When is the birthday of Dmitry Malikov. Two main women in the fate of Dmitry Malikov


55-year-old Elena Malikova answered all critics and ill-wishers, advising not to pay attention to the numbers in the passport.

Singer Dmitry Malikov and his wife Elena became parents for the second time on January 24: the baby of the star couple was born in a clinic in St. Petersburg. The musician's heir was carried and given birth by a surrogate mother. Elena admitted: she and her husband were not going to tell the general public about their son and intended to keep the news of his birth a secret for as long as possible.

The plans of the star couple were violated by one of the clinic staff, leaking information to one of the TV channels. And then Malikov himself on Instagram told his fans that he had become a father. It was not in vain that the star couple wanted to avoid publicity, because along with congratulations and wishes of happiness to the newly-made parents, quite offensive remarks sometimes fly on social networks. The comments discuss the late motherhood of Elena, who will celebrate her 55th birthday in February, i.e. reaches retirement age, she is 7 years older than her husband, and the fact that a surrogate mother carried and gave birth to the Malikovs' child.

Elena decided to answer all ill-wishers through Instagram. The artist's wife advised critics not to look at age and not be afraid of the numbers in the passport, but simply live and enjoy every day - the way they do with Dima. The birth of a baby brought great happiness to their home, and now the couple began a new life.

« Good morning! I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for the kind words and congratulations, and even THANK YOU for the malicious comments - your poison and sting released into my address train my soul!? I would not like to enter into polemics with the whole world, but those who consider it necessary to comment on our personal life should also hear my point of view. So here it is! You can have a different attitude towards life and age - get annoyed with the young, beautiful, rich, be afraid of old age and tomorrow, think about death with horror ... But there is another way - just be happy every day, love those who are nearby, take care of them, do not sit still, but act, do not become limp, but develop and, finally, do not look into your passport - there is nothing new and interesting there. Moreover, be sure to forgive the offenders, in my opinion, INSTAGRAM was sent to us for forgiveness?. And the last! Thanks to the birth of our son, one more love on this earth has become! ❤. I wish you happiness!”, wrote Elena Malikova.

Fans in the comments reassure Elena: do not pay attention to evil and envious people, the main thing is the happiness of the family and the birth of a baby. " You are great! It is such a joy and an incentive to be better, get younger and learn new things.”, - the followers write, - “K Of course, becoming parents at a late age is a big responsibility, but people in their 20s are far from succeeding».

Many women took the side of Malikova, who, like Elena, are sure: at 40, life is just beginning.

« We have a sick society, unfortunately, a lot of frames, restrictions, artificially grown in the minds of people!- writes one of the subscribers. - Age, height, bank account status and a bunch of other parameters by which society strives to live! And for some reason it is decided in our sick society that after 40-45 years a woman dies. She is, but there is nothing to take from her! Now, I despise this limited approach. I have friends who are not interested even at 30. And we need such examples as Malikova! Let these fragrant, beautiful, and self-confident women become millions of times more! With the birth of a baby!»

Dmitry and Elena have not yet come up with a name for their son - the parents are sorting out all the possible options, but have not yet settled on a single one. The Malikovs brought their son from a St. Petersburg clinic to Moscow on January 29: a beautifully decorated nursery was waiting for the newborn. Then the couple decided to show the boy to their fans by posting a touching family photo on Instagram. In the photo, Malikov gently kisses his wife, and the tiny brother, dressed in a blue suit, is holding the daughter of a star couple Stephanie in his arms. Caring parents covered the child's face with a smiley face. The photo appeared on Elena Malikova's Instagram. Without restraining her emotions, the artist's wife spoke about how she lost her parents, and again found a happy family, only when she married Dmitry:

« I was the only child in the family Elena wrote. - Beloved, smart, beautiful, but the only one. When I was 20, my mother suddenly died, then my father. I was saved from the horror of what had happened then by my, still very little, daughter Olya. Just because she was. After some time, my life changed dramatically - I met Dima, thanks to him I found a wonderful family: he, his parents, sister, grandmother, aunts, nephew, our wonderful daughter and son ... Family is a team! Where one is for all and all is for one! And the more young players in it, the stronger it is».

The birth of a baby was the best birthday present for Dmitry Malikov: on January 29, the musician celebrated his 48th birthday. The news that the artist had a son was a complete surprise for everyone. Many at first decided that this was a hoax, because recently Dmitry has constantly surprised his fans on social networks with incendiary posts and videos in which he jokes a lot and gives non-trivial advice.

The former sex symbol of the 90s is experiencing a new wave of popularity, becoming an Instagram star. Moreover, in the large army of his fans there are ladies of all ages - from 15 to 60 and older. It is not surprising that the news about the birth of a son from a surrogate mother was initially perceived on the Internet as another bike. And only when the composer confirmed that he and his wife really became parents, the fans showered him with congratulations.

Recall that 48-year-old Dmitry and 55-year-old Elena Malikov have been together for a quarter of a century. The couple got married 25 years ago. In 2000, they first became parents. Their daughter Stefania Malikova is now 17 years old, she studies at MGIMO and works as a model.

Dmitry Malikov - Soviet and Russian singer and composer, producer, TV presenter, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2010). Known for songs of his own composition, mostly romantic content: “My distant star”, “You will never be mine” and “You are alone, you are like that”. He successfully combines classical and pop music in his musical career, is a talented and successful pianist.

Childhood and family

Dmitry Malikov was born on January 29, 1970 in a creative Moscow family. His father is the Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Fedorovich Malikov, the creator and leader of the once popular VIA "Gems". Mom, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova, was a ballet soloist, and then became her son's concert director. Dmitry also has a sister, younger by 7 years, singer Inna Malikova.

As a child, Dima was very athletic and devoted a lot of time to street games - for example, football. And when the parents invited the music teacher to study with Dima at home, the young athlete did not like it so much that he constantly ran away from lessons. The family lived on the first floor, so Dmitry jumped out the window as soon as he heard the doorbell ring. The teacher constantly scolded and reprimanded the grandmother, who spent most of her time raising Malikov, that her grandson would never become a musician.

Despite the first reluctance to study, Dima quickly achieved great heights in the musical field, masterfully mastered the piano. At the age of 14, the future popular artist composed his first song, which he called "Iron Soul". Music in Malikov's life soon took first place, and thoughts about a sports career faded into the background.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1985, Dmitry Malikov graduated from the 8th grade of the school and entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. At the same time, he began to take his first steps on the Russian stage - he played keyboards in his father's band VIA "Gems" and composed music. The songs of the young composer Dmitry Malikov were even included in the group's repertoire, and Larisa Dolina sang his composition "House on a Cloud".

His television debut happened in 1986: Dmitry Malikov performed on the program "Wider Circle" with the song "I am painting a picture" to the verses of Lilia Vinogradova. Later, in 1987, in the program " Yuri Nikolaev's Morning Mail" Malikov sang the song "Terem-Teremok".

Dmitry Malikov and Oleg Sleptsov ("Gems") - "Terem-Teremok"

His first compositions on the big stage were "Moon Dream" to the words of Lilia Vinogradova and "You will never be mine" to the words of David Samoilov. Then the first major success came to him - the composition "Moonlight Dream" became the record holder of the "Sound Track" hit parade, in which it lasted for a year. The listeners were fascinated by the romantic image of Malikov and his touching songs, in the same year he was recognized as the "Discovery of the Year".

A year later, at the "New Year's Light-89", the young musician sang his new composition called "Until Tomorrow". She is still considered his hallmark, and Dmitry traditionally includes her in his concert performances. In this and the following years, Malikov was recognized as the "Singer of the Year". His next songs - "Student", "Sing to me", "Dear side", "Everything will return", "Poor heart" - also topped the charts.

Dmitry Malikov - “You are alone, you are like that”

After graduating from a music school, in 1989, Dmitry Malikov became a student of the piano department of the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky, where he began to study with Professor Valery Kastelsky.

In the summer, the graduate was invited as a guest to the international music festival in Sopot, Poland. A year later, the artist already began performing solo concerts - the first large-scale performance took place in November 1990 at the Olimpiysky KSS in Moscow, where more than one thousand listeners came.

The heyday of a musical career

In 1993, Dmitry Malikov demonstrated his acting talent by playing in Alexander Proshkin's film See Paris and Die. In the same year, in Germany, he released the single Don "t Be Afraid ("Do not be afraid"), which he performed with the singer Oscar in a duet called Baroque. The following year, Malikov received a red diploma from the Moscow Conservatory.

In parallel with his pop career, Dmitry Malikov always found an opportunity to devote time to classical music and playing the piano. In 1995, the artist performed on the piano a concerto by Franz Liszt with an orchestra conducted by conductor Konstantin Kremets in the television program Paradise Cocktail. Two years later, Dmitry Malikov gave a concert in Stuttgart.

A little later, an album of instrumental music called "Fear of Flight" was released, favorably received by his fans. In 1999, Dmitry Malikov became an Honored Artist of Russia, and a year later he received the Ovation Award in the nomination For Intellectual Contribution to the Development of Youth Music.

His second instrumental album was released in 2001 under the title "Game". The disc includes piano arrangements of various popular songs of the national stage. By the way, Dmitry Malikov's instrumental compositions are constantly heard in television programs, and also become soundtracks for documentaries and feature films. In 2004, a reissue of the popular album "Fear of Flight" was released.

In 2007, the artist presented his author's project PIANOMANIA to the audience. The TV version of the concert within the framework of the project was shown on the air of the NTV channel, and after that the album of the same name was released, which sold over 100 thousand copies. The premiere concerts of the show were held twice with a full house on the stage of the Moscow Opera Theater. Dmitry Chernyakov became the director-producer.

Dmitry Malikov - "From a clean slate"

In 2010, Dmitry Malikov again gave a solo piano concerto, this time on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music (MMDM), and at the end of the year he presented the Symphonic Mania show in France, which was attended by such eminent groups as the Cirque du Soleil, the orchestra and the choir of the "New Opera" and the Imperial Russian Ballet G. Taranda. In the same year, the singer received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, Malikov created a social and educational project to help young pianists throughout Russia, which he called Music Lessons. In 2013, the singer released his next album called "25+", timed to coincide with the anniversary date in his work. And in 2015, the musician pleased his fans with the 15th disc "Cafe Safari", on which he recorded his new instrumental music.

A separate aspect in the work of Dmitry Malikov is video clips, many of which have become classics of domestic clip-making art. In total, the singer has about 20 video clips in the piggy bank, and most of them were shot by well-known directors - Oleg Gusev, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Yuri Grymov, Irina Mironova. Videos for the songs “Drink to the Bottom” and “My Distant Star” became laureates of the Russian festival of video clips “Generation”. In total, by 2018, Dmitry Malikov recorded 14 albums, as well as three collections of songs and two singles.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

The first wife of Malikov, however, a civil one, was the once popular singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. Their relationship lasted 6 years, after which Vetlitskaya left Dmitry depressed from parting.

Malikov and Vetlitskaya - "What a strange fate"

Now the artist is married to Elena Malikova (Izakson), who works as a designer. Since 1992, the couple lived in a civil marriage, and after the birth of their daughter Stephanie in 2000, the lovers have already formalized their relationship. In addition, Dmitry Malikov raised Olga Isakson, his wife's daughter from his first marriage. Elena is 7 years older than her husband.

Elena Valevskaya appeared in the world of show business as the wife of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov, whose biography is known to every resident of the Russian Federation. Over time, the woman who took her husband's surname managed to prove that she could be not only a wonderful wife, but also a worthy party. But at present, the name of Elena is repeatedly raised by the press in connection with the birth of a third child in a happy family, carried by a surrogate mother.

Facts from the life of an actress

The biography of Elena Malikova, whose date of birth is February 14, 1963, began in Tula. It was from there that the girl, carried away by creativity, went to the Kazan Art School, after graduating from which she went to Moscow. The next step for Elena was admission to VGIK as a director.

An unknown girl decided to try herself as an actress in order to study work on the set from the inside. At the invitation of director Alexander Sorokin (III), Elena starred in the films Arkady Fomich's Committee (1990) and Kill a Scorpion (1991), but they did not bring fame or recognition to the team. Another project of VGIK students was the short drama Kara (1993) directed by Anna-Maria Yarmolyuk.

Elena Valevskaya in her youth

Then the girl tried to implement film projects, making the short films Angothea (1994) and The Abyss (1995), becoming a director, screenwriter and artist at the same time. This was the end of her film career for Elena, as she never returned to this profession.

Becoming a fashion designer

To earn a living, Elena began to earn money at a children's art school. It was then that the girl realized that she had chosen the wrong direction in her career. Able to draw beautifully and constantly carried away by new, interesting ideas, the girl decided to try to implement the skills of the artist in the modeling business.

Elena Malikova artist-designer

A successful decision helped Elena Malikova to realize herself, and the biography of a woman with her own business allows her to be not only a wife, but also one of the leading designers in Italy. Starting a career in a new field as an artist drawing interesting lines of clothes for a beach holiday, the woman quickly found her niche.

Personal life

The first husband of Elena Valevskaya was a businessman, whom the artist married at the age of 18. A year later, replenishment happened in the young family. Daughter Olga Isakson (07/02/1985) has long grown up and graduated from MGIMO, and then the University of Paris. And she also married a businessman, the famous Jamal Khalilov. In August 2016, Olga had a daughter, Anna.

Elena Valevskaya, who had not yet decided on her choice of profession, lived in a happy marriage for 5 years, and then decided to divorce. An intelligent husband provided his wife with expensive fur coats and jewelry, bought expensive cars. But at a certain point, Elena realized that this was simply not her man. She needs another, with a completely different character and habits.

With daughter from first marriage

For some time, the woman preferred to remain single and independent, but then fate brought her together with Dmitry Malikov. A popular singer, having seen a photo of Elena Isakson in a photo album of mutual friends, wanted to get to know the beautiful muse live.

In life, Elena turned out to be a brighter and more interesting woman than it seemed to the singer at the beginning. The beautiful and confident artist did not seek to charm Malikov and lure her into bed, and even honestly admitted that she was raising a rather adult first-grader daughter. Without forcing events, cautious Dmitry and Elena began to live together in 1992, and they entered into an official marriage only after the birth of a joint child.

With her second husband Dmitry Malikov

At first, the difference in the age of the newlyweds was the most discussed topic of the public. But Elena did not pay attention to the statements regarding the fact that Dima is 7 years younger than the woman. A significant age difference has not become a reason for conflicts within the family, and this is the main thing for happy spouses. For almost 20 years of marriage, Malikova learned to respect the authority of her husband, who decides all the main points in the family.

Stefania Dmitrievna was born on February 13, 2000 and is currently graduating from MGIMO. As the daughter of popular parents, Stefania got used to publicity from an early age, and leads an active life on social networks, where she covers interesting moments from the life of the family. He is currently dating Leonid Gruzdev.

With daughter Stephanie

In 2018, Elena and Dmitry shared some interesting news with the media. For a long time they planned to conceive another child, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Therefore, the family turned to the clinic for help, where a surrogate mother was found for the unborn baby. On January 24, the son of Dmitry Malikov was born.

The artist and the artist admitted that they did not want to tell the press about the birth of their son, but the medical workers of the maternity hospital “leaked” the information to the leading TV channels of the Russian Federation. Therefore, a day later, Dmitry and Elena were invited to popular shows, which skillful hosts had already planned by the hour and minute. Young parents refused to participate in such programs, and then Dmitry Malikov wrote about the birth of the baby on Instagram. The happy father, who has long dreamed of a son, said that the name of the child has not yet been chosen. But both spouses believe that the baby was born under a lucky star, because all members of the Malikov family are Aquarius by the zodiac sign.

With husband and daughter


Elena Malikova managed to fulfill herself in the field of design and continues to promote the business that was successfully launched in the 90s in Italy. The woman also acts as an executive producer in the husband's center and organizes the all-Russian event "Music Lessons" during which Dmitry Malikov works with gifted children. All classes are held as part of a charity event and are absolutely free.

Elena Malikova today

Elena Malikova also realized the potential of a screenwriter by developing a number of projects together with Dmitry Malikov. Together they wrote the play "Flip the Game" (2016), the show of which is still relevant for grateful viewers.

They started talking about her immediately when this woman appeared next to a popular singer and composer. Such is the influence of a media person: everyone who is in the nearest radius instantly falls into the field of view of the public. But Elena is worthy of compliments not only because she made a couple of stars.

Elena Valevskaya (that's her maiden name) was born in February 1963 in Tula. The girl became the only child in the family. A creative atmosphere reigned in the house, because the girl graduated from the Kazan Art School and went to continue her education in the capital. Having received a diploma from the Institute of Culture, Elena decided not to put an end to education.

In 1990, the girl entered the famous VGIK, choosing the directing department. Studied directing.


After graduation, the creative biography of Elena Malikova began. The young woman was looking for her own place in life. Elena tested her strength as an actress and starred in the films "Kill a Scorpion" and "Kara". The first film was directed by Alexander Sorokin. The drama contains elements of an action movie and a crime film. The second tape appeared in 1993 and became the diploma work of Anna-Maria Yarmolyuk, a graduate of VGIK.

At the same time, the girl tried to make a career in the modeling business: at one time she worked at a children's art school, where she got a job as a fashion designer. Looking ahead, let's say that in this area the woman has achieved the greatest success. She has a profitable business: in Italy, Malikova launches a line of beachwear. Later, Elena Malikova brand stores appeared in Moscow. Innate taste and femininity help Lena look her best and keep up with the latest fashion trends in the production of clothes produced by her company.

But then, at the dawn of her formation, Elena tried her hand in various industries, including the economy. The girl got a job in a joint Russian-Austrian enterprise as an economist and often traveled on foreign business trips.

Personal life

For the first time, Lena Valevskaya got married early: at the age of 18, the girl became the wife of a businessman, from whom she gave birth to a girl at 19. The daughter of Elena Malikova from her first marriage is called. At the age of 20, Lena experienced a personal tragedy - her mother died, soon Valevskaya lost her father. But the daughter Olya, who had appeared by that time, helped Elena survive difficult moments. In addition, the husband surrounded his wife with attention and care.

It seems that in this marriage, the young beauty had everything that compatriots only dreamed of. At that difficult time (dashing 90s), Lena moved around the city in expensive cars. The husband presented his wife with luxurious fur coats and jewelry at a fabulous price. But at the age of 25, Elena suddenly realized that every day is like the previous one and life flows away like sand through her fingers.

Then Elena met with Dmitry. Lena's plans did not at all include "jumping out" to get married again and fall into another golden cage.

Acquaintance with Dmitry was not an accident. The singer once saw a photo of a beauty in an album of mutual friends and fell in love. The musician persistently asked for an acquaintance with Lena. Under pressure, the friends gave up and finally brought the couple together. It was love at first sight. Elena conquered the star with her beauty and femininity, and also with the fact that she was already a self-sufficient woman who knew her worth and did not seek to please. The girl was not going to hide from Dmitry that she had a daughter, Olya, who was about to go to 1st grade.

The young began to live together. The period of "grinding" was not easy, but this couple had the main thing that helped to overcome adversity and problems - love. Since 1992, the young lived in a civil marriage. But in 2000, when a daughter was born, the couple decided to legalize the relationship and Elena became the legal wife of Dmitry Malikov. Now the couple have become a real strong family.

The date of birth of Elena Malikova is the main reason for envious people and spiteful critics to gossip about a star couple. The difference between the spouses is 7 years. But although Dmitry is younger than the second half, only her husband is an indisputable authority in the family. According to Lena, it is not a problem for her to be a submissive wife, therefore peace and complete mutual understanding reign in the house. In addition, Elena Malikova manages to maintain an ideal external shape. The woman regularly visits the fitness room, where she does stretch, does strength exercises on simulators and runs several kilometers on a treadmill. From cosmetic procedures prefers mesotherapy.

The personal life of Elena Malikova is developing successfully. The eldest daughter Olga Isakson studied in France, then graduated from MGIMO, at the same time she became interested in creating artistic photos, presented a number of solo exhibitions. In 2016, Olga became the wife of entrepreneur Jamal Khalilov and gave birth to his daughter Anna. The younger Stefania, after graduating from school, followed in the footsteps of her older sister and became a student at MGIMO, the girl entered the faculty of journalism.

In January 2018, rumors appeared on the network about the imminent birth of an heir in the Malikov family. Speculation was not taken seriously, since Elena and Dmitry did not comment on this information. But on January 29, 2018, Dmitry from the page of his own " Instagram"Told fans about a happy event in the family -. The child was born in a clinic in St. Petersburg from a surrogate mother. Following her husband, Elena Malikova also posted a joyful post on her own page. This publication was the first public photo of a married couple with a newborn.

Elena Malikova now

Now the wife of Dmitry Malikov is developing her own modeling business and is the right hand of the famous spouse. Elena holds the position of executive producer in his production center. The wife participates in the organization of Dmitry's master classes "Music Lessons", which Malikov conducts in the cities of Russia for children. Events are held under the heading of a charity event, viewers attend the "lessons" for free.

Elena is directly involved in Dmitry Malikov's educational musical project "Turn the Game Over". In the performance, which premiered in November 2016, Malikova acted as the author of the idea and co-author of the screenwriter. Together with Dmitry, Elena produced a music show.

The production is designed to introduce children of middle and senior school age to a variety of musical styles and genres, from the baroque era to jazz masterpieces and hits by contemporary pop artists. The director Olga Subbotina and the actor who acted as a screenwriter participated in the creation of the show.

Singer and musician, composer and producer - Dmitry Malikov became popular, first of all, as a performer of lyrical pop compositions. In fact, Dmitry devotes most of his work to writing serious instrumental works and playing the piano. About the creative career of Dmitry Malikov, his biography, age, wife, we have prepared interesting facts in our article.


Dmitry Malikov was born in Moscow, in the family of musician Yuri Malikov and singer Lyudmila Vyunkova on January 29, 1970.

Dmitry spent all his childhood and youth surrounded by musicians and artists. Yuri Fedorovich Malikov was the artistic director of the VIA "Gems", and his wife was a soloist of this ensemble. Often, parents took little Dmitry and his younger sister with them on tour. But to a greater extent, the grandmother was engaged in the upbringing of the future singer and composer.

The Malikov family was friends and is still friends with the equally popular musical couple Presnyakovs, in which Dmitry's peer, Volodya Presnyakov, grew up. The boys became friends from early childhood and have since become inseparable friends. Both in childhood simply dreamed of a sports career, especially their favorite sports were hockey and football. But genetics took over. And to the unspeakable joy of his parents and grandmother, the boy very quickly lost interest in sports and decided to devote himself entirely to music.

The parents of Dmitry Malikov thoroughly approached the future of their son. At the age of 5, Dmitry already attended a music school. Upon graduation, he continued his musical education at a music school and then at the Moscow State Conservatory.


Dmitry's creative career as a composer began quite early. At the age of 15, he had already become the author of several fairly popular songs. Larisa Dolina even took one of them into her repertoire.

A year later, the young composer was invited to shoot the musical program "Wider Circle". He performed his own song "I'm painting a picture." With the song "Terem - Teremok" Dmitry Malikov made his debut in the famous "Morning Post".

The real popularity came to Dmitry in 1988. He became famous primarily as a solo artist. His songs “You will never be mine”, “Moon Dream”, “Until Tomorrow” instantly took the first lines of the country's musical charts. In addition, a young man pleasant in all respects instantly fell in love with millions of girlish hearts.

Dmitry Malikov also has several successful film roles to his credit.

A special place in the creative biography of Dmitry Malikov is the performance of classical works on the piano. In 1997, Dmitry Malikov went on a big tour with piano concerts in Germany. On them, he performed not only the works of the world's great composers, but also several new works from his instrumental album Fear of Flight. Dmitry continued his career as a pianist in such famous ensembles as Moscow Virtuosi, Moscow Soloists, Music Viva and others.

In 2010, a large solo piano concert by Dmitry Malikov was held at the MMDM, which brought together an unprecedented number of admirers of his talent.

In the same year, an unprecedented show of classical music Symphonic Mania was presented in France by Dmitry Malikov. More than 40 concerts were held in the largest cities of France.

In 2012, Dmitry opened a new project "Music Lessons". In it, young participants can show their musical abilities and receive several piano lessons from Dmitry Malikov.

In 2013, another music album by Dmitry Malikov "25+" was released.. In it, the composer collected works summing up a certain result of his twenty-five years of concert activity.

For his creative activity, Dmitry Malikov released 17 music discs, opened at least 10 projects, starred in several dozen video clips.

Dmitry Malikov is a laureate of many festivals and awards. Among them: "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone", "Stopudov Hit", "Monte Carlo Music Awards", "Ovation" and others.

For outstanding success and contribution to art, in 2010 Dmitry Malikov was awarded the honorary title - People's Artist of the Russian Federation. He was also awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic of Adygea, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

Family, wife, children

Before his only official marriage, Dmitry Malikov lived in a civil marriage with the popular singer Natalya Vetlitskaya.

In 1992, Dmitry met his future wife and mother of his children, designer Elena Isakson. Elena herself is not a Muscovite, she was born in Kazan, and she came to Moscow, like many others - to conquer! And she succeeded. She graduated from the directing department of VGIK and even managed to star in several films. Despite the age difference (Elena is 7 years older than her husband), Dmitry immediately realized that this relationship was for a long time. A real beauty, Elena was able to win the heart of a famous artist once and for all. They did not formalize the relationship, until the birth of their common daughter Stephanie.

At the time of their meeting, Elena's daughter Olga was already growing up. She was born in 1985 in a previous marriage. Now she is a famous photographer. She received an excellent education at MGIMO and in Paris. He is married to businessman Jamal Khalilov.

In 2000, the long-awaited daughter Stefania (Stesha - as her relatives call her) is born in the Malikov family. Now she is 18 years old, she is a student at MGIMO, a participant in fashionable youth parties, a singer, a blogger. Meets the son of a famous oligarch - Leonid Gruzdev. Her name and photo are often found in various show business news.

In January 2018, Dmitry and Elena Malikov had a son.

The wife of Dmitry Malikov is a successful business woman. She owns her own business in Italy. Elena is engaged in the development and production of beachwear, which is not only very popular in Europe, but will soon appear in Russian boutiques. Do not forget that Elena is an artist-designer by her first education. And what can not be taken away from her is an impeccable sense of style and harmony.

Spouses represent a well-coordinated reliable tandem. The biography of Dmitry Malikov is inextricably linked with his family and wife. Their life together is based on mutual respect, support, love, trust, regardless of age. It is these qualities that are the foundation of a long happy relationship.

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