How to remove plasticine from clothes and home textiles: all folk recipes. We clean clothes from plasticine


Young children are very fond of being creative, especially modeling from plasticine. But a carried away child does not care at all to remain clean at the same time. How to remove plasticine from clothes? In a hurry to get rid of the stain, many make a number of mistakes that can completely ruin the thing.

Preparing for washing

Removing plasticine from clothes occurs in several stages. In no case should you start washing until the remnants of plasticine are removed from the fabric. To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  • freeze clothes in the freezer for half an hour;
  • scrape off plasticine with a stack;
  • dry the stuck piece with an iron or hair dryer.

Means for effective stain removal

So that after plasticine there are no greasy stains, you will have to resort to the help of stain removers. Soap Antipyatin, Amway and Maxima will perfectly cope with the task. Thoroughly lather the contaminated area with one of the listed products and leave for a few minutes. After that, you can proceed to the usual washing.

Of the folk remedies that can be used before washing plasticine stains, the most popular are the following:

  • Laundry soap. Dissolve a small piece in hot water. Apply the resulting thick soapy solution to the contaminated area. Leave for 15 minutes. Then scrub thoroughly with a brush or hands. Wash.
  • Baking soda. Sprinkle the stain left over from the plasticine. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Wash the item in the washing machine.
  • Ammonia. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1. Apply to the stain from the wrong side and leave for 30 minutes. After the specified time, you can wash the product.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Prepare a solution consisting of 100 ml of water and 5 drops of 6% hydrogen peroxide. Treat the stain with the mixture. Rub it thoroughly. If the first time it was not possible to get rid of pollution, repeat the procedure several more times. After washing the product by hand or in a washing machine.
  • Vegetable oil. Many housewives use vegetable oil to remove paraffin residues, which is part of plasticine. To do this, saturate the soiled area with oil. Leave for a few minutes. Then remove the remaining oil with dishwashing liquid.

It is not difficult to remove the stain from plasticine on clothes. The correct sequence of actions guarantees a return to the original purity. Therefore, do not deprive the child of the opportunity to show their creativity. You can always wash plasticine using one of the above methods.

Modeling is one of the most important activities for children. She develops fine motor skills, and imagination, and creative thinking. But after careless use of plasticine, stains may appear, which are not so easy to remove. Of course, this is not a reason to refuse a child to develop the skills of a future sculptor. Just find out in advance how to wash plasticine from clothes. Then you will be much more relaxed watching your baby while creating such charming color masterpieces.

In this article:

First aid

The first thing to do is to remove the pieces of plasticine from the clothes of the little one. To do this, put it in the freezer for half an hour, and then try to clean the frozen plasticine with the blunt side of the knife. In principle, it should crumble and easily separate from soiled trousers or an injured turtleneck. As a last resort, crush the thing in your hands and rub the contaminated area with your hands. These steps will definitely help you.

However, that's not all: now it is necessary to remove the remaining bold prints.

We use an iron and napkins

First, try to remove the plasticine with ironing:

  • lay out the item on the ironing board and heat the iron;
  • on both sides of the stain to be cleaned, put clean paper towels;
  • gently iron the stained area, while making sure that the fat passes to the napkins;
  • Do not heat up the iron too much. In order to remove pollution, 50-60 degrees is enough (mode for delicate clothes);
  • change napkins as many times as needed;

Such measures will help to remove most of the pollution. However, colored spots may remain on things, which must also be removed.

How to remove colored stains from plasticine

In order to remove multi-colored stains from plasticine, you will have to use stain removers. Antipyatin, Amway and Maxima soap enjoy a good reputation. Just soak the oily colored plasticine trace, and then follow the instructions.

In addition, you can use ordinary laundry soap:

  • dissolve a small piece in hot water;
  • apply the resulting thick soapy solution to the soiled area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing;
  • leave for a quarter of an hour;
  • rub it well with a clothes brush - it will be much easier to wash the plasticine;
  • if the fabric is delicate, then gently rub the product with your hands;
  • sprinkle with baking soda and leave for another quarter of an hour;
  • if desired, you can replace baking soda with hydrogen peroxide;
  • put the item in the washing machine and try washing the stain at 60 degrees. Of course, if the type of fabric allows. Otherwise, wash the item by hand.

Sometimes, in order to clean off colored stains, ammonia is used. To do this, you will have to soak the fabric of damaged trousers or T-shirts with it and leave it for half an hour. Then wash the plasticine in the machine using the usual mode.

As you can see, modeling is not such a dangerous activity in terms of stains. And if you also protect the child’s clothes with a special apron and give him the tools to work with plasticine, then the likelihood of stubborn traces will be significantly reduced. Therefore, feel free to let your baby create his first figurines and delight you with such touching children's creativity. And the stains... They will definitely give up!

As such, plasticine clothes are not very scary. It is easily peeled off, leaving, however, particles of pigment and fat in the fibers of the fabric. This is where they have problems.

Efficient stain removal from jeans without damaging the color of the fabric

  • More

mechanical cleaning

To clean plasticine from clothes, freeze it. Just put a shirt, T-shirt or trousers in the freezer for half an hour, and then gently clean the plasticine from the fabric with a stiff brush. If the thing is large, then use an ice pack. You can treat the stain with dry ice if it is not possible to put the product in the freezer. After the procedure, plasticine, as a rule, easily falls behind the thing. The same can be done with carpet or upholstered furniture.

If ice is a problem, just dry the clay. Leave the thing in the open air for a couple of days, during which time the moisture will evaporate, and the oils will begin to lose their chemical properties. The only condition: when drying, it should not be hot, otherwise the plasticine will only melt and become limp. Therefore, you can not use a hair dryer. Dried plasticine crumbles well (especially children's "bouncy" plasticine, consisting of small balls and plastic mass), just pull the fabric in different directions, lightly clean it, the fibers, moving, will destroy it and push it out.

Dissolution and washing

In order to get rid of plasticine stains left on clothes after sculpting mushrooms and dolls, use proven home methods.

To dissolve plasticine will help you:

  • ammonia,
  • isopropyl alcohol,
  • WD-40 agent,
  • refined kerosene,
  • iron and a couple of napkins,
  • and optionally a wool sock.

Plasticine stain can be treated with ammonia. To do this, 10 drops of ammonia should be diluted in a glass of cold water. Saturate a soft cloth or cotton swab with the resulting solution, apply the stain until it gets wet well. Rinse the item in cool water. If necessary, repeat the manipulation.

Instead of ammonia, isopropyl alcohol is also used, it removes fat well, which is part of any plasticine. Isopropyl alcohol perfectly removes plasticine from clothes made from natural fabrics and jeans. To do this, pour a little alcohol directly onto the stain, leave for a minute, after which you can proceed to remove the plasticine from the clothes - it will lag behind quite easily.

If we are talking about synthetics, try using WD-40, which is often used by motorists. After a short treatment (3-5 minutes is enough), the plasticine is easily removed. It remains only to wash the product, if necessary, white things can be bleached.

Fat dissolve substances such as refined kerosene, it is sold in hardware stores. There you can also ask for special products for removing plasticine stains or products for greasy stains. True, plasticine cannot be removed by simple washing, so you still have to make some efforts.

Plasticine is a modeling material that is made from clay, wax, fats, rubber and various synthetic substances. Children love to use it to create crafts. But often after interesting creative activities, stains remain on clothes, furniture and home textiles, which are difficult to remove due to the presence of persistent dyes and fats in the substance. Let's figure out how to remove plasticine from clothes yourself.

To clean clothes from plasticine, first you need to remove its bulk with the blunt side of a knife or other hard object. Then you can use one of the methods - freeze or heat the substance.


Wax and other components present in plasticine harden at low temperatures. As a result, the sticky properties of the material are reduced and it is easier to separate from the fibers.

Cooling options:

  • pack the item in polyethylene and put in the freezer for 60-90 minutes;
  • put a metal bowl with ice on the stain for 5-10 minutes;
  • apply a bag of ice cubes to contamination until it begins to melt;
  • spray a special aerosol for cooling chips or spray for pain relief in case of injuries.

After freezing, hard plasticine should be broken into small pieces, and then quickly remove the remains with a knife, spatula or brush with hard bristles.

Important: Do not rub the stain too hard to avoid damaging the fibres. You can not touch the plasticine with your hands, otherwise it will soften and eat even deeper into the fabric.

Heating with an iron

In search of an answer to the question of how to remove plasticine from clothes, an ordinary iron will help. The secret of the effectiveness of this method lies in the melting of the substance and its absorption by the paper. The method is well suited for products made of dense fabrics, for example, if you are thinking about how to remove plasticine from trousers.

Stages of work:

  1. Take paper napkins. Place one under the stain and the other on top of the fabric.
  2. Set the iron to a low temperature mode, turn off steam generation.
  3. Gently iron the napkin several times. Plasticine should remain on it.
  4. Repeat the steps, changing the paper as it gets dirty.

Removal of residual marks on clothes

In most cases, after exposing the fabric to high or low temperatures, it is possible to get rid of only the bulk of the plasticine. A stain remains on the fabric, consisting of dyes, fat and small particles of the substance.

To solve the problem of how to remove plasticine from clothes, you should use:

  • laundry soap;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia;
  • vegetable oil and dish detergent;
  • kerosene;
  • industrial stain remover.

Laundry soap

You will need a bar of laundry soap. Approximately 1/3 of the part needs to be crushed on a grater and the chips are dissolved in warm water to make a rich foam. You need to lower the item into the liquid and additionally treat the stain with soap. After 30 minutes, the contamination must be rubbed with a toothbrush and washed.

Laundry soap is suitable for cleaning any material, but it is better not to use it on dark and bright-colored products. Delicate fabrics should not be rubbed too hard.


Let's figure out how to clean plasticine from clothes with soda. The item should be soaked in water with soap or powder. Next, pour baking soda on the area with contamination, rub lightly with a brush and leave for 30 minutes. At the end, the stain should be brushed again and the garment washed.

This method works best in combination with the previous one. It is desirable that the water temperature be around 60 °, which means that synthetics and “capricious” fabrics cannot be cleaned this way.


Ammonia easily copes with many contaminants on natural fabrics. He will help in the fight against plasticine.

Steps to remove stains:

  1. Add 10 drops of ammonia to 200 ml of water.
  2. Soak cotton wool in the liquid and wipe the mark until it disappears.
  3. Rinse the item under running water to get rid of the unpleasant odor.
  4. Wash in the right mode.

If the stain is very large, it is worth preparing several liters of solution by combining ammonia and water in the indicated proportions. In such a liquid, you need to soak the item for 30 minutes, then rub the contamination, rinse and wash.

Tip: When using ammonia, be sure to ventilate the room and dry things in the fresh air.

Vegetable oil and dish detergent

When figuring out how to remove plasticine stains from clothes, it makes sense to resort to vegetable oil and dish detergent. This method is one of the most effective among those that can be used at home. It is suitable for all fabrics.

Action algorithm:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in oil. Rub them with contamination for several minutes. The oil must react with the fats that make up the plasticine and dissolve it.
  2. After the stain disappears, apply dishwashing detergent to the greasy trace. Leave for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Carry out washing in the usual way.


Kerosene easily copes with plasticine stains. Soak a rag in it and rub the dirt. It is important to rinse the item of clothing well under running water and wash it with powder and conditioner separately from other items to get rid of the peculiar smell. Before use, it is advisable to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.

Industrial stain removers

Stain removers that have shown their effectiveness in the fight against plasticine marks are Antipyatin, Vanish, Pre-Cleaning Spray from Amway. It is necessary to use the funds according to the instructions indicated on the package. As a rule, it is required to apply a small amount of the drug to the stain, wait 15-20 minutes, and then wash the product with the addition of powder and stain remover.

Industrial preparations have a rather aggressive composition. It is advisable not to allow them to come into contact with the skin. Hands should be protected with rubber gloves.

Removing plasticine from carpet

It is not easy to wash plasticine from a carpet or upholstery of upholstered furniture. Such products cannot be placed in the freezer. But the problem can be solved in other ways.

Method using an iron and detergent:

  1. Lay a paper towel or absorbent paper on top of the stain.
  2. Run several times with a warm iron. Plasticine should "transfer" to paper.
  3. Treat the remaining mark with a sponge or brush dipped in warm water and detergent.
  4. Use a rag to remove excess moisture.

Method with kerosene and soap:

  1. Remove the main part of the plasticine with a knife.
  2. Soak a cotton sponge in kerosene and rub the stain until the textile is clean.
  3. Treat the area with water in which liquid soap is dissolved.
  4. Pat the remaining liquid with a towel.

Method with car interior cleaner:

  1. Remove most of the plasticine with a blunt object.
  2. Pour a preparation for cleaning the car interior (Textile-cleaner, Mixon, Universal-cleaner) on the residual stain.
  3. After a few hours, treat the textile with a sponge and warm water.
  4. Dry with a paper towel.

Plasticine wallpaper cleaning

It is almost impossible to remove a plasticine stain from thin paper wallpapers without damaging them. But to save a canvas based on vinyl or non-woven from such a “decoration” is quite realistic.

How to remove plasticine from wallpaper using a hair dryer:

  1. Apply a paper towel to the dirt.
  2. Direct a warm stream of air at it with a hair dryer.
  3. As soon as the plasticine soaks the paper, remove it.
  4. Wipe the remaining trace with a cloth or sponge dampened in water with the addition of soap or dishwashing detergent.
  5. Wipe dry.

Method using plasticine (suitable for embossed wallpaper):

  1. Soften a piece of white plasticine and stick on top of the stain.
  2. Tear it off with a quick movement.
  3. Repeat the steps until the white plasticine "gathers" all the color.
  4. The remaining trace can be processed according to the scheme described above.

Note: If a piece of plasticine is accidentally tangled in your hair, you do not need to grab the scissors. It is worth lubricating the strand with oil and combing out the substance with a comb.

You can get rid of plasticine stuck to clothes or home textiles using improvised means. Do not forbid little sculptors to play with this material in order to avoid hassle. It is better to provide them with beautiful aprons, armlets and planks, and also ask them to clean their workplaces immediately after class.



Many mothers have to deal with the problem of the formation of various stains on the child's clothes. Young children love to be creative and create fascinating masterpieces from watercolors, plasticine and felt-tip pens. After classes with plasticine, greasy and colored traces of the material remain on the carpet, upholstered furniture and clothes, which are difficult to remove with a simple wash. However, do not panic and throw almost new things of the child in the trash. You can correct the situation with the help of folk recipes and household chemicals. Let's look at effective methods for removing traces of plasticine from fabric at home.

After removing the sticky part of the stain, it is necessary to start cleaning the fabric from traces of fat and coloring pigment. To do this, use the following tools at hand:

Laundry soap. You can also use tar soap to remove stains. Soak the stained part of the clothing in warm water and lather with soap. Scrub the stain with a toothbrush if necessary. After thirty minutes, rinse off the foam with running water and wash the clothes with detergent.

dish detergent. Turn soiled clothing inside out and lay on a hard surface. On both sides of the stain, place a double folded thick fabric. Dampen the plasticine stain with water, and apply three drops of detergent. Rub the contaminated area of ​​​​the product with your finger until a thick foam forms. After twenty minutes, rinse off the product with water, and wash the product in a washing machine at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees.

Baking soda. Moisten the stain on the fabric with water and lather with laundry soap. Then add three pinches of baking soda. After twenty minutes, rub the dirt with a soft brush and rinse with running water. Finish the stain removal procedure with a standard wash of the product. Dry your clothes in direct sunlight.

Vinegar. Apply the product to the dirty part of the clothing with a cotton pad and leave to soak for forty minutes. Then wash the clothes by hand with laundry soap. Rinse the product at least three times. For best cleaning results, apply a cotton swab soaked in vinegar to the stain for an hour. Then wash your clothes.

Baking soda and vinegar. Moisten traces of plasticine on clothes in vinegar and pour two pinches of soda. If necessary, scrub the stain with a soft brush. Then wash off the traces of products with soapy water and wash the clothes in the usual way.

Hydrogen peroxide. This folk recipe is suitable for white fabrics. Treat the plasticine stain with a piece of bandage and leave to act for ten minutes. Then rinse well with water, and wash the product with detergent in the washing machine. When using peroxide, do not use brushes, as the product can be completely damaged.

Ammonia. Before using the medicine, test a small amount on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material. If the procedure was successful, you can safely use a cleaner to remove plasticine stains. To remove the stain from the fabric, treat the dirty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product with ammonia using a cotton swab. After the stain is gone, wash the clothes by hand or in a washing machine with powder.

Vegetable or sunflower oil. Greasy traces of plasticine on the fabric can be dissolved with oil. Apply the product to the stain, and after twenty minutes wash it off with warm water and dish detergent. Then wash the clothes with a quality laundry detergent.

Purified kerosene. The drug can be purchased at any hardware store. Treat soiled clothing with a piece of gauze and rub a little. Remove cleaner from fabric with warm soapy water. Then wash the product with laundry soap or powder. Rinse the product in water with conditioner or in a solution of vinegar (a spoonful of product per liter of water).

Petrol. You can get rid of plasticine stains on a dense fabric using refined gasoline. To do this, apply the drug to the dirty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product with a cotton swab. Wash off with water after ten minutes. Finish the stain removal procedure by simply washing the clothes. To remove the unpleasant odor of the product, rinse the product in water with conditioner, and dry it in fresh air.

Special stain removers. The selection of the necessary stain remover should be carried out in accordance with the type and color of the fabric. As a rule, the cleaner is applied directly to the dirty area, wait thirty minutes and rinse with water. Then or in the washing machine. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to add additional clothes. Antipyatin, Minutka, Vanish and Amway stain removers are very popular.

Preparing clothes before washing

Before proceeding with the procedure for cleaning the fabric from plasticine, it is necessary to find out what kind of material it is and what properties it has. The composition of plasticine includes fat, wax, clay and coloring pigment. Some housewives, in a hurry to remove the stain, make many mistakes that only complicate the further procedure for cleaning the product. Due to its chemical composition, molding material melts at high temperatures and hardens at low temperatures. Therefore, before applying the stain remover, you will need to perform any of the following actions:

  1. Fold the stained clothes with the stain side up, wrap in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for three hours. Then remove the hard plasticine layer with the blunt side of the knife.
  2. Dry the layer of adhering plasticine with an iron. To do this, lay out the soiled clothes on the table and attach paper, a napkin or a piece of natural fabric to the stain on both sides. Then iron the product with a heated iron. Thus, traces of adhering plasticine will soften and transfer to a napkin or paper. When carrying out the procedure, do not forget to change the napkin or cloth. Instead of an iron, you can use a hair dryer. Turn on the electrical appliance and blow warm air directly onto the fabric stain. After three minutes, you need to scrape off the remnants of plasticine with a sharp object. Perform manipulations very carefully so as not to damage the fibers of the tissue.
  3. Apply five ice cubes to the stain. For convenient use, put ice in a bag.

We wash things correctly

During the procedure for removing traces of plasticine from clothes, the following basic rules must be followed:

  • Do not rush to rub traces of plasticine on the fabric with a brush or a damp cloth.
  • Remove the top layer of the stain by freezing or heating the particles of adhering plasticine.
  • Lay the product on a hard surface before treating the stain.
  • Turn the product inside out.
  • Apply cleaners in a circular motion with a cotton pad or swab. A piece of bandage or gauze is also suitable. Use a toothbrush if necessary.
  • Before applying the cleaner to the fabric, test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material.
  • Select stain removers according to the type and color of the fabric.
  • When using chemicals, wear rubber gloves and ventilate the area.
  • If you use kerosene or gasoline, then follow the safety regulations.
  • After using folk and special stain removers, wash clothes with powder in a washing machine or by hand.

Removing plasticine stains from clothes

In order not to spoil the thing, finally select a cleaner in accordance with the type and color of the clothing fabric. Let's look at what tools can be used on different types of material:

natural fabric. White cotton can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, gasoline, kerosene and whiteness. Colored fabrics can be cleaned with special stain removers.

synthetic fabric. This type of fabric does not tolerate abrasive preparations, so plasticine stains can be removed with alcohol, laundry soap and dish detergent.

Denim. Under the influence of hot water temperature and friction of the material, denim loses its color. Therefore, when washing clothes, do not use hot water and chemicals. You can remove a plasticine stain from denim shorts or trousers with washing powder, vinegar and soda.

To avoid having to remove plasticine stains from children's clothes, teach your child to be clean and tidy. To prevent plasticine from getting on clothes, put on special sleeves and an apron for children during modeling.

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