What paints need to be mixed to get. Getting purple by mixing paints


If you are a lover of fine teas, then you have heard about the variety of pu-erh - how to brew it, we will now figure it out. Depending on the selected variety, storage time and preparation recipe, tea gives many shades of color and smell. Increases efficiency, normalizes blood pressure, removes toxins, helps with a hangover and lowers sugar levels.

How to quickly learn how to brew pu-erh and enjoy the whole palette of its flavors

How to brew tea properly and how to drink pu-erh to save it completely healing properties? Take fresh water - spring, filtered or bottled. Do not use boiled water, it is considered "dead" and not suitable. Take a suitable container - a special teapot made of Yixing clay, a glass container or bowls.

The two most common varieties of this tea are called shu and shen. Shu - ripe, black, the infusion is colored dark brown with a mild taste. Shen - young, green, partially fermented. The infusion is light yellowish or greenish in color, the taste is sweetish with a fruity aroma. Consider how to cook pu-erh correctly?

Method 1. How to brew pu-erh at home

The strength, color and aroma of the finished drink depend on the variety and time of infusion. If you wanted to know how to brew pu-erh at home, then remember the step-by-step recommendations:

  • The temperature of the water for infusion should be in the range of 85-95 degrees. You can pour it into a thermos to maintain the desired temperature throughout the ceremony.
  • Pour boiling water over the cooking utensil and let it warm up.
  • Place the tea leaves in a teapot, fill with water for 10-20 seconds, drain. This is necessary for washing the tea leaves from dust.
  • Fill again and infuse for 2-3 minutes.
  • Your drink is ready!

If you are wondering how many times you can brew pu-erh, then remember - one serving is used up to 10 times. The time of each subsequent infusion is increased by 2 times.

Method 2. How to brew loose pu-erh

For the production of loose pu-erh, whole tea leaves are used. The taste and properties depend on the storage time of tea - with exposure, it becomes healthier and more aromatic. For one serving, take 2 teaspoons per serving volume. Before infusion, the feedstock is washed with water at a temperature of 90 degrees. Re-fill and insist 1-3 minutes.

Method 3. How to brew pressed shen according to all the rules

To reveal the aroma of tiled shen pu-erh, follow a simple algorithm:

  • Place a small piece of tea in 5-7 gr. Break off the tiles with your hands or with a special knife.
  • Fill the sheng with 95-degree water and drain to rinse the tea leaves.
  • Pour water again and infuse for the right time.

To fully reveal the aroma of tea and choose the right one for yourself, experiment with the brewing time. Now you know how to brew sheng.

Method 4. How to cook pu-erh

This variety of Chinese tea can be brewed, but it is more difficult and requires experience. How to brew pu-erh to get a fragrant drink? For cooking, use a gas burner or fire, a glass container and a thermos for soaking. The tea leaves are filled with water and set aside. Water is poured into a transparent teapot and set to boil. When medium-sized bubbles appear in it, soaked tea leaves are poured in and boiled for about 3-5 minutes. After tea stand 1-2 minutes and start tasting. Re-brewing is not allowed, with this method, the feedstock immediately gives all the useful elements to the drink.

How to drink pu-erh

To fully experience tea drinking, you need to understand how to drink pu-erh tea correctly. They drink it without sugar, which deprives the drink of its true taste and destroys its healing properties. The prepared infusion is drunk only fresh, unused tea leaves are recommended to be poured out. How to drink Puer tea is not worth it - before going to bed and on an empty stomach because of the tonic effect.

Is it possible to drink pu-erh for pregnant women - on this issue, the opinions of experts differ. Some argue that it is impossible because of the invigorating properties, others that it will only bring benefits. If you want to taste it during pregnancy, do it in moderation and with caution, listening to the reaction of your body.

Now you know how to brew Pu-erh tea correctly, we wish you a pleasant tea drinking!

Nihao, Dear friends! Today in the section we will analyze one of the most interesting questions, which everyone is eager to know - how to cook Puer to "insert"? Although I prefer to call this state - "tea intoxication." Ready? Let's go!🚀✈

Many people think that it is quite difficult to cook Pu-erh. That this requires some special devices, the so-called "siphons" and many other interesting elements. BUT it's not!

Today I will tell you the simplest and affordable way for any beginner "chaeman", which will allow you to discover all the delights of brewing tea in every kitchen.

What is needed for brewing Pu-erh?

First what we need is the most common kitchen stove. It can be electric, gas, even a fire if you are in nature. It does not matter, the most important thing is that this device warms our water.

Second the item that we will need is a saucepan, a ladle, a kettle, anything you like, as long as you can put water there and heat it on our stove.

Well third, for the sake of which this event was started, this, of course, is our beloved and respected old Pu-erh. At the time of writing, I had a not so old pancake Shu, only 6 years old, judging by the press. This is the most popular Shu pancake in our online intoxicating tea shop WelcomeTea.ru

Additional options can be: an awl for Pu-erh, a tea table (aka chaban), a gaiwan, etc. But it just adds more fun in our venture.

Experiment, try and enjoy life with us.

Good tea needs proper brewing.

Pu-erh can be brewed with a dozen of the most different ways, but there are only two traditional ones adopted in China and beyond. It is these methods of brewing pu-erh that Yunnan blenders and tea masters are guided by.

  • Strait brewing. Approximately 10 g of tea for dishes with a volume of 80-100 ml. Infusion is short - 1-3 seconds.
  • Long brew. Approximately 5 g of tea per 100 ml dish. Infusion 10-40 seconds.

Both ways go well with traditional utensils, tea is equally good in Issin teapots and gaiwans. In all cases, the water must be hot before brewing; for this, it is convenient to fix its temperature in a thermos with a glass flask. All dishes before brewing should be well warmed up, tea should be crushed by hand into small fractions or disassembled into leaves, if possible. Tea should be placed in heated dishes, the first infusion is always drained, they are usually rinsed with cups.

Pros and cons

When brewing "strait" you can get an intense infusion with a bright aroma of an empty cup, light floral, honey and fruity aromas, a large number of brewing (usually more than 8-10 times). Relative disadvantages of the method: the need to be careful when brewing, so as not to over-brew and not get a tart infusion, more tea consumption, a large amount of infusion (10 brews of 100 ml = 1 liter of finished tea).

For long brewing less tea is consumed, it is convenient to brew, there is less risk of overbrewing, less tea is produced. Relative disadvantage: less subtle floral tones in the fragrance.

The sequence of brewing pu-erh by pouring

  • Prepare the right amount of tea. If it is not possible to weigh, put dry tea on about 1/3 of the dish. For soft pressings, a little more is possible, for strong ones, a little less.
  • Wash for 5-7 seconds. Pour boiling water into a teapot or gaiwan. In a gaiwan, stir tea with boiling water using a lid, the teapot can be rotated intensively in a circular motion. This infusion can be rinsed with chahai and cups and then poured out. You don't need to drink it.
  • Make the first brew in 3 seconds and immediately pour through a sieve into the chahai and then into cups.
  • Drain the second and third infusion immediately.
  • Fourth-fifth for 3 seconds or a little longer.
  • Sixth onwards, add a little time to each infusion. 10-15-20-30 seconds.
  • Good pu-erhs can usually be brewed 10 times or more. The last brews will be 1-2 minutes long.

The sequence of brewing pu-erh with a long infusion

  • Warm the water to 98 degrees, but do not bring it to seething. Warm up the thermos and pour boiling water into it.
  • Prepare the dishes: gaiwan or teapot, chahai (drainer), sieve and cups. Warm up all the dishes with boiling water.
  • Prepare approximately 5 g of tea per 80-100 ml dish. If it is not possible to weigh, put dry tea on about 1/5 of the volume of the dish. For soft pressings, a little more is possible, for strong ones, a little less.
  • Wash for 5-7 seconds. Pour boiling water into a teapot or gaiwan. Use the lid to stir the tea in the gaiwan and swirl the teapot vigorously in a circular motion. Rinse chahai and cups with infusion and pour.
  • Shake the teapot or gaiwan and let it sit for a minute. Hard pressing takes a little more time. The tea will steam out and be ready for the first brew.
  • Make the first infusion in 20 seconds.
  • The second is 10-15 seconds.
  • Third infusion - 30 seconds.
  • Fourth - 60 seconds.
  • Fifth - a couple of minutes.
  • Sixth - 5 minutes.

The pouring method will especially appeal to those who love intense infusion, bright action and a powerful invigorating effect. The long brewing method will be appreciated by lovers of a delicate mild taste, discreet aromas and calm action. The same method is suitable for those who do not need a strong tonic effect, for example, children.

But besides these two main methods, there are several more interesting ways.

  • Cooking (languishing) pu-erh on fire.
  • Cooking pu-erh in milk.
  • Brewing in a thermos.
  • Tipresso (in the coffee machine).
  • Cold puer.

Pu-erh cooking

The most ancient method of preparation. good at difficult conditions, for example, in a campaign or conditions medieval life, but has several drawbacks, the main of which is the inability to feel subtle aromas good tea. It was this circumstance that prompted the use of ceramic teapots 500-600 years ago.

How to cook pu-erh

  • Soak in cold water crushed tea at the rate of 7-10 g per 1 liter.
  • Rinse the tea thoroughly in several waters and collect in a lump.
  • Warm the water and at the last stage of boiling, just before boiling, throw in the tea and stir. Bring to a boil and let the tea simmer for a few seconds.
  • Turn off the heat and let it simmer for 5-7 minutes. Pour into cups, and keep the tea container on a candle or near a strong heat source, such as hearth stones.

The modern Russian-language version of this method is called “Pu-erh brewing by the Lu Yu method” and is invariably embodied in making tea in a glass teapot, pouring water in and out, spinning the water clockwise and meditatively looking at tea leaves in the light of a candle. This is quite spectacular, but has no real historical basis.

Cooking pu-erh in milk

We can say that this is a steppe method of brewing pu-erh, simplified and close to urban conditions. In Mongolia, pu-erh with milk was drunk a thousand years ago, so the combination is quite ancient and proven.

How to cook pu-erh in milk

  • Take 10 g of pu-erh for every 250-300 ml of milk.
  • Rinse Pu-erh in cold water, soak for a couple of minutes in a mug or rinse quickly with boiling water.
  • Pour 50 ml of water into the pu-erh and bring to a boil, pour in a little milk and bring to a boil each time until all the milk is gone.
  • Let the finished pu-erh stand for 5 minutes in a warm place, after which you can drink.
  • Pu-erh with milk (especially shen pu-erh) is very tasty to add with a small pinch of salt.

Brewing pu-erh in a thermos

It's simple fast way. Ideal for those who do not have the opportunity to brew tea in any other way, but cannot do without tea. For example, on winter fishing, difficult hikes or walks in the city environs. This method is also good for those who are in a hurry in the morning and can drink tea a little later, it is suitable for students or drivers of diesel locomotives. It is known that many truckers fell in love with drinking pu-erh on the road for its ability to invigorate gently and for a long time and for the predictability of the effect, which is especially important in dangerous jobs. The disadvantage of this method is that the tea is overbrewed, it becomes too tart.

How to brew pu-erh in a thermos

  • Boil water.
  • Rinse hot water thermos to warm up.
  • Rinse a portion of pu-erh with hot water, rinse it and drain the water.
  • Place pu-erh at the rate of 5-7 grams per 1 liter of water in a thermos and fill with hot water.
  • Ready pu-erh can be drunk in half an hour. Try to drink pu-erh within 3 hours after brewing.

An alternative method is to brew pu-erh in a teapot and pour the infusion into a heated thermos. So pu-erh will not be overbrewed and will not be bitter.


it new method making pu-erh in espresso coffee machines. Pu-erh is crushed, put instead of coffee and make a thick and dense drink, reminiscent of espresso coffee. This method is now becoming very popular in Asia, in some megacities, tipresso bars are opening one after another, as a response to European coffee houses.

cold pu-erh

An effective way to deal with heat. Put a little sheng pu-erh into a bottle of water and refrigerate overnight. In the morning you will have a wonderful and all natural iced tea. Instead of a bottle, you can use a decanter or a jug, and in order for the tea to “brew” faster, you can fill it with water at room temperature and leave it in the kitchen for 2-3 hours, after which you can already cool it. If you want to reduce the effect of theine (caffeine), just add a little lemon juice to your glass of tea.

Brew with pleasure and drink only the best pu-erh!

Alexey Borodin

  • How to choose real pu-erh and get the effect of tea intoxication
  • How to brew pu-erh at home? cooking secrets
  • How to brew loose pu-erh with tangerine
  • What defines the concept of real Chinese tea? Of course, this is, first of all, one that, in addition to its amazing taste and rich aroma, can benefit the body. Many of us, for example, know that black tea perfectly invigorates, and real green tea promotes weight loss and is a powerful antioxidant. Oolongs normalize metabolism, and fruit teas strengthen the immune system, as they contain a large amount of vitamins and essential trace elements. But few people know how useful pu-erh tea can be, but the Chinese know and not in vain call it a cure for all diseases. Why is pu-erh similar in characteristics to coffee, but much healthier than it? Why is this drink often compared to collection wines? What is the effect of tea intoxication and, of course, how to brew and drink pu-erh correctly, we will talk about all this in this article.

    What is Puer

    Chinese Pu-erh belongs to post-fermented teas and is one of the most expensive varieties in the world. It is produced according to a certain technology and not everywhere, but only in certain provinces, the most popular of which are Yunnan and Sichuan. According to the degree of fermentation, there are two types of pu-erh.

    Shen- the technology of preparation of this variety is as follows. First, the leaves are slightly dried on fresh air, then dried and then pressed. After pressing, the tea continues to ripen, this product has no expiration date than it older than those expensive. Therefore, it is quite often compared with good wines, which only get better with age.

    Shu- withered and slightly dried tea leaves are piled in large piles and poured with water. In this form, it is left for several days, stirring from time to time. Thanks to this technology, an active fermentation process begins in the tea leaf. Fermentation is accelerated and the maturation process is much faster. After that, shu is also pressed. In this form, it can be stored for more than twenty years. At the same time, the quality and taste of tea also improve with age. Bitterness and earthy aftertaste disappears, and an exquisite and unique aftertaste remains, for which gourmets appreciate it so much.

    There are several pressing methods:
    In the form of a cake or "tablet" - a pancake of a round shape, the weight is different.
    In the form of a nest - most often it is shu pu-erh that is pressed into this form.
    Brick is the most popular view pressing.
    Like a square - weighing about two hundred grams.
    In the form of a mushroom - as a rule, they make such a form for Tibetan consumers.
    Pumpkin - in this form, tea was presented only to emperors and it was made from raw materials of the highest grade collected from Mount Yiwu.
    Lumpy - pressed in the form of lumps.

    Useful properties of pu-erh tea

    In addition to outstanding taste features, the drink has a mass useful properties. It is considered morning tea, as it invigorates no worse than coffee, and there are much more benefits from it.

    • Actively stimulates digestion proper weight loss
    • Reduces cholesterol
    • Cleanses the body of waste and toxins
    • Tones up
    • Helps to concentrate
    • Increases mental and physical activity
    • Stabilizes pressure
    • Improves the condition of the body, saturating it with useful microelements
    • It has proven itself well as a tool that helps to recover faster the next day after a feast.

    How to choose real pu-erh and get the effect of tea intoxication

    In order to get the same drink when brewing pu-erh, the taste of which is legendary, and to be able to enjoy the effect of tea intoxication, or, as they sometimes say, “to insert”, you need to know what you should pay attention to when making a purchase of this product. We want to say right away that the effect of tea intoxication has nothing to do with alcohol. It's about first of all, that the drink gives a huge charge of vivacity, tones, uplifts the mood and improves brain activity. With him you are capable of anything!

    So, the main characteristics of real pu-erh:

    • It can't be cheap in the first place high price associated with production costs.
    • Despite the fact that it is pressed, whole leaves should be clearly visible in the forms.
    • Color. Shu - noticeably darker, shen - have a light brown and greenish tint.
    • Foreign additives and impurities are not allowed.
    • The aroma should clearly feel woody, tobacco and nutty notes.
    • If you feel a strong smell of dampness, this indicates a violation of storage conditions. This tea is not worth it.

    Pu-erh is rarely recommended to people who are just starting their acquaintance with elite varieties of tea. If you nevertheless ventured to start with it, then it is advisable for you to familiarize yourself with the rules for brewing this drink, since the taste, aroma, strength and effect that properly brewed tea gives depends on this process.

    How to brew pu-erh at home? cooking secrets

    It is recommended to use water to prepare this drink. good quality, it is best to use spring water for these purposes. If this is not possible, then it is advisable to buy bottled.

    For brewing elite varieties, which undoubtedly include Chinese pu-erh, it is advisable to use special dishes, namely:
    Porcelain or glass teapot.
    Gaiwan - a special cup with a lid and a saucer.
    Chahai is a cup where brewed tea is poured before pouring it into bowls.

    Tea quantity:
    Ten grams of pu-erh is usually enough for one hundred grams of water, cut off with a knife or break off with your fingers the required amount of tea leaves and you can start cooking.

    The process of brewing a noble drink:
    To begin with, the pu-erh should be washed. To do this, put the right amount of tea in the gaiwan, pour it cold water and leave it like this for five minutes, then drain the water.
    Put the kettle on the fire and heat the water. Remember, for brewing shu pu-erh, the temperature should be 95 degrees, for sheng - 75-80 degrees.
    Pour hot water over the tea and immediately drain it, then cover the pu-erh with a lid and leave it like that for thirty seconds. During this time, pour hot water over chahai and bowls. Then pour hot water over the pu-erh again and pour the drink into the chahai, and then pour it into bowls. Everyone, you can start drinking!

    Pressed pu-erh tablets

    Place the tablet in the gaiwan, after dousing the bowl with hot water. Gently mash it with a spoon and pour boiling water over it. After a couple of seconds, drain the first water, then fill it with new water and let it brew for two minutes. And then already act according to your own taste preferences, if the drink turned out to be rather weak, increase the infusion time, if on the contrary it is strong, then reduce it. Wild pu-erh is also brewed in the same way.

    How to brew loose pu-erh with tangerine

    AT recent times This method of preparation has become very popular. There are no special secrets here. About five grams of tea is taken per half liter of water. In loose form, as a rule, they sell shu pu-erh, so the optimum water temperature is 95 degrees. The peculiarity lies only in the fact that, along with tea leaves, dried mandarin peel is added to the teapot. The infusion time is about 5 minutes, resulting in a drink with a wonderful citrus taste and rich aroma.

    How many times can you brew

    High-quality real pu-erh can withstand from five to fifteen brews. He possesses amazing feature, with each brewing, the drink will reveal new facets, you will feel a whole palette of aromas and feel a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

    Video: How to brew pu-erh

    Where to buy high quality pu-erh tea?

    We tried to reveal all the secrets of this wonderful drink. There is a wide variety of varieties of this tea. You can always get acquainted with each of them and which you like on our website. We wish you easy shopping and pleasant tea drinking!

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