“Am I a cultured person?”: children argue. Are you a cultured person? Test Yourself Signs of a Cultural Personality


Before you figure out who a cultured person is, it is important to give a clear definition of "culture". This concept is difficult to interpret, as it is very multifaceted and manifests itself in completely different guises. According to different approaches, culture needs to be considered:

  • In its general sense. As a set of characteristics inherent in a certain community.
  • In a more specific sense. As a backbone element of social reality.

It will not be superfluous to consider each of them separately.

About the first approach

It involves considering culture as a combination of all the results of the historical development of human communities. In this context, it includes:

  • Features of the mental mindset.
  • Spiritual heritage, including traditions, customs, cult and ritual practices, holidays, everyday life, folklore and art.
  • A system of values ​​developed and established throughout history.

In a broad sense, language and religion are also perceived as constituent elements of culture.

About the second approach

He considers this phenomenon as the main social-forming factor and focuses on such indicators of the individual as:

  • spiritual organization.
  • Full-fledged diversified development.
  • Propensity for epistemological (cognitive) activity.
  • Moral education and moral guidelines.
  • The tendency to interact with other members of society, the aesthetic principle.

Culture, as a socially-forming factor, is an indicator of the development of the indicated indicators for a particular individual and for groups of people that form society. In social psychology, the higher it is, the more developed the given indicators are. In each individual society, the parameters of culture are different. From which a quite logical conclusion follows. And it sounds like this: cultures are heterogeneous, diverse and unique.

The role of culture in social life

Society, or society, is one of the forms of communities. This must be remembered. Each society, in turn, regardless of its size and composition, has distinctive features that ensure its uniqueness. Speaking about the role of culture in social life, it is advisable to resort to systems theory.

Everything is simple here. Social life is a kind of system. And culture in this case is a backbone element. Along with the economic formation, the political system, the form of the state structure in which the society lives.

The fundamental postulate of the theory under consideration is the following statement: “A change or removal of one of the elements of the system inevitably entails a change in the entire structure as a whole and ultimately leads to its collapse.”

But the role of culture in the life of society is vital. And even a theoretical consideration of the exclusion of culture from public life is not only meaningless. It is simply logically impossible.

Levels of manifestation of culture

As already mentioned, the difficulty of understanding and perceiving the concept under study is directly related to the pluralism of the forms of its manifestation.

The highest level of differentiation of cultures is civilizational affiliation. For example, it manifests itself in the difference between the totality of cultures of African and European peoples. The most striking dividing line that separates cultures from each other today is national identity.

Given their diversity, this better demonstrates the contrast of different cultures. There are other, smaller levels of culture that can exist both within one nationality and beyond. Marrying them, they unite people on the basis of common interests, life views and beliefs, ideology, etc.

Such manifestations of culture can be based on completely different foundations. And most often referred to as subcultures. Everyone knows examples - neo-Nazis, the hip-hop community, cosplayers, gamers.

Material and spiritual incarnations

Considering the concept of a cultured person, they should also be noted with attention. There is a place to be both material and spiritual hypostasis. And in completely different aspects of life.

Material culture is embodied in paintings, architectural monuments, in works of cinema, music and poetry, recognized as classic and included in the historical and national heritage.

Material culture manifests itself even in specific brands, drinks, names of musical groups. The last three cases are examples of the manifestation of popular culture - like the American Coca-Cola, Metallica, McDonald's at the turn of the nineties and two thousandths. Or Apple, Microsoft, Starbucks these days. It also manifests itself in national attire, hairstyles, cuisine, etc. These are no longer just components of a cultured person, but a manifestation of the identity of the society to which he belongs.

What about non-material manifestations of culture? They most often reveal themselves as signs used by sociologists and philosophers in describing the psychosocial characteristics of different societies. This will be discussed in more detail later.

Who is a cultured person?

This concept can now be considered in detail. In the modern sense, he embodies a person who is constantly striving to satisfy the balance of needs, including the desire for spiritual, mental, moral and aesthetic self-improvement.

In the intention to harmonize and equally develop these 4 elements, a person grows culturally. Spiritual self-improvement implies the priority of interests in creativity, art and other products of the cognitive-constructive activity of the individual over material values. This desire is a key quality of a cultured person.

What about mental development? It implies the desire to increase and expand knowledge. Moral self-improvement is the cultivation of the main benefactors in oneself. Such as honesty, loyalty, justice, modesty.

Aesthetic self-improvement - love and awareness of the value of beauty. It implies a penchant for beauty, or a craving for beauty. This refers not only to a weakness for the beautiful from the outside, but also a commitment to individual ennoblement. All these are the qualities of a cultured person.

Signs of a cultural personality

Also an interesting topic, and it is worth touching on. In fact, at the first meeting with a particular person, it is impossible to determine exactly that this is a cultured person. After all, spiritual, mental and moral wealth is not always able to clearly manifest itself during the first communication. At the same time, there are a number of distinctive qualities and features that a cultured person certainly possesses.

This is, first of all, the presence of the correct upbringing that meets the norms of the society in which he lives. And also observance of the rules of etiquette in interaction with other people, moderate behavior and a negative attitude towards pretentiousness and shocking.

An obligatory "attribute" of a cultured person is taking into account and respecting the comfort of others. And also the tendency not to respond to obvious provocations, the ability to protect one's own dignity without resorting to baseness and without losing self-control.

Physical, visually noticeable signs of a cultured person can also be features of the wardrobe. Such a person, as a rule, avoids variegation and obscene clothing. Because this can create an image of a frivolous, immature individual.

In some cases, asceticism in everyday life and image can be a quality of a cultured person. Not to be confused with bad taste, low quality and disregard for one's own appearance. A cultured person skillfully projects personal inner virtues on his external image.

social culture

About this - in the end. Previously, it was agreed - what is culture and a cultured person, the qualities and signs that define it were described. But! Adding the concept of sociality to the formula "cultured person" implies the inclusion of an individual with pronounced spiritual, mental, moral and aesthetic characteristics in the system of interpersonal relationships within an organized community.

This is if you delve into the study of the concept. In other words, a socio-cultural person is one who is able to apply his developed qualities in the process of interaction with other members of society, thereby contributing to the progressive movement in the process of social development.

2014 has been declared the Year of Culture in Russia. In the course of studying culturology, ISUE students wrote an essay on the problems of defining the concepts of "culture" and "modern cultural person".

We bring to your attention the most interesting works.

Student Scientific Historical Society "CLIO"

Guseva Nina, 1-4:

Culture is aspiration

to perfection through knowledge

what concerns us the most,

what they think and talk about...

Matthew Arnold.

What does it mean to be a cultured person? In my opinion, a cultured person is an educated, well-mannered, tolerant, intelligent, responsible person. He respects himself and those around him. A cultured person is also distinguished by creative work, striving for high quality, appreciation and the ability to be grateful, love for nature and the Motherland, compassion and sympathy for one's neighbor, goodwill.

A cultured person will never lie, he will retain self-control and dignity in any life situations, this is a person who has a clearly set goal and achieves it.

D.S. Likhachev wrote: “What is the greatest goal of life? I think: to increase the good in those around us. And good is, first of all, the happiness of all people.

It is made up of many things, and every time life sets a task for a person, which is important to be able to solve. You can do good to a person in small things, you can think about big things, but small things and big things cannot be separated ... ".

But one cannot rely on goodness, education, and “correct” behavior. In our time, people pay too little attention to culture, and many do not even think about it throughout their lives, thereby showing ignorance, laziness, selfishness, hypocrisy.

It’s good if a person’s process of familiarization with culture, that is, inculturation, as well as familiarization with cultural values ​​and knowledge through social institutions, that is, socialization, occurs from childhood. The child joins the traditions that pass from generation to generation, absorbs the positive experience of the family and the environment. Indeed, in life, the more experienced a person is, the more competitive he is, and if he has where to get this experience from, then he has advantages.

In conclusion, it should be noted: no matter how much is said about culture, but "a person is known only by deeds."

The ideal of a cultured person is nothing but the ideal of a person who, under any conditions, retains true humanity.

Galkin Oleg, 1-4:

In the explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegov, the concept of culture is interpreted as follows: "This is a combination of industrial, social and spiritual achievements of people;" a cultured person is “one who is at a high level of culture and corresponding to it”, as well as “related to educational or intellectual activity”.

This definition is vague and not very clear. Let's try to speculate on the topic: “What kind of person is considered to be cultured? How do education and culture relate? Russian philosophers (for example, Ivan Ilyin), writers, publicists: (D.S. Likhachev, D.A. Granin, V.A. Soloukhin, L.V. Uspensky, etc.) have repeatedly argued on this topic in discussions, essays and articles.

We find interesting reflections on traditions in culture in Ivan Ilyin. He believes that the future of culture is in the ability to be grateful for the past, that is, to absorb everything that has already been created, but not cold and prudent, "the response of the heart to the good deed already done to you."

One cannot but agree with this opinion. A cultured person is capable of knowing the world in its past, present and future (this is the cognitive function of culture), such a person is able to perceive everything that is created by another person, his mind and hands. But do not envy, and even more so "blacken", but perceive it as an interesting phenomenon, evaluate and, perhaps, learn more deeply.

Education and culture are related concepts, but far from being unambiguous. What does education mean? This is a collection of specific knowledge from any area. By the way, who is more educated? Who has in-depth knowledge of a certain science or has broad ideas from a whole range of knowledge about the world? Undoubtedly, education and knowledge nourish human culture, but this is only part of it. D.S. said it well. Likhachev “A cultured person is an intelligent person. And intelligence is not only in knowledge - it is in the ability to understand another and respect his Self.

A cultured person is able to absorb the good and resist the bad. There are many disputes, for example, about the culture of the language. A cultured person is not capable of clumsy speech, rude words in everyday life, they disgust his nature. He will still strive for knowledge, how it is more correct, better to say, write, conduct a dialogue. The ability to communicate, to be logical and to prove one's opinion is one of the abilities of a highly cultured person. A cultured person is a person with an open heart, able to rejoice and marvel at the beauty of the world. It does not matter whether it is the wonders of the world, or a modest chamomile meadow, Niagara Falls or a quiet forest lake. A cultured person is capable of experiencing and mercy.

So, "cultural person" - the concept is quite broad. Such a person owns a communicative, educational, cognitive culture, respects traditions, a person open to the world.

Blechenkova Anastasia, 1-4:

“Culture is the essence of the organism. History of culture and their biography. Culture is born at the moment when a great soul awakens and emerges from the primitive mental state of ever-childish humanity” (Oswald Spengler).

Based on this quote, I would like to speculate from the point of view of a civilizational approach to the history of the development of culture. I believe that culture is defined by time and society. That is, a person must correspond to the time and the public idea of ​​a cultured person. In most cases, this implies a certain level of intelligence, knowledge of etiquette, the ability to correctly and competently express thoughts, be objective, and keep your emotions under control.

Man is the creator of culture. But it all starts with him. He goes through inculturation in childhood, then socialization through such social institutions as family, school, university, etc. From this we can conclude that the formation of a cultured person largely depends on external factors.

Let's remember the story of Mowgli. A small child ends up in the jungle, in a wolf family that lives in a pack and lives by the law of the jungle. Naturally, when he gets to the village, it is unusual for him to live by human rules.

In the modern world, the cultural space of a person is mainly formed by various media. Television and the Internet are replacing theaters, libraries, and museums from the cultural needs of modern man. And it's sad to realize. After all, everything that exists now, everything that we study, was created by people. Music, literature, great scientific discoveries, created several centuries ago, allowed us to live in such a world, this is the base without which a person cannot be considered cultural if he does not know the elementary.

The modern socio-cultural situation, which determines the formation of a cultured person and the requirements for him in the modern world, is characterized by richness and diversity of dynamic processes. The pace of modernization covers an increasing number of existing cultural forms. The boundaries between different ethnic cultures and national formations are being erased. The historically formed cultural tradition loses its priority in social processes. Professional activity of any kind becomes the main form of individual self-expression.

Culture is the realization of human creativity and freedom, hence the diversity of cultures and forms of cultural development. Using the example of a subculture, we can clearly see how a person can create, bring something new within his social group. Also, in each country we observe our own religion, architecture, language, dances, traditional clothes. And when a person moves to another country, he often tries to adapt to this culture, which once again shows how the social environment affects a person.

From all this, we can conclude that a cultured person in the modern world can be called someone who knows and understands the culture of the past, who observes the norms and rules of behavior of the present time, and who makes a contribution to modern culture, thinking about the future.

"Cultured person" is a phrase that can often be heard on the street, in public places and so on. What kind of person can be called a cultured person? Today, being cultured is the duty of every individual who lives in society and interacts with other people. Of course, in order for a person to be ranked at this high rank, he must have a very impressive list of skills, abilities and qualities, as well as comply with many norms that have historically developed in the social environment. But it is necessary to start reasoning on this topic with a definition of what “culture” is.


There are over thirty definitions of this term. For example, a literal translation from Latin says that this is “education” or “education”. But if you choose the most convenient and concise definition, then you can choose the following: the human world, its values, knowledge, skills, traditions, and the like.

A cultured person is not an innate trait, but an essential component of human existence deserved by hard work throughout life. Culture is instilled in a child from the first days of his life in the family, kindergarten, school. But this process continues with maturity.

Modern cultured person

First of all, a modern cultured person must master manners and be polite towards others. The behavior of a person often indicates whether a person is cultured or not. As they say in textbooks on sociology, a person is a bio-psycho-social being, and the last component is extremely important for his culture. After all, if it were not there, everyone would behave like an animal, guided only by an instinctive base. Children are taught to have etiquette from early childhood, as mentioned earlier, but this science is so complex that even adults often cannot master it perfectly.

By the way, it is worth saying that a cultured person around the world is represented differently. The rules of etiquette in one part of the planet are very different from those in another. Therefore, this topic is extremely complex, although, of course, there is a general outline. So what kind of person can be called a cultured person?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to decide what kind of knowledge and skills an individual should have in his arsenal in order for him to be considered cultural.

External signs

As the well-known Russian proverb says, “they are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds,” so it’s worth talking about external signs. What kind of person can be called cultured in this case? Presentation and neatness in dress is very important. Seeing a person who looks according to the situation, behaves appropriately, in which there is no vulgarity, others immediately understand that he is cultured.

Internal signs

It is worth mentioning the internal characteristics, such as character traits. A spiritually cultured person must be responsible, merciful, polite to others, sincere, generous, courageous, but able to control himself in any situation, confident in himself and in his abilities. All this appears in people with age. In addition, such a person must be tolerant, have a sense of proportion, never be rude to other people, respect everyone, sympathize, compassion, help as much as possible to everyone who needs it.


Culture is not taken by itself in a person. This is a difficult and methodical work of parents, educators, teachers and teachers. But the most important person who drives the process of socialization of the individual is himself - a civilized person.

There are many examples of Mowgli children in the world who were found in the jungle, but since socialization did not occur for a long time, even the most talented teachers could not help them become cultured people. A person personally must be aware of what is necessary for his formation as a cultural personality. It is possible to become erudite, educated, educated and civilized only if you make efforts yourself.

Cooperation with other people

A cultured person is part of society, so he must be able to cooperate and get along with others. Such a person must at times forget about his own good for the sake of others cultural. Helping a comrade is constantly present in the fate of cultured people.

Patriotism and citizenship

What kind of person can be called cultured in the context of this trait? It is extremely important for someone who wants to be called cultural, to know the history of his state, to be aware of himself as a citizen, to love his homeland and honor the laws that are present on its territory. You can not be "Ivans who do not know their forefathers." These qualities, of course, depend on education, what was laid down in the family, or on the traditions that are present around the individual.

It is impossible to enumerate all the signs that a cultured person should have in our time. And after all, everyone in this case will highlight something of their own, which they consider more important. But several obligatory traits were mentioned above, they can be developed in oneself on one's own or try to get rid of their antipodes within oneself, the main thing is to strive for perfection. And it is also important to remember that culture is determined not by words, but by deeds, so talk about your actions, done or planned, and be cultured!

Until quite recently, Russian tourists, who poured into Europe after the opening of borders, horrified cultural Europe with their behavior.

Today the situation has changed for the better, but the problem of Russian lack of culture remains relevant. Do we behave culturally at home with each other? Test yourself.

Do you follow these rules?

1. Never come to visit without a call. If you are visited unannounced, you can afford to be in a dressing gown and curlers. One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!”. If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave." I will add about the guests: you should not offer to take off your shoes, this is bad form. The guest must guess this himself (if the carpet is white and fluffy, and there is slush on the street.)

2. Umbrella never dries open- not in the office, not at a party. It must be folded and placed in a special stand or hung.

3. The bag can not be placed on your knees or on your chair. A small elegant handbag, a clutch can be put on the table, a bulky bag can be hung on the back of a chair, or put on the floor if there is no special chair (these are often served in restaurants). The briefcase is placed on the floor.

4. Cellophane bags are only allowed upon return from the supermarket, as well as paper branded bags from boutiques. Carrying them with you later as a bag is redneck.

5. A man never carries a woman's bag.. And he takes a woman's coat only to carry it to the locker room.

6. Home clothes are trousers and a sweater, comfortable, but having a decent look. Bathrobe, pajamas are designed to get to the bathroom in the morning, and in the evening - from the bathroom to the bedroom.

7. From the moment the child settles in a separate room, get used to knocking going to him. Then he will do the same before entering your bedroom.

8. A woman may not take pictures indoors a hat and gloves, but not a hat and mittens.

9. Total number of decorations according to the international protocol should not exceed 13 items, and jewelry buttons are included here. A ring is not worn over gloves, but a bracelet is allowed. The darker it is outside, the more expensive the decorations. Diamonds used to be considered an adornment for the evening and married ladies, but recently it has become permissible to wear diamonds during the day. On a young girl, stud earrings with a diamond of about 0.25 carats are quite appropriate.

10. Rules for paying for an order in a restaurant: if you say the phrase: "I invite you," it means you pay. If a woman invites a business partner to a restaurant, she pays. Another wording: "Let's go to a restaurant" - in this case, everyone pays for himself, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, she can agree.

11. The man is always the first to enter the elevator., but the one closest to the door goes out first.

12. In a car, the most prestigious place is considered to be behind the driver., a woman takes it, a man sits next to her, and when he gets out of the car, he holds the door and gives the lady a hand. If a man is driving, it is also preferable for a woman to take a seat behind him. However, wherever you are sitting, a man should open the door for you and help you out. Recently, in business etiquette, men are increasingly violating this norm, using the motto of feminists: "There are no women and men in business."

13. Speak out loud that you are on a diet is a bad form. Moreover, it is impossible under this pretext to refuse dishes offered by a hospitable hostess. Be sure to praise her culinary talents, while you can not eat anything. You should also deal with alcohol. Why you can't drink is your problem. Ask for dry white wine and sip lightly.

14. Taboo topics for small talk: politics, religion, health, money. Inappropriate question: “God, what a dress! How much did you pay?" How to react? Smile sweetly: "This is a gift!" Move the conversation to another topic. If the other person insists, say gently, "I don't want to talk about it."

15. Every person who has reached the age of 12 is supposed to be addressed to "you". It is disgusting to hear how our "elite" says "you" to waiters or drivers. Even to those people with whom you are well acquainted, in the office it is better to turn to “you”, to “you” - only in private. The exception is if you are peers or close friends. How to react if the interlocutor stubbornly “pokes” you? First, ask again: “Excuse me, are you contacting me?” If it doesn’t help, look around in bewilderment: “Excuse me, do you mean me?” The next stage is a neutral shrug of the shoulders: “Sorry, but we didn’t switch to “you”.

16. Discuss absentees, that is, simply gossip, unacceptable. It is not permissible to speak badly about loved ones, in particular to discuss husbands, as is customary with us. If your husband is bad, why don't you divorce him? And just the same it is impermissible to talk with contempt, with a grimace about your native country. “In this country, all goons ...” - in this case, you also belong to this category of people.

Rules and generally accepted models of norms of behavior in society are a kind of philistine code of honor. In principle, this is the “duties” of a “cultured person” for society and end.

A cultured person as a social object

The modern one chooses a style of behavior that reflects his personality, meets the requirements of behavior in society and is not based on the desire to stand out. Own conscience and beliefs help to remain as one really is, not to hide shortcomings and expose dignity. A cultured person always behaves naturally and naturally, not paying attention to the social status of others. Manners of behavior and internal qualities of a person are not striking, but constitute the essence of such a person.

The upbringing of a cultured person is not limited to a good education, the right habits. The main thing is to have a rich spiritual culture, constantly engage in self-education, respect other people.

External attractiveness will quickly disappear if a person lacks his own thoughts, mind, sincerity, sense of humor. The beauty of a person is hidden in charm, the external manifestation of the beauty of the inner world.

The manifestation of cynicism is unusual for a truly cultured person. No matter how handsome in appearance, smart and educated, observing the rules of decency, a person may be, arrogance and shamelessness, a dismissive attitude towards other people unconditionally exclude him from the category of cultured personalities.

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