What is the real name of Elena Maximova. Star of "Voice" Elena Maksimova enjoys a honeymoon in the Bahamas


Elena Maksimova (singer)

Elena Gennadievna Maksimova. She was born on August 9, 1979 in Sevastopol. Russian singer. Ex-soloist of the Reflex group.

Father is a military man.

Mother - a teacher, worked as a kindergarten teacher.

Grandmother is a primary school teacher, grandfather is a physics teacher.

From an early age she was fond of singing. “Mom recalls that it was impossible to calmly walk down the street with me and ride a trolley bus - I read poetry and sang all the way. In the kindergarten where my mother worked, I was a full-time Snow Maiden, Little Red Riding Hood and other characters. Sometimes I was taken directly from the playground and dragged to the next matinee so that I could sing my signature number there - the song of the elephant trainer, "Elena said.

From the age of 11, she performed in the Multi-Max group, participated with the team in various singing competitions and repeatedly won. “It’s just fate that I got there. I sang in it for six years and as an artist I learned a lot,” she said about participating in the group. The girl's talent was so noticeable that her mother even quit her job to accompany her to competitions.

She graduated from music school in piano.

After leaving school, at the insistence of her parents, she entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at Sevastopol University, which she later graduated with honors. "And now the knowledge of English and French helps to sing songs and communicate with people on tour. Now languages ​​​​are a completely natural and obligatory element of education. And I'm not talking about a university, but in general - you need to know at least one foreign language. But work on I didn’t intend to do my specialty, because music and the stage are my vocation, I don’t know how to do anything else on a professional level, ”she said.

While studying at the university, she worked part-time: she sang in cafes and clubs, in the summer - in sanatoriums and rest homes.

After graduation, she entered the Black Sea branch of GITIS. Their course was based at the Sailor Club Theater, which belongs to the Russian Black Sea Fleet. There she was noticed by the conductor of the orchestra of the headquarters of the fleet and invited to solo at the festival of military bands. They went on the ship "Kerch". "And when they came to France, I performed the songs of Patricia Kaas: the orchestra accompanied, admirals and diplomats applauded. It's impossible to forget," Elena shared.

For three years she studied at the Institute of Contemporary Art in the class of pop-jazz vocals and for a year at the RATI GITIS.

Later, together with her husband, she moved to Moscow, but then returned to Sevastopol again.

At one time, her musical consultant was the guitarist of the legendary band Queen Brian May.

In 2006, producer Vyacheslav Tyurin invited Elena to his project - the group "Non Stop". It was with this group that Elena Maksimova became a participant in the Five Stars music festival.

In 2008, the singer was among the finalists of the international competition "New Wave", where she performed the song "Angel Wings", which amazed the audience and for a long time was one of the most frequently downloaded songs on the Internet. Then, in the capital's Mir concert hall, composer Kashin presented a new project, Decadence, and Maksimova became the voice of this group.

In the same 2008, she became one of the soloists of the group Reflex where she worked for almost two years.

After Reflex, she participated in the national selection for Eurovision with a song written by Swedish authors. Was a participant in the 2nd season of the show "Voice". Elena Maksimova passed the "blind" auditions, performing the song Run to you, and got into the team.

Elena Maksimova reached the semi-finals of the competition, where she performed a cover version of the famous Back in USSR by The Beatles.

In 2015, she was a participant in the second season of the reincarnation show "Exactly the same" on Channel One. She appeared before the viewers in the images of a Frenchwoman, a pop singer and sang the famous "Moscow Nights" - exactly like.

In 2016, she participated in the project “Just Like It. Super Season”, in which the brightest participants of previous seasons were invited. The final of the show took place on January 22, 2017, and Elena Maksimova, having scored the highest number of points (299), became the winner. Only 1 point lost to her.

In the final issue of Super Season, Elena Maksimova appeared before the audience in the image of Zemfira.

After participating in popular TV projects, she presented the songs “I won’t let you go”, “Our first New Year”, “Weightless words”, etc.

Height of Elena Maximova: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Maximova:

She was married to Vadim Gitlin (later became the head of the Roskontrol Consumer Union). In marriage, a daughter, Diana, was born. Almost immediately after the birth of their daughter, they broke up.

She was in a relationship with a fellow singer. The artists recorded joint songs, but after some time their cooperation ceased. At the time of their relationship, the couple did not share details - Kungurov was married to actress Natalya Troitskaya. But after he left his wife and gave a frank interview, Maximov also broke the silence. Eugene told reporters that he repented of his ex-wife, and his mistress became only a litmus test that revealed problems in relations with Natalia.

Elena Maksimova was offended by the words of her former lover: “Zhenya, in one of the interviews, without indicating my name, called me “litmus test.” Thank you for not being a piece of toilet paper. Maybe he is hurt and offended and he asks his wife for forgiveness for treason. But he humiliated not only me, but also his ex-wife, saying that he outgrew her. I can’t meet a married man, so I told Zhenya: “Determine yourself.” But this is only the first step for the relationship to start honestly. take more steps. Zhenya did not take them ... I did not interfere in Zhenya's marriage to Natalya Troitskaya. Why did I seduce him? Maybe I ran away from him without looking back. "

At the moment, according to Elena, her heart is not free, the singer's chosen one is a musician with whom she has been working for many years.

Finalist of the second season of the show "Voice" Elena Maksimova since childhood, she aspired to the stage, but she had to go to her goal for 20 years. At some stage, the singer was forced to start everything from scratch - in a foreign city, without money, with a little daughter in her arms ... But now, according to her confession, everything is finally going as it should

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

Last year, Elena Maksimova was already in great demand: she performed with the orchestra for ten days as part of the Spasskaya Tower military music festival, gave several concerts in St. Petersburg, recorded a song that Leonid Agutin gave her, shot a video for it, then composed a composition “Our first New Year”... “This song was written by myself, I still don’t understand how,” says Elena. - In three minutes I came up with words, music, then I took everything to the arranger, and we shot a New Year's video with the participants of the Voice project. And on the day of the presentation, they called me from Channel One and said that this song would be the final anthem on New Year's Light.

Elena, at the Five Stars festival in Yalta last summer, you also performed with the anthem. Do you specialize in them?

(smiling.) I don't know, maybe this is my destiny? With that song, everything turned out the same as with the New Year's one, only my daughter Diana became the ideological inspirer. We were driving to celebrate her birthday, I had a car full of her classmates, and suddenly a song started playing in my head. Initially, I was invited to Yalta to sing "Two Stars" in a duet with another member of the "Voice", Sharip Umkhanov, but then I realized that I was now writing a hymn to "Five Stars"! Yalta is my native place, I come from Sevastopol. During the festival, everyone was celebrating the entry of Crimea into Russia, and I myself had just received a Russian passport.

As they say, the stars aligned.

Yes!.. And we are driving in a car, I'm driving with one hand, writing the lyrics of the song with the other... When we arrived at our destination, the song was already ready, and a few days later it was recorded. You know, I really like the energy of something large-scale, I constantly feel the desire to unite everyone. And I worked well in groups - in the musical We Will Rock You, and in the Non Stop group, and in Reflex ...

Photo: Press service of the first channel / DR

You have nothing to do with Reflex.

Here you need to figure it out. Despite the fact that the participants perform in rather revealing costumes, there are wonderful vocals and live singing at concerts. Ira Nelson is a great singer and artist. Slava Tyurin is a talented composer and producer. It was he who invited me to the group when, after the New Wave in 2008, I looked around in search of myself. At that time I had a seemingly quite successful track “Angel Wings” on my hands, but there were no connections and understanding of what to do next. I always wanted to pursue a solo career, and after The Wave, it seemed to me that I had learned something and could handle everything myself. But then I realized that no, I can't. A year later, Slava called me - even before the "Wave" I worked for him in the Non Stop group - and said: "Come to us at Reflex."

And you immediately agreed?

I have a lot of respect for their work, so I agreed without a doubt. But she didn’t light up in the group much, because at that time there was some simple: Slava and Ira lived in Los Angeles, they wrote albums there, and there was no time to work with the group, by and large. But I have established relationships in the right circles. In general, the first offer that I received after working at Reflex was to star in a men's magazine. At first I refused, and then I thought: why not? The yacht, the sea, I am the master of the situation, they promised me that I would shoot as I want, besides, the photographer is my old friend Roma Kadaria ... But then the editors and I fought hard for every photo - I wanted to choose less frank, but more aesthetic. It wasn't easy.

And what happened after Reflex?

I participated in the national selection for Eurovision with a song written by Swedish authors, but after that everything stalled for a while, and then I got on the Voice. At the blind audition, all four chose me - Leonid Agutin, Dima Bilan, Alexander Gradsky, and Pelageya.

And you weren't ready for this...

I thought: “My God, I have to decide.” Agutin did not show any special emotions, and Dima, I remember, jumped up and started screaming, Polya also supported, and Gradsky gave me the last place in his team, although there was still a whole day of casting ahead and among the fifty participants there could be someone more talented. I was very flattered and now I want to say a big thank you to everyone. Everyone who knows me knows that I have been going to this for a very long time. As a result, I worked with Leonid Agutin, which I am very glad about: he is a talented composer, a wonderful artist who performs all the production tasks himself. And I have always strived for the same. I had two producers, but somehow it didn’t work out with them, and now I act on my own.

So now you are your own mistress?

Yes, but my team helps me. You must have your own management, because it is impossible to iron your suit and think about where you need to go and what to write down at the same time. Sometimes I don’t have time to put on makeup, comb my hair, or eat, I even came to my own presentation after drinking only one cup of coffee. Now I learn from my mistakes, I write a lot, I try to show everything I can. Thank God, The Voice gave us all the opportunity to be heard. There are audiences and that motivates me to write new songs like Our First New Year. By the way, my daughter took it for a school event - she asked for a backing track, redid the text and presented it at her New Year's Light » . (smiling.)

Is she into music too?

Diana belongs to the category of children who, having creative parents, like to do everything themselves: she sings, comes to the studio, records something, participates in theater productions at school, organizes some events. We see her, unfortunately, actually once a day, or even less often, so I try to take her to all shootings, she also starred in my video. I don’t pull her into show business, because ... For example, at her age I couldn’t imagine my life without music, without a stage, without all this paraphernalia, but everything is different with her. She is a person of mood: when she is comfortable, she can be very, very bright, when not, she gets tired quickly. My mother didn’t drag me anywhere either, I shook her myself: “Do something, I need to sing.” ( smiling.) In Sevastopol, there was the only group in which I later ended up. It was called "Multi-Max", and there were many Maxims and Maximovs. It's just fate that I got there. I sang in it for six years and as an artist I learned a lot.

But what about the classic parental “you need to get a serious profession”?

And I received a specialty - I graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Sevastopol. I understood that I needed it for life. And now the knowledge of English and French helps to sing songs and communicate with people on tour. Now languages ​​are a completely natural and obligatory element of education. And I'm not talking about the university, but in general - you need to know at least one foreign one. But I was not going to work in my specialty, because music and the stage are my vocation, I can’t do anything else at a professional level.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you had very many prospects in Sevastopol. How did you see your future?

There were and are very good music schools. My mother saw how rhythmic I was, how I can listen and hear music, and sent me to school. If she hadn't done this... In general, everything comes from the parents, they must definitely develop the child's talents. At school, teachers took me up, they told my mother: “You have a talented child who will go to competitions.” My mother still sometimes asks me: “How is this possible? Maybe they changed you in the maternity hospital? He does not understand how it is in a family where there are no musicians that a person has appeared who is engaged in music at a certain professional level.

And who are your relatives by profession?

Mom is a teacher, dad is a military man, grandmother is a school director, another grandmother is a primary school teacher, grandfather is a physics teacher ... These are also creative professions, in fact. A good teacher is an artist. People came to my relatives for open lessons to look at this stage action. ( smiling.)

Elena, there is a gap in your creative biography, you were married then. Did they leave the stage for the sake of the family?

(Thinking.) I'm the type of person who can't do many things at the same time. If I am closely engaged in artistic activities, then I have little time left for my family, and then my mother and all relatives join in to feed me almost from a spoon. After getting married, I took care of myself, my pregnancy, apartment, borscht. I was just such a wife-wife. My husband and I came to Moscow together from Sevastopol, and I built a family hearth in a city that was still unfamiliar. I understood: when the child is born, I will be with him for some time, and I didn’t have the thought, like many colleagues, that “I’ll take a short break and then go to work.” Perhaps if I now remarried and gave birth to a second child, then I would have argued that way, but then - no. I didn’t know at all whether my career would start, because I had absolutely nothing here. I only watched TV and dreamed about the stage, but also dreamed of having a happy family - a beloved and loving husband, a child whom I was really looking forward to. But it didn't work out.

What happened?

I realized that nothing would work out with my husband, and I started all over again. I have a small child in my arms. My father was sick. I, too, was not completely healthy: difficult childbirth, postpartum depression, lack of milk ... I did not get out of the hospital: my daughter constantly had a stomachache, she did not sleep. And at that moment we remained in the women's team. My father is gone. With Diana's dad, we already had different lives. And my mother helped me with the child for twelve years so that I could do my job. She pulled the family, and I was a dad to myself and to Diana - I earned money, realizing that there was no one to count on. This is how we existed. We also had a cat, but she died. Now I feel like I'm my own daughter's child, because Diana has outgrown me in some ways.

Is she an independent girl?

Absolutely. She can live alone for weeks, cook her own breakfasts and still not be late for school. We don’t have this: wake me up, iron my shirt and take me away, and then wait with dinner. We never had a babysitter. Now Diana has grown up, she does everything herself.

Diana is thirteen, a difficult age begins. Looking forward to some teenage rebellion?

No, so far the only problem is that she cut her hair, as much as 15 centimeters. I wanted volume, curls. How I screamed! “Diana, you don’t need more, then you will want long ones and you won’t know how to grow them!” ( Smiling.) I started to paint already, but with restraint. Her dad, whom she sees once every few months - despite the fact that they live in the same city - is against it, and in general everyone is against it. In general, Diana and I, of course, are not without conflicts, but I am very proud of her, I have an amazing child. She has a stem. And that's why I know I can rely on her. Sometimes she says to me: “Mom, stop it, mom, what are you doing?” We have a partnership with her. We have been living as roommates for two years already, sharing our nice rented apartment for two.

Rented apartment?

About housing - it's generally lovely. I have been waiting for my apartment since 2008. Everything I ever earned, I invested in it. That is, in fact, I have no money, they are all there. And the house was being completed for twelve years - it started back in 2002. And all this time we

with Diana lived on suitcases. Perhaps soon we will finally move into our own housing, hooray! Some time ago, an excellent initiative group of equity holders decided to draw the attention of the press to the problem and asked me to contribute to publicity. I sang in ruins, on concrete. The governor of the Moscow region, the TV channels 360° Podmoskovye and Rossiya 1, and other reporters came. A few months - and the problem was solved. One of these days we should get the keys to our apartment.

Wow, when I saw you on stage - blooming and laughing, I thought that everything in your life had been arranged for a long time.

You know, nothing ever comes easy. When I appeared on stage, I had a blue dress, artificial diamonds for one and a half thousand rubles, I was tanned - I came from Sevastopol. And someone thought: “Yeah, everything is tied up with her, she bought everyone.” And when they ask me how everything works out for me, I tell them how much to eat first. I don't want to say: look how difficult my life was. She is difficult for everyone. They just think about those who are on TV: “What problems can they have at all? Children were born from the oligarchs, everything is free for them. And if the artist is divorced, then everyone is sure that she, let's say, lives well on compensation. This is far from always the case.

I see you are very upset by this attitude.

Yes. But now things are finally going really well. Friends come up and say: “Lena, congratulations, you have been going to this for so many years, you deserve it!” I tell everyone: "Guys, the main thing is to really, really want." And do not forget about all sorts of karmic things: you need to give more to people, do good, love more, sing for free. I often did this at charity events and in orphanages. And my mother, whom I now sent to rest, also repeats: “Lena, you don’t need to constantly do this for money, do as much as possible for people just like that.”

Elena Maksimova- a successful singer of Russian show business and just a beautiful and talented woman. Has two higher educations. She started her career as a member of musical groups "Non Stop", "Decadence" And "Reflex". Gained worldwide fame after participating in such TV shows as: "Voice", "Just Like" and "Just Like. Super season. Elena Maksimova is thirty-nine years old. The woman married Vadim Gitlinym. Unfortunately, the marriage was short-lived, and after the birth of their daughter Diana, the couple filed for divorce.

Elena Maksimova was the soloist of the group "Reflex"

Childhood and youthful years of the artist

Lena was born ninth August 1979 years in the resort town of the Crimean peninsula - Sevastopol. In this sunny city, to the sound of the surf, the singer's childhood and youth passed. From an early age, the girl began to sing. Lena's magical voice and absolute pitch were discovered back in kindergarten, where the young singer went. Her mother worked as a teacher in the same kindergarten. The head of the family was a military man. Grandmother worked as a primary school teacher, and grandfather taught physics all his life.

Elena was the star of all matinees, she performed almost non-stop. Her crowning performance was the song of the elephant trainer. The role of the elephant was played by the teacher, who was covered with a gray painted veil, while the young artist sang a song. Also in kindergarten, Maksimova first tried herself as an actress. At children's performances, mother's pride was the indispensable Snow Maiden and Little Red Riding Hood.

At the age of eleven, Lena began performing in the Multi-Max ensemble. Our heroine, as part of a children's team, traveled to many cities of the country, where she took part in various competitions for children's talents. The ensemble often brought home victories. Lena's mother donated her work in order to take her beloved daughter to competitions. Despite such a busy schedule, Maksimova did not forget about her studies. She graduated with honors from high school and music school.

Student years

After school, the girl dreamed of studying at the theater, but her parents insisted that their daughter choose a more serious profession. Therefore, Elena had to apply to the university for the faculty of foreign languages, which the girl graduated with honors. Her parents had big financial problems, so the girl started working from an early age. She sang in the open areas of the Crimean rest houses and sanatoriums, as well as in nightclubs and cafes. It was during this part-time job that Maksimova realized that she wanted to become a singer.

Soon after, Lena went to receive a long-awaited theatrical education at the Russian Institute of Theater Arts at the Black Sea branch. While still a student, the girl became a soloist in the orchestra at the Sailor Club Theater of the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, where she received good experience for her further creative career.

In the late 90s, the musicians represented Russia at the military band festival in Cannes. The singer then performed several compositions by Patricia Kaas. In 1998, our heroine won the Yalta-Moscow-Transit festival. Elena Maksimova also worked as a soloist on holidays in the Crimean sanatoriums.

The beginning of the singer's career

Elena Maksimova does not regret at all that she went to university, where she diligently studied foreign languages. Knowledge of English was useful to the singer in her future work. In 2004, Elena decided to take a chance to come to the casting of the musical "We will Rock You". To the surprise of the girl herself, she outperformed several hundred competitors and made it to the main team. The project consultant was Brian May, a member of the legendary Queen band. The man appreciated the excellent vocals of the young talent, and throughout the project he closely followed the success of the talented performer. They worked on the musical every day, without breaks and days off for six months.

Elena Maksimova participated in the musical "We will Rock you"

During the filming of the musical "We will rock you", Elena Maksimova was noticed by the famous producer Vyacheslav Tyurin, and at the end of the project he invited the young singer to become a member of the Non Stop group. Lena entered a new step on the career ladder, it was then that the path to Russian show business opened for her.

As part of this team, the girl took part in the Five Stars music festival. And in 2008, the group went to conquer the international contest "New Wave", and they succeeded. "Non Stop" reached the final. The following year, the singer's first full-length album saw the light of day, all of whose compositions were performed in English.

Elena Maksimova (in the center) was the soloist of the group "Reflex"

Elena Maksimova was also a soloist of such groups as: "Decadence" and "Reflex". The heroine of our article has been following her figure all her life: she adheres to proper nutrition and goes in for sports. Having a wonderful figure, Lena is not shy about showing it, so the girl agreed without hesitation to a candid photo shoot for the magazine Playboy.

Elena Maksimova on television

2013 was a very fruitful year for our singer. Maksimova came to the second season of the TV show "Voice", where she performed the song "Run to You". All members of the jury were delighted with the impeccable performance of the song. Elena got into a strong team whose mentor she was.

Elena Maksimova on the TV show "Voice"

In the quarterfinals, she received rave reviews from the audience and the jury for her touching song "Je Suis Malade". In the semi-finals, Maksimova presented a cover version of the song "Back in USSR". Unfortunately, it was not our heroine who managed to win, but her rival Sergei Volchkov.

In one interview, Elena Maksimova said that she was very pleased with her participation in this project. She admitted that "Voice" played a huge role in her life, and mentor Leonid Agutin managed to reveal all the facets of vocals. In 2015, the artist tried on the images of Irina Saltykova, Mireille Mathieu and Vanessa Paradis on the TV show Just Like It. In this show, Lena reached the final.

After two popular TV projects, several new songs by Maximova were released. The most striking and successful were such compositions as: “Weightless words”, “Our first New Year” and “I won’t let you go”. In 2016, the singer took part in the project “Just Like It. Super Season ”, where only the brightest stars of past editions were invited. In the final issue of Super Season, Elena transformed into Zemfira. Our heroine managed to score the maximum number of points and take first place.

Elena Maksimova in the show "Just Like" transformed into Zemfira

Personal life of the artist

At the age of twenty-one, Elena married Vadim Gitlin. The lovers moved to the capital. The relationship of the spouses deteriorated after the birth of their daughter, who was named Diana. After a divorce with a small child in her arms, the girl returned to her hometown. Our heroine experienced a break in relations very painfully. She was disappointed in men, and believed that she would rather become a grandmother than go down the aisle again. And the ex-husband after the divorce headed the Union of Consumers "Roskontrol".

After a certain period of time, the singer began an affair with a work colleague, Yevgeny Viktorovich Kungurov. The couple even recorded several joint compositions, the most famous of which was the song "Promise me love." As it turned out, Eugene at the time of the novel was married to actress Natalia Troitskaya. The man repents of his ex-wife, but in an interview, Kungurov said that after an affair with Lena, his eyes were opened to problems in relations with Natalya Troitskaya.

Maksimova did not want to start a relationship with a married man, so she made it clear to the ladies' man so that he could decide. The singer did not want to be part of a love triangle, for this reason their romance was short-lived. At the moment, the personal life of the heroine of our article has improved. The artist is in a serious relationship. She prefers to keep the name of her loved one a secret.

The girl is convinced that happiness loves silence. Despite such secrecy, the media still managed to find out that Elena's current man is her old good friend, who also deals with Russian show business. Maximova's closest person is her daughter Diana. The girl has long decided on her future profession: she dreams of becoming a flight attendant, as she loves the sky. Elena Maksimova also actively maintains a microblog on Instagram, where she shares personal photos and videos from performances with her subscribers.

Elena Maksimova in our time

Maksimova is very glad that she had a good experience in her life on the TV show "Voice", which she was able to use in her future work and career. She is grateful to Agutin for revealing the potential of a musician and director in her. According to Elena, it was the mentor who helped to achieve this level of success.

The singer once said that as long as people listen to her compositions, she will delight everyone with her creativity. At the beginning of the summer of 2017, Elena Maksimova presented a new incendiary song called "Happiness Inside". In the autumn of the same year, a video for the song "Until Dawn" was released.

In the winter of 2018, the singer was involved in a small scandal. On her Instagram account, Elena expressed dissatisfaction with the directors of Channel One, who cut the performer's number from the New Year's broadcast. The same fate befell Nina Shatskaya and Buranovskiye Babushki. Fans of the artist supported the favorite and advised not to be upset.

An attractive and talented artist is in great demand on the Russian stage. A woman can often be seen on popular TV shows that brought her all-Russian fame. Elena Maksimova has a large audience of fans who admire her creative work.

Elena Maksimova, biography on Wikipedia, participation in the show "Voice", personal life and photos on Instagram are of interest to all those who follow the work of this singer.

Elena was born in 1979 in the Crimea in the hero city of Sevastopol. The girl began to sing from early childhood, since at the age of 4 she showed perfect pitch and a good voice. Mom developed her natural gift in every possible way. She sent her daughter to a music school, and at the age of 11 Lena became a member of the Multi-Max ensemble, with whom she performed a lot and toured the country.

Despite the fact that from childhood Elena dreamed of an artistic career, her mother insisted that her daughter receive a serious education, and Lena entered the University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. But after graduating from the university, she nevertheless decided to fulfill her dream and entered GITIS, namely, its Black Sea branch. By the way, this course was located in the Sailor Club Theater, which belonged to the Black Sea Fleet, so it is not surprising that the gifted girl was noticed and offered to become a soloist in the Black Sea Fleet Orchestra. It was a truly invaluable singing experience for her, as she often performed and took part in major festivals and competitions together with the orchestra. And besides this, Elena performed at the local Music Hall and gave concerts in Crimean sanatoriums.

By the way, after graduating from the University, the girl did not work in her specialty, since the main thing in her life was music, but her knowledge of foreign languages ​​was very useful to her in the future.

In 2004, Elena managed to pass the casting for participation in the musical "We will rock you", leaving behind more than 1000 applicants and getting into the main cast. And Brian May, who became her consultant on this project, noted that she has excellent pronunciation and an amazing timbre of voice.

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