How to make sand color from paints. How is the blue color obtained by mixing paints and is it possible


How to get blue color when mixing paints for painting, printing and computer graphics? Blue is part of the triad of primary colors, where the other two are red and yellow. Under natural conditions, it is impossible to obtain a color by mixing the other two. All features are determined by many conditions.

It is impossible to get a truly basic color in the process of painting pictures. It is false to assume that blue is obtained by mixing green and yellow, on the contrary, olive comes out. How to get blue? Achieving the goal is simple: just mix blue and white in equal proportions.

In the visual arts, a ready-made palette is often used, where the proportions and ratios of colors are painted. But with it you can get only shades of blue:

  • Blue - produced by mixing aquamarine and white paint in a 2: 1 ratio.
  • royal shade- obtained by mixing aquamarine and pink.
  • Dark Blue - Produced by combining two parts of standard blue and one part of black.
  • Gray-blue - produced by combining the base color and brown. It is brown that will create a darkening effect.

There are a lot of options for proportions and ratios, combinations of shades. In the standard set, an analogue of blue paint can be obtained by mixing the color aquamarine with pink.

On the video: how to mix oil paints.

Synthesis in typography

This method is used in modern printers. It is believed that in the printing house blue can be obtained by mixing green and one of the shades of purple - fuchsia. Naturally, a pure base will not work, but only an analogue close to the original.

In the field of typographic work, the lack of quality in color saturation is improved artificially, with the help of a play of shades and contrast. With the help of a standard color wheel, shades can also be recreated. How to make a high-quality analogue, a highly qualified specialist will be able to answer using the trial and error method. In any case, there must be a basic tone, which, when mixed, will become the basis for creating your own interpretations.

Not only the palette for creating color is taken into account, but also the features of the surface on which the tone will be applied. First you need to take a sample and test it.

Computer graphics and main palette

You can create a blue color in the so-called "artificial conditions" without any problems. Even though it is basic, it is possible to find a specific condition. The software provides the ability to synthesize any color using a properly written binary code.

Unlike printers and artists, to get this base, programmers don't have to deal with the problem of getting the base color. The main thing is to choose the appropriate software environment.

natural dyes

Natural dye is valued much more than synthetic options. Such paint can be used for dyeing textiles and food items. You can get the blue color from:

  • grapes;
  • blueberries;
  • blackberries;
  • eggplant peel;
  • cauliflower leaves.

There are more exotic options for obtaining a base. They are too expensive, complicated in terms of cooking technology. The above are actively used in the creation of food dyes, watercolors and gouache. But the resulting paint is completely safe for health and life. There are also disadvantages in the use of natural dyes: it is quickly washed out, an unsaturated base leaves marks on the skin and surfaces.

Blue is the primary color, along with red and yellow. Blue represents a cool color scheme. In the Pantone palette, developed in the middle of the 20th century. - 180 shades of blue, each of which has its own name and number.
At the mention of this color, boundless images of the sea and sky, space, thickening twilight, moonlight arise in the imagination.

How to get the blue color when it is not in the palette?

It is believed that blue can be obtained by mixing green and yellow, but in practice the combination of these colors gives more olive. Blue is unique and unrepeatable. It is impossible to get it by mixing paints.

traditional color wheel

To achieve the desired color or its shade, you can use the color wheel.
The base colors, which include blue, red and yellow, form orange, green, brown and purple in the process of mixing.

How to create classic blue by mixing paints

If you have blue but want a different shade of it, use the available colors to get the tone you want. Hue can be extremely important when creating a work of art, as well as in the field of design and interior decoration.

In standard sets of acrylic paints, ultramarine is presented as blue, a bright and at the same time dark shade with purple notes.

To create a lighter tone, mix 3 parts blue + 1 part white.

How to get royal blue

This shade can be described as blue at the junction with lilac.
Mix blue and magenta pink in equal proportions. In order to make the shade lighter, add white.

How to get dark blue

Sometimes the main blue in the color palette looks too bright and light. To get a darker shade, mix 3 parts blue with 1 part black. Thus, the resulting color will be darker.

How to get a gray-blue color

This shade perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the sky and the water surface on a cloudy day.
To do this, mix the base blue with brown. The result will be a dark gray-blue hue, which white color will help to lighten.

Without a basic blue in your arsenal, it is impossible to get it by mixing other colors, but if you have a basic blue, you can experiment with creating its new shades and tones.

Blue is one of the primary colors. Along with red and yellow, it is included in the list of tones that cannot be produced at home. But artists know very well how to get the blue color in its various shades - for this you need to mix the classic color with other pigments, which gives amazing results.

traditional color wheel

Experts call blue, red, yellow colors "three pillars" of color and painting. It is on them that the widest palette of semitones of the second and third orders rests, they are combined with each other, while the creation is excluded.

All the most important colors are included in the so-called color wheel. It is a conditional model divided into sectors. The latter are placed in an order close to the location in the visible light spectrum. Nearby shades are called chromatic, they can be mixed with each other to obtain a new chromatic (color) paint. If, when mixing colors, take opposite tones, an achromatic color (grayish) will come out. That is, the farther apart the colors, the more likely that their mixture will give an inexpressive, ugly tone.

Classic blue and its shades

It will not work to make a blue color at home, so to create its different shades, you need to purchase ready-made gouache, watercolor, acrylic paint or another type of dye (even plasticine). Then you can use other colors from the set, because when combined, you can get incredible tones and halftones of blue. Artists have special tables with the names of shades and the necessary proportions for paints, but in practice you still have to experiment.

In ordinary gouache sets, blue is represented by a shade of ultramarine. It is very bright, moderately dark, has slightly purple notes. There is an important rule to remember: white is added to lighten the tone, black is added to darken it, and various colors are added to change the reflection of the paint.

blue green

Making shades of blue with green highlights is easy. The effect of a dark green tone is given by the introduction of a small amount of ready-made green paint into the blue. If it doesn't exist, you can do something else. Since the combination of blue and yellow gives a green color, you can add a little yellowness to the blue. Next, the paint is lightened with white, resulting in a shade of the third order, less saturated.

Prussian blue

Azure color also contains green shades. Artists have a recipe for its preparation - you need to combine 1 part of blue and the same amount of light green or bright green (herbal) shade. If necessary, the tone is diluted with white.

blue purple

This color is considered very rich, powerful in energy, it is prepared by combining blue with red paint in equal proportions. But the finished purple must be made to “turn blue”, for which a blue color scheme is added drop by drop until the desired tone is obtained. Usually the final ratio does not exceed 2:1.

royal blue

The color royal is a dark, cold tone, close to classic. Traditional royal blue is part of the HTML color scheme used in computer graphics. It is also the main tone of ink, paint for cartridges. To make this color, a drop of black and even less green are introduced into ultramarine.

blue gray

This shade is reminiscent of an overcast sky, as well as the color of the water on a non-sunny day. In the base blue, you need to add a little brown, as a result you get a dark blue-gray tone. It is diluted with whitewash to the desired degree of clarification. There is another option for creating a gray-blue hue - combine blue with orange, as a result you get a grayish mass with a slightly blue glow.

Dark blue

Blue paint begins to darken from the addition of a small amount of black color. The ratio should be no more than 4:1. Creating such a shade is required if you need to “calm down” a color when it is initially too bright.


Blue is easy to make. To do this, blue of any tone is diluted with whitewash 3: 1 or more. Increasing the volume of white paint leads to even more lightening up to sky blue or pastel blue. To achieve the manufacture of the original tone, you can dilute turquoise with whitewash.

Other shades

Wedgwood tone is obtained by combining a portion of blue, as well as a drop of white and black paint. For dark turquoise, a yellow-green color scheme is added dropwise to blue. Cornflower blue is created by mixing purple, blue, a drop of brown and the same amount of black dye.

Blue in nature

In the real world, blue is perceived by the eye in the range of 440-485 nm. This is the digital value of the electromagnetic wavelength, which has a blue tone in the general spectrum of light. In nature, you can see up to 180 shades of blue - its tones are visible in the color of the seas and oceans, the sky, twilight, moonlight, many plants, insects.

To get the perfect color, you need to ensure that all the ingredients are similar in chemical composition. Otherwise, the mass may delaminate, leaving unmixed streaks in it. It is also important to use high-quality paints, because others begin to darken and gray over time. Oil dyes are very susceptible to changes - it is better to first try working on a small area and evaluate the effect after a couple of days. Artists note: the fewer colors were combined, the better the result will be, the less risk of burnout and flaking of the finished decor.

Taking the first steps in working with decor, most artists are faced with the lack of many shades in standard paint sets. And in everyday life, the need to get different tones arises quite often: from choosing a color for painting the walls in a house to choosing the perfect eyeshadow. However, do not be upset if there is no necessary element in the existing arsenal of paints. Remember, with only three basic colors available: yellow, blue and red, you can get any shade that exists in nature. So, to get orange, you just need to mix two basic colors: red and yellow, and also get acquainted with some of the nuances that artists use when mixing paints.

First, let's prepare everything you need. You need to bring:

  1. surface for mixing (for example, a palette);
  2. yellow and red paint;
  3. brushes;
  4. canvas or other work surface on which the resulting material is planned to be applied (watercolor paper, pastel paper, etc.).
The result of mixing yellow and red from paint

In order for the final color to turn out perfect, before starting work, make sure that the surface is free of foreign particles (lint, dust particles, brush hairs, etc.). You also need to immediately decide which of the ways you plan to get the desired orange tone. If mixing is done on paper, the final hue is obtained by overlapping the tone after applying one layer of composition to another. If you mix colors on a palette or b cans, you get a separate new tone as a result.

Receipt process

To get orange by combining shades on paper, you first need to decide what you want to get in the end. Since if you apply yellow on top of red, the final tone will be darker than if you apply red on top. It is also important to ensure that the blending brush is free of foreign tints, as the presence of a paint brush of a different color on the hairs of a brush can give a completely unexpected result.
The same rule must be followed if you plan to get the necessary orange color in dry painting. Just layer red and yellow on top of each other and then rub. The resulting shade will entirely depend on what color layer was applied on top: if the last layer was yellow, then orange will be lighter, if red, a red-orange tone is formed.

When mixing paints on a palette, the situation is somewhat simpler. You need to apply a little of one paint base and another on it, and then mix it with a palette knife (a special small spatula). A regular brush will work too, but again make sure the brush is free of other paints.

Completely different mixing rules should be followed if you are working with oil paints. To make the final color orange, you need to apply yellow and red strokes very close to each other, then, moving a little distance away, you will see that you have achieved the desired effect.

Correct Proportions

The proportions of red and yellow paints depend solely on what shade you want to get as a result. So when mixing paints in the same proportions, you will get a classic orange color as a result. In order for the final orange to be more golden or yellow-orange, the yellow paint must predominate. While more red should be added to get a saturated fiery orange. You can also soften the resulting shade of orange by adding a little bit of white paint, then you get a lighter, pastel tone. But to darken the tonality, it is better not to use black, since it does not so much darken as it drowns out the color spectrum. To get a darker shade of orange, it is recommended to apply a little dark gray.

Names of the orange spectrum


The principle of obtaining orange paints is quite simple, it is enough to know the RGB model and the principles of mixing to make the most stable composition. From the type of work, whether it is drawing or room decor, the method of obtaining orange flowers does not change.

Mixing colors is one of the most difficult procedures that a person who decides to make repairs on their own may face. The fact is that it is very important to know which colors to mix to create a certain tone. It should be noted right away that it is better to purchase white paint and tint it in the store using a special machine, so the tone will be uniform. If you decide to do everything yourself, then you can find out how to mix colors correctly.

These materials are universal, they are used for many purposes: with their help, you can simply paint the walls, paint stained glass windows, apply a picture on the wall and ceiling. In general, the scope of their use is limited to fantasy. The compositions are easy to use, well kept on the surface. But if you decide to paint a multi-component image on the wall, then buying paint in all the necessary colors will cost too much, and after completion of the work there will be a large amount of unnecessary material. In this case, it is better to buy a base series, and to create certain shades, mix acrylic paints.

Mixing basic paint colors makes it possible to get many different shades, while you can save a lot on your purchase.

Basic color range

Everyone has known since school: when you combine yellow and red, you get orange, but if you add blue to the same yellow, you get green. It is on this principle that the table for mixing acrylic paints is built. According to her, it is enough to purchase only the main colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

You can simply mix acrylic paints in these tones to get most of the existing shades.

Table Blending Basics

To properly mix materials, you can not do without a table. At first glance, working with it is easy: to get the desired result, just find the color and see what components are required. But the proportions are not indicated in the color mixing table, so it is necessary to gradually add tinting material to the main paint and apply the mixture to some unnecessary product: a sheet of plywood, drywall, and so on. Then you need to wait until the material dries. If the color matches the required, you can start working on the main surface.

Tinting technique

Now about how to get colors. By mixing acrylic materials, two main tones can be achieved: light and dark. Basic tones: earthy, green, orange, purple. To create a color, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  1. Light. In this case, titanium white is the main material, to which one or two tinting compositions are added. The less additional paintwork is used, the lighter the tone will come out. So you can make most shades of a light palette.
  2. Dark. To form shades of this type, the opposite should be done. Before mixing colors, it is necessary to prepare the base tone, black dye is gradually introduced into the base. When working with black paint, you need to be careful, because it can make the color not dark, but dirty.
  3. Green. This shade is not in the main palette, so you will need to mix yellow and blue. The exact ratio can only be known empirically.
  4. Violet. This is a cool color that is obtained by mixing blue with pink or red. In some cases, you will also need to add black to darken the material.
  5. Orange. To create this color, you need to mix red and yellow. For a more saturated orange, it is recommended to add more red and vice versa. If you want to create a soft color, for example, coral, then you need to lighten the material with white. Can dark colors be added? Yes, you can, but as a result of mixing paints, a dirty tone may result.
  6. Earthy. Brown is the main color here. By adding various shades to it, they get a color from beige to dark wood.

Palette Rules

To get started, you will need a basic set of paints, brushes, a container of water and a palette (you can take any surface, including school supplies for drawing).

It is recommended to place white in the center, as they are used in creating most shades. Dyes of the main color range are placed in the recesses around (if any). You need to mix carefully, gradually adding tinting material and constantly checking the result. After mixing the colors, the brush should be rinsed in a container of water.

On a note! It is quite easy to work with acrylic resin materials using a table and a palette. The main thing is to practice more, each time the result will get better.

Oil paints

If you compare this material with watercolor or acrylic, then the oil is more fluid. Because of this, you need to mix the compositions of different colors very carefully. On the one hand, this is a disadvantage, but on the other hand, this feature allows you to get the following effects:

  • Subject to thorough mixing, a uniform tone will be obtained. Such material is perfect for both full coloring of surfaces, and for partial decoration.
  • If mixed partially, then multi-tone streaks will appear on the coating.


Now about how to mix oil paints. A table is also used to mix oil-based paint colors. It indicates the colors obtained by combining various tinting components. In addition, here you can find such an indicator as a combination of brilliance. If you add a little gloss to a matte base, then there will be practically no result, and if you do the opposite, then the shine will be slightly muted.

Mixing methods:

  1. Mechanical. In this case, we are talking about mixing two or more materials of different colors in one container. Color saturation is controlled by the number of compositions of bright shades. The desired color is created even before the wall or ceiling is processed.
  2. Color overlay. Gradual application of several strokes on top of each other.
  3. Optic. This is the most complex method, which is available only to specialists. It involves mixing glossy and matte bases while applying paint to the surface. You can mix the colors of paints only on the treated surface, otherwise you will get a more even tone.


The first method fully corresponds to the data in the table. If we are talking about color overlay, then the result is unpredictable. One of the simplest options for optical illusions is glazing: a dark tone is applied to the surface, after it dries, a slightly lighter paint is applied, and then completely light. As a result, each color will be visible through the upper layers.

Thus, there is no definite scheme. To find out which colors to mix, it is not enough just to take and look at the table, it is important to constantly practice and not be afraid of experiments. So you can create a new effect that will make the interior unique. It is also important to remember that a mixed shade is very difficult to repeat, so you should remember the proportions.

Now the question of how to properly mix paints does not seem so difficult.

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