Easy and interesting tricks. How to learn to do simple magic tricks


In this article, we will tell and offer instructions for creating interesting tricks. You can surprise guests and friends with them.

Various tricks, manipulation of people's minds today is considered to be one of the types of performing arts. Illusionism originates in the distant 17th century, it is this time that the first mention of magicians dates back. The ability to surprise people with the help of sleight of hand, various tricks makes it possible not only to earn money, but also simply to amuse people.

What are simple and easy tricks, and how to do them?

Watching how deftly magicians turn everything around into solid magic with completely simple hand movements, almost all of us begin to believe in miracles. However, in reality, most "miracles" are just sleight of hand and the ability to captivate the audience.

At first glance, it may seem that we, ordinary people, simply cannot do the same, but by devoting a little time to this matter, we will be able to convince ourselves of the opposite.

So, we present to your attention the simplest tricks.

  1. "Magic number". This trick does not require even sleight of hand from you, however, at the right time it will amuse friends and defuse the situation. To implement such a focus, you need to do the following:
  • Ask the person to think of any number between 2 and 20.
  • The guessed number must be multiplied by 9.
  • Now ask to add two digits of the received number.
  • Then subtract 4 from the resulting number.
  • The result of all the above manipulations will be the same hidden number, ask to remember it, but not to name it. Agree, it would not be interesting to finish the focus just like that.
  • So say you need to think a little. At this time, ask to guess the letter that will correspond to this number. Guided by a simple rule, counting in order, for example, the number 1 is the letter A, the number 2 is B, etc.
  • In our case, this is the letter D.
  • Then ask the viewer to guess the country for this letter.
  • After all this, announce the result. Most likely, the viewer will think of Denmark, since the letter D is the most common option.

Let's look at an example:

  • Let's say a person thinks of the number 5
  • Multiply 5 by 9 to get 45
  • Now we add 4 and 5 and get 9
  • Subtract 4 from 9 and get 5
  • 5 was the number that was originally guessed
  1. Guessing a vegetable. This trick also depends not on sleight of hand and the ability to mislead the public, but on human psychology. But after all, the simplest tricks are based on such “magic”:
  • So, you take 2 pieces of paper and write on the first cucumber, on the second tomato. Then put one piece of paper in the left pocket, and the second in the right, the main thing in this matter is not to confuse where which piece of paper lies. Why these 2 vegetables? According to statistics, these vegetables in our country are the most common and often called. If you are in another country or want to impress foreigners, then this nuance must be taken into account. Because each person names the vegetable that he uses most often.
  • Next, give each participant a piece of paper and a pen.
  • While you are doing all these manipulations, you should not tell the guests what exactly they will need to do.
  • We divert people's attention. We ask you to count something, to guess the riddle, that is, we divert their attention from the focus itself.
  • After all the actions, ask all the guests to write any vegetable on a piece of paper without hesitation. Mandatory requirement to write immediately on command, without thinking.
  • Now ask one of the spectators to read out what he wrote, and pull out a piece of paper with the corresponding vegetable.
  • Attribute your success to well-developed telepathic abilities, joking about it, of course.
  • Of course, such a trick, like all the others, has a certain chance of failing. You need to be prepared for this, so figure out in advance what you will say and how to act if, instead of the well-known cucumber, someone writes the word “Romanesco”, which is far from clear to everyone. By the way, the latter is a variety of cabbage.
  1. magic beads. This is a very spectacular and interesting trick, however, for its correct execution, it is necessary to show sleight of hand and attentiveness so that the guests see magic, and not truly scattered beads:
  • So, for a successful trick, we need an assistant, a person from the audience, a company who will give his beads for the trick (necessarily with a clasp), fishing line, scissors, an empty glass, a sheet of paper.
  • The magic itself lies in the next moment. You take beads, demonstrate to the public that they are intact. Next, take the beads and, distracting the audience, thread the fishing line through all the beads, next to the main thread. Tie the ends of the fishing line - all this, of course, should be invisible to the eyes of all guests.
  • Take the necklace by the fishing line and show the audience that it looks like an ordinary decoration, however, now you can safely cut the extra thread.
  • Now comes a very crucial moment, you must cut the line and simulate the beads falling into the glass, gradually releasing them from your hands.
  • Well, it would seem that the end of the focus, but no.
  • You make a kind of bag out of a piece of paper and put supposedly torn beads in there, then send a thread there.
  • A few magic spell words, a couple of hand movements and you get a whole and unharmed piece of jewelry
  • After that, be sure to focus on the leaflet, straightening it, showing that it is without a secret.
  • As a container in which we will fill the beads (supposedly a torn jewelry), it is better to take a glass cup, not too high. Items such as a bag, a plate, especially an opaque one, will not work and will make guests doubt your abilities.
  • The decoration must be held by the upper edge of our additional thread, and we will cut the bottom edge. At the same time, keep the beads low above the container, otherwise the guests will be able to see that the decoration has fallen as a whole, and not the beads individually, as it should be.
  • Such a trick is not at all complicated, but before showing it with someone else's thing, it's better to hone the art on your own.

There are still a huge number of other, no less interesting tricks, some of which will be discussed further.

How to learn to do magic tricks with cards: step by step instructions, secrets

This is perhaps one of the most common tricks that even novice illusionists are subject to. That is why now we will consider the most interesting of them.

  1. Tricks with 4 kings. The simplest trick that even the most inexperienced fakir can show. In this issue, it is very important not only to show magic, but also to tell a fascinating story, which, in addition to informing the public, also distracts it.
  • So, the first thing to do is to pull out all the kings from the deck, as well as any 3 more cards.
  • We stack the cards in our hands in such a way that only the kings can be seen by the guests. Additional cards should be behind the kings.
  • Next, we begin to tell the story of a bank robbery. The bottom line is that the kings want to rob a bank, and they want to get into the room through the roof of the building.
  • At this stage, all 7 cards must be placed with the rest of the deck. The back of the cards must be on top, exactly, as well as 3 additional cards. We say that the kings hit the roof.
  • Now you take the first card from the top (the spare, but people will think it's the king because they don't know about the additional cards). At the same time, be careful and do not show anyone what kind of card it is. Say that this is one of the kings who will stand on the 1st floor and put the card somewhere on the bottom of the deck.
  • We send the second king (also a spare card) to the 2nd floor, in the middle of the deck.
  • The 3rd king (the last spare card) will be on guard in the basement, put it in the middle of the deck.
  • The last king (really the king, the first in the deck) remains on the roof, show this card to the audience.
  • The king, who was watching everything on the roof, reports that the police are sent to them and everyone should immediately come to him. Tap the deck 4 times, supposedly calling all the kings, and then open the last 4 cards
  • All of them must be kings.
  • After that, invite someone who wants to see that the deck is not fake and that there are no more kings in it.
  • In this trick, the most important thing is to quietly take 4 kings and 3 more cards, and then quietly fold the fan of cards.

  1. Here is another simple trick with guessing the card.
  • You hold an ordinary deck of cards in your hands, show it to the audience
  • Next, anyone must select a card and put it on top of the deck, while you, of course, should not see the card
  • Now remove the deck and put the bottom part on top. During this manipulation, we peep the bottom card of the deck, it will be a guide for us
  • Then one by one lay out a deck of cards with pictures up. The card we need will lie in front of the bottom card of the deck that we memorized
  • So that the focus does not fail, do not rush to lay out the cards. In this case, even if there is some kind of hitch, it will be written off to the desired scenario.

How to learn how to do tricks with a coin: step by step instructions, secrets

Such tricks always delight guests and spectators. In order to be interesting to show representations with such elements, of course, you need to practice, because here the point is solely in the sleight of your hands and their location.

  1. For the first trick, we need 2 any cards from the deck, a small thin magnet, 2 absolutely identical coins, glue, a glass and scissors
  • First, let's prepare the props. The magnet must be thin, otherwise it will be visible and it will ruin the whole focus. You can buy it from craft stores, or you can borrow it from any of the decorative magnets we usually use to wrap refrigerators.
  • Now we take a card and glue a magnet on its front side.
  • After carefully stick on top another of the same card. We glue it so that visually the card is no different from the others in the deck.
  • When all this is done, put the card in the deck so that the trick is more believable and the audience does not understand what its essence is. You can easily identify the card, because in the hands it will feel good that it is thicker than the rest.
  • Further, in fact, it is already necessary to show the focus itself. But you must first check whether your coins are magnetized, because it happens that there is no such effect. In this case, a miracle will not happen and you will be exposed.

  • All is ready. Begin. We go out to the audience and explain that now you will show how the coin will literally seep through the card and fall into the glass.
  • Put a glass on the table, you have a deck of cards in your hands, the coins are neatly and discreetly hidden behind the container.
  • We shuffle a deck of cards, sort through them in search of the right one, pull it out and throw it on the table, right on one coin. Be careful, the card should "pick up" only one coin.
  • Further, without twisting the card, without showing it to the audience, we put it on the glass.
  • Then we take the second coin, show it to the guests and sharply hit it on the glass. As a result, the coin, which is actually already in the glass on the magnet, will fall into the glass.
  • At this point, with a deft movement of your hands, you must take the coin that you knocked with and remove it from people's eyes.
  • Almost simultaneously with the previous action, you must show a glass covered with a card, with a coin inside.
  • Be careful with the size of the magnet, consider this fact when choosing a coin. A big coin needs a big magnet. The size of the magnet should be at least a couple of times larger than the size of the coin. In this case, you can casually throw a card on the table and be sure that the item will be magnetized. Otherwise, the miracle may not happen.

How to learn to do magic tricks with your fingers: step by step instructions, secrets

Tricks with hands and fingers deserve special attention. Agility and speed of movement are always in the first place. It is appropriate to show such tricks not at various children's events, at home. You need to refrain from them on the street and if the audience is too close to you.

  1. Severed finger. This trick is quite simple, however, you need to do all the movements quickly, clearly, without hesitation.
  • When performing this trick, spectators should not see the back of the hand.
  • Show your hands to the audience, twist them
  • We show guests one hand, the thumb of which is looking up
  • Next, we attach the second hand to this hand so that with it we can grab the thumb of the first hand into a fist
  • Clench your finger into a fist with your index and middle fingers

  • Now we open our fist a little, quickly press the thumb to the palm, send the thumb of the other hand in its place. At the same time, his nail should be slightly visible between the index and middle fingers.
  • After that, trying, making efforts, “tear off” your finger with a sharp movement, showing the hand, the thumb of which will be pressed to the palm
  • Now we return the finger to its place. Initially, we press our hands to each other and gently, but quickly straighten our thumb into a fist. Next, we remove the fist and pull out the thumb of the second hand, which is shown between the middle and index fingers
  • That's all the finger is in place, and the audience is delighted

At first glance, the focus may seem difficult, but in fact it is not, it just takes a little practice. And one more very important point, all the roughness should be hidden by the game of your face. Do not be afraid to show emotions during the focus, to scream when you “tear off” your finger and rejoice when it appears again in place. All these little things will make viewers pay attention only to the necessary details.

How to learn how to do tricks with paper: step by step instructions, secrets

Paper tricks are exactly what a beginner illusionist needs. The props of such numbers are always available, and even a child can perform them.

  • We will start with a comic number that will help you set the audience on the right wavelength. There will be no magic and sleight of hand in the room. So, you give a piece of paper and a pencil to anyone and ask them to write any words or sentence there.
  • Next, ask this leaflet to pass to any other person and promise that you will write the same thing on your piece of paper. Then a couple of seconds of silence, as if you are trying to guess the word and write “the same thing” on the sheet, then having prepared the audience for the result, show the sheet with the inscription, voice it, explaining that you fulfilled the promise and wrote the same thing.

Now that the guests are in a playful mood, you can perform the following tricks. We will analyze the simplest and at the same time interesting of them:

  • We draw a masterpiece in front of the public. So, we need to take an easel, paints, brushes, a sheet of fairly thin paper, a reproduction of a painting, oil.
  • The essence of the trick is that you first wrap the picture with paper and attach it to the easel. Next, place a sheet of clean paper on it and start drawing.
  • The audience sees that you are taking paint with a brush, but in fact there should also be oil on the palette. Having dipped the brush into the oil, as if drawing, begin to drive it over the paper.
  • The paper will begin to oil, and the image of the painting will begin to appear.
  • In a matter of seconds, you will draw a masterpiece right in front of all the viewers.
  • When doing a trick, do not forget about facial expressions and playing with the audience.

We recommend that you start with just such simple tricks, they will help you learn how to behave in front of people, “play” in public. Only after you have mastered how to show such illusions, move on to something more complex, where, for example, everything will depend on the dexterity of your hands and the ability to keep the audience on their toes.

How to learn to do tricks with the disappearance: step by step instructions, secrets

The most interesting tricks, according to many people, are the disappearing tricks. After all, to believe that the object that was just in front of you has disappeared is simply unrealistic, but we can even do this.

  1. Pencil disappearing trick. The key to your success is a fairly loose shirt with long sleeves.
  • We take a pencil in our hands and hold its edges on 2 sides with three fingers: thumb, index and middle
  • We show guests only the front side of the fingers
  • We begin to put pressure on the pencil with the fingers of the right hand. Thus, we slightly move it to the wrist of the right limb
  • Next, we make a few simple manipulations with our hands, as if distracting the audience. For example, a couple of movements up and down
  • Next, we squeeze the fingers on the left hand so that the pencil lies completely on the wrist of the right hand
  • Now it's up to the small, quickly, but carefully put the pencil in the right sleeve
  • Then we show the audience that there is no pencil
  • You need to do the trick quickly, distracting the guests with your movements, facial expressions, etc.
  • It is not necessary to show such a trick without practicing in advance, since such "magic" tends not to occur.

Disappearing tricks
  1. Here is another very simple coin disappearing trick.. We need a table covered with a tablecloth, a coin and, of course, spectators. The trick must be shown while sitting, and the guests should not be located on the side of the magician, but in front of him, at a sufficient distance (not immediately in front of the table).
  • So, put the coin on the table. It is very important to put it not too far from the edge of the table. 10 cm will be enough
  • Next, we begin to intensively rub the coin into the table with the whole palm. At the same time, each movement of the hand should slip the coin closer to the edge, until it finally sends it to your knees.
  • After that, without fussing with the same rubbing movements, we return the hand to the place where the coin was originally, and make a couple of movements only with the fingers, and not with the whole palm
  • We begin to say a funny spell, words, and sharply raise our hand
  • We are surprised to say that it worked.
  • During all these manipulations, you need to take the coin from your knees with your left hand, so that later you can “get” it from a completely unexpected place.

How to learn to do magic tricks with a handkerchief: step by step instructions, secrets

Tricks with handkerchiefs are standard at all performances of fakirs, and for good reason. It is tricks with such props that are done quite easily, however, they always make a special impression on the audience.

  1. So, we need a scarf, an assistant, and, in principle, nothing else, only sleight of hand and the ability to tie knots in a special way.
  • Any viewer can be chosen as an assistant
  • Next, we take a scarf, it should be large enough and twist it so that we get a tourniquet
  • Now we take a twisted scarf and put it on the person’s hand, doing it from the bottom up. That is, the fabric of the handkerchief will hold the hand from the underside
  • We must place the left end of the fabric in our left hand between the index and middle fingers. Hold the right end arbitrarily
  • Next, put the right end of the handkerchief between the ring and middle fingers. At this point, there is already an air loop on the viewer's hand
  • The right end, after placing it between the indicated fingers, should look towards the thumb and lie on the left end.

  • We press the middle finger to the palm. At this time, the thumb and middle fingers of the left hand hold the right end of the fabric.
  • We take the left end of the scarf, thread it into the resulting loop and continue to hold the right end with our left hand, tighten the loop
  • Visually, it will seem that one strong knot is made on a person’s hand
  • Next, wrap the hand in the opposite direction with the right end of the scarf, after which we tie one simple knot and at the end of this manipulation we sharply tighten the knots
  • At this moment, all viewers will see a miracle - a handkerchief, passing through a person’s hand, literally jumps off it and ties into a knot in the hands of a skilled magician

The trick with the disappearance of the scarf and the appearance of the rose is also very popular, however, these tricks require special props, so we recommend that you initially hone your skills on the simplest trick presented above, and only then move on to something more complex.

How to learn to do magic tricks with an elastic band: step by step instructions, secrets

Tricks with an elastic band are slightly less popular than the others, however, for a beginner magician, these tricks are considered the most suitable.

  1. We need to take a ring, cut a clerical gum:
  • So what do we do next? We stretch the elastic band through the decoration, while it is important to stretch it not for the entire length, but only for a couple of cm
  • The rest of the gum will be hidden in our hand.
  • Then we raise the hand that holds the elastic band without a ring, and shake it slightly
  • At this point, the decoration will fall down the other end
  • Now you should very carefully and gradually begin to let go of that edge of the elastic that is loose. The ring will then move up.

During this trick, it is very important not to rush and do all the movements very smoothly, otherwise the elastic band may jump out of your hands and the ring will simply fall to the floor.

How to learn to do magic tricks with a cigarette: step by step instructions, secrets

Tricks with cigarettes are very unusual tricks, however, for their performance we need special props - that same cigarette.

  1. So the first focus is disappearing cigarette in the nose. From the props, we take a special fake cigarette. As a rule, an elastic band is attached to the end of the cigarette from the side of the filter, with which you will get rid of it during the trick. The filter itself moves over the cigarette, with the help of which the effect is obtained that the cigarette is placed in the nose.
  • We take a cigarette, previously under the jacket in the sleeve area, we fasten the elastic band, creating tension
  • Next, we hold a cigarette in our hand and substitute it to the edge of the nose, so that the viewer can visually see that the cigarette is just at the opening of the nose
  • Starting to move the props filter up, giving the impression that the cigarette is sinking into the nose
  • After that, we let go of the cigarette, the gum works, and the props quietly fly away

  1. And one more interesting one trick with a special cigarette. The peculiarity of this cigarette is that it looks like a real one, but inside it is hollow and this can be seen from the side of the filter. Also included with the props is a tube - a kind of case for the same cigarette, when the cigarette gets there it is not visible due to the fact that its cavity is black, like the cavity of the case. With all this, an ordinary person will not be able to get it without the help of a magician, and in principle this is what we need.
  • Well, the focus is on the shrinking cigarette. To be more precise, we put an allegedly ordinary cigarette into the case, and take out a very small
  • We put a small copy of it in the cavity of a large cigarette.
  • With your finger we press the part where the cigarette can fall out. We show the audience that the cigarette is quite ordinary, and put it in a case
  • After that, close the case with a cap and pronounce any magic words
  • We shake out a small cigarette from the case
  • The case can be given into the hands of guests and spectators, a cigarette is not visually visible in it and it will not get out of there, even if you knock on the case

Showing tricks is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because these are not just hand movements, this is a whole action that must be accompanied by real magic.

  • Show tricks only after long workouts. You shouldn't tempt fate. Train at home in front of the mirror, so you will see everything that happens, as if from the side
  • Always be prepared for things to go wrong. In this case, you need not to get confused, but quickly and imperceptibly correct the error.
  • If there is no opportunity to correct the mistake, you need to be able to quickly switch people's attention to another object, focus, etc.
  • Hone not only manual dexterity, but also acting skills, because by showing tricks, you literally play the role of a magician. Do not be afraid to be funny, pronounce words clearly and with appropriate intonation
  • Showing tricks, do not rush, there is no need to rush in this matter. You need to do quickly only those movements and manipulations that the viewer can notice, do them differently
  • Before showing the trick to a large number of people, show it to someone from your family and ask for an objective assessment. Based on this, decide whether you have enough skills to demonstrate such an illusion.
  • If you are working with props, do not save on it, otherwise it will easily let you down at the wrong moment.

To create miracles and magic is not so difficult, for this you need to be patient and show all your imagination and dexterity. Training and your desire will definitely bring you a positive result.

Video: How to show tricks - spectacular tricks and their secrets

A popular joke says that after the birth of a son, a man becomes a father, and after the birth of a daughter, a dad. But when it comes to entertainment, it doesn’t matter what gender your child is, the main thing is that communication pleases both of you. And, if you want to win the trust of the younger generation for sure, you must be the best in your business - that is, you must be very fun and interesting with you. Perhaps you are not even a parent, but an uncle, an older brother or a family friend - one way or another, while communicating with a baby, you turn into a potential source of fun, pranks and all kinds of ideas.

It does not hurt to stock up on them in advance, so that at the right time the fantasy does not let you down. For example, to master some spectacular tricks. Even adults often fall for such tricks and admire the unique talent of the "sorcerer". Not to mention the little one, who always perceives man-made miracles with a bang. But all you need to gain a reputation as the soul of a children's company is to understand the essence and practice a little to make tricks for children easily and without hitches. Are you ready to become a magician? Then read, memorize and try your hand.

What are the tricks. Magic tricks for children and adults
Tricks, illusions, transformations and riddles will never go out of fashion - they always intrigue viewers of any age. But still, you are unlikely to entertain an adult company of your friends with tricks, albeit very spectacular ones. But with the help of tricks, any children's holiday, matinee or birthday can be turned into an unforgettable event for children. Professional actors and animators know this firsthand, so they always have in their arsenal a set of items needed to perform magic tricks and create the appropriate atmosphere. This selection usually depends on the subject and type of presentation and, of course, on the age of the audience. You, as an amateur magician, do not have to carry a whole van of motley paraphernalia with you. But, going to an event where there will be children, take with you a minimum set of items that will help you out and make you look like a real sorcerer:
Of course, your main weapon in the fight for the favor and trust of the audience is not material objects, but manual dexterity and speed of movement. Do not forget that such performances are loved precisely because they create a mysterious atmosphere and the illusion of touching magic. And your task is simplified by the fact that children are for the most part more gullible than adults, willingly believe in miracles and are not familiar with most of the laws of physics. You just have to not destroy their willingness to be surprised and secure the image of a sorcerer.

The best simple magic tricks at home
Each magician has his own secrets and signature numbers. To make it easier for you to find your own style and create a repertoire of magic tricks, we have prepared a list of tricks that are easy to perform, but quite impressive. To study and reproduce them, you will not need much time or special equipment, but diligence and accuracy will not hurt. Each proposed focus is accompanied by a "decoding", that is, an explanation of its essence and principle of operation. Try to keep your training secret so that the secrets of the illusions are not revealed ahead of time.

  1. Turn the scarf into a ball. You will need an uninflated balloon, a needle and two handkerchiefs of the same size (for example, 40 * 40 cm).
    What viewers see: You hold an ordinary square handkerchief in your hands and show it from both sides. Then you fold all the corners of the handkerchief together, squeeze them with your palm and bring them to your lips. You blow into the handkerchief like a pipe, and it begins to swell, increase in volume and turns into a ball. You show the balloon to an astonished audience and then pierce it with a needle to make it into a handkerchief again.
    What actually happens: first, you must fold both identical scarves together, matching their edges perfectly. Sew the scarves around the perimeter with small stitches, leaving only a small hole in one of the corners. Insert a balloon into this hole so that its container is between the scarves in a kind of “bag”, and fasten the neck at the hole of the sewn scarves. When demonstrating the trick, hold the corner of the handkerchiefs in which the ball is hidden in your hand. When you inflate the scarf, blow into the balloon to fill it with air.
  2. Let the threads run. You will need a spool of thread, a spool of no thread, and a black marker or marker pen.
    What the audience sees: Two spools stand vertically on the table in front of you: a black one with wound threads and an empty white one. You place your palms on the coils and clench them into fists. Cast any spell or just count to three. Then you raise your hands and it turns out that the threads managed to “rewind” from the black spool to the white one. No matter how many times you repeat this trick, each time the threads will be on one or the other spool.
    What is actually happening: pre-prepare the coils by painting their ends on one side with a black marker, and leaving the other side white. Place the coils side by side, but on different sides: one black end up, the other white. Your main task is to quickly and discreetly flip the coils while they are hidden by your palms. Then, to those who look from the side, it will seem that the threads used to be on a black spool, and now they are wound on a white one. And vice versa.
  3. Enchant the boxes. You will need a matchbox or any other similar design and a thin small handkerchief (cambric or chiffon).
    What the audience sees: You are holding a half-open matchbox in your hands. Then you completely take out its indoor unit and demonstrate to the audience that it is completely empty. Then close the empty box, shake it in your hand, say "spell". Open the box again - and take out a beautiful handkerchief from it.
    What actually happens: the fact that at the beginning of the presentation the boxes are half-open is not an accident. In the free space under the lid lies a handkerchief folded many times over. Closing the box, you push the handkerchief out - the main thing is that at this moment the corresponding side of the case is turned inside your palm. What follows is a matter of the beauty of your gestures, how effectively you wave your handkerchief, diverting attention from an unnecessary box.
  4. Guess the cards. You will need a standard deck of playing cards.
    What the audience sees: You place any six cards face up on the table in front of you. Then you invite a volunteer from the audience and ask him to mentally select any card from those lying on the table and remember it. Then you collect cards from the table, return them to the deck and shuffle. At this time, you can tell the audience a funny story from life or just joke. From the shuffled deck, you take out six cards and put them on the table in the same way as the cards lay before, but face down. Then take one card and return it to the deck. The remaining five cards are turned face up. Among them, exactly the card that the viewer thought of is missing!
    What actually happens: when you remove the first six cards in the deck, you deliberately put them down and try not to confuse them with the rest. Then, after a lyrical digression, lay out any other six cards on the table - the main thing is that none of them from the first set is among them. Thus, no matter which card you remove, among the remaining ones it will not be hidden. And this trick works because the audience, as a rule, obediently chooses and remembers one card, as you ask. No one remembers what other five cards were around her. Therefore, when you lay out the second selection on the table, it is obvious that the hidden card is missing, and all the rest seem to be the same.
  5. Liven up the pencil. You will need a pencil of any color or a pen with a rough surface.
    What the audience sees: You are holding a pencil in your hand with the sharp side up. The second hand makes passes in the vertical direction. Under their influence, the pencil itself repeats the movements: it rises higher, then falls lower.
    What's really going on: You're squeezing the pencil in a fist with the back facing the audience, thumb down. With the other hand, with fingers extended, close the bottom of the fist. After that, you can safely rest the thumb of the hand holding the pencil on the base of the pencil and move it up and down. When viewed from the side at this time, it seems that the pencil came to life and moves itself, following the gestures of the hand with an open palm.
  6. Turn an orange into an apple. You will need a handkerchief, a medium to large ripe orange, and an apple slightly smaller than the orange.
    What the audience sees: you hold in your hand and show everyone an orange juicy orange. Then put it on the table in front of you, cover it with a handkerchief and say the magic words. Tear off the handkerchief, and the eyes of the public are presented with an equally juicy and appetizing apple. There is no orange nearby at all.
    What's actually going on: Peel the orange very carefully beforehand, so as to keep the peel as intact as possible. Then put an apple inside it. During the performance, when lifting the handkerchief, you need to press with your hand not only the fabric, but also the orange peel in order to quietly grab it and lift it along with the handkerchief. The apple remains on the table as it is - without the orange "disguise".
  7. Command the lights. You will need a floor lamp or table lamp and an incandescent bulb.
    What viewers see: You try in vain to turn on the light by flipping the desk switch - the light does not light up. After several attempts, you unscrew the light bulb from the socket and show it to everyone present so that they can see with their own eyes that the light bulb is completely intact and should be lit. Then you cast a spell or simply turn to a light bulb with a request to shine for you. You return the light bulb to the lighting fixture and with the words: “Light bulb, light up!” you press the switch. The light bulb, convinced by your exhortations, obediently lights up.
    What actually happens: at the beginning of the performance, the light bulb is in the socket, but not twisted to the limit. Thus, there is no contact, and the light does not burn. After manipulations in the midst of the focus, you again screw the bulb into the socket, this time all the way. Of course, when the switch is flipped, the light comes on. This trick is designed for children who are not yet familiar with the intricacies of lighting fixtures.
  8. Repair torn paper. You will need two identical white sheets of paper and glue.
    What the audience sees: You are holding a flat sheet of paper in your hands. Then turn it on both sides so that those present are convinced of its ordinaryness. Tear the sheet in half, fold the halves together, and tear in half again. Crumple the resulting quarters of paper in your palms. The audience can clearly see the wad of crumpled paper in your fist. You begin to straighten it and smooth out the creases. In the end, you return the paper to its original appearance and smooth surface.
    What actually happens: on the eve of the performance, you will need to fold one of the two identical sheets several times and carefully glue it with a corner to one of the upper corners of the second sheet. When the glue dries, put the glued paper under pressure overnight (for example, press down with a stack of books) so that both sheets fit together as tightly as possible and do not fall apart. During the trick, you will tear and crumple a large sheet, and discreetly cover the folded one with your palms. When the time comes to “restore” the paper, unfold the neatly folded sheet in advance, and hide what is damaged in its place, into a fist.
  9. Gently insert the thread into the needle. You will need a needle with a narrow eye and a bright (visible from afar) thick thread.
    What the audience sees: despite the fact that not everyone succeeds in inserting a thread into a needle of even a suitable diameter the first time, you do it with ease. And without even looking at the eye of a needle: put your hands with a thread and a needle behind your back, insert the thread and show the public the successful result of your work.
    What is actually happening: multiply the named prop by two. Insert one thread into the needle in advance and stick it into your clothes from the back as imperceptibly as possible (although you don’t turn your back to the audience anyway, which means that no one will see the forgery). When you hide your hands behind your back, stick an empty needle into your clothes, and hide the thread in your fist. Unfasten the needle and thread and demonstrate to the audience.
  10. Remove the paperclip without using your hands. You will need a sheet of paper and a paper clip.
    What the audience sees: you put a sheet of paper and a paper clip on the table and invite everyone to try to put the paper clip on the sheet of paper, and then remove the paper clip, but without touching the paper clip with either your hands or any auxiliary objects. Give the audience any time they need so that everyone can try their hand to no avail.
    What actually happens: after the attempts of the audience have exhausted themselves, the time will come for your benefit. Fold a sheet of paper in half and put a paper clip over the fold. Now pull the edges of the sheet in different directions - and the paper clip itself will come off the paper. This trick involves more ingenuity than sleight of hand and attention, but usually causes a storm of emotions in young viewers associated with the anticipation of repeating the rally on their own.
  11. Use the magic wand. You will need a large newspaper (one sheet spread), a sheet of A4 paper, paints or felt-tip pens, a handful of confetti and serpentine.
    What the audience sees: Performing any tricks, you use your own magic wand. At your request, after a wave, whirlwinds of multi-colored confetti escape from the wand. When the performance comes to an end, you thank the magic wand for the help and say goodbye to it. Then you wrap it in a sheet of newspaper and crush it intensively so that those who watch it have no doubts that the stick under the newspaper could not survive and keep its shape. And you unfold the newspaper, from which the serpentine spills out, into which the magic wand has turned!
    What actually happens: your "magic wand" is made in advance by your own hands, from a sheet of paper rolled up, glued and brightly colored. The void inside this roll is filled with serpentine at one end and confetti at the other. While you are using the wand, hold it by the edge where the serpentine is hiding. With each swing, confetti will fall out of the second end. Then, when it's time to say goodbye to the magic wand, crush it under the newspaper. When unfolding the newspaper, hold the crumpled paper, and let the serpentine fall out freely.
The listed tricks can be shown even to small children, because none of the tricks is dangerous. There are other illusions based on chemical reactions (like coloring starch and soap solutions with cabbage juice) and the operation of the laws of physics (a handkerchief that does not ignite from a candle). But it is better to save them for an older audience, because not only will the kids not appreciate the depth of your miracles, but they may inadvertently injure themselves, trying to repeat your tricks.

Secrets of a Successful Magician
So, now you know the main secrets and what props you need to do magic tricks for children. It's time to take care of yourself, that is, your new role as a magician: appearance, demeanor, various subtleties of behavior, voice and gestures. To begin with, it does not hurt to watch films about artists of this genre - and do not get carried away with cartoons about clowns, feature films for adults contain much more useful ideas. In particular, we recommend the films "The Prestige", "The Illusion of Deception", "The Great and Terrible OZ". Borrow their "chips" from the main characters - the expression of the eyes, theatrical gestures, and even intriguing statements. All this will definitely play into your hands when you find yourself in front of a gaping young audience in astonishment. For our part, we want to give you a few additional tips:

  • Each of your tricks must be well rehearsed. Do not be lazy to train as many times as it takes to make the illusion perfect. It is convenient to do this in front of a mirror to evaluate how convincing you look. Better yet, ask a trusted person - an “assistant”, that is, a friend or relative, to watch your rehearsal and point out your mistakes that are noticeable from the outside.
  • Choose for your performance diverse tricks with different props, because the young audience is not distinguished by perseverance, and your task is not to let it get bored with monotonous numbers.
  • When showing tricks to children, do not limit yourself to a simple demonstration of mysterious phenomena, but try to beat each trick, accompany it with a thematic story, a joke or a small scene.
  • When starting a trick, do not tell the audience what they are about to see, even if you decide to write it in the lead line to the number. The surprise effect is an important part of good focus and a big part of the enjoyment of seeing it. Don't deprive viewers of those emotions and don't downplay your enigmatic image.
  • Make more eye contact with your audience during your presentation. Address any phrases to everyone at once or to someone selectively to lull vigilance. The main thing is to divert attention from your hands at the time of the main manipulations. You yourself never look at your hands.
  • Following the previous principle, do not be silent during the presentation. It is not so important what exactly you will say, but you must constantly chat and entertain those present. Small playful pauses can be made only at those moments when they are appropriate for the plot of the trick. And then, it is best to fill them with suitable music.
  • Try not to do the same trick twice when speaking to a new audience. But this recommendation does not apply to one or two of your "crown numbers", which you succeed in best, invariably delight the audience and whose secret you zealously protect.
  • Every magician faces persistent requests to reveal the secrets of his tricks. Do it or not - it's up to you. You may want to teach your young viewers magic tricks, or vice versa, you'd rather preserve the reputation of a real magician. One way or another, always leave your best numbers unclassified, and share those that will be easy to replace with other numbers next time.
  • For amateur magicians, it is better to choose a few simple and short numbers for their performance than to prepare complex and difficult tricks to perform. First, difficult magic tricks require more preparation and you run the risk of not being able to master them. Secondly, a lot of short-term entertainment is perceived by children better than the need to follow one action for a long time.
We can say that any trick, regardless of its content and the props used in its performance, consists of two parts: mechanical and psychological. The first is directly in the performance of the trick, its technicality and mastery of objects. The second includes everything related to the behavior of a magician and his work "for the public", the ability to interest the audience and present himself and his performance in the most favorable light. The better you master both components of success and learn how to combine them, the more joy you will deliver to your young viewers. But positive emotions, from surprise to delight, are the goal and the best reward for a magician. Therefore, we wish you inspiration, creative success and a grateful audience.





Spectacular tricks with paper, the video demonstrates this magic. Our sorcerers can assemble a completely new sheet from any document or money torn to shreds.

Which will not differ from the original. There is nothing easier than to tame such an everyday matter called paper. Original figures (origami) are created from it, important documents are signed on paper, world pictures and children's drawings, paper kites and much more are created on it.

So magicians did not pass by this wonderful and necessary object - paper.

This plastic thin material immediately won the hearts of many illusionists. The sorcerers, right before your eyes, tear and reassemble whole paper cards, turn a paper rose into a real one, in a word, conceivable and inconceivable operations are created from paper.

Do you want to know what is the secret? Want to tame paper too?

Do you think that having made friends with these leaves, you will also find a common language when signing important documents? Then this tutorial video is for you. You can easily download lessons from the Internet. A little perseverance, perseverance, and information on easy paper manipulation will be added to your new knowledge in tricks.

You will become the most successful, opinions about you will change, paper will take on new forms, new meaning, and there will be order on the desktop.

All your paper will be sorted into shelves, each sheet will have its place.

Some illusionists, in the process of fantasizing, cause such chaos that it is almost impossible to find an important document in a pile of scattered sheets. But it's not about you, is it?

➤ New: The most romantic things every girl needs to know. A folder was recently found - look, it might come in handy. Imagine that you or your friend is having a party where it is extremely necessary to decorate the room and set the table.
Since paper is your element in tricks, then do not hesitate. Original and beautiful napkins and flowers will definitely decorate the room. And when creating a festive look, you can hide something in the scenery to show tricks. The main thing is ingenuity. Dare, learn, watch videos - everything is in your hands.

Have you long dreamed of touching these mysterious and incomprehensible people like magicians? Is this your undisclosed childhood dream? What's stopping you? Try to understand some of the lessons that will lift the veil of mystery of many incomprehensible phenomena.

Don't wait for another opportune moment, because that moment has already arrived. Starting today, you will be initiated into the magic of conjurers and illusionists. How to do tricks at home if there is no special equipment? The difference between tricks that can be repeated at home is that they do not require a stage, but these tricks remain unique and interesting as well.

With the help of simple certain rules, you can not only surprise the crowd, but also create a program, each time surprising you with new and new performances.

Who knows what your curiosity will lead to and you will learn how to do tricks at home. Perhaps you will surpass such geniuses as David Copperfield or Harry Houdini.

What is easier trick with cards. No one will understand and know how you could guess exactly the card that your subject chose from such a huge deck of pictures. What a delight it will be that in different ways you will be able to pull out exactly the right card from the deck.

At the same time, you will be considered a fortune-teller or a magician and a sorcerer, without even realizing that the trick is based on a complex mathematical scheme.

For children, simple tricks, such as tricks with fingers or a rubber band, are more suitable.

For any serious person. Regardless of the social and financial situation, you can find a way. Try yourself in the field of tricks, and you will like it. Nothing will replace those admiring and surprised looks that you will meet after showing a certain trick.

Control the miracle yourself, tame and create new ones. All in your hands!

Excellent magic tricks with rubber band video tutorial for you.

One of the simplest magic tricks is the rubber band trick. They are easy to learn and very popular with children. They don't require any special props, just your hands and the rubber band itself.

Imagine a trick when a rubber band jumps from finger to finger, or more complex - when several rubber bands jump from finger to finger.

Who would not be interested in a trick in which the ring overcomes all the laws of physics and instead of falling down, slowly makes its way up.

Different magic tricks for the house with an elastic band and other items

How are you asking?

Everything is so simple that when you discover the secrets of tricks with an elastic band, you will be surprised. Imagine that an unusual, out of the blue trick for your child will be much more interesting than a computer game.

This gives a more complete and deep development, the child himself begins to strive to learn new tricks. Who would like it if your child would sit in the same position day after day and play the same game? Nobody.

So try to be interested.

By showing how to do tricks at home for children, the child will strive to learn what you can do and even surpass you.

Believe me, it has always worked. Our children learn from our examples. If we have an active life position, then the children will be active. And the people around you will be attracted to you.

Start living right now and start by learning something new and unknown to you.

The fabulous world of magic tricks is open to everyone - magic tricks with an elastic band are for you.

The way to approach your cherished dream (to join the secrets of the great illusionists) is in your hands. Just a couple of steps and you yourself are a wizard.
Just remember, when gaining knowledge, be sure to keep everything a secret, otherwise it will not be interesting later when everyone knows what the secret of the trick is.

Great tricks with fingers

There is a good training video for you - it's better to just watch it.

Imagine that upon returning home from work, you are stuck in an elevator. But not alone, but with a child and his wonderful mother. It is not known when the elevator operator will come and get you out of there. What can be done to defuse the situation and calm the child and mother?

My advice to you - show tricks with your fingers.

This will surprise and interest, and everyone will forget that they are in a stuck elevator, and they will ask for more, more tricks.

The simplest, requiring neither a scene nor any other preliminary preparation, are easy to learn and easy for everyone - these are tricks with fingers video training.

Can you poke your finger right through your cheek?

Or maybe you know how to rearrange your fingers in places, as if each finger is an element of a Rubik's cube and can move from one place to another.

Don't wait for the situation in the elevator, I hope you never get stuck there.

Such magnificent performances can be staged anywhere.

At a picnic, on the beach, during a corporate party, in order to attract the attention of children, and not only children, but the fairer sex (do not think that they love only with their ears). Anywhere, anytime you will be the center of attention under any circumstances.

Such unexpected and funny tricks help to relieve the situation. As you perform in front of your audience, you will begin to understand and feel subtle, fleeting changes in the moods of those around you.

Just a few minutes a day, watching a training video, training your dexterity, you will be able to surprise and amaze in a few days.

The more difficult the trick with the fingers, the more interesting it looks. Do not doubt your abilities. Everyone is able to learn even elementary tricks with fingers. Even a child can learn these simple tricks.
Great tricks and their exposure in the video below.

Each of us is a child at heart. Sometimes you really want to move away from these gray everyday life, close your eyes to the problems and imagine that instead of the harsh reality around you is a fairy tale. I would like to touch this wonderful world of fantasy and magic at least for a moment.

However, not everyone can do this, but, most importantly, believe. Remember the last time you were surprised and enthusiastically admired inexplicable mysterious phenomena? I'm not talking now about magicians or psychics. My question is about focus.

Yes, it is precisely this amazing event that is capable of melting the ice of seriousness and adult pomposity of absolutely any person at any time, under any circumstances, whether he is a janitor or a businessman. Focuses are always a holiday.

You can observe the miracles of what is happening from the outside and wonder how this is possible, or you yourself, having studied various secrets, create an atmosphere of mystery and mystery around yourself.

Everyone chooses a path for himself.

But if you still decide that you are a wizard, that you are also able to control the laws of physics, then there is nothing easier than downloading a video on teaching tricks from the World Wide Web, so to speak, a revealing video.

After viewing and understanding certain secrets, for those around you, you will move from the category of ordinary people to the category of sorcerers and magicians. Only, showing the magic on your own, you should not reveal all the nuances, let the ignorant viewers remain in the dark.

Having studied some materials, having tried it in practice, you may have your own idea, and it will be you who will soon be on a par with famous magicians and illusionists, such as David Copperfield, Harry Houdini and other world people.

Want to watch homemade magic tricks on video? Here is one of them with a cigarette below. The focus is very simple. It is used in conjunction with others, it is very suitable for training. Cigarette by the way between the thumb and palm.

Everything is very simple. If you do it quickly and do not press your thumb, it will be very effective. Do your homework tricks and practice. The video shows all the errors and you can see how it looks from the outside. All the nuances can be seen at once, how to focus, at what angle, etc.

Here is the actual video.
It happens that quite by accident very good and visual tricks for beginners with coins come across in this video below. Such tricks can be performed at any level and by almost anyone.

This interesting video trick for beginners with coins is very well done. Guess how many coins were in the magician's right hand? The task is not easy. Although you can theoretically calculate in slow motion. But you still can't be 100% sure.

Such forms always amaze with their simplicity and craftsmanship. In general, a great video for those who have been looking for something on the topic for a long time. Specially lay out only well-executed tricks.

Try to somehow record your videos and put them on the Internet. Perhaps your video will be on our wonderful site.
Matchbox tricks require a lot of finger flexibility.

Which is precisely achieved through training with a matchbox as follows.

From what tricks come out just incredible. In addition, this exercise perfectly develops the flexibility and motor skills of the fingers. In general, watch, practice, do tricks with matchboxes.

Now you know even more about tricks.
Great trick with a fork. The man shows perfectly and you won’t even think that the fork is not real.

Professional. Focus came out great. Another fork did not appear on the screen. Tricks with forks are quite simple in theory. And difficult to execute.

A man in a white shirt with his sleeves up. Showing that the fork could not fall into the sleeve in any way shows the trick with the forks convincingly. Now you know even more about forks.

Focus flying fork.

We take an ordinary fork and firmly clamp it into a fist, for honesty, you can roll up your sleeve, so it will be clear that you are not cheating. However, there is a catch.

By unclenching your fist, you show that the fork is floating in the air. Well, the secret of the focus is further on the video. Everything is very simple.

Trick with a fork and a toothpick.

The magician is going to hold two forks on a glass with one toothpick. Looks pretty impressive. Further more interesting. Fire comes into play. He burns the toothpick. It's worth looking at.

Very funny Hmayak Hakobyan and his Video Tricks

Hmayak Hakobyan, a famous magician, the son of a circus illusionist, starred. His tricks have always been interesting for both children and adults. For the Soviet viewer, Hmayak Hakobyan became a very famous person. His films were watched with pleasure, gathered by the whole family. For some, it was the whole event.

You can repeat many of his tricks yourself, for this, download lessons from the Internet. Although, you can not download, but watch online.

Try to intrigue your household, show a couple of tricks to your children. Remember your feelings when you yourself looked at this interesting and funny magician Hmayak Hakobyan.

With what admiration did they watch his next performance? Put on a cap, a mantle, create a holiday atmosphere in your home. In our dullness, in our frenzied world, it is sometimes worth stopping and looking at what is happening around.

Do not forget to give joy to your loved ones. If a pleasant atmosphere reigns in your house, then your house is always filled with laughter and positive. And this is a good mood outside the home, excellent health and confidence in yourself and tomorrow.
Focus is available to everyone.

Everyone can learn them.

Interest the child, perhaps he will also show tricks. This activity develops imagination, ingenuity, memory, dexterity and perseverance.

Also, imagine the admiring glances of those around you. How will your child react to this?

No complexes and embarrassments in the future, when your child gets used to public speaking from an early age. The process of showing tricks teaches us to correctly recognize subtle moods, their changes.

Fantastic home tricks


You can start demonstrating tricks after mastering his secret, having thought through the image of the magician to the smallest detail and rehearsing the technique of maneuver.

To amaze others with supernatural abilities, you must follow a number of rules of real magicians:

  • Focus is important to rehearse several times in front of a mirror. Facial expression, posture and manual dexterity matter.
  • When performing a trick, speech should be bright, thoughtful, since it acts as a distraction. The same applies to gestures. You can invite an assistant who, during manipulations, will draw the attention of the viewer to himself.
  • A real magician never discovers the secret of a trick.
  • Maneuvers should be appropriate for the age of the child. For kids, light pranks with food, balloons, and coins are suitable. Schoolchildren of elementary grades are interested in scientific tricks, for teenagers - with cards, fire and so on.
  • When performing, one maneuver is not repeated twice - this will help to keep its secret and the mystery of the image of the magician.


How to make a flying cup from improvised means

Glue a piece of double-sided tape on the container with a drink, commensurate with the pad of your thumb. Attach the glass to your finger and clasp it with your fingers. Turn the glass to the chest, open the palm and show telekinesis in action.

For greater effect, drive with your free hand over the vessel. Hold the bottom with your little finger, pretending that the bowl is balanced on your finger.

Another option: pierce a paper cup under the thumb in the middle of the wall. Carefully insert the phalanx and follow the same steps.

The simplest do-it-yourself feint

Carefully remove the sharp top of a raw egg. Pour out the yolk and white. Put the shell on a wet plate and begin to turn it. Tilt the pallet up and down, about 30 degrees, making circular movements with the brush.

The shell from the egg is spinning and changing the trajectory.

With water

The best trick at home is experimenting with liquid. The preparations are simple, all items are at hand, the implementation is not difficult.

Enchanted ketchup

Type in a plastic bottle of water so that under pressure the container changes shape. Throw a small package of ketchup or sauce into the water. The left hand easily squeezes the bottle and the object moves in the liquid.

The right one performs magical manipulations to divert the attention of the viewer. Grab tighter - the package falls, loosen the grip - it rises. This trick is suitable for children 5-8 years old.

rainbow water

You will need several glasses, a set of food coloring and glue. Apply dots of glue to the upper inner parts of the glasses and sprinkle with dye. Remove excess powder. To do this, shake the glasses upside down. Slowly pour water into them, put ice and the drink will sparkle with rainbow colors.

holey bag

Take water in a strong plastic bag, it can be painted with watercolors. Tie, pierce with a pen or pencil. Pierce the bundle 5-6 times. As long as the holes are closed, moisture remains in the bag.

Magic ice floes

Place the bottle of liquid in the freezer until icy, but do not let it freeze. It takes 1.5-2 hours. Take the container out of the refrigerator, do not shake.

Shake the liquid sharply in front of the viewer's gaze, and the ice will paint the bottle with a wonderful pattern from the inside.

Then slowly pour cold water over an ice cube, and it will freeze in a slide.

According to this principle, ice cream is made that freezes before our eyes: shake the soda, put it in the refrigerator. But don't let it freeze. Then slowly open the bottle, the gas should come out. Pour the drink onto a cold plate and it will turn into a sweet ice crystal dessert.

with paper

How to get into the album sheet

The coolest and easiest magic tricks are with paper. For example, to catch the moment when the baby draws and ask how to get into the album sheet. The baby, of course, will not answer.

Then you need to fold the short sides of the sheet in half. Step back about 1-1.5 centimeters from the edge and cut the paper with scissors from the fold of the sheet, as you cut the spine of a book. Stop 1 centimeter from the edge where the sheet opens.

Cut the next side towards the fold. That is, retreat along the first slot 1 centimeter and cut from the edge where the sheet opens, also without cutting 1 centimeter in front of the spine. Thus riddled all the paper, alternating sides.

When done, the result looks like pants. Along the edges of the sheet there should be cuts only along one leg from the side of the fold. And in the middle all are paired. We cut off the fold of the sheet from all paired panties. We straighten the paper and you can easily go into a huge arch.

Paper keeps the water locked up

You will need a glass or a bottle with a smooth neck, a piece of paper that is larger in diameter than the top of the vessel and ½ of water in the container. Put the paper on the neck like a cap and turn it over with water, while holding the makeshift lid firmly. Everything is suitable for the experience: a vase, a bottle or even a jar.


Endless thread

Buy a small skein of thread to match a sweater, shirt or jacket. Pin them under your clothes. Using a needle, pull the end of the thread out. Now it's easy to make your loved ones laugh. With a dissatisfied look, brush off the thread. One, another. When the attention of friends is attracted, start pulling the thread, pulling out more and more thread.

Emotions of the President of America

Even a beginner will make such a hologram. To do this, it’s not a pity to crumple a $ 5 bill, which depicts Abraham Lincoln. Make 2 folds outward perpendicular to the corners of his lips, 1 bend in the middle of the face - a dent will be along the hole between the lips and the bridge of the nose. Depending on the inclination, either a joyful Lincoln or a comically sad one appears before his eyes.


Loop around the neck

The original rope trick. It is advisable to learn this trick in front of a mirror. Throw a string around your neck so that both ends hang on your chest. Take the right rope in your left hand and bring it over the left end, holding a kind of lasso in your index finger. The right rope will lie on the left from above in the form of a rounding.

Its beginning and end will be nearby, and the loop will lie on the rope and hang down on the other side. Holding the loop on the left cord with your right hand, quickly throw it around your neck and fix it. The front of the rope looks like a noose, but the back is a tucked loop. Next is a matter of fantasy. You can tie loose ends, gradually tighten the rope.

The result - with a sharp movement forward, the noose seems to pass through the neck. Focus requires training, but it looks very impressive.

For a birthday

Birthday balloons are the key to festive decoration and great props for magic.

Strongest in the world

Stick small pieces of tape on opposite sides of the balloon. When the time comes to surprise the guests, inflate the balloon and let the child pierce it with a thin knitting needle in the sealed places, while everyone will wait for a loud explosion and squint.

The ball attracts objects

Place pieces of torn paper on a plate or table. Rub the balloon on your hair or fur. And now bring it very close to the paper - it will be magnetized to the surface of the ball.

Levitating Ring

Pass the elastic through the ring and hold the ends firmly in your hands. Pull on the rubber. By changing the position of the hands and the tension of the elastic band, the illusion of a flying ring is created.

New Wonders of Balancing

Pass the teeth of the forks towards each other in a checkerboard pattern. Insert a match or toothpick into the gap between the teeth from above so that it crosses the tip of the second fork by about a third. Fix the match on the edge of the glass or glass.

With hands, fingers and body

nightingale the robber

Squeeze a blade of grass in the palm of your hand. There should be a tiny space between the thumbs. Take a deep breath of air and blow as much urine as you can. A sharp, loud whistle for the whole world is guaranteed.


Stand sideways to the children. The toe of the left foot must be hidden, otherwise the trick will not work. Slowly raise the right leg, and the left only the heel. After a little training in front of the mirror, the children will see that an adult is hovering above the ground.

flying table

Shows with floating objects always fascinate children. The flying table is easy to make. You will need 3 items: a thick curved wire, a table made of light materials and a tablecloth with a double bottom. Attach the wire to the side of the table and tuck into the tablecloth. Hold a hand on the corner of the fabric with a hidden handle.

Raise and lower the wire, drive with your free hand over a flying object, hold the other end of the tablecloth, play with movements. This trick can be taught even to a crumb, it is enough to make a table of foam plastic and show him the secret.

Tricks with fingers

Put the ring on your middle finger. Hold the palm with the back side with the ring vertically, press the little finger, thumb and forefinger. With the other hand, close the brush along the phalanx of the fingers.

Sharply squeeze the palm with the ring, then raise the index with the middle one. It seems as if the ring jumped up to the index finger. So, alternating fingers, an illusion is created that the ring itself moves.

For babies

Where is the bow tie

On stage, the child touches his neck and finds out that the tie is gone. Without thinking twice, he utters the magic words and turns around his axis. And everything is in place. To do this, you need to tie an elastic band to the butterfly and pull it, pressing it under your armpit, while twisting, the baby releases the elastic band and the tie falls into place.

Mystery matches

This trick can be shown to children 4-8 years old and adults. Cut the box across the matches. Glue the parts so that the cut half of the box looks the other way. Now close.

Open the box in front of the viewer, close it. Turn over and begin to push the side in which the matches are visible. The viewer is waiting for them to fall from below. But, miraculously, the box turned over inside!

In kindergarten

Coin rain puzzle

Hide 10 coins in the book in advance. Let the kid take 2 coins in front of the audience and put them in the book. It remains to wave a magic wand, cast a spell and turn the textbook over. Coins rained down like a river.


Empty can of cola is full again

Even teapots can do such a trick. Cut out a piece of black paper in the shape of a drinking hole on the jar. Attach it and press down with a tongue-opener. This will give the appearance that the bank is open.

Then pierce the tin at the top and drain a third of the drink. Demonstrate to guests that the jar is open and empty (pin the puncture with your finger). Crumple it in front of the guests, then shake it slowly. The soda will sizzle and straighten the can. Run your palm over the cola and discreetly remove the black paper, open and pour into a glass.

For friends

The secret of the moonwalk

The secret of walking, which was characteristic of Michael Jackson, lies in the transfer of the weight of the body. You need to keep your feet at a step distance from each other. Balance on the toe of the right foot, while sliding the left back. When the left is behind, transfer the weight to its toe and slide back with the right foot.

So, alternating the center of gravity on a bent leg, you can repeat Jackson's moonwalk. Smooth sliding on the floor will be a real focus for friends.

Water and whiskey

Pour alcohol into the first glass, water into the second. Cover the liquid with a credit card or piece of plastic. Turn over and put on another glass so that there is a card between the whiskey and water. Deftly pull out the card and let the guests contemplate how the liquids will change places in 10 seconds.

Master class on the piano

You can fool around and portray a great musician, for this you do not need to study at a special school. Periodically press the black keys with the little finger and thumb, and randomly sort through others with the index, ring and middle fingers. The sound will be unusual, pleasant and unique.

Colorful sprite or tonic

Drop some food coloring into clear glasses and cover with crushed ice. It's time to add lemonade or alcohol. Dyes will rise up in curly ribbons, coloring liquids.

Wine rising into an upside down glass

Light a candle and put it in the center of the plate. Pour wine around the candles, turn the glass over and cover them. The answer is that as the oxygen burns, the wine rises up the walls of the glass.

At school

Pin games

Release the lever on the first pin. It must be opened in such a way that it is imperceptible. Leave the second one unchanged. Move a whole pin along the open one, take it off and put it on, and classmates will not be able to understand the trick.

Can of Cola balances

This is a very simple trick. The nice part of the trick is to destroy half of the drink. Put the jar on the table and slowly tilt it. Carefully release the tin can. Looks like she's about to fall. Surprisingly, the container will remain balanced.


How invisible ink is made

Mix milk and lemon juice in equal proportions - the ink is ready.

Dip the brush into the mixture and write a letter on a piece of paper or draw a map to hidden treasures. Dry the drawing. In front of the audience, turn on the hair dryer and warm up the letter. An unusual secret message will begin to emerge. In the absence of a hair dryer, an iron will do.


The illusionist steals the flame

Slightly move the wick of the lighter with a toothpick or pencil point. Light a fire and hold your hand over it with a grasping motion. As if a light was taken in the palm of your hand. The flame in the lighter will remain, but in a small hole. It remains to bend over and blow on the palm towards the wick. The flow of oxygen will allow the flame to flare up again.


Tricks with the transformations of substances will appeal to preschoolers and younger students.

Option 1

Boil red cabbage. Let it soak in water for 8 hours. Get some empty glasses. Fill ⅓ of their containers with powder, vinegar and water mixed in equal proportions. Pour the cabbage decoction into the vessels and watch the play of colors from deep purple to red and green hues in different glasses.

Option 2

In an opaque mug on absorbent paper, secretly put crushed ice cubes from the audience. Pour some water into it to soak the paper. Then turn the glass upside down and shake out the ice. The main thing is that the vessel should not be made of glass. Otherwise, the audience will understand where the ice came from instead of water.

With cards

Put the card with the sevens of hearts on the pad of your index finger. Place a coin on top of the suit. Quickly click on the edge of the card, and it will fly, rotating around its axis. And the coin will remain in place, as if nothing had happened.


Children's technical tricks spark interest in the sciences in toddlers.

Enchanted candle smoke

Until the candle goes out, bring a burning match or lighter to the smoke, a small blue light will slide along the path, and in a split second the candle will flare up again.

Gigabyte of information in a soap bubble

It is necessary to clean the coating of the disc on both sides. Warm up with a lighter. The material starts to melt. You need to blow on this place, and a large bubble will appear on it, similar to soap.

With food

Banana - whole on the outside, but chopped on the inside.

Take a needle or pin. Insert gently into the peel and move up and down under it. So cut the whole banana.

Orange became an apple

Remove the orange peel with minimal damage. Choose an apple according to the volume of the peel. Wrap the fruit in the orange skin and press firmly with your fingers where the cuts are visible to avoid exposure. Raise the fruit high and demonstrate the orange in your hand.

Cover your hand with a napkin and conjure over citrus. With a quick movement, pull off the scarf along with the cover: instead of an apple, an orange appeared.

Play around with grains

You will need 2 opaque identical boxes of processed cheese or sour cream. In one, make the second bottom 1.5-2 centimeters higher than the main one. Pour buckwheat or rice into a large container to the brim. Put another pack on it upside down. It remains to concentrate, wave a magic wand, turn the containers over so that the jar with the second bottom is on the bottom and raise the first one. Buckwheat will cover the entire box and the table around. Everyone will be convinced that the cereal has doubled.

How can you cut an apple without a knife

Take an apple in the palm of your hand. At the same time, the thumbs are on the stalk and on top. The rest cover the sides of the fruit. Squeeze the apple and rotate in the palms. It will split into 2 even halves.

How to make a jumping egg

Place 2 identical stacks side by side. Put the testicle in a glass with the tip up and sharply blow on it. The egg will jump out of the first glass into the adjacent one.

With magnet

A simple trick for a child 5-9 years old. If an old magnet is lying around at home, then let the baby put a coin on the table, take a magic wand in his hand, and drive a magnet under the table. The coin will follow.

With table and tablecloth

A well-known but difficult trick. With a sharp movement, pull the tablecloth from the table, served with expensive dishes.

It is important to follow the rules:

  • The fabric is pulled down towards the floor, not towards itself.
  • The canvas is covered on the opposite side as short as possible. The long edge is held in the hands.

With coins

Disappearing from the envelope

Glue 2 small identical envelopes from improvised means with their backs to each other. Put a penny in one, and the next one will be empty. Demonstrate to everyone that there is money in the envelope, and hide the secret from observers. Put your hands in the lock and whisper the magic words. Open your palms and show an empty envelope. Repeat the magic - a coin appeared.

The ruble fell through the table

Hold a coin in your right hand, your left hand under the table will catch the ruble.

The essence of the trick: imperceptibly dump the coin into the left hand after its demonstration. Hold the fingers with a coin with a pinch, let it go down and continue to pretend that the ruble is in your hand. Hit the pinch on the table with force and take out the left hand with the magic coin. The main nuance is that the hand from below is hidden from the eyes.

Cool feint with a coin and a bill

Place the banknote face down on the table. Put a coin on it. If it doesn't work, bend the bill a little. Put the coin back in. Straighten the money slowly.

How to become a magician: props and paraphernalia

The soul of any trick is pathos and magical surroundings. The child is recommended to observe the behavior of famous magicians, for example, Hmayak Hakobyan.

Appropriate paraphernalia, toys are important: magic wands, ribbons, flowers, and so on. Ready-made sets of items can be purchased at the store or made at home on your own.

You should be responsible for choosing a suit. It should have secret pockets, secrets in the sleeves and so on. The image is complemented by a mantle and a sorcerer's cap.

Mysterious music, festive garlands, subdued light will create the necessary mysterious atmosphere. Such a day of magic for a child will be unforgettable.

At all times, people were interested in strange, mysterious events for which they could not find a logical explanation. This explains the success of conjurers who give a person a fairy tale, a small miracle that you want to be surprised and really want to believe.

In the professional environment of illusionists, it is forbidden to reveal the secrets of tricks, but many tricks have already ceased to be a mystery. On the one hand, this deprives a person of miracles and secrets in real life, and on the other hand, it makes it possible to be surprised at human ingenuity and try to master the art of focus on your own. “Sleight of hand and no cheating” is the principle by which magicians work. The task of the focus is not to deceive, but to surprise and delight. This video "Easy Tricks" will teach you a simple trick with coins.

Video lesson "Easy tricks"

How to learn to show tricks?

Showing tricks is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is not enough to learn the very principle of the focus and its features, it is important to convince a person that this is really magic, and not a deft hand movement. To do this, you just need to have acting skills. Those who do not have acting skills can try to learn this.

Learning how to show tricks correctly:

  1. First, a person must believe in his own focus, in his abilities. He must behave like a real magician, who is sure that he is doing real magic and that he will definitely succeed.
  2. Contact with the audience plays a big role. The illusionist's words should be specific to the audience, appropriate to the age and occupation of those watching the trick. Questions to the audience, dialogues with them help well.
  3. It is important to be confident in your abilities, and not to get lost under any circumstances. Even if something went wrong, you need to quickly orient yourself and pretend that everything is going according to plan.
  4. No one should get into an argument with the audience. In the crowd of spectators there will always be a skeptic who will not be surprised by anything. No need to waste focus time on him, it will still be difficult to convince him. More attention is needed for those viewers who really expect a miracle and believe in a magician.
  5. No need to divulge his secret after showing the trick. This will undermine the authority of the magician and spoil the impression of even the best magic trick.
  6. Before showing a trick, it must be rehearsed for a long time and carefully. One bad trick can spoil the impression of all previous tricks, even the most successful ones. Remember that authority is very hard to earn and easy to lose.
  7. Learning how to do tricks is just for those who train a lot, rehearse and educate themselves, learning new tricks and techniques.

Three ordinary coins themselves are attached to each other and, without falling, quietly hang in the air! Magic, and nothing more. How to master this magic?

Learning to do trick with a coin:

  1. We take three ordinary coins with denominations of 5, 10 and 50 kopecks.
  2. To make the trick work, you need to take two small magnets.
  3. We attach these magnets to one coin and we can safely render a trick!
  4. We make sure that the audience does not see the magnet. A little secret: so that the audience could not understand the secret of the focus, you need to draw their attention to elements that are not at all important for the focus. So they will be distracted and will not be able to solve the trick.
  5. Before starting the trick, the magnets should be held in the hand and then discreetly attached.

That's all! This is how easy it is to master seemingly complex and amazing magic tricks. Learn to create miracles with your own hands and surprise your family and friends! Good luck!

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