How to call the battle of psychics home. Write a letter to a psychic


Now there are many programs on TV, and the "battle of psychics", and "black and white" and "psychics against detectives" look at the screen and wonder how people guess, guess, see. I would really like to get accepted and contact the participants in the battle of psychics. Tell me how to get to the heroes of this show and personally talk? Perhaps you can tell me contacts from a social network, phone numbers, Skype, to get a consultation by phone or make an appointment.
I really like Julia Wang, Swami Dashi, Elena Golunova, Alexey Pokhabov, Dmitry Volkhov. Ilona Novoselova, Merlin Kerro, Vitaly Gibert, Alexander Sheps, winner of the show.

I would also like to know your opinion about such shows.

In contact with


It is impossible to call psychics from the psychic battle, because. it is a performance for the audience. And if you find the contacts or phone numbers of the participants, then the producers will be behind them, as a rule, the cost of receiving clairvoyants or magicians from this show starts from 25,000 rubles. Therefore, it is not so easy to contact by phone.

Good afternoon All participants in the show voice their pseudonyms and they can be easily found on the Internet. But the show is filmed strictly according to the script - this must be remembered. All lines and movements are pre-recorded. And there are no unexpected turns in the script that the director or cameraman would not know about. And then - who believes, he believes. Whoever seeks, he will find. In any case, communication with the participants of the show can be interesting, as well as with actors and writers. The more communication, the more information.

Hello. All shows related to human destinies, their feelings and emotions, are initially wrong. Souls cannot be put on stream and exposed, and then for someone else to discuss and evaluate it. If a person has been given a gift, why prove it, and so there are enough witnesses of this gift. In the show, just the dark side is visible, and here everyone has their own decisions. If you need, you will find.

I think you need to contact and call the transfer of the battle of psychics in order to get the contacts of the heroes and perhaps one of the clairvoyants will be able to receive you personally.

Since this is a television show and it is not live, everything really happens according to the script and you may be disappointed when you meet a famous and popular psychic in reality.

This fascinating show has been attracting millions of people to the screens like a magnet for several years now on TNT. "The Battle of Psychics" regularly breaks records in terms of popularity. The program, in which people demonstrate their unique abilities of clairvoyance and magic, thereby helping ordinary people in their troubles and hardships, even for the most inveterate skeptics, has turned into something extraordinary and not amenable to logical explanation. However, some still think that in the "Battle of Psychics" everything is set up and planned in advance. But, as it turned out, this is not some staged program, but a real show, the participants of which solve real human problems.

Program mission

Many have already become convinced in practice that magicians, sorcerers and oracles are really capable of unraveling even the most intricate tangle of mysteries, as a result of which ordinary people suffer.

One lost a loved one under unclear circumstances, the second is overcome by unpleasant events of the past, the third simply lost faith in himself. And people endowed with unusual abilities have repeatedly proved that they are able to solve such problems. Moreover, they actively cooperate with representatives of law enforcement agencies in investigating the most complicated cases. And thanks to the intervention of mediums, things get off the ground.

Naturally, today a huge army of people is interested in this question: is it possible to get to the “Battle of Psychics” and turn to the participants of the show for help? Yes, there is such a possibility.

Everyone can ask for help

As already mentioned, people often find themselves in difficult life situations. Sometimes even specialists, such as detectives or doctors, are powerless before their problems. From this, many are seized by panic, despair and depression. What to do in such cases? In this regard, the question becomes more urgent than ever, is it possible to get to the “Battle of psychics” to get help? The answer to it is in the affirmative, and there is a recommendation according to which one should contact first of all with the editors of the program or with the employees of the TNT channel.

And you can write a letter or send a video message. It should be noted that the second option is considered more effective than the first.

In any case, there are several ways in which people can decide how to get into the "Battle of Psychics" for help. And if the first did not help, then the second should be used. Let's consider each option separately.


So, if you don’t know how to get to the “Battle of Psychics” for help, then you can contact the editorial office of the program or directly to the TNT channel via e-mail. In the first case, send a message to the address [email protected], and in the second - on [email protected]. What should you keep in mind if you decide to use this method of treatment? First, be sure to indicate the city where you live and your contact phone number. Secondly, describe in detail the emergency or life situation in which you find yourself.

Also, do not forget to send any documents, photos, videos or things that are related to your incident. With their help, mediums will get closer to the solution much faster.

Thirdly, it must be taken into account that magicians and witches, spending a huge amount of internal strength, do not always help people for free, since many of them earn by solving the problems of "mere mortals". In this regard, be prepared to fork out a certain amount of money. Please note that only a few can count on free help. Still, there are many suffering, but very few real mediums.

Internet resource

There is another solution to the problem, how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" for help. Everything is very simple. You just need to go to the Internet portal of the program. Here you can contact the editors of the TNT channel. But it should be borne in mind that hundreds of letters are received on the site every day, so the channel's employees are forced to choose those who will receive assistance. Moreover, the degree of scale of the problem when choosing for them is of secondary importance.

But you should not despair if, having learned how to get to the “Battle of Psychics” for help, you turned to the editors of TNT, and they ignored your letter. In this case, you need to try again.


A little about the criteria for selecting letters. It should be noted that the employees of the TNT channel primarily focus on incidents, after which as many material evidence as possible has been preserved. Naturally, the more extensive the arsenal of documents or things that can shed light on a mysterious case, the more likely you are to be among the “chosen ones”.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that editors are interested in extraordinary stories in which events do not unfold according to a logical scenario. In this regard, if you write a message like: “Someone jinxed me! Help! ”, then such a letter is unlikely to get into the top ten.

But there is one more nuance that will come in handy when you have already learned how to get to the “Battle of Psychics” for help (TNT). If, for example, we are talking about the deprivation of life, then applications received from the direct relatives of the victim are considered as a priority, since without their consent it is impossible to perform certain actions, in particular, to discuss the circumstances of the death of the murdered throughout the country.


Is there an additional way by which you can solve the problem, how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" for help for free? Certainly yes. The social network VKontakte will help. Here you can go to the official page of the project and leave a message.

The best of the best are ready to serve

Here, in principle, are all the secrets of how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" to help. But it should be noted that a huge number of people prefer to resort to the services of magicians and sorceresses who directly won a victory in a particular season of a popular project. And to explain this trend is quite simple: they have proven many times in practice that they really have unique psychic abilities.

Samara Clairvoyant

For example, earlier, the following question simply haunted many people: how to get to the “Battle of Psychics” for help from Alexander Sheps? This young man from Samara became the winner of the 14th season of the mystical show. The biography of Alexander is interesting and remarkable. He inherited the unusual gift of a medium from his mother. Already in his youth, his relatives began to notice that he could contact the other world. However, before developing psychic abilities in himself, the young man tried several professions. He acted on the theater stage, was engaged in the modeling business, sang songs, created scripts.

He got to the “Battle of Psychics” by accident, because he was late for the competitive selection. But, as they say, winners are not judged. Today he provides real help to those who need it. Do you want a clairvoyant to solve your problem? Then address the question to his manager Ilya Guru with an application marked “At the reception”. And keep in mind that Sheps does not take money in advance for his work, and also does not give online consultations. There is also an official Alexander group on the VKontakte network (

Witch from the Northern Capital

The question of how to get to the “Battle of Psychics” for help from Tatyana Larina is also of great relevance.

And although this eccentric seer did not become the winner of the 15th season of the project, thanks to her unique abilities she was able to make it to the final. She repeatedly proved in tests that she deserves to be on the list of the strongest. Remarkable is the fact that she inherited the gift of foresight from her relatives, which she was able to develop by going to Israel.

Another witch from the city on the Neva

Not so long ago, many people appeared who wanted to know how to get to the “Battle of Psychics” for help from Victoria Rydos. This owner of a unique gift to unravel the secrets of the paranormal took first place in the 16th season of the project. She comes from St. Petersburg. Victoria prefers not to talk about her biography in detail. Like ordinary people, she first went to kindergarten, then went to school, entered the university. The witch believes that these stages of development are necessary in the life of every person, since they help to navigate in the real world. But in addition to teaching secular disciplines, Victoria at a young age began to comprehend the basics of the occult sciences.

The girl is a graduate of the esoteric school and teaches at the local Tarot Academy. Rydos also has its own website. On this Internet portal, you can ask a personal question to the witch, but for this you need to go through a mini-questionnaire online. You can also send Victoria an email message: [email protected].

My main task is to help all the people who contacted me. I have psychic abilities and am ready to use them for your benefit. You can contact me with the most diverse questions and situations. Remember that everything can be adjusted, the main thing is your desire.

“I am very grateful for the wise, sensible advice, the problem is considered in volume and with conclusions. After the consultation, everything falls into place, and most importantly, everything that was predicted is happening. An expert who fully understands your misunderstandings, a lot of positive, goodwill and wisdom. ”* - Marina, 54 years old

Psychic with 18 years of experience. I have been providing online consultations for over 10 years. Viewing the future and adjusting family situations. Thousands of satisfied customers and restored relationships. Ask a question and get advice and help from a clairvoyant.

“Thank you very much, Siana, it was a pleasure for me to communicate with you, all the best to you!” * - Tatyana, 62 years old

I am a bioenergetic, clairvoyant, international psychic. Experience - more than 25 years. I am proficient in a wide variety of techniques and techniques. My abilities came to me through the female line of the family, from my great-grandmother. In my work I use clairvoyance and clairaudience, modern scientific knowledge and spiritual practices.

“Thank you, Carolina, for your help and support! Your sessions help me cope with the problem and give me strength. Thank you so much and God bless you! ”* - Elena, 42 years old

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I, as a psychic, am able to make positive changes in your own life, as well as the lives of your loved ones. My strength can be used both in a difficult and sorrowful period, and in ordinary times - to make difficult decisions, improve harmony in relationships, increase financial flows ...

“I didn’t have time to thank you! Thanks, Ilona! Loved the advice! You are an amazingly positive person and an excellent tarot reader! ”* - Elena, 45 years old

I am a parapsychologist, a psychic - I inherited my abilities from my ancestors. I have been practicing in the field of esotericism for more than 10 years. I will help you find the cause of difficulties in your life, as well as tell you about ways to overcome problems. Call - I'm always open for dialogue!

“Thank you very much for your amazing advice. I got answers to all my questions, even the ones I didn't plan to ask! I wish you good luck!”* - Sasha, 24 years old

I am a runologist and bioenergetic. With the help of runes I will help you understand the situation and answer your questions. I will be able to see your problem, as well as what led to it, give the necessary recommendations in the present so that they do not happen again in the future!

“Very accurate schedules. In any case, about the present and the past, the expert interprets the runes in such a way that you are surprised how much everything coincides. The impressions of the conversation are magnificent, she dispelled all her aspirations and doubts. The layouts gave me a lot to think about. I hope that everything will come true. Thank you very much!”* - Maria, 39 years old

I am a psychic, parapsychologist, clairvoyant. My gift is inherited from male ancestors who came from Italy. My abilities help to deal with problems in the family, at work, personal affairs. I know the answers to many important questions.

“Thank you, Luka, for such a warm consultation! The expert surprisingly sees the details that I did not talk about, very accurately determines the nature of people, situations, sincerely and warmly tries to help. Thank you very much!”* - Elena, 34 years old

I am a psychic, parapsychologist. My path in esotericism is the path of serving people. You can ask me a question about difficult life situations, interpersonal relationships, unrequited love. I will show you an effective way to solve the problem, I will provide energy assistance.

“I have not met such strong specialists for a long time. Everything is true. ”* - Tatyana, 25 years old

I am a seer, psychic and parapsychologist. With the help of fortune-telling on cards, I can predict the future. I help to resolve family problems, difficulties in understanding with children, the situation at work. We will solve these problems together. Experience - more than 30 years.

"I recommend to all! Augusta is a strong expert, and everything is to the point, with recommendations. Tries to provide all the information in a short time! This is an amazing person! Rarely do you meet such a smart, delicate person. Super!”* - Svetlana, 49 years old

I'm Viola Miles, psychic. I received my gift at birth, “accumulating” in my soul the knowledge of many generations of my kind. I help people adjust their biofield, improve the future (change of fate).

“The best expert on this site, I'm sure)) After the conversation, my heart felt really lighter. Thank you :) "* - Denis, 35 years old

I am a tarot reader, runologist, bioenergetic, practicing esoteric. With the help of different Tarot decks, runes and the gift of clairvoyance, I will clarify situations that interest you, answer questions about relationships, business, a person’s energy state, and help you view the course of events that interest you. Contact me - and I will help you get information about the people you are interested in, events and the development of situations and processes.

“Thank you very much for your 100% vision of the situation, although a lot of time has passed. Everything is on point. You are great!!!”* - Tatyana, 52 years old

I am a practicing tarot reader, runologist and psychic. For more than nine years I have been helping people find a way out of their situations, choosing an individual approach to each. I can help you find a way out in career, finance and relationships.

“Alexandra, a great expert! The situation is described and sorted out on the shelves, everything is accurate and correct. I really liked the consultation. I will definitely contact again. Thank you very much!!!”* - Evgenia, 41 years old

I am a hereditary psychic with over 20 years of experience. I look online with success personal relationships and love, work, business, finance, biofield, study and other topics. I look through negative programs, blocks, and neutralize them.

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I am one of the psychics who consult on Astro7. Natural sensitivity, deep knowledge of esotericism, work experience, repeated testing of abilities by testing do not allow you to doubt that you are a real specialist in your field. Order the first consultation and see for yourself that I really help my clients.

“Lina, thank you so much! You are the best expert, it is pleasant to communicate with you and give the necessary advice, and most importantly, everything you say, everything comes true. ”* - Irina, 36 years old

I am a bioenergetic, tarologist, psychic. I work from photographs. With the help of cards, tarot cards and clairvoyance, I will answer all your questions. I will help you understand and solve problems in your situation. Call and you will hear the answer to your question.

"Brilliant expert! I haven't seen these on the site yet. He sees everything so accurately that it even becomes scary. Therefore, there is hope that her predictions will come true. ”* - Tamara, 62 years old

I am a psychic, parapsychologist, clairvoyant, bioenergetic. In my work, I use only proven techniques. When viewing, I use layouts on Tarot cards, Gypsy cards, playing cards. I also use runes and a pendulum. Practice for over 20 years.

“Sergei Vladimirovich, thank you very much for your consultation! It became much easier. Tell everything like it really is. There was faith in a successful future! ”* - Anastasia, 27 years old

This is an extraordinary and specific show, in which people with unusual and sometimes supernatural abilities take part. It is thanks to this project that many viewers discover the "terrible" truth - the world is not as simple as it might seem to us at first glance.

A little about the show "Battle of psychics"

When the TNT channel decided to launch the Battle of Psychics project, no one could have imagined what kind of love and interest of the audience it would eventually gain. This is due to the amazing abilities of the participants in the show, which evoke a wide variety of feelings and sensations in people. Some viewers did not believe in the talents of psychics, considering them charlatans and manipulators. And others came to an indescribable delight from the manifestation of such abilities.

The management of the TNT channel decided to invite those participants to the shooting of the program who, according to their own statements, possess and check whether this is really so. The participants came across different. Someone wanted fame and PR for their own personality. Some sought to prove to the world that psychics exist. And some had other motives. Be that as it may, the “Battle of Psychics” project helped the audience see a lot of new and unknown things that were previously considered simply unreal and impossible.

At the start of the show, no one knew what the consequences of the collision of such a strong energy of gifted people could be. The exact mechanism of how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" for help has not been developed. However, the project and its participants were able to give the audience a lot, opening the veils of the secrets of this world.

Popularity is not spared

A sufficient number of seasons of the project have already been aired, surprising the audience with incredible and non-standard things. Participants demonstrated to everyone their abilities in various fields of magic: from clairvoyance to the search for missing people. Many viewers who needed to get some hard-to-reach information learned how to get to the "Battle of Psychics" for help. It was here that they received answers to all the details of interest to them.

The official website of the TV show Battle of Psychics allows viewers to write a letter to the editor and ask for help if, in their opinion, mystical events have occurred in their family. Many do not believe that the supernatural is near. However, it is not. AND Battle of psychics TNT- the most reliable confirmation of this. High extrasensory abilities allow program participants to help people on the air.

The official website of the transfer of the Battle of psychics - write to the editor and get help

In a programme Battle of psychics on TNT viewers have the opportunity to watch the investigation of strange, mysterious stories. The heroes of the program are the most ordinary people in whose lives, as they believe, inexplicable, mysterious events have occurred.

  • If you can’t figure it out on your own in confusing situations, viewers turn to the Battle of Psychics program by writing a letter to the editor through the site.
  • The editors of the program choose the most interesting cases, and psychics - participants in the TV project, go to the test.
  • The goal is to help people who have witnessed unusual phenomena. Anyone, for example, you can become the heroes of the program.
  • I will tell you how to seek help on the official website of the Battle of Psychics program.

Battle of Psychics official website - how to contact the editor for help?

I note that participation in the TV Show is free. Any person in whose family and life there are really inexplicable events that do not fit with reality can get into the project with his story. It is clear that the participants of the show cannot go to everyone who wants to. Applications to the editors of the Battle of Psychics on the official website are received by dozens, but only the most interesting of them are selected for the program. The TV project Battle of Psychics in our country has the only off site, to which you should send an application to the editor.

How to write to the editor on the Battle of Psychics website?

  • To apply to the program, you need to contact the editors of the TNT channel on the website - the official page on the TNT website (Russia).
  • Email [email protected]
  • In addition, the TV project has an official Vkontakte page edition of the Battle of Psychics in Russia. &1

We receive thousands of letters to our address [email protected] and unfortunately, we simply physically cannot answer everyone. But first of all, we pay attention to the most interesting feedback letters. That's why:

1. Always indicate your city. What if he is close to the route that the group "Psychics Investigate" will go? Or you live close to Moscow, and then the chances of getting into the program increase even more.

2. Always leave all contact phone numbers with the area code - we first of all respond to those letters, the authors of which we can contact quickly. Leave your name.

3. In the "Subject" of the letter, do not write "help", "sos", "I beg you" - there are hundreds of such letters a day. If you want your email to stand out, think of a really interesting subject line.

4. Do not send one letter many times - then your address will automatically fall into "spam", and then no one will ever read your letter.

5. We choose stories on the basis of which we can make a test for psychics. And this often requires photographs, personal items, or the scene of an accident. For example, in the case of an accident investigation, we would rather choose the one in which the car was preserved. Therefore, try to point out such important things that can help psychics.

6. We choose unusual stories. If you briefly write “mysterious death” or “damage to me” - we will never understand why your story is special. Try to describe in enough detail what happened, but without going into small details. Just a couple of paragraphs.

7. In cases where a crime has occurred, we primarily consider applications from direct relatives of the victim. Because we cannot, for example, discuss the death of their child on the air without the consent of the parents. Therefore, ask family members to write or indicate that they will agree to shoot.

8. If you have a couple of photos that illustrate your story, add them to the letter.

We apologize in advance to anyone we don't answer. Understand, there are only a few of us, and we do not even have time to drop a couple of lines in response. Very often, our non-response does not mean "no." This may mean that right now we do not have filming, or your story will be needed for some kind of test in the future. Therefore, we hope for your understanding. And thanks to all our viewers!

We are waiting for your emails [email protected]

Do not write your stories in the comments!

Battle of psychics official website - how to ask for help?

I would like to immediately note that participation in the program The fight of extrasensories completely free. Anyone can get into the program with their story. Of course, psychics cannot go to everyone who wants to. Dozens of applications are received by the editorial office, and only a few are selected for the program.

The Battle of Psychics in Russia program has only one official website where you should send an application. We have posted a link below.

You can get a free psychic consultation right now.

How to write a letter to the Battle of psychics?

  • To apply to psychics in the program, you need to contact the editors of the TNT channel on the website - the official page on the TNT website (Russia). Email [email protected](Edition of the Battle of psychics) and [email protected](TNT channel)
  • The program also has a VKontakte page (edition of the Battle of Psychics in Russia.
  • If you want to apply to the Ukrainian Battle of psychics, then you are on the website - the official page on the website of STB (Ukraine).

Where can I find the contacts of the participants in the Battle of Psychics?

The editors of the program do not provide contacts for the participants in the Battle of Psychics show, however, on our website in the profile of psychics you can find their official pages on social networks and their websites. Using them, you can contact psychics on your own.

If someone's contacts are not on the page, it means we haven't found them yet. As soon as information becomes available, we will update the member page.

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