Baptism of the Lord: history, traditions, meaning of the holiday. The Baptism of the Lord: history, traditions, the meaning of the holiday When was the baptism in the year


One of the most important holidays for Christians and Catholics is Epiphany. The former celebrate it annually on January 19, the latter on January 6. The Feast of the Epiphany is associated with many people with "immersion in ice water." It is on this great day that the Christmas and New Year cycle ends.

This holiday can be put on a par with Christmas. It appeared due to the fact that John the Baptist, at one time, baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. According to the Gospel of Matthew, at the time when this grandiose event in the history of mankind took place, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven in the face of a dove on Jesus. Hence the second name of the holiday - Epiphany.

In the days when Jesus walked the earth, only those people who had already decided on faith were baptized. So he, 30-year-old, was baptized by John the Baptist, while Christ called on mankind to repent of sins and purify the soul.

Unlike many other spring Orthodox holidays, Epiphany is not floating, it is celebrated from the night of January 18 to 19.

People also call this day Vodokreschi and illuminate any water, both river and lake.

Traditions of Baptism 2016

On January 18, on the eve of the Feast of Epiphany, all believers fast. With the onset of evening, families begin to celebrate the second Holy Evening, it has another name - "the evening of the hungry kuti." At this time, the whole family sits down at the table, while kutya, uzvar, fried fish, dumplings with cabbage and pancakes from buckwheat flour prevail from the treats.

On January 19, a festive service is held in all Orthodox churches. It has already become a tradition to release white doves into the sky, which are a symbol of this holiday. After all, it was in the form of a dove that the Holy Spirit appeared to Jesus from heaven. Doves also symbolize the end of the Christmas celebrations, so they are released into the wild.

The most important rite of the Baptism of the Lord is the consecration of water in churches. But another custom has reached our age, which is becoming more and more popular every year. An ice hole in the shape of a cross is cut down in rivers and lakes, the priest blesses the water in this place, reads prayers over it, lowers a silver cross into the water. After the ceremony, doves are released into the sky, and people draw water from the hole and carry it home.

From time immemorial, mankind has been sure that the water for Baptism has healing properties, is able to heal many diseases and protect the body and spirit from all sorts of misfortunes. From here came the custom of swimming in the hole. It is noteworthy that you need not only to enter the water, but also to plunge headlong three times, while it is necessary to be baptized and say "In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." For those people who are afraid to enter the ice water, there is another custom that gives a person health for the whole coming year - you just need to take a couple of sips of holy water. Surprisingly, consecrated water does not spoil for a whole year and most people are sure that it can protect the house from evil spirits.

On Epiphany, you do not need to arrange noisy festivities, fortune-telling and dancing. It is carried out modestly, in the family circle. After Epiphany, the “wedding marathon” begins, which continues until Great Lent.

Photo of swimming in the hole


Bathing in Kyiv for Epiphany

As usual, with the onset of the feast of the Epiphany in Kyiv, folk bathing is organized. People from all over the city flock to places designated for this purpose. Bathing in the Dnieper is waiting for a whole year, and every new year there are more and more people who want to plunge into the icy water in order to cleanse themselves of all sins and give their body health.

Often, all festive events are held from 12 noon on the Obolonskaya embankment, not far from the Holy Intercession Cathedral. After people buy up, the holiday is transferred to the Park of Culture and Leisure "Hydropark".

This is not the last place where you can splash in the hole. In Goloseevsky Park, on Lake Telbin, in Feofaniya Park - here they also make a “cross” in ice and invite you to swim.

Swimming in Moscow and the region

Most of the inhabitants of Russia are looking forward to the Epiphany holiday, because on this day, despite the frost, they go to swim in the hole. A myriad of people wishing to improve their health in Moscow and the Moscow region. Throughout the region, the administration prepares ice holes, prepares places for swimming, and invites priests to the feast to bless the water.

Revolution Square in the Central Administrative District, the Big Garden Pond in the north of the capital, the Palace Pond in the North-Eastern District, Lake "Holy" and "White", Mamaevsky Pond, Shibaevsky Pond, Mishchersky and many other reservoirs are waiting for bathers on this great holiday.

On average, there are about 57 bathing places in the capital and the region.

Water baptism from the Old Testament times was a symbol of not only physical, but also moral cleansing. The baptism of Christ in the Jordan River was the first appearance of the Trinity to the world - the Epiphany. In baptism, a person is adopted by the Lord, puts off the old person and puts on the new one, redeemed by Christ, becomes a particle of the one Body of Christ, a member of the Mother Church.

The Baptism of the Lord in 2016, when to draw water

The Baptism of the Lord in 2016 is celebrated on January 19. On the morning of this date, everyone goes to church and collects blessed water. Some say that water from the church should be brought first, although in fact, this is nothing more than a stupid omen. It is very unpleasant to watch when people try to get water as soon as possible and push right into the church. There is enough consecrated water in the church for everyone.
You can also collect blessed water on January 18, this day is called Epiphany Christmas Eve. On this day, there is also a service in the church.
Many are interested in the Epiphany of the Lord in 2016, when is it better to draw water, on the 18th or 19th? The priests say that there is no difference, this water is sanctified in the same way.
Such water is used to consecrate their homes, and the remains are stored in the house all year in a dark place.
If you can't go to church, you can get water from the tap. In this case, you need to know when to draw water from the tap at the Epiphany of the Lord in 2016. This is done at night from the 18th to the 19th
in the time interval from 00.10 to 01.30. In principle, many believe that it is possible later, but this time is still considered the best.

The baptism of the Lord in 2016, when to bathe

Most often, the liturgy in churches is performed on January 19, after which the bathing ceremony is performed. But in some churches, night services are held, the ice holes are consecrated, and on the night of January 18-19, people bathe in these holes.
The church itself says that bathing is not a canonical setting, but has already become a tradition. Therefore, for Epiphany 2016, it is not so important when the bathing will be, from 18 to 19 or in the morning of the 19th.
Also, many are interested in the question of where to swim at the Epiphany in 2016. Each city has its own places where such rituals are performed. Find out in advance where your bathing will take place, you can also find out about it in the church.

Read more interesting traditions for Baptism in our article about.

Water is the basis of everything

The Savior consecrated water baptism by accepting it in the waters of the Jordan. It is water that reveals the meaning of Baptism in Orthodoxy, being the oldest religious symbol. The basis of life on earth and the destructive force, the basis of death - in Christian theology, water has a dual image. And, of course, water - symbolizes purification, rebirth and renewal.

Purpose of Baptism

The very word "baptism" means washing through immersion, dousing. The first Christians performed Baptism in open water. In later times, Baptism was performed in fonts and baptismal places. Orthodox baptism, performed in a font, is a necessary condition for the liberation of a person from demonic forces and the subjugation of fallen sinfulness.

As a result of sanctification, water returns to its original purpose: to be the source of Eternal Life, the environment of God's presence, the destroyer of demons. In Baptism, the redeemed soul receives the revelation of the Triune God and is united with Him.

Epiphany Eve - Epiphany Christmas Eve

Christmas time lasts until candles, as they said in the old days, because after the Great Consecration of water on the eve of the Epiphany, candles intertwined with colored threads or ribbons were placed next to a vessel with consecrated water. This custom already shows the importance and solemnity of the blessing of water. All this day, indeed, they spend in a very strict fast (even children try not to eat until the “first star”), and during Vespers, churches do not always accommodate all the worshipers.

Great agiasma (baptismal holy water) has a special grace, it is collected and carried to every home. First, the whole family drinks with reverence several sips, and then - according to custom - they must take a sacred willow from behind the icon and sprinkle the whole house with holy water in order to protect themselves from troubles and misfortunes. In some villages, moreover, holy water was poured into the wells so that evil spirits would not climb there and spoil the water.

Upon completion of all these and other rites, holy water usually stood next to the icons. In order for baptismal water to be enough for the whole year, it did not have to be a lot: with a single drop, it sanctifies any other.

Approximately the same power is attributed not only to the water consecrated in the church, but also to plain water from the rivers, in which, according to popular belief, on the night of January 19, Jesus Christ himself takes a bath. The water that was taken into the hole on the eve of the Epiphany is considered healing and helping the sick.

Epiphany Day

On the day of Epiphany, as soon as the bell strikes for matins, some pious parishioners lit sheaves of straw in front of their houses (so that Jesus Christ, after baptism in the river, could warm himself by this fire). Others, having asked for blessings from the priest, were on the river, arranging a "Jordan" - a cruciform wormwood, near which both old and young gathered for worship.

When the holy cross was immersed in water, everyone was united by prayer and the desire to drink water of baptism and wash their faces with it. There have always been brave souls who, despite the Epiphany frosts, bathe in icy water. For many centuries there is no record of anyone getting sick or drowning.

The celebration of the Baptism of the Lord and Theophany, combining two great events in one feast, ends the holy days and evenings.

The Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany, is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on January 19 in a new style. On the eve of the holiday, January 18, a strict fast was established. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is one of the most ancient holidays of the Christian Church. Its establishment dates back to the time of the apostles.

The ancient name of the holiday is "Epiphany" - a phenomenon, or "Theophany" - Epiphany, it was also called the "Feast of Lights", "Holy Lights" or simply "Lights". For God comes into the world on this day to reveal to the world the Light of Impenetrable.

Feast of the Epiphany: what is said in the Gospel

All four Gospels testify to this.

“And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And as he was coming out of the water, immediately John saw the heavens open, and the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon Him. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mark 1:9-11).

The word "I baptize", "I baptize" in Greek means "I immerse in water." One cannot understand the meaning and importance of baptism without first understanding the symbolic and real meaning of water in the Old Testament. Water is the beginning of life. It is from the water fertilized by the life-giving Spirit that all living beings will come.

Where there is no water, there is desert. But water can both destroy and destroy - just like the water of the great flood, God flooded sins and destroyed human evil. In memory of the fact that the Savior sanctified the water with His Baptism, there is a blessing of water; on the eve of the holiday, water is consecrated in churches, on the very feast of the Epiphany - in rivers or other places where water is taken. Procession to the Jordan is a procession for the consecration of natural reservoirs.

The baptism of John was symbolic and meant that just as the body is washed and cleansed with water, so the soul of a person who repents and believes in the Savior will be cleansed of all sins by Christ. John himself exclaimed:

“The strongest of me is coming after me, of whom I am not worthy, bending down to untie the strap of His shoes; I baptized you with water, and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” (Mark 1:7-8).

And then Jesus of Nazareth comes to him. John, considering himself unworthy to baptize Jesus, began to restrain Him, saying:

“I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” But Jesus said to him in answer, “Leave it now; for thus it behooves us to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:14-15).

After the Baptism of Christ, baptism for people is no longer just a symbol of purification. Here Jesus revealed Himself to the world as the Christ, the Son of God.

“I saw, I testify: He is the Chosen One of God,” John the Baptist confirms (“Messiah” in Hebrew is the same as in Greek “Christ”, that is, “God's Anointed One”).

Theophany revealed to us the great Divine mystery of the Holy Trinity. Now everyone who is baptized partakes in this mystery, according to the words of Christ to His disciples:

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

What date is the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) in 2019?
The Feast of the Epiphany is a non-transitory twelfth feast. Orthodox Christians celebrate the Baptism of the Lord on January 19 - every year on the same day. The Catholic Church celebrates Epiphany according to the Julian calendar 13 days earlier - January 6th. The Armenian and some other Orthodox churches celebrate the same feast of Theophany - that is, Christmas and the Baptism of Jesus Christ on the same day.

When the water is blessed for Epiphany in 2019

According to church canons, the Great rite of consecrating water is performed only on the feast of the Epiphany on January 19. But since any Orthodox holiday begins in the second half of the previous day, the consecration of water is carried out starting from the end of the morning service on Epiphany Eve (January 18) and continues already on the feast of the Epiphany on January 19, after the divine liturgy.

Many are interested in whether the water that was consecrated on January 18 differs from that consecrated precisely on the feast of the Epiphany, January 19? According to the clergy, the water that is consecrated on January 18 and 19 has exactly the same properties and there is no difference on which day the consecration took place.

It should be noted that the Small consecration of water is held throughout the year and on other church holidays. Water is blessed at the request of believers - for example, when children are baptized or the construction sites of churches are consecrated.

When and how to swim in the hole for Epiphany in 2019

It must be said right away that swimming in Jordan (a specially cut hole) on the feast of Epiphany is not a church, but a folk custom. Indeed, on Epiphany, absolutely all water becomes sanctified, regardless of whether it is in the hole or flows from the tap. So diving into an ice hole is not at all necessary - it is enough to wash your face with deep faith on this holy day.

If you still decide to swim, then you need to remember:

  • You need to swim only in a special hole (Jordan) after its consecration.
  • Before entering the water, you should say the prayer "Our Father" or one of the special prayers before swimming.
  • When bathing, be sure to quickly plunge headlong into the water three times, then cross yourself three times and say "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
  • On Epiphany, one should bathe in shirts, and not in bathing suits, so as not to embarrass others with a naked body.
  • It is strongly not recommended to swim in ice water for colds, hypertension, chronic diseases, skin diseases. It is best to contact your doctor on the eve of the Epiphany and get personal advice about the safety of bathing.

What can and cannot be done at the Baptism of the Lord 2019

On the feast of the Epiphany, you must:

  • On January 18, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, fasting must be observed. In the people, the evening on the eve of the Epiphany is called “Hungry Kutia”.
  • On the eve of the Feast of Epiphany, each housewife must prepare at least 12 dishes. On January 19, the hostess sets a festive table, which always has meat dishes.
  • After the service in the church has ended, all corners in the house must be sprinkled with holy water - this will protect the whole family from illness for a whole year.
  • If health allows, you can plunge into the Jordan - it is believed that in this way sins are washed away.
  • People baptized on January 19 will live a long and happy life.
  • If you are in a quarrel with someone, the feast of the Epiphany is a wonderful day to make peace.

On the day of the Epiphany it is impossible:

  • cry and be upset, because the whole year will pass in tears.
  • You can not quarrel, scandal and be offended. Jesus Christ preached forgiveness, so act accordingly.
  • On Epiphany, you can’t wash and wash the floors, because in this way you can pollute the water.
  • In addition, complain, gossip, slander, clean, wash, knit and sew. Any work these days is better to stop.
  • On the feast of Epiphany, you can’t guess, otherwise you will guess fate for the worse.

When can I light the water for Baptism

The ritual of consecrating water is widely known. It is held twice: on the eve of Epiphany, on January 18, on a day also known as Epiphany Eve. The second time - on the day of the Epiphany, January 19. Holy water is kept until the next feast of Epiphany and is drunk with prayer and on an empty stomach.

According to ancient legend, the source of water does not play a role - in the Baptism of the Lord, like the waters of the Jordan, all water is sanctified. And the ritual of consecration is rather a solemn process that glorifies Christ and the miracle of Baptism.

Another integral element of the Feast of the Epiphany is swimming in the hole. By the way, it is not at all necessary to swim in frosty water at Epiphany - it is much more important on the evening of January 18 and on the morning of January 19 to attend a service in the church, take communion and draw holy water.

You can swim immediately after the evening service on January 18 or on the night of January 18-19. It is important to distinguish between folk customs and primordially Christian practices: the church does not call on believers to climb into icy water. The decision to bathe at the Baptism of the Lord is taken by the person himself, if his health allows.

What are the signs for baptism?
If the morning of Epiphany is cloudy and warm, there will be a good harvest. If the weather for Epiphany is clear and frosty, the year will be lean.
Dogs bark at Epiphany - there will be a lot of game. If there is a new moon on Epiphany, the same weather as on Epiphany will continue throughout the month. Bright stars at Epiphany - sheep will multiply well.

Divination for Baptism

From time immemorial, on the eve of the Epiphany in Rus', fortune-telling was widely practiced: for the groom, for a prophetic dream, for wealth, and so on. It is important to note that divination in Orthodoxy is prohibited and equated with witchcraft. For this reason, immediately after the ceremony, people doused themselves with holy water or dived into the hole to wash away their sin.

Young girls first of all guessed at marriage. To do this, the girls took apples and carved the initials of their suitors on them, after which they put them in a bowl and turned off the light. After thoroughly mixing the apples, the girls took a bite from each and chose the sweetest. The one whose name was carved on the most delicious apple was the future groom.

Of course, the girls were very interested in who their future husband would be - and folk practices made it easy to find out. The fortune-teller took four plates: water was poured into the first, grain was poured into the second, a mirror was placed into the third, and a chicken figurine was placed into the fourth. Then a rooster was let into the room. Depending on which plate he pecks at, the fortuneteller draws conclusions about what kind of person the groom will be: a drunkard, a rich man, a handsome man, or a womanizer.

There was also a simpler version of this divination. Before going to bed, the girls said: “Saint Samson, show a prophetic dream” and thought about what they want to see in a dream. In this way, one could find out who the husband would be, or what to expect this year.

On January 19, 2016, Orthodox Christians celebrate the twelfth great feast of Epiphany - the Epiphany of the Lord.

According to the Holy Scriptures, Jesus Christ, in a conversation with the Jewish rabbi Nicodemus, says that "whoever is not born of water and the Spirit cannot enter the Kingdom of God." These words are traditionally understood as the Sacrament of Baptism. During the Baptism of Jesus Christ, humanity saw the appearance of the Holy Trinity, the voice called Christ the chosen Son, and the Holy Spirit descended bodily in the form of a dove, it became known to the portal. Holy Lights - so called Baptism in ancient times.

It is known from the Bible that Jesus Christ was baptized at the age of thirty. On the Jordan River, not far from Bethany, the prophet John the Baptist (Baptist) was waiting for Him, who prepared the people with repentance to meet the appearance of Christ. And when this happens, he “by the finger of God” must point to Him. This was required by the Law of God, since the testimony of one person about himself is not true. Therefore, Christ had many testimonies of His mission. When John, recognizing the Messiah in Christ, exclaimed: "I need to be baptized by You." Of course, the Savior, sinless by His nature, had no need for spiritual cleansing, but still Jesus Christ insisted on performing the rite of baptism on him: “for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” And during the ceremony, the Holy Spirit descended to Christ in the form of a dove and the voice of God the Father was heard, indicating that before them was the future Savior for all mankind - Christ, the Son of God.

The Savior was baptized in order to take upon Himself the sins of the whole world, in order to make our redemption on the Cross, to take upon Himself the sins of the whole world, that is, to bear our guilt, so that we could be saved. And the Sacrament of Baptism was established by the apostles at the command of the Savior: “Go teach all peoples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit ... therefore it is said in the Symbol: I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.”

Bathing at Epiphany
On January 18, the first blessing of water is held in the temple, and on the 19th - in the open air. The consecration of water these days is called the great hagiasma, that is, water consecrated according to the order of the great consecration in honor of the feast of the Epiphany. By the way, there is also a small consecration of water, which is carried out on ordinary days. This water is not agiasma.

Bathing at Epiphany in 2016 is blessed from January 18 from 20.00 to January 20 until 8.00.

Before you plunge into the water at Epiphany, consult your doctor. You should enter the water gradually with prayer and faith. According to the Orthodox tradition, you need to plunge three times, crossing yourself. Bathing is forbidden: if there are problems with pressure, with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, while intoxicated (since this is a sin). If you violate the doctor's recommendations and decide to plunge into Baptism in open water, this will not be a charitable deed.

Where is the place of baptism of Jesus Christ?
The place of the baptism of Jesus Christ is described in the Gospel of John, which says that John the Baptist baptized and preached near the village of Bethany. The place of the baptism of Jesus Christ for a long time could not be determined, since there were several villages with this name in Palestine. We must not forget that the Jordan River changed its course many times. In the 6th century, on the Madaba Map mosaic, the place of "vifavara" is located on the western bank of the Jordan. From the Israeli side, the approach to the place of baptism is known as Kasir al Yahud. And only according to the texts of ancient pilgrims, where a Greek column with a cross was mentioned at the top, this place was identified as a result of excavations in 1996. Steps from the Byzantine monastery complex in the village of Wadi al-Harar in Jordan lead directly into the river. Near the last step, the place of the base of the column was discovered.

How to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany
It is known that in the baptismal waters they seek the Grace of God - cleansing, strengthening and sanctifying. Therefore, on Christmas Eve, January 18, a strict one-day fast is necessary. It is necessary to go to the morning prayer, and then to the evening liturgy. During the service, you will surely feel a special grace descending on you. Festive dishes are allowed on January 18 - fasting and from January 19 - modest (meat, dairy). A traditional dish is kutya or sochi made from boiled wheat grains with honey, walnuts, and raisins.

The whole family traditionally gathers at the table and, after reading the prayer, proceeds to the meal. After the rite of consecration of water has been performed in temples, festive ablutions can also begin. Including swimming in open water, in "Jordan". The Orthodox believe that baptismal water has a special healing power for the health of the soul and body. But we must remember that if a person speaks foul language, gets angry, lies, envy ... even baptismal water will not help him before he repents and corrects his behavior.

Epiphany water
You can hear about the fact that such water heals. Indeed, in our time, even its wonderful property of not spoiling for a long time remains a mystery. Scientists who have studied Epiphany water are at a loss to guess that in its composition and density the water corresponds to the waters of the sacred Jordan River. Referring to the scientific point of view, the properties of water on these holy days are explained by the deviation in the Earth's magnetic field. But there is no direct evidence yet.

Water at Baptism is consecrated "in order for it to receive the grace of deliverance, the blessing of the Jordan, so that it is a source of incorruption, the resolution of ailments, the cleansing of souls and bodies, the sanctification of houses, and" for every good good.

The Baptism of the Lord is celebrated in our country on January 19 every year. This holiday commemorates how Jesus Christ sanctified the water with his baptism, and also showed that He is both a man and God.

On the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, when the festive service ends, processions will be made to the reservoirs, in which the hole is usually prepared in advance, i.e. ice is cut in the form of a cross. The priest reads prayers with the immersion of the cross in water. And after this small prayer, those who wish can plunge into the water.

In some churches, ponds are also consecrated after the evening service on Epiphany Christmas Eve. Therefore, you can swim in the hole at any time of the day on January 19, even at night. The main thing is that it has already been consecrated.

The tradition of diving into the water applies only to those reservoirs that have been consecrated. To plunge into unconsecrated rivers, lakes, ponds - it will be something similar to winter swimming, but not Epiphany swimming.

No one forbids swimming in bathing suits, but, nevertheless, believers often prefer special shirts similar to those worn at baptism. This type is more in line with religious rites.

Immediately before plunging into the hole, you need to cross yourself, read a short prayer and plunge headlong into the water three times. Given the ice water, you should not be in it for more than 10 seconds. It is necessary to enter the water confidently, so as not to have time to freeze, but not abruptly, so as not to take your breath away. You can rinse your face before dipping, as a preparation, and then dive completely.

Swimming in open water in winter is a big burden on the body. And even a person with good health needs preparation if he is going to do it for the first time.

Ice water causes stress in the body. The body is forced to defend itself, and therefore there is a release of hormones that suppress any inflammatory reactions, reducing sensitivity to the aggressive effects of cold. A person has a feeling that "everything is fine", you can not worry about anything. However, after a couple of days, the level of hormones drops sharply, the body becomes weak and runs the risk of catching the first infection that comes across.

Therefore, in order to smooth out the temperature difference, just before dipping, it is recommended to warm the body with a short run or physical exercises, for example, a series of squats. And after swimming, you need to warm yourself with a hot drink.

Those who are preparing for Epiphany bathing for the first time should remember that some diseases can cause severe, even critical, complications after such a procedure. It's not worth the risk, it's better to consult a doctor.

If the doctor's permission is obtained, you can gradually prepare the body for the effects of frost. To do this, a week before Epiphany, start going outside, on the balcony, in a T-shirt and short shorts. First, stand for a few seconds, then half a minute, the rest of the days for a minute. On the fourth day, include in the preparation pouring cold water, starting with one bucket, and on the last two days - two buckets each.

Nutrition plays an important role in preparation. Do not use during this period products that stimulate the immune system, i.e. containing vitamin C. Otherwise, after immersion in ice water, the effect of hyperstimulation of the immune system may occur, which is very harmful. And about two hours before swimming, you need to eat properly so that the body has something to extract energy from for heating. Drinking alcohol before swimming is dangerous.

To feel comfortable after bathing, it is necessary to foresee comfortable clothes in advance. Everything should be easy to dress and fasten, as this will have to be done with poorly bent frozen fingers. Once out of the water, immediately put on a hat.

Beginners of winter swimming should not plunge if the frost is below -10 degrees, and also come to the ice-hole alone. A friend or relative will not only help you get dressed, but may also provide other unforeseen assistance.

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