How to know the character of a person by the shape of the lips. A thin upper lip and a plump lower lip in a man


It has long been no secret that a person's character can be determined not only by his words, but also by gestures and even by appearance. There is a separate science that studies facial expressions and facial features. For example, with its help, you can easily determine the character by the lips. Even their shape, size, curve and color can reveal many secrets to you. Having carefully looked at these details, you can easily pick up the key to your interlocutor. In the article below you will find a detailed guide on how to determine the character by the lips. You can also find out what lips say about character.

What does lip size say?

To know the character by the lips is real. There are common characteristics that apply to both men and women. One of them is the size of the mouth.

  • Large lips speak of increased sexual energy, independence and attractiveness of a person. The owners of this form are used to taking everything from life. They are always in the spotlight, have a strong character, strong-willed.

Women with full lips are able to choose for themselves a purposeful, strong-willed man. Despite the tendency to flirt and enjoy pleasure, such people become exemplary family men and caring parents.

  • Lips with a bow - the character is active, active, slightly frivolous.
  • Narrow lips can tell about the charm and sensuality of its owner. These people tend to show empathy and help others. They are characterized by isolation, independence and insight. Girls with a small mouth live in dreams of princes from the covers of glossy magazines, so they often experience disappointment. For men, lack of independence, absent-mindedness is characteristic. They prefer to turn a blind eye to problems in the hope that everything will be resolved, of course.
  • The upper lip speaks more about the emotional personality. Men and women with this form of lips are prone to exaggeration, they like to overdramatize the situation. These are bright personalities with high self-esteem, the soul of the company, and a spontaneous character. The upper lip is larger - a person is not used to sleeping in front of difficulties, he achieves everything.
  • The lower lip is larger - the character is changeable, explosive. It is difficult for such a person, whose lower lip is larger, to sit in one place. They are filled with energy, thirst for new acquaintances and adventures. These individuals do not follow generally accepted standards, they have their own opinion on everything.
  • Determining the character of girls by their lips is very simple. It is enough to pay attention to the bottom of her mouth. The protruding plump lower form speaks of her selfishness and a problem in relations with the opposite sex.
  • The corners of the lips will help to get to know the interlocutor better. The character is heavy and unsociable if they look down. Such a person does not agree with others, never takes part in team work. In women, this form indicates perseverance, diligence and isolation. Men with such lowered corners repel the eyes of others, unlike women who have the corners of their lips lowered down.

Varieties of the shape of the lips in women and men

Another sign that unites a feature in the character of men and women is the shape of the lips.

  • A sharp hollow on the upper lip speaks of a creative romantic nature. Usually these are very talented musicians, poets or artists. These people have an excellent memory for names and faces. They are the first to know about everything, maintain warm relations with all their friends.
  • There is a shape of the lips when the corners are raised up. People with such a smile are very kind and sympathetic. The raised corners of such lips always win you over, inspire confidence. And not in vain. They are friendly, open to new acquaintances, sincerely enjoy life.
  • Personalities with a rounded hollow are very sensitive to the problems of others. They are responsive, sentimental, the interests of others are above their own desires for them. Help will never be denied.
  • A lip without a hollow betrays the most responsible people in the world. They are punctual, they are used to doing everything on time and the deadline does not scare them at all. They will overcome any obstacles in order to achieve their goals or complete important assignments. Friends can always count on such a person.
  • Doll lips belong to coquettes. These people love comfort and coziness. At first glance, they seem selfish and bitchy. But in fact, they are devoted friends who will always support and help, you just need to get to know them better. The golden mean is the key to success. They will never go over their heads to achieve their goal, but they will not do anything to their own detriment.

The shape of the female lips

There are also separate signs that characterize female and male characters in different ways. Various types and forms have already been listed earlier, but it is worth paying attention to more pronounced details that apply only to the female or only to the male sex.

  • If the lower lip is larger than the upper one, the character of the girl is mysterious and romantic. She knows what influence she has on the opposite sex, and keeps herself in perfect shape.
  • A thin upper lip is the character of a leader. These women know how to prioritize and overcome obstacles. People with thin lips always get their way. A narrow upper lip or a thin upper lip - all this affects the character of a woman.
  • Plump lips betray a freedom-loving nature. These girls are used to taking everything from life, exactly at the moment when they want it. They value personal space very much.
  • Wide small lips indicate that this woman is a realist. For them, the main thing is confidence in the future and stability in everything.

Tell about the character and a simple test. Make up your lips and make a kiss print on paper, and then compare the result with the transcript below.

The shape of male lips

With experience, the character of a person by the shape of the lips is determined at a glance. In men, facial features are pronounced. A little practice and you won't have any problems.

  • A large mouth with wide lips betrays the spontaneity and spontaneity of a man. He is always open to new acquaintances and hobbies.
  • If the lower lip is larger than the upper one, the character of the man is leadership. This is the soul of the company, a self-confident sociable person.
  • The thin lips of a man speak of a person as a leader or an intellectual.
  • Thick lips are found in men who strive for luxury. They are accustomed to not deny themselves anything and always get what they want.

comparison table

Lip shape



Full lips



Narrow lips



Big mouth



Small mouth



upper lip more


Lower lips more


Along with the eyes, the mouth is the most expressive part of the face. The science of physiognomy allows you to determine the internal energy of a person by the size and shape of the mouth. A large mouth and lowered corners of the lips speak of a strong will, that is, it is difficult to influence such a person. Although the opinion regarding the corners of the mouth is rather ambiguous. Charles Darwin, for example, believed that the corners of the mouth lowered to the bottom indicate a whiny mood or depression. According to another opinion, the owner of a small arched mouth with slightly lowered corners is sentimental and vulnerable. The raised corners of the lips correspond to an ingenuous, conscientious and mentally gifted nature.
According to physiognomists, a small mouth indicates a weak character and preoccupation in the struggle for survival. The Japanese, for example, are impressed by the large mouth in men and the small mouth in women. A woman with a big mouth is considered courageous, and strong-willed men really don’t like it.

It has been noticed that tightly compressed lips and clenched teeth speak of a person's perseverance. A tightly closed mouth is about determination and determination. On the contrary, an open mouth, especially with a sagging lower jaw, expresses a decrease in mental activity. The symmetrical opening of the mouth, without distortions, indicates a balance of emotions.

In a word, we can say that a large mouth is evidence of courage and at the same time deceit, a small one is fearfulness, as well as modesty, a compressed one is firmness, an open mouth is stupidity.

Also great importance in physiognomy is attached to the size, shape and color of the lips. Representatives of various schools of physiognomists interpret differently. For example, according to one school, thick and large lips speak of mockery and reason, thin and small - about deceit and slyness. A thick upper lip is about injustice, a long lower lip is about amorousness and reason. Heart-shaped lips are about decisiveness and activity, and retracted lips are about gullibility and a bad state of affairs.

According to another school of physiognomists, there are different types of lips, mainly in women:

Lips with a bow are the most feminine. They testify to charm, coquetry, sensuality and at the same time about insincerity and deceit. In men, this is a sign of vanity and frivolity;

Juicy lips are found in lively, talkative, open people who quickly make friends, easily adapt to any situation and are distinguished by temperament and sensuality;

Small lips - tender, thin, with soft lines, speak of generosity, intelligence, honesty and modesty;

Thin lips - cold, but charming. They give out a passionate nature, very gentle, but sometimes too restrained. Such a person is difficult to captivate, in any situation he is eloquent and witty. Too thin lips are hard people capable of meanness;

Harmonious lips - subtly drawn and somewhat ironic, may belong to a poetess and an intellectual who knows how to combine reality with sentimentality;

Asymmetrical lips - due to the large upper lip, they belong to an imperious, dry person with a rational mind and devoid of emotions. If the lower lip is pursed, then this indicates impotence in men and frigidity in women;

Thick (puffy) lips are at the same time a sign of sensuality and firmness of character, the distinguishing features of which are excellent self-control, unshakable calmness and a need for pleasure.

In the same way, by the shape of the mouth, or rather by the bend of the lips at the time of the kiss, one can assess the character and temperament of your chosen one or partner. The "geometry of the lips" during a kiss is an excellent material for serious scientific study. As early as the beginning of the 20th century. an accurate test was developed based on identifying the manner of kissing: the subject covers his lips with lipstick and instead of pleasant lips or cheeks, "kisses" a white sheet of paper. Identification of the imprint of such a kiss will allow a person to know about the character and attitude towards him of his (or her) chosen one.

Various lip impressions at the moment of the kiss and their identification:

A - a mouth in the form of a regular circle: the partner deserves complete trust;

B - mouth in the form of a deformed circle: attraction to you is not serious;

B - mouth in the form of a semicircle: the partner is sincere, but without special guarantees;

G - mouth in the form of a deformed semicircle: promises made in a fever will be kept;

D - mouth with a flat horizontal line: a partner with a kind big heart;

E - mouth in the form of a torn caret; sado-masochist partner;

F - a horn with a deformed vertical line: a very timid partner;

Z - lines of the mouth in the form of a regular zigzag: a partner who hates you.

Our character and temperament greatly affects facial features and appearance. Lips, one of the most sensual organs of a person, they can reveal a large number of secrets about a person and suggest how best to approach him.

No. 1 - plump lips

The owners of such lips are distinguished by a strong character, which is hidden under a soft outer shell. They are not used to shouting about their strength and courage, but in a difficult situation they are always ready for action. Such people are able to protect their loved ones, for them the house is a fortress, and the family is the most important thing in life.

Those who are lucky in life with beautiful and large lips are always distinguished by elegance and charm, they are fluent in the technique of charm, but sometimes they put themselves above others and can look extremely arrogant.

No. 2 - lips "bow"

Small and plump lips speak of a pleasant and light character. It is impossible to be offended or angry with people with such lips for a long time. They, like the sun, give warmth and joy to those around them, they are always open for conversation. Communication with them is always a pleasure, even empty chatter seems pleasant and interesting.

But with such a sociable character, people with such “bow lips” are capricious and even selfish. In no case do they want to be left without attention. If you stop giving them a lot of time, you will have to face resentment and even quarrels.

No. 3 - plump upper lip

Women with such lips are a born leader, ready to take control and responsibility, the main thing is that everyone obeys the instructions. In the family, these are reliable people who never transfer their work and responsibilities to others, they are able to make important decisions and manage the household. But the desire that their whims are always fulfilled often spoils the relationship.

People with a plump upper lip have a strong-willed character, always achieve what they want and never deviate from their plans. They are not afraid of life's difficulties, nor the ways in which they will succeed. Such life attitudes most often lead to material well-being and great prosperity.

No. 4 - plump lower lip

People with such lips are bright and positive personalities by nature. It is difficult for them to sit still and do nothing. They always confidently go to their goal and achieve what they want both in their careers and in their personal lives. Easily understand everyone but themselves. It’s easy for them to find an approach to a person, but it’s almost impossible to understand what they want.

Those around them are always fun, although excessive activity is sometimes tiring. Owners of a plump lower lip are unrestrained and even intolerant. They will never remain silent if their opinion contradicts the opinion of others. Sometimes it is for this that they are loved, and sometimes they become unwanted guests in society, for their harsh statements.

No. 5 - thin lips

A large mouth with thin lips is a sign of an open and kind nature. People with such lips are broad natures, able to give positive and attract attention. It is easy to get along with them. But despite the general openness, they are able to subjugate others to their will and inspire their own opinion.

People with thin lips have a complex character. They are able to tempt and enchant, can be mysterious if they need it, and can become an open book for everyone. In any case, they will benefit from any situation. That's the way they are.

No. 6 - thin and small lips

People with small mouths and thin lips have a complex character. They are very picky in their environment, not everyone can find a common language with them. But the one who has become their friend can be sure: support and help will always be waiting for him, and there will be no betrayal in the future.

Also in the family, people with small and thin lips are faithful and positive spouses. Despite the fact that quarrels are always possible in families, betrayal will definitely not become their cause. They are accustomed to respect themselves and their choices.

Each of us is unique and unrepeatable, each has its own destiny and future. But the common features of a person are embedded in his appearance. Lips are able to convey a large amount of information and give a general picture of the character. We wish you good luck and do not forget to press the buttons and

15.08.2015 01:20

Signs associated with lips can warn of impending events. Our ancestors were attentive to signals...

Scientists and psychologists have long deduced a direct connection between a person's appearance and his character. Based on centuries of research in this area, the science of physiognomy arose, with the help of which, by the features and expression of the face, one can determine the personal characteristics of a person, his spiritual qualities and even the state of health. In the modern world, this technique has gained immense popularity and is successfully used in work with personnel, legal practice, medicine, education, personal training and many other areas of everyday life. Despite the usual axiom “The eyes are the mirror of the soul”, physiognomists are accustomed in their research to give the palm to the study of the shape and size of the lips, considering them the most important detector of a person’s personality.

Full, well-shaped lips

Plump sensual lips have been considered for centuries a sign of increased sexual activity of their owner. No wonder modern beauties seek to increase them with the help of cosmetic procedures in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, often at the risk of losing their own individuality. People with full lips are used to taking everything from life, constantly looking for new sources of pleasure, quite stubborn and prudent in achieving their goals. At the same time, they are kind and sentimental, women become wonderful wives and mothers, and men often donate large sums to charity.

Fine, well-shaped lips

For some reason, thin lips are considered a sign of an evil, envious and self-serving person. But it is not so. In most cases, the owners of thin lips are purposeful, hardworking and pragmatic people. They are characterized by some isolation, skepticism, a critical attitude towards themselves and others. They are not accustomed to rely on support and try to achieve their goals alone. In this they are helped by innate ingenuity, prudence and cunning, sometimes leading to not entirely legal actions.

Lips bow

The most attractive sexually. They talk about the extreme femininity and sensuality of their owner, which, at times, can be distinguished by insincerity and frivolity. In men, this is a frequent sign of vanity, hypocrisy and a frivolous attitude towards women. These people love to be the center of attention of others and try to achieve this in every possible way.

Loose wet lips

They talk about the lack of will, indecision and infantilism of their owner. Such people are often characterized by a craving for depravity and irrepressible carnal pleasures.

Protruding lips

They are considered a sign of capriciousness and eccentricity, as well as self-doubt and suspiciousness of a person. Such individuals usually easily fall into dependence and become the object of manipulation. If only the lower lip is protruded, this means that you are a self-satisfied person, putting their own interests and desires in the foreground.

asymmetrical lips

A large upper lip speaks of the sociability, light playful nature of its owner. Such people are characterized by coquetry, which many perceive as insincerity and narcissism.

A full lower lip signals the inconstancy and selfishness of their owners, who are constantly looking for new sensations in life. They rarely make exemplary family men, only a few are able to remain faithful to their chosen one for a long time.

Lips with raised corners

People with such lips are born optimists with a light cheerful character and a positive attitude towards life. They magically attract those around them, because it seems that the smile never leaves their face. Because of this, they rarely remain alone and, as a rule, have no problems choosing a life partner.

Lips with drooping corners

Here the picture is completely opposite. The lowered corners of the lips signal a person's tendency to pessimism and despondency, and are also a direct sign of the presence of an inferiority complex and inability to withstand life's circumstances. Such people often need approval, it is important for them to constantly feel the love, support and care of others.

parted lips

They talk about the ingenuity, naivety and gullibility of their owner. Such people often run the risk of being deceived and, without knowing it, can become a tool in illegal combinations of dishonest persons. A constantly open mouth gives the face a somewhat stupid expression, which causes a condescending attitude towards a person and an involuntary desire to offend or humiliate him.

Tightly compressed lips

They signal the insincere and secretive nature of their owner. Such people, as a rule, are alien to sentimentality and compassion, they are deceitful, prudent and resourceful. You can easily get a “knife in the back” from such characters, so you should not trust them in serious matters and wait for help in difficult moments of life.

twitching lips

Unstable facial expressions, expressed in nervous twitching of the lips, may indicate a nervous, emotional person who is in disharmony with his inner world. Such people are unpredictable and impulsive, they are more subject to emotions than to the voice of reason, so it is difficult to do business with them and you should not trust important assignments.

Lips can be used to determine not only the psychological characteristics of a person, but also the state of his health:

Pale lips signal problems with the intestines, cyanotic lips indicate heart failure, bright red lips are inherent in hypertensive patients and people of the apoplexy type.

Dry chapped lips hint at stomach problems and may be a sign of thyroid dysfunction;

Thick antennae above the upper lip in women indicate hormonal failure and ovarian dysfunction.

For physiognomists, even the distance between the lips and the nose matters. It is believed that the larger it is, the stronger the physical potential of a person prevails over the mental.

Aristotle also knew how to determine the character by the lips: “Whoever has thin lips and the corners of the lips are flabby, so that a fold forms at the upper lip and steps on the lower one when the lips are shifted - they are so great in soul; it correlates with lions. The same can be seen in large and strong dogs. Those whose lips are thin, hard, whose fangs are turned up - they are not noble; it correlates with pigs. Whose lips are thick and the upper lip protrudes above the lower - blunt; it correlates with donkeys and monkeys. Who has the upper lip and gums protruding - squabbling; it relates to dogs.” From this article, you will learn other ways that will help determine the character by the lips.

What are the types of lips

It is customary to distinguish 7 types of lips:

  • Lips with a bow are the most feminine. They testify to coquetry, charm, sensuality and at the same time about insincerity and deceit. In men, this is a sign of vanity and frivolity, as well as deceit.
  • Juicy lips are talkative, open people who quickly make friends, easily adapt to any situation, temperamental and sensual.
  • Small lips - tender, thin, with soft lines, speak of generosity, intelligence, honesty and modesty, indecision. Such people have many difficulties in their personal lives, they are difficult to adapt to new conditions and in a new team.
  • A thin look of lips, cold but charming - these are the lips of Greta Garbo. They give out a passionate nature, very tender, but too restrained. Such a person is very difficult to captivate, he is eloquent and witty. Too thin lips are in people capable of meanness. Such people can be cruel, under certain circumstances they will stop at nothing.
  • Harmonious lips - finely drawn and somewhat ironic, usually found in creative people; spiritually rich: painters, sculptors, dramatic artists.

Lips, correctly defined and somewhat plump, speak of kindness, cordiality, frankness. Such a person has a cheerful disposition and, in general, he has more positive qualities than shortcomings.

How to determine the character by the shape of the lips

Not only different physiognomic systems, but even individual professionals within the same system interpret the relationship between the shape of the lips and character in different ways. More or less the same type of conclusions are collected here.

  • Retracted lips are a sign of unreasonable gullibility, evidence of a poor state of affairs.
  • Heart-shaped lips are a sign of determination and activity.
  • How to determine the character by the lips with a "bow"? As a rule, this is the female version of the lips. Their owners are sexy and temperamental, perfectly able to adapt to everything, but too inconsistent, jealous and deceitful, and therefore they are usually unlucky in family life.
  • Lips dryly outlined - evidence of stubbornness.
  • Sagging lips belong to phlegmatic people.
  • The lips, proportional to the face, are very similar, protrude evenly and close easily and freely - evidence of honesty, prudence, firmness and justice.
  • Full lips are evidence of honesty, friendliness and fidelity. Such people are constantly accompanied by emotional ups and downs. They are amorous, unusually sexy and very demanding of a partner. For them, life is love.
  • Lips full and elegant belong to poets.
  • The lips are large and full - evidence of a mocking mind.
  • Lips full and bulging - a sign of success in life.
  • The lips are full and soft, the upper lip is slightly on the lower one - evidence of prudence. Such people, as a rule, are good financiers, they have a gift for investing money profitably.
  • Lips are thick and plump - a sign of sensuality combined with firmness of character. Such people have unshakable calmness and self-control.
  • The lips are thick, plump, the lower lip is highly developed - such a person is lazy, his sensuality results in gluttony, he brings disorder into the material world.
  • Lips are thick and large, moist, belong to those who like to live in a big way, unbridled in pleasures.
  • Determining a person's character by thin lips is a sign of conservatism and restraint. These are people who do not follow their emotions, they are distinguished by a cold mind, a sober calculation. Their goal is a high social position and wealth. They are observant, resourceful and often witty.
  • Lips thin and tightly compressed betray people cold, dry and soulless.
  • The lips are small and thin - a sign of deceit and deceit.
  • The protruding upper lip means good instincts and inclinations. The drooping lower lip reveals dirty motives and instincts, debauchery, rudeness and selfishness. Thick, turned-off, large lips are found in people who are good-natured, passionate, gluttonous, and prone to drunkenness.
  • How to determine the character by the lips, if the upper lip is wide and firm, it also means longevity.
  • People of violent nature usually have thin lips that do not close well.
  • Fat lips correspond to fat individuals. Chinese physiognomists believe that such lips indicate sensuality, a person capable of great love. This type of lips occurs in people with a methodical mind.
  • If the closed shape of the lips forms a long, straight line, then this indicates a systematic, thoughtful, scrupulous, petty individual. Such people are usually prominent members of society. If this line is not quite straight in the middle, then this indicates the extraordinary energy and boundless enthusiasm of the person. And in general, the unevenness of the lip line is a sure indication of resourcefulness and ingenuity.

What do lips say about character? Ideal lips should be thick rather than thin, angular rather than round or shapeless. Lips should be strong and intensely red. The shape of the lips should be in appropriate proportion with other facial features. Such lips characterize a whole person.

How to find out the character of a person by the corners of the lips

  • The corners of the lips, raised upwards, are a sign of a cheerful, sociable, soft and frank character, who knows how to give a share of comedy to everything, even serious ones. Character with lowered corners of the lips: stubbornness, grumpiness and lack of sociability.
  • People with downturned lips never laugh, rarely smile, preferring the serious to the funny.
  • The corners of the lips are strongly lowered - a sign of depraved nature.
  • Mediocre, inactive, lazy and rude people have straight corners of the lips.
  • A person with a large mouth and falling corners of the lips has a strong will, it is difficult to influence him.
  • Downturned corners of the mouth are a sign of pessimism, as well as the fact that sensuality is manifested unreasonably. People disappointed in love have wrinkles in the corners of their mouths below.

Thin lips speak of cunning, selfishness, cruelty, sarcasm, secrecy, hypocrisy and even rapacity.

Character of the upper lip

In physiognomy, the shape of the upper lip indicates the manifestation of the sublime world in a person, the lower lip - the low world.

  • A large upper lip is a sign of rationalism, dryness, authority. If at the same time the lower lip is pursed, this is evidence of impotence in men and frigidity in women.
  • A full upper lip is a sign of a selfish person, not too intellectual, rather closed and unfair.
  • The upper lip is very red and much wider than the lower - a sign of cunning and resourcefulness with a general weakness of character. Such people are prone to lies, always dependent on other people or on external circumstances.
  • The upper lip is long, swollen in the middle - such a person is called "rough cattle."
  • A thin upper lip is evidence of financial difficulties.
  • The upper lip protrudes above the lower - a sign of indecision, capriciousness, eccentricity, hysteria, bitchiness.
  • A raised upper lip in combination with a raised nose is evidence of capriciousness, spoiledness.

Child-like lips indicate a trusting and outspoken person.

Character of the lower lip

  • The lower lip is full, wide - a sign of sociability and goodwill.
  • A large lower lip in combination with a raised nose is a sign of weakness, tearfulness, effeminate character, effeminacy and too much emotional reaction to sex life. With fixed facial folds, all imperfections are smoothed out.
  • A thin lower lip is a sign of cunning, unreliability, optionality.
  • A long lower lip is evidence of a developed mind and amorousness.
  • The lower lip protrudes forward - a sign of greed and voluptuousness.
  • The lower lip rises up - evidence of stupidity and contempt for others.
  • The lower lip protrudes above the upper - evidence of a selfish nature.
  • The lower lip, somewhat saggy, betrays a person who is driven by his passions.
  • A strongly pronounced lower lip speaks of a lazy and sensual person. However, if the nose is strongly pronounced, such a person is capable of sharp emotional outbursts, and he does not know how to control himself. They tend to be undisciplined, sensual, socially lethargic, but quick-tempered and very aggressive. Such a structure of the face is typical for people of the eastern type (Afghanistan, Iran). With fixed mouth folds, such people are able to suppress and hide their passions.

Thick lips are a sign of sensuality and base instincts. Very rarely thick lips mean good nature.

What will tell about the nature of the imprint of the lips

An interesting observation about determining the character of a person by the lips was made by the Parisian doctor Michel Renault. He came to the conclusion that the impression of the lips can play a more important role in criminology than fingerprints, since the structure of the surface of the lips is completely individual. After examining several thousand people, Dr. Renault did not even find two identical lip prints, with the exception of a pair of twins. According to criminologists, Dr. Renault's technique can be useful in identifying accident victims or criminals if their fingers are injured.

In the same way, by the shape of the mouth, or rather by the bend of the lips at the time of the kiss, one can assess the character and temperament of your chosen one or partner. The "geometry of the lips" during a kiss is an excellent material for serious scientific study.

As early as the beginning of the 20th century, such a test was developed to determine the character by the lips: the test subject smears his lips with lipstick and kisses a sheet of paper. By the manner of folding lips in a kiss and by the lines of the lips, one can judge the character and temperament of a person.

Modern forensic doctors have discovered that lip impressions can identify a person with even greater accuracy than fingerprints! No pair of lip prints are the same! And by the imprint of the lips during the kiss, you can even tell about the true attitude of your chosen one towards you. Here's what this delightful sincerity test looks like:

  • Lip imprint in the form of a regular circle. The partner deserves complete trust.
  • The impression is in the form of a deformed circle. Your partner's attitude towards you is not serious.
  • The imprint is in the form of a semicircle. The partner is sincere, but how long will your relationship last?
  • An impression in the form of a deformed semicircle. The partner will keep all his promises.
  • A straight horizontal line is visible in the impression of the mouth. Kind and warm-hearted person.
  • Lip impression in the form of a torn caret. Your partner is a sadomasochist.
  • An impression with a deformed vertical line. Partner is cowardly.
  • Imprint in the form of a regular zigzag. Your partner hates you.

If you want to check this information, ask your chosen one to “kiss” the misted glass or in any other way leave an imprint of your lips during the kiss. Yes, you can check yourself too. What if your feelings for this person are insincere?

How are the shape of the lips and the character of a woman related?

It has always been believed that a beautiful woman's lips should be folded in a bow, plump, bright. A man's lips, on the contrary, show masculinity. This is how physiognomists evaluate the shape of the mouth: For a woman, a beautiful mouth is small; for a man - proportional. A woman with a big mouth is considered masculine, which is not very popular with men. So, we determine the character by the lips of women.

Behind the energetic outlines of female lips lies a desperate, resolute and always ready to fight woman. This is by no means the woman who is interested in the opinions of others and even more so asks someone for advice.

Slightly downward curving lips indicate a sensitive soul. Such women prefer discreet colors and often blush themselves to match their lipstick. They do not like to be the center of attention and are loyal. Women with thin lips often manipulate lipstick heavily to look more attractive.

Lips highlighted with slightly rounded contours indicate a balanced and worthy of love personality.

The shape of the female lips as close as possible to the circle is loved by active women who get rid of excess energy in the gym.

Lips are painted, simply repeating the line of the mouth, completely devoid of vanity and conservative women. Such ladies can hardly be called independent and independent. Rather, they prefer the beaten path, marked by rules and regulations.

Sponges "bow" indicate a tendency to intrigue. Brightly defined contours say that their owner is trying to get as much as possible from life.

Mouth asymmetry. One side of the mouth is narrowed and lowered - if this is not a medical indicator, then evidence of the stubbornness of people, in principle good-natured, but shy. Curved or beveled lips are a sign of cunning, deceit, deceit. This is true for both men and women.

What do wrinkles around the lips mean?

  • Wrinkles above the lips are a sign of natural aging, nothing more.
  • Wrinkles located symmetrically on both sides of the mouth - two on each side (in Chinese physiognomy they are called depressions) - evidence of the real power and authority of a person. However, this is true only with the support of favorable cheekbones, eyes and nose.
  • Favorable are straight, long and deep depressions, symmetrically passing on both sides of the mouth to the very chin (many major political and military figures have them).
  • Short, curved and shallow depressions are considered unfavorable.
  • If the cavities are not only long and deep, but also away from the corners of the mouth, such people are self-confident, aggressive and seek to impose their will on others.
  • If the depressions of the wrinkles around the mouth go directly to the corners of the mouth, this is a very unfavorable sign. The Chinese say about this case: The snake crawls into the mouth and believe that this person after fifty years will have to fight for his life.
  • If the depressions bifurcate, this indicates the authoritative character of a person in two areas at once.
  • Wrinkled lips (the lips are literally excised with a network of wrinkles, but these wrinkles are not indicators of aging) are evidence of a person's longevity, but they are loners by nature, they are smart, observant, but unsociable. Such are the famous philosophers and seers.
  • Vertical wrinkles above the upper lip are a sign of the old age of the soul, self-awareness, solidity. Such a person is always convinced that everything important is behind, and blocks his path to development.
  • A wart on the lips is a sign of bestial instincts in a person.

philtrum and character

In the East, the fate and character of a person is often determined precisely by the philtrum. It is this groove that shows genetically embedded programs - health, social significance, marital status.

  • If the groove is long and deep, then it is important for a man that it is covered with vegetation. In this case, the man has good health, is smart, which means he will climb the social ladder, marry successfully and have a large, friendly family. It is supposed that such a groove will protect from misfortunes and make life easy and calm.
  • For women, a long, deep groove, which is sometimes covered with hairs, is a sign of bad luck. Even the growth of hairs above the upper lip, and not in the groove, has a negative meaning for a woman.
  • If the groove is short, flat and without vegetation, then by nature the man is not very smart, stands at the bottom of the career ladder, most likely will not live long and will not start a family (or the marriage will be childless). Especially look at the color of the skin on the groove. If it is dark, then a person may die from a sudden illness or accident.
  • In addition to the length of the groove, it is important how both edges go. They can take a parallel position, expand downward or upward.
  • If the edges of the philtrum run parallel, this is an indicator of organizational talent - such a person will reach high positions and bring a lot of benefits to his country.
  • How to determine the character of the lips, if the groove expands upwards? This means that at the beginning of life a person will be lucky, and his old age will be lonely and sad.
  • If the groove expands downward, then at the beginning of life a person will learn and accumulate knowledge that he successfully uses in adulthood. His old age is calm and secure.
  • If the edges of the groove are beveled, then a person can unwittingly cause misfortune to his loved ones.

Now you know how to determine the character of a person by the lips.

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