What are your plans for the summer? How teenagers can have fun during their summer holidays

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All seasons are beautiful: golden autumn, and romantic winter, and blooming spring, and, of course, a fun and wonderful summer. Let's talk about a mischievous colorful summer. Since time flies quickly, try not to miss the time, and use every moment to do useful things. So, what to do in the summer, what interesting things to do?

Desirable summer to-do list

Enjoy nature, get in touch with it, go outdoors often and breathe in the aroma of a wonderful summer. Have a picnic. In the country, make a hammock and relax in it. Relax and dream positive.
Get up early in the morning. In summer, it is worth waking up early so as not to miss the fresh air of the early morning, birds singing and enjoying nature.
Have breakfast on the balcony. There is nothing nicer than waking up on a summer morning, and when everyone is still sleeping, enjoying the wonderful singing of birds on the balcony with a cup of green tea, coffee or cocoa with a delicious cake.

Do not turn on the computer for several days and do not access the Internet. I advise you to take a break from TV and phone.
Go out into nature with tents and enjoy the summer air and landscape. Make a fire, sing songs, play the guitar, make barbecue and tell interesting stories. I assure you it will be remembered for a long time. Bask in the sun, but do not forget to take a hat so that the sun's rays do not cause discomfort, but bring complete pleasure.
Go to the park, to the forest with your friends, have fun, ride the fun carousels.
Rent a bike and ride it. You will see that cycling will bring a lot of positive, useful, entertaining and successful into your life.
Get yourself a dog, take care of it and be surprised how this faithful animal will serve you.
Let your hair rest and let it air dry. For a while, give up the hair dryer, curling irons, irons.
For lovers of extreme sports, we recommend skydiving,.

Together with friends, children, visit the water park of your city and roll down the hill. It will be interesting and funny.
Combining business with pleasure, and breathing clean air, run in the park or in the forest and enjoy the fresh air.
Meet the sunrise from the highest observation deck in the city. From a height, it is seen much more beautifully. Watch the evening sky, watch the sunset. At night it will be romantic to watch the stars. Feel happy, free and joyful. Dream and relax.
Do, swim, go to fitness classes, go to the gym.
Arrange a fasting day, and your figure will tighten up. Kefir and apples will help you.
Change your lifestyle and learn what you always wanted, but there was no time for it: knit, learn languages, make websites or engage in creative activities.
Fill your shelf with books you've been wanting to read for so long. Let them be in your sight. Then, reading at least a few pages before going to bed, you will get satisfaction.

Write a wish list on the sheet. Cut out what you really like from magazines, then hang it so that it is clearly visible. Visualize and realize what you want.
Decorate the balcony with beautiful summer flowers. Plant a tree or flower bed at the entrance.
Eat berries, fruits, greens. Their daily use will fill the body with vitamins.
In summer, open-air cinemas are attractive, where you can watch interesting films.
At the first opportunity, go to the sea and sunbathe. From there you will return tanned, fresh, full of all kinds of optimism.
In your hometown, there is sure to be a corner where you have not been. Find it, wander through such corners and streets and see many entertaining and interesting things.
On a hot summer day, cool off and plunge into the intellectual world. Go to the museum, see many amazing things and enjoy the creations of artists, sculptors and other masters from different eras.
Collect a bouquet of field fragrant flowers and present to your mother, girlfriend, grandmother. Decorate the room with such flowers and inhale the fresh floral scent of summer.

Choose summer bright, but not necessarily expensive outfits.
Do you want to become useful to society or develop your knowledge? Then sign up to volunteer.
Be sure to take a vacation in the summer. It is necessary because you can not work all year round and not rest. Rest will give you more energy for mental and physical work.
Take summer flowers, dry them and decorate various things. Make flower teas and drink to your health.
Collect mushrooms and cook soup from them. Inhaling the smell of earth, pine needles and grass, collect mushrooms, and then return, clean them and cook delicious mushroom soup.
Do you want to be filled with energy for the whole day? Then, in the country, wake up a little earlier and at the first rays of the sun, as soon as it warms up, walk barefoot on the barely damp cool grass.
In the summer, try to use natural products that have grown in summer cottages as cosmetics. Puree strawberries or other berries and apply this. This will provide nourishment and hydration to the skin.
In the summer, plan a trip to St. Petersburg. Why go there? Yes, because there are beautiful white nights from June to mid-July. It's bewitching.

Go on a soothing and at the same time exciting fishing trip. Cook an ear from a caught fish and eat. Great, isn't it?
Run in the rain. At this beautiful time, it will be very romantic to have fun in the summer rain, get wet and run through the puddles. Then drive home and have a delicious herbal tea. Hope you enjoy it a lot.
Walk on horseback. After such an unusual and pleasant walk, you will want to take up riding lessons.
Take a vacation and travel. These can be various trips with the acquaintance of local historical monuments, mini-travels, cruises. Sights, life, culture of different peoples will leave unforgettable impressions in your memory.

What should be done in the summer with a child?

Draw more. Since the summer colors are bright and cheerful, it is necessary to engage in fine art and painting. At home, in the summer it is a bit sad for a child to draw, so during a walk, have colored chalk with you for drawing on the pavement.

Play mobile games. Active games in the summer on the street for a child are simply necessary. So, playing ball, badminton, tennis and jumping rope, the child will get tremendous pleasure. Children dream of learning to roller skate. In the summer you can turn their dreams into reality. If it's very hot outside, try a water pistol fight. For the development of the child's body in nature, physical exercises will also be useful. They will have a good influence on its development.
Play with sand. All the kids love playing with sand. This material has unique properties. It is very plastic. Thanks to these properties, you can build whatever you want. You need to give free rein to your imagination. Sand develops imagination, relieves nervous tension. Show your child how to build a sand castle. The result will be stunning.
Engage in blowing bubbles. Yes, yes, you heard right, because not only children, but also adults love to let them in. Everyone will rejoice, and children's eyes will be filled with happiness and delight.
Study nature. Involve children in the study of nature. They will listen with great interest and pleasure to interesting stories about vegetables, fruits, berries. After that, it will be interesting for them to grow carrots in the garden and find blackberries in the forest.

Brew herbal teas with your child and talk about their healing properties. Weave wreaths of beautiful wild flowers with him. Make delicious pies and cakes with berry fillings. Tell them about the amazing rainbow, how it appears after the rain, and why the thunder rumbles. In August, with the help of a children's telescope, watch the starry sky. Listen with the children to the nightingale trill. It's charming.
Take pictures with the kids. Arrange an unusual photo session among summer flowers and trees. Bright summer pictures you will review all the time.
Launch a kite. Since the kite comes from childhood, everyone should make one and fly this amazing structure into the sky.
Learn new interesting things. To make this summer memorable, help the children learn something new. Someone will swim, and someone will roller-skate or bike. A great activity would be embroidery or learning foreign languages.
Make a herbarium. In sunny weather, collect plants for the herbarium. They must be dew-free.

So, write down on a piece of paper what you have to do in the summer. Write everything so you don't forget. Get ready for a bright summer with a cheerful mood.

March 15, 2014

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How long have many of us been waiting for summer. And finally it has come, and with it the time has come to fulfill all your most cherished plans and dreams.

So that your summer will be remembered for a long time, website compiled a list of ideas to help you get the most out of this wonderful time of the year.

  • Pour water on Ivan Kupala and, if you're lucky, jump over the fire.
  • Arrange a summer photo session. Then it will be nice to review the pictures on long winter evenings.
  • Do not go online at least two days a week. In the summer, it is worth blocking a couple of your social networks: there is no more dangerous mistake than surfing the Internet even for 3 hours a day. We need to communicate, we need to have fun!
  • Arrange a badminton, tennis, jump rope, or whatever tournament with your friends!
  • Exploring a neighboring city, even if it is small, you can find many places and discover something new for yourself.
  • Learn to ride a bike. If it is not possible to buy, then rent a couple of times.
  • On a particularly hot day, arrange a “shootout” with water pistols (or bottles with a hole in the cap).
  • Go to an open-air concert. In the summer there is a crowd of enthusiasts who are happy to play songs with a guitar and give concerts on the occasion of this or that event.
  • Eat a kilo of ice cream. There is no place for comments here, because even frost does not stop the true fans of this delicacy. You can even try.
  • Film your summer adventures and edit a mini-movie (learn how to use a video editing program at the same time).
  • Gather a bouquet of wild flowers. Give it to your mother, girlfriend, girlfriend, put it in the room, after all.
  • Learn to swim. Try to jump into the water from a small height.
  • Get a tan. This is a required part of the program. No opportunity to go to the sea? Then there are various reservoirs, or you can go to the solarium, and an uneven striped tan due to shorts and T-shirts is bad manners.
  • Have breakfast on the balcony or rooftop. A fragrant and cool morning breeze, a cup of coffee or tea - and you are ready for new achievements.
  • Go on a hike. Despite the fact that for city dwellers the word "hike", unfortunately, causes rather conflicting emotions, in the summer it is simply necessary to take friends, grab tents and a guitar and spend the night by a fire in the forest.
  • Visit an open-air cinema. An unforgettable experience of watching movies under the stars is guaranteed.
  • Participate in a flash mob. Such events definitely bring you closer, and you will get a huge dose of positive emotions.
  • Gather raspberries/strawberries in the forest. You should not always buy berries from grandmothers standing near the metro, or in the markets, because you can go into the forest and try to find this yummy yourself there.
  • Eat cotton candy. This delicious tradition also does not go out of fashion. This pleasure is inexpensive, but there will be plenty of emotions.
  • Change image. Change your hairstyle, dye your hair a different color, and why not?
  • Swim naked in a pool or lake. "Freedom and looseness, looseness and freedom" - repeat this mantra more often.
  • Fall in love. Everyone is simply obliged to find love this summer, because without it, summer is not summer.
  • Get rid of unnecessary things and people. If there is unnecessary trash in cabinets and life, get rid of it.
  • Overeat cherries, cherries, watermelon, melon. So that later in the cold winter you do not regret the missed opportunity.
  • Read in the park. Choose a warm, clear day, a secluded bench a good distance from playgrounds, rides and music speakers. Enjoy.
  • Ride the rides. Yes, it's scary. Yes, it creaks. Yes, the tenth coat of paint does not make them more beautiful. But you can scream, get adrenaline, and look at the city from a height. If you don't have time now, you'll have to wait until next summer.
  • Walk barefoot on the grass. Remember the last time you did this? So we don’t remember, although the sensations are indescribable. It is best to do this somewhere outside the city.
  • Hitchhike. Ride with the breeze, vying with each other to tell the driver their crazy stories.
  • Start exercising outdoors. Many people have a subscription to a fitness club, but still, it’s worth freezing it for the summer, and in the morning go jogging in a park or forest along with summer music hits in your player.
  • Look at the stars and make a wish that this summer never ends!

1. Ride a bike
Spin the pedals, expose your face to the oncoming warm wind, laugh for no reason and feel the delight of harmony with the world.

2. Have a picnic on the grass
Favorite blanket, comfortable pillows under the back, real, not plastic dishes, beautiful napkins and a whole basket of delicious homemade food. Your family and friends will remember this day for a long time.

3. Make a wreath of wildflowers
Remember how, as a child, you and your girlfriends went to the field, picked flowers, and then, talking quietly or singing something, weaved wreaths? Definitely a must do again this summer. Don't forget to take pictures in all this beauty!

4. Lie down in a hammock with a book
In the shade of an orchard, swaying slightly, lazily brushing off an annoying buzz. Leaf through your favorite novel, think about your own and doze off for a while.

5. Drink tea from a samovar with fresh mint.
A bite with bagels, fresh jam and buckwheat honey. You can drink from a cup, but it is better from a bowl or even a saucer.

6. Collect a basket of mushrooms and cook mushroom soup
How good it is: after breakfast, go to the nearest forest from the dacha, wander along the sunny edge, inhale the incomparable smell of earth, grass and pine needles, collect a basket of mushrooms, and when you return, quickly clean them and cook fragrant soup.

7. Make a herbarium with children
Herbarium plants (leaves, flowers, twigs) are best collected in sunny, dry weather so that they are completely dry - without dew and traces of water.

8. Run barefoot in the dew
At the dacha, each of us has things to do and worries from the very morning. But if you wake up early, when the sun is just starting to warm up, and walk barefoot on slightly damp, still cool grass, it will fill you with energy and joy for the whole day.

9. Collect beads from wild strawberries
First, carefully - berry to berry - we string it on a blade of grass, and then we eat the whole "string of beads" at once. Magic taste!

10. Make a fresh strawberry face mask
While summer is in the air, use natural products grown in your beds as cosmetics. Mash a few medium-sized ripe strawberries into a puree and apply the mask on your face. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

11. Play badminton
It would seem that catch and beat the shuttlecock, but there is something exciting and joyful in this game in the fresh air. Definitely there!

12. Go hiking
It’s better, of course, not on a one-day trip, but with an overnight stay: pitch a tent, light a fire in the evening, look at the stars, sing songs with a guitar, and in the morning wash yourself with ice-cold water from a stream and drink hot tea from a camping mug.

13. Bake potatoes on the fire
Do everything according to the rules: firewood - fire - coals - potatoes. An agonizing expectation and anticipation. And here she is, hot, you throw it from palm to palm, you stain your fingers, cheeks and nose in ashes, you hurry, you burn yourself, but you can’t do anything, you have no strength to wait. A piece of butter, a pinch of salt - mmm, how delicious!

14. Roll on a haystack
It happens that you go somewhere out of town by car, fields, forests, villages float by the window. And suddenly they are wheat-yellow haystacks. Stop! Feel how elastic and slightly prickly they are.

15. Fly a kite with the kids
You can make it yourself - a simple snake from improvised means, or you can buy a colorful and large one in the store. In any case, the delight and good mood of the whole family are provided.

16. Ride the ferris wheel
To be a little scared at first, and then laugh with relief. And to see the city from a bird's eye view and be surprised how some areas and quarters have changed.

17. Go to St. Petersburg during the white nights.
Since this phenomenon can only be observed in summer, it is worth planning a trip strictly from June to mid-July.

18. See the dawn
Meet the sunrise at least once during the summer - wake up on an alarm clock (at about 4-5 o'clock in the morning). You will not regret!

19. Ride a bungee
Let it be low, like a swing. But the very feeling of flying, believe me, will be powerful and unforgettable!

20. Swim naked in the river
It is possible in the morning when the water is warmer than the air and a light fog floats. Or during the day, when the sun is mercilessly hot and the body asks for saving coolness. Or in the evening - the water will take away all the fatigue.

21. Go fishing with your husband
On the one hand, fishing is a soothing activity, on the other hand, as soon as you start pecking, it is very reckless. And it's great to cook an ear from a freshly caught fish! But the main thing is that a common hobby makes a marriage stronger.

22. Jokingly pour water from watering cans or garden hoses
It's always fun and memorable. The camera will be at hand - take a group photo "We: wet and happy."

23. Build a sand castle
If you are planning a family vacation by the water, plan for “construction” as well. Yes, you will have to tinker, but the result is worth it, right ?!

24. Cook fragrant jam according to grandmother's recipe
Berry or fruit, five minutes or jam - you decide. And be sure to eat the impossibly tender and delicious jam foam!

25. Take a walk with your loved one in the park
Rent a boat, wander through the alleys, be sure to stop at an old-fashioned dance floor and see how the couples waltz, or maybe decide to dance yourself.

Spending the summer is like living one small life! Try to fill this beautiful time with bright colors and emotions, thanks to our top to-do list!

1. Draw a picture. Depict on it your mood, your feelings, emotions, experiences and dreams. This type of activity is called art therapy. You spill your mood, your soul onto paper, thereby releasing hidden desires, needs, aspirations. You will not only feel better, but you will also have a deeper understanding of yourself and your aspirations.

3. Try to compose a song. If musical creativity is alien to you, try it anyway. Let it be a white or rhyming verse, put it on a melody of your own performance and hum it in the shower every morning. A charge of positive emotions is provided to you throughout the day! Also, imagine how proud you will be if a really good song comes out. Only yours and only for you!

4. Watch the top 10 best comedies. Summer is the time for great weather and endless walks in the fresh air. But take the time to watch great comedies that you can watch with friends, loved ones. You can watch an entertaining movie in an open-air cinema!

5. Have a picnic with the company. What is summer without a picnic?! Choose the right place for a picnic and go to the bosom of nature with a delicious snack. You can take games for the company with you so that you can have fun and actively spend this summer day.

6. Create your own blog. Now it is a way of self-realization and communication with like-minded people. Describe your hobbies, your everyday life and your thoughts. Perhaps you will discover the talent to attract like-minded people and admirers!

7. Buy some crayons and go outside to paint! Yes, this 100% childish activity will allow you to drop all the efficiency and seriousness, which is sometimes simply necessary. Drawing on asphalt can be fun as an adult!

8. Take pictures every day. Whether you're on the beach or in the office, it doesn't matter. Just take one picture a day. Another tip: take at least one underwater photo. Such shots will be a pleasant outlet for rainy autumn and snowy winter. Later it will be possible to make a breathtaking collage from the brightest, most beautiful photographs.

9. Read a book. On those days when you just want to be lazy and give up overly active, abrupt movements, sit down and read a book. If the choice is made correctly, all day long you will enthusiastically follow the ups and downs of the author's storylines. And you will think about the fate of the main character(s) until you read the entire book.

10. Turn your head. Harness a mysterious stranger or a bored husband, captivate them with your nets of temptation and seduction. It is so important for a girl to feel desired, beautiful and charming. Use the methods that work for you! Be sure to let someone dizzy from your beauty and sexuality!

11. Go to the sea. At least for a little bit, but you still need to go to rest by the sea. To spend the whole summer without going to the sea is somehow insulting!

12. Update your hairstyle. Go to a good beauty salon, let them do a little magic over your hair. Even if you like the condition of the hair and the haircut, trim at least a little the ends. Your hair will thank you.

13. Ride a bike in the forest. For lovers of this sport, comments will be redundant. But who prefers a lazy vacation with a cocktail by the pool, there are arguments. Firstly, this walk will have a good effect on your figure. Secondly, you will discover new sensations, communicate with nature. This is wonderful!

14. Get beads and weave a bauble. This fun will cheer you up already, and leave a cute decoration as a memory of this summer.

15. Go dancing. Give preference to an open-air disco and rock until the morning! A charge of vivacity and positive is provided to you!

16. Get an aquarium at home. Decorate it beautifully and get a few fish (or one big one). You will be pleased to have a creature at home that is completely dependent on you. In addition, the fish tend to calm down, and the house immediately becomes cozier and warmer.

17. Have fun in an amusement park. Again fun comes from childhood. Feel what extreme is, taste the adrenaline and remember how beautiful life is.

18. Decorate your nails in a summery way. Decorate yourself not only with stylish dresses, but also with fashionable summer manicure. Screaming colors, extraordinary combinations - discard the conventions and experiment!

19. Draw a "Let's Hug" poster and go outside. Advice for the brave and sociable, but even closed introverts, such an experience will be useful. Believe me, you will laugh heartily and spend one of the best days of this summer! Most likely, in the company of an attractive gentleman who fulfilled the wish written on the poster.

20. Go to karaoke and throw out your soul with your sensual singing! It is allowed not to hit the notes, to be out of tune and upset the sophisticated regulars of the institution. You came to relax and have fun on this summer evening!

21. Try a dozen fruit smoothie recipes and decide on the best. And now it's just right to invite your friends to a party and treat them to the most delicious cocktails.

22. Blow up balloons and go outside. Give a balloon to each passer-by you like: a mother with a baby, an elderly old woman or a breathtaking man!

23. Make a bet with a friend. The essence of the bet is who will eat the most ice cream. Chocolate, pistachio, vanilla - try as many flavors as you can! And do not worry about the figure, once you can afford to overeat ice cream.

24. Write yourself a letter. Imagine if you could talk to yourself in 5-10-20 years. Write a future message to yourself. You will learn a lot about yourself (what do you really want from the future and how satisfied are you with the present).

25. Rearrange your home. Enliven your living space a little and life will flow differently, like in summer.

26. Dial a random phone number and invite the person for a walk. It is possible that you will make a new friend or lover!

27. Try telling the truth all day. Yes, yes, never lie! It's hard, but try to learn how to control your speech.

28. Turn off your phone, PC and TV for one day. Try to do without modern means of communication and listen to yourself. What do you want to do with your free time? That's what you're doing!

29. Buy yourself a hat. Fashionable, bright, stylish!

30. Make love to the sound of the surf. Just do it in such a way as not to get yourself in trouble (administrative and domestic)!

31. Learn a phrase (for example, I love you) in ten foreign languages. Then you can safely demonstrate your skills and be known as a polyglot in the company!

32. Get yourself a fun, uplifting T-shirt (you can make your own) and wear it often.

33. Get yourself a professional photo session. Think carefully about your images, scenery and the whole entourage. And then admire yourself as a beauty (it is important to choose a good photographer).

34. Eat your hiccups with seasonal fruits!

35. Give yourself a bouquet. Let your home be decorated with fresh flowers that charge a woman with the energy of beauty and inspiration. Make yourself such small gifts more often!

36. Go on a field trip. Learn something new, visit a new place. You need to find time for such things, and in the summer it can always be done.

37. Ride horses. Take at least one lesson and enjoy this exquisite and royal pleasure to the fullest!

38. Set off fireworks with friends. By chance or just because. It's kind of like summer!

39. Spend an evening by the fire, listening to the melodies of a talented guitarist. You can melt marshmallows over the flame and enjoy sweets. This is a classic.

40. Take part in some flash mob, seminar, training. Expand your interests and hobbies.

41. Get enough sleep. In the summer, it is sometimes a pity to waste time sleeping, because there is such beauty outside the window! But try to sleep more than 12 hours and recuperate as you should. The body will need these forces in the summer.

42. Ask someone to visit the village. Spend a few days in nature and join the energy of the earth.

43. For fun, answer questions only “No” all day, and only “Yes” the next! How many surprises this day will bring you!

44. Get a tattoo in a conspicuous place. In order not to regret later, get a temporary tattoo!

45. Walk all night. You can walk barefoot on the asphalt and grass, splash yourself in the fountain, meet the dawn - whatever your heart desires on this unforgettable night.

46. ​​Go hiking. With overnight stay and tents.

47. Learn a new makeup technique and go on a romantic date.

48. Swim with dolphins. You will love them for life and have a great summer day.

49. Get drunk on delicious kvass in the summer. As many as you can!

50. Make a list of great fall plans.

Today is the first day of the summer we've all been waiting for. And, it would seem, there are three whole months of freedom ahead, without textbooks ... But often, already on August 31, when time has passed, we suddenly realize that we spent the holidays not at all the way we wanted. On purpose, to prevent this from happening, New Era, based on readers' answers, compiled the top 100 things that must be done this summer. Capture every moment!

1. Spend a summer night outdoors

2. Take at least one photo every day

3. Prepare for exams

4. Fly on a bungee

5. Have a picnic with friends

6. Leave the city

7. Learn to draw

8. Learn a foreign language

9. Meet foreigners

10. Arrange a flash mob

13. Change the look

14. Spend all day at the cinema

15. Find new interesting people

16. Start sending real emails

17. Shoot a summer video

18. Eat as much ice cream as you like.

19. Smile more

20. Walk barefoot through puddles

21. Eat berries

22. Go in for sports

23. Learn to ride a bike / skate / rollerblade

24. Get enough sleep

25. Walk on rooftops

26. Engage in hand-made

27. Take a dip

28. Learn to swim

29. Be with your parents more often

30. Attend concerts of your favorite bands

31. Make up with all your friends

32. Get a tan

33. Save a lot of money

34. Start running in the morning

35. Visit theaters and museums in your city

36. Do something big that everyone will talk about

37. Do something that you shouldn't do

38. Go to St. Petersburg

39. Take up dancing

40. Sit on the twine

41. Meet the storm

42. Stop being shy

43. Try a new fruit

44. Get a tattoo

45. Learn to cook

46. ​​Make a wish

47. Meet a friend from the Internet

48. Pick mushrooms

49. Fly a kite

50. Find a new hobby

51. Blow bubbles

52. Walk barefoot down the street

53. Get an idol's autograph

54. Discover a new music group

55. Become a volunteer

56. Fall in love

57. Make a playlist for this summer

58. Get rid of unnecessary things

59. Get rid of bad habits

60. Do yoga

62. Weave a wreath of dandelions

63. Stop lying

64. Visit grandma and grandpa

65. Sign up for some courses

66. Spend a week without technology

67. Change the interior of the room

68. Skydive

69. Take a dip in the fountain

70. Walk in the rain

71. Wander the streets all alone

72. Riding in a car with sunglasses open

73. Walk in nature

74. Start running in the morning

75. Don't eat chocolate at night

76. Go to the theater

77. Arrange a nightlife - sleep during the day, walk at night

79. Spray paint something on the street

80. Spend a day at an amusement park

81. Finish one started business

82. Get a pet

83. Ride a boat

84. Sing songs with a guitar by the fire

85. Go where you haven't been

86. Help grandma and grandpa with the garden

87. Spend the night in a tent

88. Buy a lot of summer clothes

89. View all the items that you planned

90. Work hard

91. Go fishing

92. Pass exams

93. Go abroad

94. Help a stranger

95. Not sleeping for two days

96. Ride a motorcycle

97. Play outdoor games

98. Go and sing all over the street

99. Go to a club

100. Go to the sea

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