love." It is enough to understand at least a little Turgenev in order to guess that love and happiness are not “lived out”.

The most Turgenevian is the last paragraph of the novel - a description of the cemetery where Bazarov is buried. The reader has no doubt that he is the best in the novel. To prove this, the author merged the departed hero with nature into a single harmonious whole, reconciled him with life, with his parents, with death, and still managed to say about “the great calmness of indifferent nature ...”.

The novel "Fathers and Sons" in Russian criticism.

In accordance with the vectors of the struggle of social movements and literary views in the 60s, points of view on Turgenev's novel were also lined up.

The most positive assessments of the novel and the main character were given by D.I. Pisarev, who had already left Sovremennik at that time. But from the bowels of Sovremennik itself, negative criticism sounded. An article by M. Antonovich “Asmodeus of our time” was published here, in which the social significance and artistic value of the novel was denied, and Bazarov, called a talker, a cynic and a glutton, was interpreted as a pitiful slander on the younger generation of democrats. N.A. Dobrolyubov had already died by this time, and N.G. Chernyshevsky was arrested, and Antonovich, who rather primitively accepted the principles of “real criticism”, took the original author’s intention for the final artistic result.

Oddly enough, the liberal and conservative part of society perceived the novel more deeply and fairly. Even here, however, there are extreme judgments.

M. Katkov wrote in Russkiy Vestnik that Fathers and Sons is an anti-nihilistic novel, that the occupation of “new people” by the natural sciences is a frivolous and idle matter, that nihilism is a social disease that needs to be treated by strengthening protective conservative principles.

The most artistically adequate and profound interpretation of the novel belongs to F. M. Dostoevsky and N. Strakhov - the magazine "Vremya". Dostoevsky interpreted Bazarov as a “theorist” who was at odds with life, as a victim of his own dry and abstract theory, which crashed into life and brought suffering and torment (almost like Raskolnikov from his novel “Crime and Punishment”).

N. Strakhov noted that I.S. Turgenev "wrote a novel that was neither progressive nor retrograde, but, so to speak, everlasting." The critic saw that the author "stands for the eternal principles of human life," and Bazarov, who is "alienated from life," meanwhile, "lives deeply and strongly."

The point of view of Dostoevsky and Strakhov is quite consistent with the judgments of Turgenev himself in his article “On the“ Fathers and Sons ”, where Bazarov is called a tragic person.

Roman I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" ends with the death of the protagonist. Why? Turgenev felt something new, saw new people, but could not imagine how they would act. Bazarov dies very young, without having time to start any activity. With his death, he seems to redeem the one-sidedness of his views, which the author does not accept. Dying, the protagonist did not change either his sarcasm or his directness, but became softer, kinder, and speaks differently, even romantically, which is completely contrary to his nihilist beliefs. In Bazarov, Turgenev dreamed of a gloomy figure.

The author's sympathy for the hero manifested itself even in the death scene. It was with her that Turgenev wanted to show the essence of Bazarov, his real character. The manifestation of a feeling of love for Odintsova does not deprive the young man of the main thing in his character: his dedication, courage, he is not a coward, thinking about his imminent death. Bazarov dies without worrying about death as such. Not worrying about the people who will live, not worrying about the benefits of their deeds for them. What is the role of the death episode? His role is to show the non-standard personality of Bazarov and the failure of his nihilism in the face of the eternal movement of life and the majestic calmness of death.

The main theme of the episode is the frailty of being, the theme of love, the theme of courage in the face of death. The theme of filial love and respect for parents is also present here. The theme is loyalty to oneself, one's principles, the hero is broken, but not defeated.

Before his death, Bazarov reflects on what death is: "The old thing is death, but it's new for everyone." Here the failure of the denial of everything by the main character is manifested: no matter how much you deny death, it still denies you itself. Thinking about love, he understands its unrealizability in the face of death, and romantically says goodbye to Anna Sergeevna.

Of particular importance is his unction after death. Even dead, he remains true to his views on religion, and does not accept it.

The farewell scene with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova was built by the author using the contrast method - a living woman - a dying man, and this is emphasized by the epithets used by Turgenev. Anna Sergeevna is glorious, beautiful, generous, young, fresh, pure. Bazarov - "half-crushed worm."

The passage makes a tragic impression - a young man in love dies in the prime of his life. And this death is inevitable and independent of man. The skill of the author allowed us, the readers, to be present, as it were, in the room where Bazarov said goodbye to life forever. And this is the manifestation of Turgenev's talent and writing skills. It is very sad and unbearably hard to read these lines.

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    • The image of Bazarov is contradictory and complex, he is torn apart by doubts, he is experiencing mental trauma, primarily due to the fact that he rejects the natural principle. The theory of life of Bazarov, this extremely practical person, physician and nihilist, was very simple. There is no love in life - this is a physiological need, there is no beauty - this is just a combination of the properties of the body, there is no poetry - it is not needed. For Bazarov, there were no authorities, and he weightily proved his point of view until life convinced him. […]
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    • Yevgeny Bazarov Anna Odintsova Pavel Kirsanov Nikolai Kirsanov Appearance An oblong face, a wide forehead, huge greenish eyes, a nose that is flat on top and pointed below. Long blond hair, sandy sideburns, a self-confident smile on thin lips. Bare red hands Noble posture, slender figure, high growth, beautiful sloping shoulders. Bright eyes, shiny hair, a slightly noticeable smile. 28 years old Average height, thoroughbred, 45 years old. Fashionable, youthfully slender and graceful. […]
    • Dueling test. Bazarov and his friend again pass through the same circle: Maryino - Nikolskoye - the parental home. Outwardly, the situation almost literally reproduces the one on the first visit. Arkady is enjoying his summer vacation and, having barely found an excuse, returns to Nikolskoye, to Katya. Bazarov continues natural science experiments. True, this time the author expresses himself in a different way: "The fever of work came upon him." The new Bazarov abandoned intense ideological disputes with Pavel Petrovich. Only occasionally throws enough […]
    • The novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” contains a large number of conflicts in general. These include a love conflict, a clash of worldviews of two generations, a social conflict and an internal conflict of the protagonist. Bazarov - the main character of the novel "Fathers and Sons" - is a surprisingly bright figure, a character in which the author intended to show the entire young generation of that time. It should not be forgotten that this work is not just a description of the events of that time, but also deeply felt quite real […]
    • Bazarov E. V. Kirsanov P. P. Appearance A tall young man with long hair. Clothes are poor and unkempt. Pays no attention to his own appearance. Handsome middle aged man. Aristocratic, "thoroughbred" appearance. Carefully looks after himself, dresses fashionably and expensively. Origin The father is a military doctor, a poor simple family. Nobleman, son of a general. In his youth, he led a noisy metropolitan life, built a military career. Education Very educated person. […]
    • Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" appears in the February book of the Russkiy Vestnik. This novel, obviously, constitutes a question ... addresses the younger generation and loudly asks them the question: "What kind of people are you?" This is the true meaning of the novel. D. I. Pisarev, Realists Yevgeny Bazarov, according to I. S. Turgenev’s letters to friends, “the cutest of my figures”, “this is my favorite brainchild ... on which I spent all the paints at my disposal.” "This smart girl, this hero" appears before the reader in kind […]
    • The idea of ​​the novel arises from I. S. Turgenev in 1860 in the small seaside town of Ventnor, in England. “... It was in August 1860, when the first thought of “Fathers and Sons” came to my mind ...” It was a difficult time for the writer. He had just broken with Sovremennik magazine. The reason was an article by N. A. Dobrolyubov about the novel “On the Eve”. I. S. Turgenev did not accept the revolutionary conclusions contained in it. The reason for the gap was deeper: the rejection of revolutionary ideas, “peasant democracy […]
    • Dear Anna Sergeevna! Let me turn to you personally and express my thoughts on paper, since saying some words aloud is an insurmountable problem for me. It is very difficult to understand me, but I hope that this letter will clarify my attitude towards you a little. Before meeting you, I was an opponent of culture, moral values, human feelings. But numerous life trials made me take a different look at the world around me and reevaluate my life principles. For the first time I […]
    • Regarding the ideological content of the novel Fathers and Sons, Turgenev wrote: “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class. Look into the faces of Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich, Arkady. Sweetness and lethargy or narrowness. An aesthetic feeling made me take just good representatives of the nobility in order to prove my topic all the more correctly: if cream is bad, what about milk? .. They are the best of the nobles - and that is why I have chosen me to prove their failure. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov […]
    • Dueling test. Perhaps there is no more controversial and interesting scene in I.S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" than the duel between the nihilist Bazarov and the Angloman (actually an English dandy) Pavel Kirsanov. The very fact of a duel between these two men is an odious phenomenon, which cannot be, because it can never be! After all, a duel is a struggle between two people who are equal in origin. Bazarov and Kirsanov are people of different classes. They do not belong to one, common layer. And if Bazarov frankly does not care about all these […]
    • Kirsanov N.P. Kirsanov P.P. Appearance A short man in his early forties. After an old fracture of the leg, he limps. Facial features are pleasant, the expression is sad. Handsome well-groomed middle-aged man. He dresses smartly, in the English manner. Ease in movements betrays a sporty person. Marital status Widower for over 10 years, very happily married. There is a young mistress Fenechka. Two sons: Arkady and six-month-old Mitya. Bachelor. Has been popular with women in the past. After […]
    • Two mutually exclusive statements are possible: “Despite Bazarov’s outward callousness and even rudeness in dealing with his parents, he dearly loves them” (G. Byaly) and “Is not that spiritual callousness that cannot be justified manifested in Bazarov’s attitude towards his parents.” However, in the dialogue between Bazarov and Arkady, the dots over the i are dotted: “- So you see what kind of parents I have. The people are not strict. - Do you love them, Eugene? - I love you, Arkady! Here it is worth recalling the scene of Bazarov's death, and his last conversation with […]
    • What is actually the conflict between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov? The eternal dispute of generations? Opposition of supporters of different political views? A catastrophic disagreement between progress and stability bordering on stagnation? Let us classify the disputes that later developed into a duel into one of the categories, and the plot will become flat, lose its sharpness. At the same time, the work of Turgenev, in which the problem was raised for the first time in the history of Russian literature, is still relevant today. And today they demand changes and [...]
    • The inner world of Bazarov and its external manifestations. Turgenev draws a detailed portrait of the hero at the first appearance. But strange thing! The reader almost immediately forgets individual facial features and is hardly ready to describe them in two pages. The general outline remains in memory - the author presents the hero's face as repulsively ugly, colorless in colors and defiantly wrong in sculptural modeling. But he immediately separates facial features from their captivating expression (“Livened up with a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and […]
    • The relationship between Evgeny Bazarov and Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, the heroes of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", did not work out for a variety of reasons. The materialist and nihilist of the bazaars denies not only art, the beauty of nature, but also love as a human feeling. Recognizing the physiological relationship between a man and a woman, he believes that love "is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art." Therefore, he first evaluates Odintsova only from the point of view of her external data. “Such a rich body! Even now to the anatomical theater, […]
    • The novel "Fathers and Sons" was created in an extremely difficult and conflict period. The sixties of the nineteenth century had several revolutions at once: the spread of materialistic views, the democratization of society. The impossibility of returning to the past and the uncertainty of the future have become the cause of an ideological and value crisis. The positioning of this novel as “acutely social”, characteristic of Soviet literary criticism, also affects today's readers. Of course, this aspect is necessary […]

  • Reading the novel by Turgenev I. S. “Fathers and Sons”, we are watching with awe a man named Yevgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. What is special about it? In appearance, this is a simple district doctor who received the profession as an inheritance from his father. He is hardworking and close to the people. But, nevertheless, there is something unusual in it.

    This is his nihilism.

    Bazarov always stood out from the crowd in that he denied everything. Things close to many of us, such as nature, love, religion, were alien to him. Even in himself, he constantly noticed that the further he went, the less he felt for family and friends.

    But, in no case, you can not criticize him. Another characteristic feature of Bazarov was perseverance. He enjoyed working. Occupying the position of a doctor, he was constantly connected with people, which allowed him to enjoy universal respect. He was loved by children, workers, and those around him. He seemed to them simple and understandable.

    One way or another, the novel brings us to a key moment - the death of Bazarov. According to history, we see that Eugene dies from blood poisoning.

    But, in fact, everything connected with this tragedy carries a deeper meaning.

    Turgenev sees in his hero a doomed man. There are two main reasons here: Bazarov's loneliness and inner feelings.

    The peculiarity of the last days of the hero was that he gradually began to realize all those things that he so diligently resisted. He confesses his love to his beloved, begins to treat his parents in a new way. Bazarov finally realized how important parents are in life and that they really deserve respect and attention from their son.

    This man had extraordinary willpower. He firmly looked death in the eyes and was not afraid. Eugene was able to fully evaluate his life and draw all conclusions. As a result, he is the simplest person who has his own life and his own fears.

    It was probably difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that science, in which he firmly believed, became the cause of his incurable disease. Medicine could not save him.

    I like how passionate he was. It cannot be called weak or unnecessary. He tried his best to be helpful. But at the end of his life, he thinks about the fact that he could not serve his Motherland. He reproaches himself for it. But we see in him a hero who courageously, steadfastly, stubbornly achieves his goal.

    Bazarov is an example of a person who needs neither support nor compassion. He alone is able to overcome any obstacles. He is fine alone. Yes, he is alone, but he does not feel it.

    When we hear about people who are on the verge of death, we often notice that they begin to ask for help, pray to God and people to save them. But our hero did not flatter himself with foolish hopes, but steadfastly looked ahead. There is no fear in him, only regret. Probably everyone feels this way. Throughout life, we have many plans, but in the bustle we miss a lot. And so, in the end, we understand that we lost a lot and did not do it.

    The author shows interesting moments where the hero experiences new feelings that were previously unknown to him. He thinks about forests, about nature, even about religion. Bazarov understands how much he has lost and that nothing can be returned. There is something more here. It was as if everything he denied was about to take him to another world.

    Another question that confronts us is why did Turgenev kill the hero. The main reason, in my opinion, is the state of society at that time. The people were not ready to accept the new democratic reforms. So the symbol of the Hero simply could not last longer.

    For me, Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a person who tirelessly adhered to his principles, which deserves respect and memory.

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