What do drug addicts look like? Common behavior depending on


The peculiarities of drug addiction allow a person who uses dope to remain undetected for some time. External manifestations that resemble the state of an ordinary person on an emotional high or, conversely, in slight despondency, do not seem to us to be extraordinary symptoms. Slight sweating of the palms, dilated pupils, fatigue, circles under the eyes - any of us would fit into these descriptions when we are under stress, under increased physical activity at work, after a cold or during a period of vitamin deficiency.

To understand what drug addicts look like, you need to understand the similarities and differences in symptoms. Any pathological dysfunction of the body instantly manifests itself on the face, in movements, speech, etc. If you notice a minor or dramatic change in a person close to you, immediately consult a doctor for an examination and to identify the causes of the pathology.

What do the arms and legs of a drug addict look like?

Even children know what an injecting drug addict looks like. Characteristic marks from injections in places where veins are conveniently located on the arms and legs (crater, single points, “paths”) indicate that the person is “in the system.” By “system,” narcologists mean regular drug use through intravenous administration.

Some drug addicts try to hide their addictions and inject in areas hidden from prying eyes (for example, in the groin area, under the knee, on the ankle). A thorough medical examination reveals this evidence. It is more difficult to determine the status of a drug addict who does not resort to intravenous injections. Smoking marijuana, taking pills (barbiturates), inhaling cocaine - with such habits the veins of the drug addict remain clean.

As a result of long-term drug use, the human body experiences disruptions in the circulatory system, metabolism, and hormone production. To imagine what the legs of drug addicts with many years of experience in drug use look like, it is enough to imagine an obese, sick person with swollen limbs, often covered with bleeding ulcers.

Dysfunction of blood vessels, the development of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, rotting processes in places where veins break, fluid accumulation - all this is a terrifying picture of the legs of an experienced drug addict. With general characteristic thinness, swollen legs in ulcers are especially expressive. The decomposition of wounds is facilitated by a failure of the hormonal system and elevated blood sugar levels, which is why the ulcers do not heal or do not heal quickly enough. The skin of the extremities is gray and dry. Nails are brittle and unkempt.

What do a drug addict's eyes look like?

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. In defining a person who uses drugs, this is not a metaphor. Look what the eyes of a drug addict look like when they're high:

  • pupils dilated;
  • white body with characteristic blood streaks, often yellowish (a sign of hepatitis);
  • drooping eyelids, often swollen;
  • dark circles around the eyes.

In a state of withdrawal, the eyes are wide open and bulging. The pupils do not respond to light stimuli. In some cases, cloudiness of the pigment (cornea) is observed. With long-term use of synthetic drugs, vision functions are impaired, as a result, the person gradually goes blind.

If a drug addict periodically or regularly “sniffs powder,” his vision becomes watery. The person seems to have a cold or is experiencing seasonal allergies.

Diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts at the Renaissance drug treatment center

It is difficult to answer the question of what a drug addict who uses opium or synthetic drugs looks like. Each drug addict has individual characteristics of the body, dictated by:

  • genetic prerequisites;
  • duration of drug use;
  • a group of drugs;
  • age abilities, etc.

In most cases, only a set of outpatient tests will help to distinguish a drug addict from a person suffering from diseases with similar symptoms. Therefore, the final verdict “yes” or “no” will be made by a specialized narcologist.

It is easy to return the patient’s “human appearance” and the body and body to its natural healthy appearance if you do not put off going to the clinic until tomorrow. Time is the most important factor in the fight against alcohol or drug addiction.

The Renaissance drug treatment center offers effective diagnosis and treatment for drug addiction using a unique proprietary method with subsequent rehabilitation. We guarantee absolute confidentiality. Call, write to us online - together we can overcome this dangerous disease!

No one is immune from drug addiction - this problem can come to any home and to any family. A diligent excellent student, a crazy partygoer, a successful businessman - today there are victims of drug addiction in all social strata and age groups, starting with teenagers. Unlike alcoholism, it is quite difficult to recognize obvious signs of addiction at the first stage; moreover, novice drug addicts are very careful and try to hide everything. But there are general warning signs - in behavior, appearance, health - that will help you understand that a misfortune has happened to a loved one and have time to save him.

Main signs of drug addiction

Drug addiction is not only insidious, but also multifaceted. There are many types of drugs, and each affects the defenseless human body in its own way. Changes in appearance, psyche, behavior - for a “cocaine addict”, a marijuana lover and a drug addict, these signs may differ markedly. But there are also general symptoms that will clearly tell you: this is a drug addict. Which? - let's look further.


First of all, external signs of drug addiction appear:

  • the skin becomes pale or suspiciously red, peels or becomes oily;
  • an unhealthy shine appears in the eyes, they turn red;
  • the pupils are constantly dilated or constricted to the point of invisibility;
  • facial expressions change: the face either becomes too lively or acquires an unchanged expression (mask-like);
  • Severe irritation may appear around the mouth or in the corners of the lips;
  • plaque or longitudinal cracks appear on the tongue;
  • on the body you can see single injection marks or entire injection tracks, as well as bruises or scratches (on the arms, under the arms, in the groin, etc.).

A person’s appearance also changes: he stops taking care of himself, wears dirty and wrinkled clothes, and gives preference to dark colors in his wardrobe. Switches to closed items with long sleeves to hide needle marks. Dirty, greasy hair, unkempt nails and stale clothes, sunglasses at any time of the day - the classic look of a drug addict.

Visible signs of drug addiction in humans

Health problems

If a loved one begins to behave strangely or stops taking care of himself, you need to pay attention to his health. Poor health and constant pain are true companions of drug addiction.

The following signs may indicate the use of illegal drugs:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • the drug addict complains of being “dry” and drinks a lot of liquid;
  • appetite disorders (long fasting, bouts of gluttony, severe love for sweets);
  • insomnia and disruption of the daily routine (at night a person cannot fall asleep, but during the day they sleep or are half asleep);
  • blood pressure surges;
  • constant runny nose and cough that cannot be treated with classical medications;
  • yellow teeth and a strange smell from the mouth (in some types of addiction, the smell also comes from clothes);
  • gastrointestinal disorders (constipation followed by diarrhea).

Changes in behavior

Unusual behavior, new friends, manner of communication – these are the very first signs that can signal the development of drug addiction in both adolescents and adults:

  • the drug addict's area of ​​interest changes sharply (favorite hobbies, studies cease to please, the person refuses to talk about previous hobbies);
  • the circle of friends also becomes different (the addict practically does not communicate with his old friends, and often a new, suspicious company appears);
  • drug addicts are always very secretive, suspicious, stop sharing their experiences with loved ones, and do not want to talk about their lives;
  • teenagers become absent-minded, can freeze in one position for a long time, memory lapses occur;
  • the speech style changes: drug addicts speak fragmentarily, get off with sharp short phrases, and often remain silent;
  • problems with studies begin, bad grades, drug addicts often skip school/college/university;
  • people taking illegal drugs noticeably change their character (they become irritable, withdrawn, and have difficulty making contact);
  • there are sharp changes in mood and state: from euphoria and serenity to nervousness and scandals, from strong excitement to complete apathy;
  • even the calmest ones begin to have outbursts of anger, unmotivated aggression, rudeness towards family members and loved ones;
  • young people have specific words and slang in their speech (“grass”, “plan”, “parish”, “wheels”, “salt”, etc.);
  • people begin to lie to their loved ones, ask for money under the strangest pretexts, and in the later stages, take things away from home.

In the video about changes in the behavior and appearance of a drug addict:

Unusual items

If you suspect that a loved one is addicted to illegal drugs, you need to take a closer look to see if he has any unusual personal items.

Taking drugs often requires special “paraphernalia”, so the following items can indicate the possibility:

  • ampoules, syringes or needles;
  • unknown pills;
  • smoking pipes and hookah;
  • dense lumps with a strong odor, similar to plasticine;
  • long cigarettes - “shoals”;
  • mini scales;
  • tourniquets, cords or tapes for compressing veins;
  • spoons blackened by fire;
  • various tubes;
  • glue, bottles of acetone or solvent.

Symptoms at different stages of addiction

Regardless of the type of drug addiction and the drugs taken, any addict goes through three stages of addiction. Except for those cases when a person has enough strength and support from doctors and loved ones to stop at the first or second.

Each of these stages has its own specific signs that indicate that a loved one has become a drug addict.


At the initial stage, it is difficult to determine from external signs that a person has fallen into the trap of drug addiction. The skin is still healthy, sometimes the pupils may dilate/constrict. The main changes are in behavior. The person becomes nervous, irritable, and is looking for a new company of “like-minded people.”

Towards the end of the first stage, characteristic signs begin to develop in the form of minor health problems - constant runny nose, tears, weight loss. Sudden changes in mood occur.

Video about the first signs of drug addiction:


At this time, physical dependence on drugs develops, which affects appearance and health. The drug addict looks worse and worse: dull, puffy skin, circles under the eyes, bruises and marks from injections on the skin. A person easily catches a cold, suffers from pressure surges and insomnia. Muscle pain, cramps, and loss of appetite occur.

Problems with studying, conflicts in the family and at work appear. Communication with former friends is reduced to a minimum, the person isolates himself from loved ones, becomes secretive and aggressive. Mood swings become more and more frequent: tears and bouts of self-pity are replaced by anger and scandals. At this time, drug addicts begin to lie to their relatives, ask for money, steal and take away valuables from home.


At the third stage, the physical and psychological degradation of a person reaches its highest point. The drug addict loses a lot of weight (chronic diarrhea only contributes to this) and stops taking care of himself. Due to poor skin, decayed teeth, dull hair and nails, he looks very gaunt, much older than his years. Health problems intensify, painful withdrawal attacks are added during withdrawal,

Characteristic symptoms are: apathy, complete lack of interest in everything except the next dose, and all the actions and efforts of the patient are aimed only at searching for drugs.

Features of narcotic substances

The signs and rate of development of drug addiction depend not only on the personality and health status of the novice drug addict, but also on the drug that the person is taking. It is very important to know and recognize these nuances in behavior and appearance in order to understand what substance a loved one is using and take the necessary measures.


Subsequently, depression develops, thought processes suffer, which affects study and work. Often a person suffers from panic attacks, persecution mania, and hallucinations.

External signs are red eyes, dilated pupils, heightened reaction to external stimuli. The most noticeable sign in a person who has recently used marijuana or hashish is an incredibly strong appetite and thirst.


Psychostimulants provoke an even more powerful burst of activity, which can last for several days. A drug addict needs to run somewhere, do something, he speaks and moves quickly. Speech may be unrelated.

When using cocaine, such addiction will be indicated by a flushed face, sweating, rapid pulse, nosebleeds, loss of smell or taste. Also obvious signs of the use of psychostimulants are attacks of euphoria, appetite disorders (up to complete loss), arrhythmia and heart failure.

Subsequently, psychosis, paranoid thoughts, panic attacks and hallucinations develop. Unmotivated aggression increases in behavior.


Constant hallucinations are the main symptom of a person being addicted to hallucinogens. If he talks to himself or inanimate objects, sees and hears non-existent objects, it’s time to sound the alarm.

Hallucinogens quickly cause changes in appearance (dry skin, dilated pupils), health problems (rapid pulse, hypertension, hand tremors). Behavior changes sharply: a person becomes suspicious, hot-tempered, aggressive, and suicide attempts are not uncommon.

Intoxication with sleeping pills will be indicated primarily by changes in mood. Euphoria can be replaced by complete apathy or aggressiveness (even attempts at physical violence) towards relatives. Difficulties with attention, motor skills, and intellectual disorders are also consequences of such addiction.

The main physical manifestations are lethargy, slurred speech, drunken gait, skin rashes, seizures, sweating. Facial expressions suffer, the face turns into a kind of mask. Subsequently, depression, attacks of paranoia, hallucinations and even mental disability may develop.

It can be recognized primarily by external signs: a strange smell (glue, gasoline) from clothes, stains of paint or solvents on things, empty bottles or rags that a person hides in his room.

The behavior of a teenager (they often become substance abusers) is very strange: he secretly sniffs his clothes, and by inertia brings pens or markers to his nose when sitting at homework or at the computer. Thought processes suffer, as a result the child does not study well and conflicts with teachers.

As with other addictions, a person refuses to eat, he often feels sick, and he suddenly loses weight. Due to toxic substances, the head constantly hurts, speech, gait and movement are impaired, and a chemical odor appears from the mouth.

Substance abusers suffer from insomnia, become angry and irritable. Hallucinations (auditory and visual), depression and suicide attempts are possible.

Comparative table of signs of drug addiction Table 1:

Symptoms Opiates Cannabinoids Psychostimulants
Dilated pupils+ + +
Constricted pupils+ + +
Glass look+ + +
Dry, puffy skin+ + +
Red face+ - +
Irritation around the lips- + +
Loss of smell or taste- - +
Mask face+ - -
+ - -
Odor from the mouth or clothes- + -
+ - +
Intense euphoria- + +
+ - +
Unbridled activity- + +
Increased appetite- + -
Loss of appetite+ - +
Sweet tooth+ + -
Insomnia+ + +
- + +
+ - +
Complete apathy+ - -
+ + +
+ + +
- + -
Strong headache+ - -

Comparative table of signs of drug addiction Table 2:

Symptoms Hallucinogens Sedative-hypnotics Volatile drugs
Dilated pupils+ - +
Constricted pupils- - -
Dry, puffy skin+ + +
Red face- - -
Irritation around the lips- - -
Loss of smell or taste- - +
Mask face- + -
Constant colds (runny nose, cough)- - -
Odor from the mouth or clothes- - +
Puncture marks, bruises, scratches- - -
Intense euphoria+ + +
Rudeness and unmotivated aggression+ + +
Unbridled activity+ - +
Increased appetite- - -
Loss of appetite+ + +
Sweet tooth- - -
Insomnia+ + +
Impaired coordination of movements+ + +
Slow or slurred speech- + +
Complete apathy- - -
Pressure surges and/or arrhythmia+ + +
Gastrointestinal disorders+ + +
Hallucinations (auditory and visual)+ + +
Strong headache + +

Drug addiction is a disease. It is from this starting point that one must judge the behavior of addicts, and it is this idea that must be used as the basis for building a relationship with an addict.

Where should you start when it comes to relationships with an addict? From those “bottlenecks” that happen in situations with everyone who communicates with addicts. Emergency drug treatment is one of the mandatory procedures on the way.

What to do if a person is a drug addict: how to understand and find out that a person is a drug addict!

A drug addict is a sick person, and you can always distinguish a sick person from a healthy one. There may also be doubts, but as a rule, obvious facts cannot be hidden. Another question is what to do when we determine for ourselves the fact that the person we love is a drug addict? In this matter, it is simply necessary to consult with specialists, because each person is an individual and needs a certain approach to him. Don’t worry too much and take into account what people say: there are no former drug addicts. A former drug addict can recognize the problem and learn to live soberly.

  1. Conflicts and aggression.
  2. Lies and attempts by any means to convince you to give money for drugs.
  3. Infantility and irresponsibility.
  4. The meaninglessness of the existence of a drug addict and, as a consequence, cyclical situations of the same type every day.
  5. The degrading consciousness of a drug addict, his transformation into a “vegetable.”

In principle, the list of problems itself allows you to predict how communication with an addict will be structured. But many people, knowing in principle how a drug addict will behave, still cannot build interaction with him and step on the same rake.

Our task is to make it clear whether the actions of a drug addict are predictable, how to behave with him and how to smooth out conflict angles when communicating with him. Therefore, we will analyze each typical situation in detail in order to understand how to behave with a drug addict.

How to deal with a drug addict

and how to help him understand the problem

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Lies: how to guess, how to avoid, what to do

A drug addict always lies. Why is this happening?

There is a very sad thought, which was expressed very well in the film about a drug-addicted model by actress Angelina Jolie in the role of the heroine Gia: “How do you know if a drug addict is lying? He moves his lips."

A drug addict is a patient, we repeat. The mechanisms of his psyche are broken! They function intermittently, pathologically, incorrectly. Therefore, a drug addict often lacks a sense of shame as a conceptual idea of ​​the norm of behavior in society. Conscience may be present in this case.

First, let's explain what the difference is. A person feels ashamed when his internal beliefs about correctness contradict social norms. And a person feels discomfort and feels bad because society expects different behavior.

Conscience is the internal guardian of “correctness,” and it is based on the concepts raised in the family about what is good and what is bad. In other words, a person may not be ashamed to use drugs, but he is ashamed in front of people, because he is “not like that.” Or he may be ashamed to lie, because he was raised that way, but not ashamed of the one to whom he lies. This is where the key difference lies. In front of his loved ones, the addict gradually loses his sense of shame, and lying becomes a habit, and conscience, due to the distortion of mental processes, is muffled and relegated to the background.

So, the first reason for lying is the desire to avoid pangs of conscience and shame.

The addict tries to hide his problem. If the problem becomes obvious, he will be condemned. The pangs of conscience and, possibly, shame will begin. In vain every drug addict understands this.

In addition, for using drugs you can end up in prison, and while reason prevails, the drug addict does everything possible so that less is known about his problem, and therefore he lies and remains silent, dodges and invents, just so that there is less “evidence”, but There are more opportunities to grab a bite.

But the second reason does not work immediately, because the addict is afraid to break the law only while he is in his mind. Those who have already sunk very low become increasingly indifferent to everything that happens to them. But still, the concept of conscience is the second to last to die out. The last thing to go away is the fear of exposure, and then we can say that the end has come for the drug addict.

The second reason a drug addict lies is infantilism

The behavior of a drug addict is irresponsible. A person must earn freedom, and his behavior, if it is not limited by the internal framework and requirements of laws, norms, and regulations, becomes naive. The addict expects the problem to be solved, but does not make any effort. Of course, in this case the problem is not solved; the consequences become obvious: the drug addict degrades. At the same time, he cannot help but notice that he does not keep his words, that he does not live up to the expectations of his loved ones, that he does not fulfill his duties.

And his loved ones expect this from him! And in order to avoid conflicts with loved ones, it is much easier for a drug addict to innocently repent, to swear that “he won’t do it again,” just to throw off the burden of demands that are exorbitant, in his opinion.

Conflict is a problem that needs to be solved. As we already understood, the addict does not want to decide anything. Therefore, all he will do is avoid conflict, that is, lie.

The third reason is fear of change and leaving your comfort zone.

Actually, this reason directly follows from the first. If I stop using, the addict thinks, what will happen next? It's going to be hard! You will have to change somehow, suffer, think about problems, get treatment, feel pain, fears. By the way, 80% of drug addicts begin to use heavily and heavily because they feel the dullness and dullness of existence, and then the octopus of physical addiction takes the addict into its “tender embrace.”

If you need to change something, you need to move. We must make promises. And the addict begins to lie to himself, and then to those around him. Yes, he believes in his lies so sacredly that it begins to sound as believable as possible. He himself believes that he is about to stop. Of course, his loved ones, who are terribly tired of the drug addict’s antics, want to believe him. But everything is in vain. To change, you need to really understand that it will hurt - of course it will. And we must not be afraid of change. And the drug addict fears them most of all. In addition, he is lazy to do something, because he is used to problems being solved by themselves. So why make such a Herculean effort?

All these thoughts are deeply rooted in the subconscious of the addict. He may think he wants to quit, but in fact has no plans to do so.

It is clear that he will continue to lie. Therefore, we must not listen to the person, but look at his actions. That is, note how he plans to behave, what he will do when he promised not to take the drug into his hands. If you said it but didn’t do it, and this happened more than twice, you don’t need any more promises, you need to start working with the drug addict.

The easiest way is to turn to specialists at rehabilitation centers, where psychologists and psychotherapists work, who have a fair amount of tools, theoretical and practical knowledge on how to communicate with addicts so that it brings effect and tangible results.

If you want to act on your own, then to avoid lies, you will have to adhere to strict rules. Strict, first of all, for yourself, because the most difficult thing is to change your behavior.

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1. Don’t be offended and don’t tell him that he’s lying.

First of all, let us remind you once again that he is sick. The sick are not offended, they are treated.

Secondly, he knows PERFECTLY that he is a liar. The fact that you remind him of this will only make him feel even more ashamed and worse, he will bury himself even deeper into his feelings, hide in his shell, and also draw conclusions on how to behave with you, so that you remind him of his feelings less often. shortcomings.

2.Love him

The most difficult point, directly explaining the most basic problem of drug addiction. This is a topic for a separate discussion, and we will not touch upon it in this article; you can find information in our other publications. Let’s just say briefly that only complete acceptance of a drug addict with his problematic inner world will give him the opportunity to trust you and open the doors of his soul, show him where he is in pain to such an extent that he runs away into his illusory world and tries to drown out the pain with drugs.

Actually, lying is a defense mechanism. By lying, the addict portrays himself as better, more loved, more correct, feeling that he is not considered such. And that’s what he wants, to be normal. But he doesn't succeed. And all because they don’t love him and he cannot become what he wants.

Start working with your acceptance, with yours. Let us clarify right away that this is a very painful process for you, and it will be difficult to cope without a specialist! Try!

3. Be calm and do not threaten the drug addict

The advice is not superfluous. Many people, without even feeling emotions towards the drug addict, try to build a curtain of threats and boundaries for him. But keep in mind: a drug addict already lives in constant tension and the feeling that everyone is up in arms against him. Your threats will only mobilize his aggression and accumulate resources. “Do you want war? There will be war for you! - this is how the drug addict thinks. And... he attacks first.

It creates more problems, even more conflicts. Even to the point of inflicting pain on oneself, if one cannot inflict it on another. “I’m ready to eat a toad just to annoy others” - this is about drug addicts. They may even go to the extent of self-harm (banging their head against the wall, getting sick, trying to commit suicide) just to make your soul feel worse. And all because at some point they had the imprudence to threaten him. Rest assured: the drug addict is threatening himself, in ways you never even dreamed of. There is no need to make this worse.

4. Don't humiliate the drug addict

It can’t get any worse when you’re already feeling bad, but they’re still finishing you off. At this moment, either strong aggression awakens, an attempt to prove to the world that you are not a completely lost creature after all. Or complete apathy sets in: “So, I really am such a piece of trash, and it’s not time for me to hang myself.”

Both types of behavior are the results of the wrong reaction of others. Don't hit someone who is down! A drug addict, even if outwardly bravuraly aggressive, is deeply flawed. And your attempts to poke at the sore spot will not improve the situation!

5. When persuading you to undergo treatment, do not intimidate

Often loved ones try and intimidate him, create painful situations for him that hit him where it hurts most: his fears.

“You will die if treated.” “I will divorce you if you don’t stop.” This is what drug addicts fear most! They are already very scared to live, why intimidate them again. Isn’t it more logical to show the light at the end of the tunnel than to loom before their minds with images of hell, in which they find themselves 80% of the time? And they escape from him in illusion with the help of a drug? That is why you are leading them into the abyss with your own hands, intimidating them.

We will help you cope with addiction:

comprehensive approach to treatment and complete anonymity

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Let's summarize: who is a drug addict?

1. A drug addict always lies.

2. You have to listen to his lies through your fingers, trying to accept and understand him.

3. You must understand that he himself will not stop lying until you change. And he will always lie, even if you thought that he would never lie again. Will. Write this down, get it on your nose. This is the norm for him.

4. Do not judge a drug addict from the position of a healthy person, he is not healthy, and his actions can only be predicted from the position that the person is sick. That is, you must always be prepared for lies and gently guide him towards changes.

Drug addict and aggression. What to do, how to predict, how to change this?

Since under the influence of drugs the addict’s behavior inexorably changes for the worse, you should know that purely at the level of biochemistry, after the drug begins to be processed by the body, a person feels an influx of very difficult physical sensations and emotions:

1. Increased irritability.

2. Fear, anxiety, depression sets in.

3. Reactions are heightened, sensitivity to irritants is high.

Does the drug affect the behavior of the addict? , and it is categorically impossible to adequately evaluate his behavior at the moment of “retreat”! Help and further psychological support: these are the right steps to start treatment.

The predictability of a drug addict at such moments is that his reaction to your simplest actions is unpredictable. This is important to remember, and at such moments you need to observe his behavior and not anger, irritate, or provoke him into aggression, although aggression can arise on its own, completely without your participation. Roughly speaking, a drug addict can be enraged even by the fact that you exist, and he will lash out at you.

At such moments, the drug addict’s behavior can manifest itself in an exaggerated version of all his claims, which he suppressed within himself through an effort of will. These can be completely trivial quibbles, on the basis of which one can draw conclusions and filter his statements at moments when he is sober.

According to the laws of biochemistry, the aggressive state will not last long. It will invariably be replaced by apathy, passivity, fatigue, a tearful nervous state, and drowsiness. It is difficult to say how long this or that period will last: everything is very individual and depends on the type of drug, the type of organism, the characteristics and duration of use, your relationship, and so on.

Maybe the addict will be angry and aggressive for several days in a row, or maybe a couple of hours will pass and he will fall asleep and sleep for two days in a row.

How to behave when a drug addict is aggressive

1. Control your behavior, facial expressions, gestures, glances. Do not provoke him with an angry look, quarrels, scandals. Your task is to reduce the degree of aggression as much as possible. If the aggressiveness of the drug addict does not subside, call for help, tie the drug addict, use force, twist his arms and legs, let him lie tied up, but in such a way that he lies down, if you are weaker, do not even try to fight and use force, you will obviously get hurt and even you may be injured.

2. Don't start boring conversations. You will NOT be heard.

3. Don’t threaten, however, this point is always important. This is basically a meaningless act on your part. If you really need to do something demonstrative, just do it and don’t talk about it.

4. Always hide knives, axes, and any sharp objects from the direct access area. Even if a drug addict knows where to get them, he will not grab them in 2 seconds and cause injury.

5.Always keep your cell phone charged and with a top-up balance, put calling the police on a shortcut combination or at the top of the list of numbers so that you can call the police and not fuss in problematic moments.

Over time, you will understand your addict and will have an idea of ​​how and when he calms down, what irritates him, in which situations it is better to remain silent and in which to be persistent. This might save your life! But never rely on the addict being predictable in moments of intoxication. This is the most fatal mistake. Always be on your guard, even though it is an unpleasant duty.

The addict does not want to be treated and change. What to do?

And finally, we come to the main question.

What to do with a drug addict who does not want to change his life.

We will probably disappoint you, but drug addicts have very low assertiveness (the ability to regulate their behavior) and low internality (autonomy, independent decision-making). They also have almost no motivation, and this is what makes a healthy person strive for change.

Roughly speaking, the addict will lie and look at the ceiling, and no forces will move him from his place.

For people who are involved, codependent, active controllers - which are often the relatives of drug addicts - this is extremely annoying. Somehow, they think. Is it really so difficult to just take it and start doing something? This is followed by reproaches, moralizing, lectures, and threats. And everything seems to hit the wall. The codependent is angry, the addict is looking for drugs. Everything returns to normal.

The situation is more than predictable, and it will not be possible to change it without the influence of specialists in any case, because, in essence, the whole family is sick.

The addict will NOT change until there is such a motivation that will force him to change his life involuntarily. And he will not strive for change until there is a different environment, love and acceptance around him.

Is the drug addict's behavior predictable in this situation? Yes, and almost always. The clinical picture of a disease such as drug addiction is almost always identical. It is very difficult, even in an ideal external environment (in rehabilitation centers), to revive the desire for life in a drug addict.

Almost all attempts to influence a drug addict lead to similar consequences: his apathy, lies and reluctance to change. There is almost no chance that you will change it in these ways.

With regular drug use, direct signs associated with being under the influence of drugs become evident.

The question is often asked, “what does a drug addict look like, what is he like?” Firstly, changes in a person’s behavior and appearance are aggravated. Secondly, signs of drug intoxication cannot be controlled and suppressed, much less hidden. Conditions of this kind have quite a lot of specific signs that are easily noticeable upon careful observation.

It should be taken into account that when using different drugs, external signs manifest themselves differently and can be directly opposite in nature depending on the substance used.

Intoxication after taking drugs is noticeably different from a similar state after drinking alcohol. There are a number of indicators that, if observed, require immediate medical attention.

The appearance of people taking drugs should also serve as an alarm signal. Take a closer look and you will see what a drug addict looks like. Wrinkled, unkempt clothes and unkempt, dull hair will help identify a drug problem. Especially if this sloppiness is combined with pale skin, which in drug addicts quickly becomes emaciated, dry, and loses elasticity and tone. Damage to the skin (even the slightest wounds) does not heal for a long time.

Signs of drug addiction in adults and children

Drug addiction is a terrible problem. People addicted to drugs quickly turn into mere living beings and cease to be normal members of society. Therefore, the question of how to identify a drug addict and how to determine whether your child or loved one is taking drugs is very relevant. It is very important to diagnose and provide help as early as possible, while the person still has memories of that other life before drugs, while he still has the desire to live fully.

How to identify a drug addict? Before you do anything, you need to know how drug addiction develops.

And this happens according to the following scheme:

  • "first try" At this moment there are no thoughts at all that addiction may develop. The drug gives unusual ease;
  • rapid formation of dependence. At this stage, it is very important to promptly recognize the first signs of drug addiction and provide assistance. And it may consist in convincing a person that a problem has arisen and treatment is necessary;
  • loss of all interest in life, the drug replaces family, loved ones, friends, work. During this period, the addict begins to understand that he needs to undergo treatment, but as withdrawal symptoms occur, he convinces himself that it is too late and there is no turning back.

Knowledge of the process of addiction will make it possible not only to identify a drug addict, be it a child or an adult, but will also make it possible to provide him with timely assistance.

Symptoms of drug use

A person taking any narcotic substances is revealed by both his external physical condition and behavior. Therefore, if you are careful, you can understand how to identify a drug addict. People who have this problem are different from others:

  • feel lethargic;
  • their laughter is inappropriate;
  • their pupils are noticeably constricted;
  • they are thirsty, so they constantly want to drink;
  • they are overcome by drowsiness;
  • rashes may appear on the skin and itching may occur.

These are visible symptoms, but there is also a soul, that is, the “other side”. The fact is that narcotic substances affect the brain, the human mind, his inner world, destroying it completely. That is, not only physical dependence arises, but also psychological. Therefore, it is important to know how to recognize a drug addict, but it is also important to understand that simple treatment in a drug treatment clinic will not help him. Long-term rehabilitation is needed. Without it, treatment will not bring any results.

Sign of drug addiction - health

Many people wonder how to identify a person who uses drugs. This can be done if you pay close attention to the changes that have arisen in human health:

  • the drug addict's blood pressure increases;
  • the heart rate increases significantly;
  • the intestines become upset and, as a result, diarrhea begins;
  • The main and most important symptom is the development of drug withdrawal, this is when he develops unbearable pain in the muscles and joints. The muscles tremble noticeably because the cramp in this case is uncontrollable. The person is exhausted, he wants to rest, but he cannot find a place for himself, he rushes about, he can neither sit nor lie down.

These are the signs that can help you decide:How to recognize a drug addict.

A drug, no matter what its nature, has a suppressive effect on the human body. At first, a person is sure that he will bring the highest pleasure. But gradually, withdrawal occurs instead, and gradually you need to take drugs no longer in the hope of getting pleasure, but with only one goal: to save yourself from suffering and pain.

The main signs of a drug addict are eyes, pupils

Undoubtedly, drug addiction is a problem that you need to beware of and try to protect your family and friends from it. But how do you know if a person is a drug addict? How can you tell if your best friend or your own child is taking drugs or if something else is going on with them?

Close attention, as always, should be paid to the special behavior and external state of a person.

Human life is oversaturated with various types of temptations. This is gambling, alcohol and drugs. In the drug world, the greatest harm comes from smoking weed. It is especially common among young people, as it is considered a soft drug that does not provoke addiction and dependence. This opinion is erroneous, because narcotic smoking mixtures cause the development of persistent addiction at the psychological and physical level.

Not to mention the harm that weed causes to the body. The consequences of such a hobby can be terrible - almost all smokers eventually switch to using harder drugs, which quickly lead a person to complete degradation and death. How to notice trouble in time? To this end, there are certain signs of smoking weed in adults.

You can recognize a person who smokes weed by some clearly visible signs

While a person “sits” on a smoking mixture, his brain does not have time to degrade completely and is not so clouded. At this level, it is still possible to get rid of addiction and return the individual to normal society, subject to adequate and timely treatment. But first, you need to realize the threat that seemingly harmless weed poses, and learn about the harm that the smoking mixture brings with it.

According to UN statistics, about 160 million people consume narcotic herbal mixtures on a regular basis.

What is "weed"

“Weed” is the popular term for hemp. This plant was once famous for its useful and valuable qualities. But over time, the source of benefit became a real “incarnation of hell.” This metamorphosis occurred due to cannabinoids, which are present in large quantities in the plant. It is these compounds that negatively affect the functioning of the body and cause persistent dependence over time.

During consumption, cannabinoids actively affect brain receptors, which affects the behavior of the addict. While on a smoking high, a person experiences a number of different sensations, ranging from mild euphoria accompanied by inexplicable laughter to hallucinogenic states and memory loss.

Weed is a name for drugs made from hemp.

The vast majority of people, especially young and frivolous people, naively believe that weed is completely harmless. Such a false belief costs not only health, but sometimes even life.

In many countries (and in Russia as well), the cultivation of hemp is prohibited at the official level. Any derivatives of this plant are classified as drugs and are subject to severe penalties for cultivation and distribution.

The danger of “easy” hobby

Smoking cannabis primarily negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system and the functioning of parts of the brain. The greatest danger of such a hobby is the fact that in the vast majority of cases, a person eventually switches to heavier drugs, when smoking weed no longer satisfies him.

What does smoking weed lead to?

Among the most pronounced consequences caused by addiction to cannabis, experts note the following:

  • mood swings;
  • major personality changes;
  • global damage to the nervous system;
  • numerous problems with teeth and gums;
  • significant decline in mental abilities;
  • destruction of the cortex and subcortical structure of the brain;
  • development of various diseases of the respiratory system;
  • pronounced inhibition in recognizing and understanding new information.

One of the saddest consequences of using weed includes a possible overdose, which can result in death. Accidents often happen to smokers who are high. Being in an altered consciousness, a drug addict can start a fire or create another emergency situation.

How to recognize a weed smoker

Signs of cannabis use are not fundamentally different between adults and adolescents. It is important to know these symptoms in order to recognize impending trouble in time and sound the alarm. At the initial level, the problem is still solvable, and the addict needs to be saved before he switches to harder drugs.

How to recognize a cannabis smoker

To find out whether a person uses weed, you should carefully look at the behavior and habits of a friend. If there are changes in his usual state, loved ones should immediately be wary. So, when a person “sits on the grass,” the following signs will be an indicator of such a hobby:

Unreasonable fun. And for the most inconspicuous reasons. Under the influence of cannabis, a person experiences real “universal” love for everything living, he is bursting with joy and fun. Being in a state of drug intoxication, a person strives to convey his love to everyone around him. And causeless laughter is so strong that it becomes extremely difficult for a drug addict to stop.

Increased appetite. Smoking weed provokes attacks of insatiable hunger. Cannabinoids irritate the taste buds, so someone intoxicated by the drug can eat an amount of food in one sitting that would normally last for 1-2 days.

By the way, cannabis, while causing irresistible gluttony, does not contribute to weight gain. The fact is that weed also enhances metabolic processes, so the addict’s weight remains normal even with constant eating.

But then various problems arise with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Since under the influence of weed the composition of gastric juice changes towards oxidation, there is a high probability of erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa and the development of ulcers.

Changing eyes. These are the most obvious signs of a weed addict; the photo shows that the intoxicated person’s eye pupils differ sharply from their normal state. Despite the fact that their size remains virtually unchanged, the smoker's eyes become unnaturally red and very inflamed. In some cases, even strabismus develops. Sometimes the eyelids begin to close on their own.

A weed smoker's eyes look bloodshot and inflamed.

Increased thirst. In addition to insatiable hunger, a person under the influence of cannabis experiences extreme thirst. This symptom is formed due to excessive dryness of the oral mucosa. Narcologists call this effect “cotton mouth syndrome.”

Behavioral changes. You can identify a weed addict by certain behavioral characteristics. Such as:

  • absent-mindedness;
  • inattention;
  • excessive talkativeness;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • desire for people to communicate;
  • inability to objectively estimate time, distance;
  • periodic lethargy, lethargy, some dullness, which is replaced by mobility and talkativeness;
  • problems with short-term memory (the drug addict is unable to remember what happened to him 5-10 minutes ago, how he ended up in this place, etc.).

Increased sweating. When smoking weed, due to increased metabolic processes, a person experiences an increase in sweating. Moreover, sweat has a disgusting, repulsive and pungent odor. The strongest deodorants will not save you from this “aroma”.

Symptoms of overdose

If the symptoms that appear in the case of ordinary cannabis use can in some cases be confused with simply a good mood and an optimistic attitude towards life and the surrounding reality, then symptoms of a different kind are less pleasant. We're talking about an overdose. In this case, the signs of cannabis use are expressed much more clearly. They are as follows:

  • painful muscle spasms;
  • slowing of speech functions;
  • a significant decrease in all reactions;
  • increased heart rate, resulting in a strong increase in blood pressure;
  • thoughtful, apathetic state (the person does not react to others);
  • the appearance of hallucinations of various types (auditory, tactile, visual);
  • attacks of suspicion and anxiety, sometimes reaching a paranoid state.

Symptoms of overdose

Over time, cannabis lovers begin to crave a more intense experience. This occurs due to the body becoming accustomed to weed. In this case, a person switches to using spice and hashish. An addict can also become addicted to more serious drugs – hallucinogens.

“Verbal and object” signs

You can also suspect that a loved one is addicted to smoking cannabis by the appearance of some strange devices in the house. If in doubt, you need to carefully check the apartment for items such as:

  1. Cut tubes, remnants of hoses.
  2. Empty cigarettes (free from tobacco).
  3. Matchboxes with the remains of an incomprehensible mixture of herbs.
  4. Various unusual twists of foil or cellophane.
  5. Plastic cut bottles. Drug addicts cut special holes at the bottom, and it may even be a little smoky.

In addition to such accessories that weed addicts use, the conversation of the addict can also change. Slang expressions appear in his speech. These words become another sign of cannabis consumption. When discussing how to recognize a drug addict who uses weed using slang words, you should know that in this case it is difficult to identify a specific “dubious” word.

The jargon of drug smokers is constantly changing, they invent new words and definitions. Addicts come up with other names for their smoking paraphernalia. But the words below are most often and have long been found in the everyday life of smokers and reveal his addiction to cannabis:

  • hashish (hash): hashish;
  • boshka: dry tops of a narcotic plant;
  • dotsl (smoke or finish): finish smoking the remainder of the mixture;
  • blow up: smoking weed with a bubbler;
  • Varenka: leftover milk where dry plant matter was boiled;
  • joint (joint): weed packaged in a cigarette or rolled joint and ready to be consumed;
  • bulbulator (bulbik): equipment made from a plastic bottle, used to smoke hemp or hashish.

It would be useful to mention what smokers also call the hemp plant. These are the following slang words: shmal, anasha, hemp, margot, plasticine, drach, bashatumnay, marusya, ganj, garik, smoke, hemp, snuffbox, grass (grass), cones, plan, drach, marukha, shan, manyaga, hemp, plast, boshki, dope, milk, zharakha, shala, garik, zharakha, smoke.

These names apply not only to weed. Addicts can also use them to refer to marijuana, hashish, spice and other types of drugs that they consume through smoking.

What to do with an addict

It is almost impossible to get rid of the craving for smoking cannabis on your own. The situation is explained by the fact that drug addicts, confident in the safety and ease of such a drug, extremely rarely admit that they have a problem and express a desire to put an end to “nonsense.”

In this case, only a specialized clinic can help. Specialists will determine the addict’s condition and develop an individual treatment plan. Help for a drug addict is comprehensive, because it is necessary to rid a person not only of physical, but also of mental addiction.

Well, the path to recovery begins with a visit to a drug treatment room. The doctor performs an initial examination, assesses the patient’s condition, and talks with him and relatives. And then he proposes a treatment program, based on the period of consumption of weed, the frequency of its use and the damage to the body already caused by the drug.

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