Books by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Gabriel Garcia Marquez: biography, photos and interesting facts Gabriel Marquez Marquis


Marquez Gabriel Garcia: books of "magical realism"

Marquez Gabriel Garcia, whose best books were read by almost everyone, is a well-known Colombian writer, journalist, public figure, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

For the world reader, he is known, first of all, as a bright representative of the direction of magical realism. Marquez Gabriel Garcia, whose books are often written in this genre, implements an artistic method according to which magical elements are carefully woven into realistic reality. A typical such novel is the famous One Hundred Years of Solitude. But if you want to take a closer look at other works by Marquez Gabriel Garcia, the books listed on the site will come to your rescue.

Marquez Gabriel Garcia: biography

Marquez Gabriel Garcia: whose biography is filled with a variety of events, was born on March 6, 1927. At the age of thirteen, the boy began his studies at a college, which was located in Zipaquira near Bogota, and then entered the National University of Bogota, choosing a law degree. However, he was not given the opportunity to finish his studies, as the future writer decided to devote his life to journalism and literature. Even as a child, he read Hemingway, Faulkner and Joyce, these writers greatly influenced the work of the future writer.

While engaged in journalism, Marquez writes a column for El Heraldo, and at the same time he joins the Barranquilla Writers' Circle. It was this informal association that inspired him to start doing literature. In 1954, Marquez worked for El Espectador and visited Europe, the USA and Russia as a correspondent. But journalism did not interfere with active writing. And the asset of the young man is a lot of stories and scripts for movies.

García Márquez was honored to be the first Colombian to be awarded the Nobel Prize. It happened in 1982. The wording said that novels and stories were marked, in which the symbiosis of reality and fantasy reflects the life of the whole continent. In addition, the speech that the writer read at the presentation is known - “The Loneliness of Latin America”.

If you are interested in Marquez Gabriel Garcia, the books that you will see on the KnigoPoisk website will delight you with their incredible warmth, irony and magic.

- (Garcia Marquez, Gabriel) (b. 1928), Colombian prose writer, one of the largest contemporary Latin American writers. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1982). Born March 6, 1928 in the coastal Colombian town of Aracataca, grew up ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gabriel García Márquez G. Garcia Marquez at the Guadalajara International Film Festival, 2009 ... Wikipedia

Gabriel Garcia Marquez Spanish Gabriel García Márquez Date of birth: March 6, 1928 (age 81) ... Wikipedia

Gabriel Garcia Marquez Spanish Gabriel García Márquez Date of birth: March 6, 1928 (age 81) ... Wikipedia

Gabriel Garcia Marquez Spanish Gabriel García Márquez Date of birth: March 6, 1928 (age 81) ... Wikipedia

Garcia Marquez (García Marquez) Gabriel (b. 1928, Aracataca, Colombia), Colombian writer. Wrote scripts. He was a reporter for the liberal newspaper "El Espectador" ("El Espectador") in Bogota and Europe, in 1959 60 correspondent of the Cuban agency ... ...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez- Biography of Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born March 6, 1927 in the coastal Colombian town of Aracataca. He was brought up by his grandmother and grandfather, who introduced him to legends, folklore and folk ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

- (García Marquez) Gabriel (b. 1928, Aracataca, Colombia), Colombian writer. Wrote scripts. He was a reporter for the liberal newspaper "El Espectador" ("El Espectador") in Bogota and Europe, in 1959 60 correspondent for the Cuban agency "Prensa ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- ... Wikipedia


  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Collected Works in 6 Volumes (set of 6 books), Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Nobel Prize winner, Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the most significant prose writers of world literature of the 20th century. A number of works included in the collected works of Garcia Marquez ...
  • The Territory of the Word, García Márquez Gabriel. Gabriel Garcia Marquez - about his fellow writers: Hemingway, Borges, Neruda, about his own books and their criticism, about the Nobel Prize, about the past and the future. About the rivers of your childhood and the scent...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian writer, representative of the magical realism movement in literature.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born on 03/06/1927 in the city of Aracataca, Colombia. Shortly after the birth of the child, Marquez's father got a job as a pharmacist and moved with his wife to Barranquilla (a city in northern Colombia), leaving little Gabito in Aracataca to be raised by his grandparents.

In the winter of 1936, his father took Gabriel and his brother to Sins, and a few months later the family moved to Sucre, where the father of the future writer opened a pharmacy. However, the upbringing of his grandfather and grandmother greatly influenced the life and worldview of García Márquez.

His grandfather, Nicolas Ricardo Marquez Mejia, whom the boy called "Papalelo", was a veteran of the Thousand Days' War and a hero of the Colombian liberals. Nicholas, whom Gabriel referred to as his "umbilical cord to history and reality," was an excellent storyteller. The grandfather often said to his little grandson: “You can’t even imagine how much a dead person weighs,” reminding him that there is no greater burden than killing a person. These thoughts García Márquez later integrated into his works.

The boy's grandmother, Doña Tranquilina Iguarán Cotes, also played a huge role in the development of the child's character. Gabriel was inspired by the way she "treated the unusual as something completely natural". Tales of ghosts and omens often sounded in their house, which the colonel studiously ignored. Gabriel liked that even the most fantastic or unbelievable stories were told by his grandmother as if they were the undeniable truth. This "deadpan style" appeared later in some of the famous works of the writer.

At school, García Márquez was a timid child, fond of writing humorous poetry and drawing comics. A serious, silent child who was not interested in games and sports, classmates nicknamed "El Viejo" ("Old Man").

During his college years in San Jose, García Márquez published his first poems in the school magazine. Later, thanks to a government scholarship, Gabriel was sent to study at the Jesuit College in Zipaquira, a town near Bogota, where the young man excelled in various sports, becoming the captain of the Liceo Nacional Zipaquirá team in three disciplines: football, baseball and running.

After his graduation from school in 1947, García Márquez became a student at the National University of Colombia - the choice of law school was made to please his father. However, Gabriel continued to dream of writing, wanting to create works similar in style to his grandfather's stories.

When the university was closed after the Bogotaso armed uprising, Gabriel was transferred to the University of Cartagena, where the young man began working as a reporter for a local newspaper. In 1950, García Márquez decided to focus entirely on journalism, moving back to Barranquilla and taking a job as a columnist and reporter for the El Heraldo newspaper.


Life and new acquaintances in Barranquilla have become the richest source of knowledge in world-class literature. It was here that García Márquez developed a special view of the culture of the Caribbean countries.

In 1955, García Márquez's first story, Fallen Leaves, about an old colonel, was published - it took the writer 7 years to find a publisher. The Colombian once remarked that of all the Fallen Leaves he had written since 1973, it was his favorite work because it was "the most spontaneous and sincere."

Six years later, the writer's second story, Nobody Writes to the Colonel, was published about a 75-year-old retired colonel, a veteran of the Thousand Days' War. The realistic text of the story was marked by influence.

In these two stories, as well as some of García Márquez's later works, references can be found to La Violencia, the brutal civil war between the Liberal and Conservative parties in Colombia in the 1950s. The characters in the stories experience various unfair situations such as curfews, underground newspapers, and press censorship. There are similar references in the first novel, The Bad Hour (1962), but the writer decided not to use his work as a platform for political propaganda.

If the first works of García Márquez were written in the realism genre, then later the writer experimented with less traditional styles. Thus, the style of the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967), which brought Gabriel worldwide fame, was dubbed “magic realism”, and the most striking example of the phenomenon was a fragment about how a beautiful woman hanging laundry on a rope is suddenly picked up and carried away by the wind.

In 1972, García Márquez introduced his early work to the public with the publication of the collection Eyes of the Blue Dog, which included early stories created between 1947 and 1955 and first printed in the pages of local newspapers. In short stories, Garcia Márquez, who had not yet fully decided on the style, boldly allowed himself to experiment, but invariably remained a virtuoso of his craft.

In the late 1960s, García Márquez, inspired by the flight of Venezuelan dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez, began writing the dictatorial novel Autumn of the Patriarch. Work on the book lasted more than 7 years, until 1975, when the novel was finally published. According to García Márquez, this novel is "a poem about the loneliness of power". The plot of the book develops through a series of anecdotes about the activities and life of a politician, which do not appear in chronological order.

On December 8, 1982, García Márquez was awarded the Literature Prize "for works that combine the fantastic and the realistic in a rich imaginary world that reflects conflicts and life on the continent." The writer's speech was titled "The Loneliness of Latin America". García Márquez became the first Colombian and the fourth Hispanic to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In 1985, García Márquez released another best-selling book, Love in the Time of Plague. The novel explores love in myriad forms, "ideal" and "perverted". The book is based on the tragicomic story of the relationship between the writer's parents, Louise and Gabriel. The girl's father, the same grandfather ladle, did not approve of Louise's choice - her gentleman was known as a well-known womanizer. Gabriel Sr. needed to write hundreds of love poems and letters before Louise's parents allowed the young people to get married.

Four years later, the biography of García Márquez was replenished with the novel "The General in His Labyrinth". The genre of the work is difficult to classify - the opinions of critics on this matter differ. The term "new historical novel" has even been proposed, a genre that combines the Latin American boom, post-boom and postmodernism.

Apart from literature, García Márquez has been involved in the film world. He has written scripts for more than 25 films and TV series, and 17 films have been made based on his works.

In 2000, the newspaper La Republica in Peru published the poem "La Marioneta" by the Mexican ventriloquist Johnny Walsh. For some reason, the authorship of the verse was attributed to García Márquez. Rumors began to spread quickly that the sentimental lines were a farewell letter from a seriously ill writer. For two days, the poem was actively recited on radio stations, the text quickly spread over the Internet, but it soon became clear that Garcia Marquez had nothing to do with the publication.

The last work in the career of the Colombian was the story "Remembering my sad whores", published in 2004 in Spanish. The book was the first literary work of the writer after a long break. In 2011, the book was filmed by Danish director Henning Carlsen.

Personal life

Garcia Marquez met his future wife Mercedes Barcha when she was still a schoolgirl. To marry, the young had to wait for her to come of age. The lovers got married in 1958 and moved to Caracas. Their first son, Rodrigo Garcia, was born the following year and became a television and film director.

In 1961, the couple traveled across the southern United States and eventually settled in Mexico City. The writer always dreamed of seeing the south of the States, because he was impressed by the "southern" novels of William Faulkner.

Three years later, Gabriel had a second son, Gonzalo, who now works as a designer in Mexico City.


In 1999, the writer was diagnosed with lymphoma. Garcia Marquez underwent chemotherapy at a Los Angeles clinic and entered a state of remission. This event prompted the Colombian to start writing his memoirs:

“I have reduced my contact with friends to a minimum, turned off the phone, canceled upcoming trips and all kinds of plans,” he told the El Tiempo newspaper.

In 2012, the writer's brother, Jaime, announced that . Two years later, in the spring, Gabriel was hospitalized with severe dehydration - he was found to have an infection in his urinary tract and lungs. April 17, 2014 87 year old.

The writer's body was cremated during a family ceremony in Mexico City. On April 22, the heads of Colombia and Mexico attended the official ceremony. The funeral procession with the urn with the ashes of the writer moved from the house where Garcia Marquez lived for more than 30 years to the Palace of Fine Arts (Palacio de Bellas Artes). Residents of the writer's hometown, Aracataca, also held a symbolic funeral.


  • "If you meet your true love, then she will not go anywhere from you - not in a week, not in a month, not in a year."
  • "It is a great success in life to find such a person that would be pleasant to look at, interesting to listen to, enthusiastically talk about, not painfully silent, laugh sincerely, enthusiastically remember and look forward to the next meeting."
  • "It's better to arrive at the wrong time than to wait for invitations"
  • "Know how to appreciate the one who cannot live without you, and do not chase after those who are happy without you!"
  • "The worst way to miss a person is to be with him and understand that he will never be yours."
  • "The whole world wants to live in the mountains, not realizing that real happiness is in how we climb the mountain."

There are stories that start with a funeral...

If different people - Aureliano, his daughter and grandson - remember what kind of life the deceased lived, then who will he be? Enemy or savior? Traitor or true friend? Or just a guardian angel who protected everyone living in this town?

As many as twenty-five years of life - incredibly empty and filled with events ...

Nobody Writes to the Colonel (1957)

A veteran, a hero of the Thousand Days War, lives in a small town. After the death of his only son, he drags out a miserable existence.

And the only chance for a decent life is a pension, which is due to him by law, as a veteran. But the cherished letter with the order for her appointment is still missing and missing ...

In the meantime, the mortgage on the house is coming up...

Cursed Time (1962)

In this city, the past rules the present: miracles are as common here as daily quarrels between spouses.

So many events happen here every day that they all have to be repeated again and again. And no one believes that it could be otherwise.

But one day, inscriptions begin to appear on the walls of this city, which tell about all the sins, vices and base passions of the townspeople.

If the secret has finally become clear, perhaps it's time to start again? ..

One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967)

One of the greatest books of the last century.

A poetic and strange story of a town lost in the jungle - from the day of its creation to its decline.

The history of the Buendia family is closely intertwined in the life of the town, filling it with unthinkable miracles, which, however, quickly become everyday, and therefore imperceptible and quiet.

Incredible passions and incredible events that have become a kind of "magic mirror" through which you can see the real history of Latin America...

The story of a man who was overboard a ship (1970)

Sea. Energy and power, which is capable of destroying everything in the world and subjugating it to its will. Compared to the sea element, a person is a bug. The secrets of the sea are unlikely to ever be fully revealed ...

And here is the story of a man, the only survivor of a shipwreck. He is alone on the high seas. And he is trying to defeat the forces of nature itself.

Hunger, despair, loneliness, fear, clouding of the mind ... Is he destined to get to the shore and remain a man?

Autumn of the Patriarch (1975)

The dictator Sakarias has been in power for so long that he does not remember how he seized it. He is both an ordinary person, and a revived legend, and a puppet and a brilliant puppeteer.

Nothing is known about his real life, and numerous rumors and stories about his life intertwined in the novel itself.

Sakarias personifies absolute power and perfect loneliness ...

He longs for and fears death. But ... will she come to him, the living embodiment of myths?

Chronicle of a Declared Death (1981)

Santiago Nazar's mother knew how to interpret unusual dreams, but now for some reason she preferred not to notice bad omens.

Her son died today. And a week ago he saw himself flying in an airplane over an almond grove. And I was absolutely happy...

Nobody wanted this death, not even the killers themselves. But the course of events cannot be reversed...

Love During the Plague (1985)

Love that conquers everything: space, time, adversity and even the imperfections of human souls.

The story of the swarthy beauty Fermina, her childhood friend Fiorentino and her husband, Dr. Juvenal Urbino.

She preferred marriage to a dreamy scientist, who is looking for a way to escape the plague, to passionate youthful love.

But Fiorentino believes, loves and waits. And the strength of his love only grows stronger over the years ...

The Dangerous Adventures of Miguel Littin in Chile (1986)

1985 Director Miguel Littin, who was expelled from the country 12 years ago, returned illegally to Chile to make a film about his homeland with a hidden camera.

Military dictatorship and the people... What has the country become? What do ordinary Chileans think and dream about? Can the people resist the bloody regime?

See Chile through the eyes of the fearless Miguel Littin!

General in his maze (1989)

For two centuries, the brave general Simon Bolivar managed to become almost a mythical character.

On his account - hundreds of merits, and one more impressive than the other: he skillfully commanded thousands of soldiers, tirelessly overcame impassable roads and loved hundreds of women ...

Only in this book we will not talk about the victories of the general, but about his last days. This is a novel about the slow fading of a great commander, surrounded by officers, servants and abandoned women ...

About love and other demons (1994)

Maria Angela, a young marchioness, is bitten in the market by a stray dog, which many in the city are convinced has rabies. And now the baby is being treated for a non-existent ailment by all and sundry: healers, charlatans, bakers ...

And soon everyone decided that Maria Angela was possessed by demons and should be sent to a monastery.

The young priest Cayetano undertook to save an innocent soul ...

Abduction Story (1996)

Drama set in Colombia.

90s of the last century. The government of the country, which was trying with all its might to fight the drug mafia, arrested the top of one of the cartels. Now gang members face extradition to the United States and severe punishment.

Drug lords led by Pablo Escobar make a retaliatory move: they organize the kidnapping of nine journalists, whose names are known to every citizen of Colombia.

The government refuses to make a deal with the drug mafia and now every day for the hostages can be the last...

Live to talk about life (2002)

Before you is one of the last works of Gabriel Marquez. Penetrating and frank memories of a life lived, saturated with light sadness ...

But it is worth remembering that the Great Master has always bizarrely intertwined the real with the fictional.

The true magic of realism.

Remembering My Poor Sluts (2004)

El Sabio is a legendary journalist. He devoted his whole life to his favorite newspaper and was always alone. A man who does not want to tie the knot or just have a serious relationship finds pleasure in a brothel.

On the day of his ninetieth birthday, El Sabio decided to fulfill his wildest desire - to spend the night in the arms of a very young girl. A dream… Vicious and sad at the same time.

But as soon as he saw HER, all dirty thoughts left his head. He fell in love for the first time...

- (Garcia Marquez, Gabriel) (b. 1928), Colombian prose writer, one of the largest contemporary Latin American writers. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1982). Born March 6, 1928 in the coastal Colombian town of Aracataca, grew up ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

Garcia Marquez- García Márquez, Gabriel Gabriel García Márquez Gabriel García Márquez G. García Márquez at the Guadalajara International Film Festival, 2009 ... Wikipedia

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia

Marquez Gabriel Garcia- Gabriel Garcia Marquez isp. Gabriel García Márquez Date of birth: March 6, 1928 (age 81) ... Wikipedia

Marquez, Gabriel Garcia- Gabriel Garcia Marquez isp. Gabriel García Márquez Date of birth: March 6, 1928 (age 81) ... Wikipedia

Marquez Gabriel Garcia- Gabriel Garcia Marquez isp. Gabriel García Márquez Date of birth: March 6, 1928 (age 81) ... Wikipedia

Garcia Marquez Gabriel- García Marquez (García Marquez) Gabriel (b. 1928, Aracataca, Colombia), Colombian writer. Wrote scripts. He was a reporter for the liberal newspaper "El Espectador" ("El Espectador") in Bogota and Europe, in 1959 60 correspondent of the Cuban agency ... ...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez- Biography of Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born March 6, 1927 in the coastal Colombian town of Aracataca. He was brought up by his grandmother and grandfather, who introduced him to legends, folklore and folk ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

Garcia Marquez- (García Marquez) Gabriel (b. 1928, Aracataca, Colombia), Colombian writer. Wrote scripts. He was a reporter for the liberal newspaper "El Espectador" ("El Espectador") in Bogota and Europe, in 1959 60 correspondent for the Cuban agency "Prensa ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Gabriel Garcia Marquez- ... Wikipedia


  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Collected works in 6 volumes (set of 6 books), Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Nobel Prize winner, Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the most significant prose writers of world literature of the 20th century. A number of works included in the collected works of Garcia Marquez ... Buy for 51,000 rubles
  • The Territory of the Word, García Márquez Gabriel. Gabriel Garcia Marquez - about his fellow writers: Hemingway, Borges, Neruda, about his own books and their criticism, about the Nobel Prize, about the past and the future. About the rivers of your childhood and the scent...

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