Katerina is a strong or weak personality thunderstorm. Strong or weak character of Katerina


The drama The Thunderstorm, according to Dobrolyubov, "is the most decisive work of Ostrovsky", in which he showed the tyranny and despotism of the merchants of the "dark kingdom".
In the drama, the main character of the “Russian strong character” clashes with the cruel and inhuman mores of the old way of life. Katerina is the main character of the drama. This nature is poetic, dreamy, tender.
Katerina's childhood in her parents' house passed very quickly, and she remembers it as the best time of her life. Her mother's life was easy and joyful. Katerina loved taking care of flowers, walking in the garden, going to church to listen to church singing and music, she embroidered on velvet with gold. Then the girls were not given any education, and books were replaced by the stories of wanderers. Even as a child, Katerina was impressionable. Under the influence of the stories of praying women and wanderers, her freedom-loving and romantic character was formed.
The main feature in Katerina's character is the "image of a bird." In folk poetry, the bird is a symbol of will. “I lived, didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild,” Katerina recalls about how she lived before marriage. “... Why don't people fly like birds? she says to Barbara. “You know, sometimes I feel like I’m a bird.”
Katerina wants to love both her husband and her mother-in-law, but she does not find a response to her feelings in them. Tikhon refuses to take her with him, Kabanikha pursues with his instructions. But Katerina endures for the time being. “And if it gets too cold for me here,” she says, “there is no way to keep me by any force. I’ll throw myself out the window, I’ll throw myself into the pool ... ”. The boar is an ardent defender of the old order. Realizing that the old kingdom of tyrants is coming to an end, she hates everything new, sharpens everyone, achieving her own rules, therefore lies and pretense reign in her house.
Katerina is an independent, determined person. How hard it is for her when she listens to Tikhon's orders, which he gives her under the dictation of her mother. It is here that she begins to understand the horror of her situation.
Katerina is a determined and courageous person. Katerina's only love and joy is Boris. She will not come to terms with the reality around her. She is ready for any sacrifice for the sake of a loved one, transcending even those concepts of sin that are sacred to her. She truly loves. "Let everyone know, let everyone see what I'm doing!" she says to Boris. She expects real, happy love from life.
Katherine is alone. She does not find protection either from her husband or from her lover Boris Grigorievich. Neither the husband nor Boris can fight for their happiness, defend their rights, love.
Katerina's love for Boris is sincere and deep. Katerina is not afraid of death, and Boris is too weak to help Katerina.
The path to freedom is cut off, and she cannot live among the boars. And Katerina decides to commit suicide.
The suicide of the heroine is a protest against tyranny, dark forces, the kingdom of house building. So for the first time in the "dark kingdom" a "light beam" flashed.
Plays by A.N. Ostrovsky - these are plays of true truth, true life. The drama "Thunderstorm" was of great importance in the writer's work and in all Russian dramaturgy.
Katerina is a strong personality. She managed to awaken in her husband a feeling of love, pity, truthfulness. Kabanov says to his mother: “You ruined her! You! You!"
The image of Katerina belongs to the best images of a woman in the work of Ostrovsky, in all Russian literature.

    The premiere of The Thunderstorm took place on December 2, 1859 at the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. A.A. Grigoriev, who was present at the performance, recalled: “That's what the people will say! .. I thought, leaving the box into the corridor after the third act of “Thunderstorm”, which ended in an explosion ...

    A play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" was published in 1860, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. In this difficult time, the culmination of the revolutionary situation of the 60s in Russia is observed. Even then, the foundations of the autocratic-feudal system were collapsing, but still ...

    Katerina is a ray of light in a dark kingdom. “There is something refreshing and encouraging in The Thunderstorm. This “something” is, in our opinion, the background of the play, indicated by us and revealing shakiness and the near end of tyranny. Then the very character of Katerina, drawn on this ...

    The play "Thunderstorm", written by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, tells about life in the small town of Kalinovo, where the tyranny of rich landowners knows no bounds. The "dark kingdom", personifying these landlords, has no over ...

    A thunderstorm is a purifying and necessary phenomenon in nature. It brings with it freshness and coolness after exhausting heat, life-giving moisture after sushi. It has a cleansing, renewing effect. Such a "breath of fresh air", a new look ...

    The play "Thunderstorm", written by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky in 1859, is the only one from the cycle "Nights on the Volga" conceived by the writer. The main theme of the drama is the conflict in a merchant family, first of all, the despotic attitude of...

The drama "Thunderstorm", according to Dobrolyubov, "is the most decisive work of Ostrovsky", in which he showed the tyranny and despotism of the merchants, the "dark kingdom".

In the drama, the main character of the “Russian strong character” clashes with the cruel and inhuman mores of the old way of life. Katerina is the main character of the drama. This nature is poetic, dreamy, tender.

Katerina's childhood in her parents' house passed very quickly, and she remembers it as the best time of her life. Her mother's life was easy and joyful. Katerina loved taking care of the flowers, walking alone in the garden, going to church to listen to church singing and music, she embroidered on velvet with gold. Then the girls were not given any education, and books were replaced by the stories of wanderers. Even as a child, Katerina was impressionable. Under the influence of the stories of praying women and wanderers, her freedom-loving and romantic character was formed.

The main feature in Katerina's character is the "image of a bird." In folk poetry, the bird is a symbol of will. “I lived, didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild,” Katerina recalls about how she lived before marriage. “... Why don't people fly like birds? she says to Barbara. “You know, sometimes I feel like I’m a bird.”

Katerina wants to love both her husband and her mother-in-law, but she does not find a response to her feelings in them. Tikhon refuses to take her with him, Kabanikha pursues with his instructions. But Katerina endures for the time being. “And if it gets too cold for me here,” she says, “there is no way to keep me by any force. I’ll throw myself out the window, throw myself into the pool ... ”Kabanikha, this ardent defender of the old order, realizing that the old kingdom of tyrants is coming to an end, hates everything new, sharpens everyone, achieving her own rules. Lies and pretense reign in the house of Kabanikhi.

Katerina is an independent, determined person. How hard it is for her when she listens to Tikhon's orders, which he gives her under the dictation of her mother. It is here that she begins to understand the horror of her situation.

Katerina is a determined and courageous person. Katerina's only love and joy is Boris. She will not come to terms with the reality around her. She is ready for any sacrifice for the sake of a loved one, transcending even those concepts of sin that are sacred to her. She truly loves. "Let everyone know, let everyone see what I'm doing!" she says to Boris. She expects real, happy love from life.

Katherine is alone. She does not find protection either from her husband or from her lover Boris Grigorievich. Neither the husband nor Boris can fight for their happiness, defend their rights, love.

How sincerely and deeply she loves Boris! Katerina is not afraid of death, but Boris is too weak to help Katerina.

The path to freedom is cut off, and she cannot live among the Kabanovs. And Katerina decides to commit suicide.

The suicide of the heroine is a protest against tyranny, dark forces, the kingdom of house building. So for the first time in the "dark kingdom" a "light beam" flashed.

The plays of A. N. Ostrovsky are plays of true truth, true life.

know. The drama "Thunderstorm" was of particular importance.

Katerina is a strong personality. She managed to awaken in her husband a feeling of love, pity, truthfulness. Kabanov says to his mother: “You ruined her! You! You!"

The image of Katerina belongs to the best images of a woman in the work of Ostrovsky, in all Russian literature.

In the drama of A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" the picture of false relationships and their consequences are clearly revealed. The Thunderstorm shows life and living Russian nature.

The main character in the drama "Thunderstorm", written by A. N. Ostrovsky, is Katerina. The image of Katerina is the most complex of all the images in the drama. Katerina lives in the house of her husband's mother. She lives very badly. When she married Tikhon Kabanov, Katerina did not love him, she did not yet understand this feeling. She married Tikhonke of her own free will. They showed her Tikhon, saying that every girl should get married, and she got out. In Katerina's story about her childhood and life, we see that in her mother's house she was a beloved daughter: Katerina and her mother went to church, listened to wanderers, walked in the garden, and prayed. Varvara, listening to Katerina's story, says that they have the same thing. Katerina sees the difference: “Yes, everything here seems to be from captivity!”

By nature, Katerina is not like the others. She does not know how to show off and boast, but she is ready to obey everything.

Katerina loves Boris. Such love, such a feeling does not get along in the house of the Kabanovs, in a house with pretense and deceit. The situation in which Katerina lives after Tikhon's departure makes her deceive and lead a completely different lifestyle than with her husband. Varvara says that "it is impossible without this ... the whole house rests on this." From this remark, one can understand that Varvara has been deceiving her mother for a long time, she says: “And I was not a liar, but I learned when it became necessary.”

Katerina comes to terms with her position: she goes to Boris at night, deceives her mother-in-law, hiding her feelings from her. Suddenly Tikhon unexpectedly arrives. He does not suspect anything, but nevertheless Katerina more and more often remembers her "sin". And in the end she confesses everything. Varvara and Tikhon try to interfere with Katerina's story, but Kabanikha pulls them back, and the poor woman has to tell everyone everything.

After this incident, a few days later, Varvara disappeared. Apparently, Varya was also tired of her mother's "guardianship", so she decided to leave the house.

Katerina, left completely alone, commits suicide.

Katerina and Barbara are two completely different natures. The image of Katerina is opposed not only to Varvara, but to all the characters. This is a strong, strong-willed nature.

Waking up, love comes to Katerina along with longing for freedom, a dream of the present, human life. Katerina does not love like Varvara: secretly, as if doing a favor to Curly with her visits on a date.

There is something cold in the parting of these young people: when leaving, Varvara casually kisses Kudryash, as if he were an old acquaintance, or rather, like a stranger. From this we can conclude that there is no real love between them, and that Varvara, unlike Katerina, goes to Kudryash only in order to take a walk, so that youth can pass more cheerfully.

Vara, unlike Katerina, goes to Kudryash only to take a walk, so that youth can pass more cheerfully. But Katerina, to the words of Boris: “No one knows about our love ...” - answers: “Let everyone know, let everyone see what I'm doing! ..” And in the name of this love, she is ready for anything, even for suicide.

The drama "Thunderstorm", according to Dobrolyubov, "is the most decisive work of Ostrovsky", in which he showed the tyranny and despotism of the merchants, the "dark kingdom".

In the drama, the main character of the "Russian strong character" clashes with the cruel and inhuman mores of the old way of life. Katerina is the main character of the drama. This nature is poetic, dreamy, tender.
Katerina's childhood in her parents' house passed very quickly, and she remembers it as the best time of her life. Her mother's life was easy and joyful. Katerina loved taking care of the flowers, walking alone in the garden, going to church to listen to church singing and music, she embroidered on velvet with gold. Then the girls were not given any education, and books were replaced by the stories of wanderers. Even as a child, Katerina was impressionable. Under the influence of the stories of praying women and wanderers, her freedom-loving and romantic character was formed.

The main feature in Katerina's character is the "image of a bird". In folk poetry, the bird is a symbol of will. “I lived, I didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild,” Katerina recalls about how she lived before marriage. "... Why don't people fly like birds?" she says to Varvara. "You know, sometimes I think I'm a bird."

Katerina wants to love both her husband and her mother-in-law, but she does not find a response to her feelings in them. Tikhon refuses to take her with him, Kabanikha pursues with his instructions. But Katerina endures for the time being. “And if I get really cold in this place,” she says, “then there’s no way to hold me back by any force. I’ll throw myself out the window, I’ll throw myself into the pool ...” Kabanikha is this ardent defender of the old order, realizing that the old kingdom of tyrants is coming to an end , hates everything new, sharpens everyone, achieving his own rules. Lies and pretense reign in the house of Kabanikhi.

Katerina is an independent, determined person. How hard it is for her when she listens to Tikhon's orders, which he gives her under the dictation of her mother. It is at this point that she begins to understand the horror of her situation.

Katerina is a determined and courageous person. Katerina's only love and joy is Boris. She will not come to terms with the reality around her. She is ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of a loved one, moreover, transgressing those concepts of sin that are sacred to her. She truly loves. "Let everyone know, let everyone see what I'm doing!" she says to Boris. She expects real, happy love from life.

Katherine is alone. She does not find protection either from her husband or from her lover Boris Grigorievich. Neither the husband nor Boris can fight for their happiness, defend their rights, love.

How with all her heart and how much she loves Boris! Katerina is not afraid of death, but Boris is too weak to help Katerina.

The path to freedom is cut off, and it cannot exist among the Kabanovs. And Katerina decides to commit suicide.

The suicide of the heroine is a protest against tyranny, dark forces, the kingdom of house building. So for the first time in the "dark kingdom" a "light beam" flashed.

The plays of A. N. Ostrovsky are plays of true truth, true life. The drama "Thunderstorm" was of particular importance.

Katerina is a strong personality. She managed to awaken in her husband a feeling of love, pity, truthfulness. Kabanov says to his mother: "You ruined her! You! You!"

The image of Katerina belongs to the best images of a woman in the work of Ostrovsky, in all Russian literature.

The drama "Thunderstorm", according to Dobrolyubov, "is the most decisive work of Ostrovsky", in which he showed the tyranny and despotism of the merchants, the "dark kingdom".
In the drama, the main character of the “Russian strong character” clashes with the cruel and inhuman mores of the old way of life. Katerina is the main character of the drama. This nature is poetic, dreamy, tender.
Katerina's childhood in her parents' house passed very quickly, and she remembers it as the best time of her life. Her mother's life was easy and joyful. Katerina loved taking care of the flowers, walking alone in the garden, going to church to listen to church singing and music, she embroidered on velvet with gold. Then the girls were not given any education, and books were replaced by the stories of wanderers. Even as a child, Katerina was impressionable. Under the influence of the stories of praying women and wanderers, her freedom-loving and romantic character was formed.
The main feature in Katerina's character is the “image of a bird”. In folk poetry, the bird is a symbol of will. “I lived, I didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild,” Katerina recalls how she lived before marriage. “... Why don't people fly like birds? she says to Barbara. “You know, sometimes I feel like I’m a bird.”
Katerina wants to love both her husband and her mother-in-law, but she does not find a response to her feelings in them. Tikhon refuses to take her with him, Kabanikha pursues with his instructions. But Katerina endures for the time being. “And if it gets too cold for me here,” she says, “so no force can hold me back. I’ll throw myself out the window, I’ll throw myself into the pool ... ”Kabanikha, this ardent defender of the old order, realizing that the old kingdom of tyrants is coming to an end, hates everything new, sharpens everyone, achieving her own rules. Lies and pretense reign in the house of Kabanikhi.
Katerina is an independent, determined person. How hard it is for her when she listens to Tikhon's orders, which he gives her under the dictation of her mother. It is here that she begins to understand the horror of her situation.
Katerina is a determined and courageous person. Katerina's only love and joy is Boris. She will not come to terms with the reality around her. She is ready for any sacrifice for the sake of a loved one, transcending even those concepts of sin that are sacred to her. She truly loves. “Let everyone know, let everyone see what I do!” she says to Boris. She expects real, happy love from life.
Katherine is alone. She does not find protection either from her husband or from her lover Boris Grigorievich. Neither the husband nor Boris can fight for their happiness, defend their rights, love.
How sincerely and deeply she loves Boris! Katerina is not afraid of death, but Boris is too weak to help Katerina.
The path to freedom is cut off, and she cannot live among the Kabanovs. And Katerina decides to commit suicide.
The suicide of the heroine is a protest against tyranny, dark forces, the kingdom of house building. So for the first time in the “dark kingdom” a “light beam” flashed.
The plays of A. N. Ostrovsky are plays of true truth, true life. The drama "Thunderstorm" was of particular importance.
Katerina is a strong personality. She managed to awaken in her husband a feeling of love, pity, truthfulness. Kabanov says to his mother: “You ruined her! You! You!"
The image of Katerina belongs to the best images of a woman in the work of Ostrovsky, in all Russian literature.

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