Conjugated linoleic acid: uses and side effects. Conjugated linoleic acid: reviews


Conjugated Linoleic Acid, or CLA, is a very popular product and there is a lot of controversy about its effectiveness today. It is an omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid derived from linoleic acid. It was discovered in the 80s of the last century by scientists from Texas. Researchers have found that this acid, found in milk and meat of cows, has a positive effect on the functioning of the body and even inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors.

In the 90s, they started talking about the fact that this substance accelerates lipid metabolism and does not give the excess energy that we get from food to turn into adipocytes - fat cells. Since supporting studies have been conducted, CLA has taken its place of honor among the main ingredients of dietary supplements for weight loss.

CLA properties

A person needs about 3 grams of CLA per day. It is found in the meat and milk of ruminants, but its high percentage is found only in those who eat natural grass and hay, and not various special feeds and grains. Finding such a healthy-fed cow is not particularly easy today, and its meat will cost much more. Therefore, it is much more profitable and easier to purchase dietary supplements. Its main useful properties include:
  • Decreased cholesterol levels. If you have it elevated and the doctor told you about it, then the reception will do you good.
  • Stimulation of general immunity. Research on this topic is ongoing and many scientists are already assuring consumers that this acid is very useful for immunity in general.
  • Burning body fat. When taken, the main substance blocks the formation of new fat cells and destroys old ones. But here it is worth understanding that each organism is individual and so far no one gives you one hundred percent confidence in a positive result.
  • Muscle formation. The dietary supplement performed well during the “drying” process. After taking it, the muscles look more defined and prominent.
  • Cancer prevention. So far, only animal experiments are being carried out, but there are already positive results and they are significant.
  • Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels as well as anti-inflammatory action.
  • Prevention of protein breakdown and enrichment with additional energy needed for active training.
  • Reducing the frequency of occurrence and exacerbation of allergic reactions. This is quite important when dieting.
Manufacturers claim that the dietary supplement will return the "youthful" metabolism and significantly reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, which in general will help get rid of excess weight and improve overall well-being.

Principle of operation and application of CLA

The fat that enters our body with food can be processed into the energy necessary for training and an active life, or it can be deposited in the form of not very aesthetically looking reserves. The task of the CLA is to indicate the correct path. It acts on the lipase enzyme, which in turn is responsible for the transport of fat and does not allow it to accumulate, converting it into vital energy.

This supplement is not a fast fat burner and the effect of it can be noticeable only a couple of months after the start of the course of use. Taking the drug should be combined with proper nutrition and physical activity, then the effectiveness will be much better.

When taking a supplement, you should take into account the diet and calorie intake. The menu should be saturated with carbohydrates and proteins and the daily calorie intake, depending on the initial body weight, should be 1800–2100 kcal.

The optimal dose of CLA to shed unwanted pounds would be 3.2-4 grams per day. You should not use more, the effect will not increase from this, and health may suffer. Drink capsules should be in accordance with the instructions. As nutritionists and athletes have noticed, the best time to take a supplement is one hour before meals or two hours after. The content of CLA in each capsule is indicated on the packaging or in the manufacturer's instructions, therefore, having decided on the required rate, you can break it down, for example, into three doses and drink it before breakfast, lunch and dinner. On average, the course lasts 3-4 months, but it all depends on the type of supplement, the state of the body and the goals set. A nutritionist will help you to find out more precisely the rate and duration of the course individually for yourself.

Consequences of using CLA for weight loss

Taking this supplement in large quantities can cause negative effects on the entire body. This is due to the fact that most dietary supplements that are on the market today do not contain natural acid, but chemically produced in the laboratory. Even following the instructions and recommendations of professionals, you can notice such unpleasant symptoms as:
  • severe diarrhea;
  • frequent abdominal pain;
  • flatulence and nausea, sometimes vomiting.
Large doses can contribute to the occurrence of fatty hepatosis of the liver, due to the accumulation of significant fatty deposits in it.

In addition to all of the above, the scientists state that several animal studies have shown that while effective in terms of weight loss, CLA may:

  1. exacerbate chronic inflammatory processes in the body;
  2. reduce the level of "good cholesterol";
  3. accelerate the development of insulin resistance.
All this in general can cause a large number of diseases of the internal organs.

Also, there are a number of contraindications to the use of the supplement. These include:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy in any trimester;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 18 years.

CLA - acid reviews, price

Oleg, 26

Taking CLA is fraught with very serious consequences. You need to be constantly monitored by a doctor. But the level of our medicine today still does not guarantee that even under the supervision of a doctor there will be no complications. You need to lose weight in the gym + healthy lifestyle, + PP. The rest is nonsense.

Renata, 35

I took CLA at my own risk. Before and after the appointment, she independently passed all the tests. Carefully followed the instructions. The side effect was in the form of vomiting several times and mild flatulence, but I continued to drink, because, in principle, I felt more or less. On the fifth day, I only missed it because of poor health. Then she continued. In general, I lost 7 kg in 2 weeks. The remedy is effective, but I suspect that people with a weak stomach will not stand it.

CLA in Russia can be bought at a price of about 1000 rubles for a can of 80 capsules, and in Ukraine - for 130 hryvnias.

Whether it is worth taking this dietary supplement for weight loss is a purely individual decision. Today, there are many more effective, time-tested and, at the same time, safer drugs on the market. On the other hand, if you think you are perfectly healthy, your doctor has confirmed that the supplement will not cause you any illness, you are not going to overdose, you follow the instructions and see a nutritionist regularly, then why not. Especially if you did not notice negative symptoms at the first reception.

Learn more about CLA in the following video:

What is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA or CLA) you ask? From a chemical point of view, it is a combination of various types of isomers of linoleic acid, mainly geometric and positional, the natural source of which is mainly meat and dairy products. I must say that CLA is the drug that almost every one of us has heard something about, but at the same time it is unlikely to be able to tell much. Meanwhile, the results of the latest scientific research indicate that CLA has a positive effect on the body of bodybuilders and representatives of other sports disciplines. Conjugated linoleic acid is also unique in that it is present in meat and dairy products, and even in small amounts close to daily intake with food, it has an anticarcinogenic effect.

CLA: general information and positive properties

The chemical structure of conjugated linoleic acid is not so different from that of linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that is of great importance for the health of the human body. As for natural sources of the nutrient, as a rule, we get omega-6 fatty acids from food, namely meat and dairy products, and therefore we can find CLA mainly in meat and dairy products.

Active study of the properties of CLA began after 1988, when scientists from the University of Wisconsin published the results of studies that demonstrated the anticarcinogenic effect of CLA on the body of rats eating fried meat. It was this experiment that aroused the interest of the scientific community in conjugated linoleic acid. It should be taken into account that the human body cannot obtain CLA through endogenous synthesis, and therefore we are forced to cover the need for this nutrient through food products such as butter, lamb, beef and whole milk.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a powerful and stimulant of the immune system, in addition, it has anti-carcinogenic properties and anti-catabolic effects. In addition, many credit CLA with the properties and nutrient that promotes the growth and development of skeletal muscles. Well, as we have said, CLA is an effective tool in the fight against cancer cells.

The following are the most scientifically studied benefits of CLA:

  • Acceleration of metabolism- an undoubted advantage for any athlete who seeks to get rid of excess weight and draw muscle relief.
  • Activation of muscle growth- in the process of intensive growth, muscles burn fat, and this helps to speed up metabolism, promotes weight loss and helps control body weight.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels and triglycerides - today many people suffer from an increase in the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which persists even against the background of hypocholesterolemic therapy. Taking CLA may have a beneficial effect on people suffering from hypercholesterolemia.
  • Lowers insulin resistance Reducing insulin resistance prevents the development of type 2 diabetes and helps control body weight.
  • Reduces the severity and frequency of food allergy exacerbations Since food allergies can interfere with weight loss, many allergy sufferers should take advantage of this property of CLA.
  • Stimulates the immune system- Representatives of modern society suffer from weakened immunity and an increase in the number of infectious agents, and therefore strengthening the immune system is important for each of us.

It has been proven that taking CLA preparations affects the composition of body tissues (increases the proportion of muscle tissue), inhibits the accumulation of fats, especially visceral and abdominal fats, and stimulates muscle growth. All these effects are realized due to the ability of CLA to inhibit the deposition of fats and carbohydrates in adipose tissue: CLA increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, due to which fats and glucose are more efficiently transported through the membranes of muscle cells, rather than being stored in adipose tissue. As a result, the percentage of muscle mass increases and the proportion of fat decreases.

In addition, there is strong evidence that CLA promotes the return of an intense "youthful" metabolism and accelerates fat burning. The unique mechanisms by which omega-6 fatty acids protect us from many diseases make them an essential component of any supplementation program.

We can safely say that the representatives of modern society are very different from previous generations. Our contemporaries very often suffer from CLA deficiency, and the reason for this is the changes that have taken place in the livestock industry. Because dairy and meat are the source of CLA, dramatic changes in the approach to feeding cattle have negatively affected the content of conjugated linoleic acid in animal products, which has led to a sharp nutrient deficiency in the diet of modern humans.

In order for the animal to accumulate enough CLA, cows must graze in the meadows and eat grass, and instead they receive synthetic feed on livestock farms. A scientific study of this issue has shown that the meat of a grass-fed cow contains 4 times more conjugated linoleic acid compared to the meat of an animal grown on compound feed. That's why dairy products today contain three times less CLA than they did back in the 1960s.

Go ahead. Everyone who walks the streets of a modern metropolis is convinced with his own eyes that the problem of obesity is becoming an epidemic. I'm not saying CLA deficiency is to blame, and I'm not saying that CLA will save humanity from being overweight, but animal studies show that adding CLA to the diet leads to an increase in the proportion of muscles in the composition of body tissues. In particular, one of the studies, dated 1996, showed a 58% decrease in the proportion of adipose tissue in the body of laboratory mice while taking CLA.

As I said before, CLA is a component of red meat and has anti-carcinogenic properties. The results of studies confirming the anticarcinogenic properties of the nutrient have been made public by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In the sports world, CLA is actively used by bodybuilders to improve the transport of glucose into muscle cells and stimulate the anabolic effect, and dieters can use this mechanism of burning glucose to prevent the deposition of sugar in adipose tissue.

The latest CLA oils contain 50% more cis-9 and trans-11 isomers, which are considered by most scientists to be the most biologically active. In its chemical structure, CLA is similar to linoleic acid, but it has the opposite effect on the most important physiological processes. For example, linoleic acid stimulates lipogenesis - the formation of new fats in adipose tissue, while conjugated linoleic acid inhibits lipogenesis processes. Another difference lies in the effect on tumor structures: linoleic acid accelerates the growth of neoplasms, and CLA, as the results of experiments show, inhibits the development of neoplasia.

Finally, another difference is that linoleic acid increases the susceptibility of cholesterol to oxidative reactions, while CLA increases its stability. It is precisely because of the enormous influence of fatty acids on physiological processes that an excess of linoleic acid, combined with a deficiency of CLA, is of tremendous importance for health and longevity.

Research results

Recently, CLA appeared in the form of concentrated nutritional supplements, and many positive properties were immediately attributed to it, in particular, the promotion of fat burning and muscle gain in combination with antitumor effects. At the same time, it should be noted that although over the past decades there have been many experiments devoted to the product of interest to us, they were carried out mainly on small animals. In humans, the properties of the acid have not been studied for a long time, and therefore there was uncertainty whether we get the same benefits from taking CLA? And the results of the experiments were indeed contradictory.

In December 2000, a team of scientists from Sweden released very exciting and promising results from their experiments: CLA promotes fat loss and helps to gain muscle mass. The study involved overweight and obese people who took 3.4 grams of CLA for 64 days. By the end of the experiment, none of the participants had achieved a reduction in total body weight. At the same time, many complained of nausea and said that it was difficult for them to take 12 CLA capsules per day. In the end, only 47 out of 60 participants survived the experiment to the end.

In another study, a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study published in December 2000, CLA was reported to promote fat loss and protect muscle tissue. According to the project leader, participants who took CLA lost an average of 3 kg more body fat compared to members of the control group who took placebo.

What do the results of these experiments tell us? The fact that daily intake of 3.4 grams of CLA allows you to realize the beneficial properties of the product in relation to reducing fat mass. However, Dr. Michael Parisa, who oversaw a similar study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told the American Chemical Society scientific committee back in August 2000 that “this drug does not reduce the size of adipocytes (fat cells). Rather, it hinders their further growth."

In his experiment, Dr. Parisa found no significant weight loss in a group of 71 overweight people. However, he was able to show that when participants regained weight after stopping the diet, those who took CLA “gained more muscle rather than fat.” And in an independent study conducted at Purdue University in Indiana, CLA was shown to increase insulin secretion in two out of three patients with type 2 diabetes and gently lower blood glucose and triglycerides.

In another large study, scientists from Norway followed a group of healthy overweight people (men and women) who took 1.7 g, 3.4 g, 5.1 g and 6.8 g of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) daily. In all groups, a noticeable decrease in fat and an increase in muscle mass was obtained, but this effect was most pronounced in the 3rd and 4th groups. Also in all groups there was a decrease in the concentration of lipids and triglycerides in the blood. Later, scientists from Sweden studied the properties of the nutrient on 25 obese people aged 39 to 64 years. The experiment, which lasted 4 weeks, showed that a daily intake of 4.2 g of CLA leads to a decrease in waist circumference by 1.4 cm.

In another double-blind study, participants took 600 mg of CLA or a placebo and followed a specific exercise program. Compared to the placebo group, the CLA group experienced a reduction in body fat percentage, but no significant reduction in overall weight. In a double-blind study in obese men, 4.2 g of CLA daily for 4 weeks resulted in a small but statistically significant decrease in waist circumference. However, when compared with the placebo group, CLA did not produce a statistically significant reduction in body weight. There is currently no conclusive evidence to support the effectiveness of CLA in the treatment of obesity.

Animal studies suggest that taking CLA supplements can help reduce body fat. At the same time, a few controlled experiments in humans have shown that daily intake of 5.6-7.2 g of CLA does not lead to a significant increase in strength indicators and a set of muscle mass in groups of experienced and untrained men who received strength training. Animal studies have confirmed the positive properties of CLA in preventing atherosclerosis, improving glucose tolerance and preventing food allergies. With regard to the anti-carcinogenic effect, the effect of CLA on tumor processes in the human body remains unexplored.

What do we end up with? It turns out that, despite a number of encouraging results confirming the beneficial properties of CLA, much more often scientists were forced to state the complete lack of benefit from taking CLA preparations, which we actually talked about.

For example, a recent study in sports involving long-term exercise did not show desirable changes in total body weight, lean mass, fat mass, body fat percentage, bone mass, strength, blood chemistry, and key markers of catabolism and the state of the immune system against the background of training and daily intake of 6 g of CLA. Meanwhile, earlier that year, a three-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled study failed to show positive results in terms of maintaining body weight after weight loss. Curiously, however, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) appears to promote active recovery of primarily lean mass when used at dosages of 1.8 and 3.6 grams per day.

As is the case with most stimulant ingredients available on the market, the results of experiments are quite inconsistent. Often the product helps some, but does not help others, so many have to experiment and independently look for the best drug that will help achieve their goals, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Major Natural Sources of CLA

As mentioned earlier, CLA is found in dairy, red meat, poultry, eggs and, surprisingly, corn oil. In addition, there are microorganisms in the human gut that can synthesize CLA from linoleic acid, but human studies have shown that eating foods rich in linoleic acid does not lead to an increase in CLA levels in the blood. You can also get CLA in the form of dietary supplements. The table shows the CLA content of common foods.

Side effects

Nothing is known about the side effects of CLA because there are very few human studies, especially long-term ones. However, one unpublished report reported cases of gastric and intestinal dyspepsia. At the moment, there are no data on clinically significant side effects of CLA, and there is no reliable information on drug interactions of the nutrient with other dietary supplements or pharmaceuticals.


Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a powerful antioxidant, anti-carcinogen and anti-catabolic, as well as a powerful immunomodulator. Deficiency of CLA in the standard diet may be one of the causes of obesity, which has become an epidemic in modern society. Although CLA is a powerful antioxidant, the antitumor effect appears to be mediated through other mechanisms of action of the metabolite.

However, increasing dietary intake of CLA does not seem appropriate. Even if we take into account all (including unconfirmed) positive properties of the product, in order to obtain an effective dosage, which is at least 3 grams of CLA, a person will have to eat at least 500 grams of saturated fat daily, which is 4,500 fat calories from food alone rich in conjugated linoleic acid. So if you want to raise your daily intake of CLA to levels that have been shown in clinical trials, take a supplement.

With regard to preparations containing CLA, preference should be given to those products in which the composition of CLA isomers is close to natural, i.e. the preparation mainly contains the c9 and t11 isomers of CLA. Actually, it is these drugs that are mainly presented in specialized stores.

Other CLA isomers (t10 and c12) may be much more effective in weight loss, but at the moment there are too many questions about their impact on overall health, and therefore it is not recommended to take these isomers in high dosages. Since the structure of CLA is similar to that of essential fatty acids (EFA), it is advisable to ensure that your diet contains foods such as sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, or EFA supplements.

For the first time, scientists started talking about linoleic acid in the early 90s of the last century, when, in the course of research, its ability to influence certain chemical reactions in the body was established. In particular, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) can significantly accelerate lipid metabolism in the body and prevent the conversion of excess energy from food into fat cells (adipocytes). As a result, linoleic acid has become one of the most popular ingredients of all kinds.

But today, many buyers of such supplements complain that there is practically no effect from taking linoleic acid for weight loss - the weight remains the same, despite the increased doses of the drug. What is the reason for this, and how exactly does linoleic acid act on the human body?

Linoleic acid for weight loss: the principle of action

Usually linoleic acid enters the human body with food, but in very small doses. Its main suppliers are meat and dairy products, but its content in them is minimal. At the same time, it is vital for the normal course of many processes in the body.

First of all, it is responsible for how the fat from food will be processed in the body. As you know, it can either be processed into energy necessary for human life, or deposited in fat reserves. Linoleic acid "tells" the body to choose the first path, thus helping to avoid the appearance of an excess amount of adipocytes in the subcutaneous fat.

The second important property of linoleic acid for weight loss is its ability to accelerate the growth of muscle tissue, subject to the presence of regular physical activity. In other words, if you simultaneously perform and take CLA, muscle volume will increase quite quickly.

It is generally believed that this property of linoleic acid is important only for athletes, but in fact, the amount of muscle and fat tissue in the body is important for those who seek to reduce body weight. The fact is that to provide energy to muscle cells, several times more energy is needed than for the vital activity of fat cells. In other words, the greater the muscle mass, the faster the calories will be burned, both from food and from the consumption of subcutaneous reserves, which will have an excellent effect on the process of reducing the number of extra pounds.

Therefore, by combining the intake of linoleic acid for weight loss with sports, you can speed up the process of weight loss by several times, as well as effectively remove volumes.

How to take linoleic acid for weight loss

To achieve the maximum effect from taking CLA, it should be taken three times a day, one hour before meals. At the same time, close attention must be paid to the composition and, trying to organize it in such a way that it is dominated by sources of proteins and carbohydrates, and the percentage of fat is minimal. Proteins in this case will serve as a building material for muscle cells, and carbohydrates will provide the body with the energy needed to process fat cells.

The total daily calorie intake when taking linoleic acid for weight loss should not exceed 1800-2100 calories, depending on the initial body weight.

The opinion of doctors about linoleic acid for weight loss

Unlike most dietary supplements used to reduce weight and reduce body volume, CLA is completely harmless - it should be avoided only during pregnancy and lactation, and also if you are under 18 years old.

Since linoleic acid is a substance of natural origin, contained in the food habitual for a person, allergic and other negative reactions to its intake have not been identified. It can be used by almost everyone, while observing a number of rules:

  • It is necessary to take CLA in a course of two to three months, after which a break should follow, the duration of which must be clarified with a doctor;
  • While using linoleic acid for weight loss, you can not take alcohol;
  • For optimal results, CLA should be taken in its pure form, and not as part of any drugs (for example, known);
  • Combine the intake of CLA with physical activity, otherwise there will be no effect from its use.

Linoleic acid for weight loss can have a pronounced effect even with severe obesity, but if it is used correctly and combined with proper nutrition and sports.

The relevance of losing weight in the modern world is taking on new dimensions - we are constantly looking for new diets and any other ways to become slimmer. Including dietary supplements that promote weight loss. The composition of some of them, the most modern and "advanced", includes the so-called conjugated linoleic acid (or otherwise CLA acid). What is this substance, and how does it help to lose weight?

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (or CLA) is a dietary supplement designed to help people lose fat mass and excess weight while exercising actively. Alas, in the absence of physical activity, taking linoleic acid is practically useless ...

Linoleic acid (CLA) for weight loss: a modern approach to solving the problem

We often hear advertising slogans: “We lose weight without harm!”, But at the same time we cannot be sure of the veracity of these words. Only the composition of the drug that is purchased can reveal the truth. More recently, the unique properties of certain isomers of the linoleic group of acids (in other words, CLA) have been identified.

It turned out that conjugated linoleic acid is able to do unique things in the human body, especially when it comes to losing weight:

  • 1 Conjugated linoleic acid "knows how" to control the growth of fat cells and the process of their decay.
  • 2 It does not allow the formation of fatty deposits in the body.
  • 3 In addition, linoleic acid has a very positive effect on figure modeling, which is actively used by athletes. For those who dream not only to lose weight, but also to supplement it with physical activity, such a bonus will be very useful.
  • 4 It is very important that linoleic acid ensures the consolidation of the results of weight loss and prevents the formation of new subcutaneous fat deposits.

By itself, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA acid) is present in the body of every person, but in very small quantities. If you look at the deep cellular level, then the linoleic acid transports fats from the bloodstream directly into fat cells. Thanks to this, there are no unnecessary accumulations in the wrong places.

Linoleic acid stimulates the work of special enzymes that secrete fatty acid and transfer it to the mitochondria. Thus, fat begins to be used by the body as an additional resource, a source of energy, and not as an object of regular accumulation.

The main food source of linoleic acid is the meat of cattle, as well as some dairy products.

Everything is good in moderation!

Before developing drugs for weight loss, the key component of which would be conjugated linoleic acid, scientists carefully studied the optimal dosages to make these drugs as effective and harmless as possible.

This is how, for example, the now semi-polar drug "Momenton CLA" appeared, designed to become an assistant in the fight against extra pounds. This drug is not a medicinal one, but is considered a biological supplement, which in most cases (given the general state of human health) can be taken even without consulting a doctor. For its development, leading experts in the field of dermatology, gastroenterology and other industries were involved.

This tool was created specifically for those who do not want to once again risk their health, but dream of effectively losing weight without consequences. Unlike other weight loss products, Momenton CLA does not contain any synthetic additives. The drug very delicately helps to cope with excess weight, and if it is also fed with physical activity, the result will be impeccable.

Advantages of domestic production

"Momenton CLA" is developed and produced in Russia and has the following advantages:

  • provides quick visual transformations due to the fact that linoleic acid actively burns fats;
  • allows you to securely fix the result so that after dropping there is no soil for a quick return to the original weight;
  • virtually eliminates the formation of fatty subcutaneous deposits;
  • makes it possible to truly "blind yourself", that is, to model your figure.

It is worth considering that not even a single high-quality drug can help you lose weight if you do not start eating right. The exclusion of high-calorie foods is an important point to consider. If all this is accompanied by physical exercises, then your weight loss program is doomed to success.

On the other hand, many athletes often use Momenton CLA and do not have the goal of losing weight. With it, they bring their body to perfection! Nutritionists actively use this dietary supplement in their weight loss programs, as they are sure of a positive result and a complete absence of risks.

In addition, the supplement has an immune-strengthening effect, protects the cardiovascular system, keeps the body in good shape and provides a surge of energy through the use of stored fats as resources. With "Momenton CLA" women and men will be able to feel that it is quite possible to lose weight without constant restrictions!

Given the right balanced diet and regular physical activity, taking dietary supplements with conjugated linoleic acid in the composition can give very impressive weight loss results.

Despite the high rates of weight loss, Momenton CLA has a fairly low cost due to the fact that it is not imported, but produced in Russia. It is important that the drug has been certified and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Laboratory studies have shown that dietary supplements have no side effects and can be used in most cases even without consulting doctors. CLA acid really helps to lose weight without debilitating diets and constant stress.

CLA is produced naturally in grazing animals. Cows and other ruminants such as goats and deer have a unique enzyme in their digestive system that converts the omega-6 fatty acids found in plants into conjugated linoleic acid. After that, it is deposited in the muscle tissues of animals and milk.

There are many different forms of CLA, but the most important are c9, t11 (cis-9, trans-11) and t10, c12 (trans-10, cis-12).

C9, t11 are most commonly found in foods, while the t10, c12 forms are most commonly found in CLA supplements and are associated with weight loss. T10, c12 are also present in foods, but in small amounts.

From the term "trans" it follows that this fatty acid is technically a trans fat. But those found in meat and dairy are very different from the industrially produced artificial trans fats found in baked goods and fast food.

Artificial trans fats are closely intertwined with heart disease, and natural ones are considered to be beneficial to humans.

CLA is not an essential fatty acid, so it is not necessary to include it in the diet to maintain health. However, many people take dietary supplements containing it in order to achieve their goals.

The effectiveness of CLA for weight loss

Various studies have analyzed the effect of CLA on fat burning in animals and humans. According to the data obtained, its fat-burning potential is much greater in animals.

As the study showed, fat burning in animals occurs due to an increase in the number of special enzymes and proteins involved in the process of fat breakdown. Another study in mice found that CLA supplementation for 6 weeks reduced body fat by 70% more compared to placebo. It also prevents weight gain.

A study in pigs has shown that the reduction in stored fat is dose dependent. That is, the increased content led to a decrease in fat gain.

These revealing findings prompted scientists to study its fat-burning effects in humans, but the resulting benefits were few.

A human study found that CLA had very little effect on weight loss. A review of 18 human studies looked in detail at the effects of this acid on weight loss. It turned out that those who took 3.2 g per day lost an average of 0.05 kg per week. Although such data was considered significant, this result is equivalent to less than half a kilogram per month.

Several other studies have also examined the effects of CLA on weight loss in humans. A revision of one of these studies allowed us to assess the long-term perspective of fat burning in overweight and obese subjects. The scientists concluded that with a daily intake of 2.4-6 g for 6-12 months, body fat can be reduced by 1.33 kg. Similar to the previous findings, this loss is relatively small compared to placebo.

Additional research has shown that CLA has mixed and impractical fat-burning benefits, even when combined with exercise. According to the current study, it has minimal impact on weight loss in both the short and long term, in addition to potential side effects.

CLA supplements can cause harm

The safety of these dietary supplements has been debated for a long time. Although some studies show no negative impact, most of them say otherwise.

In two meta-analyses, CLA intake was associated with an increase in C-reactive protein, which indicates the presence of inflammatory processes. On the one hand, inflammation is important in fighting off potentially harmful pathogens and initiating tissue repair when scratched or cut. On the other hand, chronic inflammation causes a number of diseases, including obesity, cancer, and heart disease.

Moreover, another meta-analysis has shown that CLA intake is associated with a significant increase in liver enzymes, leading to inflammation or damage to the liver.

However, its preparation from natural sources does not cause adverse reactions. This is because the CLA in supplements is different from that naturally produced.

Conjugated linoleic acid, isolated from meat and dairy products, is 75-90% of the c9, t11 form, while more than 50% of its content in supplements contains the t10, c12 form. For this reason, CLA in supplement form has a different health impact. From a safety point of view, it is not recommended to take it in large quantities or for a long period.

A safer approach to getting this acid is to include more foods that contain it in your diet. While it won't provide weight loss benefits, increasing your CLA levels from natural sources may lead to other positive outcomes.

How to get CLA from food

Several studies have shown that people who get CLA from food reduce their risk of heart disease and cancer.

Dairy products are the main source of this acid, but it is also found in the meat of ruminants. Its concentration is usually expressed in milligrams per gram of fat.

The list of foods with the highest content of linoleic acid includes:

  • Oil: 6.0 mg/g
  • Lamb: 5.6 mg/g
  • Mozzarella cheese: 4.9 mg/g
  • Yogurt: 4.8 mg/g
  • Sour cream: 4.6 mg/g
  • Curd: 4.5 mg/g
  • Ground beef: 4.3 mg/g
  • Cheddar cheese: 3.6 mg/g
  • Beef thigh: 2.9 mg/g

It is worth noting that the level of CLA in these products varies depending on the season and the diet of the animals. So, milk samples that were taken from 13 commercial farms contained the lowest concentration in March and the highest in August. In addition, grass-fed cows produce more linoleic acid than grain-fed cows.

There are many ineffective fat-burning supplements on the market, and CLA is one of them according to research. It has a spectacular effect on animals, but it does not extend to humans. Also, the slight weight loss that can occur with CLA does not justify the potential side effects.

As a safer alternative, include more CLA-rich foods such as dairy or beef in your diet and avoid supplements.

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