What are the topics for communication with a girl. List of interesting conversation topics for a guy with a girl


Starting a conversation with a girl and charming her at the same time is a whole science. In this article we will talk about the techniques that every man should own.

Most likely, if you are interested in this topic, you are not very successful on the personal front. Communication with the weaker sex is not easy, and even more so, you have no idea what topics for talking with a girl can become the key to women's hearts.

List of interesting topics to talk to a girl

Your main task during a date is to create an atmosphere of fun and pleasant pastime. She needs to feel how comfortable it is to be around you.

Provoke her to positive emotions, cheer up, make her smile.

What can you talk about to put her in a good mood, you ask?

Here are some examples of conversation topics that work well with a woman:

  • trips;
  • vacation;
  • hobbies and hobbies.

You can start a conversation by simply asking what she likes to do in her free time (hobbies, music, sports, films, etc.), asking about pleasant impressions and plans.

Advice.focus all topics of conversation around her. Be curious and be a good listener. Show that you are really interested in her inner world and her as a person in general.

Ask more questions that require detailed answers, rather than a simple “yes” or “no”. Let her turn on her imagination, relive positive emotions.

What women like to talk about:

  1. Fresh gossip, talk about other people's relationships.
    Women love to talk about relationships. You can switch to it after discussing studies, work or politics. For example, a colleague who is in love with the boss, a minister of culture who is cheating on his wife, etc.
  2. Fashion or shopping.
    Ask her questions about clothes, why she chose this particular color, in which store she likes to dress. Women spend a lot of time on their appearance, it is important for them how they look.
  3. Mood.
    Tell her that she looks upset or, conversely, very cheerful. Find out the reasons.
  4. Film distribution news.
    From a conversation about films, you can go to a very large number of interesting topics. You choose. Ask her opinion about this or that hero, what she would do in his place, about the finale of the film, the dynamics of its development, etc.
  5. Books.
    First, specify what she reads more often: books or magazines. Magazines can suggest the topic of celebrities, relationships between a man and a woman. Who deceived whom, who slept with whom, who marries whom. The girls love it.
  6. Music.
    This is also a very exciting topic. But be careful not to ask a banal question: What kind of music do you listen to? , it's too boring. Better try to guess, something like: A girl like you should love rock.
  7. Hobbies, plans, travel.
    Try not only to listen to her, but also to open up yourself. When we talk about what we like, we share positive energy that attracts the interlocutor. If you feel that something has hooked her, go through this topic far and wide, study it thoroughly. Obviously, this will make you ultra attractive in her eyes. It is better to start this conversation towards the end of the date in order to say goodbye on a great note and leave a slight hint of a promising continuation of the relationship after your departure.

As you guessed, there are those topics of conversation that are best avoided in a conversation with a girl.

Do not talk about the bad, about too serious (about suffering, about world problems, bad ecology), nothing global. It's as stupid as shooting yourself in the foot...

Let's draw a line, under the ban remain:

  • policy;
  • religion;
  • death;
  • too serious or too sad stories.

Discussion is, first of all, the exchange of information

Here are 4 tips that will help you in trying to turn a girl's head on a date:

  1. The best stories about yourself. Tell her something that will allow her to see you as an extremely reliable person who can be relied upon to protect her and take care of her. Mention, for example, your sister or girlfriend: This weekend I went to the cinema with my younger sister or Yesterday we celebrated my girlfriend's birthday. This will create the illusion of an active lifestyle, and most importantly, it will show that you have many acquaintances of the opposite sex, and they appreciate you very much. So, there is something in you, and there is reason to take a closer look.
  2. Stories about travel and joint leisure with friends. It's better not to stoop to primitive style stories. Last summer I went to Italy. Answer with a question: Have you been to Milan? Feel free to mention events that highlight your hobby, of course, if it's worth it.
  3. Demonstration of a rich inner world and social significance. During the first dates, it is important for you to show what an interesting person you are. For example, if a girl says that she went to such and such an exhibition, throw it casually that your friend has also been there. If she says she's into classical dancing, mention your friend again with the same fascination.
  4. Avoiding boring conversations. Does the conversation reach a dead end or become secularly boring? There is a method of technical disagreement. Everything is simple. If you start to openly contradict her, in 99% of cases she will start arguing, defending her point of view. If you always and everywhere agree with her, the conversation will quickly lose its original ardor and come to naught.

Attention.Do not overdo it, the dispute can quickly turn into a quarrel, and this meeting is needed only to just have a good time together.

Here is a list of topics where you can easily contradict a girl without conflicting with her:

  • who is right, boy or girl;
  • or a friend;
  • a movie character she likes but you don't like.

If she gets too carried away and talks more than you, that's even good. She participates in the conversation. And yes, you got her.

So, you have all the cards in your hands in seducing girls. Down with fears, be yourself, and then everything will definitely work out.





Topics for conversation with a girl are interesting for young guys and even men.
Some do not know how to start a conversation due to their shyness and stiffness, others are simply afraid.

As a result, the conversation either does not start, or the dialogue is accompanied by awkward pauses.

It's easy to start with a abstruse topic, but it's better to keep it simple.

These topics will interest any

In order not to ask a lot of questions, it is better to learn how to ask the right ones. Then the girl will take over the whole conversation, you just have to nod your head.

What is interesting to one interlocutor may not be interesting to another. Simple psychological topics may not be useful at all.

  1. All questions about her. There are many of them and we will not paint them. Just be interested in her, her life. Ladies just love to talk about themselves, about their merits and achievements. You can start with questions like: “What are you fond of?” How do you spend your time?;
  2. The girl will talk about her preferences and then the ground for conversation opens up for you. If she is engaged in creativity, then ask questions like: How did you start doing this?, Are there any achievements in this area? The choice of question depends on what type of creativity the interlocutor is fond of. If a companion is interested in fitness, then support her, give compliments and ask simple questions, such as: “Is it difficult?”, “Which center do you go to?”, What kind of fitness? If she does Pilates. Ask her: “What is it?”, “What is the essence? And so on".

If the theme has exhausted itself, it is necessary to find another. First, remember what she said earlier. From this information, the question may again “hook up”.

Examine her, perhaps in her appearance something will prompt new thoughts.

You are trying to learn how to come up with a theme, but everything is easier.

If your head is empty, start asking these standard questions:

  • How do you see your life in five or ten years?
  • What would you spend a million dollars or rubles on? Before asking such a question, start a conversation about material things, just do not ask about how much she receives.
  • What alcoholic drinks do you like?
  • Did you really love? If you like her and you are planning a serious relationship.
  • How often do people meet you on the street?
  • What places do you like to go to?
  • Do you like to go to clubs?
  • Tell me about the happiest day of your life?
  • Which resort would you like to visit?
  • What kind of music do you like more? What performers?
  • What is your favorite movie or actor? It's a good way to go to the movies.
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • What is more important to you friends or boyfriend?
  • How many friends do you have?
  • What time of year do you like best?
  • How much time do you spend on social networks?
  • At what age did you first fall in love?
  • Do you believe in horoscopes, in fate?
  • In which country would you like to live?
  • Can you swim?
  • What did you want to be as a child?
  • What flowers do you like?
  • Would you like to go skydiving?
  • What character traits are important to you in a young man?
  • What is more important: appearance man or his inner world?
  • Have you performed on stage?

On the Internet, they are good, these topics for communicating with a girl in VK pop up constantly. This is the art of conversation. Consider the age of the girl, evaluate her behavior and manners and draw conclusions from this, take into account the social status.

Adding to the list of interesting topics:

  • Biography.
  • Plans for the future and her dreams.
  • Music.
  • Literature.
  • Movie.
  • Art.
  • Sport.
  • Trips.
  • Hobby.

How to behave when communicating

How to communicate with a girl? Recall the basic rules that must be followed during a conversation.

  1. Rejoice in the meeting. But remember, falsehood immediately "strikes" in the eye.

    Tune in to a wave of positive, smile more often;

  2. Learn to maintain a conversation and show interest in a girl;
  3. Do not interrupt, be able to listen to the end;
  4. Do not overload the chosen one with questions.

    Everything should be in moderation;

  5. Don't answer in one word. Don't just say yes or no.

    Try to tell as much information as possible;

  6. But most importantly, do not avoid communication. Practice constantly. You will become sociable and will easily carry on a conversation.

How to behave if the topic was chosen incorrectly

Often during the first date you have to talk a lot, and the girl at the same time very poorly supports the conversation.

This indicates either her disinterest, or excitement, or that the topic is not interesting. Imagine that in our case we are talking about the third option.

If the topic is not interesting for the girl, then skip the topic:

  1. Immediately change the subject to another.
  2. Analyze behavior. You talk a lot and don't let the person get a word in.
  3. Make a compliment. This will lift your spirits.
  4. Shut up for a while. Maybe she'll start asking questions.

To prevent this from happening, remember the rules:

  • Don't just answer yes or no. Give the answer in such a way that the interlocutor has the ground for the next question.
  • Learn to enjoy communication. Practice more often in communicating with girls. Do it on social networks, just on the street, in clubs and so on. Communicate even if you don't feel like it. After a while, you will learn to communicate with girls without thinking about what next question to ask.
  • Agree with her and her opinion. Know how to listen to her and hear.
  • Don't get annoyed if something doesn't suit you.

The way to develop a conversation is to tell stories. No need to talk all the way only to you. Tell stories in which you are popular, but do not overdo it.

What topics should not be discussed with girls

There are a number of topics on which it is better not to talk with the "newly made passion". They are also called difficult to talk to girls. Here they are:

  1. It is not necessary to start a conversation about ex-girlfriends, although there are exceptions to this. To do this, contact the student "pick-up artists". And remember that a pickup truck is not a goal to have sex with as many girls as possible, but a way to find that one;
  2. Don't talk about health problems. It is hardly possible to interest anyone in this way. People have enough problems. No one needs to be loaded;
  3. Try not to talk about sports: hockey, football. The only exception is if the interlocutor loves them. Also don't mention cars and computers. If we talk about cars, then only ask what she wants;
  4. Don't complain. You make it clear to her that you are insecure, and you are not able to solve your own problems;
  5. Do not report failed attempts and defeats. Why put yourself in a not very good light?;
  6. Don't tell why girls dumped you;
  7. When seducing, forget about sex and try not to talk about these topics.


  • Don't brag;
  • Don't just talk about yourself;
  • Don't talk about marriage and things like that. This is ridiculous;
  • Don't give too many compliments;
  • Don't philosophize.

If she's interested

If you are interested, then there will be no problems in communication. The girl will answer questions and conduct a lively dialogue. She will be as interested in you as you are in her. Here she will suggest interesting topics that will interest her.

She will initiate any ideas. For example, offer to go somewhere together. Well, the rest of the big responsibility is still on the man.

Start of a conversation. Acquaintance. Real Examples

At the diner. Near the food counter:

M: “Is there nothing better here?”;

J: "Everyone likes it";

M: “I know a restaurant across the street, there is really delicious food, we could have lunch there together. I'm crying. How do you like this idea?;

J: "Mmm, let's go!"

M: "Great!"

On the street. Together. They approach the girl.

M: “Hi, we need a female opinion. Tell me, please, how do you feel about the fact that two guys love each other, but his girlfriend is against it?

J: I don't think it's normal.

M: “How do you feel about these guys?”;

J: "Okay."

M: "Then let's exchange phone numbers?" ....

We take the phone number right away.

M: "Hi. I really liked you. Let's exchange phone numbers, shall we? I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry to the company, the dealers are waiting, and I'll call later?

J: Hello. Come on.

You can meet as you like and you can say anything at the same time. It all depends on the particular girl.

To easily get acquainted with the "opposite sex" you need to constantly practice.

The same for the conversation a myriad. More practice.

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Many guys, sometimes even the most courageous, have problems when communicating with a woman they like, all their pressure goes somewhere. Then an uncomfortable pause hangs in the air, which is not easy to smooth out, because all the necessary words are forgotten. To prevent this from happening, study our article. In it you will find interesting topics for conversation with a girl in different directions.

How to build communication with a girl on a social network?

Social networks are a separate world, people talk here for years without seeing each other. It suits someone - the second, virtual life. But it’s better not to delay - having met on the Internet, try to meet in reality faster, because a person in reality may turn out to be completely different. However, what is there to talk about? Questions are suitable for any:

  • On the topic of relationships;
  • Hobby;
  • Favorite foods, books, movies;
  • Friends and family;
  • Ask about how she likes to be looked after;
  • What holidays do you like to celebrate, and which ones do you prefer to skip?
  • About the most amusing cases from life.

Conversations over the Internet are always bolder and more frank, in extreme cases, you can simply leave the chat or block an unnecessary interlocutor. But this cannot go on for a long time, if communication exists, do not delay and call her on the phone.

In this video, psychologist Yegor Sheremetyev will tell you what questions a girl is asked to keep the conversation going and make it exciting and interesting:

Topics to talk to a girl on the phone

  • Meet, go to the cinema, theater, exhibition. Rely on the information that you have already received;
  • Discuss whether she wants you to pick her up and continue on the path together or whether it will be neutral territory;
  • Don't forget to describe yourself. Photos on a social network usually differ from the real picture, it will be difficult to recognize each other.

Now we just have to wait for a date. But you also need to prepare for it, think about what to talk about, and what thoughts to keep to yourself for now.

What to talk about at the first meeting, date, for a walk?

The main thing - do not worry, do not panic, the moment is really very emotional. But pull yourself together, relax, then it will be much easier to conduct a conversation. Speak easily, without tension, do not allow awkward pauses:

  • Ask about leisure. How he spends his free time, how he rests and relaxes. Tell us about yourself, where you are and what you do. Perhaps here you will have common interests, agree to relax together;
  • talk about cuisine and food: the best restaurants, taste preferences, national cuisine. Women love it when a man knows how to cook, if you know this art, tell your secrets. If not, you can say that you really want to learn;
  • Art, girls like it when a young man understands it. It is possible to discuss contemporary art, cinema, music or classics;
  • It's great if a woman will funny close to you. The weak half does not like to be bored on a date. Make her laugh with jokes, but not vulgar ones, tell funny stories from life.

You can also discuss studies, work, plans. Any neutral questions and directions will do. It happens that out of excitement people say all sorts of nonsense, do not allow this, and if this happened and you said something wrong, do not pay attention, continue to talk further or laugh it off.

List of topics to talk to a girl

The main thing is to decide what goal you want to achieve. It is important! After all, many dates end with nothing personal due to the fact that the guy does not know what he wants and how. He likes the girl, but uncertainty comes through from him and this is felt in the conversation in the first place.

Initiative and flirting should come from a man:

  1. Pay attention to her external view how well she looks, and how well she is dressed. After compliments on the topic of beauty, girls unconsciously begin to evaluate themselves and try to please;
  2. If you do something extreme, be sure to remember this, girls love the desperate. Tell in colors what emotions you experience while skydiving. Now the main thing is to call in it emotions;
  3. Describe to her any provocative situation and ask how she would behave in it. For example, what would she do if that pretty girl over there now came up and suggested that you take a walk in the evening. Play on emotions when you want to bring the interlocutor to clean water;
  4. Bring in a little romance. You can talk about travels, where you have been, how beautiful it is, what you had to endure and overcome. If she's inspired, suggest taking the next trip together. If not, she is either shy, or not a romantic and a boring person. Whether such a pair is needed is up to you.

After the first meeting, and even after the second, it is difficult to draw a conclusion about the character of a person and his features. A wise woman will not refuse a second date, even when the first failed or went wrong. And you should not make hasty conclusions about the interlocutor.

Personal questions to ask a woman

This is the most exciting moment, not many people decide to ask about the personal. Often, even spouses who have lived together for many years do not talk about intimate topics. Meanwhile, trust is the key to good relationships and quality sex. When you have become closer to a woman, you can let her clarify something:

  • What do you like in men, what is his ideal?
  • What is your breast size?
  • Do you like watching porn?
  • What poses do you like?
  • What are your sexual fantasies?
  • How do you feel about threesomes?
  • Do you love kissing?
  • Do you prefer to give the initiative in bed or take it upon yourself?
  • Do you wear nice underwear?
  • What kind of man do you like in bed, gentle or hard?
  • Did you have your first experience?
  • Would you like to try it in a public place?
  • What's the weirdest sex you've had?
  • What are your erogenous zones?

Questions can be anything, the main thing is to follow the reaction. If a woman is nervous, tense when answering, postpone the conversation until better times. Or help her relax, let her know that this information about her, like any other, is important.

But any conversation should not be like an interrogation, listen to the interlocutor and speak, ask her opinion and answer. Now you have interesting topics for talking with a girl in your arsenal, and you can always entertain her and learn something new for yourself.

Video: what to talk about to interest a girl?

In this video, psychologist Alexander Samsonov will tell you what topics to talk about with a girl so that she is not bored with you:

If a man gets lost when talking with a girl he likes, then there is an awkward pause, after which a stupid joke is given out, which has already ruined the relationship for many couples. Even if a guy has charisma, confidence, will and high intelligence, when he is truly in love, he sometimes says inappropriate words. The advice of psychologists will help to avoid this. It is especially important to talk to a girl on the phone correctly at the very beginning of an acquaintance.

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    Preparing to meet

    If a man is just going to get to know a woman and talk to her for the first time, then you need to prepare. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. 1. Study information about the girl in social networks. Find out about her interests, favorite music, education. If there are mutual acquaintances, then you can additionally ask them about the chosen one.
    2. 2. If the guy is not interested in the same topics as the interlocutor, prefers different music, but he really likes the girl, you need to read about her interests in various sources of information. Talk to your acquaintances and friends who share her hobby, type of activity.
    3. 3. You need to set yourself up for a confident and cheerful behavior.
    4. 4. It is advisable to think over a conversation plan, despite the fact that it is impossible to “program” it in advance. After all, much depends on the words, the answers of the girl. But certain topics, jokes, compliments, need to be found in advance. It is appropriate to insert them at the end of the dialogue, after which you can invite the chosen one on a date.

    A guy should not deceive an interlocutor, saying that he is engaged in the same sport, shares the same hobby, listens only to this music, and so on. It is enough for a young man to talk about this topic, to pretend that he is interested, to talk about his friends and relatives who are familiar with the girl. "Masquerade" will not lead to anything good, as sooner or later it will be revealed.

    How to start a conversation?

    A telephone conversation implies that the acquaintance has already taken place and there has been at least one meeting. Perhaps the acquaintance happened on a social network, the guy corresponded with the girl, then asked for her phone number. The following recommendations also apply to the case of a conversation with a woman with whom a relationship is already ongoing. At the beginning of the dialogue, it is recommended to use the following phrases and questions:

    1. 1. Good morning. How are you? What are your plans for the day? I'm going to the wax museum. Do you want to go there with me?
    2. 2. Good evening. How was the day? Today I was at a concert of the group "Pilot". The drummer threw a stick into the crowd, and I caught it. Gave it to another guy. He was delighted, even wanted to pay money, but I refused.
    3. 3. Good afternoon. I'm all at work today, but I think about you in my free time and even when I'm busy. Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

    It is better to talk about the brightest events of the day that have happened, are planned or are happening. Some points that cannot be verified can be embellished, but within reason. Talking with a girl about your problems and excessive banal everyday life is not worth it. Even when she becomes a legal wife, you should always find time for humor and interesting events.

    How to continue the dialogue?

    After talking about bright events, it is important to talk with a girl on the phone about an interesting film, book, mutual acquaintances. You can talk about a new product, invite your chosen one to the cinema for a premiere, or discuss a book over tea in a cafe or apartment. It is worth talking only on common interests. If the interlocutors have different tastes, then you need to learn how to talk briefly about your interests.

    Certain topics are not recommended. Funny quotes and moments from the work of Viktor Pelevin will please not every girl. Only one that is to some extent inclined towards mysticism, esotericism. If she only reads pulp novels, she's unlikely to be happy with humor about ghosts, life after death, altered states of consciousness, and so on.

    Women love to give advice. Therefore, it is recommended to be sincerely interested in her opinion in matters in which she is well versed. So she feels her own importance. Just don't pretend. If the topic is completely uninteresting, in due time it will be revealed.

    Phrases that are appropriate to insert during a conversation

    To engage a girl in a conversation, you should insert phrases like this where appropriate:

    1. 1. Yes, I perfectly understand what you mean.
    2. 2. It's really interesting.
    3. 3. From now on, in more detail.
    4. 4. What did you feel at that time?
    5. 5. And what happened after that?
    6. 6. Do you think differently now?

    Many women like not only to listen, but also to tell. Therefore, you need to give the girl the opportunity to speak out.

    List of interesting questions

    After uncomfortable pauses of silence, you can ask questions such as:

    1. 1. What flowers do you like?
    2. 2. Tell me about your favorite movie. Why do you love him?
    3. 3. How did you study at school?
    4. 4. What qualities do you value most in a man?
    5. 5. Tell us about your cherished dream.
    6. 6. What are you most afraid of in the world?
    7. 7. Can you swim?

    You need to ask them only if you are able to continue the conversation on the topic. For example, when asked: “Can you swim? »With any answer, you can invite the girl to the pool or to the river, on a trip to the sea. If she knows how - well, if not - even better, because there will be a reason to start communication and relationships through her swimming training.

    The most interesting topics for talking on the phone

    There are a lot of exciting topics for talking on a mobile phone. In addition to the interests of a woman, studied in social networks and when communicating with her, you can use topics that are able to intrigue most people. A short list is presented in this table:

    Subject Recommendations


    If the guy has been somewhere other than his hometown or is an experienced traveler, then it is appropriate to talk about the sights, nature, people of other areas. If a girl is fond of tourism, you need to ask her about her trips and eventually share them with her


    The main thing is to talk about the most exciting, funny moments. Recall the funny stories of student years, tell about the importance of the profession and unfortunate specialists who discredit it

    This topic will not leave indifferent even a follower of Buddhism, seeking to get rid of all earthly attachments. We should talk about how to achieve financial independence, how to combine earnings and business in your favorite business. You just can't leave the impression of a greedy person


    Some men are fond of cooking unusual and delicious dishes. Most women will not remain indifferent after a conversation on the topic of cooking. The main thing is not only to talk about food, but also to show your skills in practice. It is relevant to brag about an exotic dish that the guy once tried. Like puffer fish. Then invite her to a restaurant, treat her to another fish and say that she will not allow such a life-threatening delicacy to be eaten.


    First you need to ask the girl how she treats pets. Whom do you like most: cats, dogs, guinea pigs or parrots. Then please with funny stories about your animals. For example, related to the fact that pets take a lot from the nature of the owner during their development. This applies not only to the repetition of words by a parrot. They are like children who need to be able to educate and take care of them.

    Healthy lifestyle

    If a girl leads a healthy lifestyle, eating separate foods, observing fasts and fasting days, doing yoga or health gymnastics, then it would be appropriate to talk about it. And even over time to join the new conditions of life. This also works in reverse, when a guy takes care of his health and wants to attach his beloved to this.

    funny habits

    A woman will be pleased to hear a confession that a guy draws funny drawings when he is nervous or talking to someone on the phone. Or that he loves, like the great Goethe, to scatter flower seeds everywhere. Don't talk about smoking two packs a day or drinking beer in moderation.


    It is not recommended to talk about this topic not at the very beginning of the acquaintance. After all, the interlocutor will think about the hint. And you can't get ahead of yourself. If communication has already been going on for some time, then it is appropriate to talk about what she values ​​​​most in a relationship. You can ask which celebrity couples or mutual acquaintances she sees as perfect, and why; how men and women complement each other; What are the reasons people get divorced?

    Psychology and esotericism

    Many women are addicted to these areas. If not everyone believes in esotericism, then every second girl is interested in psychology. It’s worth talking if the guy is good or mediocre in her. There are many interesting directions, ranging from the psychology of a certain specialty to the psychoanalysis of C. Jung, used for the interpretation of dreams, creativity, and the treatment of diseases.

    This topic should be approached with caution. You should not hint to a woman about possible future children if the relationship has just begun or does not last long. It is better to talk about relatives, funny peanuts on the street, playing in the sandbox. Tell each other jokes and funny stories about children who say funny and sometimes wise words, as they say "from the mouth of a baby." It is appropriate to talk about childhood: your own and your interlocutor


    An event is celebrated almost every day. Women love to talk about the most significant holidays. Such as New Year, birthday, wedding. Each person has some funny, interesting stories, holidays that he visited. It is pleasant to discuss some traditions, rituals, seen only on video or heard from friends. You can plan how to spend a holiday together


    It is appropriate to move on to this topic only after sex between a guy and a companion or a long-term relationship. At this time, you can talk about how to kiss properly, and about more intimate moments.

    In addition to the examples listed, there are many other topics suitable for maintaining a conversation, raising the mood of an interlocutor. Girls love sociable men, but the conversation must develop in the right direction. If a guy constantly deceives, "hovers in the clouds", talks about troubles, then this will lead to a break in relations.

    Women value confidence in men, the ability to behave correctly in any situation and intellectual humor. Therefore, when talking on the phone, it is necessary to say coherent, smart, funny, interesting things. Each person, with the desire and intention, can develop these qualities in himself.

Topics for conversation with a girl they are very diverse and there are a lot of them ... everything comes with experience, you can talk about anything, but at the same time not talk about how her girlfriend can otherwise send her to the DOD or put a tick in front of your last name - a nice guy, but this is not included in the plans pickup truck! They should be natural and spontaneous.

So the main topics for a conversation with a girl - a whole list


Do you often go to the cinema?
- What films do you like the most?
- What genre? For example, I like ...... (comedies) (then talk about the genre that she
like. Find out which films
- Do you often go alone or with friends?
- Have you ever gone to a night session? And on the night "non-stop"? (this is when you pay once, and
watch 3-4 movies all night)
- Have you ever noticed that when you go outside after a session, at first the surrounding
You perceive the world differently depending on the film. Have you ever had this? (If it was
then ask after what movie and how?)
Have you ever had a strong feeling after watching a movie? Which?

If you run out of topics to talk with a girl- then this is something serious, or it's nerves and you need to understand that girls are the same creatures and even more insidious, or you just don't have contact - she just cuts any of your topics in the bud. And in the latter case, it may also be her joint, she is simply insane or inadequate for you, but she may be quite adequate for another guy, in this case it is better to just remain friends or go off ecologically.

Many themes here are not suitable for many girls, so choose your own taste and just have fun)

ATTENTION: do not use too primitive topics for a conversation with a girl, some especially smart thieves want to see the intellectual abilities of a young guy. Yes, and some mokroschelki also read these topics and fire).

Try all possibilities:

Cafes, bars, discos

Do you often go to discos? where is the last time and why?
- Do you know why some girls go to cafes with their friends so often?
- Do you like sweets? ... For pleasure or to the detriment of the diet? :)
- Have you tried to cook something yourself from what you tried in a cafe?
- You know, very often girls sit in cafes and get bored. Sometimes it lasts more than one hour. What are they waiting for?
- Have you ever dynamite a guy? Well, just be honest;) (regardless of the answer “What a great fellow you are!
:)") Tell..

There are many questions here, but if you constantly ask them, she will feel like she is being interrogated, of course, you can also make a kind of frame out of them, but unfortunately this is not a leader frame. Questions must be asked so you can direct conversation with a girl in the direction you need, but you should not replay:

Parks, street, places of rest

Do you like to walk?
- What is your favorite weather? And why?
- Where do you like to walk the most?
- Have you ever walked in the rain?
- Do you often hang out with your friends?
- Have you ever walked around the city all night?
- Have you been to the zoo for a long time?
- Which place do you remember the most? Why?
- Do you like swimming? Do you bathe often? Where?

By the way, a girl and a guy can also talk about these topics and they are interested in this no less than men.


Do you fall in love often?
- You are romantic? And what is the most?
- How do you feel about the fact that some people say that relationships can be bought with money?
Have you ever had an all night date?
What do you think is the toughest competition? Male or female? Why?
- Did you have competitors? Were they alive? :)
What do you like more, compliments or receiving them?
- And what do you consider worthy of a compliment in yourself? Well, except for a beautiful, intriguing look,

Someone may notice that there are many serious topics for conversation with women, maybe so, that is, you also need to apply intuition. If you choose a serious girl, then she will willingly talk to you not only on these topics, but if you have a woman who is too frivolous, then the man will use tricks and games that are rarely associated with seriousness.

Common topics

Are you afraid of thunderstorms? What are you most afraid of?
- Do you have any collection. Well, fish, for example, or someone else? :)
- Do you have pets? The name of? Are you feeding? :)
- Have you been to the sea? What are the feelings, what did you like the most?
- What kind of music do you like the most? Do you listen often?
- What was your brightest moment in your life?
- Can you cook? And what works best?
- Can you play anything? (for a long time? what do you like the most?) Do you like to listen?
- Do you like sunbathing? Topless? ;)
- Do you remember your first love? Kindergarten or elementary school?
- Do you have Brother or sister? Would you like to? (To be alone)
- What is your favourite season of year? And what do you like the most about it?

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