What are the folk traditions? Nightmarish customs in ancient Rus'


Old Russian rituals originate in pagan times. Not even Christianity could destroy their power. Many traditions have come down to our times.

How did the old Russian rites appear?

The most important old Russian rituals are associated with elemental forces, or rather with their natural mystical side. The basis of the life of every peasant was hard land work, so most of the traditions were associated with coaxing rain, sun and harvest.

During the seasons, a certain amount was used aimed at improving the harvest and protecting livestock. Among the most important sacraments, baptism and communion are in the first place.

Caroling is a ritual of the Christmas holidays, during which the participants of the ceremony receive treats for performing special songs in the homes of relatives and friends. It was believed that during Christmas time, the sun receives a huge amount of energy to awaken the earth and nature.

Now caroling has remained a tradition associated with Slavic history, both in Ukraine and in Belarus. Divination is considered one of the components of the ritual. Many experts in the mystical sphere claim that during this period you can get the most accurate predictions.

The end of March is considered the period of the equinox, in which Shrovetide rites are held. As the personification of the pagan god Yarilo, pancakes are considered a traditional dish of this holiday.

Not a single Maslenitsa will be considered complete without burning an effigy on the last day of the celebration. The doll symbolizes the end of severe cold and the arrival of spring. At the end of the burning, Maslenitsa transfers its energy to the fields, giving them fertility.

In mythology, he is considered a powerful deity associated with the worship of the power of the Sun. In early times, it was held on the day of the summer solstice, but over time it was associated with the birthday of John the Baptist. All ritual actions take place at night.

Flower wreaths, which are used for divination, are considered a symbol of the ceremony. On this day, unmarried girls float their wreath down the river in order to find their betrothed with it.

There is a belief that a rare fern flower blooms on this night, indicating ancient treasures and treasures. However, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to find it. Chants, round dances around the fire and jumping over the fire became an invariable part of the holiday. This helps to cleanse the negative and improve health. In addition, separate

Among all sorts of ancient customs, you can stumble upon rather strange and incomprehensible rites:

  • Daughterhood

This was the name of the intimate relationship between the father-in-law and the son's wife. Officially, this was not approved and was considered a minor sin. The fathers tried to send their sons under any pretext for a long time, so that the daughter-in-law would not have the opportunity to refuse. Nowadays, law enforcement agencies deal with such things, but in those days there was no one to complain to.

  • dump sin

Now this sin can be observed in special German-made films, and many years ago it was staged in Russian villages on. After the traditional activities, the couples would leave to look for fern flowers. But this was just an excuse to retire and indulge in carnal pleasures.

  • Gasky

The custom is known from the words of the traveler Roccolini. All the young people of the village converged in one house, sang songs and danced under the torches. When the light went out, everyone began to indulge in carnal pleasures with the first one that came to hand. Whether the traveler himself participated in such a rite is unknown.

  • overbaking

The rite was used in cases of the birth of a premature baby in the family. If the mother's body could not give the baby the necessary strength, then it should have been baked. The newborn was wrapped in unleavened dough, leaving one spout, and baked, pronouncing special words. Of course, the oven must be warm, then the bundle was laid out on the table. It was believed that this cleanses the baby from diseases.

  • Scarier than pregnant

Our ancestors were very sensitive to childbirth. They believed that during pregnancy, the child goes through a difficult path to the world of the living. The very process of birth is very complicated, and midwives made it even harder. Near the woman in labor, they rattled loudly and shot, so that it would be easier for the child to go out into the light with the mother's fright.

  • Salting

In addition to Rus', such a ritual was carried out in France and England. He provided for the addition of strength to children from salt. The child was completely rubbed with salt and wrapped in a cloth, more prosperous people buried it completely. All the skin could peel off the child, but at the same time he became healthier.

  • Rite of the Dead

Otherwise, this ritual is called a wedding. In ancient times, a white dress and a veil were considered funeral clothes. Marriage is associated with the new birth of a woman, but for a new birth one must die. Hence the belief that the bride should be mourned as a dead woman. When handing over the ransom, the groom, as it were, was looking for her in the world of the dead and brought her to the light. The bridesmaids acted as guardians of the underworld.

Our country has a rich history full of many events and accomplishments. The main way to unite people in the state has always been the traditions and customs of the Russian people, which have been preserved for a long time.

Popular traditions


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. feast

Noisy feasts are very popular. Since ancient times, any respected person considered it his duty to periodically arrange feasts and invite a large number of guests to them. Such events were planned in advance and prepared for them on a grand scale.

At present, the tradition of noisy Russian feasts has not changed at all. Relatives, groups of friends, colleagues can gather at a large table. Such events are always accompanied by the use of a large amount of food and alcoholic beverages.

Any significant event can serve as a reason for a feast - the arrival of a distant relative, seeing off to the army, family celebrations, state or professional holidays, etc.


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. Christening

The rite of baptism has existed in Rus' since ancient times. The child must be sprinkled with holy water in the temple, and a cross must be put on his neck. This ceremony is designed to protect the baby from unclean forces.

Before the rite of baptism, the child's parents choose for him a godmother and a godfather from their inner circle. These people are henceforth responsible for the well-being and life of their ward. In accordance with the traditions of baptism, it is believed that every January 6, a grown child should bring kutya to his godfather, and they give him sweets in gratitude.


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. commemoration

After the burial of the body, all relatives and friends of the deceased are sent to his house, to the house of one of his relatives, or to a special hall for a commemoration.

During the ceremony, all those present at the table remember the deceased with a kind word. It is customary to hold a commemoration directly on the day of the funeral, on the ninth day, on the fortieth day a year after death.


Folk traditions and customs of the Russian people include not only certain rituals, but also the rules for meeting calendar and Orthodox holidays.


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. Kupala

The Kupala holiday was formed in those days when, in honor of the god of fertility, people sang songs in the evenings and jumped over the fire. This ceremony eventually became a traditional annual celebration of the summer solstice. It mixes both pagan and Christian traditions.

God Kupala acquired the name Ivan after the baptism of Rus'. The reason is simple - the pagan deity was replaced by the image of John the Baptist created by the people.


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. Maslenitsa

In ancient times, Maslenitsa was considered a day of commemoration of dead people. Therefore, the process of burning an effigy was considered as a funeral, and eating pancakes was a commemoration.

Over time, the Russian people gradually transformed the perception of this holiday. Shrovetide has become the day of seeing off winter and anticipating the onset of spring. On this day, noisy festivities took place, entertainment for people was held - fist fights, fairs, horse sleigh rides, sledding from ice slides, various competitions and competitions.

And the main tradition remained unchanged - to bake pancakes in large quantities and invite guests to get-togethers with pancakes. Traditional pancakes are supplemented with all kinds of additives - sour cream, honey, red caviar, condensed milk, jams, etc.


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. Easter

Easter in Rus' is considered a bright day of universal equality, forgiveness and kindness. On this day, it is customary to prepare treats that are standard for this holiday. Easter cakes and Easter cakes are traditionally baked by Russian women, housewives, and eggs are painted by young family members (youth, children). Easter eggs symbolize the drops of Christ's blood. Currently, they are not only painted in all sorts of colors, but also decorated with themed stickers and patterns.

Directly on Easter Sunday, it is customary to say “Christ is Risen” when meeting with acquaintances. Hearing this greeting, you need to answer it "Truly Risen." After the exchange of traditional phrases, a triple kiss and the exchange of festive treats (Easter cakes, Easter eggs, eggs) follow.

New Year's and Christmas

Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. Christmas and New Year

New Year in Russia is celebrated in all families, not everyone gathers for Christmas. But, in all churches, services are held on the occasion of the "Christmas". Usually on New Year's Day, December 31, they give gifts, set the table, see off the old year, and then celebrate the New Year under the chiming clock and the President of Russia's address to citizens. Christmas is an Orthodox holiday that has closely entered the life of the Russian people. This bright day is celebrated by all citizens of the country, regardless of their faith. Christmas is traditionally considered a family celebration, which is celebrated in the circle of loved ones.

Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. New Year's and Christmas

The day before Christmas, which falls on January 6, is called Christmas Eve. It comes from the word "sochivo", which refers to a special Christmas dish consisting of boiled cereals. From above, the cereal is poured with honey and sprinkled with nuts, poppy seeds. It is believed that there should be 12 dishes on the table in total.

They sit down at the table when the first race appears in the night sky. The next day, January 7, the family holiday itself begins, on which the family gathers together, relatives give gifts to each other.

The next 12 days after Christmas Day are called Christmas time. Previously, during Christmas time, young unmarried girls gathered together to conduct various rituals and fortune-telling, designed to attract suitors and determine their betrothed. The tradition has been preserved to this day. Girls still gather together at Christmas time and guess at the grooms.

wedding customs

A special place in everyday life is occupied by wedding customs and traditions of the Russian people. A wedding is the day of the formation of a new family, filled with many rituals and entertainment.


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. wedding customs

After the young man has decided to choose a candidate for a life partner, it becomes necessary to conduct a matchmaking. This custom involves a visit by the groom with his confidants (usually parents) to the bride's house. The bridegroom and his accompanying relatives are met by the bride's parents at the laid table. During the feast, a joint decision is made on whether the wedding will take place between the young. The decision is fixed by the handshake of the parties, which marks the engagement.

Currently, standard matchmaking is not as popular as it used to be, but the tradition of the groom turning to the bride's parents for their blessing still persists.


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. wedding customs

After making a positive decision regarding the marriage of the young, the question arises of preparing the dowry of the bride. Usually the dowry is prepared by the girl's mother. It includes bed linen, crockery, furnishings, clothes, etc. Especially rich brides can get a car, apartment or house from their parents.

The more dowry a girl has, the more enviable a bride she is considered to be. In addition, its presence greatly facilitates the life of the young in the first time of their life together.


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. wedding customs

Closer to the day of the celebration, the bride appoints a bachelorette party. On this day, she gathers with her girlfriends and relatives to finally have some fun as a free girl, unencumbered by family worries. A bachelorette party can take place anywhere - in a bathhouse, in the bride's house, etc.


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. wedding customs

The most fun and immediate stage of the wedding celebration. The groom, along with his relatives and friends, arrives at the bride's doorstep, where all the other guests are waiting for him. On the threshold, the procession is met by representatives of the bride - girlfriends and relatives. Their task is to test the groom for endurance, ingenuity and generosity. If a young man passes all the tests offered to him or is able to pay for the defeat with money, he gets the opportunity to approach the bride.

Competitions during the ransom can be very diverse - from very playful and light riddles to real tests of physical strength and endurance. Often, to pass the tests, the groom has to resort to the help of his friends.

At the end of the ransom, the groom enters the room where his betrothed is.

Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. wedding customs


Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. wedding customs

According to tradition, the mother of the bride approaches the young with a family icon and blesses them for a long and happy life. The icon must be covered with a towel, since it is forbidden to touch it with bare hands.

During the blessing, the young should kneel. The bride's mother three times describes a cross over their heads with an icon, while delivering a parting speech. Usually this speech contains wishes to live in peace and quiet, not to quarrel and not be offended over trifles, to always be one.

wedding feast

Photo: Traditions and customs of the Russian people. wedding customs

The culmination of the celebration is a wedding feast, during which everyone makes speeches to the newlyweds. These speeches always contain a lot of parting words, wishes, good jokes.

An invariable tradition of the Russian wedding feast is shouting out the word "Bitter!". Every time this word is mentioned, the newlyweds should stand up and exchange a kiss. There are different theories about the origin of this tradition. According to one version, the word “bitter” in this interpretation comes from the word “hills”, since earlier during weddings an ice hill was built for the celebration, and the bride stood on top of it. The groom had to climb this hill to get a kiss.

Another version of the origin of the tradition has a rather sad meaning. From time immemorial, girls did not choose their own suitors, so getting married meant for the bride not only leaving her parents' house and saying goodbye to her youth, but also the beginning of family life with an unloved person. Now this meaning of the word is irrelevant, since the girls themselves have long chosen their suitors, and marriages are concluded by mutual consent.

According to another version, during the feast, guests drink vodka, which has a bitter taste, to the health of the bride and groom. The newlyweds should kiss during the toasts in order to dilute the bitterness of the liquor with a sweet kiss.

Traditions, customs, ceremonies exist in every family, which are very valuable for the education of kind, decent people. For example, in the morning, when relatives wake up, they wish each other good morning, and at night they wish good night.

The word family means a blood connection between relatives, who are connected by life, interconnection, responsibility. They are always ready to help morally and financially to their relatives, come to the rescue, support, rejoice, mourn.

Family traditions are the manners of behavior, the principles established in the family, the habits that the child will carry out in the future and will teach them to his children.

Family holidays and traditions in the family can allow:

  1. They influence the development of the child, stability, help children to see friends in their parents with whom they can have fun.
  2. They bring relatives together, allow them to spend time together, enjoy life.
  3. They help to become a full-fledged family in society, to receive cultural enrichment.

A person living in a family where traditions and customs are present will be surrounded by affection and attention.

Consider what family traditions are in the family, examples:

Name Peculiarity
Birthday, family holiday With the help of this custom, children, parents will get a lot of pleasure, good mood from communication with the family.
Household chores, cleaning A child from an early age gets used to order, feels like a full-fledged member of the family.
Children's games Thanks to developing games, the child begins to get used to, love parents, learn skills, maintain trusting and warm relationships.
Family dinners The custom helps everyone present at home to unite at the same table, receive guests, discuss family problems of relatives and friends.
family council Blood relatives of the family hold meetings where various issues are discussed. Education of children, encouragement, punishment.
Greetings, goodbyes Various words of praise, kisses, hugs, signs of attention to children from parents and relatives.
Days of remembrance and joint walks They remember and commemorate departed relatives, days of outdoor recreation, trips to the circus, cinema, shops help to saturate their life with variety.

People throughout their lives use the established customs, rituals that are inherited. The rituals show the customs of the family, holding holidays, weddings, various celebrations. With the help of rituals, national songs and dances appeared.

How many families there are in the world, so many traditions that are fascinating and interesting:

  1. Overnight fishing trip. Overnight in a tent, boiled fish soup on a fire will bring many new positive emotions to children.
  2. Family cooking dinner. When preparing any dish, everyone is given a task. It will bring a lot of fun, joyful emotions.
  3. Birthdays. Waking up in the morning, a family member is told a clue that he is looking for a gift.
  4. Journeys to the sea. Joint collection of suitcases, a trip to rest, sunbathing, swimming. It will unite, bring the family together, give wonderful impressions.
  5. Make your own gifts without any reason to confess your love.
  6. Bake a pie with the whole family for kindergarten for any holiday, will bring a lot of fun.
  7. bedtime story. Not only mom can read, with dad in turn. Then wish the children pleasant dreams, embrace and kiss. Even a small child will feel that he is surrounded by the care, attention, love of his parents.
  8. Arrange scenes at home performances, singing songs, reciting poems. A friendly family will be pleased with these activities, especially children.
  9. Celebrate Christmas and New Year in new places, so that the children will remember for a long time every year.

New traditions and customs

When a new family appears, family traditions do not always coincide with spouses. At one family holidays were celebrated in a wide family circle, where all relatives were present.

The bride, on the contrary, is in a close circle. Because of this, disagreements and quarrels can arise. To come to the correct result, you can come up with new traditions, charters in the family, if you have the desire and consent.

To do this, you need to follow the steps:

  • come up with a new family tradition, where all family members will participate;
  • be the first to show interest in the undertaking;
  • one should not invent too many customs daily;
  • repeat the tradition several times to consolidate and memorize.

Family traditions of different countries

Individual countries, as a rule, have their own charters, orders, customs, and traditions. IN Great Britain It is customary to bring up children in severity, to restrain emotions.

Looking from the outside, one can testify that they do not love their children. On the contrary, it is customary for them to give parental love in such a way that it differs from education in Russia.

IN Japan the mother sits with the child on maternity leave until the child reaches the age of 6. She does not shout at him, indulges, fulfills his whims. At school, on the contrary, children are brought up in severity, taught to order. Several generations can live in a house.

IN Germany there is a custom at a late age to start marriages. It is customary to first make a career, after which, by the age of 30, it is allowed to get married and have children.

IN Italy, all relatives, even distant ones, are considered one family. They often gather at a common table to discuss the problems of each.

National culture is the national memory of the people, what distinguishes this people among others, keeps a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations, receive spiritual support and life support.

Folk customs, as well as church sacraments, rituals and holidays are connected both with the calendar and with human life. In Rus', the calendar was called the calendar. The Monthly Book covered the entire year of peasant life, “describing” by day month after month, where each day corresponded to its own holidays or weekdays, customs and superstitions, traditions and rituals, natural signs and phenomena.

The folk calendar was an agricultural calendar, which was reflected in the names of the months, folk signs, rituals and customs. Even the determination of the timing and duration of the seasons is associated with real climatic conditions. Hence the discrepancy between the names of the months in different areas. For example, both October and November can be called leaf fall. The folk calendar is a kind of encyclopedia of peasant life with its holidays and weekdays. It includes knowledge of nature, agricultural experience, rituals, norms of social life.

The folk calendar is a fusion of pagan and Christian principles, folk orthodoxy. With the establishment of Christianity, pagan holidays were banned, reinterpreted, or moved from their time. In addition to those fixed to certain dates in the calendar, mobile holidays of the Easter cycle appeared.

Ceremonies dedicated to major holidays included a large number of different works of folk art: songs, sentences, round dances, games, dances, dramatic scenes, masks, folk costumes, original props.

Calendar and ritual holidays of Russians

Russian people knew how to work, they knew how to relax. Following the principle: "Cause - time, fun - hour", the peasants rested mainly on holidays. What is a holiday? The Russian word "holiday" comes from the ancient Slavic "holiday", meaning "rest, idleness". What holidays were honored in Rus'? For a long time in the villages lived three calendars. The first is natural, agricultural, associated with the change of seasons. The second - pagan, pre-Christian times, just like agricultural, correlated with natural phenomena. The third, latest calendar is Christian, Orthodox, in which there are only twelve great holidays, not counting Easter.

In ancient times, Christmas was considered the main winter holiday. The Christmas holiday came to Rus' along with Christianity in the 10th century. and merged with the ancient Slavic winter holiday - Christmas time, or carols.


What did they do for carnival? A significant part of the customs for Shrovetide, one way or another, was connected with the theme of family and marriage relations: newlyweds who got married during the past year were honored at Shrovetide. The young people were arranged a kind of bride in the village: they put them at the gate posts and forced them to kiss in front of everyone, “buried” them in the snow or showered Shrovetide with snow. They were also subjected to other tests: when the young people rode in a sleigh through the village, they were stopped and thrown with old bast shoes or straw, and sometimes they were given a “kissing man” or “kissing man” - when fellow villagers could come to the house of the young and kiss the young. The newlyweds were rolled around the village, but if they received

Bad treat, they could ride the newlyweds not in a sleigh, but on a harrow.

Shrovetide week also took place in mutual visits of two recently related families.

Easter Christian

Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the most important holiday in the Christian calendar. Easter Sunday does not fall on the same date every year, but is always between March 22 and April 25. It falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following March 21, the vernal equinox. The date of Easter Sunday was approved by the church council in Nike in 325 AD. The name "Passover" is a direct transfer of the name of the Jewish holiday, celebrated annually during the week, starting from the 14th day

Spring month of Nissan. The very name "Passover" is a Greek modification of the Hebrew word "pesah", which was interpreted as "passing"; it was borrowed from an older shepherd's custom of celebrating the transition from winter to summer pastures.


Christmas is not only a bright holiday of Orthodoxy. Christmas is a holiday returned, reborn. The traditions of this holiday, filled with genuine humanity and kindness, high moral ideals, are being discovered and comprehended again today.

Agraphenes Bathing suit and Ivan Kupala

The summer solstice is one of the notable, turning points of the year. Since ancient times, all the peoples of the Earth have celebrated the holiday of the peak of summer at the end of June. We have such a holiday is Ivan Kupala. However, this holiday was inherent not only to the Russian people. In Lithuania it is known as Lado, in Poland as Sobotki, in Ukraine as Kupalo or Kupailo. Our ancient ancestors had the deity Kupalo, personifying summer fertility. In his honor, in the evenings they sang songs and jumped over the fire. This ritual action turned into an annual celebration of the summer solstice, mixing pagan and Christian traditions. The deity Kupala began to be called Ivan after the baptism of Rus', when he was replaced by none other than John the Baptist (more precisely, his popular image), whose Christmas was celebrated on June 24.

Wedding in Russia

In the life of all nations, a wedding is one of the most important and colorful events. Every person should have his own family and children. And so that it does not happen that someone stays long "in the girls" or "in the grooms", matchmakers came to the rescue. Matchmakers were lively, talkative women who knew the wedding tradition. When the matchmaker came to woo the bride, after praying, she sat down or stood in a place that, it was believed, could bring good luck in matchmaking. She began the conversation with the allegorical phrases adopted in this case, according to which the bride's parents immediately guessed what kind of guests she came to them. For example, the matchmaker said: "You have goods (the bride), and we have a merchant (groom)" or "You have a bright woman (bride), and we have a shepherd (groom)." If both sides were satisfied with the conditions for marriage, then the wedding was arranged.

Russian bath

What Russian does not like baths? Even Nestor the chronicler wrote about the bath in his writings. Initially, cleansing ceremonies were performed in the bathhouse: the washing of the bride and groom before the wedding, the woman in labor and the newborn, they expelled "evil spirits" from the mentally ill. Using healing herbs and bath steam, healers healed the suffering from ailments. The youth arranged Christmas fortune-telling in the baths, and the tillers made predictions about the future harvest and weather. The saying “Everyone is equal in the bathhouse” testifies that both the old and the young, and the common people, and the princes have been here. Russian bath

The banya turned out to be one of the most enduring Russian traditions. It is impossible to imagine that there is a Russian person who has never tasted thick bath steam, birch or oak broom. A lot of diseases are cured by a bath, in a bath you can remove the accumulated fatigue and stress, cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. The technology of taking a bath has not changed much in ancient times. Having warmed up the body on each shelf in turn, they whip themselves with a well-steamed broom from the heart, then wash themselves with soap and a washcloth, rinse their hair with bread and herbal decoctions. Russian tradition requires after the steam room to jump into the cool water of a pond, or into a snowdrift, an ice hole.

Customs are historically established in any locality (or among a certain community) the rules of behavior of people in a particular life situation.

What are the customs

Depending on which event in human life they are attached to, all folk customs can be divided into the following large groups:

  • wedding customs;
  • funeral customs;
  • customs for the baptism of a child;
  • holiday customs (these include the customs of celebrating church and folk holidays - Easter, Trinity, Ivan Kupala Day, Christmas, Shrovetide, etc.);
  • customs for laying a new house;
  • customs associated with sowing and harvesting.

wedding customs

  • A wedding in Rus' is preceded by a number of customs. Any wedding begins with the bride's bride. After the wedding, matchmakers are sent to the bride's house. After the matchmakers agree on the dowry and receive consent from the bride's parents, the wedding day is set. On the day before the wedding, a bachelorette party is arranged. During a meeting with her friends, the bride says goodbye to her former unmarried life.
  • On the first day of the wedding, in the morning, the bride puts on her wedding dress to the plaintive tunes of her friends. The groom's boyfriend comes to her house to find out if the young woman is ready for the wedding.
  • After this visit, the groom drives up to the bride's house with matchmakers and the inalienable and still the most fun part of the wedding action begins - the ransom rite. The bridesmaids flatly refuse to give the groom their future spouse, ask him and the matchmakers comic riddles and demand a ransom for entering the house and for the bride herself. All this fun ends with the fact that the groom gives his girlfriends money and sweets, picks up his bride and takes her to the altar.
  • From the church, the newly-made husband takes the young wife to his house, where they are met on the threshold by the groom's parents with an icon, and a loaf in their hands. After receiving a parental blessing, a young married couple enters the house, they are seated in a central place at the table and presented with gifts. Then begins a plentiful and long wedding feast.

Funeral customs

  • The body of the deceased person is washed immediately after his death. This is done by elderly widowed women. Ablution can only be done during daylight hours.
  • In a house where there is a dead person, all mirrors are hung with a dark cloth.
  • While a dead person lies in the house, they do not sweep the floor and do not wash things.
  • The deceased is carried out of the house feet first.
  • When they carry him to the cemetery, in no case do they cross the road in front of the funeral procession.
  • After the funeral, a feast (commemoration) is held for the rest of the soul of the deceased.
  • On the evening after the funeral, the floor in the whole house must be washed.

Baptismal customs

  • They try to baptize the child in a period of time, starting from the eighth and ending with the fortieth day after birth.
  • Godmother and father cannot be husband and wife.
  • The godfather on the day of baptism gives the baby a cross and the Holy Bible, the godmother gives kryzhma - a long white shirt embroidered and trimmed with lace.
  • After baptism, a festive dinner is necessarily arranged with a lot of sweets - candied nuts, sweets, cookies and buns. The main treat of such a dinner is baptismal porridge - buckwheat boiled in milk and thickly flavored with butter and honey.

holiday customs

The number of holidays is so great, and the festive customs are so diverse that it is simply impossible to describe them all in detail in a small article. Therefore, we will only talk about the most famous of them.

  • On Easter, they bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and make cottage cheese Easter.
  • On Easter morning people go to watch the "sun play". On a hillock, they wait for the sunrise and look at the sun disk rising from the horizon through a smoked glass. It is believed that on this festive morning the sun scatters rays that sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.
  • On Trinity in the church, green branches of trees and bouquets of wild flowers are consecrated and richly decorated with them dwellings.
  • On the night of Ivan Kupala, to cleanse from evil spirits, they jump over the fire and splash in open water. On Midsummer Day, medicinal herbs are collected, which, according to popular belief, at this time acquire a special healing power.

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