How to make a birthday poster with your own hands. Beautiful do-it-yourself girl's birthday poster: templates, ideas, photos


Olga Nikolaevna Teplyakova, an experienced teacher of our site, always advises making do-it-yourself manuals for playing with kids: books, posters, lotto. Such benefits are very simple, but at the same time they carry a lot of benefits for the baby. It is especially great if the baby is already older, then the game can be created together. Such a game is then more appreciated and liked by the child. Let's take a closer look at creating posters.

What is and why?

A poster is a piece of paper on which mom writes lines from a fairy tale, poem, baby's favorite song. This type of reading game also includes visual material. On the poster, we can draw or make applications. You can combine different techniques! In addition, playing with a poster will help the baby a little to master the technique of writing. Children 2-3 or 3-4 years old can try to write or trace what is written, and at 3-4 years old even write something yourself. At the same time, if the little one does not write very well, but wants to make his own poster, we do not refuse, we just make a small poster. Let's say not two lines, but one. Hang it on the wall and play!

In such games we can sing and read at the same time! At the same time, the reading speed can immediately be said to “jump”! And our enjoyment of the game "bounces". We can not only sing, but also dance! And show the words on a beautiful poster.

At what age can a child be offered a game with a poster?

This type of games is intended for toddlers over 2 years old.

What do we need to know to make a poster?

1. Size matters!

The poster doesn't have to be very big! Do not take too large a sheet, two A4 sizes, fastened along the wide side, are enough. Do not write too sweepingly and large! Words should not be larger than those that we usually write on cards. Maybe even less. It is necessary that the child covers the text of 3,4,5 words with his eyes, and does not look at each letter of a stretched word. We adjust the font size in such a way that there is space between the words and around the text.

2. Number of words and their size

Leave space at the edges of the poster, taking up only the middle. The benefits of this are great! Text is easier to understand, if it is located not from edge to edge, but with small margins. On them we can depict something related to the theme of the poster.

Part of the sheet with words can be limited to something: color, pattern, simple border. This limitation helps you read faster!

For example, we move our hand along the lines, but despite this, we do not prevent the child from fully perceiving the text.

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

I am a red horse.

Or "gray side"! Or some other. You can change the color. However, the main text will remain the same. The child knows this. And he, too, grasping the whole meaning of the poster, sings and reads at the same time:

I knock with my hooves

If need be, I will!

How can we arrange this song on a piece of paper? You can just highlight the middle with a color. For example, the background is white, and there is a greenish border around the edges.

And here is another song:

I bake, I bake, I bake

All the kids have a pie.

Here, the border can be drawn small pies, literally a few pieces.

Another example is beads:

The beads swirled Ta-ta-ta

You can draw a string for beads that will limit the text, string 3-5 beads on it, where there is a place.

3. Color and highlights

Highlight words interesting that will grab the child's attention. Random words are not needed! Do not focus only on the size and length of the word, the number of letters. You need to take into account the composition of the word. Let's say

Skok-skok, I am a gray horse.

It makes sense to single out SKOK-SKOK and BOK.

We can write letters of the same color, but then individual words need to be circled or circled with a bright oval, or shaded with a light pencil. And some words can just be glued on! And they will be on light paper: on yellow, pink, blue, etc.

Highly recommend write one line in one color, otherwise it turns out very motley. Do not make too sharp color transitions between lines. Let's say you had one blue, the second purple, and the third blue. They are in the same tone.

Some words can be highlighted font color and thickness, letter size.

4. Volume of text

Don't write long songs. From the whole song, highlight only that the child knows and loves. The content of your poster should be familiar to both you and your baby, should be loved!!! It's much easier than writing and then playing on a completely unfamiliar text!

How do we use these posters?

For example, we ran on the street like chickens, we came from the street to sing a song. Maybe we run after each other, or we jump like chickens, or we play a musical-rhythmic game, we can give the children to someone a rattle, someone to a stick, someone knocks with his finger, someone claps his hands, someone with spoons, someone on a xylophone, someone just sings a song:

The hen went out for a walk

Pinch fresh herbs.

And behind her guys yellow chicks.

Ko-ko-ko, Ko-ko-ko! Don't go far.

For example, we already have a poster made once from the line "Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! Don't go far." At the bottom of the poster, for example, paws are drawn. Tap your finger on the painted paws: "Row with your paws, look for grains." At the same time, one of the children knocks with their feet, someone rows their fingers on the floor. Creative play turns out!

If there are unwritten lines in a song or poem, this can be depicted, for example, in a dance. Let's say the game "Ay-yes." The lines "Ay-yes" are written on the poster, and can be distinguished by the size of words, letters.

Ah yes! Ah yes!

And then: “Quickly stamp your feet, children dance merrily” we do not write, but cut out traces from colored paper, stick them on and then, hitting them with our fingers with our fingers, we sing these words. So you can beat the game when we sing along the poster.

How do we eat?

We sing at a normal pace, show the words with a finger at a normal pace. What we eat, we show. It looks like karaoke, only much more beautiful and not so fast, much smaller in volume, and this text is already familiar to you and the baby.

The most common mistake in the manufacture of posters - too large letters.

Letters are better to do a little smaller, because a poster is, of course, a poster, but visual memory and perception are arranged in such a way that if we see a large word, then our memory selects some part of this word. For example, if you write the word “GOAT” in the meter, you will see only “OCH”, “GOAT”, and everything else will remain outside.

And the child has a different angle of view, because he is small. He is shorter, he has a different distance between the pupils than we have. Therefore, very large is not needed. Keep this in mind. Do it smaller. Fold two sheets of A4. Not along, where the long side is, but across. Do you know the best way to play? Here you play goat, or horse, or jump, or do something else. Take the baby in your arms, go to the poster and sing:

The horned goat lives in the meadow,

And show these words:

The horned goat sings a song:

Me-me, me-me, me-me.

And that's it. You don't need anything else. No need for the child to show. Give up this control. The game does not require control.

Let's look at another poster based on the game "The cat walks on the bench"

The poster is huge. It is better to lay such a poster on the floor. On the floor is still more comfortable than on the table. It's been verified. "The cat is walking." Here you go, like a cat. You have already prepared a poster, or it lies, or hangs somewhere on the sidelines, you put it on the floor, everyone gets on all fours, let's say two or three plus adults, and everyone reads and sings.

The cat walks on the bench

And move your finger. Even if out of place, children may not show it. It's OK. And you still show yours.

Leads a cat by paws

Top-top-top (may not be shown) on the bench

Tsop-tsop-tsop for paws

“For the paws” we can also sing just like that. The hand no longer works. You can play loto on the poster. But do you know how? You write a word, everyone is looking for it, and you correct it, help a little and rejoice!

Enjoy your creativity and happy games!

Olga Nikolaevna Teplyakova

Such simple manuals are easy to make yourself, and you do not need any special materials. They provide many opportunities for play with the baby. And another huge plus of such a game is that you can play again and again.

It offers many ideas for creating DIY manuals. Come to school if you want to get new ideas and recommendations from the teacher, teach your kid to read with the help of simple and interesting games.

How to make a poster

Very often, marketers use posters in their advertising campaigns. We analyze how to make it, what to look for when designing and where it is better to place it.

The poster is a real art. Marketers, designers and artists around the world compete in the beauty, efficiency and unusualness of their masterpieces.

But creating a poster is not as easy as it might seem. Designers need to take into account a lot of details both during the creation process and after. Read, save and learn new things.

What is a poster

The poster is not only beautiful images of celebrities that were glued to the walls in childhood. In a broad sense, poster- a catchy image with a short text, made for propaganda, advertising or educational purposes.

A modern poster is primarily associated with advertising, which is not entirely true. No less popular is the informational and design poster.

Informational the poster is most often found in the form of various posters. The main purpose of such posters is to convey important cultural information to the audience, announcing events.

For decoration, you can also use specially made posters.

Poster history

Despite the fact that the first “traces” of posters are found in ancient Egypt (images with information about escaped slaves), it is still customary to call the artist the father of the poster. The Frenchman, according to many, is an artist of relatively little talent, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming the creator of a new genre. In 1866, he opened a workshop for the production of lithographic paintings, which was the beginning of the poster.

The posters clearly explained why alcohol is harmful to humans.

Alcohol increases the risk of an accident

It is better to have short hair than to lose it.

The casing was too high

How to make an advertising poster

Bright image

As it is called in marketing - an eye-stopper. The main task is to attract attention, to arouse curiosity. A non-standard image or a bright picture can act as an eye-stopper.

Use one image and don't forget that the poster will be large, so the picture must be in good resolution!


The title is not required, but in most cases it will not hurt. Like a picture, it should attract attention, which means it should be read from a distance.

The title can be the name of the promotion, the name of the product, the message about the sale.


The less text, the better. The font must be large. When laying out the text, you need to highlight the trademark and logo.

Use no more than two fonts: one for the body text, the second for the title.


Choose bright, contrasting colors. Contrasting hues blend better and make the poster easier to read.

Thomas Russell, lecturer at the Institute for Contemporary Studies at the Association of Advertising Agencies, shares his tips for creating a poster.

  • Simplify. Posters should grab attention instantly and communicate the main idea quickly.
  • Show the benefit of the product.
  • Use the possibilities of color. The brighter the ad, the better. In moderation.
  • Avoid ambiguity. Not everyone can immediately understand your game, accept it and respond positively. If you are not 100% sure, it is better not to use ambiguous images and texts.
  • The text should be as light and easy to read as possible.

10 signs of a good advertising poster

How and where to place posters

The placement of the poster depends on its type. If this is an advertising poster, then first of all it is placed on the street: special stands, walls of buildings, fences, stops - wherever as many passers-by as possible would notice it. It is important that nothing around distracts from the poster and does not interfere with it. He should be the center of attention.

The same applies to an informational poster, for which the main thing is to reach a large audience.

Another thing - decorative posters. Here are some tips for placing them.

Posters look most advantageous on plain surfaces. And it doesn't matter where exactly: in the living room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in the restaurant.

In addition, posters can be placed on the wall in different ways.

Horizontal row.

Thus, any empty space can be filled.

Collage of four posters.

This placement is great for rooms with high ceilings.

symmetrical arrangement.

If you have multiple posters of the same size, symmetry is for you. In addition, it will help to visually balance the interior of the room.

asymmetrical arrangement.

For such placement it is better to use posters of different sizes. Posters can be hung anywhere.

Poster constructors

If you try, you can make a poster yourself, without even resorting to the help of designers. Check out the very handy and versatile tools for creating posters.

An excellent resource for creating not only posters, but also banners, business cards and various illustrations. It is not necessary to have special skills to draw a cool poster.

Great toolkit and opportunities for both drawing and image editing. And numerous templates will facilitate and speed up the process.

Online editor. Slightly inferior to Canva in terms of tools and templates. However, it is great for quickly creating a simple poster.

Especially for those who want to create their own movie posters and posters!

If you urgently need to make a simple poster, this online resource is just for you!

Dive into theory

How to draw a poster on the theme "Protect the plants!"?

    Draw a clearing of withered grass and mountains of garbage, and in the close-up, one wilted flower, a bee crying for nm.

    Studying the subject of the World around, which is the basis of social and natural sciences, elementary school students are taught to rationally comprehend the world and comprehend personal experience. Children are taught to love nature and treat it with respect.

    Answering the question, I would like to point out that the drawing is on the topic Take care of plants! should contain elements of respect for the plant world, its multiplication, plant protection. On the poster Take care of the plants can be such drawings:

    The assignment at school to draw posters on the theme of nature conservation, in my opinion, should be given to elementary school and high school students too.

    After all, this is a very vital topic - the protection of nature, and the repeated repetition of the truth about that. that nature needs our careful attitude will help to educate people who will treat it responsibly.

    It is not only plants and animals that need to be protected and protected; forests, rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere need our careful attitude.

    And it is very important to convey this to the consciousness of the younger generation, because they live in this world and they pass it on to our descendants.

    A poster on the topic take care of plants can be done in many ways, there are many options.

    Below is a selection of ideas for such a poster take care of the plants.

    If you gave a task to a child of elementary grades, then help him cope with the composition and drawing in pencil, and color the picture of the poster Take care of the plants, I think he can do it on his own.

    Respect for plants and nature must be laid from childhood. To teach children to respect the world around them, it is necessary not only in the drawings of others, but the children themselves must draw them, and adults must help them in this.

    Here are some topics - draw a Christmas tree and sign:






    In the lessons of the world around us, we touch on very burning topics. We write letters of thanks to plants and animals. We are trying to figure out how to make the air around us clean, so that clear, unpolluted water flows in our rivers.

    With posters on the theme Take care of plants, we must show that nature must be treated with care. It is not worth picking flowers in vain, trampling them, breaking branches near trees. Plants need our protection.

    The poster can be issued in the form of a prohibition sign. There should be a record that calls not to do bad things.

    After all, our careful attitude to plants will help our Earth become more beautiful.

    It is not difficult to draw such a poster, especially since the topic is close to everyone. You just need to show a little imagination and draw something like flowers in a clearing and a leg hanging over them in a huge boot. And for clarity, the boots should be crossed out in red:

    Another simple idea is to draw a broken tree branch or an ax in front of the forest:

    Many flowers, although beautiful, cannot be torn, because they are listed in the Red Book, this can also be used when preparing a poster:

    The poster can be decorated with an appropriate inscription, for example:

    Or like this:

    Here is a very beautiful theme for such a poster:

    And such a theme can be used by providing a suitable inscription, like Protect nature, plants together:

    Here is a beautiful topic, but probably too complicated for grade 3:

    Poster take care of the plants can be useful not only for the World around, but also for some kind of competition in natural history, sometimes even such competitions for the best drawing are held by environmental organizations, for example, Ecocity or Clean City.

    All people understand the importance of protecting plants, but not everyone remembers that everyone should protect, because our life depends on plants, they not only decorate the Planet, but give oxygen that all living things breathe, therefore Take care of the plants!

    You can draw warning, prohibition signs.

    For the poster you need a large image, for this we will draw a large red circle in the middle of the poster. Inside the circle remains white. In the middle of the circle, draw a palm up to the wrist. Draw thin twigs and leaves on the palm, as in the figure below. Above the green circle is the inscription in red letters DO NOT cut!. At the top left is a small image of a tree with a green crown and a small inscription Our life.

    A poster with a call to save plants can be drawn according to the figure below. In the middle there is a thin sprout, on the right and on the left there are two palms protecting the plant from the wind. The sprout will grow into a large tree and provide the necessary clean air. When the plant bears fruit, two more will appear from one tree.

    The theme of the poster is quite important. Children should be taught to protect nature from an early age.

Poster Generators

A few inspiring
Pinterest accounts

4 simple rules for creating
poster if you're not enough
poster designers

Pay attention to who you are making the poster for.

Text must be readable

Text perception takes precedence over style. If possible, complex and ornate fonts should be avoided. They can convey a certain mood and aesthetic, but it makes no sense if the viewer has to concentrate for a few seconds to understand what is written on the poster. It is also important to pay attention to the size, letter and line spacing, color combination.

All these factors affect how the mind perceives what is written on the poster. Working with the same font of the same color, you can create both a perfect text in terms of perception and completely unreadable.

The radical aesthetics of the futurists involved the maximum departure from the usual forms in all creative fields, including graphic design.

Don't overload the poster

Most often, two fonts are enough for a beautiful poster, sometimes three. If you use more, then, most likely, you will get a heap of text, the poster will “spread” and will no longer be perceived as a whole. The same goes for flowers. Too generous use of color can scatter the viewer's attention and distract him from the text.

Rules can be broken

Like any creative work, typography does not tolerate very rigid frames. Everything that has been described above has many exceptions in many cases. It is strange, for example, to make a rave poster without using flashy acid colors. It is only important to understand why the poster should look this way and not otherwise, so that in the context it looks adequate and harmonious. In the end, often the designer initially understands what needs to be done and how to do it in order to realize the idea of ​​work as much as possible, and focuses only on his feelings.

It doesn't matter where you are going to celebrate your birthday. It doesn't even matter if it's your holiday or someone close to you. The main thing is that it should be held in a cheerful and warm atmosphere. You should definitely think in advance about beautiful bright posters that will cheer up both you and your guests. You can buy them at the store or make your own.

What should be the perfect poster

Creating a poster for a birthday party is not only a good way to decorate a party space. He can also become a great birthday gift or at least an addition to the main present.

Its production should begin with a sketch. Make it on an ordinary small piece of paper so as not to spoil the drawing paper and not waste your time on reworking.

Here are some simple tips on how to create the perfect greeting poster:

  • Remember that a birthday is a fun holiday that can briefly return a person of any age to a carefree childhood. The poster you prepared for this occasion must be bright. Do not spare rainbow colors - only in this case, both the birthday man and the rest of the participants of the event will like it.
  • Do not think that the inability to draw is a reason to refuse to make a poster. You can make it with newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs and printed images.
  • Use fantasy. This will help you express your personality.
  • Do not forget that a congratulatory poster, in addition to a decorative function, should also perform an informative one. In it, you can write the name of the birthday man, his date of birth, the names of the guests, wishes, and so on.

Congratulatory posters can be of several types:


Congratulatory posters can be of several types: Funny Such self-made posters should be used when you are sure of the sense of humor of the hero of the occasion and other participants in the event. Otherwise, you risk being misunderstood.

The humor involved here should be soft, laid-back and light. Refrain from biting irony, flat and vulgar jokes, as well as unflattering statements about the birthday man or any of the guests. Black humor in this case is also inappropriate.

Such posters can be used instead of traditional postcards. Write everything you would like to wish on a large piece of drawing paper and hand it to the birthday man.

Don't forget to decorate your poster with beautiful drawings or photos of the hero of the occasion.

On the poster, you can leave free space and invite guests who have gathered on the occasion of someone's birthday to write a few memorable lines to the birthday man.

Do not forget to bring colorful markers or felt-tip pens with you to the holiday.

If you are well acquainted with the culprit of the identity and you have photos together with him, you can design a poster in the form photo collage.

Sign each picture pasted to the poster with an interesting phrase. One part of the poster can be left for congratulations.

If you have no ideas on how to make your own birthday poster, use the options below.

poster for boyfriend or girlfriend

To make it, you will need paints, whatman paper and your joint photo. This option will be in the old Russian style.

The predominant colors are yellow, beige and red. Draw a scroll in the center of the paper. It will contain your photo with a friend or girlfriend.

It can be decorated with an ornate frame. Borrow the necessary pattern for it on the Internet. In the lower left corner, draw two buffoons. One of them can play the pipe, and the other can walk on stilts.

Draw the sun in the upper left corner. Above the scroll with the photo, write in pen and ink "Happy Birthday!". On the right side, place your congratulations with wishes. It can also be framed with an old Russian pattern.

poster for loved one or beloved

Take pink or red paper for this. If only white drawing paper is available, evenly paint over it with gouache.

Draw small circles or hearts all over the poster with a pale outline. This will add expressiveness to the product.

On top of one half of the heart, write "Beloved / Beloved", and on the second "Happy Birthday!". You should not write a standard wish on such a poster. Give preference to randomly written compliments.

Here is an approximate list of them (an option for a birthday man): affectionate, gentle, breathtaking, the sexiest, the only, unique, the very best, only mine, Mr. radiant smile, an angel descended from heaven, charming, best, beloved, dear and etc.

Add a few lines to the compliments with a confession: “After our hearts have merged into one, my life without you has no meaning, because I am you! Happy birthday! I love you! Your (name or affectionate nickname)." Paste your joint photo into the other half of the heart.

Cool poster for a student friend

If the birthday is celebrated in student hostel, then for a friend who is a student of a college or institute, you can draw a congratulatory essentials poster.

On a large sheet of drawing paper in a chaotic manner, stick the following objects with adhesive tape and put inscriptions next to them:

  • Rollton noodles: image is nothing, hunger is everything!
  • Tablet "Alka-Prim" - morning is never good.
  • A cigarette is a spare if you suddenly quit smoking.
  • Another cigarette is on duty, if suddenly the spare is not enough.
  • Socks - A fresh pair of SAME socks.
  • Condom - if you urgently need to go to.
  • Deodorant - if you urgently need to go on an important date.

Write "Happy Jam Day" on the poster at the top. Do not forget to sign on it with your whole company and make the additions “Friends will not leave you in trouble” and “Who was not a student will not understand”.

sweets poster

This version of the poster will appeal to real sweet tooth. On a large sheet of drawing paper, write the inscription “Happy Birthday!” with small sweets. You can stick these and other sweets on both regular and double-sided tape.

On the rest of the poster space, you must place the following sweets with the appropriate inscriptions:

  • "Bounty" - we wish your life to be a real heavenly pleasure.
  • "Twix" - we wish you to find your soul mate as soon as possible. For those who are in e or have a long relationship: we wish you and your soulmate to be like these two inseparable sticks.
  • "Snickers" - just in case of inhuman hunger or lethargy.
  • "Kinder Surprise" - you need to stick a few of them and write: let your life be full of pleasant and unexpected surprises.
  • Candy or chocolate with dollars or euros - may you always have a lot of money.
  • "Skittles" - try the rainbow and share with your friends.
  • Chocolate with cognac - let happiness intoxicate.
  • Lollipop with lemon - one cannot do without a slight sourness in life, otherwise joys will not be perceived so brightly.
  • Chewing gum "Orbit" or "Dirol" - your radiant smile blinds and drives you crazy.
  • Chocolate "Inspiration" - we wish you graceful and kind muses and lots and lots of inspiration.

hand print poster

It's quick and easy to make the next poster. To make it you will need:

  • a large sheet of drawing paper;
  • bath for rolling paint;
  • gouache or finger paint;
  • multi-colored markers.

Place a photo of the birthday person in the center of the sheet. However, before starting work, it is better to just leave free space on the poster so as not to accidentally stain the picture.

Ask the friends of the hero of the occasion to dip their hand into the paint and attach it to the poster. This should be done in such a way that the prints seem to surround the photograph.

Under each palm of paint, its owner can write a cheerful and kind wish for the birthday man. In the midst of a birthday celebration, you can invite him to guess where whose fingerprint is.

Poster for a child

Children, like no one else, love everything bright and colorful. You can make a do-it-yourself poster in honor of the child’s birthday using a large number of his photos.

If the baby is three or five years old, choose pictures where he is a month old, six months old, a year old, and so on. If the baby is only a year old, photos by months will do.

Do not forget to make inscriptions with wishes. You can design a poster with images of animals, funny people, and your child's favorite cartoon characters drawn or cut out from magazines.

The main inscription can be made such as “Our (daughter's name) is already a year old” or “Our (child's name) is six years old”.

In order to make such a poster, you will need pictures of the baby, mom and dad. Decorate the top of a sheet of paper with the inscription "Our baby today (number of years)".

Place a picture of the poster in the center of the poster. On one side and on the other, there should be photographs of mom and dad. At the bottom, write "Dear guests, who do I look like?".

In addition, whatman paper can be decorated with images of animals and cartoon characters. You can also leave space for a small table on the poster. It will have two columns - "Mom" and "Dad".

Each guest who came to the holiday will have to make an entry in the appropriate column. At the end of the event, you can do the calculations and find out who, according to the guests, your child looks like.

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