Chestnut is a symbol of Kyiv. Interesting Facts


The text of the booklet published by the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center

Text and photo by V. Boreyko

Why protect ancient trees
Kyiv is beautiful and remarkable for its monuments. Old age-old trees are also monuments - only nature, history, folk poetry. They are witnesses of past centuries, our spiritual heritage, "memorial authenticity" of the past, which evokes a feeling of admiration and inspiration. Long-lived trees are real living wonders of the world, striking in their height, crown size, trunk thickness, confidence and power. They whisper the speeches of centuries. The history of ancient trees is no less interesting than the history of people.

Caring for centuries-old trees is a characteristic feature of the culture of Western civilization. “When you meet an old tree, take off your hat,” the Czechs say. “There are two things that are inaccessible even to God: to create an old tree and a well-born nobleman,” says a French proverb. The theorist of landscape art A. Pop wrote that it is better to burn down your house than to cut down a centuries-old tree. About 20,000 ancient trees are now protected in Poland, and 17,000 in the UK. In Canada, old trees receive medals, in Lithuania and Estonia they are specially registered in computer banks, in the USA the book “Glorious and Historical Trees” is dedicated to centuries-old trees, in the Czech Republic stamps are issued depicting outstanding centuries-old trees, in Germany obituaries are printed on the death of centuries-old trees. , in Poland, sites about ancient trees have been created, which contain more than 8,000 photographs and 300 films. All this brings up love for the native land, a sense of patriotism and mercy for the living.

Protection of ancient trees in Kyiv
Unfortunately, in Ukraine, which has a territory much larger than Poland or Great Britain, only about 3 thousand ancient trees are reserved.

Although there are other examples. If in Kyiv in 1986 only 7 places of growth of ancient trees were protected, then in 2008 - already 51, with a total of 252 trees. For 20 years, the number of reserved places for the growth of centuries-old trees has increased by almost 7 times! This is the result of effective joint work of the public, Kyiv environmental services and deputies of the Kiev City Council. The main initiator of the preservation of age-old trees in the capital of Ukraine is the Kiev Ecological and Cultural Center, on the initiative of which 70% of the places where age-old trees grow have been taken under protection. According to Art. 27 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine" they are declared natural monuments. The Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center treats centuries-old trees: cleansing from rot, sealing hollows and cracks. Money for this is allocated not only by the Kiev city administration, but also by the people of Kiev, for example, the TV journalist of the 1 + 1 channel Lesya Sakada-Ostrovskaya donated money for the treatment of Peter Mohyla's linden, Kiev lawyer Andrey Kozlov donated money for the treatment of mulberry Shevchenko, director of the Novochem Water technologies” - Sergey Schneider - for the treatment of oak on Blakitnogo street. 17 old-timers have already undergone treatment. Help for trees is carried out according to the original methodology developed by the Center and approved on June 7, 2007 by the State Reserve Service of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ukraine.

At the recent (May 2008) elections of the mayor of Kyiv and deputies of the Kyiv City Council, the protection of centuries-old trees was included in the election programs of a number of political parties and blocs, for example, the Vitali Klitschko bloc. Care and respect for old trees become one of the tenets of the culture of Kiev.

Ethical attitude towards ancient trees
Long-lived trees - they, like old people, are sick and weak, and therefore require attention, compassion and care. And the sick and the weak are protected not because it is economically profitable, but because he is weak and sick, and cannot protect himself.

Each age-old tree is fundamentally unique and unrepeatable. Thoreau said that when a living tree is cut down, there is something almost tragic about it, for it becomes "only wood."
Trees, like people, have their own interests and needs for nutrition and growth, respiration and self-defense. Centuries-old trees have the right to exist and to be compensated for damage due to human fault.

Centuries-old trees await our kindness, mercy and pity. They live to be protected and cherished, not to be destroyed. The protection of long-lived trees is our ritual of memory in front of those trees that are no longer on earth due to human fault.
Think of age-old trees as your older relatives, listen to their wise rustle, have conversations with them, make friends with an age-old tree. It will never betray.

Reasons for the death of ancient trees
Trees - centenarians die from many reasons. And most often not from natural death, but from indifference, stupidity and ignorance. Often, for the sake of mischief, people set fire to the hollows of old trees. Many unique patriarch trees are destroyed during construction. Instead of treating century-old trees (as monuments of architecture are restored), utility companies of green building cut trees - rarities, or crown them, which also leads to death. The service, designed to protect green spaces, operates on the principle of "no tree - no problem": gradually turning the city into a faceless and colorless wasteland.

In 1956, two huge oaks were cut down in Kyiv on Syrtsa. In 1958, a 400-year-old oak was cut down near the building of the Ukrainian Agrarian University. Dozens of unique patriarchal oaks were cut down in Feofaniya, Syretsky Park and Goloseevo. In 1998, a 150-year-old poplar was cut down on Andreevsky Spusk. In 2001, at the initiative of the Dnieper KPUZN, a poplar-patriarch was cut down at the exit from the Hydropark metro station. Around this time, a century-old pear was cut down in the courtyard of the House of Officers.

The loss of these natural monuments should be perceived as a personal and city-wide loss. Without them, Kyiv has become a little uglier.

How to help ancient trees
Friends, if you find in Kiev an age-old tree that has not yet been taken under guardianship (oaks and poplars with a trunk girth of more than 4 m at a height of 1.30 m, as well as beeches, lindens, maples, ash trees, chestnuts, acacias, elms are subject to unconditional conservation , pines with a trunk girth of more than 3 m) - inform us at the address: 02218, Kiev, st. Raduzhnaya, 31-48, KEKTs, by email. mail:, tel. 443-52-62, 8-067-715-27-90. Those who wish to get to know the age-old trees of Kyiv closer can visit the photo gallery "Remarkable age-old trees of Kyiv" on our website

Centuries-old trees should also be treated, fenced, and security signs put up. We are ready to give advice to everyone who personally wishes to protect the age-old trees of Kyiv. Let's cultivate the culture of ancient trees together in our capital.

We will also be grateful to those who will financially support the treatment of centuries-old trees and other expenses for their protection. Let's save another wonder of the world!

Kyiv owes much to these people for the preservation of many unique
ancient trees

The staff of the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center

Irina Khovanets- Chief Specialist of the Permanent Commission of the Kyiv City Council on
environmental policy.

Vladimir Mikhalyuk- Head of the Department of Land Bioresources, Econets and Ecological Support and Ecological Support of Objects of the State Administration for Environmental Protection in Kiev, Ministry of Natural Resources of Ukraine.

Oak Grunewald.
Fabulous oak. The oldest tree in Kyiv. Age - about 1000 years, trunk girth 5.3 m, height 10 m. It grows on the territory of the boarding house "Zhovten" near building No. 2. It is necessary to carry out treatment and take it under protection as a natural monument.

White acacia.
The oldest white locust in Kyiv. Age 130 years, height 15 m, girth of the trunk 3.7 m. Consecrated in 2007 by Fr. Nicholas. Located on Pobedy Ave., 73-A. Taken under protection in 1999

Perunov oak.
The last surviving oak of the sacred Shulyava grove,
destroyed in the 1920s. The age is about 500 years, the height is 15 m, the girth of the trunk is 4.6 m. It is located along Kurskaya street, 3. It must be taken under protection as a natural monument.

Christer's oak.
Grows along Osipovsky Street, 3. Age is about 700 years, height 25 m, girth of the trunk 6.2 m.
Taken under protection in 1997

Cherries at the Zoo.
The oldest cherry in Kyiv. Age over 120 years, height 10 m, girth of the trunk 2.7 m. It grows on the territory of the Kyiv Zoo near the Ferris Wheel. Need to take
protected as a natural monument.

Oak Shevchenko.
One of the old Kyiv oaks, under which Kobzar used to be. Age 400 years, height 15 m, girth of the trunk 4.5 m, located in the park Birch Guy on the street. Vyshgorodskaya.
It requires constant care, treatment and protection, as a natural monument.

Ash-tree of Sophia of Kyiv.
The oldest ash tree in Kyiv. Age 150 years, height 25 m, girth of the trunk 3.9 m. It is located on the territory of St. Sophia of Kyiv, near the main cathedral. Taken under protection in 2008

Chestnut Petra Mogila.
The oldest chestnut in Kyiv. Grows at the Trinity Church on Kitaevskaya Street. In 1994, he was consecrated by its rector, Fr. Miroslav. Age about 300 years, height 15 m, girth of the trunk 4.15 m. Taken under protection in 1994

Linden Theodosius of the Caves.
According to legend, it was planted at the end of the 11th century by one of the founders of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
Theodosius Pechersky at the grave of his mother. The oldest linden in Kyiv. Age 700–800 years. Height 10 m, girth of the trunk 6.50 m. Grows in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra at the entrance
to the Far Caves. Requires treatment and obtaining the status of a natural monument
national importance.

The trees of the city are organically connected with architectural monuments, historical events, parks, or natural forest areas included in the city. After all, it would be so simple - to create a register of the most significant monuments of nature in Kiev, including old relict trees, while not forgetting to order historical research from Kiev art historians, publishing them in one form or another. We have a similar list of natural monuments, which were approved by the decisions of the Kiev City Council, starting from 1972, included in the "Program for the integrated development of the green zone of Kiev until 2010 and the concept of the formation of green spaces in the central part of the city", developed by " Kievgenplan Institute" in 2004. However, it is far from complete, does not take into account many aspects, and is intended for a limited circle of specialists. In Germany, in almost every locality, there is a similar register, with historical and scientific information, and is available to any resident. In order for this to take place in our country, it is necessary, first of all, to love Kiev and be responsible for its fate, which, unfortunately, cannot be noted from some high-ranking city officials, from whom you can only hear the words “samosey”, “thickets”, "wastelands", related to the green areas of the city. These officials, as a rule, believe that only serious financial injections will be able to “cultivate” the already existing green zone, cutting down old oaks and planting (or sometimes not planting) young seedlings, as happened, for example, in the historical park of the Polytechnic institute. (According to the youth department of the National Ecological Center of Ukraine, in the park, under the guise of its reconstruction, 5 oaks were destroyed, more than one meter thick in diameter, which were the same age as the institute itself, many specimens of white acacia and other large trees) There is an obvious flaw in cultural - educational education of these officials, starting from childhood. After all, there are the concepts of "relict trees", "protected areas", "landscape architecture", "wild nature", "natural habitat", "organic architecture" - and all of them relate to modern urban planning and economic fundamentals. Particularly relevant, in our difficult time of rapid development of Kyiv, is the information saturation of residents on the ecology of the urban environment in general, and the state of parks, nature protection and green areas in Kyiv in particular. True, this would make the already difficult life and professional activities of city officials, who have become directly dependent on the construction industry, and deputies of various levels who lobby for it much more difficult. Well, well, such is their hard fate!
The fate of trees in Kyiv is also not easy. Here, for example, is the oldest, decorative tree in Europe Poplar, which is distinguished by its livability with people - after all, it especially likes to grow to a significant size, in places where the latter accumulate - in squares and boulevards. For which it bears the Latin name of the plant Populus - "folk". The way of development of this tree began from Persia, Greece, the south of Ukraine and, finally, Kyiv, where it became very beloved for its inhabitants. Especially pyramidal, which reaches a large height, and contrasts with the low urban development, typical for Ukraine in the 18th - 19th centuries. In addition, the pyramidal poplar resembles the cypress trees depicted on Greek icons, which makes it especially popular among believers. Arising in the middle of the 19th century. Boulevard Highway (Bibikovsky Boulevard, aka Shevchenko Boulevard) was originally planted with chestnut trees, which began to come into fashion in those days. However, by order of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, chestnuts, like sedition, were replaced by a pyramidal poplar, in which he saw an imperial symbol, moreover, supposedly everything happened in one night. In turn, the people of Kiev did not miss this moment - they picked up chestnut seedlings and planted them in less official places, and which they liked more in their simple understanding. It is believed that it was from this time that the rivalry between poplar and chestnut as a symbol of Kyiv began. For a century and a half there has been T. Shevchenko Boulevard with pyramidal poplars, which stretches for several kilometers, and surprises with its monumentality and vitality. There have been attempts to replace and enhance its flora with American maple and chestnut. The boulevard has gone through several renovations. Quite recently, for some reason, a privet shrub was cut down, which, as it were, protected the trees from the car streams of modern civilization, and created a certain atmosphere of intimacy - after all, poplar, according to Ukrainian mythology, a symbol of female fate, has mysterious healing properties and protects from negative phenomena. Maybe this is the influence of Western fashionable "lawn culture" in the landscape of Kyiv? This summer, I had to see something similar - a huge, carefully groomed green lawn, bounded by a granite retaining wall adjacent to the Dnieper, in Koncha-Zaspa, in front of the private possessions of the "powerful ones", on artificially reclaimed banks. In this area, a whole industry has arisen from excavators, barges, excavators, dump trucks for the destruction of natural spawning grounds, protected water meadows, with lush herbs and flowers. Moreover, the destroyers of nature, they are simply poachers, took sand from the bottom of the Dnieper Bay, in the immediate vicinity of the development area, where underwater quarries were formed, over 18 meters deep, into which natural, tree-covered islands began to slide. The picture is not for the faint of heart!
In Kyiv, the largest, giant black poplar, seen and included in the register of natural monuments of Kyiv, during the construction of the "cap" in the Hydropark, grew near the Venetian channel. The tree is striking in its scale. I was also struck by the drama that is being played out on the same island, not far from the famous restaurant "Mlyn", which in a strange way began to "conquer" the coastal territory with small "mills" playgrounds for sports games unknown to the people of Kiev such as "minigolf" on artificial turf. It is here, where the Venetian duct meets the Desenka, that one of the most beautiful natural landscapes of Kyiv exists. To be convinced of this, just look to the right, crossing the bridge in the subway car, which follows from the Levoberezhnaya station to the Hydropark station. On an area of ​​more than 2 hectares, the “Cultural and educational model complex “Kyiv in miniature” is being created, so that we, the people of Kiev and our guests, fall in love with the city, its history and architectural monuments even more - look in miniature and fall in love! The truth is created according to laws and rules that one does not want to get used to - cutting down "unnecessary trees", continuous "removal of the top layer of the earth" under a bulldozer, asphalting of access roads for mass bus and excursion services for tourists, with a possible visit to the aforementioned restaurant. Or maybe this is the whole secret of the emergence of the "complex", its business plan? The project has passed all approvals in the services of the city, except for one thing - what will the people of Kiev say?
And the opinion of the townspeople must be taken into account. At one time, the people of Kiev said that they liked chestnuts more than poplars, and, in the end, they won. Even for some time, a chestnut branch adorned the flag of the city. In Europe, the chestnut tree became known after the English architect Christopher Wren, in 1799, on the banks of the Thames in Bushy Park near London, created a chestnut alley of 17 trees, and soon “Chestnut Holidays” began to be held there. In Kyiv, a similar thing happened in 1842 on the central alley of the Botanical Garden of the University. However, if we compare the famous chestnut in the Kitaevskaya desert, it looks almost twice as old as the university ones. Obviously, chestnuts adorned the estates of Kyiv monasteries, starting from the 18th century. and then they liked the townspeople and became popular.
Kitaevskaya Hermitage is located on a picturesque hillside of the pond, opposite the height covered with centuries-old forest, and just 9 kilometers from the city center. It was founded in the 16th century. monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The Trinity Church, designed by the architect S. Kovnir, near which the oldest and most powerful Kiev chestnut tree grows, was built in 1767. In 1829, according to the design of the no less famous architect A. Melensky, a four-tiered bell tower with a high spire was erected. Nearby there were monastery buildings with a warm church, a brick house of the abbot, a house for pilgrims and the poor, and a hospital. Today, part of these buildings is occupied by the Institute of Horticulture of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where another age-old tree grows - Japanese Sophora. A cascade of picturesque lakes adjoining the Kitaevskaya Hermitage completes the impression of what he saw, which is indescribable in words. The upper lake is even listed in the register of natural monuments of Kyiv, approved by the decision of the executive committee of the city council. Imagine a thin path winding along the steep shore of the lake, among relict trees, bent over no one and nothing disturbed by the water surface, except perhaps the brood of a wild duck. This must be seen, and preferably in the fall. The pollution of the shores of cascading lakes somewhat reduces the overall emotional impression - a favorite place for spontaneous forays "into nature" by barbecue lovers. But this is fixable, and we are no strangers to it. It should also be noted a large number of crucian hunters. As for me, they fit perfectly into the picturesque landscapes of this amazing Kyiv landscape.
Lindens were no less popular for Kyiv. They were specially planted in prominent places for beauty, or near temples, where they became sacred. So, for example, the Starokievsky linden is an ancient tree that has been growing near the historical museum since the time of the great princes near the remains of the foundations of the Church of the Tithes. Or the linden growing in the Far Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, near the Annozachatievsky Church, which, according to legend, was planted by one of the founders of the Lavra, Theodosius. At least, their age is expressed by a very impressive figure - 1000 years. Whether this is true or not, we will not know while the tree lives - after all, only by the number of annual rings at the base of the trunk can one determine its age. The largest linden garden appeared in Pechersk at the Klovsky Palace in the middle of the 18th century. During the mass construction of this area with mansions, which was quite justifiably named "Lipki", the old alley of the park, which led to the palace (Lipskaya street), was preserved and equipped in the form of a boulevard. Thus, the first boulevard in Kyiv, planted with lindens, arose. This tree was also loved by ordinary people of Kiev. It was believed that it could take on some of the curses of wives to their husbands, and that is why there are so many growths on the linden. At the same time, linden has symbols of kindness and sincerity. In the old days, carriages for girls were made only from linden, and for boys from oak. Also known in history are fake postols, which were not only comfortable as shoes, but also protected their wearer from wild animals - even the scent of a wolf did not take traces of a person, which was very useful in hunting and in life, in those difficult times.
Here in Pechersk, on Lutheranskaya Street, after the devastating fire of 1811 in Podil, a German Lutheran community arose. This Kiev community was founded in Podil, starting from 1767, in a house near the Florovsky Monastery, where the German pharmacist Georg Friedrich Bunge once lived and worked. By the middle of the 19th century. on the "German mountain" there already existed the church of Catherine of Alexandria, which in 2000 was beautifully restored by the German-Ukrainian company ARKUS. In those distant times, the community had 354 members, and today 450 parishioners are registered in the current church. It should be noted the amazing benevolence, cleanliness and modesty in the solution of the interiors of the church, in which, for the convenience of the parishioners, there is even a modern kitchen block. The stained-glass windows in the altar of the church are amazing in their beauty and modern solution. All this creates a harmony of simplicity and accessibility to God. Come to the Lutheran Church on Lipki, you will not regret it, you will be pleasantly surprised!
On the same Lutheran street, in the courtyard opposite the church, two noteworthy trees were found - a handsome silver poplar, and a rather powerful oak growing on a mountainside, next to a house from the beginning of the last century. This oak, by its presence, caused a natural question - who arose earlier - an oak or a house? And, of course, he recalled that the slopes of the Kyiv hills belonged to the plant world.
One of the natives of the German community, the Saxon Wilhelm Gottlieb Christer (1812 - 1890) left a significant mark on the preservation and development of the flora of Kyiv. In 1850, in the area of ​​the Wind Mountains, the company "V. Christer Horticulture and Seed Farming" was founded. This farm became famous not only for the people of Kiev, but also for the whole of Ukraine - there were nurseries of fruit trees, vegetables and flowers, a dairy farm, the best apiary in Kiev, fish were bred in the lake, and robots were carried out to acclimatize grapes. 300 varieties of apples and pears were ordered from Belgium, an orchard was planted, and books on gardening were published. After the death of the company's founder in 1890, his father's business was continued by his sons Edmund and Julius. They founded new nurseries on Nivki, Vynohradar, had several shops on Kurenevka, Podil and Khreshchatyk. History is silent about what happened during the years of the revolution, but it is known that in 1925, in the former gardening of Kristers, a children's labor colony was located, which later became an agronomic seven-year school. In our time, this historic area on the street. Vyshgorodskaya 45, between the street. Osipovsky and Polupanov is called "Krister Hill" and the agricultural company of flower and decorative crops "Troyanda" is located here. And in the courtyard on the street. Osipovskogo 3, the most beautiful and tallest Kiev "Christer oak" is growing. With delight, even measurements were made of the circumference of the trunk of a giant tree - 5 meters, 96 centimeters. Opposite, a spruce tree of the same amazing beauty grows across the road. It seems to me that it was not for nothing that the Saxon Christer founded the agricultural company on the Windy Mountains. After all, the road from Schekavitsa on Podol to the Kirilovskaya Church passed through the most picturesque area, called by the people of Kiev "Kyiv Arcadia". Further located areas - Kurenevka and Priorka, were called "Kyiv Italy". The inhabitants of these areas were very poetic, sang beautifully, were wealthy and independent. Their small estates were buried in gardens. Gardens brought good harvests. Wealthy Kievans made trips to Kurenevka, Priorka, Windy Mountains and further to the City Forest - Pushcha-Voditsa. Many people stopped by the open park of the “Kin Sadness” dacha to admire the views of Kyiv and its environs from the Knyazha Gora. It should be noted that in the area of ​​​​Priorki, where the street begins. Vyshgorodskaya, there is a birch grove of amazing beauty, and a little higher, a giant oak grows on the mountain, among old pines. Unfortunately, these relic trees cannot be seen from Vyshgorodskaya Street, and few people know about their existence. At least their condition, especially the hollow oak, is crying out for help. In the upper part of this grove, the boundaries are not established, at least not marked, which allows the private developer to advance on the green zone in an organized front. Mighty oaks are very beautiful on the same street, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cinema. T. Shevchenko. Here begins the park and green area with private buildings, lakes.
Since we ended up in this historical agricultural part of the city of Kyiv, we have no right not to go to the Kin-Grust park, especially since we mentioned it a little higher. This park is located in the once most picturesque area, in the area of ​​​​the present T. Shevchenko Square. At the end of the 18th century here was the dacha of the head of the Kyiv "Arsenal", engineer and writer, Lieutenant General M. S. Batichev. Later, the dacha became the property of the Pereyaslav landowner P. Ya. Lukashevich, who, starting from 1838, settled in Kin-Grust for permanent residence with several families of serfs. In general, the name of the area “Kin-sadness” is associated (although the data is unconfirmed) with the next visit to Kyiv by Catherine II. It is known that the Empress did not like Kyiv, did not understand, or did not want to understand its nature in the literal and figurative sense. She dreamed of wiping Podol off the face of the earth and building a new city on the Pechersk Hills in the style of St. Petersburg. And very sad about it. But, having once found herself in a picturesque area, and climbing up the Prince's Hill (from which, according to legend, the Kyiv princes loved to inspect the surroundings), she exclaimed to her next favorite - "Throw sadness, look what beauty"! So it was, or not - we will not know. But someone same said this phrase! So, thanks to the efforts of P. Ya. Lukashevich and his serfs, perhaps the only park in Kyiv in the English style with lawns, a lake, secluded natural groves arose. Greenhouses also appeared here, where exotic plants were grown, cattle were grazed on green lawns. There were many fruit trees and bushes too. There was everything - from pineapples to lingonberries. There was a pavilion on the Knyazhya Hill - a favorite place for the people of Kiev for viewing. Let me remind you that this amazing park has always been constantly open for visiting citizens of all classes. (we will not compare the modern dachas of wealthy people in Pushcha-Voditsa, behind green high and strong fences - after all, we already live in the 21st century!) All other Kiev parks resembled old German ones - with dense shady alleys, garden beds, plantations of medicinal plants, complex garden and park piles, rose valleys, terraces and more. And this is not surprising. We already know about the existence of German Lutheran settlers in Kyiv! The current state of the park "Kin-sadness" causes, sorry for the pun, sadness, as, indeed, and all of Kyiv's historical natural heritage. It became especially sad after seeing a high-ranking official from the field of justice, the prosecutor of the Shevchenkovsky district of the city of Kiev, being built directly in the park zone of a cottage-type object. Kyiv. What can we say about the simple developers of the Shevchenko village on the Windy Mountains, advancing on the green park zone! Apparently there is someone to take an example from!
However, for the majority of Kyivans living on the Windy Mountains, Priorka, Vynohradar, Kurenevka, their small homeland, immersed in gardens, is truly dear. And it is not surprising that in front of residential multi-storey buildings, on their own initiative, front gardens with shrubs and flowers are broken, fruit trees are planted. This phenomenon has become the norm in other residential areas of Kyiv. The Ukrainian soul, which has suffered from modern urbanization, requires the aesthetics of the soul: after all, cherry is a symbol of mutual love, spring, beauty and courage. Pear - because of its prickliness, symbolizes the mysterious supernatural forces that affect the birth of children, is the patron saint of virginity, a symbol of a lonely girl, her sadness. The apple tree is a symbol of love and fertility.
But the oak, according to Ukrainian mythology, in distant pagan times, was considered the tree of the god of thunder and lightning Perun. It is valued for its strength and beauty. This is the most durable tree in Ukraine. In Volhynia, an oak grows, whose age is 1300 years, in Cherkasy, a little younger - 1100 years. In Kiev, in addition to the aforementioned oaks - giants on the Priorka and Wind Mountains, similar ones grow in the Golosievsky Forest, on Bald Mountain, in the Pokol tract, Galerny Island, Zhukov Island, Koncha-Zaspa and other places.
One of them, a handsome man, grew up near the road on Suvorov Street, in Pechersk, in front of elite residential buildings that were built on the site of a former hippodrome. More precisely, at first the oak grew, and then everything else. An information plate and a road sign with an upward arrow are installed near this long-lived oak - they say, pay attention, it deserves it! He was lucky that he was a stone's throw away from the Pechersk administration. The other two were less fortunate. In the same area, two more giant oaks grow on Nemirovich Danchenko Street, which look older, but they are not included in the register of natural monuments, as they are located in courtyards, and only their majestic crowns are visible from the street, invisible to the eye of a city official. Grow for a long time - two hundred years ...
But the oak - a long-liver on Industrialnaya Street 2, near the Shulyavskaya metro station, despite the bad conditions of its current natural habitat - a busy highway, production buildings of the Bolshevik plant - looks quite confident, widely spread its trunky crown, and rises above the neighboring building of the Stalinist era. The circumference of this four-hundred-year-old oak at the base is 470 cm. Perhaps this is the only relic tree I have seen in Kyiv, fenced with a decorative fence made of chains. All the rest grow for themselves just like in the forest. By the way, this mighty oak is watching the events taking place in the park, on the other side of the road. It is known to the people of Kiev from numerous publications that the locals defended the only public garden in this industrial area. A foundation pit has already been dug here for the construction of an office and residential multi-storey center, which at first provided for the complete destruction of the green zone. But only thanks to the intervention of the public, part of the square was saved. The rest of the construction robots are guarded by "community managers" - or so they introduced themselves to me. Do not think that I was afraid of short-haired young people in black jackets and with incomprehensible heavy looks, without any emotions. It’s just that I didn’t want to take the camera out of my bag myself (I’ve become very attached to it over the past few years!) To perpetuate the dug pit, however, after I heard the simple question of the “managers” - “what are you doing here?”
Once again in Pechersk, near the building of the former military governor-general, an architectural monument of the 18th century, on 29 Janvarskogo Vosstaniya Street, I calmly and confidently took out my camera from my bag to capture a tall and beautiful ash tree that grew right at the entrance. After all, this tree species belongs to the "male" and is a symbol of war. An ash branch was once sent to the enemy, which meant the beginning of hostilities, or the last warning. But, at the same time, being in its shadow, a person should experience peace of mind and all sorts of relief. It is known that this building is located in the center of the early Kyiv fortress. Despite the powerful fortifications and the scope of the fortress, its guns never fired. Well, it happened. In addition to the mass relocation of citizens of the Pechersk town to the valley of the Lybid river, to start the construction of fortifications, other "military actions", starting from the beginning of the 18th century, Kyiv was not noticed in this place. Today, the relict ash tree stands on the post of a slightly different front - the cultural one. In the building, partially restored, the Ukrainian Center of Folk Culture "Museum of Ivan Honchar" has recently begun its exposition activities. I advise you to get acquainted with the unique modern exposition, where traditional Ukrainian objects of folk culture are exhibited, collected by the artist, public figure and collector Ivan Gonchar, according to the principle of the highest artistic and aesthetic quality of the exhibit itself, and not forgetting to look at the sentry before entering - a handsome ash tree!
The flora of the military hospital on the street is very interesting and picturesque. Shchorsa 2, especially in autumn. In this area, thanks to the "military presence", both buildings, architectural monuments of fortifications of the mid-18th century, and relic trees - white poplars, centuries-old sycamore maple trees, chestnuts - have been preserved. This area of ​​Kiev, from Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard (Dog Path) to Cherepanova Gora at the stadium, and Volodymyr-Lybidskaya Street, began to be built up only in the 50s of the last century, crowding out numerous military warehouses, car depots, and repair shops. The development of the construction industry, at that time, did not allow globally changing the natural relief of the city, filling up ravines, numerous streams, and lakes. Therefore, groups of houses along Shchorsa Street (Novo-Hospitalnaya) were buried in greenery, on the territory of the upper field of the stadium and the military hospital adjacent to it, in those days relict forests, oak groves, maples and chestnuts grew. It is part of this rich flora that was preserved in the military hospital. Much less at the Central Stadium. But during the reconstruction, restoration and reconstruction of the Kiev Fortress museum complex, adjacent to the military hospital in the lower part of Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard, ramparts with cannons appeared, but the trees disappeared. At the very least, the huge paving-stone square in front of the horseshoe-shaped building of the museum is out of harmony with the picturesque alleys and groups of preserved trees of the hospital.
Interesting, amazing and diverse flora of Kyiv, which today is classified by five dozen natural monuments within the city. Among them are whole oak or birch groves, lakes with trees overgrown around, well, individual representatives, mostly trees - centenarians. Interestingly, the blue spruces and smereka, planted relatively not so long ago, on Khreshchatyk 36, and growing in front of the building of the Kiev administration, are probably listed as “blat” in the approved register of natural monuments in Kiev. I don’t want to offend them so much, but it seems to me that there are other, more significant examples of the flora of the city, and there are many more of them, and they require our attention no less than on Khreshchatyk, or Suvorov Street. The geological and natural conditions for the growth of urban green space development are ideal. Unless, of course, they are planted in the alluvial areas in the sand (Poznyaki Park), while filling up with construction waste, natural lakes and water meadows, with a lush flora on centuries-old, silty soil, and century-old willows, as is happening now at Poznyaki-3. As a rule, architects draw stylized trees on their drawing boards, which show the facades of the object being designed, without thinking about the essence of what is happening. This is just for scale. Well, they got used to it, so it's accepted. All the same, even if the existing trees are taken into account and depicted correctly, the builders will do it in their own way! Builders, especially "modern Varangians" often act not very noble. An already living tree can be touched by an excavator, its root system can be cut off - today I am here, and tomorrow at another object, and in the fall, I will generally return home - everything here is alien to me! On Pushkinskaya Street, the main heating system was reconstructed. I doubt that old and newly planted trees will survive after this. Spring, however, will show. But on Reitarska Street, the opposite happened. There was a man who was not indifferent to the fate of Kyiv, who invested his own money in planting a good dozen lindens. This is probably how it will happen in the world in the near future. One planting, and the other breaks. I wish there were immeasurably more people planting trees...
Carelessness and irresponsibility of some managers of our
cities, with rapid socio - political changes, has led to a real threat of environmental catastrophe. It is in this that the selfishness of the market economy is manifested, which is the source of life and at the same time can destroy its foundations, as well as its own. You cannot protect yourself from the outside world with a high fence, growing your own greenhouse garden, solving your own economic problems, ignoring the laws of nature, of which we are a part. After all, the world is not determined only by the human world, and the living space surrounding us belongs not only to us, but also to the world of trees, herbs and flowers, not to mention squirrels, birds, or dogs and cats tamed by us. By no means, this is not a manifestation of sentimentality. Rather, on the contrary - after all, looking at what is happening, one gets the impression that in the global, sometimes catastrophic changes in the urban environment, people are involved who not only do not understand it, but also do not like it. True, love alone is not enough. It is necessary for society to create such conditions “in order for the economy to establish goals and boundaries, not only with the economy alone,” said the German philosopher, representative of the practical philosophy of nature and environmental ethics, Klaus Michael Meyer-Abich. And he also said that “not a person is the measure of all things, but everything that surrounds us is the measure of our humanity” I would like us to become more responsible for the world around us, for the unique city of Kiev - its beauty, nature, future. We are lucky - we live in a beautiful city among the trees, and maybe the trees grow in the city because they love it too!

The city of Kyiv is beautiful,
happy city.
Over the flooded Dnieper,
all in the green of chestnuts,
all sunspotted..."
Bulgakov M.
Nowadays, the chestnut tree is considered to be the symbol of the city, but this was not always the case.
Oak groves, ash-trees, poplars, willows, lindens, chestnuts, changed each other at the silent post of "amulets of the city". They became witnesses of the sad events of the "Slavic Jerusalem", and they were the silent victims of human fashion.
I will start the essay with oak, since it was he who was the world tree of the ancient Slavs. According to their beliefs, the world consisted of 3 tiers: The upper tier is the sky, the world of the gods. The middle tier is the world of people. The lower, underground tier is the world of spirits, shadows. Each tier had a digital designation (1,2,3) and was symbolized by birds (sky), a wolf and a bear (earth) and a snake (underworld). The lower tier included several parts; it was possible to penetrate underground and return back through wells, rivers, lakes and seas. The connecting link was the tree (Oak). The oak was among the Slavs the personification of strength, power, and in ancient times it was dedicated to the mighty Perun. All Indo-Europeans associate the cult of the Thunderer with the same tree. The Slavs believed that oaks were preserved, growing "before the creation of the world", when there was neither earth nor sky, but one "Okiyan-sea" overflowed throughout the universe. Military councils were held under such oaks, important decisions were made. The earth under them is healing, heals a person.
In the sacred oak groves, the oldest and most respected trees were surrounded by a fence, beyond which only priests could enter. There they made their sacrifices, made predictions, making them depending on the noise of trees and the rustle of leaves. Near such a sacred tree, even the most fierce murderer or thief became inviolable. Next to the prayer oak stood statues of Perun, Svarog, Veles and other gods. Honey, mash, beer, wild animals were sacrificed. In return, people asked: “Save, ancestor, our cereals from the storm, hail and the scorching sun! Protect our family - your children from the evil Khazars and Pechenegs. Women hung wreaths, acorn beads on the branches and asked: “Give us, great one, the strength to give birth as easily and abundantly as you give birth to your children.” The dead soldiers were burned at the stake of oak boughs, for "the oak is the tree of men, its flame cleanses the soul of a warrior." And on the feast of Ivan Kupala, all Ivanovs were decorated with oak wreaths. Perhaps the word "oak" once sounded like "kind" and meant "good tree".
Perun's oak is mentioned in a medieval Western Ukrainian charter of 1302. According to later legends, the body of the Novgorod idol Perun was carved from oak, and an unquenchable fire in front of his statue burned just from oak firewood.
Yaroslav the Wise, in his Russkaya Pravda, described the law according to which a court was previously held before the “sacred oak” (in especially difficult cases, both sides took red-hot fire in their hands).
According to ancient legends, a sacred tree grew in Kyiv, in which the prophetic raven lived. It was he who broadcast his prophecies before all the misfortunes that befell the city. They say he was last seen in 1941. Naturally, there is no evidence, but they say so. This raven was an assistant in a good deed of the Kyiv witches, who honored their native city, and tried their best to protect it from misfortunes. Some say that this tree was on the current Frunze Street, others, on the krishchatek, still others, on Vladimirskaya Gorka ... All versions agree on one thing: the tree was lost (either cut down, or shrunken), and the raven flew away from the city, since in people don't believe in totems these days...
Lindens were no less popular for Kyiv. They were specially planted in prominent places for beauty, or near temples, where they became sacred. The largest linden garden appeared in Pechersk at the Klovsky Palace in the middle of the 18th century. During the mass construction of this area with mansions, which was quite justifiably named "Lipki", the old alley of the park, which led to the palace (Lipskaya street), was preserved and equipped in the form of a boulevard. Thus, the first boulevard in Kyiv, planted with lindens, arose. This tree was also loved by ordinary people of Kiev. It was believed that it could take on some of the curses of wives to their husbands, and that is why there are so many growths on the linden. At the same time, linden has symbols of kindness and sincerity. In the old days, carriages for girls were made only from linden, and for boys from oak. Also known in history are fake postols, which were not only comfortable as shoes, but also protected their wearer from wild animals - even the scent of a wolf did not take traces of a person, which was very useful in hunting and in life, in those difficult times.
Today Lipki houses the buildings of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the building of the Supreme Council, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers and many other administrative buildings. Lipki gradually begin to acquire a new look due to the reconstruction of old buildings. Many attic buildings have appeared, new buildings are being built. The green decoration of the streets and lanes remains unchanged. The streets of Lipok, immersed in the greenery of trees spreading their crowns, keep cool in the hottest weather. The old names were returned to the streets and now you can walk endlessly along Lipki and discover more and more new corners of the history of Kyiv
Poplar competed with chestnut for a long time for the dominant population on the streets of the city. After all, according to local legends, poplar is a symbol of female destiny. It was this tree that all the murdered girls turned to. It has mysterious healing properties and protects against negative phenomena. Slender poplars failed to "become a symbol of the city", but still, there is one place where they are immortalized - which arose in the middle of the 19th century. Boulevard Highway or Bibikovsky Boulevard (in honor of the Governor-General who broke it in 1842), now - Shevchenko Boulevard was originally planted with chestnut trees, which began to come into fashion in those days. However, by order of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, chestnuts, like sedition, were replaced by a pyramidal poplar, in which he saw an imperial symbol, moreover, supposedly everything happened in one night. In turn, the people of Kiev did not miss this moment - they picked up chestnut seedlings and planted them in less official places, and which they liked more in their simple understanding. It is believed that it was from this time that the rivalry between poplar and chestnut as a symbol of Kyiv began. From that moment on, a new "green" era of "dominating the city" began.
Chestnuts were brought to Kyiv back in 1825 and were first planted on the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. From there, they were scattered around the city by the people of Kiev, because young chestnut trees grow quickly.
A chestnut leaf appeared on the coat of arms of Kyiv in 1969. Now the city has two coats of arms: a large one with the image of Archangel Michael, the patron of the city, and a small one with a chestnut leaf and flower. In addition to the huge prevalence of the tree, the important fact that the chestnut has very easily depicted leaves and flowers also played its role.

The post was written mostly based on materials.

In Ukraine, willow and viburnum have long been considered sacred: "There is no Ukraine without willow and viburnum." The custom to sanctify the willow was borrowed by the Christian religion from the astral cult of our ancestors. The willow symbolizes the Great Tree of Life, just like the Milky Way. No wonder willows have always been planted along the roads, according to the cosmogonic ideas of the people, our Galaxy is the beginning of the formation of the Universe - the shore of the cosmic ocean. Ritual whipping with willow means the connection of a person with the Cosmos, the possibility of restoring strength and health. It was a custom close in meaning to the rite of immersion in the sacred waters of the Bug in Ukraine and the Ganges in India. In addition to willow, linden was also planted in Ukraine, which is dedicated to Mother Water, oak symbolized Perun and the Sun, birch is dedicated to Lada, maple - Polel.

viburnum also symbolized the holiday of Kolyada, the Christmas of the world. The abuse of her covered a person with shame, just like the murder of a stork. Kalina was always planted near the house, in winter its berries were placed between the panes. Until now, there is a belief: if you cut a pipe from viburnum, then a successor to the family will appear in the family - a son. Viburnum tea is the best cure for colds. An important role belongs to viburnum in various rituals, especially at a wedding (they decorated a wedding branch). There are many songs and sayings about her: “Admire the viburnum when it blooms, and as a child when it grows”, “A girl is like a viburnum” and others.

The veneration of trees originates from ancient times, when our ancestors worshiped trees as gods. Here the Apocrypha described the Tree of Life: "And in the midst of paradise the Tree of the Animal, a hedgehog is a deity, and the top of that tree is approaching heaven"

The tree of Life - one of the most common folk art motifs, especially on embroidered towels. Before the adoption of Christianity, there were many sacred groves where they went to worship the Gods of nature, sacred trees grew here, idols stood, folk festivals took place. Several such groves are known in Kyiv. According to Yevgeny Anichkov, such a forest was on the site of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The sacred grove was also the Shulyavskaya grove on the banks of the Lybid river, which was cut down during the civil war. Although in the last century Shulyavskaya grove ("Cadet grove" - ​​the name from the cadet corps, built in 1857) was a favorite vacation spot for the people of Kiev.
In Ukraine, in some places, the customs of "intimidation" of barren trees are still preserved, which, probably, is not Christian, deeply popular. On Holy evening or on New Year's Eve, the owner goes into the garden with an ax and threatens an infertile tree, cuts it down if next year it does not bring: "How not to give birth, I will cut it down and sweep it into the oven, and I will scatter the ashes into the wind" (recorded by B. Grinchenko from his grandfather).

The custom of respecting sacred trees has firmly entered the mentality of Ukrainians. The tree, which was destined for many years, becomes sacred. So in the Rivne region there is an oak, which is about 1300 years old. This is the oldest tree in Ukraine. Trees with which historical figures and legends are associated are also considered sacred. In with. Upper Khortitsa grows an oak, under which Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Taras Shevchenko, Ilya Repin, Nikolay Lysenko rested. This oak is 800 years old. Among the people, the oak was considered the tree of Perun, now it is revered for its strength, beauty, and durability. "Strong as an oak" - they say about a strong man. A boar was sacrificed to the oak, and now you can hear the saying: "The oak is a good tree and its fruits are good for pigs." Pork remained sacrificial food for Christmas, but the animal itself got a negative connotation, it was considered unclean, diabolical. Under the influence of church literature, the attitude towards many plants, animals and phenomena changed over time, became controversial, and sometimes incomprehensible.

So willow, originally revered in Ukraine, was proud in the rite of Palm Sunday, and was considered unclean by early Christians. Cherry was used in New Year's rituals long before the custom of putting up a Christmas tree introduced by Peter I, they dug it up in the fall and put it in a tub with earth in the house where it stood until the New Year. For the way the cherry grew, they foresaw their fate: if it bloomed before the New Year, this was a good sign. She has been sung by many writers. Therefore, Shevchenko's "garden of cherry ears" became a symbol of Ukraine, a native, close image. The apple tree is no less known in Ukraine. From time immemorial, in the wild, it has been distributed throughout Ukraine. The apple has become a symbol of love and fertility. The special fertility of the apple tree was already known trypillians when they depicted apple seeds on their dishes.Already in the times of Kievan Rus, several recipes for storing apples in winter, drying, fermenting, and making sweets were known.

The following fact can testify to the fertility of the apple tree: in the village of Andreevka in the Sumy region, one 150-year-old apple tree with root shoots and seeds of its fruits gave rise to a whole apple forest with an area of ​​half a hectare. The bear loves to feast on forest apples, so they believed that the best apple tree and on which he put his mark: the bear scratches his favorite tree with his claws. It was these trees that even wild boars searched for, following the bear, and selecting the fruits disturbed by it. Wild apples were used by people as feed for livestock.

Apple and pear trees were revered in ancient times; records of this can be found in ancient chronicles both in Greece, Rome, and in Kievan Rus. Treatment with pear fruits was known in ancient Sumer. Ukrainians made compote from dried apples and pears, which was also a ritual drink, for example, at Christmas.

Since now, Ukrainian breeders have bred many varieties of fruit trees, including pears. The most unusual pear-pysanka, which grows in the Makarovsky district in the Kiev region. its fruits have an original color, similar to pysanka, painted with red, green and yellow stripes.

Ash - a male tree, because the weapons of warriors were made from its wood back in the Scythian era. The ash tree was considered a symbol of war: if an ash branch was sent to the enemy, it meant the beginning of a war or a warning. Although the ash tree was also used for domestic purposes for the manufacture of dishes, spoons, cradles, furniture, as well as in shipbuilding. Maple was used for the manufacture of musical instruments: pipes, psaltery, violins. In the Carpathians, bread was baked on maple leaves and planted in an oven on the Maple Blade. Sycamore (a variety of maple) in Ukraine is considered a symbol of sadness, it is planted on the grave of a murdered Cossack, separated lovers: "They planted sycamore and spruce over the Cossack, and red viburnum in the girl's head."

In addition to viburnum rum, in Ukraine, mountain ash was widely used, which is also a red berry and remains on a tree for a long time, beckoning birds to itself. By the number of mountain ash, they could foresee what the winter would be like: if there were a lot of berries, they expected a cold snowy winter. The Scythians also knew the mountain ash. Virgil wrote that the Scythians drank a drink from mountain ash during long winter evenings. The method of making wine from mountain ash and honey has survived to this day. Rowan flowers have long been added to tea, which gave it an almond flavor. Rowan was also used in many rituals. As a talisman, they planted it near the house, on Kupala twigs of mountain ash were hung on every door to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases.

Blackthorn known in Ukraine for more than two thousand years. He is one of the progenitors of the garden plum: already at the beginning of our era, having crossed the field with cherry plum, our ancestors grew plums. Thanks to its thorns, the field gained fame as a good defender of estates in antiquity - no beast could get into the courtyard planted with thorns. Later they began to believe that the turn protects from evil spirits. Such a practical value of this low tree. But there is also a very interesting legend. One of the blackthorn breeds - the diptych - was called the "burning bush". Translated from the Church Slavonic bush means "bush". This thorn bush emits peculiar ethereal vapors that can burn, but the fire does not touch the plant itself. Consequently, this amazing property could not go unnoticed by our ancestors: it was believed that God comes out of the burning bush to show people the truth. Later, this legend was included in the Bible, which tells that for the first time God appeared to Moses from a burning bush. In Ukraine, the image of the Mother Goddess is connected with burning bumps, and after the adoption of Christianity - the Virgin Mary; the image of the indestructible flower of life has pagan roots.

Birch thanks to its white bark, it has become a symbol of purity, girlish tenderness. She was also considered a talisman against evil spirits, so she was often planted near the house to please the eye and protect the estate. Birch bark - birch bark - was widely used for "birch bark". Students learned to write on it, letters were written on it, various everyday records of temporary significance. So, at a time when paper was too expensive and was used for books, there was a letter on birch bark. For these letters, birch bark was removed so as not to damage the tree itself, because the places where a thin layer of bark was removed tend to grow new bark.

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