How does Bazarov appear in the episode Bazarov's death. The symbolic meaning of Bazarov's death


Let's turn to the last pages of the novel. What feeling do the last pages of the novel evoke?

(A feeling of pity that such a person is dying. A.P. Chekhov wrote: “My God! What a luxury “Fathers and Sons”! Just shout at the guard. as if I had been infected by him. And the end of Bazarov? It's the devil knows how it's done (Read excerpts from chapter 27).

What do you think Pisarev meant when he wrote: “To die the way Bazarov died is the same as doing a great feat”?

(At that moment, Bazarov’s willpower and courage appeared. Feeling the inevitability of the end, he did not get scared, did not try to deceive himself, and most importantly, remained true to himself and his convictions. Bazarov’s death is heroic, but attracts not only Bazarov’s heroism, but also the humanity of his behavior ).

Why does Bazarov become closer to us before his death?

(Romance was clearly revealed in him, he finally uttered the words that he used to be afraid of: “I love you! Farewell ... because I didn’t kiss you then ... Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out ...” Bazarov becomes more humane .)

Why, after all, does Turgenev end the novel with the scene of the death of the hero, despite his superiority over other heroes?

(Bazarov dies from an accidental cut of his finger, but his death, from the author's point of view, is natural. Turgenev will define the figure of Bazarov as tragic and "doomed to death." That is why he "killed" the hero. Two reasons: loneliness and internal conflict of the hero.

The author shows how Bazarov remains lonely. The Kirsanovs are the first to fall away, then Odintsova, then the parents, Fenechka, Arkady, and the last cut off of Bazarov - from the people. The new people look lonely compared to the vast mass of the rest of society. Bazarov is a representative of an early revolutionary raznochinets, he is one of the first in this matter, and it is always difficult for the first. They are alone in the small estate and urban noble environment.

But Bazarov dies, but like-minded people remain who will continue the common cause. Turgenev did not show Bazarov's like-minded people and thus deprived his business of prospects. Bazarov does not have a positive program, he only denies it, since Bazarov cannot answer the question: “What next?” What to do after destroyed? This is the futility of the novel. This is the main reason for the death of Bazarov in the novel, the main reason that the author could not chart the future.

The second reason is the internal conflict of the hero. Turgenev believes that Bazarov died because he became a romantic, since he did not believe in the possibility of a harmonious combination of romance and the strength of a civil spirit in new people. That is why Turgenev's Bazarov wins as a fighter, as long as there is no romance in him, no sublime feeling for nature, female beauty.)

(Turgenev loved Bazarov very much and repeated many times that Bazarov was a “clever man” and a “hero.” Turgenev wanted the reader to love Bazarov (but by no means Bazarovism) with all his rudeness, heartlessness, ruthless dryness.)

III. teacher's word

Literary critics have repeatedly called the lack of solid ground under their feet as the main cause of Bazarov's death. In confirmation of this, his conversation with a peasant was cited, in which Bazarov turns out to be "something like a pea jester." However, what Turgenev sees as the doom of his hero does not come down to Bazarov's inability to find a common language with the peasant. Can Bazarov's tragic dying phrase: "... Russia needs me ... No, apparently, it is not needed ..." - can be explained by the above reason? And most importantly, "the story of the hero is included in the writer's common theme of the death of a person in the crucible of natural forces beyond his control", "elemental forces - passion and death."

Turgenev did not put up with the metaphysical insignificance of man. It was his unceasing pain, growing out of the awareness of the tragedy of human fate. But he is looking for support for a person and finds it in the "dignity of the consciousness of his insignificance." That is why his Bazarov is convinced that in the face of a blind force that destroys everything, it is important to remain strong, as he was in life.

It is painful for the dying Bazarov to recognize himself as a “half-crushed worm”, to be an “ugly spectacle”. However, the fact that he managed to achieve a lot on his way, managed to touch the absolute values ​​​​of human existence, gives him the strength to adequately look into the eyes of death, to adequately live up to the moment of unconsciousness.

The poet is talking to Anna Sergeevna, who, completing his earthly journey, found for himself the most accurate image - the “dying lamp”, whose light symbolized the life of Bazarov. Always despising a beautiful phrase, now he can afford it: "Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out ..."

On the threshold of death, Turgenev's hero, as it were, draws a line under his disputes with Pavel Petrovich about whether such, as Kirsanov ironically remarked, are needed, "deliverers, heroes" of Russia. "I need Russia?" - Bazarov, one of the "deliverers", asks himself, and does not hesitate to answer: "No, apparently, it is not needed." Perhaps he was aware of this while still arguing with Pavel Kirsanov?

Thus, death gave Bazarov the right to be what, perhaps, he always was - doubting, not afraid to be weak, exalted, able to love ... The uniqueness of Bazarov lies in the fact that through the whole novel he will pass in many ways not like that person and thereby dooming himself to the only possible, fatal, tragic - Bazarov - fate.

However, Turgenev completed his novel with an enlightened picture of a quiet rural cemetery, where Bazarov’s “passionate, sinful, rebellious heart” rested and where “two already decrepit old men often come from a nearby village - a husband and wife” - Bazarov’s parents.

Literature lesson summary

The theme of the lesson is "Trial by death". Illness and death of Bazarov. Analysis of the episode of death.

The purpose of the lesson: to reveal the strength of the spirit of the protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Sons", his inner world, by analyzing the episode "Bazarov in the face of death."

Tasks: literature Roman Turgenev

  • 1. Educational:
  • 1. Systematization of the studied material.
  • 2. Developing:
  • 1. Development of skills in analyzing an episode of a work of art.
  • 2. Systematization of knowledge on the theory of literature.
  • 3. Educational:
  • 1. Education of love for the native word.
  • 2. Education of a competent, thoughtful, attentive reader.

Equipment: the text of the novel, a video fragment from the film "Fathers and Sons" (screen adaptation of the novel by I.S. Turgenev. Director V. Nikiforov. Film Studio "Belarusfilm", 1984).

During the classes

  • 1. Organizational moment. Greeting. Recording the date and working (preliminary) topic of the lesson.
  • 2. Teacher's words:

How do you remember the main character of Turgenev's novel? (Students name the characteristics of the main character and write them down in notebooks). Educated, Sacredly believes in nihilism, Strong convictions, Inner core, Flint, Wu is convincing in a dispute, Undeniable, irrefutable arguments, Brutal, Negligence in clothes, The material side does not bother him, Strives to be closer to the people, Raised himself, "Wonderful fellow, so simple", Mysterious, etc.

Teacher: What is He, Bazarov? On the one hand, a firm and implacable, denying everything and everything nihilist. On the other hand, he is a “raw” romantic, struggling with a strong feeling that has come over him - love. What qualities of Bazarov's character appear in scenes with Odintsova?

Bazarov in love - capable of compromise, suffering, spiritually beautiful, admits his defeat. Bazarov's individualism - exclusivity - romanticism

Teacher: How has the reader's opinion about Bazarov changed?

Students: He has changed. Recognize the romance. He is tormented by doubts. Bazarov is trying to resist, to remain faithful to his nihilism. The reader feels sorry for Bazarov, because love brings him suffering and mental pain. His feelings and behavior command respect.

3. Analysis of the episode "Death of Bazarov".

Teacher: How does Bazarov appear before death?

Before reading the episode, students should be told about Turgenev's attitude to death (briefly), and also pay attention to the statements of famous people about this scene in the novel "Fathers and Sons".

A.P. Chekhov: "My God! What a luxury "Fathers and Sons"! Just though the guards shout. Bazarov's illness was made so strong that I became weak, and there was a feeling as if I had contracted it from him. And the end of Bazarov? It's the devil knows how it's done."

DI. Pisarev: "To die the way Bazarov died is like doing a great feat."

Teacher: What do these statements have in common?

Pupils: The novel "Fathers and Sons" is written very talentedly and strongly. Bazarov's death is not weakness, but his greatness.

Reread the scene of the meeting of the dying Bazarov and Odintsova (Thank you, he spoke intensely ... ch.27)

Teacher: What means of expression did Turgenev use to describe Bazarov in the death scene?

We make a table.

means of expression

Their role in the text

A prostrate, powerless body

The physical weakness of Bazarov, who is not accustomed to being seen as weak. Fate has pronounced its verdict. Bazarov is weak in the face of death.


He loves Anna Sergeevna sincerely, truly.

Epithets, gradation.

Young, fresh, clean...

She is life. It is Odintsova who entrusts the care of his parents.


I'll break off a lot of cases ... After all, I'm a giant!

Strength is not only physical, but above all the strength of the spirit.


Old joke death...

My own form is decaying

Trying to hold on, not show weakness


Blow on a dying lamp and let it go out


Confession completed. Now he is ready to die.


Worm crushed

Feeling embarrassed in front of the woman he loves.

exclamation marks

At the start of a conversation.

Emotionality and tension of the moment. He is still brave, trying to keep at ease.

At the same time - regret that he did not have time to fulfill his plan.


Especially at the end of the monologue.

Not only because Bazarov is dying and it is difficult for him to speak. These are his last words, so he carefully chooses and considers them. The patient's voice gradually weakens. A moment of real physical tension.

Phraseologisms and vernacular

Phew! Got hit by a wheel. I won't wag my tail.

This is the former Bazarov, whom we saw at the beginning of the novel.

Teacher: Do you agree with the words of Pisarev and Chekhov? What new things did you discover in the image of Bazarov?

Students: He is sincere, as in confession. Open and honest. Real. There is no need to save face, to defend your position. Death doesn't care. And he is afraid of death, which denies everything, even himself. Feelings are mixed: and pity, and respect, and pride. Bazarov in this scene is an ordinary person, not at all an unbending giant, but a soft, sensitive, loving son (how amazingly he speaks of his parents!), A loving person.

Teacher: Surprisingly, many writers foresee their death. So in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov very accurately described his death in the scene of Pechorin's duel with Grushnitsky. Turgenev also foresaw his own death. Such insights in art are not so rare. Read some quotes.

Prince Meshchersky: “Then his speeches became incoherent, he repeated the same word many times with increasing effort, as if expecting someone to help him finish his thought and falling into some irritation when these efforts turned out to be fruitless, but we, unfortunately couldn't help him at all."

V. Vereshchagin: “Ivan Sergeevich was lying on his back, his arms were stretched out along his body, his eyes looked a little, his mouth was terribly open, and his head, strongly thrown back, slightly to the left, was thrown up with every breath; it is clear that the patient is choking, that he does not have enough air - I confess, I could not stand it, I cried.

Ivan Turgenev, describing the death of his hero, according to his confession, also cried. There are striking coincidences between romance and life. “Bazarov was not destined to wake up. By evening, he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died.

In the mouth of his hero, Turgenev put the very words that he himself could not pronounce: "And now the whole task of the giant is how to die decently." The giant did the job.

4. Conclusions. Summarizing. Homework.

What is the novel about? About life. And the ending is life-affirming. The scene of Bazarov's death is not the denouement, but the culmination of the novel. It is in this scene that we see the true greatness and sincere simplicity and humanity of Bazarov. In the death scene, he is real, without feigned negligence, rudeness and brutality. Another quote to think about.

Michel Montaigne: “If I were a writer of books, I would compile a collection describing various deaths, providing it with comments. Who teaches people to die, teaches them to live.

At the end of the lesson, watching an episode from the film adaptation of the novel by I.S. Turgenev (4 series).

Homework: compose a message on the biography and work of F.I. Tyutchev.

Bazarov in the face of death is one of the most striking images created by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in his famous work Fathers and Sons. This work became a landmark for the generation that grew up in the 60s of the XIX century. Many perceived this hero as an ideal, a role model.

Roman Turgenev

Bazarov appears in the face of death at the very end of this novel. His actions take place in 1859, on the eve of the peasant reform, which forever abolished serfdom in Russia. The main characters are Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov. These are young people who come to visit the Maryino estate with their father and uncle Arkady. Bazarov develops a difficult and tense relationship with the older Kirsanovs, as a result of which he is forced to move out of them. Arkady, carried away by his comrade, goes after him. In a provincial town they find themselves in the company of progressive youth.

Later, at a dinner party at the governor's, they meet Odintsova, perhaps the main female character in the novel. Bazarov and Kirsanov go to her estate called Nikolskoe. Both of them are infatuated with this woman. Bazarov even confesses his love to her, but this only frightens Odintsova. Eugene is again forced to leave. This time again, together with Arkady, he goes to his parents. They love their son too much. Bazarov is soon frankly tired of this, so he returns to Maryino. There he has a new hobby - the girl's name is Fenechka. They kiss, and it turns out that Fenechka is the mother of Arkady's father's illegitimate son. All this leads to a duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Arkady's uncle.

Meanwhile, Arkady himself goes to Nikolskoye alone and stays with Odintsova. True, he is not fond of the mistress of the estate, but of her sister, Katya. Bazarov also comes to Nikolskoye. He explains with Odintsova, apologizes for his feelings.

The fate of the heroes

The novel ends with Bazarov, having said goodbye to his friend, leaving for his parents. He helps his father in a difficult task - the treatment of patients with typhus. During the operation, he accidentally cut himself during the autopsy of another deceased and contracted a fatal infection.

Before his death, he asks Odintsova to see him for the last time. The fate of the rest of the characters is as follows: the progressive Pavel Petrovich goes abroad, Nikolai Petrovich marries Fenechka, and Arkady Kirsanov marries her sister, Katya Odintsova.

Problems of the novel

In Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons", as a result of Bazarov, it turns out to be in the face of love and death. The author's decision to complete his work with the death of the protagonist says a lot about the intention that the creator had. Turgenev's Bazarov dies in the finale. Therefore, it is so important to understand why the author treated him this way, why the description of this death is so important for understanding the meaning of the whole work. A detailed study of the episode dedicated to the death of the central character helps to answer these questions. How does Bazarov find himself in the face of death? You can find a summary of the denouement of the novel in this article.

The image of Evgeny Bazarov

Describing the main character of his work, the author notes that Bazarov was the son of a doctor. When he grew up, he decided to continue the work of his father. The author himself characterizes him as an intelligent and cynical person. At the same time, somewhere inside, in the depths of his soul, he remains attentive, sensitive and kind.

Bazarov has a specific life position, which in subsequent years received a large number of adherents and supporters. Eugene denies any moral values ​​of contemporary society, as well as morality and any ideals. Moreover, he does not recognize any art, he does not perceive love, which is sung by many poets, since he considers it to be pure physiology. At the same time, he does not recognize any authorities in life, believing that each person should focus only on himself, not following anyone.


Bazarov is a supporter of nihilism, but at the same time he differs from other young people who adhere to a similar philosophy, for example, from Kukshin or Sitnikov. For them, the denial of everything around is nothing more than a mask that helps to hide their own inadequacy and callous deep vulgarity.

Bazarov is not at all like them. He does not prevaricate at all, defending his views with his characteristic ardor. He believes that the main thing for which a person should live is work that benefits the whole society. At the same time, Eugene condescendingly treats most of those around him, even despises many of them, puts him below himself.

Meeting with Odintsova

This life philosophy of Bazarov, in the inviolability of which he was sure, changed radically after meeting with Odintsova. Bazarov truly falls in love for the first time, and after that he realizes how much his beliefs diverge from the truths of life.

The collapse of ideals

The main character of Turgenev's novel feels that love is not only physiology, but also a real, strong feeling. An epiphany sets in, which changes a lot in the hero's worldview. All his beliefs are crumbling, and after them his whole life loses its meaning. Turgenev could write about how this person eventually abandons his ideals, turning into an average person. Instead, he puts Bazarov in the face of death.

It is worth recognizing that the death of the hero happens stupidly and largely by accident. It becomes the result of a small cut that was obtained during the autopsy of the body of a person who died of typhus. But the death was not at all sudden. Knowing that he was ill, Bazarov was able to evaluate what had been done and realize the extent of what he would never accomplish. It is noteworthy how Bazarov behaves in the face of death. He doesn't look scared or confused. Instead, Eugene is strong, surprisingly calm and steadfast, almost unflappable. The reader begins at these moments to feel for him not pity, but sincere respect.

Bazarov's death

At the same time, the author does not let us forget that Bazarov is still an ordinary person who has various weaknesses. No one perceives his death indifferently, and therefore Eugene frankly worries. He constantly thinks about what he could still do, about the power that is in him, but has remained unspent.

At the same time, Bazarov remains ironic and cynical to the last in the face of death. Quote "Yes, go ahead, try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it!" it only confirms. Here, behind the irony of the hero, we can consider bitter regret about the passing minutes. In the last moments of his life, he longs for a meeting with his beloved woman, with whom he could not be together. Bazarov, in the face of death, asks Odintsova to come to him. She fulfills this wish.

On his deathbed, the protagonist softens to his parents, realizing that in reality they have always occupied an important place in his life, shaped his essence and worldview. Everyone would probably like to look like Bazarov in the face of death. He calmly analyzes everything done during his short but fruitful life, which he devoted to science, wanting to benefit his country. Death for the protagonist is not only the cessation of physical existence, but also a sign that Russia does not really need him. All his dreams to change something end in virtually nothing. The physical death of the protagonist is preceded by the death of his views. Together with Bazarov, his genius also dies, as well as his powerful character and sincere convictions.

Evgeny Bazarov preferred to defend the ideas of nihilism. The main character of the novel I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" is a young nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov. In the course of reading, we learn the ideas of this trend.

Our hero followed in the footsteps of his father, a county doctor. But living in the middle of the nineteenth century, he was a supporter, like all youth, of the ideas of nihilism. He adheres to the belief that a person needs to know only the sciences that bring sense. For example, exact sciences: mathematics, chemistry. He defends his point of view that a decent mathematician or chemist is more useful than some poet! And poetry is the entertainment and fantasy of rich loafers. It clearly shows the denial of love for living objects of nature. And he is increasingly moving away from his family and good friends.

He believes that there are physiological processes driven by the behavior of all people. Ideas flourish in his mind that

He is persistent in his work, constantly working, giving himself to the sick. When he performs his work duties, he experiences a feeling of joy. Among the people who encountered him in the hospital, he enjoyed prestige and respect. He liked the surrounding, sick children.

And then comes the tragic moment - the death of Bazarov. There is a huge meaning of the event here. The cause of death is infection of the blood. And now, remaining completely alone, he begins to experience anxiety. He is tormented by internal conflicting feelings towards negative ideas. And he began to understand the importance of parental support and participation. That they are getting old and they need the help and love of their son.

He boldly looked death in the face. He developed a strong self-confidence. He felt both fear and lack of human attention. Scientific discoveries, his knowledge of medicine did not help him. Natural viruses and their incurable progression took over his life.

A good person who helps people has taken on the disease. He is tormented by doubts that he has not fulfilled everything on earth. In this work, he heroically fights for his life. Excellent doctor and kind person.

I like this character. Before his death, he reconsiders his attitude to nature, family, loved one. He realizes that he is still unmarried. Odintsova comes to him, and he confesses his love for her. He asks for forgiveness from his parents, begins to think about God. He does not want to die, he believes that he could still serve Russia. But, alas, his ideal - medicine is powerless.

Composition Death of Bazarov analysis of the episode

The main character of the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" is a young and educated Yevgeny Bazarov. The guy considers himself a nihilist, he denies the existence of God and any human feelings. Bazarov studied the natural sciences, he believed that people should devote more time to such sciences as physics, chemistry and mathematics, and in poets he saw only lazy and uninteresting people.

Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov was born into a family where his father worked all his life as a county doctor. Bazarov believes that a person has unlimited power, so he believed that he was able to reject all the previous experience of mankind and live according to his own understanding. Bazarov considered the main purpose of the nihilists to destroy all the delusions of their ancestors. Without any doubt, it is clear that Bazarov is smart enough, and has great potential, according to the author himself, the hero’s beliefs are incorrect and even dangerous, they contradict the laws of life.

Over time, Bazarov begins to be convinced that for a long time he was mistaken in his beliefs. The first blow for him was suddenly flared up feelings for the young and beautiful Anna Sergeevna, at first the guy simply admired the beauty of the girl, and then he caught himself thinking that he had some feelings for her. The hero was frightened of the inexplicable, he did not understand what was happening to him, because the convinced nihilist rejected the existence of love. Love made him rethink his faith, he was disappointed in himself, he realized that he was a simple person who can be controlled by feelings. This discovery knocked Bazarov down, he did not know how to continue to live, the guy leaves home to try to forget the girl.

In the parental home, a fateful event happens to him. Bazarov did an autopsy on a patient who died from a terrible disease called typhus, and later he becomes infected himself. Lying in bed, Bazarov realized that he had a few days left. Before his death, the guy completely convinces himself that, after all, he was wrong in everything, that it is love that brings great meaning to a person’s life. He understands that in his entire life he has not done anything useful for Russia, and an ordinary hard worker, butcher, shoemaker or baker has brought more benefits to the country. Eugene asks Anna to come to say goodbye. Despite the dangerous illness, the girl immediately goes to her beloved.

Bazarov is a smart, strong and gifted person who strove to live and work for the good of the country. However, with his wrong beliefs, belief in nihilism, he renounced all the main values ​​of humanity, thereby destroying himself.

Option 3

Fathers and Sons is a novel that was published in 1861. It was a rather difficult time for Russia. Changes took place in the country, and the people were divided into two halves. Democrats on one side and liberals on the other. But, regardless of the idea of ​​each side, they understood that Russia requires changes in any case.

This work of Turgenev has a sad ending, the main character dies. In this work, the author felt new features in people, but he could not understand one thing, how these characters would act. The protagonist Bazarov meets death at a very young age. Bazarov is a direct person and always knows how to put a certain amount of sarcasm into his speech. But when the hero felt that he was dying, he changed. He became kind, he became polite, he completely contradicted his convictions.

It becomes noticeable that Bazarov is very sympathetic to the author of the work. This becomes especially obvious when the time comes for Bazarov to die. During the death of the hero, his essence, his true character, becomes visible. Bazarov is in love with Odintsova, but this does not affect him in any way before his death. He is still brave, selfless, the hero is not afraid of death. Bazarov knows that he will soon leave for another world and has no worries about the people who will remain. He doesn't worry about unfinished business or questions. Why does the author show the reader the death of the hero? The main thing for Turgenev was to show that Bazarov was a non-standard person.

The main idea of ​​the author is love and fearlessness before the moment of death. Also, Turgenev did not miss the topic of respect for sons for their parents. The main thing is that Bazarov is on the verge of breaking, but he is not defeated. It is interesting that even after his death, the main character has not changed some of his principles. He is dead and still cannot perceive religion in any way, it is not acceptable to him.

The moment of Bazarov's farewell to Odintsova is built very clearly and in contrast. The author emphasizes a living woman and a man who is dying. Turgenev emphasizes the sharpness of the scene. Anna is young, beautiful, bright, and Bazarov is like a half-crushed worm.

The ending is truly tragic. After all, there is no other way to call it, a very young man dies, besides, he is in love. It is sad, of course, that death cannot be deceived or escaped from it; nothing at all depends on the person himself. It is rather heavy on the soul when you read the final scene of Turgenev's work.

Composition Bazarov in the face of death Grade 10

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a classic of Russian literature and a real master of the pen. In terms of beauty and picturesque descriptions, only Nabokov and Tolstoy can be compared with him. The work of Turgenev's whole life is the novel "Fathers and Sons", the main character of which Bazarov Evgeny is a reflection of a new, only emerging type of people in the Russian Empire. The protagonist of the novel dies at the end of the work. Why? I will answer this question in my essay.

So, Bazarov is a nihilist (a person who does not recognize authorities and denies everything old, traditional). He studies at the university at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, to study the world around him. Bazarov denies everything: art, love, God, the aristocracy of the Kirsanov family and the foundations that have developed in society.

The storyline of the work confronts Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - a man of truly liberal views, this was not done by chance: this is how Turgenev shows the political struggle of revolutionary democracy (represented by Bazarov) and the liberal camp (represented by the Kirsanov family).

Then Bazarov meets Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, a very well-read and well-versed girl in matters not only of fashion, but also of science, and also with a strong character. This strikes Bazarov, he falls in love. And after she refuses him, he leaves for his parents on the estate and dies there from blood poisoning. It would seem an ordinary story, but it is still classical Russian literature, and Bazarov's death is quite understandable. Bazarov, a man who denied everything, including love, finds himself in such a position that he himself loves another person: he is tormented by contradictions, he begins to see reality as it really is.

It was the destruction of the main principle of Bazarov - the denial of love that killed Bazarov. A person who literally breathed nihilism can no longer live in his illusion, having met such a strong feeling. Turgenev needs the destruction of Bazarov's principles and his sudden death in order to show Bazarov's uselessness in this society.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the destruction of Bazarov’s principles by Turgenev can be perceived in two ways: on the one hand, this is a reflection of reality as Turgenev saw it, on the other hand, it is Turgenev’s political nature, because Turgenev himself was a liberal and drawing such a line that the liberal Arkady lives happily, and the revolutionary democrat Bazarov died, this suggests that Turgenev, by contrast, expressed his political position, calling himself right. What was the purpose of killing Bazarov, only history knows the answer to this question ...

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The novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev ends with the death of the main character. Understanding the reasons why the author ends his work in this way is possible through an analysis of the episode "Bazarov's death". "Fathers and Sons" is a novel in which the death of the protagonist is certainly not accidental. Perhaps such an ending speaks of the failure and convictions of this character. So, let's try to figure it out.

Who is Bazarov?

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death is impossible without understanding what this character is like. Thanks to what is told about Eugene in the novel, we imagine a smart, self-confident, cynical young man who denies generally accepted moral principles and ideals. He considers love to be "physiology", in his opinion, a person should not depend on anyone.

Subsequently, however, Turgenev reveals to us in his hero such qualities as sensitivity, kindness, and the ability for deep feelings.

Bazarov is a nihilist, that is, a person who denies all generally accepted values, including he does not share the enthusiasm of amateurs. In his opinion, only that which brings practical benefit is significant. Everything beautiful he considers meaningless. Eugene designates his main "work for the benefit of society." His task is "to live for the great goal of renewing the world."

Attitude towards others

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" cannot be carried out without understanding how the relationship of the protagonist with the people who made up his social circle was built. It should be noted that Bazarov treated others with contempt, he put others lower than himself. This was manifested, for example, in the things he said to Arkady about himself and his relatives. Attachment, sympathy, tenderness - all these feelings Eugene considers unacceptable.

Lyubov Bazarova

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death requires mentioning that, with all his disdain for lofty feelings, he, ironically, falls in love. His love is unusually deep, as evidenced by the explanation with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Realizing that he is capable of such a feeling, Bazarov ceases to treat him as physiology. He begins to consider the existence of love possible. Such a change of views could not pass without a trace for Eugene, who lived with the ideas of nihilism. His former life is destroyed.

Bazarov's explanation of love is not just words, it is a recognition of his own defeat. Eugene's nihilistic theories are shattered.

Turgenev considers it inappropriate to end the novel with a change in the views of the protagonist, but decides to end the work with his death.

Bazarov's death - an accident?

So, in the finale of the novel, the main event is the death of Bazarov. Analysis of the episode requires remembering the reason why, according to the text of the work, the main character dies.

His life becomes impossible due to an unfortunate accident - a small cut that Bazarov received during the autopsy of the body of a peasant who died of typhus. Ironically, he, a doctor doing a useful job, cannot do anything to save his life. The realization that he was going to die gave the protagonist time to evaluate his accomplishments. Bazarov, aware of the inevitability of his death, is calm and strong, although, of course, being a young and energetic person, he regrets that there is so little left to live.

Bazarov's attitude to death and to himself

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death is impossible without a deeper understanding of how the hero relates to the proximity of his end and death in general.

Not a single person can calmly realize the approaching end of his life. Eugene, being a man, certainly strong and self-confident, is no exception. He regrets that he did not fulfill his main task. He understands the power of death and speaks of the approaching last minutes with bitter irony: "Yes, go ahead, try to deny death. It denies you, and that's it!"

So, the death of Bazarov is approaching. Analysis of the episode, which is one of the key ones in the novel, needs to understand how the character of the protagonist has changed. Eugene becomes kinder and more sentimental. He wants to meet his beloved, once again to say about his feelings. Bazarov is softer than before, treats his parents, now understanding their importance.

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death shows how lonely the protagonist of the work is. He does not have a close person to whom he could convey his beliefs, therefore, his views have no future.

Understanding True Values

In the face of death they change. Understanding what is really important in life comes.

An analysis of the episode “The Death of Bazarov” based on the novel by I. S. Turgenev requires an understanding of what values ​​the protagonist now considers to be true.

The most important thing for him now is his parents, their love for him, as well as his feelings for Odintsova. He wants to say goodbye to her, and Anna, not afraid to get infected, comes to Evgeny. With her, Bazarov shares his innermost thoughts. He comes to the understanding that Russia does not need it at all, it needs those who do their usual work every day.

It is harder for Bazarov to come to terms with his death than for any other person, because he is an atheist and does not believe in life after death.

Turgenev ends his novel with the death of Bazarov. The principles by which the hero lived are destroyed. Bazarov did not have stronger, newer ideals. Turgenev notes that it was precisely the deep commitment to nihilism that killed the protagonist, which forced him to abandon the universal values ​​that allow him to live in this world.

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