Rehabilitation center after childbirth for mom. Recovery of the body after childbirth


Within 9 months, the body of a pregnant woman adapts to carrying a child. It takes much less time to return it to its original form. However, it should be remembered that the woman's body after childbirth requires delicate handling and protection from overload: the ligaments are still softened (it takes up to 5-6 months for them to return to their normal state), the muscles are relaxed, and finally, there is just fatigue from hard work - childbirth. The exercises below are divided into periods, taking into account the capabilities of a woman of average physical data. These exercises are suitable for women of any age and health condition, but if there is any doubt, it is better to consult with specialists. The peculiarity of these exercises is that they can be performed at home with the baby.

After childbirth, the uterus can be felt through the abdominal muscles just below the navel - it begins to contract immediately after the birth of the child, but only after 6 weeks does it return to its previous size (the postpartum period is 6-8 weeks).

Throughout pregnancy, the abdominal muscles were steadily stretched (the waist during childbirth increases to 100 cm or more), before childbirth, the rectus abdominis muscles could disperse in different directions (this is painless), and the straining period of childbirth made this discrepancy even more pronounced. For those women who give birth not for the first time, it will take more time to restore the shape of the abdomen.

There is another important muscular organ that could change after childbirth - this is the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor refers to the muscles that surround the opening of the urethra (urethra), vagina and anus in the form of a figure of eight. The muscle tissue between the vagina and the anus is called the perineum, and this is where an episiotomy (incision in the perineum) can be made to safely remove the baby. There may also be tears in the vaginal area. During childbirth, the muscles of the pelvic floor become thinner, stretched, and therefore, immediately after childbirth, a woman may stop feeling their contractions.

How quickly a woman can recover from childbirth depends largely on her own efforts. Physical exercises help reverse the contraction of the lats, return to normal the overstretched abdominal muscles, restore the correct position of the pelvic organs (the intestines and bladder experienced pressure from the enlarged uterus).

Contraindications to gymnastics in the postpartum period:

1) febrile body (above 37.5 °C);

2) bleeding during and after childbirth;

3) ruptures of the perineum III degree;

4) exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

As a rule, postpartum exercises begin on the 2nd day (the first day after childbirth, a woman can rest), increasing the duration of classes from 15 minutes to 35 minutes. However, at the request of the woman, and also if there are no contraindications, the exercises can be performed on the first day after childbirth.

Exercises performed in the first 2 days after childbirth

Exercise 1. Starting position - lying on your back. Bend your knees and place your hands on your stomach. Inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through slightly parted lips, while drawing in the stomach. Exercise helps you relax with your breath.

Exercise 2. Starting position - lying on your side, bending your knees. Exhale and draw in the stomach, while rounding the back. Relax and return to the starting position. Start with 6 repetitions, increasing them to 20 on each side.

Exercise 3. Starting position - lying on your back, stretching your legs and spreading your heels by about 30 cm. Bend your feet and pull them up (towards you), then down (stretch your toes). Perform at a fast pace for 30 seconds. After that, do 8 rotations simultaneously with both feet.

Exercise 4. Starting position - lying on your back, bending your knees, brought together. Exhale and draw in the stomach, tighten the buttocks, lift the pelvis up, clinging to the bed with your back. Count to four and return to starting position. Gradually increase the count to 10.

Exercise 5. Starting position - lying on your back. Exhale, lift the pelvis up, draw in the stomach, straining the buttocks. Press your chin to your chest, lift your shoulders and head up, stretch your arms forward (to your feet). Maintain this position for 4 seconds, then slowly lower to the starting position. Repeat 6 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 6. Starting position - lying on your stomach. Place one pillow under the head and shoulders, the other under the stomach (create space for the chest). This is not an exercise, but a resting position. You can rest in this position for 15-30 minutes every day. This allows you to completely relax and restore the shape of the buttocks.

Special exercises after caesarean section

The starting position for all exercises is lying on your back, stretching your legs.

Exercise 1. Vigorously bend and straighten the feet 30 times.

Exercise 2. Rotate the feet in each direction 10 times.

Exercise 3. Strongly strain and relax the buttocks 10 times.

Exercise 4. Alternately bend one or the other leg 10 times.

Exercises performed between the 3rd day and up to 6 weeks after childbirth

Exercise 1. Starting position - sitting on the edge of a chair. Spread your legs and put your hands on your knees. While inhaling, draw in the stomach and bend the back, while exhaling, relax the muscles and return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 2. Starting position - sitting on a chair, knees and feet apart. Pull in the stomach, lean to the right, lowering your hand to the floor. Slowly straighten up and relax your stomach. Repeat exercise to the left. Start with 4 tilts in each direction, gradually increasing them to 20.

Exercise 3. Starting position - sitting on a chair, legs apart, arms folded in front of the chest. Draw in the stomach and turn to the right, count to four and turn to the left. Count to four again and return to the starting position, relaxing the abdominal muscles. First, perform 6 times in each direction, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 4. Starting position - sitting on the edge of a chair, resting your palms on the seat behind your back, while bending your elbows. Draw in the stomach, bend the back and raise the left knee up. Switch knees: When the left knee goes down, the right knee should go up. Breathing is arbitrary. Start the exercise with 10 repetitions, increasing the number of repetitions to 20. After completing 20 repetitions, pause and perform another 20 lifts.

Exercise 5. Starting position - sitting on a chair, spreading your feet and knees. Lean forward, exhale, relax, lowering your arms and head. Breathe calmly, feeling the tension leave your body. Slowly straighten the lower back first, then the shoulders and head. Rest a little with a straight back (shoulders should be lowered). Repeat several times (until a pleasant heaviness appears in the back).

Exercise 6. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, hands on hips. Exhale, draw in your stomach and arch your back. Inhale, relax and straighten your back, starting from the waist. Start with 6 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 7. Starting position - standing, legs apart shoulder width apart, knees bent, hands on hips. Do rotations from left to right, forward, left, back, right. When moving the hips forward, the stomach should be drawn in. Do 10 rotations from left to right and 10 rotations from right to left, increasing the number of rotations to 20 in each direction.

Exercise 8. Starting position - lying on your back, hands behind your head, fingers clasped. Bend your left knee, exhale, draw in your stomach and raise your head, resting your chin on your chest. Sliding with the left foot, lowering the knee, straighten the left leg and lower the head. Repeat 10 times. Perform the exercise with the right leg 10 times.

Exercise 9. Starting position - lying on the stomach, head on bent arms (hands under the head), legs straight. Without bending your knees, raise your left leg, hold on weight, counting to four, then lower. Repeat the exercise with the right leg. Alternately raise legs, starting 5 times on each leg, bringing the number of lifts to 20 for each leg.

Exercises performed between 6 weeks and 3 months postpartum

By this time, the ligaments have already become stronger, and the muscles have partially restored their tone, so you can start performing more complex exercises. However, one should not refuse to perform those simple exercises that were mastered in the first time after childbirth. So, while feeding the baby, you can contract and relax the muscles of the perineum, in a sitting position - strain the buttocks at the expense of 10 (up to 10 seconds or more).

To get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to resume aerobic exercise (hiking). Put your baby in the stroller, take the stroller by the handles and start training! There is another effective way to get rid of excess weight - swimming. You can start exercising in the pool as soon as the discharge from the vagina stops. Walking, swimming and exercise is what will allow you to quickly restore your body. And, of course, pleasant communication with friends too.

Exercise 1. Starting position - lying on the floor, knees bent. You can put the baby on the stomach. You should tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdomen, buttocks, lift the pelvis off the floor and raise your head so that the baby can see your face. Remain in this position for up to 5 seconds, then relax and return to the starting position. First, do 6 lifts, gradually increasing the time of one lift to 10 s, and the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 2. Starting position - lying on your back, knees bent, hands on hips. Draw in the stomach, tighten the buttocks and press the chin to the chest. Exhale, slowly raise your head and shoulders, moving your palms towards your knees. Hold this position for a count of 4 and slowly return to the starting position. Start the exercise with 6 repetitions, gradually increasing them to 20. The effectiveness of the exercise will increase if you cross your arms over your chest or put them behind your head during the lift.

Exercise 3. Starting position - lying on your back, arms spread apart, legs bent at the knees.

Draw in the stomach, tilt closed knees to the left until they touch the floor. Without unclenching your knees and without relaxing the abdominal muscles, move your legs to the right, then return to the starting position, relax the muscles. It should be ensured that when turning the knees to the side, the shoulders remain motionless, and the muscles either tense or relax. Do 6 repetitions, gradually increasing the speed of execution, as well as the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 4. Starting position - lying on the floor, knees bent, arms on the sides along the body. Pull in the stomach, exhale, stretch the right hand to the left leg, linger for 5 seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, stretching your left hand to your right leg. Repeat 6 times in each direction, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 5. Starting position - lying on the bed, knees bent, arms along the body. Draw in the stomach, exhale and begin to slide the right hand to the right leg. Return to the starting position, exhale and relax the muscles. Repeat the exercise on the other side. Start with 6 repetitions in each direction, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 6. Starting position - lying on your right side, propping your head with your right hand, leaning your left hand on the floor in front of you. Pull in the stomach, raise the left leg up, hold it in weight until the count of "four", return to its original position. Turn to your left side and repeat the exercise. Perform b times on each side, increasing the number of lifts to 20.

Exercise 7. Starting position - lying on your stomach, hands under your head. Tighten your buttocks, squeeze your knees, lift both legs up as high as possible above the floor. Breathing is arbitrary. Start with 6 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20. The exercise should be canceled if there are discomfort in the back.

Exercise 8. Starting position - sitting on the floor, knees bent, arms extended in front of you parallel to the floor. Pull in the stomach, strongly tighten the buttocks and, as you exhale, lie down on the floor. Without touching the floor, stop, count to four, begin a slow rise to the starting position. Start with 6 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20. The exercise can be made more difficult if you hold your hands behind your head and increase the pause before lifting.

Exercise 9. Starting position - sitting on the floor, back straight, legs extended, arms in front of you parallel to the floor. Move on the floor without the help of hands on the buttocks, pulling in the stomach and holding it in this position. Make 8 movements forward and 8 back (one series), rest. Start the exercise with 6 series, gradually increasing their number to 20. You can sit the baby on your lap.

Exercise 10. Starting position - standing on all fours. As you exhale, arch your back, draw in your stomach, tighten your buttocks, and count to four. Take a breath, slowly relax and take the starting position. Perform the exercise 10 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 11. Starting position - standing on all fours. Pull in the stomach, turn the head to the right and bend at the waist so that the right thigh becomes visible. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise, turning your head to the left. In total, do 10 repetitions for each side, gradually increasing the number of repetitions for each side to 20.

Exercise 12. Starting position - standing on all fours. Tilt your head and pull your right knee so that you touch it with your nose, while drawing in your stomach. After that, stretch the right leg back and to the side and count to four. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the left leg. Start with 6 repetitions for each leg, gradually increasing their number to 12 for each leg.

Exercise 13. Starting position - standing close to the wall (leaning against it with your back), put your legs at a distance of 30-35 cm from the wall, slightly apart. Draw in the stomach, tighten the buttocks, snuggle tightly against the wall. Slowly bending your knees, go down about 15-30 cm, pressing against the wall from the waist to the shoulder blades. Stop, slowly count to six and rise, straightening your knees. The exercise can be made more difficult by increasing the pause before lifting, but you should not wait until the trembling appears in the hips. Repeat 4-6 times.

Exercise 14. Starting position - standing facing the wall, legs slightly apart at a distance should be 60 cm from the wall. Transfer the weight of the body to the hands (put your hands on the wall), while the back and legs remain straight. Bend your elbows so that your face almost touches the wall, count to four, tighten your arm muscles and push up (straighten your arms). Repeat 10 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20. The exercise can be made more difficult by lying face down on the floor, resting your palms on the floor at shoulder level. In this case, you should only slightly rise, leaving your hips and legs lying on the floor. For back pain, it is better to refuse to perform a complicated version of the exercise.

Exercises performed 3 to 6 months after childbirth

If the previous set of exercises was performed regularly, then the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor got stronger, and the body began to return to its normal shape. The exercises of the next complex are more complex, and therefore, before proceeding with their implementation, you should test the condition of the pelvic floor muscles: make several jumps up and down in place, slightly spreading your legs and coughing at the same time. If your underwear remains spotlessly clean, then the condition of the pelvic muscles is excellent. However, it is better now to develop a new useful habit in yourself: when lifting weights (a child, for example), sneezing and coughing, strain the muscles of the pelvic floor.

You can additionally strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor with a special exercise.

Exercise 1. Starting position - squatting, foot completely on the floor (heels do not come off the floor). Tighten, squeezing all the muscles around the anus, pull in the muscles of the vagina, count to eight, increasing the tension in the muscles, then relax. Remaining in this position, repeat muscle tension 10 times. The exercise can be repeated in any position (Kegel exercise), however, it is in the low squatting position that the load on the pelvic floor muscles is greatest (much more than lying down, standing or sitting).

Exercise 2. Starting position - lying on the floor with legs raised (feet are located on a low bench). The baby can be put on his stomach. Tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor, pulling them in and up, tighten the buttocks and lift them off the floor so that the body from head to heels straightens in one line. Count to four and return to starting position. Perform the exercise 6 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 12. You can complicate the exercise if you count to ten.

Exercise 3. Starting position - lying on your back. Bend your knees and press them to your chest (raise as high as possible). As you exhale, draw in your stomach, raise your head above the floor and straighten your left leg, holding it in weight (about 15 cm from the floor), then change your leg (bend the left and straighten the right). Perform the exercise 6 times for each leg, return to the starting position, relax and rest. The number of repetitions for each leg is gradually increased to 20 times. Make sure that in the process of performing the lower back is firmly pressed to the floor. In case this cannot be done (the lower back bends), it is better to postpone this exercise until the muscles are strengthened.

Exercise 4. Starting position - lying on the floor, hands behind the head, legs straightened and closed along the entire length. Exhale, draw in the stomach, bend the knees and pull them to the chest as close as possible. Lower your bent knees to the right until they touch the floor (elbows under your head should be firmly pressed to the floor). Take a breath, relax your stomach. As you exhale, tighten your stomach, raise your knees and return to the starting position. Repeat exercise to the left. Do 6 times in each direction, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 24. The exercise can be made more difficult if you do it without pauses and at a higher speed.

Exercise 5. Starting position - lying on the floor, legs straight. Exhale, draw in your stomach, bend your knees and press them to your chest. Straighten your legs so that they make a right angle with the body (the back should be pressed to the floor). Spread your legs to the sides and bring them together, imitating the movement of scissors. Repeat 8 times (one set), bend your knees, press them to your chest, then lower them to the floor. Make sure that during the exercise the abdominal muscles are tense, the legs are straight, and the back is pressed to the floor. Repeat the series 4 times, gradually increasing the number of series to 12. You can complicate the exercise if you raise your head above the floor and hold it in this position for the duration of the exercise.

Exercise 6. Starting position - lying on your side, propping your head with your hand, the second hand to maintain balance on the floor at stomach level. Tighten your stomach and buttocks, exhale and raise your closed legs up. Hold this position for four counts and then slowly lower your legs to the floor to the starting position. Repeat 6 times, turn on the other side and do the exercise 6 more times. The number of repetitions on each side gradually increase to 12.

Exercise 7. Starting position - sitting on the floor, bending your knees and stretching your arms in front of you parallel to the floor. Exhale, tensing the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, after touching the floor, relax, take a breath, relax. Exhale again, draw in the stomach and sit down. The exercise can be repeated only if you do not fall on your back and then rise from the floor with a jerk. If you managed to complete the exercise slowly, you can repeat it 6 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 16. The exercise becomes more difficult if you keep your hands behind your head.

Exercise 8. Starting position - kneeling on the floor, back straight (you can hold the baby in your arms). Sit on the floor first to the right of your legs, return to the starting position. Then sit down to the left of your legs and return to the starting position again. The muscles of the abdomen and buttocks should be monitored - they should be in a tense state. The exercise can be repeated 8 times only if you do not fall to the floor (otherwise there will be bruises). Gradually, the number of repetitions increases to 16-24.

Exercise 9. Starting position - kneeling on the floor, back straight, arms extended forward. Tighten the buttocks, draw in the stomach, lift the pelvic floor up, exhale and start tilting back all the way (as much as you can). Hold this position for a count of four and return to the starting position. Start with 6 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 20. You can complicate the exercise if you take the baby in your arms.

Exercise 10 - final (test for checking the strength of the abdominal muscles). Starting position - lying on your back, hands behind your head, knees bent. Exhale and draw in the stomach, press the chin to the chest and stretch the left elbow to the right knee (touch it). Hold this position for a count of four and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for the other elbow. The exercise becomes more difficult with an increase in the count and with the position of the legs, when both feet are firmly pressed to the floor (lift only with the body).

Water exercises

If you feel confident enough, you can continue with the swimming pool.

Exercise 1. Starting position - pressing your back against the side of the pool, arms extended to the sides (hold on to the side). Draw in the stomach, bend the knees and press them to the chest. Turn your knees bent and pressed to your chest to the right as far as possible, linger in this position for a count of four, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side (series). Make 10 series, gradually increasing their number to 20.

Exercise 2. Starting position - at the deep end of the pool, turn to face the side and, holding it with your hands (elbows bent), stretch your legs (as when swimming), press them tightly against each other and begin to pull them to your chest, bending your knees. Hold with your knees pressed to your chest for a count of four, relax, allowing your legs to drop down. Raise your legs again to the surface and repeat the exercise 8 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

Exercise 3. Starting position - at the deep end of the pool, turn your back to the side, spread your arms to the sides, holding the side. Lower your legs down, relax. Pull in the stomach and slowly raise straight legs and hips, first to the left, then to the right (through the midline of the body, bending at the waist, like a pendulum at a clock). Shoulders and the entire upper body should remain motionless. Do 10 times in each direction, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 20.

If you correctly and systematically perform the entire program for 6 months, then your body will fully recover. It may turn out that your physical condition will become even better than it was before pregnancy. Then it's time to think about training: you can ride a bike, go to a fitness club, dance, swim. And remember that the work invested in gymnastics will result in good posture and excellent health.

Those women who went in for sports before pregnancy can start training from the 4th month after childbirth. The intensity of training should be gentle until the 7th month (or the entire lactation period).

Postpartum recovery for women: herbal massage, oil massage, closure of labor with a psychologist or doula.

postpartum recovery is a complex of measures of physiological influence on a woman giving birth with the aim of her speedy recovery. It is meant to returnthe energy spent by the woman and help the body to tone up again, and the body to becomeelastic and slim. The element of care for the mother is very important in the weaving, this makesa holistic procedure that affects all levels.

What result can be obtained after recovery:

At the physical level - the internal organs, uterus, vagina are tightened. If there seams, they become more elastic.

on a psychological level - depressions, irritations go away, a woman becomes morecalm, whole.
on the energy level - energy, strength appear, mood improves andthe general tone increases.

A woman gets the opportunity to live longer and let go of childbirth and move into a new state - harmonious, accepting motherhood.

Who needs to be rehabilitated:

woman giving birth

How long after childbirth:

At any. It's never too late to pass.

How is the postpartum recovery process going?

The process of postpartum recovery (twisting) helps a woman to rebuild,remove experiences and move from the state of a pregnant woman to a new state of motherhood.

When closing the birth, the "7 locks" technique is used. Helping a woman to relaxwarm up the body, herbal massage, oil massage, coiling, then the closure of labortechnique "7 locks" - this is pulling the body in certain places in order to releasetension that could accumulate there during the period of pregnancy and childbirth.

Voltage - these are various grievances, experiences associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Onexperiencing these situations again and again wastes a lot of strength and energy.The recovery procedure of your choice can be carried out either at your home (3 -3.5hours), or in the bath (4-5 hours). During this time, the baby may benext to mom, but under the supervision of an adult (dad, grandmother, girlfriend).

The birth of a child is one of the happiest events for every woman. After the appearance of the baby, her whole life changes, now it is he who is the main member of the family, especially in need of care for attention. In fact, after childbirth, a woman needs support no less, and sometimes even more, because the health and psycho-emotional state of the child and the whole family depend on her well-being and mood. "Happy mom - healthy baby - strong family!" - consider the employees of the Rehabilitation Department of the State Corporation "Mother and Child", therefore they have created a unique range of programs for recovery after childbirth.

If you have recently become a mother and want to restore and increase your natural beauty as soon as possible, prevent postpartum depression or get rid of it, want to literally glow from the inside, feel confident and attractive - we will help you!

Each postpartum recovery program is created specifically for you. Experienced doctors of various specialties take into account all the characteristics of your body, age, time elapsed after childbirth, your personal wishes - and create your effective and safe program for restoring beauty and well-being.

Recovery programs after childbirth in "Mother and Child"

Ideal weight and slim figure after childbirth

Do you want to “tighten” your tummy, get rid of “spare” kilograms, restore your posture and regain your beauty and great shape? This program is for you!

Important: the program is suitable for both nursing mothers and those who have already completed breastfeeding.

Your program may include the following classes:

  • Aqua aerobics;
  • Free swimming;
  • Hydromassage;
  • Air massage;
  • Training with metabolic simulators;
  • Training with simulators with biofeedback;
  • Pelvic floor muscle training with unique equipment (BFB-therapy);
  • Yoga;
  • Eastern dance;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Nutrition advice from a dietitian;
  • And much more.

Important: each program is created individually, the loads are differentiated depending on the continuation or completion of breastfeeding, the level of your fitness. We also conduct special studies (ECG on the treadmill, breath analysis, body composition assessment) to dose the loads and ensure the safety and effectiveness of the program. The program is carried out under the supervision of an exercise therapy doctor, a nutritionist, an obstetrician-gynecologist.

And again my chest is beautiful

Many women worry that after giving birth and breastfeeding, their breasts have become less beautiful. There is a way out - a comprehensive breast restoration program aimed not only at the aesthetic result, but also at the prevention of possible mammological diseases.

Your program may include procedures such as:

  • Physical training;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Special massage techniques;
  • Therapeutic masks and other means of therapeutic cosmetology;
  • Procedures of laser and cellular cosmetology (if necessary and desired).

Each program is created individually, depending on the characteristics of the woman's body, the health of the mammary glands. With the interaction of a mammologist, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a cosmetologist, a physiotherapist and a physiotherapist.

Gymnastics for intimate muscles - to always be desired, and not only ...

After childbirth, many women face very “delicate problems”, which can lead not only to discomfort, but also to the appearance of insecurity in their own attractiveness, lower self-esteem and worsening of the “weather” in the family. If you experience such difficulties, this program will help you successfully overcome them, restore vaginal muscle tone, sexual sensitivity, prevent and cure stress urinary incontinence, if necessary.

  • biofeedback therapy;
  • Eastern dance;
  • yoga classes;
  • psychotherapeutic practices.

Each program is created personally with the interaction of an obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, exercise therapy doctor, psychotherapist, sexologist.

The pleasure of returning beauty after childbirth

After childbirth, a special attraction appears in every woman, the incomparable beauty of motherhood. However, many mothers rather experience insecurity in their own appearance, fatigue and dissatisfaction with their body and face. We will help you overcome possible difficulties and fully enjoy your new role, both internally and externally. This program is a complex of medical and cosmetic measures aimed at restoring the figure, overcoming possible changes in the skin of the face and body. The program is especially effective for weight loss, treatment of stretch marks, cellulite, scars, restoration of psycho-emotional balance.

Your program may include:

  • massage;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • thermal water treatment;
  • cosmetic care - cleansing, moisturizing and toning the skin;
  • hardware cosmetology procedures - laser technologies, mesotherapy, contour plastics.

Each program is created in accordance with your wishes, individually - depending on the time elapsed after childbirth, maintenance or completion of lactation. With the interaction of an obstetrician-gynecologist, a cosmetologist, a physiotherapist.

Every woman who becomes a mother is beautiful! Revealing her beauty, helping to recover after childbirth, feeling her attractiveness, gaining confidence in her own feminine strengths is a task that the specialists of the Rehabilitation Department of the Mother and Child Group of Companies successfully cope with. Here every woman finds what she needs.

The birth of a child is a turning point in a woman's life, from that moment a young mother dissolves into a new little man. Self-sacrifice is a characteristic feature for most mothers, first of all the baby, then everything else. There is no time left for herself, and at one fine moment a woman looks at herself in the mirror and does not recognize herself. Pregnancy, childbirth, sleepless nights, improper diet - all this deals a merciless blow to the figure.

What to do? Enhanced physical activity for nursing mothers is contraindicated, and, as a rule, there is not enough time. The Etisel Beauty and Health Center has developed a special program for women to recover after childbirth. All procedures are supervised by experienced doctors and physiotherapists. Restoring a figure in the Etisel center is not only and not so much maintaining an acceptable weight, but rather removing extra pounds, getting rid of cellulite and eliminating stretch marks. At the same time, the program is designed in such a way that you can go through the procedures while the child is sleeping. Fast, efficient and safe - this is what young mothers pay attention to. And the sooner you start, the sooner you will see results!

How is the recovery going?

The basis of the recovery course is laid by the woman herself - daily walks with a stroller at a speed of 5-6 km / h - a necessary physical activity that every woman can do.

In order for physical activity to bring the desired result, the Etisel Center conducts a number of procedures in the cosmetology room. The basis of the restorative complex is massage (including LPG), hardware techniques (myostimulation), mesodissolution (mesotherapy applied to the body) and all kinds of wraps for body shaping.

Classic massage

Classic manual massage will help to relax muscles, speed up metabolism and blood flow, release cells from excess fluid. Moreover, this type of massage has a beneficial effect on tired back muscles, thus solving one of the main problems of all nursing mothers. Working with the back helps to correct posture, which means it contributes to the correct location of the internal organs, which experienced an enormous load during pregnancy.

Physiotherapists of the Etisel Beauty and Health Center recommend starting recovery after childbirth with a combination of manual back massage and LPG roller-vacuum massage. Thus, you solve two problems:

  1. posture problems;
  2. fight against cellulite and puffiness (LPG massage or STARVAC is a more effective method).

Lpg massage

Helps to restore the figure after childbirth and LPG massage, its main task is fat burning. The technique of carrying out procedures on the LPG Cellu M6 Keymodule apparatus is based on the impact on the skin and subcutaneous fat by motorized rollers, enclosed in a specially designed self-propelled maniple.

Rollers rotate in different directions and at different speeds, accelerating the process of lipolysis (fat burning). Due to this, the volume of the body decreases, local fat deposits in problem areas are burned. In addition, LPG massage allows you to remove excess fluid from the subcutaneous tissues, reducing swelling and swelling.

Body profile cream

Walking with a stroller, a series of massages help to get rid of excess weight and reduce body size. The next task is to restore skin elasticity.

BODY PROFILE cream from ENVIRON is a reliable assistant for young mothers in the fight for the beauty and elasticity of the skin. Nursing mothers are advised to apply it on areas from the knee to the chest. After lactation is completed, the cream can be applied to the body from knees to shoulders. BODY PROFILE allows you to increase skin elasticity, start the regeneration process, thus effectively fighting stretch marks and preventing the appearance of new stretch marks. Our clients have already seen the effectiveness of the cream, it really works!

Cost: 4 200 rubles.

thal'ion wraps

A great effect in the recovery program after childbirth can be achieved with THAL'ION wraps. What are their advantages over other algal treatments? In a unique technological treatment that allows almost completely preserving color (chlorophyll), vitamins, proteins, amino acids, etc. in algae. The concentration of algal ingredients in THAL'ION wraps is an order of magnitude higher than that of competitors. The manufacturer of wraps independently extracts and processes raw materials, using the most interesting types of algae and the best processing technologies for the production of its cosmetics.

Algae treatment saturates the body with iodine, unique minerals and trace elements. You can achieve the maximum effect by combining algae with sea water, such a mix allows you to provide proper nutrition to the body. This combination is also effective in the fight against cellulite.

Mud treatment

Mud applications soothe muscles, improve blood circulation, and remove toxins. Moreover, mud therapy will have a beneficial effect on pain and congestion, and restore ease of movement. Well, of course, mud is an effective way to fight cellulite, even with its fibrous “hard” forms.

Cost: from 2500 rubles - up to 4 500 rubles

Spa capsule

The Etisel Beauty and Health Center knows how to make recovery after childbirth as efficient, fast and enjoyable as possible. We offer to go through all recovery programs in a special SPA capsule created for general physiological and psycho-emotional rehabilitation after childbirth, body improvement, cosmetic correction, pleasant and healthy rest. The spa capsule creates ideal conditions for the effective impact of thalassotherapy on the physical and psychological state of a person. Maximum relaxation and body shaping is achieved with the help of an infrared sauna, a Vichy shower and a hydromassage system. Our clients can fully experience all the delights of a spa resort in an urban setting. And to enhance the effect of being at the resort, we use ColorBath™ music therapy, you will plunge into memories of the sea, thanks to the sound of the waves and complete relaxation.

Cost: from 1500 rubles.


Under the influence of electric current in the radio frequency range, fat deposits are effectively broken down and the skin is tightened. The procedure is completely painless and comfortable, you will feel only pleasant warmth.


The procedure for the complex combination of exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic radio frequency and ultrasonic waves has a similar effect. The procedure is absolutely painless, allows you to get rid of excess fat deposits and improve skin tone.

Cost: 1,000 rubles to 7,000 rubles.

Therapeutic fasting

The most radical method The method is based on a temporary complete or partial refusal of food for medical or recreational purposes, taking place under the supervision of a doctor.

The method has been approved by the USSR Ministry of Health since 1952.

Beauty and Health Center "Etisel" offers the author's method of conducting a course of therapeutic starvation with the help of reflexology. Our main goal is to launch the internal reserve of the body, to make a kind of reboot. Restarting the body involves getting rid of everything superfluous - toxins, excess fat, etc.

Cost: 3,500 rubles / day; The duration of the course is from 7 to 14 -21 days.

We strengthen muscles

To achieve maximum results, it is also necessary to strengthen the muscles. Beauty Center "Etisel" offers "gymnastics for the lazy", which consists in muscle myostimulation.

Special microcurrents, acting on the muscles of the body, cause them to actively contract and twist, while squeezing out excess fluid, the muscles come to tone. This procedure will allow you to restore harmony to your body and strengthen your muscles in a short period of time.

Additional procedures

In addition to additional ways to combat cellulite and stretch marks, we offer several ways to treat stretch marks, scars, scars:

  • Fractional photothermolysis on the Fraxel 1500 device - cost;
  • Mesodissolution - cost;
  • TCA peels - cost;
  • Ozone therapy and cryotherapy - cost.


Louise, 27 years old

At the age of 26, she gave birth to her first child, our son, a hero, was born - 4600. The stomach was just huge, everyone thought that I was carrying twins. Immediately everything started spinning, spinning, nightly lack of sleep, problems with lactation, colic in the baby. When at last everything was adjusted, the hands reached up to themselves. My stomach was just ugly, stretch marks, sagging skin. Already mentally began to prepare for plastic surgery. But while I am breastfeeding, the operation is contraindicated, so I decided to try less radical methods. Although, to be honest, I did not have much hope. It turned out - in vain! They picked up an individual recovery program for me, taking into account my problems. As a result, for the first anniversary of my son, I proudly wore a classic little black dress, my friends were jealous of my forms)))

The rehabilitation program is compiled individually for each patient by an exercise therapy doctor, taking into account indications, contraindications, the choice of optimal procedures and their combination to enhance the effect, according to indications, the program can be either expanded and supplemented, or reduced. Carrying out a complex of personalized rehabilitation is possible no earlier than 60 days after childbirth. This complex is made taking into account the procedures that are allowed during lactation.

The course is designed for 15-16 days of rehabilitation (3 weeks with a daily visit or 1.5 months with a visit of 3 r / week). At the request of the patient, in agreement with the doctor, it is possible to increase the number of procedures in one day, increase the duration of rehabilitation by expanding the program with additional procedures, consultations of specialists.

Indications for the appointment of a rehabilitation program:

Rehabilitation is indicated for women after childbirth in 2 months - 1 year.

Effects and tasks:

  • restoration of the emotional and mental state, increased stress resistance;
  • stimulation of biological mechanisms of restoration of organs and systems after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • prevention of postpartum depression;
  • adaptation to physiological changes associated with lactation;
  • optimization of the motor mode, improvement of the functioning of the ligamentous apparatus and the muscular system.


General contraindications for rehabilitation:

  • Acute diseases, including infectious;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities with decompensation of the peripheral circulation;
  • Chronic lung diseases, accompanied by respiratory failure 2-3 stage;
  • Visual and hearing impairments that may interfere with rehabilitation;
  • Severe neurological and psychiatric disorders;
  • Acute renal and hepatic failure;
  • Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation;

Private contraindications for women can be identified by a gynecologist in each case.

1. Dietitian's appointment

1 consultation

2. Obstetrician-gynecologist appointment

1 consultation

3. Physician's appointment

1 consultation

4. Pneumomassage hardware (Lymphatic drainage massage "Pulstar")

5 sessions

It is carried out on the Pulstar apparatus for pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage. Exposure to compressed air simulates muscle contractions and allows you to stimulate the body's lymphatic system. Pressure creates wave-like movements, which leads to increased blood flow and activation of metabolic processes in the body. There are cuffs for legs, arms, stomach.

Indications. chronic venous insufficiency, lymphostasis, edema, including post-traumatic and postoperative edema of the extremities., cellulite.

No preparation required.

Dress code: loose clothing: trousers and socks without elastic bands.

Contraindications are determined by a physiotherapist.

5. Ascending shower hydromassage (perineal shower)

5 procedures

The rising shower is one of the local healing shower options. The procedure is performed using a special stool with an annular seat and a special hydromassage jet with adjustable tilt angle. Rising or perineal douche is one type of therapeutic douche that is used to treat a wide range of gynecological and proctological diseases. Due to the massaging effect of water, blood circulation in the pelvic area improves. The procedures are indicated for women in the period after natural childbirth to restore the muscles of the pelvic floor, as well as to treat a wide range of urological diseases.

6. Reception of a physiotherapist

1 consultation

7. Exercise therapy to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor with an instructor (individual lesson)

2 lessons

8. Automated underwater massage Caracalla (Hydromassage Caracalla with chromotherapy)

5 procedures

The CARACALLA spa bath is equipped with 260 water jets, 50 air jets and 150 light points with a variable 8 color range. The massage begins with a wonderful feeling of relaxation of all muscles and muscle ligaments. Depending on the selected program, the intensity of the hydromassage is regulated, the preferential zones of influence are determined (arms, legs, back, collar zone). Thanks to this, a relaxing or general tonic effect is achieved, the tone of skeletal muscles is normalized, the state of the central and autonomic nervous system improves.

9. Improving motor training (group lesson)

5 lessons

Lesson under the guidance of an experienced gymnastics coach based on ancient oriental systems. Qigong and tai chiquan is a health-improving Chinese gymnastics that uses techniques to control the movement of the body and thoughts, the complex is aimed at treating and strengthening the whole body, improves physiological functions, improves the quality of life, and educates the spirit.

10. Improving rhythmic gymnastics in the hall

5 lessons

Dance-movement therapy, conducted under the guidance of experienced choreographers. The classes use the movements included in the Latin American program.

11. Gymnastics in the pool group with an instructor (Aqua aerobics)

10 lessons

12. Classes on rehabilitation simulators under the supervision of an exercise therapy instructor

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