When I return, be at home read online - elchin safarli. Elchin Safarli: When I return, be at home We have been given so much, but we do not appreciate


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Cover photo: Alena Motovilova



© Safarli E., 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Any use of the material in this book, in whole or in part, without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

The publisher would like to thank the literary agency Amapola Book for their assistance in acquiring the rights.


Elchin Safarli is a volunteer of the Strong Lara Foundation for Homeless Animals. In the photo he is with Reyna. This once stray dog, paralyzed by a shot by an unknown person, now lives in the foundation. We believe that very soon the day will come when our pet will find a home.


Now I feel more clearly the eternity of life. No one dies, and those who loved each other in one life will surely meet after. Body, name, nationality - everything will be different, but we will be attracted by a magnet: love binds forever. In the meantime, I live my life - I love and, sometimes, I get tired of love. I remember the moments, carefully keep this memory in myself, so that tomorrow or in the next life I will write about everything.

My family

Sometimes it seems to me that the whole world, all life, everything in the world has settled in me and demands: be our voice. I feel - oh, I don't know how to explain it... I feel how huge it is, and I start talking - baby talk comes out. What a difficult task: to convey a feeling, a feeling in such words, on paper or aloud, so that the one who reads or listens feels or feels the same as you.

Jack London

Part I

We all once climbed out of a salty font into the light of day, for life began in the sea.

And now we can't live without her. Only now we eat salt separately and drink fresh water separately. Our lymph has the same salt composition as sea water. The sea lives in each of us, although we separated from it long ago.

And the most terrestrial man carries the sea in his blood without knowing it.

Perhaps that is why people are so drawn to look at the surf, at the endless series of waves and listen to their eternal rumble.

Victor Konetsky

Don't invent hell

it's winter here all year round. The sharp north wind - it often grumbles in a low voice, but sometimes turns into a cry - does not release the whitish land and its inhabitants from captivity. Many of them have not left these lands since birth, proud of their devotion. There are those who from year to year run away from here to the other side of the ocean. Mostly brown-haired women with bright nails.

In the last five days of November, when the ocean recedes meekly, bowing its head, they - with a suitcase in one hand, with children in the other - rush to the pier, wrapped in brown cloaks. Ladies - one of those who are devoted to their homeland - through the cracks of the closed shutters, they follow the fugitives with their eyes, grinning - either out of envy, or from wisdom. “Invented hell. They devalued their land, believing that it is better where they have not yet reached.

Your mom and I are fine here. In the evenings she reads books about winds aloud. In a solemn voice, with a proud look involved in magic. At such moments, Maria reminds the leading weather forecasters.

“... The speed reaches twenty to forty meters per second. It blows constantly, covering a wide strip of the coast. As the updrafts move, the wind is observed over an increasingly large part of the lower troposphere, rising upwards for several kilometers.

On the table in front of her are a stack of library books and a teapot of linden tea brewed with dried orange peel. “Why do you love this restless wind?” I ask. Returns the cup on the saucer, flips the page. "He reminds me when I was young."

When it gets dark, I hardly go outside. Sitting in our house smelling of rooibos, softened clay, and raspberry jam cookies, your favourite. We always have it, mom puts your portion in the closet: all of a sudden, like in childhood, you run out of a hot day into the kitchen for basil lemonade and cookies.

I do not like the dark time of the day and the dark water of the ocean - they oppress me with longing for you, Dost. At home, next to Maria, it’s easier for me, I’m getting closer to you.

I will not upset you, I will tell you about something else.

In the morning, before lunch, my mother works in the library. Books are the only entertainment here, everything else is almost inaccessible due to the wind, dampness and the nature of the locals. There is a dance club, but few people go there.

I work in a bakery close to home, kneading dough. Manually. Amir, my companion, and I bake bread - white, rye, with olives, dried vegetables and figs. Delicious, you'd love it. We do not use yeast, only natural sourdough.

Dostu, baking bread is a feat of diligence and patience. It's not as easy as it seems from the outside. I can’t imagine myself without this case, as if I wasn’t a man of numbers.

I miss. Dad

We have been given so much, but we do not appreciate

I want to introduce you to those who here, sometimes without knowing it, make us better. Does it matter that we are under seventy! Life is a constant work on yourself, which you can’t entrust to anyone, and sometimes you get tired of it. But do you know what the secret is? On the road, everyone meets those who, with a kind word, silent support, a set table, help to pass part of the way easily, without loss.

Mars is in a good mood in the morning. Today is Sunday, Maria and I are at home, we all went for a morning walk together. Dressed warmly, grabbed a thermos of tea, moved to an abandoned pier, where seagulls rest in calm weather. Mars does not scare away the birds, lies nearby and looks at them dreamily. They sewed warm clothes for him so that his belly would not catch a cold.

I asked Maria why Mars, just like a man, likes to watch birds. “They are absolutely free, at least we think so. And the birds can stay for a long time where it doesn’t matter what happened to you on earth.”

Sorry, Dostu, I started talking, I almost forgot to introduce you to Mars. Our dog is a mixture of a dachshund and a mongrel, he was taken from a shelter distrustful and intimidated. Warmed up, loved.

He has a sad story. Mars spent several years in a dark closet, the inhuman owner put cruel experiments on him. The psychopath died, and the neighbors found the barely alive dog and handed it over to volunteers.

Mars cannot be left alone, especially at night, whines. There should be as many people around him as possible. I take it with me to work. There, and not only, they love Mars, even though he is a gloomy fellow.

Why do we call it Mars? Because of the fiery brown coat and a temperament as harsh as the nature of this planet. In addition, he feels good in the cold, enjoys floundering in snowdrifts. And the planet Mars is rich in deposits of water ice. Are you making a connection?

When we returned from a walk, the snow intensified, the wires were covered with white growths. Some passers-by rejoiced at the snowfall, others scolded.

Dost, how important it is not to interfere with each other to create magic, albeit a small one. Everyone has their own - on a piece of paper, in the kitchen preparing red lentil soup, in a provincial hospital or on the stage of a hushed hall.

There are also a lot of those who create magic to themselves, without words, fearing to let it out.

One should not question the talents of one's neighbor; you should not draw the curtains, preventing someone from watching how nature works its magic, carefully covering the roofs with snow.

So much is given to people for free, but we do not appreciate it, we think about paying, we demand checks, we save up for a rainy day, missing the beauty of the present.

I miss. Dad

Don't forget where your ship is sailing

our white house stands thirty-four paces from the ocean. It has been empty for many years, the paths to it are covered with a thick layer of ice; the chimney was clogged with sand, gull feathers, mouse droppings; the stove and walls yearned for warmth; through the frosted window panes the ocean was not readable at all.

Locals are afraid of the house, calling it "sword", which translates as "infecting with pain." “Those who settled in it fell into the prison of their own fears, went crazy.” Silly arguments did not stop us from moving into the house we fell in love with as soon as we stepped on the threshold. Perhaps for some it has become a prison, for us it has become a liberation.

Having moved, the first thing they did was to melt the stove, make tea, and in the morning they repainted the walls that had warmed up during the night. Mom chose the color "starry night", something between lavender and violet. We liked it, we didn't even hang pictures on the walls.

But the shelves in the living room are filled with children's books that we read with you, Dostu.

Remember, your mother told you: “If everything goes wrong, pick up a good book, it will help.”

From a distance, our house merges with the snow. In the morning, from the top of the hill, only the endless whiteness, the greenish ocean water and the brown marks of the rusty sides of Ozgur, are visible. This is our friend, get acquainted, I put his photo in an envelope.

To an outsider, it's an aged fishing boat. For us, the one who reminded us how important it is to accept change with dignity. Once Ozgur shone on mighty waves, scattering nets, now, tired and humble, he lives on dry land. He is glad that he is alive and can, at least from a distance, see the ocean.

In Ozgur's cabin, I found an old logbook filled with amusing thoughts in the local dialect. It is not known who owns the records, but I decided that this is how Ozgur is talking to us.

Yesterday I asked Ozgur if he believes in predestination. On the third page of the magazine, I received the answer: "We are not given the will to manage time, but only we decide what and how to fill it."

Last year, municipality officials wanted to send Ozgur for scrap. If not for Maria, the longboat would have perished. She dragged him to our site.

Dostu, the past and the future are not as important as the present. This world is like a ritual dance of the Sema Sufis: one hand is turned with its palm to the sky, accepts a blessing, the other - to the earth, shares what it has received.

Remain silent when everyone is talking, speak when your words are about love, even through tears. Learn to forgive those around you, so you will find the way to forgive yourself. Do not fuss, but do not forget where your ship is sailing. Maybe he lost his course?

I miss. Dad

Life is just a journey. enjoy

when we drove up to this city with suitcases, a blizzard covered the only road to it. Fierce, blinding, thick white. I can not see anything. The pine trees that stood on the side of the road in gusts of wind whipped the car, which was already rocking dangerously.

The day before the move, we looked at the weather report: no hint of a storm. It started as suddenly as it stopped. But in those moments it seemed that there would be no end to it.

Maria offered to return. “This is a sign that now is not the time to go. Turn around!" Normally resolute and calm, Mom suddenly panicked.

I almost gave up, but I remembered what would be behind the obstacle: the white house I loved, the ocean with immense waves, the aroma of warm bread on a linden board, Van Gogh's Tulip Field in a frame on the fireplace, the muzzle of Mars waiting for us in the shelter, and there is still a lot of beauty, - and pressed the gas pedal. Forward.

If we had gone back in time, we would have missed a lot. These letters would not exist. It is fear (and not evil, as is often believed) that prevents love from unfolding. Just as a magical gift can become a curse, fear brings destruction if not learned to control it.

Dost, how interesting it is to take life lessons when the age is far from young. The great ignorance of man lies in his belief that he has felt and experienced everything. This (and not wrinkles and gray hair) is real old age and death.

We have a friend, psychologist Jean, we met in a shelter. We took Mars, and he took a tailless red cat. Recently, Jean asked people if they are satisfied with their lives. Most answered positively. Then Jean asked the following question: “Do you want to live as you live for another two hundred years?” Respondents twisted their faces.

People get tired of themselves, albeit joyful ones. Do you know why? They always expect something in return - from circumstances, faith, deeds, loved ones. “It's just the way. Enjoy,” Jean smiles and invites us to his onion soup. Made an appointment for next Sunday. Are you with us?

I miss. Dad

We all really need each other

The onion soup was a success. It was interesting to follow the cooking, especially the moment when Jean put the garlic-rubbed croutons into pots of soup, sprinkled with gruyere and into the oven. After a couple of minutes, we enjoyed soupe à l "oignon. Washed down with white wine.

We have wanted to try onion soup for a long time, but somehow never got around to it. It was hard to believe that it was delicious: memories of school broth with coarsely chopped boiled onions did not cause appetite.

“In my opinion, the French themselves have forgotten how to cook the classic soupe à l" oignon, and they are constantly coming up with new recipes, one tastier than the other. In fact, the main thing in it is onion caramelization, which will turn out if you take sweet varieties. Add sugar - extreme! And, of course, it is important with whom you share a meal. The French do not eat onion soup alone. "For this it is too warm and cozy," said my Isabelle.

That was the name of Jean's grandmother. He was a boy when his parents died in a car accident, he was raised by Isabelle. This was a wise woman. On her birthday, Jean cooks onion soup, gathers friends, remembers his childhood with a smile.

Jean is from Barbizon, a city in northern France where artists from all over the world came to paint landscapes, including Monet.

“Isabelle taught me to love people and help those who are not like everyone else. Maybe because such people in our then village per thousand inhabitants stood out, and it was too hard for them. Isabelle explained to me that “normal” is a fiction that is beneficial to those in power, as they supposedly demonstrate our insignificance and inconsistency with a fictional ideal. People who consider themselves defective are easier to manage ... Isabelle escorted me to school with the words: “I hope that today you will meet yourself unique.”

…It was a magical evening, Dostu. The space around us was filled with wonderful stories, mouth-watering aromas, new flavors. We sat at a laid table, the radio sang “Life is beautiful” in the voice of Tony Bennett; overeaten Mars and red-haired quiet Mathis sniffled at the feet. We were filled with bright peace - life goes on.

Jean remembered Isabelle, Maria and I - our grandparents. Mentally thanked them and asked for forgiveness. For the fact that, growing up, they needed their care less and less. And they still loved, waited.

Dost, in this strange world we all really need each other.

I miss. Dad

Our only job is to love life

you probably have deja vu. Jean explains these flashes by reincarnation: the immortal soul in a new incarnation remembers what it felt in the previous body. “So the Universe suggests that one should not be afraid of earthly death, life is eternal.” It's hard to believe it.

Over the past twenty years, deja vu has not happened to me. But yesterday I felt how exactly the moment of my youth was repeated. A storm broke out in the evening, and Amir and I finished things earlier than usual: he made the dough for morning bread, I stewed apples and cinnamon for puffs. A novelty of our bakery, loved by customers. Puff pastry cooks quickly, so usually in the evening we only make the filling.

By seven the bakery was closed.

Thoughtfully, I walked home along the raging ocean. Suddenly, a prickly blizzard whipped across his face. Defensively, I closed my eyes and was suddenly transported to a memory of fifty years ago.

I'm eighteen. War. Our battalion defends the border on a mountain with a ridge seventy kilometers long. Minus twenty. After the night offensive, there were few of us left. Despite being wounded in my right shoulder, I cannot leave my post. The food is over, the water is running out, the order is to wait for the morning. Reinforcements are on the way. At any moment, the enemy can mow down the remnants of the battalion.

Frozen and exhausted, at times almost losing consciousness from pain, I stood at the post. The storm was raging, not abating, whipping me from all sides.

Dostu, then for the first time I knew despair. Slowly, inevitably, it takes possession of you from the inside, and you cannot resist it. At such moments, one cannot even concentrate on prayer. Waiting. Salvation or end.

Do you know what held me back then? Story from childhood. Hiding under the table at one of the adult gatherings, I heard it from Anna's grandmother. Working as a nurse, she survived the siege of Leningrad.

Grandmother recalled how once, during a long shelling, a cook in a bomb shelter was cooking soup on a burner. From what they could collect: someone gave a potato, someone an onion, someone a handful of cereals from pre-war stocks. When it was almost ready, she took off the lid, tasted it, salted it, put the lid back on: “Five more minutes and you’re done!” Exhausted people stood in line for stew.

But they couldn't eat that soup. It turned out that laundry soap got into it: the cook did not notice how it stuck to the lid when she put it on the table. The food was spoiled. The cook burst into tears. No one stuttered, no one reproached, no one looked reproachfully. In the most difficult circumstances, people did not lose their humanity.

Then, at the post, I again and again recalled this story, told by Anna's voice. Survived. Morning came, help arrived. I was taken to the hospital.

Dost, it is not given to a person to fully know life, no matter how hard he tries. We think we understand what, how and why it works. But every new day its serpentines and denouements prove the opposite - we are always at the desk. And the only task is to love life.

I miss. Dad

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Title: When I return, be at home
Writer: Elchin Safarli
Year: 2017
Publisher: AST
Genres: Contemporary Russian Literature

About the book "When I return, be at home" by Elchin Safarli

It is hard to lose loved ones, and even harder when children leave. This is an irreplaceable loss, this is a huge emptiness in the soul until the end of days. It is difficult to put into words what parents feel at such moments. Elchin Safarli was able not only to describe the state of mind of people who lost their daughter, but also did it beautifully. You simply cannot resist emotions - they will overwhelm you with your head and will never let you go. This is one of those books that will change people's lives.

In the book "When I return, be at home" tells the story of a family where their daughter died. Each of its members experiences this tragedy in their own way. A man writes letters to his daughter. He does not think that she will never read them - he believes otherwise. He talks on a variety of topics - about love, about life, about the sea, about happiness. He tells his daughter about everything that happens around.

When you start reading Elchin Safarli's book, you can't stop. There is some special atmosphere here - the taste of salty sea air, the pleasant breeze that you feel in your hair, and the sand that sags under your steps. But the wind will disappear with the next gust, and the wave will destroy the footprints in the sand. Everything in the world disappears somewhere, but I would like so much that the most dear and beloved was always there.

It is difficult to philosophize over the books of Elchin Safarli - his skill in this matter is simply impossible to surpass. Even the name says a lot. Each line is full of pain, despair, but the desire to live on - for the sake of your child, to be able to write letters to her and talk about life.

The entire book “When I return, be at home” can be broken down into quotes that will help you not to despair in difficult times, get up and move on, no matter what. It is true they say that we begin to appreciate only when we lose it - and it does not matter whether it is a person or some object.

The book is gray as a cloudy day, sad as the story of the unhappy love of Romeo and Juliet. But she is so quivering, sincere, real ... She has power - the power of the ocean, the power of the elements, the power of parental love for their children. It is impossible to convey in simple words what you experience when you start reading this work. You just have to take a word, take a book and ... disappear for several days, talking about the eternal - about love, about life, about death ...

If you like philosophical sad works, then Elchin Safarli has prepared something special for you. Many were looking forward to this particular work and were not disappointed. Read it too, and perhaps something special will appear in your life - exactly that footprint in the sand that will help you move on, despite the difficulties and losses.

On our literary site books2you.ru you can download Elchin Safarli's book "When I return, be at home" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

When I return, be at home

Elchin Safarli

Elchin Safarli's bestsellers

Elchin Safarli

When I return, be at home

Cover photo: Alena Motovilova



© Safarli E., 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Any use of the material in this book, in whole or in part, without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

The publisher would like to thank the literary agency Amapola Book for their assistance in acquiring the rights.

http://amapolabook.com/ (http://amapolabook.com/)

Elchin Safarli is a volunteer of the Strong Lara Foundation for Homeless Animals. In the photo he is with Reyna. This once stray dog, paralyzed by a shot by an unknown person, now lives in the foundation. We believe that very soon the day will come when our pet will find a home.

Now I feel more clearly the eternity of life. No one dies, and those who loved each other in one life will surely meet after. Body, name, nationality - everything will be different, but we will be attracted by a magnet: love binds forever. In the meantime, I live my life - I love and, sometimes, I get tired of love. I remember the moments, carefully keep this memory in myself, so that tomorrow or in the next life I will write about everything.

My family

Sometimes it seems to me that the whole world, all life, everything in the world has settled in me and demands: be our voice. I feel - oh, I don't know how to explain it... I feel how huge it is, and I start talking - baby talk comes out. What a difficult task: to convey a feeling, a feeling in such words, on paper or aloud, so that the one who reads or listens, feels or feels the same as you.

Jack London

We all once climbed out of a salty font into the light of day, for life began in the sea.

And now we can't live without her. Only now we eat salt separately and drink fresh water separately. Our lymph has the same salt composition as sea water. The sea lives in each of us, although we separated from it long ago.

And the most terrestrial man carries the sea in his blood without knowing it.

Perhaps that is why people are so drawn to look at the surf, at the endless series of waves and listen to their eternal rumble.

Victor Konetsky

Don't invent hell

it's winter here all year round. The sharp north wind - it often grumbles in a low voice, but sometimes turns into a cry - does not release the whitish land and its inhabitants from captivity. Many of them have not left these lands since birth, proud of their devotion. There are those who from year to year run away from here to the other side of the ocean. Mostly brown-haired women with bright nails.

In the last five days of November, when the ocean recedes meekly, bowing its head, they - with a suitcase in one hand, with children in the other - rush to the pier, wrapped in brown cloaks. Ladies - one of those who are devoted to their homeland - through the cracks of the closed shutters, they follow the fugitives with their eyes, grinning - either out of envy, or from wisdom. “Invented hell. They devalued their land, believing that it is better where they have not yet reached.

Your mom and I are fine here. In the evenings she reads books about winds aloud. In a solemn voice, with a proud look involved in magic. At such moments, Maria reminds the leading weather forecasters.

“... The speed reaches twenty to forty meters per second. It blows constantly, covering a wide strip of the coast. As the updrafts move, the wind is observed over an increasingly large part of the lower troposphere, rising upwards for several kilometers.

On the table in front of her are a stack of library books and a teapot of linden tea brewed with dried orange peel. “Why do you love this restless wind?” I ask. Returns the cup on the saucer, flips the page. "He reminds me when I was young."

When it gets dark, I hardly go outside. Sitting in our house smelling of rooibos, softened clay, and raspberry jam cookies, your favourite. We always have it, mom puts your portion in the closet: all of a sudden, like in childhood, you run out of a hot day into the kitchen for basil lemonade and cookies.

I do not like the dark time of the day and the dark water of the ocean - they oppress me with longing for you, Dost. At home, next to Maria, it’s easier for me, I’m getting closer to you.

I will not upset you, I will tell you about something else.

In the morning, before lunch, my mother works in the library. Books are the only entertainment here, everything else is almost inaccessible due to the wind, dampness and the nature of the locals. There is a dance club, but few people go there.

I work in a bakery close to home, kneading dough. Manually. Amir, my companion, and I bake bread - white, rye, with olives, dried vegetables and figs. Delicious, you'd love it. We do not use yeast, only natural sourdough.

Dostu, baking bread is a feat of diligence and patience. It's not as easy as it seems from the outside. I can’t imagine myself without this case, as if I wasn’t a man of numbers.

I miss. Dad

We have been given so much, but we do not appreciate

I want to introduce you to those who here, sometimes without knowing it, make us better. Does it matter that we are under seventy! Life is a constant work on yourself, which you can’t entrust to anyone, and sometimes you get tired of it. But do you know what the secret is? On the road, everyone meets those who, with a kind word, silent support, a set table, help to pass part of the way easily, without loss.

Mars is in a good mood in the morning. Today is Sunday, Maria and I are at home, we all went for a morning walk together. Dressed warmly, grabbed a thermos of tea, moved to an abandoned pier, where seagulls rest in calm weather. Mars does not scare away the birds, lies nearby and looks at them dreamily. They sewed warm clothes for him so that his belly would not catch a cold.

I asked Maria why Mars, just like a man, likes to watch birds. “They are absolutely free, at least we think so. And the birds can stay for a long time where it doesn’t matter what happened to you on earth.”

Sorry, Dostu, I started talking, I almost forgot to introduce you to Mars. Our dog is a mixture of a dachshund and a mongrel, he was taken from a shelter distrustful and intimidated. Warmed up, loved.

He has a sad story. Mars spent several years in a dark closet, the inhuman owner put cruel experiments on him. The psychopath died, and the neighbors found the barely alive dog and handed it over to volunteers.

Mars cannot be left alone, especially at night, whines. There should be as many people around him as possible. I take it with me to work. There, and not only, they love Mars, even though he is a gloomy fellow.

Why do we call it Mars? Because of the fiery brown coat and a temperament as harsh as the nature of this planet. In addition, he feels good in the cold, enjoys floundering in snowdrifts. And the planet Mars is rich in deposits

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water ice. Are you making a connection?

When we returned from a walk, the snow intensified, the wires were covered with white growths. Some passers-by rejoiced at the snowfall, others scolded.

Dost, how important it is not to interfere with each other to create magic, albeit a small one. Everyone has their own - on a piece of paper, in the kitchen preparing red lentil soup, in a provincial hospital or on the stage of a hushed hall.

There are also a lot of those who create magic to themselves, without words, fearing to let it out.

One should not question the talents of one's neighbor; you should not draw the curtains, preventing someone from watching how nature works its magic, carefully covering the roofs with snow.

So much is given to people for free, but we do not appreciate it, we think about paying, we demand checks, we save up for a rainy day, missing the beauty of the present.

I miss. Dad

Don't forget where your ship is sailing

our white house stands thirty-four paces from the ocean. It has been empty for many years, the paths to it are covered with a thick layer of ice; the chimney was clogged with sand, gull feathers, mouse droppings; the stove and walls yearned for warmth; through the frosted window panes the ocean was not readable at all.

Locals are afraid of the house, calling it "sword", which translates as "infecting with pain." “Those who settled in it fell into the prison of their own fears, went crazy.” Silly arguments did not stop us from moving into the house we fell in love with as soon as we stepped on the threshold. Perhaps for some it has become a prison, for us it has become a liberation.

Having moved, the first thing they did was to melt the stove, make tea, and in the morning they repainted the walls that had warmed up during the night. Mom chose the color "starry night", something between lavender and violet. We liked it, we didn't even hang pictures on the walls.

But the shelves in the living room are filled with children's books that we read with you, Dostu.

Remember, your mother told you: “If everything goes wrong, pick up a good book, it will help.”

From a distance, our house merges with the snow. In the morning, from the top of the hill, only the endless whiteness, the greenish ocean water and the brown marks of the rusty sides of Ozgur, are visible. This is our friend, get acquainted, I put his photo in an envelope.

To an outsider, it's an aged fishing boat. For us, the one who reminded us how important it is to accept change with dignity. Once Ozgur shone on mighty waves, scattering nets, now, tired and humble, he lives on dry land. He is glad that he is alive and can, at least from a distance, see the ocean.

In Ozgur's cabin, I found an old logbook filled with amusing thoughts in the local dialect. It is not known who owns the records, but I decided that this is how Ozgur is talking to us.

Yesterday I asked Ozgur if he believes in predestination. On the third page of the magazine, I received the answer: "We are not given the will to manage time, but only we decide what and how to fill it."

Last year, municipality officials wanted to send Ozgur for scrap. If not for Maria, the longboat would have perished. She dragged him to our site.

Dostu, the past and the future are not as important as the present. This world is like a ritual dance of the Sema Sufis: one hand is turned with its palm to the sky, accepts a blessing, the other - to the earth, shares what it has received.

Remain silent when everyone is talking, speak when your words are about love, even through tears. Learn to forgive those around you, so you will find the way to forgive yourself. Do not fuss, but do not forget where your ship is sailing. Maybe he lost his course?

I miss. Dad

Life is just a journey. enjoy

when we drove up to this city with suitcases, a blizzard covered the only road to it. Fierce, blinding, thick white. I can not see anything. The pine trees that stood on the side of the road in gusts of wind whipped the car, which was already rocking dangerously.

The day before the move, we looked at the weather report: no hint of a storm. It started as suddenly as it stopped. But in those moments it seemed that there would be no end to it.

Maria offered to return. “This is a sign that now is not the time to go. Turn around!" Normally resolute and calm, Mom suddenly panicked.

I almost gave up, but I remembered what would be behind the obstacle: the white house I loved, the ocean with immense waves, the aroma of warm bread on a linden board, Van Gogh's Tulip Field in a frame on the fireplace, the muzzle of Mars waiting for us in the shelter, and there is still a lot of beauty, - and pressed the gas pedal. Forward.

If we had gone back in time, we would have missed a lot. These letters would not exist. It is fear (and not evil, as is often believed) that prevents love from unfolding. Just as a magical gift can become a curse, fear brings destruction if not learned to control it.

Dost, how interesting it is to take life lessons when the age is far from young. The great ignorance of man lies in his belief that he has felt and experienced everything. This (and not wrinkles and gray hair) is real old age and death.

We have a friend, psychologist Jean, we met in a shelter. We took Mars, and he took a tailless red cat. Recently, Jean asked people if they are satisfied with their lives. Most answered positively. Then Jean asked the following question: “Do you want to live as you live for another two hundred years?” Respondents twisted their faces.

People get tired of themselves, albeit joyful ones. Do you know why? They always expect something in return - from circumstances, faith, deeds, loved ones. “It's just the way. Enjoy,” Jean smiles and invites us to his onion soup. Made an appointment for next Sunday. Are you with us?

I miss. Dad

We all really need each other

The onion soup was a success. It was interesting to follow the cooking, especially the moment when Jean put the garlic-rubbed croutons into pots of soup, sprinkled them with Gruyère and into the oven. After a couple of minutes we were enjoying the soupe ? l "oignon. Washed down with white wine.

We have wanted to try onion soup for a long time, but somehow never got around to it. It was hard to believe that it was delicious: memories of school broth with coarsely chopped boiled onions did not cause appetite.

“In my opinion, the French themselves have forgotten how to cook a classic soupe? l "oignon, and they constantly come up with new recipes, one is tastier than the other. In fact, the main thing in it is the caramelization of onions, which will turn out if you take sweet varieties. Adding sugar is an extreme! And, of course, it is important with whom you share a meal. The French don't eat onion soup alone. 'It's too warm and cozy for that,' said my Isabelle."

That was the name of Jean's grandmother. He was a boy when his parents died in a car accident, he was raised by Isabelle. This was a wise woman. On her birthday, Jean cooks onion soup, gathers friends, remembers his childhood with a smile.

Jean is from Barbizon, a city in northern France where artists from all over the world came to paint landscapes, including Monet.

“Isabelle taught me to love people and help those who are not like everyone else. Maybe because such people in our then village per thousand inhabitants stood out, and it was too hard for them. Isabelle explained to me that “normal” is a fiction that is beneficial to those in power, as they supposedly demonstrate our insignificance and inconsistency with a fictional ideal. People who consider themselves flawed are easier to manage ... To school Isabelle

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accompanied me with the words: “I hope today you will meet yourself unique.”

…It was a magical evening, Dostu. The space around us was filled with wonderful stories, mouth-watering aromas, new flavors. We sat at a laid table, the radio sang “Life is beautiful” in the voice of Tony Bennett; overeaten Mars and red-haired quiet Mathis sniffled at the feet. We were filled with bright peace - life goes on.

Jean remembered Isabelle, Maria and I - our grandparents. Mentally thanked them and asked for forgiveness. For the fact that, growing up, they needed their care less and less. And they still loved, waited.

Dost, in this strange world we all really need each other.

I miss. Dad

Our only job is to love life

you probably have deja vu. Jean explains these flashes by reincarnation: the immortal soul in a new incarnation remembers what it felt in the previous body. “So the Universe suggests that one should not be afraid of earthly death, life is eternal.” It's hard to believe it.

Over the past twenty years, deja vu has not happened to me. But yesterday I felt how exactly the moment of my youth was repeated. A storm broke out in the evening, and Amir and I finished things earlier than usual: he made the dough for morning bread, I stewed apples and cinnamon for puffs. A novelty of our bakery, loved by customers. Puff pastry cooks quickly, so usually in the evening we only make the filling.

By seven the bakery was closed.

Thoughtfully, I walked home along the raging ocean. Suddenly, a prickly blizzard whipped across his face. Defensively, I closed my eyes and was suddenly transported to a memory of fifty years ago.

I'm eighteen. War. Our battalion defends the border on a mountain with a ridge seventy kilometers long. Minus twenty. After the night offensive, there were few of us left. Despite being wounded in my right shoulder, I cannot leave my post. The food is over, the water is running out, the order is to wait for the morning. Reinforcements are on the way. At any moment, the enemy can mow down the remnants of the battalion.

Frozen and exhausted, at times almost losing consciousness from pain, I stood at the post. The storm was raging, not abating, whipping me from all sides.

Dostu, then for the first time I knew despair. Slowly, inevitably, it takes possession of you from the inside, and you cannot resist it. At such moments, one cannot even concentrate on prayer. Waiting. Salvation or end.

Do you know what held me back then? Story from childhood. Hiding under the table at one of the adult gatherings, I heard it from Anna's grandmother. Working as a nurse, she survived the siege of Leningrad.

Grandmother recalled how once, during a long shelling, a cook in a bomb shelter was cooking soup on a burner. From what they could collect: someone gave a potato, someone an onion, someone a handful of cereals from pre-war stocks. When it was almost ready, she took off the lid, tasted it, salted it, put the lid back on: “Five more minutes and you’re done!” Exhausted people stood in line for stew.

But they couldn't eat that soup. It turned out that laundry soap got into it: the cook did not notice how it stuck to the lid when she put it on the table. The food was spoiled. The cook burst into tears. No one stuttered, no one reproached, no one looked reproachfully. In the most difficult circumstances, people did not lose their humanity.

Then, at the post, I again and again recalled this story, told by Anna's voice. Survived. Morning came, help arrived. I was taken to the hospital.

Dost, it is not given to a person to fully know life, no matter how hard he tries. We think we understand what, how and why it works. But every new day its serpentines and denouements prove the opposite - we are always at the desk. And the only task is to love life.

I miss. Dad

I will wait for you as long as it takes

When I met your mother, she was married. She is twenty-seven, I am thirty-two. He immediately confessed his feelings to her. "I'll wait for you as long as it takes." He continued to come to the library where she worked, took books, but that was all. I waited for Maria for four years, although she did not promise that she would come.

Later I found out: she thought I would cool down, switch to another. But I was adamant. This is not love at first sight, but the moment when you see a person and understand: here he is - the one. From the first time we met, I decided that this brown-haired girl would be my wife. And so it happened.

I was waiting for her myself, but I did not expect anything from her. Not that she will give birth to children for me and fill the house with comfort; nor one that continues on the road that brought us together. Deep confidence that we will be together under any circumstances, swept away all doubts.

Meeting with Mary is the absence of hesitation even when it seemed that there was no hope.

I knew that our lives would intersect, I did not stop believing in it, although there were plenty of reasons to doubt it.

Everyone deserves a meeting with his person, but not everyone has it. Some do not allow the will to get stronger and lose faith, others, disappointed, notice only the unsuccessful experience of the past, and someone does not wait at all, being content with what they have.

Your birth has strengthened my bond with Mary. It was another gift from Destiny. We were so passionate about each other and work (love is a wonderful combination of friendship and passion) that the thought of a child did not occur to us. And suddenly life sent us a miracle. You. Our souls and bodies united, merged into one whole, and the path became common. We tried our best to love, to protect you, but there were some mistakes.

I remember how Maria, rocking you, was worried: “Everything changes so quickly in her that I dream of stopping time like never before.” Nothing gave us greater happiness than to see how you, sleepy baby, open your eyes, look at us and smile at the fact that we are your dad and mom.

Dostu, the barriers to happiness are an illusion of the subconscious, fears are empty worries, and a dream is our present. She is reality.

I miss. Dad

Madness is half wisdom, wisdom is half madness

Until recently, Umid, a good-natured rebel boy, worked in our bakery. He delivered baked goods from house to house. Clients loved him, especially the older generation. He was helpful, although he rarely smiled. Umid reminded me of twenty years old - a volcano of internal protest, is about to break out.

Umid was brought up in a Catholic school and dreamed of becoming a priest. At the time of growing up, he dropped out of school, left home. "Many believers pretend to be someone they are not."

The day before yesterday, Umid announced that he was resigning. Moves.

“I don’t want to live in this damn city. Tired of calling its ugliness uniqueness, and the hypocrisy of society - a property of the mentality. You, the visitors, do not see how rotten everything is here. And eternal winter is not a feature of a geographical location, but a curse. Look at our government, all they do is talk about love for the motherland. If they started talking about patriotism, then they were stealing. But we ourselves are to blame: when they elected themselves, we were sitting at the TV with popcorn.”

Amir persuaded Umid to think carefully, I remained silent. I remember myself as a teenager very well - nothing could stop me. Impulsive decisions helped move things forward.

Dostu, you knew that my grandfather Barish

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was a teacher in a theological seminary? We talked about God more than once. I felt a higher power over me, but religious dogmas aroused rejection in me.

Once, excited by Barysh's calm reaction to another school injustice, I blurted out: “Grandfather, nonsense, that everything is always on time! Our will determines too much. There is no miracle, no predestination. Everything is only will.

Barish patted me on the shoulder. “Your words confirm that everyone has their own way of going through life. Forty years ago, I would have agreed with you recklessly, but now I understand that the Almighty is invariably near and that everything is in His will. And we are only children - who are persistent, creative, purposeful, who, on the contrary, are pure contemplators. However, we are what we see from above.

Then the words of my grandfather seemed to me an invention, but over the years I turned to them more and more often. Not from the desire to find peace in the higher, but from the realization that everything in this world is in balance: half of madness consists of wisdom, wisdom of madness.

Umid could not be persuaded. He needed to leave to understand: sometimes it is impossible not to love people, even if they seem bad.

I miss. Dad

Forget about time and everything will work out

Today I finally got Lithuanian bread. For a week I tried to bake it - it was not possible. Either too sweet or too sour. In this bread, initially high acidity, which is balanced with honey, so I could not find a middle ground. The proofing of the dough was not given either - the crumb was sticking out of the cracks in the finished loaf.

Amir explained that the dough according to the Lithuanian recipe is sensitive and requires full involvement in the process. During the kneading, you can not be distracted. "Forget about time, and everything will work out." Tried. The bread came out excellent, whole, chocolate-appetizing in appearance. On the second or third day, it began to turn out even tastier. You'd like it, Dost.

The reason for our disappointments is often that we are not in the present, we are busy remembering or waiting.

I always hurried you, daughter. Sorry. I wanted you to do as much as possible. Maybe because I missed a lot in my childhood? After the war, schools and libraries were rebuilt. So many desires lived in me - to learn, to learn, to comprehend - but there were no opportunities.

I was afraid that the child would repeat my fate.

I tormented you with haste, while from an early age you have your own special rhythm. At first I was worried about your slowness, then I noticed: Dost manages everything.

Do you remember how Lisa Brunovna, the primary school teacher, called you "wise turtle"? Are you offended. On the contrary, she smiled, asked us to give you an aquarium turtle for your birthday to call her by her name.

You taught Maria and me to appreciate the moment. We did not understand this, we worked like driven horses, we tried to do everything at once. We had to part with you, face emptiness, move here in order to realize - the abyss of years, we did not leave ourselves time to stop and feel how much slips between our fingers: silence, peace, transitions from one state to another.

Here, in the City of Eternal Winter, there is a folk wisdom: "No one can be led to where he himself has not yet reached."

Recently I read that usually people identify themselves exclusively with action: they strive to forget about death, or rather, about their fear of it. The pursuit of new achievements, impressions helps to get away from sad thoughts.

Running away is useless! Fear will grow, crush until you look him in the eye. And as you look, you will understand that there is nothing terrible.

I miss. Dad

I want to hug you

among the letters written to you there are those that I do not dare to send. They are on the same paper, in the same envelopes as the others, but about something else. About despair. I'm not ashamed of it, but I don't want you to read how sometimes your father...doesn't believe.

Despair is called the last and main tool of the devil, he uses it against the most persistent, when the previous methods - pride, jealousy, hatred - are powerless.

Maybe that's the way it is, but I'm sure: there are no people who do not experience despair at times. However, it recedes, it is only worth accepting that life is impossible without sorrows, losses, and that they are transient.

When the blues roll in, I stay at work, knead the dough for buns. I come home when Mary is sleeping. I change clothes, walk Mars, wait for the morning and return to the bakery to take the pastries to the nearest orphanages. These trips help dispel the feeling of the futility of the days lived.

In my youth, I poured alcohol into despair, hid from it in noisy companies behind a curtain of cigarette smoke. It didn't get any easier. Then I chose solitude. Helped.

When you left, despair began to come more often, to linger longer. Hard. If only your mother didn't feel it. Although sometimes it seems to me that she herself is holding on with all her might.

What is my desperation? About different things. About parents mercilessly selected by the war. About hunger and death of innocent children. About books burning down with houses. About a humanity that does not learn from repeated mistakes. About people who drive themselves into loneliness as soon as they stop sharing their warmth with others.

My despair that I cannot hug you, daughter.

I will definitely remind myself (wouldn't that be a lie?) that I can hug you in memories, that the material world is not a barrier for souls who love each other. I will console Maria with this when I see her crying over your photo. But now I don’t believe in anything - I carry pain, protest in myself. With quick steps I wander along the shore or bake bread.

I like messing around with dough, Dostu. Feel its living warmth, inhale the aroma of bread, crunch with a ringing crust. To know that children will eat what I bake. A girl with the same freckles as yours. This thought in desperate days gives strength to return home and live on.

I miss. Dad

Living things can't stay the same

at noon we visited the mosque with Amir. Today is his parents' birthday. They died on the same day, three years apart. They were buried in the homeland of Amir, in a village with plantations of rough quince.

My friend misses his parents and everything he left behind in his native land. There is a seventh year of war between government troops and armed opposition groups. The latter legalized slavery in the territories under their control - and this is now, in the twenty-first century!

“I can’t return because of the war, and my wife and children are against it. All the cemeteries in the village have been bombed, people have nowhere to visit the dead. I go to the mosque, although I am not religious. Here I hear the voices of my father and mother more clearly than anywhere else.

With age, a person thinks about what will follow death. According to Islam, every Muslim is waiting for a new life in heaven or hell. Depends on how he lived - righteous or sinful. I ask Amir if he believes in an afterlife. "Not really. Both heaven and hell are on earth, like all rewards and punishments. I think everyone there will get what they believed in here.”

While Amir was at the mosque, I took a walk around. The children waiting for their parents played snowballs, sparrows flew down from the high-voltage wires and circled over the kids. Our city is wonderful.

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Wrapped in snow all year round, he himself, like snow, is cold, white, beautiful.

In the backyard are stone gravestones. Previously, spiritual leaders were buried here, it was considered honorable to be buried near the mosque. I looked at the graves and thought that living here and now is still the surest form of being. We are guests in this world and we have little time.

…Amir is a man of amazing calmness, both external and internal. He is twenty-six years younger than me, but his reaction to what is happening is simple, humble, without rebellion, loud questions - I don’t always succeed in this. He is contemplative, but not indifferent.

Amir's daily routine goes through the same actions: he wakes up at half past five in the morning, brews coffee with cardamom, prepares breakfast for his family, goes to the bakery, plays the guitar at lunchtime, returns home in the evening, has a hearty dinner (for the first, soup from orange lentils), reads to children and goes to bed. The next day everything repeats.

Such a predictable routine seems boring to me. Amir is happy. No explanation, no comparison. He went to this for a long time - to live in harmony with himself, to enjoy the love of what he built.

“I lived for many years on the occasion of parental desires. They were against 'fussing with the dough'. And I was madly in love with baking work, for hours on end I watched my mother cook cakes with anise or a cornmeal pie. My father beat me up for such an interest, dragged me to the slaughterhouse, wanted me to continue his work.

Amir was married to a second cousin. They lived for nine months, the girl died of malaria. “I couldn’t say no to my father and mother.” I felt obligated."

After the death of his parents, Amir married again: to the girl whom he loves with all his heart.

Because of the war had to leave the village. The city of eternal winter accepted Amir, here he opened a bakery, raises twin daughters.

Dostu, changes, even the most drastic ones, are the best seasoning for life. Nothing without them. Living things cannot remain unchanged.

I miss. Dad

The attraction between us has a life of its own

There are also warm days here. As scheduled, on March 20, the first bright sun peeps out, in honor of which a holiday is held. His main treat is matahari. Golden-colored raisin buns with a creamy taste. At first I decided that the pastry was named after the dancer. It turns out she has nothing to do with it. Matahari means "sun" in Malay.

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Elchin Safarli

When I return, be at home

Cover photo: Alena Motovilova



© Safarli E., 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Any use of the material in this book, in whole or in part, without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

The publisher would like to thank the literary agency Amapola Book for their assistance in acquiring the rights.



Elchin Safarli is a volunteer of the Strong Lara Foundation for Homeless Animals. In the photo he is with Reyna. This once stray dog, paralyzed by a shot by an unknown person, now lives in the foundation. We believe that very soon the day will come when our pet will find a home.


Now I feel more clearly the eternity of life. No one dies, and those who loved each other in one life will surely meet after. Body, name, nationality - everything will be different, but we will be attracted by a magnet: love binds forever. In the meantime, I live my life - I love and, sometimes, I get tired of love. I remember the moments, carefully keep this memory in myself, so that tomorrow or in the next life I will write about everything.

My family

Sometimes it seems to me that the whole world, all life, everything in the world has settled in me and demands: be our voice. I feel - oh, I don't know how to explain it... I feel how huge it is, and I start talking - baby talk comes out. What a difficult task: to convey a feeling, a feeling in such words, on paper or aloud, so that the one who reads or listens feels or feels the same as you.

Jack London

We all once climbed out of a salty font into the light of day, for life began in the sea.

And now we can't live without her. Only now we eat salt separately and drink fresh water separately. Our lymph has the same salt composition as sea water. The sea lives in each of us, although we separated from it long ago.

And the most terrestrial man carries the sea in his blood without knowing it.

Perhaps that is why people are so drawn to look at the surf, at the endless series of waves and listen to their eternal rumble.

Victor Konetsky

Don't invent hell

it's winter here all year round. The sharp north wind - it often grumbles in a low voice, but sometimes turns into a cry - does not release the whitish land and its inhabitants from captivity. Many of them have not left these lands since birth, proud of their devotion. There are those who from year to year run away from here to the other side of the ocean. Mostly brown-haired women with bright nails.

In the last five days of November, when the ocean recedes meekly, bowing its head, they - with a suitcase in one hand, with children in the other - rush to the pier, wrapped in brown cloaks. Ladies - one of those who are devoted to their homeland - through the cracks of the closed shutters, they follow the fugitives with their eyes, grinning - either out of envy, or from wisdom. “Invented hell. They devalued their land, believing that it is better where they have not yet reached.

Your mom and I are fine here. In the evenings she reads books about winds aloud. In a solemn voice, with a proud look involved in magic. At such moments, Maria reminds the leading weather forecasters.

“... The speed reaches twenty to forty meters per second. It blows constantly, covering a wide strip of the coast. As the updrafts move, the wind is observed over an increasingly large part of the lower troposphere, rising upwards for several kilometers.

On the table in front of her are a stack of library books and a teapot of linden tea brewed with dried orange peel. “Why do you love this restless wind?” I ask. Returns the cup on the saucer, flips the page. "He reminds me when I was young."

When it gets dark, I hardly go outside. Sitting in our house smelling of rooibos, softened clay, and raspberry jam cookies, your favourite. We always have it, mom puts your portion in the closet: all of a sudden, like in childhood, you run out of a hot day into the kitchen for basil lemonade and cookies.

I do not like the dark time of the day and the dark water of the ocean - they oppress me with longing for you, Dost. At home, next to Maria, it’s easier for me, I’m getting closer to you.

Nov 13, 2017

When I return, be at home Elchin Safarli

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Title: When I return, be at home

About the book "When I return, be at home" by Elchin Safarli

Have you ever thought that men write best about love? Everything in life seems different. The man is more restrained, less emotional. But if he is a writer, then these "laws" do not work here. Elchin Safarli confirms this. No wonder some fans of his work believe that he is a philosopher who knows a little more than we do. He talks about simple topics, but as if we are looking at all this from different angles. With his work, he makes you see something special in this life, appreciate every moment, love, love ...

The book "When I return, be at home" tells everything. This is a story about Hans, Maria and their daughter Dosta. It seems to be a normal life that many of us live. But here the father shares his thoughts with his daughter through letters… Paper letters, which the modern generation most likely does not even suspect.

This book is about the bitterness of loss - the loss of a loved one. Hans and Maria have lost their daughter, but each of them copes with grief in their own way. A man writes letters to his daughter that will never reach the addressee. If you decide to read this work, get ready for the fact that you will not be able to cope with emotions in any way. It is simply impossible not to cry from how subtly and emotionally Elchin Safarli perceives the world, and what a person must have talent to transfer all this to paper. You are amazed, but immediately there is an inspiration to live, create, appreciate, love ... With all your heart!

In his letters, the hero talks about what happened in the past, his memories, which are firmly planted in his memory. After all, it is from these grains that our whole life consists.

Perhaps we begin to realize this when we lose something - something that will never come back to us. But we have memories.

And in the book "When I return, be at home" there is beautiful music and the smell of the ocean. Just an indescribable feeling. It’s as if you are flying away to another world, where everything stopped with the tragedy of one family, but still continues to beat against the shore, like waves ...

It is difficult to find an author who could touch the strings of your soul, find those points that would finally make you wake up and understand that the priorities are mostly set incorrectly. This is not what we value in life - material goods will not make a person happy. Love is the force that drives all processes on the planet.

Everyone should read Elchin Safarli's book. This is a story about love, about pain, about the sea, about the smell of fresh pastries. There is life in every word. Perhaps the book will even force you to change something in your life, so that one day you won’t be left with only letters with thoughts never said from happiness ...

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