Who is a PTO engineer: duties and rights of a specialist. Production and technical department in construction


The PTO engineer is an employee of the production and technical department. His job functions may include a wide variety of activities.

The specific tasks of the VET engineer in his job description are always related to the specifics of the company-employer. This may be construction, production of industrial or food products, geological activities, and so on. The specific features of the work of the enterprise inevitably leave an imprint on the functions of the employee.
However, there are some common functions that are common to all of these workers.

Job description of a PTO engineer - basic provisions and responsibilities

The job description includes several main parts. The main one is the enumeration of the duties of the employee. The importance of a complete and accurate indication of the duties of the employee lies in the fact that the job description is a set of rules by which the employee must act.

Therefore, the correct implementation of these rules may be the basis for promotion. And violation of the obligations established by the instruction is the basis for disciplinary punishment.

As a rule, when compiling this document, general provisions are first reflected. They regulate the basic requirements that apply to employees.

With regard to the VET engineer, this is the procedure for appointing and dismissing him from his position, assigning his work to other employees during periods of absence. In addition, this employee must know the legal requirements and comply with them.

Among his main responsibilities are:

  • control over the execution of construction or production work;
  • ensuring their compliance with quality and safety standards;
  • study of estimates and plans;
  • acceptance of completed work.
  • Each employer has the right to include provisions that are essential for him in the instruction. Therefore, each document is formed individually.

Functions of a PTO engineer in construction

In construction, this worker is a key figure responsible for direct work processes. He must check the accuracy of estimates and the correctness of expenditures on them.

Among its tasks is the implementation of ongoing control over the implementation of construction, as well as the final assessment of completed projects.

The employee must know the existing rules and regulations, the provisions of GOSTs and the requirements for the safety of facilities. He needs to evaluate the delivered objects in terms of compliance with regulatory rules. Otherwise, such facilities will not be put into operation and will not start functioning.

Therefore, it is this employee who must ensure that the company achieves a specific result.

Functions of a PTO engineer in housing and communal services

The housing and communal complex is a rather extensive field of activity. Management companies, servicing enterprises, as well as municipal organizations operate in this segment.

Based on the specifics of the housing and communal services sector, among the tasks of an employee, one can single out:

  • development of plans for the necessary work. Often, this is done on behalf of management;
  • supervision over the course of repair or installation of communications, structures and other facilities. It is not necessary to be directly involved in current activities. For this, there are full-time workers and masters. But it is the PTO engineer who must ensure that the actions performed correspond to the planned result;
  • he accepts the completed objects and compares the result with the norms of the law and by-laws;
  • the PTO engineer must report his findings to management. This can be done by preparing a memorandum.

In addition, a person is obliged to carry out orders from superiors.

By the way, the site has material about the job responsibilities of a mechanic.

PTO engineer job description - sample

Another essential element of the functional activity of a PTO engineer is the analysis of negative factors. He must establish the reason for the violation of the deadlines for the fulfillment of contractual obligations, the poor quality of the constructed facilities, and so on.

The performance of this function is a consequence of the control of construction or production processes. After all, it is this employee who knows all the features of the object, the specifics of its construction and other circumstances. Thus, this employee oversees the core activities of the enterprise.

It should be pointed out that in addition to general provisions and duties, the job description also contains provisions regarding the rights of personnel and responsibility to the employer.

The duties of the lead engineer of the PTO are, firstly, the duties of an engineer, and secondly, an employee of the production and technical department. What is the Lead Engineer to do? Let's find out!

The position of a PTO engineer, most often, is introduced into the staffing table of construction, energy, utilities and industrial enterprises.

For sure, without this specialist I will not be able to work in construction and manufacturing companies.

Responsibilities of a Lead Engineer

First of all, it is worth understanding that the duties of the lead engineer of the VET are not necessarily wider and more functional than their colleagues without the prefix "lead" can have. The category of an engineer indicates his experience and seniority. As a rule, promotion to a leading engineer is a natural process and awaits any specialist who has been working in the profession for at least 2 years.

Nevertheless, having the status of a leader, one can apply for a salary increase, the specialist becomes even closer to the position of chief engineer, but in general, his functionality may remain unchanged.

The basic tasks of any PTO engineer are as follows:

  • Production process control;
  • Calculation of the number of production capacities for the full functioning of the enterprise;
  • Determination of the need for materials and their replacement if a discrepancy is found;
  • Checking the shortage in personnel;
  • Maintenance of technical documentation;
  • Preparation of estimates and working projects

Ultimately, the job responsibilities of a lead VET engineer depend more on the organization, and not on what category and rank the specialist has.

Industry Responsibilities of Lead PTO Engineer

The main document regulating the rights and obligations of a VET specialist is the job description.

This document is being developed taking into account the structure of the enterprise and the specifics of the activity. According to almost any job description, a PTO engineer must know the structure of the enterprise, all production processes, the legislative framework, the labor code, safety and labor protection rules.

In addition, the instruction provides for a list of the main job responsibilities of a PTO engineer, which includes:

  • Implementation of technical supervision of the work performed;
  • Compliance with approved norms and laws in all areas of production;
  • Development of design and estimate documentation;
  • Drawing up defective acts and formation of a contractual price;
  • Compliance with the rules for the implementation of work at the facilities;
  • Approval of specifications and cost estimates;
  • Development of an act of work performed;
  • Control over the quality of work and compliance with the calendar schedule;
  • Delivery of the finished object to the customer or commissioning;
  • Reporting to regulatory authorities.

It is worth saying that since a VET engineer can work in a variety of companies and industries, his job responsibilities will also differ.

In construction, he will pay more attention to the preparation and development of design and estimate documentation, and in the production sector, the focus of the duties of the lead engineer of the PTO will be shifted to the equipment of the organization.

Be that as it may, the PTO engineer is one of the most responsible positions in the enterprise. In fact, this specialist has the right to make adjustments to the approved working drawings, estimates and replace the material provided for in the documentation.

If during the production process the quality of work decreases or there is a discrepancy with the approved schedule, he must analyze the situation and take measures to eliminate the violations.

At his discretion, he has the right to replace the working equipment or increase the number of employees. And even if he coordinates all the changes with the head of the enterprise, the job responsibilities of the lead engineer of the PTO still imply his personal great responsibility.

Despite the fact that, first of all, a specialist in the production and technical department must have a technical mindset and draw up design estimates, the work obliges him to constantly communicate with colleagues from other departments.

He must be sociable, be able to understand the true tasks and understand all aspects of the work process.

It is he who cooperates with the general contractor, customer, suppliers of materials and working equipment. If necessary, he can cooperate with the financial department in order to make payments on time.

The PTO engineer belongs to the leading specialists, therefore he can cooperate with foremen and construction and installation teams, power engineers, estimators and designers.

Therefore, the final job responsibilities of the lead engineer of VET depend on the organization in which he works and with whom he coordinates and discusses specific tasks.

construction technical engineer


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and
Responsibility of the PTO Construction Engineer.
1.2. The construction engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed in
in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director
1.3. Construction Engineer reports directly
1.4. A person with a higher
professional (technical) education and work experience in the field of construction according to ETKS.

1.5. The civil engineer must know:
— legislation and other regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of construction organizations;
- profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise;
— prospects for the technical and economic development of the enterprise; production capacity of the enterprise; basics of work technology;
- the procedure for the development and approval of construction plans;
- technology and methods of construction work;
- building regulations;
- requirements for the organization of labor in the construction of construction projects;
- the procedure for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation, keeping records and compiling reports on the activities of the enterprise in the field of construction;
– the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts;
– scientific and technological achievements and experience of leading enterprises in the field
— economics, organization of production, labor and management;
— rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
- to be able to use a computer at the level of a confident user, including the ability to use special computer programs;
- order of acceptance of works, objects and methods of their quality control;

1.6. During the temporary absence of the Civil Engineer, his duties
assigned to ____________________________________.
Additional orders may be obtained from: _____________ .


2.1. Implementation of control over the compliance of the cost of completed construction and installation works with their volume and quality, performed according to projects, estimates, building codes and technical conditions.
2.3 Participates in the preparation and execution of work contracts and subcontracts for capital construction within the scope of his duties.
2.4 Acceptance and issuance of complete and high-quality design estimates.
2.5. Raise the level of knowledge and skills.


Construction PTO Engineer:
3.1. Carries out technical supervision of construction and installation works,
acceptance of works and completed objects.
3.2. Compliance of the volumes of construction and installation works, as well as structures with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes and regulations, standards, specifications, labor protection standards.
3.3. Participates in resolving issues on making changes to projects in connection with the implementation
more advanced technological processes, space-planning and design solutions that ensure cost reduction and improvement of technical and economic indicators of construction and reconstruction facilities.
3.4. Participates in the review and approval of changes in design decisions that arise during construction, promptly resolves issues of replacing, if necessary, materials, products, structures (without reducing the quality of construction objects).
3.5. It studies the reasons causing failures in deadlines and deterioration in the quality of construction and
installation work, take part in their elimination.
3.6. Carries out technical acceptance of completed construction and installation works and
objects, draws up the necessary technical documentation. Participates in the work of commissions for the acceptance of construction projects and their commissioning.
3.7. Keeps records of completed construction and installation works and prepares the necessary data for reporting on the implementation of construction plans.
3.8. Checking the estimate documentation for the construction of facilities, calculating the cost, accounting for the work performed.
3.9. Prepare cost estimates for additional work.
3.10. Check the estimates received from the customer and prepare conclusions about its quality.
3.11. Together with representatives of subcontractors, coordinate with the design organization and the customer estimates, costing materials and additional costs, statements of work performed, specifications, certificates of work performed, percentages.
3.12. Prepare cost estimates for costs not provided for by unit prices and overhead rates, coordinate them, if necessary, with the customer.
3.13. Prepare materials for consideration of controversial issues with subcontractors related to the maintenance of design and estimate documentation.
3.14. Verify the KS-2 form with contractors.
3.15. Carry out separate official assignments of his immediate supervisor related to the activities of the PTO engineer.
3.16. Maintain prescribed reporting.
3.17. Provide available information as required by higher management.

The construction engineer has the right to:
3.1. To give instructions to subordinate employees and services, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.
3.2. Control the implementation of planned tasks and works, timely completion
individual assignments and assignments by subdivisions subordinate to him.
3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Construction Engineer and his subordinate units.
3.4. To enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of the PTO construction engineer.

The Construction PTO Engineer is responsible for:
4.1. The results and efficiency of the production activities of the enterprise within
its competence.
4.2. Failure to ensure the performance of their functional duties, as well as work
subdivisions of the enterprise subordinate to him on issues of their production activities.
4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of implementation of work plans on issues
within its competence.
4.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions from the administration of the enterprise.
4.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.


5.1. The work schedule of the PTO Construction Engineer is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
5.2. Due to operational needs, the Construction PTO Engineer may
go on business trips (including local ones) in agreement with the Construction Engineer.
5.3. To solve operational issues to ensure production activities
A PTO construction engineer may be allocated company vehicles.


6.1. In order to ensure his activities, the construction technical engineer is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

The process of construction and operation of a construction site, regardless of its type and type, requires strict supervision and compliance with a number of instructions. Moreover, all of them must be observed, which is not so easy to control.

The task of control is entrusted to a special service. Sometimes companies have a separate position - an engineer in the production and technical department.

This person has a number of complex responsibilities. Their implementation requires high qualifications, the ability to organize work processes, and sometimes fortitude and courage.

The direct duties of engineers will differ depending on the type of production facility and operating conditions.

General provisions of the instruction

Construction is a whole science, accompanied by a huge amount of work performed sometimes in extreme, dangerous conditions. As a result, the requirements for the PTO engineer are rather big.

All job instructions approved on behalf of the director. On the title page of the document should be the words "APPROVE". In it, the director must sign and date the approval. After fulfilling these requirements, the job description officially enters into force. Moreover, no one limits the director, he can additionally write a decree on its approval.

The exact title of the position is indicated on the cover of the manual. Her name must be taken from the staff list (in this case, the engineer of the production and technical department). The document must be assigned a unique identifier. It also contains the date and place of compilation. Thus begins the general compilation of instructions.

In the block "General Provisions" it is stipulated method of appointing and leaving an employee from a position. It is indicated who directly reports to the PTO engineer. The director is not obliged to indicate the surname and name in the instruction, it is enough just to clarify the higher position.

The requirements for work experience and the quality of education depend on the work area of ​​a particular company.

For example, a construction company can clarify that only a person with a higher profile education and experience in the construction industry in a similar position for at least 3 years can accept a specified position.

In the section, the director lists what regulations an engineer should be guided by in his activities. When compiling this block, you should focus on the job responsibilities of the employee.

An important point is the knowledge of the employee. Its compilation is approached with great care. It must describe in detail the areas of expertise of the employee.

The PTO engineer must be aware of the following provisions:

  • all legal and legislative norms on the basis of which the control of the workflow is carried out;
  • nuances of direction and subtlety of structure;
  • approximate prospects for the development of the company;
  • the procedure for developing construction forecasts, plans and the method of their approval;
  • rules and algorithm for compiling all standard official documents;
  • the procedure on the basis of which the employee has the right to conclude agreements with partner companies and other persons outside it;
  • regulations for the control of labor protection, compliance with technical requirements and sanitation standards at the facility;
  • good computer skills.

Responsibilities and tasks

Depending on the company, the tasks may differ, but the following are the most common:

  1. Full control and supervision over the execution of works of the construction and installation plan (compliance with all quality and documentary standards).
  2. Tracking the compliance of the volume of delivered works, as well as the quality of the design. It should be suitable for design and estimate documentation, certified drawings, construction rules, technical safety conditions, labor protection provisions, etc.
  3. Participation in the study and decision-making on issues arising in the course of construction work. They usually relate to changes in design requirements. The engineer must quickly make a decision, if necessary, to replace materials, structures, etc. (the quality should not suffer).
  4. Consideration of the reasons for the failure of deadlines and poor execution of the project, participates in their elimination.
  5. Responsibility for the technical acceptance of ready-made construction and installation works and projects. He must complete all technical papers. The PTO engineer sits on the commission for the acceptance of objects and their commissioning for subsequent operation.
  6. Taking into account already finished works and prepares information for compiling reporting documentation on compliance with construction rules.
  7. Checking the estimated papers at the facility, determines the cost and accounting for the work done.
  8. Preparation of cost estimates for additional facilities and works.
  9. Completely checks all documentation on estimates received from the customer and prepares a report on their quality.
  10. Negotiates with the design company and the customer estimates, the amount of materials and additional costs, statements of work done, directions, acts, etc.
  11. Handles all related reporting.
  12. Performs individual official assignments of his direct management.

All engineering activities are aimed at the following goals:

  • price control for installation works;
  • direct participation in the execution of contract agreements;
  • continuous improvement of professionalism and knowledge;
  • control over the work of installers
  • accounting and receipt of documentation, estimates.

Requirements for a specialist

Given the tasks and goals of the work of a PTO engineer, companies put forward huge requirements for the qualifications of an employee. Thus, a person who has received higher vocational education or at least secondary profile. Lack of experience is allowed (for serious projects, they still require profile specialization and work experience in a particular industry - 3 years).

The employer in the instructions has the right to put forward his requirements for the position. Industry specific knowledge is valued in the job of a PTO engineer. Even imperceptible mistakes in the implementation of the project can be expensive. For example, work experience in construction is not enough for career growth at an industrial enterprise, and experience in the energy sector is not enough to follow the construction of a large facility (microdistrict, etc.).

The selection of applicants for the position of VET engineer is occupied by the head (usually the chief engineer or head of the department, sometimes the general director). It has already been said above that he is also involved in compiling a work instruction for an employee.

The position of an engineer is provided for in the activities of many companies, but the requirements for a specialist are different. This is due to the specifics of the project, the industry and the scope of responsibility.

Responsibility and rights

A PTO engineer has a huge number of responsibilities and tasks. In addition to them, he is allocated his own rights. He is also responsible for his decisions, instructions and activities in general.

The list of rights of such an employee in the standard instruction includes:

  • the possibility of issuing instructions to subordinate positions and entire departments on a number of issues related to his direct functional obligations;
  • control of every detail, the project in which the planned work and various operations are carried out;
  • the ability to request any documentation and information related to its tasks;
  • cooperation with different departments of the company and third parties to solve problems and issues related to the project.

However, the PTO engineer is responsible for all his decisions and activities. We are talking about the incorrect execution of instructions and tasks or their complete failure. The engineer is responsible for:

  • for productive work in a number of functions that are in his power and competence;
  • for failure to fulfill their direct duties, for their incorrect performance on all counts;
  • transfer of inaccurate information to management services regarding the current state of affairs;
  • for inaccuracies and violations during work that are dangerous for the entire activity of the company.

Features of work

The working hours of each employee are regulated by the internal regulations. The engineer monitors the overall safety of the facility, because regardless of the type of equipment, any production or construction facility cannot do without the danger of an accident. In such a situation, the VET worker has certain instructions. Among the norms, the following occupy a special place:

  • if there is a threat to the life of personnel, the engineer must promptly take measures to eliminate the danger.
  • in case of equipment breakdown, its operation must be stopped, and the management notified of the malfunction;
  • in the event of a fire, the engineer must notify the fire brigade of the problem.
  • in the event of an accident at work as a result of which someone was injured or poisoned, the employee must provide first aid and call a medical team.

Process Engineer

The task of the process engineer is to select the equipment with which the technological process will be carried out. He develops an effective mode of operation, methods of quality control and monitors technological documents.

The technologist is the head of inventive and rationalization activity. He conducts experiments on the development of new processes and equipment, then introducing them into production.

In a construction company

A PTO engineer in a construction company performs many different functions. Most of them are described in a standard contract and are considered standard for this type of activity. If necessary, he can go on business trips, having coordinated them in advance with his superiors.

The main refraction of his activity is the construction of various objects. He works in conjunction with the designer, installers and other specialists.
In this video you will learn about the profession of an engineer, possible career growth in this field of activity.

Job description for a PTO engineer of a construction organization

It is no secret that during the construction and operation of any construction object, it is necessary to comply with a huge number of instructions and rules. Despite the availability of these requirements, their simultaneous consideration is not an easy task.

This function is performed by a special service. For control purposes, the structure of construction organizations usually provides for the position of a PTO engineer (decoding "engineer of the production and technical department"). The functions of a PTO engineer are very diverse and require not only high professionalism, organizational skills, but also, often, firmness of character and even courage.

Naturally, the diversity of production facilities and their operating conditions determines the different responsibilities of such workers. In this article, we will consider the typical content of the job description of a PTO engineer of a construction organization.

General provisions

Construction is almost always characterized by considerable complexity and variety of work performed, sometimes under extreme conditions. Decisions must be made quickly, and mistakes must be corrected immediately. The production and technical department at large construction sites is a large structural unit, which is usually headed by a specialist with extensive experience in various construction sites. However, the main backbone of the department is ordinary engineers.

It is important to understand what a PTO engineer is. Many graduates of construction universities start their careers as a PTO engineer. Having met with such a vacancy, sometimes young professionals do not know what they will do at a construction site. Therefore, first consider, PTO engineer, what is it?

The answer to this question is contained in the "general requirements" section of the job description of an engineer in the production and technical department. A complete, but not exhaustive, list of these requirements is given below in an example of such an instruction. The main one is specialized or at least technical education.

This is understandable, since the employee will have to deal with technical documentation. In addition, constant contact with performers requires not only knowledge of labor legislation and the rules of safe work, fire fighting equipment, but also certain personal qualities, such as communication skills.

It is important to know building codes and regulations - SNiPs. Fluency in basic computer programs is not even discussed today. The PTO engineer is organizationally subordinate directly to the head of the PTO or (in large construction organizations) to the head of the sector or facility.

Rights and obligations of a PTO engineer in construction

Usually an ordinary VET employee works with ready-made project documentation, but he inevitably has to make adjustments to it, and, therefore, he must know how to prepare it, formalize it and coordinate it with the relevant structures within the enterprise and regulatory authorities.

Since there are a great many SNiPs in construction, then, usually, a newly hired employee gets acquainted with them at the workplace (no one will be able to study all of them in detail at the university). These documents are “live” and the specialist must be aware of all their current changes. The duties of a PTO engineer also include working out a schedule for conducting work, as well as ongoing repairs of equipment.

Special and very responsible duties lie in the field of control. For a PTO engineer, the job responsibilities in terms of control and interaction with the customer are perhaps the most difficult task. He is obliged to analyze certificates for components and building materials, draw up acts of completed work, control the expenditure of funds, and prevent their overspending.

The engineer of the production and technical department, in addition to the usual rights common to all employees, can temporarily stop the production of work in case of detection of certain violations during their implementation.

Job Description Example

The following is an example of a PTO engineer job description for a medium-sized construction organization.

Director General of CJSC "Akvastroy"

Sinyakov M.M.

Job description of an engineer of the production and technical department
General requirements

Persons who have a higher specialized education and know:

  • the composition and content of technical and project documentation, are able to correct and execute it;
  • the procedure for drawing up plans and schedules of work, as well as their acceptance and control over their implementation;
  • basic technological methods for performing construction and installation works;
  • fundamentals of safety, sanitation and fire fighting equipment;
  • basic economic knowledge in relation to the construction industry;
  • rules for concluding contracts that provide effective control over their execution.

Functional duties and responsibilities

The PTO Engineer is responsible for:

  • correctly accompany and change all technical and organizational documentation that relates to the field of activity of the production and technical department;
  • perform supervisory functions and accompany the implementation of the entire scope of work;
  • accept the finished work and ensure its compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation;
  • monitor compliance with budget discipline and prevent unreasonable overestimation of the cost of work by contractors;
  • timely and in full to bring information about violations to the immediate superior;
  • prepare budget documentation for additional activities (work) and coordinate it with the relevant authorities;
  • conduct routine checks of building materials and components for compliance with quality certificates and state standards, take the necessary actions to prevent the use of low-quality materials;
  • eliminate, within its competence, deviations from schedules and work plans;
  • correctly draw up acts and materials to resolve disputes with subcontractors and contractors;

The PTO Engineer is responsible for:

  • the content of all documentation and the accuracy of the information in it;
  • strict observance of orders and instructions of the management;
  • failure to take measures on the facts of violation of design and estimate documentation, requirements for safe work and fire prevention measures.

The PTO engineer has the right to:

  • work in conciliation commissions and make proposals for changing design and estimate documentation;
  • participate in the work of commissions for the commissioning of construction projects;
  • temporarily stop the production process at the facility in case of gross violations of SNiPs;
  • request any technical or regulatory documentation that is necessary for the performance of its functional duties;
  • give instructions to services in accordance with the structure of the enterprise.

A PTO engineer can be appointed to a position or dismissed only on the basis of a special order of the General Director of CJSC Aquastroy.

The working hours of employees of the production and technical department are determined by the Collective Agreement and internal regulations.

To travel to remote sites, the PTO engineer is given a company car. Terms of use are determined by a separate order.

Head of VET Abrosimov V.I.

Head of Human Resources Krasilnikov I.M.

Functions of a PTO engineer in the job description

The PTO engineer is an employee of the production and technical department. His job functions may include a wide variety of activities.

The specific tasks of the VET engineer in his job description are always related to the specifics of the company-employer. This may be construction, production of industrial or food products, geological activities, and so on. The specific features of the work of the enterprise inevitably leave an imprint on the functions of the employee.
However, there are some common functions that are common to all of these workers.

Job description of a PTO engineer - basic provisions and responsibilities

The job description includes several main parts. The main one is the enumeration of the duties of the employee. The importance of a complete and accurate indication of the duties of the employee lies in the fact that the job description is a set of rules by which the employee must act.

Therefore, the correct implementation of these rules may be the basis for promotion. And violation of the obligations established by the instruction is the basis for disciplinary punishment.

As a rule, when compiling this document, general provisions are first reflected. They regulate the basic requirements that apply to employees.

With regard to the VET engineer, this is the procedure for appointing and dismissing him from his position, assigning his work to other employees during periods of absence. In addition, this employee must know the legal requirements and comply with them.

Among his main responsibilities are:

  • control over the execution of construction or production work;
  • ensuring their compliance with quality and safety standards;
  • study of estimates and plans;
  • acceptance of completed work.
  • Each employer has the right to include provisions that are essential for him in the instruction. Therefore, each document is formed individually.

Functions of a PTO engineer in construction

In construction, this worker is a key figure responsible for direct work processes. He must check the accuracy of estimates and the correctness of expenditures on them.

Among its tasks is the implementation of ongoing control over the implementation of construction, as well as the final assessment of completed projects.

The employee must know the existing rules and regulations, the provisions of GOSTs and the requirements for the safety of facilities. He needs to evaluate the delivered objects in terms of compliance with regulatory rules. Otherwise, such facilities will not be put into operation and will not start functioning.

Therefore, it is this employee who must ensure that the company achieves a specific result.

Functions of a PTO engineer in housing and communal services

The housing and communal complex is a rather extensive field of activity. Management companies, servicing enterprises, as well as municipal organizations operate in this segment.

Based on the specifics of the housing and communal services sector, among the tasks of an employee, one can single out:

  • development of plans for the necessary work. Often, this is done on behalf of management;
  • supervision over the course of repair or installation of communications, structures and other facilities. It is not necessary to be directly involved in current activities. For this, there are full-time workers and masters. But it is the PTO engineer who must ensure that the actions performed correspond to the planned result;
  • he accepts the completed objects and compares the result with the norms of the law and by-laws;
  • the PTO engineer must report his findings to management. This can be done by preparing a memorandum.

In addition, a person is obliged to carry out orders from superiors.

PTO engineer job description - sample

Another essential element of the functional activity of a PTO engineer is the analysis of negative factors. He must establish the reason for the violation of the deadlines for the fulfillment of contractual obligations, the poor quality of the constructed facilities, and so on.

The performance of this function is a consequence of the control of construction or production processes. After all, it is this employee who knows all the features of the object, the specifics of its construction and other circumstances. Thus, this employee oversees the core activities of the enterprise.

It should be pointed out that in addition to general provisions and duties, the job description also contains provisions regarding the rights of personnel and responsibility to the employer.

What are the Job Responsibilities of a PTO Engineer?

In order to find out what the PTO engineer is responsible for and what he is directly involved in (the presence of such a specialist must be provided for at every production or construction enterprise), you must first understand the features and main functions of the department where he works.

Purpose of the production and technical department

The activity of the production and technical department is connected with the preparation of construction and production.

Among the main functions of the PTO are:

  • preparation and approval of project documentation;
  • preparation of all necessary estimates and calculations;
  • ensuring control over the production process;
  • assistance in the implementation of construction and installation works;
  • preparation and drafting of contracts with relevant organizations and subcontractors.

PTO, guided by the design and estimate documentation, is developing technological maps and projects.

One of the most important areas of VET is the rational and efficient accounting / use of innovative technologies (construction mechanisms, machines, other necessary devices, the latest work methods). In addition, PTO employees should ensure constant monitoring of the implementation of projects involving various subcontractors, as well as providing the necessary briefing related to the performance of work in the designated areas.

In cooperation with accounting and planning departments, VET employees make various calculations for plans and requests, and prepare reporting documentation.

The department's responsibilities include:

  • implementation of technical accounting of equipment operation;
  • preparation of technical reports;
  • analysis of economic and technical performance indicators;
  • designing schedules related to the repair of equipment;
  • ensuring control over compliance with the standard costs of materials;
  • timely registration of applications for the necessary parts of equipment / materials.

Among all employees of this department, the most complex types of work, as a rule, are assigned to PTO engineers.

The purpose of the position of an engineer in the department

Who is a PTO engineer? First of all, we are talking about the position provided for in the production and technical department, which is necessary for making various calculations and ensuring control over the quality of the implementation of various types of work.

This position should be occupied by a person who has a special education and relevant work experience (at least a year) in the field in question.

Since not everyone can own all the nuances of production and the features of the implementation of construction and installation works.

What knowledge should a PTO specialist have?

In carrying out his professional activities, an engineer takes into account the specifics of construction (methods / technology of implementation), having knowledge of the norms and rules approved by law for the performance of construction work. In addition to preparing various technical documentation (budget, design, etc.) and maintaining accounting documentation, he also draws up final and interim reports on the implementation of all work on the approved project.

How is the activity of a PTO engineer regulated?

Allocate regulatory documents that should be observed by each person holding the position in question.

It's about:

  • on legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • about the charter of the organization;
  • on the internal regulations of the organization;
  • on various regulations and instructions of the organization;
  • about orders and orders of the governing body;
  • on the job description of a VET engineer of a company, organization, production.

What types of work does a PTO engineer do?

First of all, a person holding the position of an engineer is obliged to carry out systematic supervision of the quality and level of performance of various construction and production works, to check in a timely manner the conformity of structures and the volume of work performed according to pre-approved documentation (drawings, estimates, projects, standards, technical specifications, other). In addition, the engineer monitors compliance with labor protection rules at the construction site and production.

If it becomes necessary to make adjustments to an already implemented project, the engineer coordinates issues related to the replacement of materials, products, mechanisms, structures of appropriate quality. In the event of possible problems during construction work related to failure to meet deadlines, deterioration in quality, as well as other violations, the specialist analyzes the causes and then eliminates them.

What rights does a PTO engineer have?

The engineer has the right to give employees tasks and instructions related to their functional duties.

He can also exercise control over all stages of production and construction work (quality level, timeliness of execution, compliance with rules and regulations). In addition, the engineer has the right at any time to require the organization to provide additional information and necessary documentation in order to quickly complete their own work.

It is allowed for a PTO engineer to turn to other enterprises for help in order to resolve various issues within his competence. If, within the framework of the project, the engineer considers that additional opportunities should be applied to improve construction and installation work, he has the right to make his own proposals and ideas and submit them to the management of the organization.

About the features of budgeting and accepting work

The duties of an engineer are charged with the production of various calculations, as well as the acceptance of already completed production and construction work. He coordinates the estimate and costing of the necessary equipment and materials between the project developer and the customer.

In addition, the PTO engineer takes part in the commission regarding the commissioning of the finished facility. It also bears the responsibility associated with the compliance of preliminary estimates with actual costs. If it becomes necessary to attract additional investment or apply new types of work, the engineer performs the necessary calculations with mandatory justification.

Job description of a PTO engineer (for construction)

1. General Provisions

1.1. The PTO engineer belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The VET engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the General Director on the proposal of the head of the structural unit.
1.3. The PTO engineer reports directly to the head of the structural unit.
1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a PTO engineer: primary vocational or secondary vocational education, work experience in the relevant field for at least a year.
1.5. During the absence of the PTO engineer, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.6. The PTO engineer must know:
- legislation and other regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of construction organizations;
- profile, specialization, prospects for technical and economic development of the enterprise; production capacity of the enterprise;
- the procedure for the development and approval of construction plans;
- technology and methods of construction work;
- building regulations;
- the procedure for the development and execution of design estimates and other technical documentation, keeping records and compiling reports on the activities of the enterprise in the field of construction;
- order of acceptance of works, objects and methods of their quality control.
1.7. The PTO engineer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the PTO engineer

The PTO Engineer performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Carries out technical supervision of construction and installation works.
2.2. Checks the compliance of the volume of construction and installation works, as well as the structures of the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes and regulations, standards, specifications, labor protection standards.
2.3. Participates in the review and approval of changes in design decisions that arise during construction, promptly resolves issues of replacing, if necessary, materials, products, structures (without reducing the quality of construction objects).
2.4. It studies the reasons causing failures in deadlines and deterioration in the quality of construction and
installation work, take part in their elimination.
2.5. Carries out technical acceptance of completed construction and installation works and
objects, draws up the necessary technical documentation. Participates in the work of commissions for the acceptance of construction projects and their commissioning.
2.6. Keeps records of completed construction and installation works and prepares the necessary data for reporting on the implementation of construction plans.
2.7. Checking the estimate documentation for the construction of facilities, calculating the cost, accounting for the work performed.
2.8. Prepares estimates for additional work.
2.9. Checks the estimate documentation received from the customer and prepares conclusions about its quality.
2.10. Coordinates with the design organization and the customer estimates, costing materials and additional costs, statements of work performed, specifications, acts of work performed, percentages.
2.11. Maintains established reports.
2.12. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate superior.

3. Rights of the VET engineer

The PTO engineer has the right to:
3.1. To give instructions to subordinate employees and services, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.
3.2. Control the implementation of planned tasks and works, timely completion
individual assignments and assignments by subdivisions subordinate to him.
3.3. Request from the structural divisions of the enterprise information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.4. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within its competence.
3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibilities of the PHE Engineer

The PTO Engineer is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties.
4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities.
4.3. For causing material damage to the organization.
4.4. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.5. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

The measure of responsibility is determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The labor functions of a PTO engineer are very diverse. But they are all spelled out in the instructions. What are the job responsibilities of a PTO engineer according to the instructions? Let's find out!

The PTO engineer is an employee of the production and technical department. Such a department may be in a manufacturing or construction organization.

Accordingly, the functional responsibilities of the PTO engineer are related specifically to this department.

The production and technical department develops and approves project documentation, makes all the necessary cost estimates, monitors the production process or construction and installation work, and participates in the conclusion of contracts with suppliers and contractors. What does this mean?

There is a whole department of specialists who will think over and bring to completion the object of production or construction. In addition, the PTO is engaged in the analysis and accounting of the work performed.

Labor functions of a PTO engineer in construction organizations

In turn, the PTO engineer is the main employee of such a department. He may not be the boss, but he does carry out the most difficult duties of his department.

Depending on the specifics of the enterprise, the labor functions of a PTO engineer may be of a different nature. If we are talking about a construction organization, then the main responsibility of such an engineer is the development and preparation of design estimates.

For example, a construction organization enters into a contract to renovate a warehouse as a contractor.

The functional duties of the PTO engineer will be that he must assess the amount of required repair work, understand what needs to be done so that the warehouse comes into a usable condition.

To do this, the specialist draws up an estimate in which he describes in detail: what types of work need to be carried out; what, in what quantity to use building materials, down to the last nail; what construction equipment will be used during the work, how many machine hours it will work, how many specialists will be involved in the work; lay the wages of the personnel who will participate in the implementation of repair work and at the same time do not forget about profitability.

Of course, the financial department will be mostly involved in matters of the cost of these works, but the VET engineer will be responsible for all technical data on the quantity and quality of work performed.

Other Functions of a PTO Engineer

The functional duties of the PTO engineer do not end with the preparation of cost estimates. Further, during the repair work, the PTO engineer will monitor the strict execution of the contract so that everything is done within the framework of the agreements and without violations. In particular, he must monitor employees and take disciplinary action if necessary.

The PTO engineer, if he does not have the head of the structural unit, reports directly to the head of the enterprise and, in fact, is the head of the employees performing construction and installation work.

If during the execution of work the PTO engineer reveals shortcomings, it is his responsibility to report this to the management and propose corrective measures.

Upon completion of the work, the PTO engineer will hand over the repaired premises to the customer with a full report on compliance and quality of work.

Functional responsibilities of the PTO engineer on the customer's side

The functionality of the PTO engineer is of the same nature if the organization in which he works is the customer of construction and installation works. Only now he exercises most of the control functions.

The engineer must check the provided design estimates of the contractor for compliance with the truth, as the contractor may lay unnecessary items to increase the cost of the estimate.

During the execution of the work, the PTO engineer will monitor their execution, and after completion he will accept the work performed and his right to force the customer to make corrections in case of detection of deficiencies.

Production process and functions of a PTO engineer

If a specialist works in a manufacturing company, then the functional duties of a PTO engineer apply to all equipment involved in the production process.

On the shoulders of the PTO engineer lies all the information on the operation of the existing equipment. He must ensure that equipment problems are corrected in a timely manner, he must deal with the introduction of new equipment into operation and the decommissioning of unusable equipment. Actually, he is responsible for ensuring that all equipment at the enterprise starts up daily and works properly until the end of the shift, for everything to function as a single organism.

Moreover, this applies not only to production equipment, but also to the utility networks of the enterprise.

In addition, the labor functions of a PTO engineer include knowledge of legislative acts, outgoing instructions of supervisory authorities, internal orders and standards of the enterprise, as well as compliance with safety precautions for the work performed.

The functions of a PTO engineer are extremely complex, so the management of the enterprise is careful about the selection of a specialist. After all, he must be able not only to organize work and draw up a project, but also be able to look into the future in order to understand what the current state of technological processes at the enterprise will lead to.

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