Who are Ded Moroz and Snegurochka? From the evil old man to the good wizard. History of Santa Claus in Russia


The New Year is inextricably linked with the corresponding attributes: a fragrant Christmas tree, garlands and Christmas decorations, the Snow Maiden, and, of course, her grandfather. Few people know how he appeared, and hardly anyone knows that at first he was a negative character. Once, instead of a warm elegant fur coat, he wore a cloak, bludgeoned naughty children with a staff, and was almost crippled, having three fingers on his hands. Intrigued? Then let's move on to history.

Fear of Morok

Russian Santa Claus is associated with good magic, fun and gifts that children find under the tree and in New Year's boots, such as this one.

However, everything is not so simple: the Eastern Slavs once considered him an evil winter spirit and called Morok, who is also referred to as the god of cold and winter. Scientists studying the life of the ancient Slavs are sure that the word "frost" appeared from the "haze".

Morok was considered the embodiment of evil and icy cold and was presented as a hunchbacked, sloppy old man, shod in bast shoes and dressed in a linen shirt. Where he passed, the earth, rivers and forests turned into an ice kingdom: he chained everything with frost. It was the ability to turn the living into the dead that made the appearance of the old man so sinister: the Slavs believed that the one who gets in his way would turn into a piece of ice. That's where the expressions "confuse the head" and "faint" came from.

Subsequently, fear gave way to curiosity, and people identified a number of signs, for example, that snowy and cold winters turn into fruitful summers and autumns. In order to get more harvests, they began to lure Morok on Maundy Thursday and Holy Week, putting kutya or pancakes on the porch. They say that the bait worked "with a bang": in the morning there was no food on the porch, and Christmas and Christmas days were bitterly frosty.

From Evil God to Good Wizard

The change in attitude towards the old man, who for several centuries was known as an evil spirit, was expressed in a change in the image. He "got rid" of rags and bast shoes, and dressed up in felt boots, a good fur coat and a warm hat.

The new staff was decorated with a bull's head, which personified happiness and fertility. Although his hands still appeared to be three-fingered, they now wore warm gloves.

But with the appearance so far it was problematic: the deity remained angry and shaggy, with the nickname Student or Treskunets.

Not Morok, but Moroz Ivanovich!

When the Baptism of Rus' took place and paganism was uprooted in every possible way, Moroka was forgotten, but he was not replaced by anyone.

The first mention of appeared only in the 19th century, and then it was not our usual Russian Santa Claus, but Nikolai Ugodnik (Wonderworker). Saint Nicholas is the kindest old man, famous for his disinterestedness and readiness to help anyone in need. Under Alexander II, his image first became associated with the New Year and Christmas holidays, but then the residence of Father Frost in Russia was not yet mentioned. Nikolai visited houses and presented the children with gifts that they found under the Christmas tree or in a Christmas boot.

Only closer to the beginning of the 20th century, Santa Claus received his current status.

He was “dressed up” in a long-brimmed red (blue) painted fur coat trimmed with thick fur, a warm hat and felt boots. The staff was decorated with a tip - a star.

This is how Santa Claus appeared in Russia, who then, according to legend, lived in a huge ice palace and slept on snowy featherbeds. Where exactly the elder's palace stood, no one knew.

Vladimir Odoevsky nicknamed the wizard Moroz Ivanovich, because it is not proper to call an adult simply by his first name. Santa Claus became a favorite of children and adults, although his gifts still had to be earned: they were received only by those who behaved well in the past year. Only obedient and diligent children received sweets and gingerbread. Loafers and dirty people got an ice icicle, and evil wimps - a blow with a staff on the forehead!

When the revolution happened, they forgot about the good wizard and even began to persecute those who did not want to give up traditions. But a little later, in 1936, he reappeared at children's holidays - already accompanied by the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden.

Our updated Russian Santa Claus has turned into the ultimate good-natured man who turned his staff from an instrument of punishment into a magical remote control for Christmas tree lights!

Gifts became more accessible: both a loafer and a slut could receive them, the main thing is that he recite a New Year's rhyme memorized or sing a song.

Closer to the 90s, a residence appeared in Russia - at first in Arkhangelsk, later - in Veliky Ustyug, where it is still located today. Many Russian children write letters to him, indicating the desired gifts, and everyone knows that the wish will certainly come true, because Santa Claus is the embodiment of a good miracle, which children's hearts await with bated breath!

01.01.2017 12:11

Of course, our most beloved characters of the New Year holiday are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. But if some similarities of our Russian pagan God Santa Claus under different names exist in many countries, then the Snow Maiden is our purely Russian heritage, the offspring of the great and generous truly Russian spirit.

We have long been accustomed to the annual appearance of this fabulously beautiful, eternally young, cheerful and infinitely kind Russian Goddess at New Year's celebrations and every time we chant with pleasure: “Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!" And it is even hard to imagine that no one can respond to our call.

Until recently, the origin of the Snow Maiden was shrouded in deep mystery. Everyone knows that she is the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but who her father and mother were until recently was known very confusingly and vaguely. For this reason, the editors of SuperCook.ru conducted their own fundamental scientific and historical research, finally clarifying this great ancient secret.

Our omnipotent Russian pagan God Santa Claus is powerful and great in everything, including the ability to drink a lot in Russian - everything is in order with divine health, no illnesses and intoxications take him ...

Once upon a time, the God-Son Snowman was born to the great Russian God-Father Santa Claus and the divine Snow Blizzard-Metelitsa. Due to the conception in the state and strong New Year's drunkenness of his parents, he was born with a somewhat weak mind, but very kind and sympathetic. He did not take over the habit of drinking from his Father, therefore he does not drink at all, and prefers ice cream to any food.

At one fine moment, the daughter of the Snow Maiden was born to the winter God-Son of the Snowman and the Russian goddess of Spring-Red. Since the non-drinking Snowman with divine genetics is all right, his daughter was born to glory!

The Snow Maiden came out to everyone - and the unprecedented divine beauty adopted from Spring-Krasna, and the mind, and quick wit, and the kindness and disinclination to alcohol adopted from the Snowman.

The divine mothers of God the Son of the Snowman (the son of Father Frost and the Snow Blizzard-Metelitsa), and the Goddess-Granddaughter of the Snow Maiden (daughters of the Snowman and Spring-Red) quickly fled from this cheerful riotous New Year's company and appear there infrequently. The wise Spring-Krasna prefers to communicate with Santa Claus, the Snowman and the Snow Maiden only briefly, just before the onset of spring warmth, when our cheerful New Year's God-Father Santa Claus, God-Son the Snowman and Goddess-Granddaughter Snow Maiden are already going to leave for the whole summer in their fiefdom in the Wild Far North. But the more daring and resolute divine Snowstorm-Metelitsa occasionally visits her New Year's relatives throughout the winter, and in the summer she also sometimes drops by to visit them in the northern Land of Eternal Snows.

But what is known about the Snow Maiden from other, earlier sources.

The image of the Snow Maiden is not recorded in the Russian folk ritual. However, in Russian folklore, she appears as a character in a folk tale about a girl made of snow who came to life.

The tales of the Snow Maiden were studied by A. N. Afanasiev in the second volume of his work “Poetic Views of the Slavs on Nature” (1867).

In 1873, A. N. Ostrovsky, under the influence of Afanasiev's ideas, wrote the play "The Snow Maiden". In it, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of Father Frost and Spring-Red, who dies during the summer ritual of honoring the sun god Yarila. She has the appearance of a beautiful pale blonde girl. Dressed in white and blue clothes with fur trim (fur coat, fur hat, mittens). Initially, the play was not successful with the public.

In 1882, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov staged an opera of the same name based on the play, which was a huge success.

The image of the Snow Maiden was further developed in the works of teachers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, who prepared scenarios for children's New Year trees. Even before the revolution, figures of the Snow Maiden were hung on a Christmas tree, girls dressed up in costumes of the Snow Maiden, fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky's play or opera were staged. At this time, the Snow Maiden did not act as a host.

The image of the Snow Maiden received its modern look in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission to celebrate the New Year. In books on organizing Christmas trees of this period, the Snow Maiden appears on a par with Santa Claus, as his granddaughter, assistant and mediator in communication between him and the children. At the beginning of 1937, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden first appeared together for the Christmas tree festival at the Moscow House of Unions (that is, at the most important Christmas tree of the Soviet Union).

History of the Snow Maiden.

Snegurochka is a Russian New Year's character. She is a unique attribute of the image of Santa Claus. None of his younger or foreign counterparts have such a sweet escort.

The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl (not a girl) - an eternally young and cheerful pagan Goddess, dressed only in white clothes. No other color is allowed in traditional symbolism, although from the middle of the 20th century blue tones were sometimes used in her clothes. Her headdress is an eight-pointed crown embroidered with silver and pearls. The modern costume of the Snow Maiden most often corresponds to the historical description. Violations of the color scheme are extremely rare and, as a rule, justified by the lack of the ability to make the “correct” suit.

The image of the Snow Maiden is not recorded in the ancient Russian folk ritual. The Snow Maiden is a relatively recent achievement in Russian culture.

Nowadays, there is often a deeply erroneous, anti-scientific opinion that the image of our Snow Maiden arose from the image of a certain pagan goddess of winter and death, Kostroma.

Here we recall that in historical science there is a term “armchair mythology”, in which known disparate facts are artificially “pulled by the ears”, powerfully supplemented by the “researcher’s” own fantasy, and as a result, a quasi-historical work in the fantasy style arises that has nothing to do with reality. . Often, such mythologists work under the order of the authorities - local or state.

In historical science, “armchair mythology” did not arise yesterday and will not disappear tomorrow. In all sciences there have always been and are lovers to compose gag that is not related to reality. The connection between the image of the Russian Snow Maiden and Kostroma was "found" by Kostroma local historians, when the authorities of Kostroma decided to declare their places the birthplace of the Snow Maiden.

Note that the supposedly "ancient" rite associated with the image of Kostroma was first noted and described only in the 19th century, so that the antiquity of information about it is very small. Much later, from these descriptions, local Kostroma "armchair mythologists" concluded that the myth of the Snow Maiden arose from the "ancient" Slavic ritual of the funeral of Kostroma, which was carried out by peasants in the areas around the city of Kostroma.

But consider who Kostroma is in this rite.


The word "Kostroma" has the same root as the word bonfire. According to the descriptions of researchers of the 19th century, at the end of winter, the effigy of Kostroma in different villages was buried by peasants in the vicinity of the city of Kostroma in different ways. The straw effigy, depicting Kostroma, joyfully, with hoots and jokes, was either drowned in the river or burned.

From conscientious descriptions by researchers of the 19th century, it can be seen that the rite of destruction of the effigy of Kostroma repeats to the smallest detail the rite of festive destruction in the spring of the effigy of the bored evil Winter-Marena, which in different places is also called Morena, Marana, Morana, Mara, Marukh, Marmara.

From the descriptions of the rite, it is clearly seen that the goddess of winter, Kostroma, is not a separate independent deity, but only the local (local) Kostroma name of the common Slavic Marena (Morana), the pagan goddess of death, winter and night.

Morana (Marana, Kostroma ...) was personified in a frightening image: relentless and ferocious, her teeth are more dangerous than the fangs of a wild beast, terrible, crooked claws on her hands; Death is black, gnashes its teeth, quickly rushes to war, grabs fallen warriors and, sticking its claws into the body, sucks the blood out of them.


The plurality of Morana-Kostroma names in Russian is not surprising. In the 19th century in Rus', there were still many local features of the Russian language, which by the middle of the 20th century had practically disappeared due to the introduction of a single standardized education. For example, the same ancient pagan harvest festival, traditionally celebrated on the day of the autumn equinox, was called Veresen, Tausen, Ovsen, Avsen, Usen, Autumn, Radogoshch in different parts of Russia.

Winter Madder

The burning of an effigy of Winter (Marena, Kostroma, etc.) is a farewell to a boring winter, practiced in the spring by all the peoples of Europe, including the Slavs, who in pre-Christian times had a common religion of druids / sorcerers (the Slavs called pagan priests-druids " Magi").

In pre-Christian times, the effigy of Winter was destroyed by drowning in water or by burning on the day of the vernal equinox during the pagan holiday of Komoyeditsy (see details). Later, when the victorious Christian church, under fear of heavy punishment, banned the pagan Komoyeditsa and introduced instead the Christian holiday Maslenitsa (in Europe called "carnival"), people began to destroy the effigy of Winter on the last day of Maslenitsa.

The rite of burning on Komoyeditsa on the day of the vernal equinox (later in Christian times - on the last day of Maslenitsa) the effigy of the annoying Winter-Marena (and not Maslenitsa, as some mistakenly believe) was intended to ensure the fertility of the lands.

Of course, there is no reason to associate the image of our Russian Snow Maiden with the image of the ancient evil and cruel goddess of winter, death and night Morana (Kostroma) - these are just ridiculous anti-scientific exaggerations of overly witty Kostroma local historians who acted under the order of local authorities.

Attempts to look for the roots of the relationship of the Snow Maiden in the pre-Christian mythology of the Slavs, which by the 13th century was completely and irretrievably destroyed by churchmen, and about which practically nothing is known today, are also senseless.

In the cruel medieval times of the introduction of Christianity in Rus', conquered and enslaved by the newcomer Scandinavian bandits-Varangians (Vikings), the Russian people lost both their mythology and the ancient Slavic runic writing, and together with the runic writing, all their historical chronicles, which were led by the Magi. It was then that the history, beliefs and customs of the Slavs of pre-Christian times were carefully destroyed for several centuries by churchmen and Varangian authorities and became unknown.

Let us turn to the real story of the origin of our Russian Snow Maiden.

It is known that the gods will be born sometime, live for some time in the minds of people, and then die, being erased from memory.

In the great Russian culture of the 19th century, the miracle of the birth of a new Goddess took place, which will never disappear from the memory of the Russian people, as long as our Russian people exist.

To understand this Russian cultural phenomenon, one should not mistakenly believe that only the cunning Jewish people are capable of creating new gods, while other peoples in their creativity and traditions must certainly dance to the tune of only Jewish religious fantasies. As the history of culture of the 19th and 20th centuries shows, Russian people are also not born with a bast. It would be nice if Russians did not forget about this even in the current 21st century.

Since ancient times, people have been making likenesses of a person from different materials (i.e., sculptures), sometimes imagining their sculptures come to life (recall the ancient myth of Pygmalion and Galatea).

The image of a revived ice girl is often found in northern fairy tales. In the Russian folklore of the 19th century recorded by researchers, the Snow Maiden also appears as a character in a folk tale about a girl made of snow who came to life.

Most likely, the Russian folk tale about the Snow Maiden was composed somewhere in the middle of the 18th century, possibly under the influence of northern legends that came through Russian northern Pomors, and then interpreted in the oral work of various storytellers. So in Rus' there were variants of this fairy tale.

In Russian folk tales, the Snow Maiden miraculously emerges from the snow just like a living person. The Slavic Goddess Snegurochka was made in 1873 by the great Russian playwright A.N. Ostrovsky, giving her the Slavic gods Father Frost and Spring-Krasna as her parents. And the gods, as you know, gods are born.

Snow Maiden Ostrovsky

The Russian fairy-tale Snow Maiden is a surprisingly kind character. In Russian folklore there is not even a hint of something negative in the character of the Snow Maiden. On the contrary, in Russian fairy tales, the Snow Maiden appears as an absolutely positive character, but who has fallen into unfortunate environmental conditions. Even while suffering, the fabulous Snow Maiden does not show a single negative trait.

The fairy tale about the Snow Maiden, generated by the creativity of the Russian people, is a unique phenomenon in the entire world of fairy-tale creativity. In the Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden" there is not a single negative character! This is not in any other Russian fairy tale and in the fairy tales of other peoples of the world.

The amazing Russian culture of the 19th century gave rise to another similar unique work - the opera Iolanta, in which there is not a single negative character either, and the whole plot is also based on the struggle of good noble heroes with unfavorable natural circumstances. But in the opera “Iolanta” the heroes (with the help of the achievements of science) win, and in the folk tale “The Snow Maiden” the heroine dies under the influence of the irresistible force of earthly nature.

The modern image of the pagan Goddess Snegurochka, whose name has the same root as the words "snowman" and "snow", is a relatively recent creation of the great Russian culture of the 19th century.

Our divine Russian Snow Maiden originated as a literary character.

The initial study of folk tales about the Snow Maiden was carried out by A. N. Afanasiev (see the second volume of his work “Poetic Views of the Slavs on Nature”, 1867).

Under the influence of information about the fabulous snow girl received from Afanasyev, in 1873 A. N. Ostrovsky wrote the poetic play "The Snow Maiden". In it, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of the Slavic gods Father Frost and Spring-Red, who dies during a festive ritual of honoring the Slavic god of the spring sun Yarila, who comes into her own, on the Day of the vernal equinox (on the day the astronomical spring began, which our ancient pagan ancestors had and the first day of the New Year).

Later, writers and poets turned the Snow Maiden into a granddaughter - the gods are not born as a result of a single creative act of an individual, but always cumulate in themselves many ideas of the people.

Many liked the lyrical, beautiful story about the Snow Maiden. The well-known philanthropist Savva Ivanovich Mamontov wanted to put it on the home stage of the Abramtsevo Circle in Moscow. The premiere took place on January 6, 1882.

Costume designs for her were made by V.M. Vasnetsov (in a light sundress with a hoop or bandage on his head), and three years later the famous artist makes new sketches already for the production of the opera of the same name by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, created on the basis of the play by N.A. Ostrovsky.

Two more well-known artists were involved in creating the appearance of the Snow Maiden. M.A. Vrubel in 1898 created the image of the Snow Maiden for a decorative panel in the house of A.V. Morozov (in white clothes woven from snow and down, lined with ermine fur). Later, in 1912, N.K. presented his vision of the Snow Maiden. Roerich (in a fur coat), who participated in the production of a dramatic play about the Snow Maiden in St. Petersburg.

Snow Maiden

The image of the Snow Maiden was further developed in the works of teachers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, who prepared scenarios for children's New Year trees. The story of a girl from the snow who came to people became more and more popular and fit very well into the programs of the city's Christmas trees.

Even before the revolution, figures of the Snow Maiden were hung on a Christmas tree, girls dressed up in costumes of the Snow Maiden, fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky's play or opera were staged. At this time, the Snow Maiden did not act as a host.

During the period of repressions of 1927-1935, the Snow Maiden suddenly disappeared.

The image of the Snow Maiden received its modern look in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission to celebrate the New Year. In books on organizing Christmas trees of this period, the Snow Maiden appears on a par with Santa Claus, as his granddaughter, assistant and mediator in communication between him and the children.

At the beginning of 1937, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden first appeared together at the Christmas tree festival at the Moscow House of Unions. It is curious that in early Soviet images the Snow Maiden is more often depicted as a little girl; later, they began to represent her in the form of a girl. Why is still unknown.

During the war period, the Snow Maiden was again forgotten. As an obligatory constant companion of Santa Claus, she was revived only in the early 1950s thanks to the efforts of children's classics Lev Kassil and Sergei Mikhalkov, who wrote scripts for the Kremlin Christmas trees.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden entered the public life of the country as obligatory attributes of the meeting of the upcoming New Year. Since then, every New Year, the Snow Maiden has been shifted to the duties that Santa Claus successfully copes with on the American and Western European Christmas tree. And on New Year's Eve, theater students and actresses often worked as Snow Maidens. In amateur productions, older girls and young women, often fair-haired, were chosen for the role of Snow Maidens.

Following our wonderful Russian New Year's tradition, now a beautiful granddaughter has also begun to accompany the European New Year's Grandfather.

The residence of our Santa Claus, as everyone knows, is located in the Vologda region, in Veliky Ustyug. The Snow Maiden does not live with him. Where is it?

Two places claim the title of "family nest" of the daughter of Frost and Spring. In the Shchelykovo estate in the Kostroma region, Ostrovsky came up with his play based on an old fairy tale - this, it seems, is the birthplace of the Snow Maiden.

But on the other hand, in the village of Abramtsevo near Moscow, Viktor Vasnetsov gave birth to the image of an icy beauty. Here the artist created the scenery for the first theatrical production based on Ostrovsky's play and, again in Abramtsevo, Rimsky-Korsakov's opera was performed for the first time on the stage of Savva Mamontov's home theater.

The Snow Maiden is mysteriously silent and does not reveal the address of her residence. Probably afraid of annoying reporters.

However, two of the Snow Maiden's secret addresses are already known.: Russia, 156000, Kostroma, st. Lenina 3, Snegurochka and Russia, 156000, Kostroma, st. Lagernaya, 38. Terem Snegurochka You can send letters to the Snow Maiden in the hope of getting an answer from the Snow Maiden or from her good helpers.

Kostroma. Terem Snegurochka in winter.

But Santa Claus has several official residences at once.

In 2006, another residence of Father Frost was opened in Moscow's Kuzminki Park. A two-story house was also built here for his granddaughter. The wooden tower is made in the "onion" style according to the project of Kostroma craftsmen. They say that the Snow Maiden also likes it very much.

If you want to send a letter or postcard to Santa Claus by regular mail, write to a very simple address: Where: North To: Santa Claus (you don’t need an index - everyone knows this address in the mail, and the letter will definitely reach, you can be sure)

Letters to Santa Claus

Or you can write on a letter the full mailing address of Santa Claus: Russia, 162390, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus

Grandfather and granddaughter began to come to the children for the New Year holidays only at the end of the 19th century.

Many people think that Santa Claus is of Russian origin, and his family tree goes back to the image of a frosty old man from Russian folk tales. This is not entirely true, or rather, not at all. It is sometimes mistakenly believed that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden have been companions of festive New Year trees since ancient times, but this happened only at the end of the 19th century. In the legends of our ancestors, there was Frost - the lord of the winter cold. His image reflects the ideas of the ancient Slavs about Karachun, the god of the winter cold. Frost was represented as a small old man with a long gray beard. From November to March, Frost always has a lot of work. He runs through the forests and thumps with his staff, which causes bitter frosts. Frost rushes through the streets and paints the windowpanes with patterns. It freezes the surface of lakes and rivers, pinches the nose, gives us a blush, amuses us with fluffy snowfalls. This image of the winter ruler is artistically developed and embodied in Russian fairy tales in the images of Grandfather Student, Grandfather Treskun, Moroz Ivanovich, Morozko. However, although these frost grandfathers were not without a sense of justice and compassion and sometimes gave gifts to kind and hardworking people wandering into their domains, they were not associated with the arrival of the New Year and the distribution of gifts was not their main concern.

The prototype of Santa Claus is a real person from Asia Minor

The prototype of the modern Santa Claus is considered a real person named Nikolai, who was born in the 3rd century in Asia Minor (on the Mediterranean coast) in a wealthy family and later became a bishop. Having inherited a considerable fortune, Nicholas helped the poor, the needy, the unfortunate, and especially took care of the children. After his death, Nicholas was canonized. In 1087, pirates stole his remains from the church in Demre, where he served as a bishop during his lifetime, and transported them to Italy. The parishioners of the church were so outraged that a big scandal erupted, which, as contemporaries would say, unwittingly performed the function of advertising. Gradually, from a saint who was known and appreciated only in his homeland, Nicholas became an object of veneration for all Christians in Western Europe.

In Russia, Saint Nicholas, nicknamed Nicholas the Wonderworker or Nicholas of Myra, also gained fame and worship, becoming one of the most revered saints. Sailors and fishermen considered him their patron and intercessor, but this saint did especially a lot of good and wonderful things for children.

Nisse. Norway.

This is how the tradition of preparing stockings or shoes for gifts appeared.

There are many traditions and legends about the mercy and intercession of St. Nicholas in relation to children, which are common in Western Europe. One of these stories tells that a certain poor father of a family could not find the means to feed his three daughters, and, in despair, was going to give them into the wrong hands. Having heard about this, St. Nicholas, having made his way into the house, put a bag of coins into the chimney. At that time, the old, worn-out shoes of the sisters were drying in the stove (according to another version, their stockings were drying by the fireplace). In the morning, the amazed girls took out their old shoes (stockings) filled with gold. Is it necessary to say that their happiness and exultation knew no bounds? Kind-hearted Christians tenderly retold this story to many generations of their children and grandchildren, which led to the emergence of a custom: children put their boots on the threshold at night and hang their stockings by the bed with the expectation of receiving gifts from St. Nicholas in the morning. The tradition of giving gifts to children on St. Nicholas Day has existed in Europe since the 14th century, gradually this custom moved to Christmas night.

Uzbek Santa Claus with Snow Maiden.

How Santa Claus Came to Be

In the 19th century, together with European emigrants, the image of St. Nicholas became known in America. The Dutch Saint Nicholas, who was called Sinter Klaas in his homeland, reincarnated as the American Santa Claus. This was facilitated by the book by Clement Clark Moore, The Coming of St. Nicholas, which appeared in 1822 in America. It tells about the Christmas meeting of a boy with St. Nicholas, who lives in the cold North and drives around on a fast reindeer team with a bag of toys, giving them away to children.

The popularity of the kind Christmas "old man in the red coat" among Americans has become very high. In the middle of the 19th century, this Saint, or Pere Noel, became fashionable even in Paris, and from France the image of Santa Claus penetrated into Russia, where Western European culture was not alien to educated and wealthy people.

Russian Santa Claus

Naturally, it was not difficult for a Christmas grandfather to take root in Russia, since a similar image has been present in Slavic folklore since ancient times, developed in Russian folk tales and fiction (N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Frost, Red Nose”). The appearance of the Russian frosty grandfather absorbed both ancient Slavic ideas (an old man of short stature with a long gray beard and a staff in his hand), and features of the Santa Claus costume (a red fur coat trimmed with white fur).

Russian Santa Claus.

Where does Frost's granddaughter Snegurochka come from?

This is a brief background of the appearance on the Christmas holidays, and later on the New Year trees, of the Russian Santa Claus. And it is all the more pleasant that only our Santa Claus has a granddaughter Snegurochka and she was born in Russia.

This pretty companion began to accompany grandfather on New Year's trees only from the end of the 19th century. She was born in 1873 thanks to the fairy tale play of the same name by A.N. Ostrovsky, who, in turn, artistically reworked one of the versions of a folk tale about a girl fashioned from snow and melted by warm sunlight. The plot of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky differs significantly from the folk tale. Here the Snow Maiden is the daughter of Frost. She comes to people from the forest, enchanted by their beautiful songs.

Many liked the lyrical, beautiful story about the Snow Maiden. The well-known philanthropist Savva Ivanovich Mamontov wanted to put it on the home stage of the Abramtsevo Circle in Moscow. The premiere took place on January 6, 1882. Costume designs for her were made by V.M. Vasnetsov, and three years later the famous artist makes new sketches for the production of the opera of the same name by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, created on the basis of the play by N.A. Ostrovsky.

Two more well-known artists were involved in creating the appearance of the Snow Maiden. M.A. Vrubel in 1898 created the image of the Snow Maiden for a decorative panel in the house of A.V. Morozov. Later, in 1912, N.K. presented his vision of the Snow Maiden. Roerich, who participated in the production of a dramatic play about the Snow Maiden in St. Petersburg.

The modern appearance of the Snow Maiden has absorbed individual features of the artistic versions of all three masters of the brush. She can come to the Christmas tree in a bright sundress with a hoop or bandage on her head - as V.M. saw her. Vasnetsov; or in white clothes woven from snow and down, lined with ermine fur, as M.A. depicted her. Vrubel; or in a fur coat that N.K. put on her. Roerich.

Yakut Santa Claus.

The story of a girl from the snow who came to people became more and more popular and fit very well into the programs of the city's Christmas trees. Gradually, the Snow Maiden becomes a permanent character of the holidays as an assistant to Santa Claus. This is how a special Russian custom of celebrating Christmas with the participation of Santa Claus and his beautiful and smart granddaughter is born. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden entered the public life of the country as obligatory attributes of the meeting of the upcoming New Year. And the Snow Maiden still helps her grandfather, who has long been elderly, to amuse the children with games, dance around the Christmas tree, and distribute gifts.

By the way

What is Santa Claus called in different countries

  • Australia, USA - Santa Claus. The American grandfather wears a cap and red jacket, smokes a pipe, travels through the air on reindeer, and enters the house through a pipe. Australian Santa Claus is the same, only in swimming trunks and on a scooter (you know, it's hot on the first of January in the country of kangaroos).
  • Austria - Sylvester.
  • Altai Territory - Sook-Taadak.
  • England - Father Christmas.
  • Belgium, Poland - Saint Nicholas. According to legend, he left golden apples in a slipper in front of the fireplace to his family. It was a very long time ago, so St. Nicholas is considered the very first Santa Claus. He rides a horse, wearing a miter and a white episcopal robe. He is always accompanied by the Moorish servant Black Peter, who carries a bag with gifts for obedient children behind his back, and in his hands - rods for naughty ones.
  • Greece, Cyprus - Saint Basil.
  • Denmark - Ületomte, Ülemanden, Saint Nicholas.
  • Western Slavs - Saints Mikalaus.
  • Italy - Babo Nattale. In addition to him, the good fairy Befana (La Befana) comes to obedient children and gives gifts. The naughty people get a piece of coal from the evil sorceress Befana.
  • Spain - Papa Noel.
  • Kazakhstan - Ayaz-ata.
  • Kalmykia - Zul.
  • Cambodia - Ded Zhar.
  • Karelia - Pakkainen.
  • China - Sho Hing, Sheng Dan Laozhen.
  • Colombia - Pascual.
  • Mongolia - Uvlin Uvgun, comes accompanied by Zazan Ohin (Snow Maiden) and Shin Zhila (boy-New Year). New Year in Mongolia coincides with the festival of cattle breeding, so Santa Claus wears the clothes of a cattle breeder.
  • Netherlands - Sanderklaas.
  • Norway - Nisse (small brownies). Nisse wear knitted caps and love tasty treats.
  • Russia - Father Frost, Father Treskun, Morozko and Karachun rolled into one. He looks a little stern. He wears a fur coat to the ground and a high hat, in his hands he has an ice staff and a bag of gifts.
  • Romania - Mosh Jerile.
  • Savoy - Saint Schaland.
  • Uzbekistan - Korbobo and Korgyz (Snow Maiden). On New Year's Eve, a "snow grandfather" in a striped robe rides into Uzbek villages riding a donkey. This is Corbobo.
  • Finland - Joulupukki. This name was not given to him in vain: "Youlu" means Christmas, and "pukki" - a goat. Many years ago, Santa Claus wore a goat skin and delivered gifts on a goat.
  • France - Ded January, Pere Noel. The French "Father January" walks with a staff and wears a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Czech Republic - Grandfather Mikulas.
  • Sweden - Kris Kringl, Yulnissan, Yul Tomten (Yolotomten).
  • Japan - Oji-san.

Where did Santa Claus come from? The answer to this question interests not only children, but also adults. On the eve of the New Year, the history of the emergence of this fabulous image will be informative for all readers.

pagan traditions

Our ancestors in ancient times worshiped many gods at once. Each image was responsible for a certain element or action. For example, Perun was considered the main deity and was called the Thunderer in another way.

According to legend, Svarog was responsible for all the gods who led the natural forces. Morozko was a similar character in those days. He was in charge of the weather in winter. It was believed that this deity gave the Slavs sparkling snow and a festival with the onset of cold weather.

People firmly believed that during the attack of enemy troops, it was he who did not allow them to advance further, freezing everything around. According to legend, this deity created such ice that it was impossible to cut even with iron axes.

Fight against paganism

After the arrival of Christianity in the Russian lands, active propaganda of the new faith began. All forces fought against paganism. In those days, the image of Morozko was drastically changed, making him a negative hero.

According to an invented legend, he turned into the Great Elder of the North, who came to different settlements and brutally froze people. One of these tragedies is described in the work "Frost - a Red Nose", which belongs to Nekrasov's pen.

In the poem, the Great Old Man froze his lonely mother in the forest without regret. Due to this tragedy, several children were left orphans, they had to overcome many difficulties in order to survive on their own.

The uneducated villagers began to believe in this legend. With the advent of winter, they were terribly afraid that this deity would come to their house.

Did Santa Claus pick up children

In the days of ancient Rus', in every village, the guys were afraid of this hero. They waited in horror for his arrival. It was believed that it was he who brought severe frosts and winds to the villages in order to "pick up" the children.

Often in poor houses during a strong snowstorm it was very cold, because such shacks were not heated in any way. Weak guys sometimes froze to death. Such a misfortune in the family was associated with the arrival of this by no means kind and long-awaited character. For those families, it did not matter where Santa Claus came from. The story, unfortunately, is not very pleasant. But she also had a place.

In those days, it was believed that this deity took the children to him. Unlike modern children, the children of ancient Rus' never expected this hero and were very afraid of him. Everyone didn’t even want to pronounce his name aloud, and no one was interested in the question of where Santa Claus came from.

Crucial moment

In 1910, for the first time, cartoon postcards began to depict this character in a more attractive way. Artists in this way tried to eradicate pagan traditions and overcome fear among children.

A character appeared on the cards who smiled and came to the children with a large bag of gifts. Artists knew for sure that kids are very easy to bribe even with small surprises, because kids are so gullible.

With the help of new fairy tales and stories, they and their parents were offered a good version of where Santa Claus came from in Russia.

During the Soviet period, belief in any deity was strictly prohibited. In those days, Christianity was also actively oppressed. In order to further increase the patriotism of children, they turned into a kind old man who brings gifts to good children, a little forgotten Santa Claus. Where this character came from, no one knew. His legend at that time had not yet been invented.

Santa Claus, as well as his wonderful granddaughter Snegurochka, became the most beloved and desired characters. They came to kindergartens and schools for New Year's parties, entertained the kids near the Christmas trees, which in those days were organized in every park and in every club. In Soviet times, many wonderful cartoons and films were shot about these kind fairy-tale heroes, which today's children also enjoy watching. Perhaps because there was not even a hint of violence in such tapes, wonderful human qualities, such as honesty, mutual assistance, friendship, were unobtrusively instilled in children. Santa Claus in these tapes has always been fair, cheerful and infinitely kind.

Truth and speculation

For those who were children during the Soviet era, it will probably come as a surprise to learn that some modern historians are trying to connect the image of Santa Claus with communist propaganda. In those days, this hero was sincerely loved and believed that he was "the real one." And the statement that he comes only to obedient children hardly needs to be given a negative connotation, because not only in the Soviet Union they tried to influence the behavior of children in this way. Andersen's fairy-tale character Ole Lukoye also opens colored umbrellas only over obedient children.

For the first time, a children's matinee with the participation of Santa Claus was held in 1935 in Kharkov. The event was a huge success. The good red-cheeked grandfather in a red coat was loved not only by children, but also by adults, he carried so much positive with him, created a festive mood.

Image Development

Gradually, this character entered the lives of people so firmly that few people were interested in the question of where Santa Claus came from. It was enough for the children to know that he brings gifts for the New Year, and they were very much looking forward to his arrival.

With the help of cinematography, an approximately identical image of the character emerged. He was required to have:

  • Gray hair and long beard.
  • Cheerful smile.
  • Red cheeks.
  • Staff.
  • Red or blue sheepskin coat and the same hat.
  • Big bag with gifts.
  • Kind eyes.

Gradually, this hero acquired incredible stories and legends.

Snow Maiden: daughter or granddaughter?

Over time, the writers decided to diversify the character and added an assistant to him. Where did Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come from? For the first time, people learned about this heroine from the work of Ostrovsky.

The fairy tale told that the Snow Maiden appeared in the forest in front of the walkers, who was attracted by the songs and dances of the youth. According to the plot, the girl was the daughter of Santa Claus and helped him to live.

Over time, her image passed into the status of a granddaughter. There is an easy explanation for this. By age, a small girl approached the children, with whom communication at matinees became more pleasant and liberated.

Where did Santa Claus come from in Russia, and where does he live? There is no single answer to the question. This hero has repeatedly changed his place of residence during his existence. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the deity lives in a dense forest.

With the advent of Soviet power, this hero was relocated to Arkhangelsk. Children were taken there on excursions and showed his residence. Now Veliky Ustyug is considered the official place of residence. Here the architects built a large residence of Father Frost with all winter attributes.

Thousands of children come here during the New Year holidays to get acquainted with their favorite character and plunge into his life. Many adults, in order to return at least for a while to their childhood, are also happy to walk around the possessions of their favorite fairy-tale hero.

Santa Claus has a full-fledged family. Winter is considered his wife, and the well-known Snegurochka is his granddaughter. Together they reread the children's letters and collect gifts in a big bag.

Santa Claus has several animals on his farm. It has long been customary that this hero travels in a sleigh pulled by three horses. But in the residence of the character there is also a beautiful deer Leshka.

In the penates of Frost, there is a room for a wardrobe. It contains a large number of elegant fur coats of the character. Also here you can find a ski suit and summer outfits. Thus, the Russian Santa Claus is a "fashionista" in comparison with similar characters from other countries.

November 18 is considered to be the birthday of our fairy-tale hero. Around this period of the year, colds set in and frosts intensify in Russia. Father Frost celebrates his holiday first in Veliky Ustyug, and a few days later he arrives in the capital. Here, hundreds of children are also waiting for him with gifts and congratulations.

The main Santa Claus of the country is 37-year-old Andrei Balin. He has been in charge of the household at the residence for 15 years. The livestock specialist, at the age of 22, signed an agreement with the local authorities and makes the kids happy every year during the winter holidays.

Prototypes in other countries

Almost every state has its own characters who play the role of donors for the New Year. So, in Cyprus and Greece, Santa Claus is called Agios Vasilis. In these countries, January 1 is considered not only the New Year, but also a holiday named after all Vasilyev and Vasilis.

Where did Santa Claus come from in France? Peer Noel - this is the name of this character in this European country. Its history of appearance is connected with religion. Per Noel is considered the prototype of St. Nicholas, who gave sweets to children from poor families on Christmas holidays.

American Santa Claus is increasingly appearing in commercials in our country. The story of the appearance of the hero is connected with Nikolai Ugodnik. This saint was a real character and experienced many trials in his life. Despite this, he always remained the patron of children.

Initially, Santa Claus had the appearance of an elf and was dressed in dark green clothes. But in 1930, the famous Coca-Cola company came up with a publicity stunt and depicted the character in the red and white colors used for their products.

Since that time, Santa Claus has become a large old man with a beard and mustache. He travels everywhere in a sleigh pulled by 12 deer. The favorite of them is Rudolf. The American prototype does not have a Snow Maiden. Little elves help him in everything. They go through the kids' letters and collect gifts.

Where did Santa Claus come from in Africa? Does he exist there? Of course yes. Here, too, there is such a character. His name is Papa Noel. Of all the characters, he is the most secretive, does not like to be in public. No one knows exactly what he looks like, where he lives.

The most interesting and unusual name has a character from Finland. Here it is called Joulupukki. Finnish Santa Claus comes to the children on a goat. Gnomes work for him as assistants. He lives with his wife in a small house on the mountain.

It probably doesn’t matter what this hero is called, how tall he is, what he is wearing. The question of where Santa Claus came from, let adults worry. It is enough for children to simply believe in his existence and wait for his arrival every New Year. After all, the feeling of a fairy tale and a miracle is preserved in a person throughout his life.

Who is Santa Claus - this question is asked not only by children, but also by adults, because not everyone knows where this New Year's character lives, who helps him cope with such a volume of work and how to write a letter correctly in order to receive a cherished gift for the holiday.

Childhood memories warm the soul of a person throughout the life path, in such stories strength is drawn to overcome adult difficulties. The brightest are magical events that the children's mind cannot understand, but sincerely joyfully perceives them. Who is Santa Claus, a little older children explain to the little ones, he brings gifts and a lot of positive emotions. Sincere belief in a miracle often goes along with childhood, but even adults do not dare to deny the existence of Santa Claus.

Is there a real Santa Claus?

The question of the child, whether Grandfather Frost exists, should not take the parent by surprise, we must confidently say yes. From generation to generation, older family members tell the younger ones about a fabulous, not fictional character, the lord of winter frosts and snowfalls. In the mythology of the Slavs, he was associated with a blacksmith, holding water, he miraculously drew drawings from hoarfrost. The breath of Santa Claus is a frosty cold, icicle tears, and gray thick hair is clouds of snow, his wife is Winter.

For the first time, Father Frost came to the Christmas holidays in 1910, but the Soviet authorities forbade him to appear, and for several years he went on forced leave. On the eve of 1936, they remembered him and began to invite him to the New Year's holidays. Santa Claus became a giver of gifts to children at the Christmas tree, he is invited to act in films, and with him his granddaughter Snegurochka and a boy appear in public, symbolizing the coming New Year.

Who is Santa Claus - origin story

There is a story about how the modern Santa Claus appeared, because he did not always look like this. The Slavs had a god Morok - commanding the winter cold, frost and snow. He was cunning and cunning, he loved to deceive and mislead. The meeting with Morok did not bring good luck, they were afraid of him and coaxed him with gifts - they prepared delicious pancakes and kutya for him, putting them outside the windows, asked him not to destroy crops, not to freeze travelers on the roads.

A lot of time passed, and Morok became kinder, he easily began to give gifts to the kind and hardworking, an example of the fairy tale "Frost" where the main character with a complaisant and meek character received gifts after the tests, and the lazy and evil sister was frozen to death. Each parent always explains to the child that Santa Claus first of all comes to the obedient and good - in order to receive a gift, one must behave well.

Where does the real Santa Claus live?

Santa Claus lives in Veliky Ustyug, a few kilometers from the city center, has a manor - a carved tower, located in a pine forest, on the banks of the river. There he spends most of his time - reading letters, accepting gifts sent by children, drawings and postcards. You can only get to the very house where Santa Claus comes from, by riding on a Russian stove with Emelya. On the path leading to the house, you can find:

  • Baba Yaga;
  • Twelve months;
  • Bear cub;
  • Squirrel;
  • Chanterelle;
  • Grandmother Aushka;
  • Old Man-Lesovichka;
  • Wise Owl.

In the house of Santa Claus, there are whole mansions - a museum of gifts from different parts of the world. There is a room in which they make a wish to the sound of bells, you can go into the office, visit the observatory and the bedroom, see a huge closet with fur coats, hats and felt boots. The only secret of a fairy-tale character will be a room with gifts, it is not customary to talk about it, much less show it to guests.

What does Santa Claus look like?

Santa Claus is known as a strict and quick-tempered old man, but he is always fair, loves children very much, and acts as an instructive character, not a nanny. The external description of Santa Claus is known to everyone, a tall gray-haired old man is many, many years old, has a long beard to the waist or floor and thick gray eyebrows, symbolizing wisdom and power, rosy cheeks - good health. It is difficult to confuse him with other characters, Santa Claus's outfit is bright and memorable, each element symbolizes a certain power, a bag with gifts and a magic crystal staff is always with him.

  1. Hat - skillfully embroidered with silver and gold threads with pearls.
  2. A long warm fur coat - usually red, but can be blue or light blue, the edges are trimmed with swan down, the fur coat is decorated with an ornament of precious threads.
  3. Mittens - warm mittens.
  4. Linen shirt and trousers.
  5. Shoes - felt boots.

What is the name of Santa Claus?

As Santa Claus is called in different countries of the world - the fairy-tale character is called differently, and his visit to children does not always coincide with the New Year holidays. The most famous Santa Claus - American grandfather, also in a red suit, but with pants and a wide black belt - comes on Christmas holidays, hides gifts in a stocking by the fireplace. In Poland, this is St. Nicholas, in France they call him Pere Noel, in Greece they call him Vasily, in Spain Olentzero or Papa Noel, in warm Cambodia he is Father Heat, he gives gifts to Norwegian children Yolinissa, Slovak children - Mikulas.

Santa's helpers

The most responsible workers who help Santa Claus prepare gifts are the Snowman and the Snow Maiden, snowflakes, Snowstorm or Winter Blizzard, a young boy - New Year, very smart and nimble beyond his years, often they not only prepare gifts, but also appear near the New Year tree. At festive matinees, brave children are often called to help the old grandfather, hold the staff, or suggest the necessary information. In the residence of Santa Claus, characters from New Year's fairy tales and cartoons, living in fairy-tale houses near his tower, help prepare gifts.

Santa's Helper Snowman

Snow Maiden Santa Claus and the Snowman are the main three characters coming to the New Year's holiday. The snowman is cheerful and funny, carries a heavy bag, loves to talk about interesting adventures and various obstacles that suddenly happened on the way to the holiday. The kids make fun of him, but he is not offended, reminds Santa Claus that other children are waiting and it's time to hurry.

Who is the Snow Maiden?

The Russian Grandfather Frost travels with the Snow Maiden, a beautiful young companion that his foreign colleagues do not have. She is obedient and friendly with the forest dwellers, she loves to sing songs with children and give out gifts. Dressed in a white or blue fur coat made of fluff and snow, a long braid of hair, decorated with a bandage of crystal snowflakes. Often she is kidnapped by evil forces, and Santa Claus and the Snowman have to rescue the beauty from captivity - to be late for the solemn holiday.

Horses of Santa Claus

Santa Claus arrives on a holiday to the New Year tree, or as an invited guest to the house, on a troika of horses harnessed to a sled. He drives the team himself or entrusts an assistant to the Snowman. Using a mysterious method, he manages to visit different places, congratulate adults and give gifts to children. It should be recognized that if Santa Claus is sure that he does not have time, he instructs the most responsible assistants to take his outfits under the secret cover of a thick beard to visit the holiday, where they are very much expected.

How to call the real Santa Claus?

Fulfilling the cherished desire of the child, how to call Santa Claus, you can invite him to the house for a personal visit, but children, like adults, have fun in the company. The most provocative fairy-tale character who gave a bunch of desired gifts may not create a festive atmosphere in an individual setting. In such cases, an option would be to organize a children's celebration with other parents and their children in a predetermined area.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus?

A cherished desire can be written down and sent as a regular postcard, you should not start with requirements - I want and I need it, it’s better to start with a greeting and a story about yourself, good deeds done, over the past year. Letters written by children should be read to parents before being sent to correct errors. There will be a response to the letter.

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