How to travel to India independently and cheaply. Key Travel Locations


For those who are not in the know, there are two pieces of news: good and bad.

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation must obtain a visa.
  2. It sets up very quickly.

It is quite legal when a person applies for permission to enter the country via the Internet, and the visa itself is stamped in the passport upon arrival.

Is it possible to enter the country without it?

As a general rule, this cannot be done. But there is one exception: you can enter the state of Goa with a temporary permit, which is valid for no more than 15 days. Design features are:

  1. Only tour operators have the right to obtain a permit.
  2. There must be at least 14 people in the group of travelers.

Upon arrival, foreigners hand over their passports to the migration authorities.

In general, it is not known which is better: to quickly obtain a tourist visa or to declare to the tour operator about the desire to obtain such a permit. Too many rules

  • you need to wait for the group to set up;
  • you will have to give your passport to representatives of state bodies of a foreign country.

It's better to spend some time studying the issue, uploading the necessary documents to the official website of the competent authorities and obtaining a tourist visa for a rather long period.

However, the type of entry permit mentioned is not the only one. It makes sense to consider all possible types of visas to India.

What types are there?

Can be distinguished:

  • Tourist.
  • Working.
  • Educational.
  • Business visa.
  • transit.

Here we also include electronic, although, strictly speaking, it does not apply to the above classification. All permit names reflect the purpose of the visit to the country. And electronic is a way to get a visa.


This visa can be obtained for up to 30 days. It can be issued by a tourist who stays outside the territory of India in one of the following ways:

The document cannot be extended. This is quite understandable. The above period is quite enough for a tourist to see all the main sights of the country. Exception: cases when a person needed medical assistance, he, for health reasons, cannot leave for his homeland.

Attention: The visa becomes valid immediately after it is issued. That is, it is advisable to deal with paperwork shortly before the scheduled date of departure.

In some cases, there are chances to get a visa to India for a few months. But a lot will decide what it is:

  • single;
  • double;
  • or multivisa.

As you might guess, the documents give the right to a different number of entries into the country. To obtain a permit, you will need the following documents.

  1. Passport with at least two blank pages.
  2. A copy of this page of the same document, where the owner's personal data is available.
  3. A copy of the main pages of the internal identity document.
  4. A completed application form in English (downloaded on the official website of the embassy).
  5. Two photographs: 3.5 by 4 cm.

Particular attention is paid to where a person will live in the country. Embassy staff should see:

  • travel company voucher;
  • round-trip plane tickets, hotel reservations;
  • an invitation from a resident of the country.

Indians know how and love to make money on tourism, so there are no barriers to entry for foreigners. For example, a tourist will not need a certificate of his income. If you look at it, then few people want to stay in the country for good - there are too specific orders.


Everything is a little more complicated here. As the name implies, it is issued to those who wish to work in the country. Wherein The requirements for the candidate are quite serious:

The employer is required to:

  1. For his company to be truly Indian and not foreign.
  2. So that the employee receives at least 20 thousand dollars a year.

They will refuse to invite an employee if they plan to take him to a position that citizens of the country who are unemployed can take.

The following papers are added to the standard set of documents:

  • an employment agreement concluded between the parties;
  • the employer's petition containing the rationale for the need to attract a foreign worker;
  • documents confirming the fact that the company is operating;
  • copies of documents on education and papers indicating the presence of the necessary skills.

The policy of the state in this direction is understandable: if a foreigner is involved in labor activity in the country, then this must be a real professional, who, in turn, must receive good money. Otherwise, the visa application should be refused, and the company should hire local residents.


It is issued, as the name implies, to individuals who want to get an education in the country. The following important conditions apply:

  1. A foreigner cannot take a budget seat. From the point of view of national policy, it is fair: it is better to educate your citizen for free.
  2. For the first year of study, you need to pay a lump sum payment in full.
  3. The student must have $1,000 or more in his account. There is no such requirement for tourists and workers. It is understandable: the first - after seeing all the most interesting, will quickly leave, the second - will earn their living. Students are a different matter. They are not paid for their studies. Vice versa. Working and studying is difficult. Therefore, if a foreigner decides to get an Indian education, then he must prove that he will not starve to death.

The following papers are added to the standard package of documents:

  • a letter stating that a foreigner has the right to study at a particular university;
  • a certificate stating that at least one year of study has already been paid;
  • a certificate informing about the amount of funds he has in the account.


A business visa is issued in cases where a foreigner needs:

The reason for the need to obtain an entry permit is studied in detail by representatives of the embassy and, accordingly, one of the decisions is made: to authorize or refuse entry.

You will need the following papers:

  1. If there is a question about some kind of interaction with Indian companies, then two letters of petition should be sent to the embassy: from a Russian company and one that operates in an Asian state.
  2. If a person is engaged in entrepreneurial activity, then he needs to submit documents to the competent authorities proving this.

It appears that it is not very difficult to obtain a business visa if the need to arrive in the country really exists.


It is necessary if the traveler's route lies through India. To issue a permit to stay in the country for 72 hours, you must present:

  • air tickets;
  • other documents confirming the implementation of transit.

For example, sailors have to collect the following papers: a letter from an agent of one of the states, a certificate indicating the position of a person on a ship, and the like.


Again, as the name implies, it is issued via the Internet. Bye, in electronic form, you can only apply for a tourist visa, which will be issued for up to 30 days. No renewal rights have been established. But you can, within 12 months, get the document again.

Attention: the issue of issuing an electronic business visa is under consideration.

To obtain an electronic entry permit, you must:

The issue is usually considered within 3 days. But it is better to send documents in advance. Further, the applicant receives an appropriate permit by e-mail, which must be printed out and taken with you on a trip.

Are children required to travel?

Airplane is the most real way to get to India from Russia. Most of the state borders of India pass through the sea, the other - through hard-to-reach mountainous areas. In addition, there is political tension on the borders with China and Bangladesh. By sea to get far and long. Plus, it's not safe at all. So flight. On it we will stop in our choice. The largest number of international flights arrive in Delhi and Mumbai, as well as Kolkata, Chennai and Bangalore. These airports serve the northwest, west coast, northeast, southeast coast, central and southern parts of the country respectively.

The price of air tickets to India depends on the season: the most expensive is from November to March, when the country has a “high season” and the weather is most comfortable. Prices decline moderately from April to May and from August to October. The cheapest flights are in June and July. By the way, in October-November, Indians from all over the world flock to their homeland to spend these days of Diwali with their families. That's why ticket prices go up! Business in general.

Tourists heading to Goa or the coast of Kerala are advised to contact a travel agency, where specialists will offer a ready-made tour package, including a charter flight along with accommodation. This is the best option. But it must be borne in mind that the Indian authorities have set a limit on the stay of tourists who arrived on a charter flight - no more than 28 days. Moreover, the tourist is also obliged to fly by charter.

A flight to India from most cities in Russia is possible only with a transfer, so the average travel time is more than 10 hours. With a direct flight from Moscow, for example, the travel time is reduced by about 2 times, but the cost increases proportionally!

Tourist routes along the "golden triangle" of Delhi - Jaipur - Agra in the north-west of the country begin in Delhi (New Delhi Airport). A round-trip flight from Moscow with a transfer in Astana will cost about 24,000 rubles, the journey will take from 10 to 12 hours. For comparison, Air India performs a direct flight in 6 hours, but the cost of a round-trip ticket is about 36,000 rubles.

Port Blair Airport is located in the Andaman Islands off the east coast of India. From Moscow, you can fly here by Lufthansa together with Air India. With transfers in Frankfurt and Chennai, the flight takes as much as 35 hours, the cost of round-trip air tickets is 45,000 rubles.

Etihad Airways flies to Kolkata, a metropolis in northeastern India. With an intermediate landing in Abu Dhabi, you will spend 18-19 hours in flight, a ticket will cost about 35,000 rubles.

The same Etihad Airways flies to the city of Bangalore in the south of the country. 12-15 hours and you are there. The issue price is 26,000 rubles.

I moved to India at the beginning of 2010 and have been living here to this day. Of course, you have to periodically come to Russia because of the limited time of stay on a visa. At first, a visa was issued for one year, but now, for some reason, it is issued only for eight months. Let me tell you more about the beginning of my journey.

Around 2005, I became passionately interested in yoga, and as you know, from yoga to India and its culture is just a couple of steps. About a year after my all-consuming penetration into the culture of India, I met a girl - the same fan of yoga and meditation as I am.

A year later we got married and in December 2010 we left for India together. We had a very small reserve of funds, I would even say, most likely, modest. It was decided to earn a living by freelancing, because jobs with official wages in India are almost impossible to find. In general, after some time of our residence in India, this system began to bear fruit, and now I can say with confidence that this is the absolute truth - in India you can live on $50 a day.

But it's better to start in order. There were a lot of people on the plane on the way here, and what, to say the least, it was packed to capacity. Although such a crowd of people at this time of the year is not at all surprising, because during the Russian winter in India the warmest time, and, consequently, the most touristy. On the plane they were fed with buns and coffee, which was very nice in itself. So, we flew in comfort. At that time I was an ardent supporter of everything Indian, so neither I nor my wife did any vaccinations before departure, and I will tell you that it is completely in vain. But more on that later.

It should also be mentioned that before traveling to India, you should take a large, or better immediately, huge first-aid kit from home. Many medicines familiar to Russian people are simply not available in India, for example, good antibiotics, enterosorbents, no-shpa and citramone.

So we ended up in India. And this country met us ... mmm ... specifically. Arriving immediately in Goa, we went towards the ocean. The time is 6 am, the whole village is sitting on the beach… why do you think? I don’t even know how to put it literally, I’ll probably say this: “all the locals, well, or almost all, sit out of great need right on the ocean. But then I didn’t care at all, I was on top of bliss from the mere thought that I was in India.

Naturally, at first we had to look for housing. Of course, I wanted something completely inexpensive and preferably close to the ocean. And here it is - a house in Bramakan ... It was just a miracle - a 10-minute walk from the sea, behind a mountain, an empty hut, standing alone in the jungle. We found the owner, who lives in the city, he arrived on a moped, gave the key and said - live, do not worry ... so we did ...

Cashew trees whirl intricately, and flowers exude a delicate aroma! Nothing disturbs the peace and gives complete freedom for meditation. Only a lonely silent neighbor passes by a couple of times a day to let an artificial river into his area. The sacred lake was very close to our new home, and the linen with the powder in it is washed at the same time as the ritual washing.

Again, it didn't strike me as odd at the time. Everything is fine, everything is as it should be, I am nirvana. These were the thoughts that lived in my head at the time. I smiled all the time and was absolutely happy. But this did not last long. Literally before the first food poisoning, which occurred a few hours after the first meal in India.

At first, I felt as if piranhas had settled in my stomach. Then, within five days, I had to use all the remedies for diarrhea brought from Russia. An unforgettable sight, I tell you. And this despite the fact that with such total dehydration, it was natural to drink water only from a bottle. I’ll tell you about Indian water right away. Drinking it raw, rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth, or even just washing your face, I would not advise anyone. All of the above should be done with bottled water. Fortunately, it is sold everywhere, but I want to warn you, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the bottle is tightly closed, and the local seller would not open it, even in front of you. Otherwise, you cannot avoid poisoning. It’s me who is so smart now, but then I was completely not so knowledgeable in such trifles as it seemed to me.

Let me tell you about our hut. As you can see in the photo, this is a structure consisting of walls and a roof, the floor in our house was stone, there was no door. True, there were only jungles around, so it did not cause any inconvenience. Naturally, there were no facilities for a toilet and shower. And if we managed quite simply without the latter, then without a sanitary unit, especially during the period of illness, it was, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. In general, except for the above, we were satisfied with everything. Every day at dawn we chanted mantras, meditated almost constantly, and ate mangoes and coconuts. Speaking of coconuts. These are the only fruits in India that are safe for Russians to eat, especially during the adaptation period.

We lived in such a hut for about three or four weeks, and then went to visit Russian friends and lived with them for a whole month. They spent the winter in India with the whole family. Since they lived with children, it is natural that their living conditions were at their best. Food and water were also radically different from what we had in the first weeks of our stay in India.

There, both my wife and I got stronger and almost completely adapted to life in India, or rather, I would say, it seemed to us at that time. We ate mainly rice, stewed vegetables and flatbread. They only drank boiled water. Fruits, on the advice of new acquaintances, began to be soaked in laundry soap, and before eating they were peeled and poured over with boiling water. There was never any poisoning during the period of residence in the house of the Russian family.

Every morning we started with yoga. Then, after a small breakfast, they usually played the violin or crawled on the Internet. Our new acquaintances even had it at home, there was no need to go to an Internet cafe.

I also want to say to all those who are going to move to India, remember that I only met an ATM there once, and even that did not work, so I advise you to arm yourself with cash. I also want to warn newcomers against theft of local residents. Everyone steals here, and not only people, but also monkeys. And monkeys in India are considered sacred animals, however, as well as cows and snakes. Monkeys are not punished for stealing. If a person is bitten by a snake, then she is put in jail. This is the paradox of India. And by the way, the deceased after being bitten by a poisonous snake is not burned, but simply put on a raft and sent to sail, most often to the Ganges. This is done because it is believed that this person did not die, but simply fell into a very deep sleep. I will tell you that it is an extremely unpleasant sight to see swollen corpses next to a crowd of people bathing or washing clothes. But this is the whole of India, a country of absolute paradoxes. The Ganges River is considered sacred by them, and many pilgrims come to it specifically for ritual bathing. As for me, despite all my then immersion in the world of India, I could not bring myself to put at least one toe into this, to put it mildly, not very clean water. Although this water really disinfects a lot, and there is a completely normal explanation for this - there are huge deposits of silver under the bowels of the water, and it is this that contributes to at least some purification of the local reservoir.

India is a country where children are very much loved. Here they are touched on the cheeks, this is something like our Russian “pat on the head”.

During my entire stay in India, I managed to see little girls running to school barefoot, and already adult students and female students studying right on the ground.

India still never ceases to amaze me. Everything is somehow wrong here, a slow and very measured course of life, the constant laziness of local residents, dirt and feces on every corner, snakes and monkeys, creepy insects and very well-mannered dogs. Yes, they are well-mannered, they never bark and lie very neatly everywhere. Hungry, skinny, but with some kind of proud expression on their faces. I once treated one dog, so with such an arrogant look he took a piece of cake from me, no tail wagging, nothing like that is observed in local dogs.

After staying with Russian friends, my wife and I decided to live closer to the mountains. The beauty there, of course, is indescribable, although no, just completely described, however, not only described, but also ... Further, I think that you guessed what I want to say. This case here is almost everywhere, it happens, and there is nowhere to step. Solid public toilet.

And on the mountain next to the cave is a nunnery. There was a heavy downpour and we asked an old nun to wait it out.

She joyfully signed us in, fed us and put us to bed ... and in general she did everything somehow joyfully, constantly singing mantras and saying nothing more. So we lived in this monastery for some time. I have not been able to learn the names. Drinking water had to be obtained from a closed well through a narrow hole. Although I jumped a little. The difficulty of obtaining water had to be faced somewhat later. In the monastery, they eat right on the floor from some plates that look more like pieces of cardboard.

Everyone is fed here, or maybe it's just that we were so lucky. I couldn't figure this out, and maybe I didn't really try. A smile constantly plays on the faces of the nuns, often toothless, but certainly very joyful and open. Every morning there was a service in the monastery, the nuns sang beautifully and looked at us cheerfully.

I would like to clarify that all the time described above, we lived on money from freelancing and on small financial savings accumulated back in Russia.

After the monastery for some time we rented a room for 100 rupees. Leaving the house, the ocean was visible. In the heat, it's just bliss. True, there the locals constantly asked us to photograph them.

But this, however, did not bother us in any way, and we were happy to photograph both the kids and, in general, everything that we saw around. Now we are so used to everything that we don’t always carry a camera with us, but then everything was a curiosity and I wanted to capture everything.

Now I will talk about how we moved in India for the first time. Life in India is the absence of any traffic rules. And the longer I live here, the more I am convinced of this. Oncoming traffic practically does not exist, whoever has a larger car is the main one. Drivers constantly press the horn. The noise is such that there is nothing to compare with, perhaps. Once, during the next move from the northern part of India to the south, we noticed that the pass was closed, there were no cars. And then a jeep full of people and knapsacks goes to the eyeballs. It drives past, then backs up, the driver shouts - get in! Where??? Nothing, let's rock! And in fact, in some way still unknown to me, we were able not only to get into this, in general, not a very large car, but also to get there safely. As calm as it is possible in a country like India. I even remember such a case when we spent the night in almost the same conditions that I have just described. It was something... The locals are sexually unsatisfied and it shows in everything. They keep trying to touch or stroke your woman. It was for this reason that the night for me at that time passed completely without sleep.

Public transport in India is also packed to capacity, although it is somewhat similar to Russian buses at rush hour. Nobody ever pays for a ticket, at least we have never paid, and we have not seen anyone from the locals do it. In transport, too, dirt is everywhere. It is better for women to try not to travel in public transport at all for the same reason as described above. Once we got into some kind of baggage car, where the Indians were crowded in three layers! I ended up between the shelves…or rather between the asses… The girls were sitting upstairs sandwiched between men who ate them with passionate glances!

So you can ride in India only with extreme sports and nothing else. We lived in northern India for quite a long time, we also rented a small house without amenities for little money. Everything suited us there, only a strange shadow sometimes covered the view. I did not immediately realize that a monkey had come to us.

We ate there, mostly fried bananas, which we ourselves safely cooked.

Now I hate bananas, especially fried ones, but then it seemed like the food of the gods. Bananas in India are not at all the same as in Russia, there are a lot of different varieties, and those that we are used to in our homeland are not eaten in India even by sacred animal cows.

Now I will tell about our living in India at the moment. I got a pretty lucrative contract and now I live in India on a work visa with my wife of course. We live in a big city, in comfortable conditions, but I am still under constant fear of poisoning myself or picking up something infectious. And we don’t even think about children until the end of the contract. After all, a small child puts his hands in his mouth all the time, and in India it can even be deadly.

Even in the city, it would seem, among luxury and wealth, every morning I see beggars or people from the lowest caste on the side of the roads. Someone just lies on the ground, someone sleeps in dwellings built of cardboard and tarpaulin.

And the children, according to my initial observations, are now very happy here in India.

They absolutely do not care about the concerns of adults. By the way, small children here not only put dots on their foreheads from the evil eye, but also bring their eyes up. How they manage to do this is still a mystery to me.

In cities, as in villages, all the locals love to take pictures, as I mentioned above. And they even ask for it. Agree that it is difficult to imagine Russian people, for example, on a bus, who would come up to you and ask you to photograph them as a keepsake.

Now I will summarize a little my chaotic story about India. If you decide to move here, then be prepared for constant poisoning and fear of getting infected with something. Living in India requires you to make all the necessary vaccinations before moving. There are many of them, any infectious disease specialist in the clinic will give you a complete list. Stock up on antibiotics for the first time, there are few of them in India. It also does not hurt to take the so-called "homeless packages" from home. They will help you survive in the extreme conditions of India. Remember that you may have to live in huts and just in the open, and theft in India is very prosperous, so always carry documents and money on you. Be afraid of snakes and monkeys. The latter, too, like people, are engaged in theft. They very cleverly seize all your belongings, and then carry them to the market and exchange them for food. And don't be surprised, that's exactly what happens. Do not drink freshly squeezed juices in India, although this is a great temptation, you should not do this, otherwise unpleasant consequences for your health are possible. One more piece of advice: nowhere, even in five-star hotels, in any case, do not drink tap water, do not even rinse your mouth with it. Buy drinking water only in bottles. In restaurants and cafes, never order dishes from raw vegetables and do not eat if the order is brought to you slightly warmed up. Food in India should be hot, better scalding. Believe me, I am already an experienced person in this matter and I will not advise bad. Another wish from an experienced resident of India - be sure to carry a flask of alcohol with you everywhere, the stronger the better. I'm not advocating drinking, I'm just saying that if you drink a small sip before and after each meal, you will be less likely to spend the next day hugging a white friend. And of course, when you move to India, bring as much antidiarrheal as possible.

Have you decided on your first trip to India? To a country that seems to be frozen in eternity, which breaks all our well-established stereotypes of modern life into pieces, into smithereens. The customs and traditions of this country have hardly changed over the centuries.

- this is a great idea for those who are ready for their own internal changes, who are ready to say goodbye to illusions and understand themselves for who they really are. And this does not require any teachers and gurus. Enough travel to India! 🙂

Now let's leave the romance aside and turn to practice. Where to begin?

How to organize your trip to India?

1. .

If you are going to India for a period of not more than 30 days, now there is an opportunity for citizens of Russia and Ukraine to get it online. How to get a similar type of visa, we wrote in our article:.

2. Choosing a route for traveling to India

This is probably the most important thing you need to decide. First you need to understand exactly how you would like to experience India, what exactly to see and learn. India is a very large country and has many interesting places that are quite far from each other.

If you have enough time to travel, you can only mark points on the map, and India itself will draw up its own individual route for you. And we want to warn you that it is not advisable to rush and rush in India 🙂

Climate and seasonality are important. For example, in the beloved south of India, it rains heavily in summer. In central India, it is very hot in summer. And in the magical north - quite cold in winter. In what months you decide to go to India, it greatly affects the choice of route.

south of india

It has a tropical climate, with even warm weather all year round. The main season is from October to May, a pronounced monsoon from June to August (rains are heavy, torrential). In Kerala, there is another monsoon - October-December.

  • (season October - April)- a state on the west coast of India, a former Portuguese colony. Airport in Dabolim. Goa is divided into North Goa (more budget coast, suitable for independent tourists) and South Goa (less budget, many hotels). The total length of the beaches is over 100 km.
  • Kerala (season December-April)- a state in southwestern India, bordering the Lakshadweep Sea. Airport in and Cochin. The most popular beaches are Kovalam and. Kerala is famous for its Ayurvedic clinics.
  • Karnataka(season October - May) -
  • Tamil Nadu(season December - July) - a state in southern India, from the east coast. Airport in Chennai. The main beaches are Pondicherry and Mamallapuram. The state is known for its eco-village.

Useful articles about Goa:

Karnataka, Gokarna

North of India

North India is a magical land where you find yourself in a fairy tale. Himalayan mountains, peaceful atmosphere, beauty. All this you will find here. The best time to visit northern India is from April to October.

  • Ladakh— Leh, Kashmir. (season from April to October)
  • Himachal Pradesh - Dharmasala (McLeod Ganj, Bagsu, Daramkot), Manali (Kula Valley, Vashisht, Naggar) (season from April to October)
  • Rishikesh, Haridwar- the source of the Ganges (from April to October)
  • Darjeeling, Sikkim

Dharamsala - Indian Tibet

Rishikesh - the capital of yoga

3. Tickets to India

Many airlines fly to India. The most popular flight from Russia to India is an air flight. The main air carriers on the Moscow-Delhi route:

  • Aerofolot, non-stop flight Moscow-Delhi, travel time 6 hours 10 minutes;
  • Etihad Airways, flight Moscow-Delhi with a change in travel time 10 hours 20 minutes;
  • Turkish Airlines, flight Moscow-Delhi with a transfer in Istanbul
  • travel time 10 hours 15 minutes;
  • Uzbekistan Airways, Moscow-Delhi flight with transfer in Tashkent, travel time 11 hours 25 minutes;
  • Emirates, flight Moscow-Delhi with a transfer in Dubai, travel time 12 hours 10 minutes

Search flights from Moscow to Delhi

4.How to book a hotel in India

When traveling in India, it is more appropriate to find accommodation on the spot, having prepared in advance and writing out the names and addresses of the proposed places to stop for the night. In India, many hotels are not included in any booking system. And if they are included, then the prices will immediately be from 1000 rupees per day and higher, but there may be a guest house around the corner, where even with the best conditions you will be offered accommodation 2 times cheaper.

The average cost of hotels and guest houses in India is from 500-1000 rupees per day, depending on the state and city. Check out at 12 noon. Hot water is not always available.

If you are traveling to India on your own for the first time, then in large cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, it is better to book a hotel in advance, even order a transfer from the airport from the hotel itself, or use a pre-paid (prepaid) taxi from the airport directly to the hotel .

To book a hotel for a trip to India, we recommend using the following services:

  • Room Guru is our most recommended hotel search engine, which combines most of the well-known international booking systems.
  • - a platform for renting rooms, apartments and houses from the owner.
  • is an international free lodging club.

5. Nutrition. Indian food.

Here you can please everyone, Indian cuisine is incredibly tasty, and as a rule, everyone likes it. Of course, your body must get used to the spiciness of Indian dishes and the new structure of the water. In your early Indian days, start with more "diet" meals. We recommend - spinach with Indian paneer cheese, naans (oven-baked flatbreads), Alo Gobi (potatoes with cauliflower), thali - a large iron dish with cells where a little of everything will lie.

Traditional thali on a banana leaf

Complement vegetable dishes with rice. From drinks we recommend drinking (tea with milk and spices), ginger tea, Kurd (local kefir). These dishes will help your body gently and gently enter the world of Indian cuisine.

And further! Do not be afraid of unsanitary conditions. The most popular question that we are asked in letters is: “Where to eat in this India, there are solid germs, unsanitary conditions, famine and plague?” Well guys, I don't know who told you that? Tell me, do bears walk around Moscow in Russia? Do Russian people take off their earflaps even in summer? and sleep in them, right? Laughter, and more! These are all obsolete or, rather, out of mind stereotypes. 🙂

Well, of course, in India, perfect cleanliness is far from everywhere. Are we better in Russia? Think about the quality of products in Russia, because everything they sell there is solid E, chemistry (!).

And in India, the food is fresher, it didn’t lie in warehouses for six months, there were no “Es”. A lot of spices are added so that the digestion process works well, and it is also a disinfectant.

The body must adapt to a different water structure. And on the streets, if you are afraid, just do not eat. And by the way, in India, street muffins are not particularly developed at all. In general, go to Indian cafes adapted for tourists, and everyone will be happy. 🙂

Oh, by the way, in some cities in India (in religiously significant ones) - only vegetarian food. Be prepared for this. =)

Indian cuisine, for the most part, was based on plant products, in which the climate of the country played the main role (in some territories, up to 3 crops of vegetables can be harvested in one year). Beef meat is banned in most states, as the cow is a sacred animal in India.

Indian dish - thali

6. Language in India.

The language in India is Hindi and English. And also in the constitution of India, 21 official languages ​​are defined, which are spoken by a significant part of the population or which have a classical status. There are 1652 dialects in India. Hindi is the official language of India. English is considered the second official language in India.

You can easily communicate with the inhabitants of India in simple English, as it is called "Hindish". It's a funny mixture of Hindi and English. Also, in India, no one has canceled the language of facial expressions, gestures and smiles. Smile and shake your head from side to side. And you will be completely native to the Indians! 🙂

7. Indian currency

The national currency in India is Indian rupee (INR). On price tags, before the number, they usually write Rs. The Indian rupee is a limited convertible currency, the import and export of rupees is prohibited. The exception is passengers traveling to Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The exchange of money can take place in strange, suspicious shops, and if you're lucky, in banks. Try to have a good grasp of the situation with the exchange rate, it is better to find out in advance the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar on the Internet.

There are ATMs in India. The peculiarity of most Indian ATMs is that they do not swallow a whole bank card, and the card can only be inserted by two or three. In this case, the reader does not work the first time, in order for the card to be read, you need to remove it and insert it again.

The average withdrawal limit is 10 thousand rupees, sometimes less. If you need a large amount, you will have to make several transactions, which naturally entails the payment of an additional commission. ATM withdrawal fees in India are generally Rs 200 from the Indian side.

In tourist areas, street agencies may offer services for withdrawing money from a bank card, but it is better not to use these services, because you trust complete strangers with your pin code.

8. Mobile communication, Internet in India.

The main mobile companies in India are Airtel, Vodafone, Idea. In order to buy an Indian SIM card, you need to have two photographs and a copy of your passport with you. You can replenish the balance by buying an extension card or, again, in a suspicious shop where the owner takes cash from you, and through long magical manipulations with his mobile phone, sends it to your account for money.

The usual rules allow a foreigner to buy a SIM card that will be valid for 3 months. After that, some cards can be renewed at the company's office, and some are not subject to renewal, the details of each card must be found out when purchasing.

When traveling outside the state in which the SIM card was purchased, roaming takes effect. And one more important point, if you buy a SIM card in one state, then you cannot replenish the balance with a card from another state.


If you are moving around the country, then you can use a 3G modem, the speed is quite acceptable (from 1000 rupees). Different companies have their own tariffs, there are no unlimited ones. A good price for 5 gigabytes of traffic, which can be used for 90 days at voodafon (800 rupees).

In India, you can use the Internet cafe (40-80 rupees per hour). It is better to test the speed of the Internet first, and only after paying for it. It happens that in the Yandex browser it takes 10-15 minutes to load, and why such an Internet cafe is needed, probably only Indians know. The price per hour may vary depending on what you use. For example, if you want to connect your computer or chat via Skype, the price may increase.

9. Transport in India

In India, you will have to use public transport such as: buses, trains, taxis, auto rickshaws, and sometimes cycle rickshaws.

Buses: can be local - for short distances, regular (night) for long distances, two classes, seated - with ordinary folding chairs or recumbent - shelves for two people, where you can spend the night more comfortably.

Trains: you will have to travel on general class trips - similar to our trains, a slipper class, like our reserved seat, only in a compartment with 3 shelves and do not provide bed linen, there are no windows in these classes, so night crossings can be quite cool, it is better to have sleeping bags. The slipper class is recommended by us for moving short distances from 2 to 6 hours, during the daytime. Higher classes 3AC, 2AC are more comfortable carriages, for which we recommend that you buy tickets for all night journeys, they have windows and provide bed linen.

Real prices for all directions and train schedules can be found on the website and In the same place, if you have an Indian phone number, you can buy tickets for buses, trains and planes in India.

Taxi: in large cities it is better to ask to go by the meter, and in small towns you should always bargain well so as not to pay more.

Rickshaw: a fairly common transport in the cities of India, for the most part, rickshawists take advantage of ignorance of prices by tourists and call very high prices, bargain.

On a note:

  1. It is better to buy tickets in advance (3-4 weeks is ideal), if the destination is popular, tickets sell out very quickly. Only the Sleeper class will remain, which is inconvenient for long distances, even for adventure lovers!
  2. To buy a ticket at the box office of the station, you need to fill out a form where you need to indicate the desired city, train number (if you want a specific one), carriage class, expected date and shelf, full name, gender, year of birth, address, signature and

LB = Lower Berth - lower shelf, MB = Middle Berth - middle shelf, UB = Upper Berth - upper shelf, SLB = Side Lower Berth - side lower shelf, SUB = Side Upper Berth - side upper shelf.

  1. If it so happened that you bought tickets for a class that you do not like at all, you can change tickets for a better class. Go to your guide or staff officer and agree on an "upgrade" - it's possible!
  2. What is WL - “wait list”, “Waiting list”? If the tickets are all over, then you can be put on a waiting list. Moreover, you pay the full cost of the ticket. Further, it all depends on the location of your lucky star in the sky. 🙂

If someone rents tickets or cancels a reservation, then they are sold just to those on the waiting list from the “Waiting list”. At some point, it's your turn to come. At the station, you can check your turn in the lists posted on the platform or check in the information window. If you continue to hang on the "waiting list" - get on the train and wait for someone to get off. Or, you can return your ticket from the “Waiting list”, with a full material refund minus 20 rupees commission.

  1. What is Tatkal? 2 days before the departure of any train, in the morning, all unredeemed reservations are removed and sold. Everything happens very quickly and imperceptibly. Here was Tatkal, and now he is gone. Tatkal tickets are nominal, sold with an extra charge of up to 250 rupees, and are non-refundable.
  2. Trains in India are almost always late. For 1-2-3 hours. To find out your station, ask the locals or the conductor (if there is one).

Useful sites where you can pick up air and railway tickets:

  • (Detailed info on trains and planes)
  • (Indian Railway website, but very difficult to buy tickets)
  • (it is possible to buy tickets with a Visa card)
  • (Indian Railway website)
  • com/India.htm (about Indian railway)
  • (Delhi Airport website)

Indian Bus Tickets (Online Booking)


10. Miscellaneous utility

How to call from India to Russia

  • From a landline phone + (international access code) - 7 (Russian code) - code of the desired city - phone number (to mobile - without city code);
  • From a cell phone +7 (Russian code) - (area code) - phone number (to a mobile phone - without a city code);

How to call from Russia to India

  • From the city: 8 - beep - 10 - 91 (dialing code of India) - (city code of India) - phone number (to mobile - without area code);
  • From mobile: +91 – phone number;

Address and phone number of the Russian Embassy in India (Delhi)

Address: Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, India 110021
Phone: +(91-11) 268-737-99, +(91-11) 2467-85-64 (consular department)
Fax: +(91-11) 268-768-23

10. Popular questions about India

Popular questions we get asked about India. We are not Indians, but we can answer many of the questions we are asked about India. This is our opinion at the moment and it may change… 🙂

Divorce in Indian, what is it?

Arriving for the first time in India, many tourists fall for very banal divorces. First, always remember about "helpers" - these are people who are in any Indian city. They will smile radiantly at you and insistently find out where you are going and why. After that, tell terrible (and not so) stories that you can’t go there, a brick will fall there (!), And you can only go with him, because he will help in everything, tell you, tell you, quite simply, from the bottom of his heart.

Such helpers are the scourge of India. It’s better to ignore them right away, or you won’t get where you wanted, but you will arrive at a restaurant, hotel, helper’s relative’s store, where he will happily receive his percentage, and you will lose a lot of time, money, and even be completely confused and your own. own route.

For example, you go to buy tickets to the station, a local resident comes up to you and says that the ticket office is closed and there are no tickets, and only he knows how to buy tickets, taking tourists to his brother, matchmaker, uncle to a travel agency.

Or, even better, they tell you that the ticket offices do not work, and the city is now hosting a big festival for 3-4 days, you can’t go anywhere by train, buses don’t go either, and you can fly away only by plane, which are not cheap, well, In extreme cases, you need to take a taxi. All this will be told to you with very convincing faces. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of speeches like this is for you to buy plane tickets, and even better, that you rent a taxi.

This is how our sincere compatriots come across, paying huge sums of money for a taxi to another city, because supposedly there are no train tickets (for 500-800 rupees) or a bus. Don't believe! Go to the ticket office for foreigners and find the right ticket for you.

The next popular type of Indian divorce can be called "Indefatigable Rickshaws". Rickshawists are generally very inventive in their inventions and ideas on how to get more money out of this pretty white wallet. For example, you ask to be taken to a famous attraction, and you are taken to a gift shop, where the “helper” will receive his fee for the customers he brought, and you will lose your time. Of course, you can certainly agree to this arrangement and agree to go to the sights cheaper than usual, that is, to take compensation for your loss of time and shopping. The helper gets paid money for bringing you and also gets paid a percentage if you buy something.

It also happens that, for example, you arrived in Agra, a crowd of rickshaws attacks you at the station, everyone wants to take you somewhere, and especially bring you and put you in a very good hotel. You agree, and in the end, you will pay for a regular room of 300 rupees - 600 rupees, because half of the amount will go to the rickshaw helper. But the main thing is that the hotel will not be as good as the rickshaw promised, it will be very far from all the sights and so on. Therefore, remember an important rule, never go with a rickshaw to any hotel, even if it is standing and silent, it's not worth the risk! 🙂

We also remind you of the concept of "Donation" - this is the amount of money that you donate voluntarily, from the bottom of your heart, if you want it. The amount of the donation is the total amount of your desire and opportunity, that is, "at your discretion." If you don't want to do it, no one is forcing you. You may encounter in some temples or ritual places that you are asked to pay a certain amount in honor of donating to a temple, a deity, clearing your karma, and so on. And they even call it “taxi” – 100, 200 rupees and so on. Smile at these good people and tell them that you can put in just as much as you can. And ignore their angry faces. 🙂

Be careful! Check the information given to you. Be especially careful about information about where you don’t need to go somewhere, because something happened there, or there is a festival, or it’s closed for several days, repairs, reconstruction, sold, and so on. Check it out yourself! 🙂

Is it true, I heard that India is very dirty?

Well, yes, it can be messy, Indians are just too busy watching their favorite cricket or TV series to pay attention to it. It's just garbage, in their opinion. "I'll do it tomorrow" ... Sometimes it's clean, depending on where.

You need to be prepared for all sorts of unpleasant pictures, when the Indians, excuse me, go to the toilet everywhere and everywhere, and do it with the usual grace on the fences. The usual picture is people sitting or sleeping on rugs everywhere, right on the ground, you will also have to get used to this.

In India, really, everyone is very poor and lives in poverty?

We don't know how poor they are. Often, they are satisfied with the way they live and they are not always able or willing to change something. Sometimes, these are caste troubles, sometimes, ordinary Indian laziness. We think that the way they live is simply enough for them, they are so used to it. And they are, in their own way, happy! 🙂

Is it true that in India there are beggars at every turn?

Not so at every turn, in Moscow we met no less. Beggars in India are a working specialty. When the working day ends, the beggar comes home, changes clothes and becomes just a person - she cooks dinner, watches TV, communicates with neighbors.

Yes, such people are found in India, and it is not worth giving everyone a change, if you really want to help them, share food with them: give an apple, a piece of bread, a glass of water.

A separate direction of poor people is sannyasi. These are wandering monks who have chosen this path for themselves - the path of renunciation of worldly life. You can easily recognize them by their orange clothes. Some of them live in the ashrams, and some wander and live in the open air. They ask for food only.

As for homeless children, this also exists. We were amazed that such children are not registered anywhere, they are not registered anywhere. The children of homeless children do not have a last name, a first name, or even a year of birth; they do not even have a small piece of paper or a record in a computer that they exist at all.

Do Indians dance and sing in the streets, as is usually the case in Indian cinema?

Never seen. But they love, even in stores, to turn on their TVs and watch their favorite TV shows where they dance and sing! They can sing along! Yes, they love to sing! And they like to listen to emotional Indian songs, through their mobile phones, and at full volume. 🙂

Is it true that Indians are all very spiritual people?

First, all people are different. Indians are also completely different. The spirituality of a person largely depends on the person himself. And the understanding of spirituality can also vary. For me, spirituality is the degree of awareness, openness and freedom of a person, the ability to live according to conscience, to keep one's thoughts, words and deeds pure.

In India, there is nothing special in terms of the development of spirituality. Often, these are very simple people who just live their daily lives, and do not think about any spirituality. But there are other people who observe the wise Vedic traditions, live according to their conscience, and indeed lead a righteous life.

Maybe they have some freedom of their beliefs, they have dozens of gods, they are Hindus, and Muslims, and Sidhas, and Buddhists. Some believe in Shiva, others in Krishna, others in Brahma. Someone has found a guru. But do they believe in themselves? This is a question.

Is it possible to find a teacher in India and where?

There are hundreds of teachers, sects, beliefs and religions in India. Of course, you will find, if you want, a guiding star for yourself. But remember, any teacher or guru is very distracting from knowing yourself and your own path. We wish you not to get lost in the jungle of alien teaching. After all, the best teacher for you is yourself! 🙂

Which temples in India have the best energy ?

Again, twenty-five! 🙂 The best energy is in the temple of your consciousness, if you work on it and keep your thoughts, words, feelings and actions clean. And certainly not somewhere in a certain point, a certain space. Traveling a thousand kilometers to hold a Shiva lingam or knock on a bell in a temple on a mountain is a laugh, and nothing more! No one will do your spiritual work for you. Well, the placebo effect and faith can work, but it's just short-lived and primitive. Believe in your temple, which is inside of you, and everything will be fine! 🙂

Of course, you stopped by Sai Baba's just in case, didn't you? Or to Guruji, or to whom else? Really, did not partake of the high?

We say again and many, many times, we are our own teachers and gurus!) If the above-mentioned personalities themselves came to us for a light, they would be happy to give them tea and talk, but it would be better to be silent together. And in order to join high spirituality, it is enough to develop the purity of your consciousness, and not expect mercy from others 🙂

And by the way, do you want to get enlightenment while in India? 🙂 And do you think that this requires an uncle-guru who will look at you wisely, guide you like a father, give wise thoughts? Relax and don't expect anything like this! India itself will change you, India with its crazy rhythms, with its traditions frozen in eternity, customs that shatter all our stereotypes.

Do all Indians know how to stand on their heads?

The widespread opinion that all Indians practice yoga is wrong 🙂 Someone, of course, does it. But for the majority, this is too hard work, and somehow lazy!

How do Indians treat Europeans?

Indians treat Europeans normally, they like to take pictures together, ask all sorts of questions. In general, it all depends on the city and state. Somewhere Europeans this phenomenon is familiar (Goa, for example), and somewhere rare and unknown, therefore worthy of close attention (especially women). No, they said it wrong, not close attention. It would be more correct to say, the very, very, very close attention =) Which, by the way, not everyone can stand.

By the evening, you will already get tired of brushing off the endless: “Which country are you from?”, “Hello”, “How are you?”, from requests to take a picture together, from “calling a friend”. Yes, Indians love to tell their friends that they have "white" friends. To do this, you may often suddenly be given a mobile phone and asked to say “Hi” to someone and answer the same popular questions. Yes, India loves to test people's patience! 🙂

How to dress in India?

In India, you can dress in any clothes that cover your knees and shoulders. In general, it should be such clothing that blends harmoniously into the local flow and supports the local order of things.

For women. Of course, there is no need to shock Indians with short shorts or skirts, tops that are too open. The usual clothes of the Indian women themselves are saris or salwar kameez (Punjabi), this is a very beautiful and comfortable women's clothing. Looking at bright saris or cozy Punjabis, you want to walk in something like that. And it's possible! Buy yourself a punjabi (salwar kameez) - it is sold in any women's clothing store and is a long blouse and trousers, they come in any bright colors, sewn from different materials. You can buy yourself a pair of Punjabis that complement each other, and further travel in India will be very comfortable for you, as these are very comfortable clothes on the road. And also you will harmoniously look among the local population.

For men. Men are more fortunate, they can walk in any clothes, in jeans, shorts, shirts, T-shirts. It is difficult to imagine men's clothing that could shock the locals. In general, everything is much easier with men.

If you want to buy local clothes, this is also possible. We recommend buying yourself a long knee-length kurta shirt and loose-fitting trousers. And you will look like a local. 🙂

In general, what are they - Indians?

Well, that's a tough question! They, like all people, are different! They are temperamental, love any show. Therefore, if you ordered yourself to eat in a cafe and are sitting hungry, waiting in anticipation of food, and then suddenly there is a procession on the street, a wedding or a funeral, it does not matter. Of course, all the waiters and cooks will forget about your humble expectation and some kind of order, and will be delighted to watch the show in real time!!! 🙂

And if there is something important on TV, then they will not pay much attention to you either. For example, when they broadcast the championship in Indians' favorite sport - cricket ... you can jump, dance, shout in front of them - no one will notice, everyone is watching sacred cricket.

If someone on the street swears with someone, a crowd of grateful onlookers will instantly gather around. Everyone will look with delight at any show that shows them life in real time.

Indians are very sentimental, they believe in friendship, they live by family and friendly ties. The word "Friend" for the Indians is not just. Therefore, you can often see Indians - men walking by the hand or in an embrace, they are just friends! 🙂

Indians, in general, are friendly, curious, and sociable. They like to inflate prices, everywhere you need to bargain, as elsewhere in Asia. They don't like to work. If you work with Indians, then you can learn their favorite word in the work, and this is the word "tomorrow".

What can travel to India give me?

Traveling to India, in itself, is already self-development, in terms of solving various situations that always develop in any independent trip, and even more so in such an unusual, far from standard country as India. The reality can be completely different, it all depends on the person himself, India responds flexibly to thoughts and desires.

The very journey through India and any country in Asia is “self-development in practice”, therefore you don’t need to look for some kind of guru, but you need and can find it (!) in yourself.

India is huge. Each state has its own mentality, its own troubles. India knocks a person out of stereotypes only because it is so original, colorful, not systemic. A country of chaos, absurdity, contradictions.

But at the same time, there is a huge potential for demolishing unnecessary illusions about yourself and about the world around, because here everything is different, not stereotyped, unusual, and you live in this “other” and begin to see yourself and the world from different angles, this is the main advantage of this country.

Friends, we shared with you how to organize your first trip to India. If you forgot something - ask, we will answer! Happy travels! . Spread your wings and have a good trip!

You have long dreamed of going to India, the land of dreams, fairy tales and legends. You are not afraid of the terrible stories of others that it is dirty, there are many poor people and you can get very sick. Then this enchanting country is waiting for you! Of course, it requires special attention and preparation, it has its own laws, culture and traditions, which must be observed. This region can be endowed with a variety of epithets ad infinitum, but no matter what dreams and desires lead you there, a few tips will never hurt.

1. Choose the best time to travel to India

India is beautiful at any time of the year. It is generally accepted that the most suitable time for a holiday is the period from October to March. However, if you choose the highlands of the country, then the summer months are also great.

2. Advance ticket purchase

If you have not yet managed to purchase the treasured pieces of paper, then this can be done without leaving your own sofa. Today, many sites specialize in finding the best deals for all airlines at once. In addition, you can independently determine convenient departure dates and find tickets with a big discount. Moreover, air carriers regularly arrange various promotions and discounts. It is also worth taking care of housing in advance. in advance, and your vacation will not be overshadowed by anything.

3. Vaccinations against diseases

Do not panic, you can do just fine without vaccinations, following simple rules of hygiene. Remember to wash your hands, fruits and vegetables. You should not immediately eat what you bought from street vendors if the product has not been cooked. Also, do not drink water from the tap and other sources, it is better to buy bottled water. To get used to the local food a little, you can dine at first in restaurants of European cuisine.

4. Travel India on your own

As soon as you get used to it a little, you can safely leave the crowd of tourists and go on a solo voyage. India is a country that does not tolerate templates and clichés. She is ready to reveal to everyone something of her own, personal, unknown to anyone.

5. The aroma of India is unique!

No matter how you prepare yourself for smells, at first they will follow you everywhere. The smell of garbage dumps is closely intertwined with the aromas of spices and incense, forcing you to constantly wrinkle your nose. No need to worry, very soon you will learn not to notice stench and will be able to feel only the fragrance of flowers and aromatic resins.

6. Incredible number of people

India is home to a billion people, from constant pandemonium ripples in the eyes and dizzy. In such an environment, you get tired very quickly, so change your place of stay more often, go to the countryside, mountains or forest.

7. Communication and language

Do not worry about the fact that you do not know Hindi, here everyone knows English. If you have difficulties with this language, then sign language will help you. Most importantly, smile and be polite and the Indians will always help.

8. Photo for memory

There is a belief among Indians that a photo with a European brings good luck. Feel free to take pictures with the locals when they ask you to.

9. Indian Bazaars

Do you want to feel the whole flavor of this country and its inhabitants? Then the famous Indian bazaars are what you need. Delhi's Chandni Chowk market is ideal, but small bazaars are also not inferior in their colorfulness and originality. Here it is necessary to bargain, as a rule, prices are already inflated by almost 10 times! Try not to leave all your money there on the first day, believe me, it is quite possible.

10. Be careful of beggars and beggars

Often, they gather together, as soon as you sacrifice one, you will immediately be surrounded by a whole pack of beggars.

11. Don't forget there are a lot of monkeys in India

There are a lot of them here, they even build temples for them, but you should not relax if you do not want to lose your things. There are Indians who specifically train monkeys to steal expensive equipment from tourists. Always be on the lookout!

12. Capture beauty

India is permeated through and through with mystery, beauty and amazing things. At every step, you can safely press the camera button, you will not make a mistake with the frame. Most importantly, be patient for subsequent analysis of your photos.

13. Forget about the guide

No standard route can replace your own desires and observations.

14. Don't try to see all of India in one day.

In an effort to gallop across India in a few days, to see and taste everything, you are more likely to bite off a piece of everything, but you will not feel the taste. The country is incredible and you will not be able to go around it even in a couple of months. Explore all the most interesting places, make your own route, or rather, forget all the schemes and just trust your feelings and desires.

Do not believe anyone's stories, advice and feelings. Let India show itself from all sides and then you can draw your own conclusions!

And may your trip to India be wonderful with!

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