Deep-fried chicken wings “like KFC.” KFC spicy wings


Almost real KFC chicken wings!

Wings recipe I've been looking for quite a long time now. I did different wing options, but they are all tasty, but not the same. I’ve been scrolling through the Internet for a very long time today. Found it! Not here, but on one of the English-language sites. Although I speak English, I had to sit and look for a translation of some of the ingredients, which in the end turned out to be simple E!. I understand that without food additives it is unlikely that the harmful ones will turn out KFC wings, but at least we'll try! Let me warn you right away that I did not marinate the wings, although the recipe calls for marinating them for 24 hours! KFC Chicken Wings Marinade Recipe I’ll give it in full, but you can decide for yourself whether you need it or not. I just kept the wings in a saline solution for an hour.

*By the way, many people write that different eateries have different tastes of wings, so it’s almost impossible to get 100% the right ones. I suspect that everyone has the same marinade, but the breading may already be different, with corn flakes, or with a set of different herbs, etc. and so on. Comments on these wings from our foreign brothers - lovers of harmful fast food, THEY! Although it seems to me that they are not very good :))))

So, KFC chicken wings! (recipe for 1 kg of chicken or any chicken parts)

Marinade recipe:

  1. Potassium chloride (E 508) – 2 tbsp.
  2. Coarse salt – 2 tbsp.
  3. Monosodium glutamate – 4 tbsp.
  4. Garlic powder – 1/8 tbsp.
  5. Chicken broth (or chicken cube broth) – 1/3 cup. *Verbatim - bottled chicken base”– concentratedevaporated (evaporated) natural broth made from natural products without the use of any cubes. Throw the chicken and vegetables into the water, add salt and pepper and evaporate it all to a thick consistency. Pour into bottles and put in the refrigerator. When preparing soup, we use exactly the same as chicken cubes. (c) Thanks to Igor, who accurately translated this ingredient in the comments.
  6. Water – 5 glasses.
  7. Mix all the ingredients and marinate the chicken for 24 hours.

Breading recipe:

  1. Egg – 1-2 pcs.
  2. Milk – 250 ml.
  3. Flour – 2 cups
  4. Salt – 2.5 tsp.
  5. Monosodium glutamate (flavor enhancer) – 3/4 tsp. *I didn’t add it!
  6. Paprika – 1 tsp.
  7. Garlic powder – 1 tsp. *I ran out, I just grated the garlic. When you add it, be sure to look at the ingredients on the package! Very often garlic powder comes with salt!
  8. Pepper – 1 tsp. *I added both red and black
  9. Baking powder – 1/2 tsp.

For frying:

  1. 2 cups vegetable oil


  1. Cut the chicken into phalanges, throw the tip into the dog, and marinate the rest.
  2. Dry the chicken on a towel to remove excess moisture.
  3. Beat eggs with milk, salt
  4. Mix flour and all seasonings
  5. Dip the chicken parts into the egg, into the breading, again into the egg and into the breading. *THE IS A DOUBLE FUR COAT!
  6. Place on a baking sheet/parchment for 5-10 minutes.
  7. Fry over medium heat for 5-7 minutes until golden brown, turning constantly
  8. Place on napkins to drain off excess oil.

Let's eat!

Well what can I say, very tasty! Taking into account the fact that I didn’t add any E and flavor enhancers, it turned out juicy, not spicy, and I can confidently recommend it to you! Try it and decide whether they are similar or not, for me it’s very tasty, but my husband and I disagreed about the similarity :) It seems like yes, but something is missing, apparently these E :)

Bon appetit!

Do you know what KFC is? This is an abbreviation for the International Catering Network, which specializes in preparing original chicken dishes. The signature dish of the American company is pieces of chicken carcass, fried using special breading, seasonings and spices.

KFC has kept the secret of the legendary recipe since 1940, but recently, thanks to one of the American newspapers, the secret became public knowledge. Gourmets now have the opportunity to prepare a wonderful chicken dish at home.

A little history

The name of the trading company, which owns a chain of restaurants around the world, sounds like “Kentucky Fried Chicken” in Russian. In terms of popularity and volume of trade turnover, the international chain ranks second in the world after the McDonald's line of fast food restaurants. The corporation's signature dish is chicken pieces fried in a special coating of 11 herbs and spices. The company's popular slogan is the statement that In the chain's restaurants they cook according to the best recipe, which is considered a trade secret.

The founder of the company, which began its history sometime before 1940, was entrepreneur Harland Sanders. His tireless activity and entrepreneurial flair made the chicken dish the main competitor to the famous hamburgers, the symbol of fast food.

It took Sanders just 35 minutes to cook the fried chicken pieces in an iron skillet. To reduce the procedure time, the entrepreneur purchased a pressure cooker, which significantly reduced the frying time. By improving the composition of the breading mixture, the cook created his own signature recipe, which was kept secret for many years.

Subsequently, the fast food chain was sold several times to come under the wing of PepsiCo, which worked to improve production, assortment and increase sales. The chain of restaurants is scattered across many countries of the world, including the countries of the post-Soviet space.

The main feature of the menu is a pressure-fried piece of chicken, always on the bone. The signature dish is sold in cardboard buckets in individual or family portions. This is the best appetizer and noble treat; under the crispy crust, the poultry meat becomes even more tender, and now you can prepare the dish yourself, because the secret of the recipe has been revealed.

KFC's original cooking method

  1. The bird carcass is cut into 9 parts. What happens - two pieces of legs and wings, thighs, keel (1 piece), breast with part of the spine (2 pieces)
  2. Hand-marinated chicken is dredged in wheat flour with seasonings. The process takes 2-4 minutes
  3. The product must be prepared under pressure and fried at a temperature of 185°C. The frying process takes only 7 minutes
  4. Then the finished dish cools for five minutes, after which it should be reheated in the oven. Now you can enjoy tender meat with a taste of bait
  5. An hour and a half is allotted for consuming the product. According to the company, after this time the dish must be discarded

Recipe and secret composition of breading

What you need to prepare four servings of wonderful chicken:

  • flour - two cups
  • salt - two thirds tablespoons
  • dry thyme leaves, as well as basil - half a tablespoon each
  • dry oregano leaves - a third of a tablespoon
  • one tablespoon each of dried celery, black pepper (ground), mustard (dry), ginger (ground)
  • paprika - four tablespoons
  • garlic salt – two tablespoons
  • ground white pepper - three tablespoons
  • low-fat cream - one cup
  • one egg, you need to beat it
  • canola – rapeseed oil for deep frying

How to cook chicken according to the legendary recipe?

A measured set of spices is mixed together with flour in a large bowl. In a separate smaller container, the egg is combined with cream. The marinade should be at room temperature; it is used to soak chicken pieces. After 20-30 minutes, remove the chicken, allowing the excess creamy dressing to drain off. Portioned pieces of chicken carcass are rolled on all sides in flour breading with spices. Each piece should be completely covered with the mixture; you can simply shake off any excess.

In order for the meat to be soaked in the wonderful marinade, the recipe specifies to set the soaked pieces aside for 20 minutes, then place them on a wire rack. During this time, you should prepare a container for deep frying; it can be a thick-walled, high cauldron-type pan, or a cast-iron frying pan with a high side. The vessel is filled with 6-7 centimeters of oil, heated at maximum heat until the temperature of the fat reaches 175°C, and a kitchen thermometer is used to control.

After heating the deep fat, turn the heat to medium and fry the chicken pieces until they are golden brown. The process takes 15-20 minutes, during which each piece should be turned over once. Place the finished strips (large pieces of chicken under a crispy crust) on a plate covered with a paper towel. Mustard sauce, sweet and sour or cheese, will be an appetizing addition to the dish.

Tender chicken cooked like in KFS

Not only children, but also adults sometimes like to visit the KFC chain of establishments to enjoy one of the options for preparing their favorite chicken, as well as other delicious dishes. It’s not difficult to prepare spicy chicken at home using a recipe from KFC chefs. The pieces of meat turn out juicy on the inside, and the crust on the outside will delight you with a pleasant crunch and delicious aroma.

What ingredients are included in the recipe for the famous dish:

  • chicken meat - 2 kg, it can be fillet, legs, even wings
  • wheat flour in the amount of 10 tablespoons
  • one teaspoon each of turmeric and chili pepper
  • about two tablespoons of paprika
  • Italian herbs - two tablespoons
  • one tablespoon of any poultry seasoning
  • starch - two tablespoons, but with a slide
  • oil (vegetable) for frying, water, salt
  • 5-6 tablespoons oat or corn flakes

An improved recipe with such components is suitable for preparing any part of a chicken carcass. However, when choosing wings, it is better to cut them at the fold. It is worth getting rid of the non-meat part of the wings (where there is only skin), as it burns quickly.

To prepare the batter, you will need a deep bowl; combine flour (4 tablespoons) and all the starch in it. Stir, adding salt (tbsp.) and all the seasonings, a little water. Portioned pieces of poultry are soaked in a thoroughly mixed mixture for 20-30 minutes to prepare the breading.

The secret to getting a particularly crispy crust for the finished dish is adding flakes, they can be oatmeal, or you can opt for corn flakes, but unsweetened. The prepared flakes should be crushed in a mortar, flour should be added to them (6 tablespoons), then mixed well.

Now you can take out the marinated chicken pieces, dip them in the breading mixture and fry them in a deep frying pan or saucepan. It is important to preheat the vegetable oil for deep frying. Fry the chicken for just 4 minutes until it is golden brown. There should be enough oil for the pieces to float freely in it. Wonderful strips are laid out on a napkin to remove any remaining fat. This chicken is very similar to a dish from KFC, although it is not super spicy, but the situation can be corrected with a super hot addition of chili.

I already tried to somehow cook chicken wings like in KFC, it was tasty, but not quite the same... and now, after many trials and errors, I got this very recipe, which will allow you, if not to recreate the original recipe 100 percent, then at least get a result no worse than in the source, and maybe even better!

First, let's prepare the chicken. We will cut the wings at the joints, for the KFC recipe we will only need the first two phalanges, we will not use the outermost ones (the ends of the wings), but they can then be used for the broth.

We've sorted out the chicken, now we can do the marinade. Let's prepare all the products indicated in the ingredients for the marinade. Separately, I would like to talk about water. You need just enough water in the marinade to barely cover the chicken, so I recommend using 1.5 cup (300 ml) first, and then, if there is not enough water, add as much as needed. Having received feedback about the “too salty” nature of the final dish, I decided to add this note to the recipe - after receiving the salt brine, taste it, and if it seems too salty to you, add more cold water!

Step-by-step video recipe

Combine all the marinade ingredients in a bowl and mix it well.

Wash the chopped wings, place in a colander, and when all the excess water has drained,

Place the chicken in the prepared marinade and add cold water, if necessary, so that it is level with the wings. Now marinate the wings in the marinade for 4 hours (I tried marinating for 2 hours, it also turned out well). By the way, I also noticed that if you leave the chicken longer, it becomes oversalted, but does not become any more flavorful! Therefore, I recommend not to overexpose.

While the bird is in the brine, let's start breading our KFC wings. Hand on heart, I can say that I don’t know for sure what they put in there, but my set of breading products indicated in the ingredients is guaranteed to give a very similar result! Therefore, we prepare these very products,

Combine flour and spices in a deep bowl,

Mix the breading very thoroughly into a single homogeneous mass, and we can consider that the entire preparatory stage is completed. Now we need to wait for the time to marinate the chicken wings,

after which you can heat up the deep fryer and start breading the chicken. Now I’ll tell you step by step how the wings are breaded. Transfer a batch of wings (8-10 pieces) from the marinade into a colander, let the excess marinade drain,

then put the meat in breading flour, and roll the wings thoroughly in flour,

put the wings rolled in flour back into the colander (it is advisable to rinse and dry it every time), shake it to remove excess flour,

after which we release the wings into cold water for 5-10 seconds (at this time we do not pull or shake the colander!),

gently remove the wings from the water, let the water flow,

then put the wings back into the breading flour,

Carefully coat the wings on all sides in breading.

Place the breaded chicken in a single layer on the fryer rack. If you plan to cook without a deep fryer, then simply place the wings in the heated oil one at a time, shaking off excess flour from the surface.

So, the oil in the deep fryer has heated up to 170 degrees, let’s put the wings in the deep fryer for exactly 10 minutes.

After the specified time, our KFC hot wings are ready, they can be removed from the boiling oil,

Our city is too small for real food courts to be located in large shopping centers, only the city can boast of this, but we cannot find world-famous catering outlets here. Sometimes I happen to go shopping in a big city and, as a rule, everything is in order with cafes. And if I want to have a snack, then without hesitation I go to the end of the long line - wait for KFC wings, a whole basket. And even if they tell me now that it’s not healthy, fast food and KFC in general aren’t tasty, I won’t agree with you - it’s very tasty to me! Fragrant tender chicken meat in crispy flakes - these memories involuntarily make my stomach growl. Want Want want! But the closest point to Abakan with this delicacy is in Krasnoyarsk and I manage to go there once a quarter, if not less often. Ehhhh... At least do it yourself!
It is clear that, according to legend, this magical chicken has a highly secret recipe and they say that the chefs even sign some kind of non-disclosure papers, and the ingredients are prepared at different enterprises and supplied to the catering kitchen in the form of semi-finished products, so even with all the desire You won’t be able to figure out the real recipe, even if you make a blatant penetration.
Well, then they revealed some cooking secrets to me, I checked it and was blown away - delicious!
THE SAME! The breading is different, but overall it's very, very good!
Therefore, I simply have no right to remain silent, and besides, absolutely anyone can fry a whole mountain of such chicken wings!

I always thought that wings just needed to be breaded in special “crumbs” and branded spices and deep-fried. I tried everything, but either the inside of the chicken near the bones remained raw and tough, or the breading tended to char, I lowered the temperature of the fryer - the inside seemed fine, but the crispy crust was just oozing oil.
And the first secret turned out to be surprisingly simple - before you fry the chicken, you must first boil it!

1. To begin, we cut the chicken wings at the joints into 3 parts - forearm, shoulder and “hand”. Firstly, it is more convenient to work with such pieces; secondly, it’s easier to eat, and thirdly, the very last part of the wing is absolutely not needed for this dish.

You can deal with this “unnecessary” spare part in a humane way - sprinkle with lemon juice, add salt and pepper, some aromatic herbs and leave to marinate for half an hour, and then fry very, very hot in very hot oil - so that it crunches on your teeth and is eaten all without a trace. It's delicious, and for certain lovers it's a real delicacy!

2. Place the cut wings in salted water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. There are some tricks here too.
As soon as the water boils, skim off the foam and remove the pan from the heat. Now cool the wings completely in the broth to room temperature.
Do you think it's not cooked? Fuck there! I have never tasted more tender boiled chicken meat in my life! The fact is that such small pieces do not require long cooking, and in hot broth they themselves will reach the desired readiness.
By the way, this step can be done the night before the party, leaving the pan with wings in a cool place. Just don’t be surprised when the next day you find real chicken jellied meat in the pan - the wings contain a lot of gelling substances))

3. Next, prepare the remaining ingredients - flour, lezon and corn flakes.
I won’t say anything about flour - ordinary wheat flour.
Liezon is a beaten egg with salt and a small amount of water (you can do without it). If you just want the taste of chicken, don’t add anything else to the lezon; if you want some heat and piquancy, feel free to throw in garlic, hot pepper or a few drops of Tabasco, aromatic herbs - whatever your heart desires. Beat with a blender until smooth and you will be happy.

It is advisable to search for corn flakes on the supermarket shelf. The fact is that almost all of them are sold glazed with sugar, but why do we need sweet chicken? With a little perseverance, you can find unsweetened cereals in the health food and diabetic food aisles.
We crush them directly in the bag until they form small pieces and a convenient fraction.

We put all the ingredients next to each other, place a plate for preparations closer, and heat the frying oil on the stove.
The red in the plate is my lezon with garlic and Tabasco))

4. This is what we do with the chicken - first we dip it in flour, then we dip it in the lezon, then we roll it in flakes. At this stage, let the piece dry a little - this way the flakes will stick tightly to the chicken skin and will not fall off during frying. “Dry” for 15-20 minutes, turning the wings over a couple of times.

5.Now let’s fry! Heat a saucepan or cauldron with oil to 180 degrees Celsius. Don't have a special thermometer? Use ordinary Chinese chopsticks - dip them in oil, if bubbles appear from the stick, then the desired temperature has been reached.
Place the wings in deep fat and fry for about 3 minutes. Do not try to put the maximum number of wings into the pan - the temperature of the oil will drop sharply and you will have to fry longer and more oil will be absorbed. 5-6 pieces at a time is normal.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

When it comes to preparing food for a group of men, this dish is just an ace in the hole! Because neither watching your favorite football match, nor a game of the notorious preference can captivate the assembled guests as much as a dish of spicy, very tasty chicken wings, deep-fried according to the KFC chef’s recipe.
It should be noted that such a snack is not so easy to prepare. Despite the fact that the processes themselves are simple, there are quite a lot of them, and this takes a lot of time. But the taste of KFC chicken wings at home is so incomparable that all the difficulties are immediately forgotten when you start trying such deliciousness. They have a very ruddy, appetizing crust, which is obtained by deep-frying them, at the same time, they are so tender and juicy inside that they simply melt in your mouth. This amazing, sharp, spicy taste is achieved through the process of marinating raw semi-finished products in a marinade with spices. Pay attention to this one too.
You can serve the wings with fried potatoes, sliced ​​vegetables and many different sauces.

- wing (chicken, fresh) – 1 kg.,
- egg (chicken, table) – 1 pc.,
- water – 200 ml.,
- starch (potato) – 3 tbsp.,
- salt (fine), dry seasoning - 1 tsp each,
- paprika (ground) – 2 tsp,
- flour (wheat, for batter) – 6 tbsp.,
- flour (wheat, for breading),
- seasoning (for chicken) – 1 tbsp.,
- pepper (ground) – 0.5 tsp,
- oil (vegetable, refined) – 1 l.

Recipe with photos step by step:

First we prepare the wings. Be sure to cut off the third joint, which has practically no meat (it can be used in preparing broths). We cut the wings in two at the joint.

Now pour water (3-4 tbsp) into a bowl, add salt (1 tsp), spices and marinate the wings in this mixture for about an hour.

In a separate container prepare the batter for breading. Mix the dry ingredients: flour with starch, season with salt, as well as all the spices on the list.

Separately, lightly beat the egg, add water to it (you can take mineral water - 200 ml.)

and pour the resulting mixture into the dry ingredients - we get an excellent batter consistency.

Stir the wings into this mixture until they are completely submerged in the batter.

Now mix the flour with paprika (you can add turmeric) and bread the wings well, removing them from the batter. It is important not to bread them in advance, but just before putting them in the fryer.

Prepare the appetizer in hot oil, dipping 4-5 wings into it for 6-7 minutes.

Then transfer them to a napkin (you need to remove the fat)

and serve with sauces.

Bon appetit!

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