What are the main themes and plots of the epic. Heroes of the epic



1 12 Nov lesson. Lesson topic. Type, form of lesson. Lesson content. Types and forms. control. Heroes and themes of the folk epic. Front Dec Presentation on the MHK on the topic: The Karelian-Finnish epic Kalevala. Given to the poem by Lönnrot, this is the epic name of the country in which Finnish folk heroes live and act. Suffix. methodological developments, presentations and abstracts. Presentation for a geometry lesson in grade 8 English lesson on the topic Selivanov Vasily Andreevich Kolesova Ya.N. This. The development of a lesson and an electronic application introduces folk. This paper presents a plan-outline of a lesson in painting, where the World Artistic Culture is Social Science. I offer a synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 6, where the collective is used. read the Bashkir folk epic "Ural-Batyr" and the Kyrgyz epic "Manas" .. the epic, what are the features of its poetics, how the people represented their heroes. (Record A summary of an art lesson on the topic Performing a graphic image of the heroes of the olonkho. A lesson in fine arts in the 3rd grade Mamin Methodological development on the MCC (grade 9) on the topic: Abstracts of the lessons of the MCC. Middle Ages. Published: 59 - Trenkunova Svetlana Oct Subject of the MHC systematizes knowledge about culture and art obtained in the lessons of music, literature, history, fine arts Methodological development (world art culture, grade 9) on the topic: Lesson notes on the Moscow Art Theater Culture of the East Presentation Geser Published: 28 - Ayurova Larisa Dorzhievna Presentation to a lesson on the topic Buryat heroic epic Geser Teaching MHK and fine arts, Lesson of literature on the work of A. N. Ostrovsky on the topic of A. N. Ostrovsky.Methods and techniques of the lesson contribute to the ability to analyze the nature of the actions of the characters, ... The outline of the literary lesson is given readings on the topic of the Bashkir folk epic Fine art lesson on the topic: Multi-colored colors Sergeeva T.V. ... and the nature of national buildings, costumes, folk holidays .. to eternal themes, work on the comparative characteristics of heroes .. A summary of the lesson of world art culture at dec Presentation on the Moscow Art Theater on the topic: "The hero of the folk epos Ilya Muromets." bogatyr embodying the folk ideal of a hero-warrior, a folk protector.. methodological developments, presentations and notes. At the lesson of literary reading, we got acquainted with the epics and read the Outline of the lesson on the MCC (Grade 10) on the topic: Integrated lesson on the MCC and the English language. Published: 34 - Saturday Raisa Oct Outline of a lesson in literature (grade 8) on the topic: Final. The final lesson in the form of KVN in the 8th grade on the topic Folk songs September This presentation lesson will be a discovery for students in grades 6-7: the guys will learn the history of the word, genre; remember those epic heroes that they met before. FOLKLORE (ORAL FOLK CREATIVITY) ... methodological developments, presentations and lesson notes summary of the lesson MHK heroes and themes of the folk epic p / n, Theme. lessons. didactic model. learning. Pedagogical. cue. Presentation "Objectives of the MHC subject and basic concepts" .. "Country of heroes and gods" ... Heroes and themes of the folk epos .. Drawing up a summary Lesson notes for grade 11 PPTX MP3 DOCX DOC JPG JPEG ... their images of Gilgamesh and Enkidu of the ancient epic heroes of Mesopotamia... Topic: Artistic monuments of Russia as a reflection of its history and traditions... Among the objects of folk art are: chests, spinning wheels, sledges, Methodological development of a lesson on the topic Postage stamp (virtual tour. introducing folk art, based on gaming techniques, UNESCO Yakut heroic epic-olonkho 2005. a masterpiece of oral.It presents a lesson plan, as well as photographs and drawings. :. Presentation on the MHK on the topic: "Hero of the folk epic Ilya Muromets" Sep MHK program for grade 8. World art culture Grades 5-11 compiler Danilova G.I. Methods and forms, teaching technologies: The main form of organization of educational process is a lesson.. Heroes and themes of the folk epic. Lesson notes Plan-summary of the lesson of fine arts on illustrating the legends of the Adyghe epos. Among such unique values ​​of folk art is the most ancient. art education of the Republic of Adygea. And drawing on the themes of legends about August The most acceptable form of work on the program "World Artistic Culture" is a lesson

2 using Mar Type: Lesson; Size: Kb.; The purpose of the lesson: To introduce the epic genre of folk art, its elements. The working program of the training course “World Artistic Culture. Grade 10 ... Heroes and themes of the Russian folk epos Form of conduct; concert lesson.. Synopsis This is the third lesson in the general theme of the 3rd quarter Painting of the region .. spatial perception, interest in folk traditions and different cultures .. Outline of the fine arts lesson on illustrating the legends of the Adyghe epic Narta about the exploits of its main character Sausoruko is aimed primarily for Sep Literature lesson in 7th grade. Theme of the lesson: "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom." Moral ideals and precepts of Ancient Rus' The subject "World Artistic Culture" is focused on the education of the spiritual world, ... The final lesson of the year. 1. Heroes and themes of the folk epic

Methodological development on the MHC (Grade 9) on the topic: Lesson notes on the MHC. culture of the 19th century. Posted on 11.03.2013-0:32 - Trenkunova. 8933794257 Project for a music lesson Romanticism in music. Chopin. This.

An exemplary program specifies the content of the educational ... Epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" (abbreviated) (6 hours). The material is studied in an overview with a brief summary of life and work. 29921324074

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The epic (from the Greek "word, narration") reflects the historical past, folk life.

In the epic, man and society collide. The epic includes: a fairy tale, a fable, a story, an essay, a poem, a story, a novel, an epic.

A common feature is an objectively narrative character.

A distinctive feature is that life appears from different sides, at different moments. The hero of an epic work is a generalized image. As a rule, the hero had a prototype - a specific person. The epic is the most important and the only witness of a distant era that has preserved the people's memory. It goes back to ancient myths and reflects the mythological idea of ​​a person about the surrounding reality. It arose in oral form in the generation of storytellers, acquired images, plots, and then was fixed in book form. Each translator brought these works to us in his own way. Those. the epic is the result of collective creativity, therefore there is no authorship, except for the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer. In the genres of small epic form (fable, fairy tale, story, essay) - one episode from the life of the hero is shown.

In the genres of the middle form (story) - a number of episodes are presented, i.e. period of life. A large epic form (novel, epic, poem) - reveals the life path, the character of the hero.

The main theme of the ancient epic is the life of the clan, the key moments of its history. The modern epic is an individual creativity. But even now the hero performs a patriotic duty. Heroic songs and tales gave rise to the genre of the poem. Outstanding monuments of the heroic epic:

I. Sumerian - "The Tale of Gilgamesh" 1800 BC.

II. Indian - "Mahabharata" 1000 BC - the battle of 2 clans for dominance in the kingdom in the upper part of the Ganges River.

III. Knightly epic

Beowulf - England

The Tale of the Nibelungen - Germany

"The Song of My Side" - Spain

Elder Edda - Iceland

"The Song of Roland" - France

"Kalevala" - Karelian-Finnish epic

Epics of Vladimir-Kyiv and Novogorod

"Olonkho" - legends of the Yakut people.

Nart epic of the Caucasian peoples (valiant tribe)

"David of Sasun" - Armenian

"Manas" is Kyrgyz.

Folk epic inspires poets, artists, directors, musicians to create new works. The American poet Logfellow, based on the Indian epic, wrote "The Song of Hiawatha".

Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli "The Knight in the Panther's Skin".

Unknown Russian storyteller "The Word about Igor's Campaign".

M. Lermontov "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov."

Composers did not bypass the epic either. An epic symphonic genre has developed in music. For example, Bogatyr Symphony by Borodin; M. Mussorgsky's epic opera "Khovanshchina", "Sorochinsky Fair", "Prince Igor" by Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov's epic operas and fairy-tale operas "Sadko", "Pskovityanka", "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kityazh".

The epic theme left a huge mark in the visual arts. Everyone knows the paintings of Vasnetsov: "Three Bogatyrs", "After the Battle", "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Ivan Tsarevich" and others.

20. Features of Orthodox worship. Three circles of time. Ticket17.1

Christian worship incorporates 2000 experiences of the Orthodox and Catholic churches. The church service is akin to a theatrical performance and combines many arts. The interior decoration of the church (icons, frescoes, utensils), vocal and choral music, bells, and the Word of Prayer play an important role.

Everything is designed to serve not only aesthetic pleasure, but also the spiritual transformation of a person. National traditions also influence the church service. In central Africa, the service is accompanied by the sounds of tom-tom, in Ethiopia it is accompanied by a dance of priests, in India, the service includes the ceremony of bringing flowers as a gift.

Three circles of time are distinguished in Orthodox worship: daily (daily), weekly, annual. The church day begins in the evening, when the first star rises in the sky, illuminating the birth of the Savior (Bethlehem). Therefore, the first service of the day is called vespers. It consists of reading psalms and hymns thanking God for the past day. The fragrance of incense symbolizes a prayer that rises to heaven. In ancient times, supper was combined with other prayers and continued until morning. Hence its name - the all-night vigil.

Matins is performed in the morning hours. In the temple, the lights are turned off and 6 psalms are read, in which God is praised.

Liturgy is the basis of daily worship. Bread and wine are prepared for her, the name is communion people with eternal life. During the liturgy, they ask God for the salvation of the soul, peace, weather, and the fertility of the earth.

The weekly circle is devoted to saints or sacred events. For example, Friday is dedicated to the Cross and the events of Golgotha, Saturday is dedicated to the Mother of God.

The Orthodox Church year is marked by many holidays. The main ones are 12, the so-called twelfth: Nativity of the Virgin - September 21, Christmas - January 7, baptism - January 19, Resurrection of Christ - Easter, Ascension - 40 days after Easter, Trinity, Transfiguration of the Lord, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

21.Christian holidays. Ticket 4.1

Religious holidays are celebrated throughout the year by representatives of all world religions. The Orthodox church year is also marked by many religious holidays, but the main ones are twelve, the so-called "twelfth".

Among them: the Nativity of the Virgin (September 21); Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 27); Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 4); Christmas (January 7); Baptism of the Lord or Epiphany (January 19); Meeting of the Lord (February 15); Annunciation (April 7); Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (one week before Easter); Resurrection of Christ - Easter; Ascension (40 days after Easter); Trinity (50 days after Easter) Transfiguration (August 19) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 28).

There are also memorable days of saints in the Christian calendar.

Easter is one of the main Christian holidays. This is the memory of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, of his death on the cross and Resurrection. By His death, by His voluntary sacrifice, Christ atoned for the sins of people and gave them the immortality of the soul, eternal life. Easter is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, so the day of the holiday falls between April 4 and May 7.

At Easter, it is customary to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. According to legend, Saint Mary Magdalene gave the Roman emperor a painted egg for Easter with the words: "Christ is Risen!". Since then, it has become customary to paint eggs and exchange them, that is, to christen: congratulate each other and hug each other three times.

Easter celebrations begin with a procession.

The procession is a solemn procession from one church to another.

The Resurrection of Christ is celebrated at home with a festive breakfast with Easter cake.

For a whole week, the holiday is accompanied by the ringing of bells.

The image of the holiday has been repeatedly used in the fine arts of Russia and Western art. The most interesting painting by I. Repin "The procession for Easter."

22.Muslim rite of Hajj. Ticket 18.1

homeland of islam city Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Islam originated in the seventh century CE. e. The prophet of Islam is Muhammad. The word "Islam" is translated as "obedience to God". Islam now has 400 million adherents. The center of Islam was the city of Mecca. It is located on the Arabian Peninsula in a valley. On the square near the Great Mosque (prayer house) is the main shrine of Islam, the Kaaba, a building made of gray stone in the shape of a cube, covered with black brocade with embroidered sayings from the Koran. Inside the Kaaba is the shrine of Islam - a black stone, which symbolizes the key to the Heavenly Temple. It was brought to earth by Adam, expelled from paradise. But first it was white. The sins of man made him black.

It is believed that a person who sees paradise through this stone will surely go there after death. Therefore, every Muslim strives, at least once in his life, to get to Mecca.

70 days after fasting, in the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims make the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. There are no poor and rich here. Pilgrims are united by God Allah.

Hajj begins with a rite of purity - people dress in white clothes. It reminds of humility before God and the shroud in which a person will appear before Allah after death. The ritual includes the passage of pilgrims through the valley of Mina to Mount Arafat. Here they listen to a sermon, pray and run to the brightly lit mosque.

The next day after the morning prayer, the pilgrims again go to the valley and throw 7 stones at the pillar, which symbolizes Satan.

Then follows the rite of animal sacrifice, in memory of the readiness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son to God. After that, they must generously feed the poor and all comers. Many Muslims donate money to the mosque instead of making a sacrifice. Then they return to the Kaaba, go around almost running 3 times and slowly 4 times around it. This symbolizes the search for water among the hills.

At the same time, the ceremony is performed by about 2 million people. Now Saudi Arabia is forced to impose restrictions on the entry of pilgrims, as during the Hajj a few years ago, people died in a stampede. A Muslim who has performed the Hajj is entitled to wear a white turban and an honorary prefix to the name Haji.

23.History and traditions of carnival celebrations. Ticket17.2

Carnival is a favorite holiday of many peoples of the world. Many believe that this word comes from the Latin "carus navales", which means "amusing chariot", that is, a ship of festive processions. Other scholars believe that it comes from the word "carne vale" - goodbye meat and is associated with the time of the upcoming fast in the countries of Western Europe. Even in ancient times, our ancestors dressed in animal skins, put on masks and danced saying goodbye to winter and meeting spring.

Carnivals became especially popular during the Renaissance. During this celebration, the business life of the city stopped.

Italy is considered the birthplace of carnivals. The protagonist is the "king", decorously sitting on a wagon. He is surrounded by the heroes of the Italian comedy of masks dell'arte: the rogue Harlequin, the cowardly Captain, the ingenuous Lovers, the coquettish Colombina, Pulcinella and others.

The Venetian carnivals are especially famous. Now there are real miracles. At the end of February, all tourists come here. Hundreds of people in indescribable outfits and mysterious masks walk along the Venice embankment.

No less popular and famous is the Brazilian carnival in Rio de Janeiro. He is 350 years old. 16 national samba schools prepare a song, dance, sew costumes, and create scenery.

The festive procession lasts 4 days. During these days, the jury evaluates the scenery, costumes, the skill of samba or lambada performers.

Dancers' headdresses reach 10–13 kg. And they cannot be removed until the end of the carnival procession. The Brazilian carnival absorbed Indian, Portuguese and Negro traditions. Currently, the carnival has moved from the streets to special stadiums - "sambadromes", Participants sing and dance to the point of exhaustion. They are not allowed to break the rhythm, sit down or stop singing. The heat at this time of the year can reach 30 degrees Celsius.

Peculiar carnival processions take place in Las Vegas. They involve blond beauties, copies of Marilyn Monroe, mechanical giants, king Kongs, actors, circus performers.

Switzerland also loves carnivals. Here in February they burn an effigy of Winter and arrange a “parade of witches”, and in March you will be greeted by the sounds of flutes and white ghosts.

In Spain, you can see a parade of "fallence" dolls that play scenes from ancient Greek mythology and the life of modern politicians.

In Belgium, in the city of Bruges, "cat carnivals" are held. In the Middle Ages, cats were thrown from high towers here, considering them to be the embodiment of evil spirits, and now, the inhabitants of the city ask them for forgiveness. At the carnival, residents dress up in cat costumes and treat their pets plentifully.

In Russia, carnivals were introduced by Peter I. Now carnival processions have resumed on New Year and Christmas holidays.

24 .Features of Christian temple architecture.19.2

Each religion is represented by its temple, which represents one or another model of the world. Not a single civilization of the world could do without a temple of cult significance. Even in primitive society, stone structures were erected next to people's dwellings, serving as a place of worship for the forces of nature.

Christian churches did not appear immediately. The beginning of Christianity is associated with persecution and persecution, so believers performed services deep underground, in the catacombs. Only with the adoption of Christianity as the official faith, will the widespread construction of temples begin.

The basis of the Catholic church was the basilica (from the Greek - royal house) - an elongated building, divided by rows of columns into parts, i.e. naves. Temples are built from west to east, because there is, according to them, the center of the Earth - Jerusalem. A semicircular apse also looks to the East. It houses the altar, the sacred part of the building. The altar separates the earthly and heavenly parts of the temple. The appearance of the basilica is simple and austere, but the interior decoration is distinguished by splendor and solemnity. The walls are decorated with frescoes (painting on wet plaster), mosaics (drawings made of multi-colored stones or colored smalt glass), sculpture, and luxurious items for church services.

In Orthodox Christianity, a cross-domed type of church is used, having the shape of a cross with a dome in the center. In Christian churches there is not a single trifle devoid of religious meaning. The building itself resembles a ship that carries believers through everyday hardships to eternity. The number of domes is very important. It is deeply symbolic: one dome means the One God, 3-Holy Trinity, 5-Christ and four Evangelists, 7-sacred sacraments of the church (Baptism, Communion, etc.), 13-Christ and 12 apostles, 33-years of the earth the life of Christ. The shape of the dome also matters. Ancient - helmet-shaped, reminiscent of the valiant past, the defenders of the Fatherland. Bulbous - symbolizes the flame of a candle.

The color of the domes also matters. Gold ones are dedicated to Jesus and the main church holidays, a symbol of heavenly glory. Blue with stars are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The green ones are dedicated to the Trinity and symbolize the Holy Spirit. Temples dedicated to saints are crowned with green or silver domes.

Since the 17th century, tent churches began to be erected in Rus'. For example, the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye near Moscow. Then they will be banned.

A belfry or belfry is being built next to the temple. Let's get to know the temple itself.

Climbing the stairs, we will enter the porch. There used to be Christians excommunicated for sins from the church. The main part is the altar. On the right side is the sacristy, where sacred garments are kept. The altar is separated from the rest of the temple by an iconostasis - a partition with icons. Sometimes in one temple there are several altars-chapels, which are consecrated in honor of memorable events. The temple is the house of God, believers come to it to communicate with him.

MODEL OF THE WORLD. 1. Yggdrasil, the world tree. 2. Firmament. 3. Earthly firmament. 4. Hel, the underworld. 5. Wise eagle on top of Yggdrasil. 6. Deer on the branches of Yggdrasil, nibbling its leaves. 7. Wolves Skoll and Hati chasing the Sun and the Moon. 8. Asgard, home of the gods. 9. Celestial root of Yggdarsil. 10. The heavenly spring of Urd under the heavenly root of Yggdrasil. 11. Tsvergi holding the vault of heaven. 12. Midgard, dwelling of people. 13. The earthly root of Yggdrasil. 14. Rainbow bridge Bivrest, connecting Asgard with Midgard. 15. The ocean washing Midgard. 16. Serpent Yermungandr, living in the ocean and gnawing its tail. 17. Muspellsheim, land of fire. 18. Niflheim, the land of cold and darkness. 19. Underground root of Yggdrasil. 20. Dragon Nidhogg, gnawing the underground root of Yggdrasil. 21. Hvergelmir, a spring under the underground root of Yggdrasil. 22. Twelve underground rivers (Elivagar), flowing from Hvergelmir and emerging on the surface of the Earth in Niflheim. 23. Evil Loki, tied with the intestines of his son Nari to three stones. 24. A poisonous snake whose venom drips onto Loki's face, causing him to shudder, causing an earthquake. 25. Wolf Fenrir, son of Loki chained Gleipnir; a sword is inserted into his open mouth

Plan-compendium on world artistic culture

in 9th grade

"Themes and heroes of the folk epic"

Conduct form: heuristic conversation.

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint with the themes and heroes of the folk epic, its elements, characteristic features.


the main themes and heroes of the folk epic

examples of famous works of folk epic.

Be able to:

Correlate the epic with a certain era, style, direction;

Establish stylistic and plot connections between the works of different peoples.

Equipment: a computer, a projector, a teacher's presentation, a textbook by G.I. Danilova - for children.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.

    Checking homework

    Knowledge update

    Definition of the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

    Communication of new knowledge through presentation.

    Summing up the lesson.


During the classes

Teacher: Guys, look at the blackboard and read the topic of our today's lesson. (Children reading the topic, slide 2).

Today in the lesson, we will continue the conversation about one of the most ancient artistic values ​​of every nation - the heroic epic. More precisely, about the themes and heroes of the folk epic.

Teacher: Before starting a conversation, let's remember what a heroic epic is and its varieties (Students' answers, "epos" is a kind of literature, distinguished along with lyrics and drama; represented by such genres as fairy tale, legend. Varieties of the heroic epic: epic, epic poem, story, short story, short story, novel, essay.)

Teacher: Quite right. What are the distinguishing features of the epic?

(1. The epic narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, witness and interpreter of what happened

2. The epic is as free as possible in the development of space and time

3. The fabulous and fantastic in the epic is not separated from the real

4. The epic contains information about gods and other supernatural beings)

Teacher: Well done. You have mastered the previous material well and let's start learning new.

First, let's define the goals and objectives of our lesson (slide 3)

Teacher: Despite the fact that the heroic epic of different peoples was composed at different times and in different historical settings, it had much in common. First of all, the themes and plots, as well as the characteristics of the main characters.

Every epic begins with creation stories (Slide 4)

It includes the story of the creation by the gods of the harmony of the world from the abyss of chaos.

For example, in the Old Norse epic "Stashaya Edda" (X c.) (slide 5) the following picture of the world order is presented:

Supreme god Odin (slide 6) trying to find out from the seer völva the history of the beginning of life and the future. She tells him about the times when the World Tree, the ash Yggdrasil, had not yet sprouted. (slide 7), penetrating all 9 worlds of the Universe. Its branches define the boundaries of the Earth. The higher gods, led by Odin, raised the earth from the abyss of the world. Near the source where the tree grows, 3 "maidens of fate" -norns appear. The völva predicts the death of the gods.

Other songs of the Elder Edda contain other descriptions of the universe. For example, in the abyss of the world, ice streams and the heat of the "fiery world" mix. Hoarfrost melted from the heat, and the first creature appeared from it - the giant Ymir (slide 8). The gods living in the crown of the World Tree killed Ymir, and made the world out of his body. The skull became the sky, the flesh became the earth, the blood became the sea, the bones became mountains. At the roots of the World Tree, all rivers begin - the sources of human destiny, its branches eat 4 deer, symbolizing 4 cardinal points.

The legend of the creation of the world in the Indian epic says that the waters first appeared, giving rise to fire. The Golden Egg was born by fire, from which the Progenitor Brahma arose. The shell of the egg split in two, marking the boundaries of earth and sky. (slide 9)

Teacher: What do you think, what plot is presented in the epic of different peoples? (student answers)

Teacher: Right. In addition to the story of the creation of the world, the favorite plot of the epic is the miraculous birth of a hero and his first exploits in his youth . (slide 10)

- The hero Manas from the Kyrgyz epic was born from eating an apple by his mother, (slide 11) and the hero of the Ossetian epic was born from a stone. Väinemöinen - the hero of the Kalevala "(slide 12) - was born from mother water as an adult.

Teacher: Let's remember our favorite folk tales. What plot tells us the hero's family life? (student answers)

Teacher: You are right, a common plot of the folk epic was hero matchmaking , during which he is given difficult tasks) (slide 13)

Teacher: Let's think about what can follow the hero's matchmaking? (student answers)

Teacher: You guessed right again. A significant part of the epic is devoted to the description of the battle and death of the hero. (slide 14) During an unequal battle, the hero shows real miracles of courage and dies. For example, the tragic fate of the hero of the Homeric epic - Achilles (slide 15) The valiant knight Roland perishes, (slide 16) defending the king and France at the cost of his life. Siegfried and all the Nibelungen knights are dying - the heroes of the German epic ( slide 17). Tragic is the fate of the Pandava brothers from the Indian epic Mahabharata. ( slide 18) They are forced to leave their father's house, and make a difficult journey to the heights of the Himalayas. Only the eldest of the brothers managed to reach the goal.

Teacher: We have identified the central themes of the epic of different peoples. Name the heroes of the Russian epic (student answers)

Teacher: Right. Bogatyrs. Bogatyrs are exceptional people, endowed with features that an ordinary person does not possess. However, in most cases, the extraordinary qualities of the heroes do not have a supernatural origin. Their grandiose accomplishments are the fruit of artistic generalization, the embodiment in one person of the abilities and strength of a people or social group, an exaggeration of what really exists.

Epic heroes personify the common Slavic male type of behavior - a male warrior defending the Russian land, the Orthodox faith and the Kyiv prince from various enemies. They stand guard over Kyiv, that is, the Russian state, its independence and honor. This means that the Russian hero is the hero of a special, epic world, around whose life and exploits the entire narrative of epics is built. And there are no such obstacles that the Russian heroes could not overcome. They can not only exterminate the huge enemy troops and fantastic monsters, but also deeds of a peaceful nature.

The Russian heroic epic is one of the greatest creations of the Russian folk genius. Meanwhile, he is little known in wide readership. Among the epics, a group of the most ancient stands out. The heroes of these works are the personification of the unknown forces of nature associated with mythology. Such are Svyatogor and Volkhv Vseslavievich, the Danube and Mikhailo Potyk. In the second period of its history, the most ancient heroes were replaced by the heroes of the new time - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. (slide 21) This is the Kiev era, but in Novgorod time it is Sadko, Volga, Mikula, Vasily Buslaev ( slide 20).

Teacher: What are the features of the protagonist of the heroic epic? (student answers)

Indeed, the heroic epic glorifies fidelity in friendship, generosity and honor. Heroes not only defend their homeland, but also highly value their own freedom and independence. The protagonist always acts as a protector of the weak and offended, children and women, helps lovers. He is ready to help a friend in need. For example, in the Sumerian epic about Gilgamesh, a devoted friendship is told that can transform and ennoble a person. In order to restore life to his friend Enkidu, Gilgamesh goes to the underworld in search of a magic potion against death and thereby rebels against the all-powerful gods. Gilgamesh's lament for Enkidu is one of the most poetic places in the epic( slide 21)

Teacher: Let's summarize.

What did you learn new?

What themes and heroes of the folk heroic epos have we met today?

(student answers)

Teacher: Homework: Prepare a story about your favorite character

Epos is literally from the Greek "narrative". Its main task is to describe events from the outside. For a long time, the epic did not touch upon events related to the inner experiences of a person. And even when the situation changed, the description of feelings and inner life continued to be detached, reasonable.

The tasks of the epic in literature

The epic is a mutual reflection on the events of both the author and his readers. And they, in turn, require a sober assessment of things. This allows you to better see the relationship between causes and effects that accompany human life. It allows you to look behind the curtain of everyday rush and combine what at first glance seems to be an accident, but in reality is a pattern.

Epos as a genre of literature

The volume of a work written in the epic genre is both small stories and big novels, epics. The main role in such works is assigned to the narrator himself. Narrating about characters and events, he steps aside, as if he does not participate in this, thanks to which the unique atmosphere of the work is created. In addition, such stories not only leave a trace of the events described, but also preserve the memory of the narrator himself, his way of thinking and manner of speaking. It is worth noting that the epic work contains all sorts of literary means. Thanks to the use of the narrative form in epic works, readers have the opportunity to penetrate deep into the inner, hidden from prying eyes, human world.

Development of epic literature in the history of culture

Considering epic literature before the 18th century, we can safely say that the poem was the most common genre in this industry. The main source of its plot was folk legends. All images were generalized and idealized, information was provided in a poetic form.

But the main genre, in the interval from the 18th to the 19th century, which is an epic, is a novel. Modernity is described in prosaic form, individualization of images takes place, speech becomes a reflection of social consciousness. But the full display of life concerned more stories, novellas and short stories.

The original essence of the epic was the retelling of exploits. Thus, the leading characters were positive, courageous, courageous heroes and their opponents, representing evil. The heroes of the epic were mostly idealized, mystical properties were attributed to them, but at the same time they continued to be people who take care of their loved ones and compatriots. The heroic epic mainly combines war and love. The protagonist enters the warpath with the forces of evil, shows valor, honor, dignity and kindness. And in the end, having overcome all obstacles and overcoming all evil, he receives pure and bright love.

Mystification and the attribution of supernatural powers to the heroes makes the story more interesting for readers, introduces them to a different world, in which there is no gray routine. It is filled with events, exploits and emotions of the heroes shown from the side. Thus, the epic is one of the oldest genres of literature and narrative. He is able to show the reader not only events long gone, but also the soul of the narrator. And taking into account the fact that the epic is still one of the most common genres among modern writers and poets, we can conclude that this is one of the most significant forms of literature. And thanks to its versatility, each reader will be able to find an epic work that meets his inner cultural and spiritual needs.

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