Big fish in a dream. Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Fish


Very often it means profit and big changes. The dream interpretation writes a lot about what a big fish is dreaming of, which just appeared in the water or fell into your nets or bait.

Pay attention to its size, breed and the impression caused by its appearance. Then it will be much easier for you to interpret this dream, because in fact, large prey does not come to everyone in a dream.

Great luck - the most frequent and popular interpretation

Usually a dream book interprets dreams in which you dreamed of a huge, but edible fish. Such a dream is usually accompanied not by fear, but by strong surprise, pride. If you dreamed of a large fish that was caught in nets spread by fishermen, then such a dream means great luck in business, a good job that will be very generously paid, as well as a good fee for creative people, or just a happy omen. Pay attention to whether it is bony or not, and whether it can be cooked later and eaten.

Men usually have such a dream for a good, profitable business proposal, a good combination of circumstances and happiness in love. This can mean both wealth in the house, a new activity, a chance to get big money, and acquaintance with a rich and influential person, an intimate relationship with which can have a positive effect on your career advancement. However, meetings with her can be exclusively businesslike, but they help to achieve success in your activities.

Why does a woman or girl dream of a big fish? If its size allows you to bring it home and cook it, then this dream is interpreted by a dream book to unexpected profits, a business proposal, good work, a holiday with a plentiful table, as well as meeting a rich man. The color, breed and feelings that the fish evoked in a dream can be a clue what kind of luck awaits you. Usually, profit and improvement in financial situation portend dreams in which fish can be eaten.

A very large river fish indicates a wealthy villager, material well-being in the house, but not stellar success and eliteness. Usually bream, pike and perch dream of short-term luck, prosperity that will not be above average, or that most of the money will be spent on everything you need.

If you dreamed of a large and bony fish, especially a river fish, then the groom, although he will be well provided for, will be able to greatly ruin the life of a woman because of his harmful and picky nature. Therefore, such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a warning for women, especially for rural women. They should look not at material achievements and prosperity, but at his character, which can cross out all his virtues.

Delicious and expensive varieties of large fish mean very good luck for city dwellers and a touch of luxurious and sweet life. The dream in which you managed to catch such a fish means a rare chance to get rich, which itself will float into your hands. For a girl, such a dream is interpreted by a dream book to a successful marriage to a rich man.

Unless fish such as pink salmon, salmon, sterlet slipped off the net and swam away. A huge delicacy fish means big profits for men, an affair with an important person and a profitable marriage for a woman, especially if she is caught in clean water. If it was cloudy, this dream means illness and poisoning, a great danger of deception.

Silverheads, if you look at the dream book, mean a stubborn and powerful person, living with whom will be difficult. Such a dream promises good luck for fishermen and those involved in entrepreneurial activities. They will be able to catch large prey and share the joy with dear guests.

A new acquaintance and a chance to profitably arrange your life for a woman

If you come across a large but harmless fish in the water, such a dream means an amorous acquaintance and a chance to arrange your life perfectly. Sometimes a dream book interprets a dream as a harbinger of a profitable romance, in which the girl was able to catch any large individual on a bait and she did not escape her.

Why dream if you dreamed of a big beautiful fish in the water on the beach? The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as an acquaintance with a bright and interesting young man, often overweight. Although for girls, a dream can also mean a big poseur, a cunning and hidden person who knows how to make a good impression. Sometimes books are written about the increased danger of deceit and cunning.

Why does a man dream of a big fish that is not suitable for cooking, especially beautiful, bright and golden? If she swam in clear water, then soon he will meet a nice girl and have a romantic relationship. It is also possible that it will not be just flirting, but love at first sight.

A huge fish that swims in troubled water means the rapid development of the disease, especially of an inflammatory nature, which will develop rapidly and greatly frighten the dreamer. Therefore, the dream book advises to avoid suspicious food and stop trying delicacies on the festive table, as this can cause poisoning. Sometimes such a dream also warns of the danger of an infectious wound, the development of inflammation and alcohol poisoning.

Big danger

A love interest can not only please, but also frighten, especially timid or very young natures. Therefore, the dream book writes that if a big fish in the water scared you, it means that some kind of change or a new romance, an exciting adventure is coming in your life. Although in some cases such a dream predicts a danger from which they did not expect.

A large and dangerous fish in the water, such as a shark, often means that you have powerful enemies who can start their pursuit. Especially if there were several of them and you managed to escape from them.

For a man, such a dream can predict danger from competitors in business, travel, or the persecution of creditors and collectors. Therefore, if you have debts or someone is hostile to you, you should try to protect yourself as much as possible.

If you dreamed of a big fish in the water on the beach, most likely the danger will be unexpected. Therefore, it is worth being vigilant, especially on vacation and when traveling. In some cases, such a dream means a rare chance, which will be accompanied by self-doubt, doubt and fear.

However, catching such a fish and overcoming fear is a very good omen that promises you many favorable circumstances and a quick move up the career ladder.

A girl may dream of a huge fish in the water before danger. She can be connected both with a man whom she underestimated or did not accept the warnings of relatives about his behavior, or simply with unfavorable circumstances.

Such a dream warns of important and frightening changes in her life, which can be very unexpected. For an innocent and timid nature, such a dream can warn of the danger of a new love interest. Especially if you got a shark, which, later, can grow into a big shark and become dangerous. In life, fast and frightening changes can occur. But sometimes a dream book warns of physical danger, especially where there are a lot of people with bad intentions.

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Dream interpretation big fish

Living on land, we are in direct contact with the water element. And even though the world of the ocean is far away for us, it brings benefits and conveniences to everyday life from different parts of the earth. Like any part of it, the water world is inhabited by all kinds of flora and fauna, which sometimes visits us in dreams.

What is the big fish dreaming about? She has become a commonplace in life, waiting for us in the endless sea, the fast-flowing river, and even on the dinner table. Being an ancient symbol, the wondrous creature has a different interpretation of dreams. It not only represents righteousness and purity, but also a possible pregnancy. However, do not rush to conclusions, leading predictors will dispel doubts and illusions.

External circumstances

When interpreting dreams, external circumstances that remain outside the world of dreams are of great importance. The dreamer's gender, days of the week, and season can significantly affect the outcome.

Gender of the dreamer

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact who dreamed of this situation. Who was the main character in your dreams?


For the fair sex, the phenomenon that has befallen is a wonderful sign. The dream interpretation claims that pretty soon the honor will fall out to have a certain power and hold a leadership position. The path will be thorny, but it will help you realize your dream.

If you dreamed of a big fish

But to catch and butcher a live pike - to creative inclinations and the ability to present oneself. The development of these skills will lead to universal recognition and success.


Dreaming of a lot of big fish for a man? The representatives of the stronger sex expect dizzying novels and a rich life full of passions. The dream book advises not to dive into the pool with your head and remember the consequences, which can be very harmful in the future.

But to desperately seek, but not to see any living creature in a dream - to poverty and vain attempts to get rich. It is necessary to go through a dark period and not lose hope for a brighter future.

young girl

But for young ladies to see such a picture in a dream - to a possible pregnancy and easy childbirth. The dream interpretation notes that in the case when the water creatures were of the same color, you can safely expect twins and even more children.

If you happened to catch not a live and fresh fish, but a dead one, then there is a high probability of complications in pregnancy.

night vision season

Throughout our lives, we dream of various phenomena that amaze with their novelty and diversity. But in which season did you happen to see them in a dream?

  1. Summer. A common plot, where living creatures swim in clear water, suggests that thoughts about the fate of your own children do not leave you. In the case when she was frozen or in an unsightly form, you should be concerned about the future of your child.
  2. Autumn. What is the dream of big fresh fish at this time? The dream interpretation speaks of softness and indecision inherent in you. The wider the expanses of water were in a dream, the more you should work on yourself. So, the sea personifies complexes and disbelief in one's own strengths.
  3. Winter. In what kind of water did you observe this incident? If it was muddy and dirty, then you should be prepared for unexpected manifestations of the disease. But if you were lucky enough to see your reflection in crystal clear water, then health will not let you down for a long time.
  4. Spring. A good catch in the sea or ocean indicates a possible pregnancy. It will not be superfluous to contact a specialist so that he confirms or refutes the assumption.

Wangi's dream book claims that a huge fish indicates the presence of enemies who successfully hide behind the masks of friends.

What fish did you dream about?

What fish dreamed

Currently, there are a huge number of different species and individuals. As the dream book explains, big fish dream of profit and money. A more detailed interpretation can be obtained, taking into account various features.

Fish condition

In what state did you see her in a dream? Was it frozen, fresh, or just huge?

  1. Smoked. The dream interpretation says that soon it will be possible to conclude a major deal. But ill-wishers and envious people will in every possible way interfere with the implementation of your plans.
  2. Fresh. Expect pleasant surprises and good news. Seeing her alive and huge, floating in the sea - to unforgettable travels and new acquaintances.
  3. Dried. A harbinger of a noisy feast and long-awaited meetings. You will plunge into a lively atmosphere and spend time with loved ones with great pleasure.
  4. Frozen. The question often arises of what the frozen fish dreamed of. The hero of such dreams is waiting for the grave consequences of undone deeds, which have been shelved for a long time. They can lead to deprivation of office, reprimand and discontent of loved ones. But if the frozen living creature was received as a gift, then you should be more active and courageous in a love relationship.
  5. Dead. If you happened to see her in the water or hold her in your hands, you need to worry about your own health. Now you are most vulnerable to all sorts of infections and diseases.
  6. Rotten and big. Such a circumstance in a dream portends a lot of trouble that will have a very bad effect on business and career building. Well, if you inadvertently bought it, and it was already smelling bad and frozen, then problems can also affect the house.
  7. Violent. Sometimes there are also violent individuals in the water. Be prepared for trouble that will require a lot of physical and mental strength.

Type of fish

Both in life and in a dream, one can see the incredible beauty of creatures. Each of them has its own appearance, features and interpretation.

How many were there?

An important factor is not only the type, but also the number of objects that were visited in a dream. Was it a single individual in the river or a whole school in the sea?


The dream interpretation claims that a very important life event awaits the hero of such dreams. It is likely that you have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and it will definitely end in success and universal recognition. But if the living creature was frozen, then many difficulties will have to be overcome on the path to success.

What is the interpretation of dreams in cases where the catch was one single fish? You can safely count on additional sources of income and bonuses. But if you dream of catching a big fish with your hands, but dropping it, then be prepared for the fact that competitors and ill-wishers will do everything possible to prevent you.

A lot of

Why dream of a lot of big fish in clear water? The outcome of such dreams will lead to luxury and an increase in funds. From now on, you will not be worried about the issue of material well-being, and poverty will not affect your relatives.

Successful fishing portends a happy and strong marriage. Look around, because the person destined by fate may be very close.

Flying fish is a harbinger of incredible luck and the successful completion of the most difficult cases.

Observer or participant?

In a dream, we are assigned a certain role, which we have no right to influence. Did you have a chance to see a living picture or take a direct part in it? From this nuance, the interpretation of night vision may differ.

Watch from the side

If you swam among big fish

The world of dreams presents many surprises and amazing things. What happened to observe in this case?

  1. Floats in the water. The dream book claims that very soon you will have the means that you could not even dream of before. Be open to your destiny and do not miss the opportunity.
  2. Absorption of a small individual. If a large-looking living creature has swallowed up a poor animal of small size, then you should be careful to communicate with people who have a certain power and influence. In the event of a conflict, they can greatly harm you.
  3. Catching someone else. A stranger before your eyes is absorbed in fishing? People you consider close friends will have ill intentions towards you. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings now in order to figure out imaginary comrades.
  4. On the counter. You crave change, but external circumstances and a weak will do not allow you to carry out your plans. It is worth deciding to take a bold step and start living your days in a new way.
  5. Falling from the sky Such an unusual phenomenon is an unfavorable sign. It speaks of natural disasters and environmental problems.


What is the interpretation of dreams, where did you personally participate in your dreams? Remember and analyze this important detail.

  1. Catch and release. Why dream of catching a big fish? You will receive even more love and care from your loved one. And if you hold it in your hands and release it into the sea, then harmony and trust reign in your relationship on both sides.
  2. Swim with dead creatures. You will suffer significant losses in your own business. Women should be more attentive to their spouse. Coldness and indifference alienate you from each other.
  3. Bad catch. This incident speaks of your suspiciousness and paying too much attention to things that do not deserve it. By focusing on the little things, you can miss really important life events and not have time to prevent the troubles that have arisen.
  4. Buy on the market. The second half will pleasantly please you and present unexpected news. In general, a very good symbol showing the integrity of your relationship. It is only necessary to maintain the current position.
  5. Catch in the water. A good catch speaks of knowing yourself and finding inner peace. From now on, everyday trifles will affect you a little. Why dream of catching a big fish in a puddle? Unfortunately, the plans and intentions that you have been nurturing for so long will not be crowned with success.
  6. Eat. Be prepared for attacks and slander from colleagues. It is necessary to be a few steps ahead, and then it will be possible to dispel and prevent dubious stories about you.
  7. Beats in the hand. Fortune is on your side and very soon you will be lucky to receive considerable benefits. It is also a sign of good changes that will occur in the long term.

You can decipher a dream about a huge fish if a person remembers what the fish looked like. Of course, the most important thing is that such a dream is good luck. However, there are exceptions, in some cases, after such a dream, you need to be careful in all your actions.

A dream in which a person successfully caught a huge fish (or several fish), then financial success awaits him, and making good profits. At the same time, dream books say that the larger the fish, the greater the financial success (for example, a successfully concluded commercial contract, etc.). The same applies to the material profit that will be received after a productive entrepreneurial activity.

You may also dream of buying fish, which promises good luck in business, but you will have to work hard for it. Success in business can be both for the one who saw such a dream, and for his loved ones.

If a person admires a big fish or fish, then he has a need for compliments or love.

Dead large fish often dream of unfulfilled hopes. We will have to change our point of view and hope for something else, since the current hopes are in vain.

Multi-colored big fish - a quarrel, suffering for a healthy person. For a sick person, this is a favorable dream that promises him recovery.

You can also read about what a huge fish dreams of in a Christian dream book, where such a dream is interpreted as a sign of spiritual food and rebirth.

A huge fish in a dream can also be associated with a zodiac sign. This means a person's sensitivity, receptivity, as well as developed intuition. Such people often tend to dream and forget about reality, but it is better to stop doing this.

If this underwater creature dreamed in clear and clean water, then this is a dream of happiness. He promises that soon a person can do big business, which will bring big incomes, as well as moral satisfaction.

Sometimes a huge fish dreams that a person will soon have a chance to move up the career ladder or he will start his own successful business.

If the fish was caught, then in any sphere of life a person will not miss his chance.

Biting fish are a sign that there are envious people nearby.

The fish in the aquarium indicate that there is someone who watches over those who see such a dream day and night. At the same time, all actions are constantly evaluated. If the fish are pleasant, then the person is observed as a good specialist. And scary fish - to the fact that someone wants to harm.

Dead fish dream of losing money or grief. Fish dish - someone wants to disrupt harmony, peace and family happiness.

A girl who sees a big fish in a dream will soon find great love. If a person ate a big fish in a dream, then tenderness awaits him.

Why does a woman dream of a fish?

Sleep is the most interesting and unusual manifestation of the psyche. Sleep not only relieves fatigue and helps a person regain strength. Many scientists believe that a person through a dream receives very important information that he does not perceive in real, real life as worthy of attention.

There are a huge number of various hypotheses about the origin of sleep, but nevertheless, even what sleep is is still unknown. Throughout the history of mankind, people have been trying to understand the meaning of this or that dream they had, what their subconscious is trying to tell them. A correct understanding of dreams can help get rid of unnecessary problems. Even Hippocrates said that dreams can even warn of diseases that are only emerging in the human body. The right hemisphere of a person is responsible for night dreams, which is responsible for figurative-intuitive, emotional thinking. Thanks to this, important information appears before us in the form of metaphors, blurry intuitive and illogical images. If we treat the information received during sleep as a metaphor, as a vivid image, then the information acquires an obvious meaning. These intuitive premonitions should not be ignored, because this can lead to sad consequences. Also, when interpreting a dream, it is important to pay attention not only to pictures and images, but also to the emotional component of sleep, impressions from it.

Many dream books talk about what a woman dreams of a fish. If you dream of a fish, then, most likely, this indicates the coming great luck. A problem that has existed for a long period of time will be solved in the most unexpected and positive way.

In Russian folk tales, which are passed down from generation to generation, it is goldfish that become the power that fulfills the most cherished desires. However, a dream in which a dying or dead fish is present, on the contrary, indicates that you should be extremely careful, as luck may turn away and the planned events will not happen. If you dreamed of a live fish that swims in clear water, then this means that you will soon receive benefits in business. If the water was not clean, then you should not agree to an offer that will soon be received, since this will not lead to anything good. Also, if in a dream the fish simply swims away and it is impossible to catch it, then luck will pass by, but you should not be upset, because fate will provide an opportunity to change things for the better more than once.

Seeing strong fishing tackle in a dream means that all chances for good luck are present, you just have to dispose of them properly. However, if you dream of fishing hooks, then it’s too early to relax, as this can lead to ill-wishers preparing a big trap.

If you managed to catch the fish, then this is a gift of fate, it remains only to accept them and enjoy.

Oriental dream books testify that if a woman dreams about how she catches fish, then this is the onset of pregnancy.

It should be noted that different fish for a woman also has a different meaning. A dream about fry warns of troubles, a large fish brings with it a large income, in proportion to its size, and a predatory fish can lead to a quarrel in the professional field. However, a dream about a living carp testifies to such human qualities as strength, endurance and courage. If you dream of a bright, colorful fish, then you should be more attentive to the food you eat, as there is a danger of poisoning. A red fish predicts the discovery of some secret.

A dream about a large flock of fish can warn you of the need to concentrate on one thing. The pursuit of several options can lead to the fact that the chance will simply be lost. Nevertheless, if exactly three fish dreamed, then this is a very good sign, you should realize your plans without delay. Three fish will bring only good luck.

If you had a dream about buying fish, then the subconscious mind wants to warn you about the possibility of obtaining benefits at the expense of others. The dream that only a skeleton remained of the fish portends trouble, the collapse of plans and disappointment. If you dreamed about how one fish ate another, then in the future there may be a crash in some business, but do not despair, because another, larger opportunity to solve your problems is just around the corner.

Also a good dream is a dream in which there are a large number of fish dishes. It is even better if the person who is dreaming eats fish dishes with great pleasure. This means great benefits and material profit. A visit in a dream to places where fish are sold will lead to great joy.

Fish in the water according to the dream book

A person who dreams of a fish in the water has excellent business acumen. It is possible to find out more about what a fish in water dreams of by carefully considering the details of sleep and searching for its meaning in the dream book. Also, do not lose sight of the emotional content and ending of the dream.

A dream in which there is a living fish in the water, the dream book promises the coming happy love. For a young girl, such a dream portends the appearance on the horizon of a guy who will forever win her heart. Seeing fish in clear water promises complete understanding and an idyll with your partner - no one is able to spoil a clean and transparent relationship between you.

According to the dream book, fish in clear water means an upcoming passionate romance with the woman (or man) of your dreams, which represents the ideal of beauty. Such a dream says that during this period, fate will present you with favorable chances and good opportunities for arranging life. The dream in which you happened to see a fish in clear water speaks of a good time to start a family.

A dream in which a fish swims in water, a dream book explains how your ability to navigate the situation, skill in your usual activities will be noted by the authorities, or will allow you to find new clients.

Why dream of a lot of fish in the water. Such a dream promises huge profits, and the larger the fish in the dream, the greater the profit, respectively. Also, the dream book can interpret this dream as a successful start of your business.

Why else dream of a fish in the water in a dream

A dream in which a dead fish swims in the water, according to the dream book, means a poor completion of the plans. Still such a dream can become a harbinger of sorrows and losses. A dead fish in the water may portend a series of failures, so at some time you should not start anything, and you should not do anything, the best thing you can do in this case is to relax physically and mentally.

The dream in which you saw a fish in troubled waters, according to the dream book, portends dubious income. If you are on the verge of signing a contract, you should think about the guarantees of fulfillment of obligations by your partners. A young girl's dream of a fish in dirty water portends false promises and insincerity on the part of the young man.

A dream in which a fish jumps out of the water, according to the dream book, portends joy and unbridled fun. For a young woman, such a dream may portend pregnancy.

What is the dream of fish in Miller's dream book. To dream of a fish in clear water means that fate will be favorable to you and will generously bestow gifts and profitable opportunities. A living fish in a dream is a harbinger of pure and tender love, a dead (dead) one is a symbol of failure and bad news. Watching fishing in a dream promises a surge of vitality, as well as the ability to take advantage of a favorable chance to improve one's financial situation. Leaving fishing without catching anything means both incorrectly set priorities in life or your plans for life are too vain.

Why does a girl dream of a fish?

In general, a fish in a dream is a sign of illness, coldness, indifference.

But in different dreams, the situations in which the fish dream are also very important. You must always take into account the nuances, in a dream this is very important. A girl can dream of a fish for various reasons, the main ones being pregnancy or failure.

Why a girl dreams of a fish can be explained by dream books. So, if a girl in a dream saw someone catch a fish, this portends a pregnancy. But if a girl only watches the float of her fishing rod, which, in turn, calmly sways on the water, this is a sign that the fulfillment of her cherished desire will be postponed for a while, if in a dream the float twitches and the girl catches a fish, then her wish will come true in the near future . If in a dream a girl catches a big fish, then she will have a profitable marriage and a successful marriage. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business. If, however, a girl sees fish in an aquarium in a dream, then in reality she will have pleasant small joys, many happy moments. Multi-colored small fish in a dream portend a girl a lot of bright and positive emotions, perhaps an unexpected and unforgettable adventure awaits her soon.

It is also necessary to remember that in different dream books the interpretation of the same dream may diverge. Why does a girl dream of a fish, a modern dream book claims that the fish dreams of a mild illness, and in the dream book of Simon Canonite it is written that the girl dreams of a fish as a sign that she may soon become pregnant.

A girl can also dream of a fish as a sign that she will have an honest and faithful husband, family happiness and healthy children. If a woman eats fish in a dream, this means that she will have a bargain, an addition to the family and the tenderness of a partner. In general, if you dreamed of a fish, this expresses deep unconscious processes. If a girl catches fish in a dream, then you definitely need to pay attention to what she does it with: with a fishing rod or with her hands. Since some dream books say that a girl who is going to open some business in reality will catch fish with her hands in a dream, this will mean that she will not only do this important job well, but also that good fame will scatter about her abilities. If a girl dreamed that she was watching fishing, this means that soon she will find a good friend or mentor who will help her resolve family conflicts and help her overcome many of life's difficulties.

For a fish girl, it portends an intimate acquaintance and marriage; for a woman, seeing a fish in a dream means that family happiness and the birth of a child will come. If you dreamed of bones or a dead fish, be insensitive to someone. If a girl buys fish in a dream, this is a sign of deceit and falsehood.

Catching a lot of large fish with a bullshit in a dream means a big profit, but if in a dream instead of a big fish it turns out to be small, it can mean that there will be a lot of useless troubles, therefore, you should not waste your time on them. If a girl dreams of a fish that is splashing in a transparent pond, then this means that the woman will soon receive the promotion and recognition she dreamed of. Why does a girl dream of a fish tells a modern dream book. According to some dream books, if a girl dreams of a fish, then this means serious trials that she needs to pass.

A girl dreams of a fish in different situations, but a very bad sign, if she dreams of a fisherman, it means that loyal and kind-looking friends will let you down. The dream warns that in reality it is worth being wary of those people who can betray or provoke a conflict.

Why the girl dreams of a fish in the article is clarified. But it is worth remembering that, since many dream books are very contradictory and can interpret one dream in different ways, many astrologers advise paying attention not only to sleep and its interpretation, but also to your well-being in the morning. It is then that the explanation of the dream will be accurate and correct.

What is the big fish dreaming about?

If a fish was present in a dream, then before interpretation it is important to remember what size it was, how it behaved, whether it was alive or dead, etc. The most important is the big fish, since most often it predicts an important and favorable event.

Before interpreting a dream with a big fish, you need to remember all the details of the dream. For example, if the fish is in an aquarium or splashing in a pond, then soon you can expect good news from close friends or relatives. However, if this is a marine variety, then worries and anxieties cannot be avoided in the near future.

If a girl dreamed of a big fish, then she would soon become pregnant, while the pregnancy would proceed easily and without complications, the child would be born strong and healthy. A large variety of fish is dreamed of by a man or a child in front of a huge success that will change his whole life, all peaks will be reached, the most daring plans will be realized.

A dream in which a big fish eats a small one warns of serious troubles that may be caused by the inability to communicate with influential people and leaders.

A person who, in a dream after fishing, releases all the fish and hopes to catch a big one, but this does not work out, will face disappointments and losses in real life, which will worry for a long time.

Before interpreting a dream and thinking about what a big fish is dreaming of, you need to remember its color, behavior and your own feelings. Especially important is the color of the fish, which carries a positive or negative value.

Often, many who catch big fish in a dream think that this portends an improvement in their financial situation or a quick and overwhelming success. But this opinion is erroneous, in fact, one should expect disappointments and deceit, as well as quarrels and scandals with loved ones.

A big fish of light colors dreams of success, joyful and unexpected events, good luck. If the color is dark, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid quarrels and disagreements with a loved one, even betrayal is possible. This color can also predict the machinations of enemies, slander and scandals in which you will have to take part.

Sometimes in a dream the fish are not big, but huge. Such a dream guarantees the emergence of large and profitable projects in the near future, the conclusion of transactions that will bring good income.

A dream in which a fish jumps or hits the ice predicts fame and glory. However, in some cases, this may indicate the helplessness of a person and his inability to solve the situation.

If a person catches several large fish, then one can expect good profit or income in the near future, which will become permanent. The fish that a person buys in real life predicts success and good luck in business and at work, however, in order to achieve this, a lot of effort must be made.

A large fish that has a multi-colored color will lead to quarrels and even humiliation in real life. However, if a sick person saw such a dream, then soon he will recover.

In some dreams, a big fish is dead, this suggests that all the plans and hopes of a person are in vain, they are not destined to come true. That is why after such a dream it is worth considering whether it is worth canceling everything planned and paying attention to what is really important and interesting.

If a large fish swims in clean and clear water, then the business that the person is currently engaged in will bring him good income and moral satisfaction. Often, after such dreams, people open their own business or receive a significant promotion.

The dream is especially successful, in which the fish managed not to be missed and caught with hands. If a big fish bites a person who has a dream, then in life you need to carefully look at your surroundings, as there are enemies and envious people among colleagues or friends who will betray in an important and responsible period of life.

However, a fish that swims in dark water, then someone is constantly watching and evaluating his behavior and actions for a specific purpose. If she is in a dirty aquarium or seems sick, then shadowing is carried out so that she can be slandered or harmed.

After sleep, it is important to correctly assess your condition. If the sight of the fish caused fear and panic, then such a dream will not predict anything good, and if there was a sense of peace or joy, then success and material well-being await in reality.

In most cases, a big fish in a dream is a good sign that predicts material well-being, career advancement, health, success in all endeavors, opening your own business, and for a girl, pregnancy. However, do not forget that sometimes a big fish is a warning sign.

About a dream about fish! Many people are mistaken if a girl or woman dreamed of a live fish, it is necessary for pregnancy.



Of course not true. Basically, they take everything from dream books and they don’t even think about it and don’t know that they are far from smart people.
Dreams with fish are mostly good news or the right things. Perhaps someone will give a thing or it will be bought.

Nelli Danilova

I completely agree!!! fish dreams just because they dream)))

Elvira Bagirova

we are talking about cooked, or rather fried fish, this is exactly for pregnancy


for pregnancy - eat fish ...
and catch... I think it's something career ... But! not bad.


nothing like this
Pisces - to pregnancy, you contradict yourself, how do you want to conceive without a man, from the holy spirit? \

You are just ready for childbearing and thinking about it


fish can also dream of gifts of fate. and to marriage, and to trials, and to sorrow, ...
it all depends on the situation..


to be honest, for the first time I hear that fish dream of pregnancy, I have three, but I don’t remember a single fish .... I think the “pearl” is the unconscious: you dream of fish because you really want children, and believe ( although unconsciously, but believe) that they dream of pregnancy .... do not get hung up on this .... and God forbid you children!


Fish dreams of profit. . to growth... this is a good dream, only one interpretation, it says that by pregnancy, when a girl is fishing .. that is, it doesn’t matter with a fishing rod or hands, the main thing is that she swam and ended up in her hands. And in other cases, other interpretations. It's just our people. They will take one interpretation, take it out of context .... and we all know). Although nothing is 100% Dream is a reflection of our subconscious, which is expressed in images. . we see what we are afraid of or want to achieve, what touched us, touched us .... that is, dreams - we are real without a mask, not deceiving ourselves. where our desires are manifested


Everyone is definitely wrong. It's just the price of salt.


I often dreamed of fish, it didn't mean anything. but before getting pregnant, I caught a pike in a dream. a girl was born.


Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fish - to see or catch - benefit, - in women - to pregnancy - dead - trouble - happiness in the lottery - to catch with your hands - make enemies for yourself - small fish - an important enterprise - to catch - you will be deceived and disappointed

Lunar dream book

Pisces: many - big profits; big fish - slander; eat boiled fish - a loss.

Ukrainian dream book

Fish - fish dreams of rain, bad weather. If a fish dreams: a man or a girl - there will be a change in the weather, young women - she will have a baby. Big fish - good earnings. Lifeless fish - weakness. Dead fish - in bad weather. To see a goldfish (fish) - the envisioned, expected will not come true. Fish - sabotage; someone "digs" under you. A lot of fish - bad weather. Rybin in the hands - unsuccessful childbirth. There is fish: for men - to have mistresses, for women - easy childbirth. Fishing is profit, victory over rivals; clean live fish - for fun.

Esoteric dream book

Fish - See - problems with children, possibly an unwanted pregnancy. Catch - the heirs try on your property. Yes - it is possible to receive an inheritance soon. Clean, cook - your hopes for an inheritance are unlikely to be realized. But if in a dream you then eat this fish, then you will be the heir.

Freud's dream book

Fish - If you dreamed about how you were catching fish, then in real life you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs during lovemaking. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax to the end and get (as well as deliver) pleasure. At least for a while, forget about all the problems and inconsistencies that are present in your life, and surrender to love. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming a sexually flawed person in the shortest possible time, because, not being able to fully surrender and relax, you thereby greatly undermine the capabilities of your own body. To treat a man to a fish in a dream - a dream indicates that in intimate life you act according to the principle "The Moor has done his job ...". You are not in the least concerned about how your partner feels and how to give her maximum pleasure. The main thing for you is the satisfaction of your own instincts. Catching fish in a dream and not catching anything - this indicates that in real life you are subconsciously afraid of embarrassing yourself in bed. It is possible that the failure of the first attempt at sexual experience should be considered the fault of these fears. Treat what happened once philosophically - it was and has passed.

Modern dream book

Fish is a mild disease

Muslim dream book

Fish - fish, one or two - means a wife. If there are a lot of fish, and they are large, this means property, and small fish - to sadness and care.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, inconstancy. To see a fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign. Ecological catastrophes, disasters. Fishing - trying to find a way out of a predicament. To see a large accumulation of fish - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance. The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen. There is a fish in a dream - to receive unexpected, but pleasant news. A dream in which you dream of a fish with a human face means the threat of nuclear war. Seeing in a dream how one fish attacks another is a submarine attack. If you dreamed of a rotten fish, unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person. The dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance.


I have two children and I dreamed about fish twice. the dreams were almost the same. I fish in a clean and transparent river, I catch it with my hands. I always knew that the fish dreams of pregnancy.

Alar Naeni

dreams are dreams of symbols and dream books mean symbols no more. dream books cannot be read and understood literally. If you dream of a fish, this does not mean that you are pregnant in reality. pregnancy in a dream means something completely different. If you are interested, write to explain how you need to understand this, but with the plot of a dream.

rikkitusya biglik



fed up with your pregnancy. I have a spiral. the fish often dreams, and the child is alone.

Tatyana Popova

Tonight I caught gorgeous fish, with my hands, in huge numbers ... and everything was not enough for me, I wanted even more ... So what? I already have a birthmark on the oil lamp, even if I wanted to, I couldn’t .. so the dream is about not sleeping. But I dreamed of shoes - boots, specifically, definitely got married, all 3 times!

Fish in a dream - big fish- you will be undeservedly slandered.
It happens that in dreams we also see the appearance of a fish. So, if it is already dead and decaying, then small monetary losses await you, but with healthy and fresh fish, on the contrary, a dream with it portends joy and good luck.
There is an opinion that the fish dreams only of the fact that soon the family will be replenished. Pregnant women often have such dreams. It's more of a self-indulgence. Fish can dream of a lot.
Seeing a huge fish in fried form, for example, a shark or a killer whale, means that in real life you have contacted a strong opponent. Despite the fact that you have very few chances to defeat your enemy, they still have a place to be, do not give up hope prematurely.
Seeing a lot of small fish in a dream- to big profits.
Seeing a rotten fish in a dream means that you will ruin your relationship with an important person due to rumors.
To dream of a fish splashing in a pond- you will be an observer of a troublesome business in which many people participate.
To dream that you are eating fish- Fine. This means that a serious feeling awaits you, strong love, a strong marriage.
See fried pike- to the appearance of a woman who will break your life or career.
See or eat fried ruffs- to a little money, I will return your old debt.
See a lot of live colorful fish in the aquarium- to new acquaintances, adventures and travels. You will have the opportunity to learn and see a lot of new and interesting things.
Seeing not one, but several dead fish means that you believe too much in chance and hope for coincidences. You should start solving your problems on your own, otherwise fortune may leave you.
Seeing unsuccessful fishing in a dream speaks of good luck that will look back at you in the near future.
See a huge fried fish- to a competition in reality with a strong opponent.
Seeing fish in an aquarium means that things dear to your heart and pleasant surprises will appear in your life.
To see a dream in which you are sitting on the shore and watching swimming fish in clear blue water, then the dream portends an unexpected, unplanned pregnancy - for a girl, and for the stronger sex - commercial profit and business success.
Seeing someone else frying fish means that in the near future you will have to deal with law enforcement or start red tape with documents.
In general, dreaming of fish is a sign of illness, but insignificant.
Choose smoked fish- to big or small (depending on the size of the fish) troubles.
Cooking fish in a dream- to good news or to reconciliation with loved ones.
Cooking fish in a dream (fry, boil or salt)- to a long journey, news from afar from relatives or acquaintances, receiving a pleasant compliment.
For you, this will be fraught with serious consequences, up to imprisonment.
For a young girl, seeing a live fish means that she will soon find true love.
For young people, seeing fish in the water is a sign of a happy relationship and great, strong love.
For men, red fish is a harbinger of good luck in business and finance.
For an unmarried girl to eat red fish in a dream- a harbinger of marriage with a wealthy person.
If a dead fish is caught in the net, then such a dream portends nothing but a collapse of hopes.
If only small fish turned out to be in the nets, then in reality you may be bored.
If you dreamed of a fish in a dream, it means that fate will be favorable to you and generously endow you.
If you dreamed of a live fish swimming in the water, this means that your life will not be overshadowed in the near future. Such a dream promises stability and calmness.
If you dreamed of a dead fish in your bed, then soon you can get very sick.
If you dreamed of a dead fish, it means that soon troubles will fall on you, like a bolt from the blue. Basically, these will be minor squabbles and failures, but still, you cannot avoid them.
If you dreamed of a dead fish, then you are in big trouble.
If you dreamed of a fish, then most often this means a desire for renewal and spiritual improvement.
If you dreamed of a bright fish, then in life you need to beware of deception.
If you dreamed about how a big fish swallows a small fish, then you will have troubles that are associated with the authorities.
If you dreamed about how a huge fish swallows a small one, then this means that troubles await you at work related to your bosses.
If you dream of a huge number of big fish- expect gossip and slander against you. Perhaps your ill-wishers are conspiring behind your back.
If you dream of a fish swimming in clear and clean water, this is a good sign. This dream promises joy and a successful turn of events.
If fishhooks fall into your hands in a dream, this means that you have every chance to radically change your life and future destiny. The main thing is to use them correctly.
If in a dream you dreamed of fish in the water, then such a dream predicts that fate will not be stingy, but will present you with unexpected gifts. Only this value is suitable for a dream in which you saw that the fish were swimming in clean and clear water.
If in a dream you wandered through the water and saw fish there, then this dream is quite favorable, and may mean that your enterprise will help you earn prosperity and well-being for the whole family.
If in a dream you wander around the fish market, then in reality you will not feel the need, prosperity will settle next to you for a long time.
If you dream of smoked fish, it means that you are at high risk of falling under someone's bad influence.
If in a dream you cook and eat already boiled fish- you will be in danger of expenses and losses. The bigger the fish, the more losses you will overtake.
If in a dream you choose fish- wait for illnesses.
If in a dream you are cooking fish, such a fish portends some kind of news.
If in a dream you feed a cat with live fish, then in reality you will have to give your victory to another person. The laurels of success and universal recognition will go to those who deserve it more.
If in a dream you eat fish- expect a bright, sincere and lasting love relationship.
If in a dream you eat fish, then your loved ones will show you exceptional tenderness.
If in a dream you could not catch a single fish, then in life you will have to try very hard to achieve your goal.
If in a dream you didn’t catch anything and move away from the river without fish, it means that you will have to seriously fuss in order to fulfill your desires.
If in a dream you went to the fish market- wait for good luck. Perhaps in your life there will soon be more prosperity and joy.
If in a dream you were fishing and didn’t catch anything, then soon you will face failures and betrayal of loved ones.
If in a dream you saw a fish dancing in water or a pond filled with water as clear as a tear, then in the near future, expect power and prosperity, which you have been achieving through overwork for a long period of time.
If in a dream you feel a dead fish, it means that soon you can become seriously ill.
If in a dream you had a chance to eat fish, then soon your loved one will endow you with tenderness.
If in a dream you dreamed of a fish- it can say a lot.
If in a dream a fish swims in clean clear water, then you are waiting for a relationship with the person of your dreams.
If the water is cloudy, then it will not be easy for you to meet your ideal partner.
If you saw sea fish in a dream- it means that worries await you, if alive and splashing in the water - in good.
If you see a dead fish that is carried by the current through the water, then your desires will not come true. And for some time you may not be lucky in new endeavors.
If you see that a fish is splashing in the water, then you will observe from the side some troublesome and painstaking business in which a large number of people will be involved.
If in a dream you watched another person fry fish, then soon you will have to deal with law enforcement officials or fiddle with documents.
If you saw in a dream how to fish, then wait, the disease is already creeping up on you.
If you cook salted fish, then all problems and urgent matters will be safely resolved. Just don't forget to thank those who helped you win.
If you fish, then your business will be successful.
If you watch the fish that are in the aquarium, then you will be excluded from the game, which is worth the candle.
If you watch someone fish- this means a huge surge of energy and a favorable course of life circumstances.
If you caught a fish in a dream and immediately released it, then this indicates that in life you will make huge plans for the future, so you need to be happy with what you have now.
When in a dream you see a floating live fish, then in reality you will face financial difficulties, quarrels and misunderstandings with your girlfriend. In the near future, you will be characterized by increased nervousness and aggression.
If you are standing in the water and you feel, but do not see, that a fish has swum, such a dream speaks of the danger that lies in wait for you. Try to protect yourself from people you don't like, don't annoy your enemies with your success for a while. Go into the shadows for a while to avoid problems.
If you walk with a delusion on the water, then in real life you will achieve well-being very soon.
If a girl has a dream in which she catches fish with her bare hands, it means that she will get married soon.
If a woman sees fish in an aquarium in her dream, then in reality small joys, happy moments, pleasant household chores await her.
If a woman dreamed of a red fish, such a dream promises joy, useful acquisitions and good luck.
If a live fish swimming around you has a bright beautiful color, then in reality you will experience happiness, fun and a storm of positive emotions. The only pity is that the euphoria will not last long, you will have to quickly "go down to earth" and return to the daily routine of life.
If a pregnant woman dreamed of a dead fish, then her child may be born sick or weak. Possible miscarriage.
If a man saw a fish in the water, you need to remember here what kind of water it was. If it is transparent, clean, then his health will begin to improve. Illness or disease will subside.
If a man dreams that he has caught a lot of fish, then it is time for him to rest, he is tired of the existing problems.
If a bad catch- it means that someone will interfere with your desires.
If you dreamed of fishing nets, then beware of deception or traps.
If you dreamed of a fish dish, then, most likely, trouble awaits you, or someone obsessively seeks to violate your well-being.
If the fish in a dream is dead- this portends sorrows and losses.
If the fish is beautiful and healthy, then your health, as well as the health of the child, will be very good.
If salmon fish, then such a dream symbolizes a large monetary profit. In women's dreams, fish is often a harbinger of pregnancy.
If there is not one fish, but a whole school of them, then wealth can come to you.
If the fish turns out to be too oily, then perhaps disease looms on the horizon. Pay close attention to your health.
If a fish is dreamed of by a man or a child- it means that luck and achievement of goals awaits ahead.
If the fish are not very big, but there are a lot of them- means, in the near future you should expect profit.
If the network is torn, then the opposite effect is possible.
If you dream of a big fish eating a small one- so expect trouble from some very influential person.
If you saw such a dream, get ready for the arrival of distant relatives or a meeting with old friends. The main thing is that you are guaranteed a feast by the mountain. Although the players, for example, dried fish does not bode absolutely nothing good. You can’t hope for a big jackpot after such a dream.
Eating fried fish in a dream means that in reality you will be more successful and agile than a more experienced person, which they will not be able to forgive you for a long time.
Eating live fish in a dream- to unrequited love, suffering, you will be denied a marriage proposal. You should not be intrusive in your courtship if you do not want to cause disgust for your person.
Eating fish in a dream- you will be worried about something.
Eating fish in a dream- means, in reality, to feel anxiety and anxiety.
Eat by yourself- fall into bondage, play the role of a servant.
Fried fish- long-awaited or interesting news, smoked fish - scandalous news, salted fish dreams of tears and chagrin.
Fried fish dreams of unexpected news- They can be both positive and negative.
Fried pike dreams of the appearance in your destiny of a woman who will ruin or break your life. This event can manifest itself in different ways, a woman can turn out to be anyone - from a mistress who destroyed her family to a boss who put an end to your career.
Fried ruffs to see or eat- to small money, the return of a long-standing debt to you.
Fry fish in a dream yourself- to receive the latest news, you will be aware of all important events relating to you or your work. a dream promises squabbles in the service, quarrels with household members, relations with the spouse will begin to deteriorate due to the daily routine.
Fry your own fish- you will be aware of many important events that concern your work or you personally. such a dream may portend a squabble at work, quarrels with loved ones.
Live fish that swims in the river indicates the fulfillment of desires and well-being.
The live fish that you dreamed about indicates that luck and joy are at the door. Very soon they will visit your house and make everyone in the household happy.
Frozen fish means that in life you are trying to brush off some difficulties or problems. This dream has a deep meaning and pushes for some specific action. very often such dreams show a way out of the current situation. frozen fish can symbolize some plans or a cherished dream put aside.
Frozen fish is clocked as the duration of the action. Therefore, do not be afraid of difficulties, take a bold step forward to meet your dream and see that everything will work out for you. The main thing is desire and a competent approach.
A married woman has such a dream for pregnancy.
Sometimes it also portends pregnancy and the safe birth of a child. A fish dreaming in a closed space, for example, in an aquarium, portends happiness or a quick solution to many problems.
A dead fish dreams of big monetary losses.
When a woman eats fish in her dream, this indicates that she is expecting an addition to the family, the tenderness of a partner, a bargain.
When you dreamed that you picked up smoked fish, and it was rotten, falling into pieces, then in real life you will receive unexpected profit or inheritance.
When in a dream you first catch a fish and then release it because it turns out to be too small - it's time to realize that you don't appreciate what you have today and you lose a lot behind grandiose plans for the future.
If it is also fried, so be your long-planned walk with your family in nature.
smoke fish- to failure in a business that seems win-win to you.
Feed someone smoked fish- to defeat enemies.
Red fish in a dream means flirting, the initiative of marriage.
The fish seen in the dream- this is a good sign. If she is alive, the dream can be called successful.
Catching fish in a dream- to temporary difficulties, to small trials.
Catching fish in a dream- a harbinger of a serious illness or nervous shock.
Catching fish with your hands in a dream- not the best sign. This means that you should be more careful, otherwise you can make a lot of enemies.
Dream of catching fish for pregnancy.
Catching and catching fish- a sign of serious trials that you will endure steadfastly if you do not lose the presence of fighting spirit.
Dead fish dreams of longing and disappointment.
Dead fish dreams of many sorrows.
Dead fish usually bring disappointment and failure in real life. You may have to face a very difficult situation, as a result of which you may become depressed, so try to control your condition and surround yourself with close and pleasant people who can help you and dispel your longing.
Many women planning pregnancy are very much looking forward to a dream in which they see themselves fishing - because catching fish in such a dream portends pregnancy.
For a young girl, such a dream also promises a very happy marriage.
A man, having caught a fish in a dream, can be sure that regardless of the efforts and capabilities of ill-wishers, his affairs will not worsen, and the conflict situation will be resolved by itself, without losses and troubles.
In the east, it is believed that if a man dreams that he eats smoked fish, then he will have a love adventure, a betrayal of his wife. The same dream for a woman portends troubles associated with her flirting or cheating on her husband.
Not very good if you buy fish in a dream. This means that someone can deceive you, beware of ill-wishers.
A dream in which a woman sees a fish in the water, in most cases, notifies you of pregnancy.
But, despite the fact that you have little chance of defeating the enemy, you should not lose hope prematurely.
The image of a fish appears in a dream if someone is hiding something or keeping some secret.
The image of a rotten or decaying fish seen in a dream means monetary loss.
Huge fish in a dream promise the beginning of a large and successful business that will be with you for a long time.
It is bad if dried or dried fish is seen in a dream - this is a sign of illness and disease.
To catch a big fish dreams of a profitable marriage.
Catching live fish in a dream promises to receive a tempting offer, you will have a great chance to become famous and get rich.
Catch a fish- this dream will bring the woman who sees him family happiness, healthy children and an honest husband, respect in the service.
Buy fish in a dream- to profit, to sell - to get rid of a big fuss or problem.
Going to the fish market in a dream- in the near future you will find joy and prosperity.
If you dreamed of a dead fish of a bright color, it means that someone is preparing to strike you with such a blow that you did not particularly expect from this person. A grandiose deception is possible, which will destroy your entire business, or poisoning, which will greatly affect your health.
A dreamed aquarium with red fish symbolizes a stable income, but be vigilant, save money, give up unreasonable spending.
The size of the profit is greater, the larger the fish in a dream.
If in a dream you saw fried fish, then in reality you will be more agile and successful than a more experienced person, which they will not be able to forgive you for a very long time.
Multi-colored bright fish in a dream portend the girl many new adventures and a storm of positive emotions in real life.
Fish- a kind of symbol of a person's need for compliments and recognition.
The fish in a dream is a symbol of fertility and fertility in all areas of life.
Fish is a dream for those who are waiting for some serious changes.
Fish is the beginning of something, it is quite possible that you will have a child. The same will happen if you dreamed of a carp at night.
A fish swimming in clear and clean water promises success and generous gifts of fate.
A fish seen in a dream can portend both success and misfortune. It all depends on who sees this dream, as well as what kind of environment surrounds the fish.
Fish in muddy and dirty water- There are many reasons why you will not be able to successfully complete the planned tasks.
Catch a big fish in a dream- to profit.
A dream in which you catch fish in the water with your hands symbolizes your elusive desire. such a dream portends empty chores regarding the realization of your dreams.
The dream in which you clean the fish means you will count money.
Dried fish may portend good news. According to some astrologers, dried fish in a dream is a feast.
Happy love is promised by a living fish in a dream of a young girl.
Rotten fish dreams of illness.
Seeing in a dream that you caught a fish, do not be discouraged. It is only for women that she dreams of pregnancy.
Having seen such a dream, be sure to try to approach the solution of cases from the other side.
To dream of a dead fish that swam in the water is a harbinger of great loss and sorrow.
To dream of a rotten, foul-smelling fish for a woman prophesies large financial losses, gossip of envious friends, lies and betrayal from a loved one. After this dream, it is not recommended to experiment with your appearance, change your image or hair color.
See a fishing net in a dream- to profitable acquisitions.
Luck will turn away if in a dream you touched the fish or cleaned it. In this case, your hopes are not destined to come true, but your desires will come true.
Financial well-being, accompanied by tremendous success, will come to someone who sees himself in a dream catching fish with his hands while standing in the pond or river itself.
The larger the fish in a dream, the more complex the disease will overtake you.
The more fish there, the better. This suggests that someone is preparing a nice gift for you.

See interpretation: by the names of fish, as well as nets, a trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments.

Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The bigger the fish, the more money you get.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, business obstacles and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful.

Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing tackle, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied upon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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